‘The Settlements Are Our Targets. Let Us Storm Them’ by Bob Unruh
Hamas now threatening more atrocities … in West Bank
Nov. 20, 2023 3:00 pm – Hamas terrorists who massacred some 1,400 Israeli citizens during a war-like attack on peaceful communities and a music festival in October now are agitating for more such violence.
The war the terrorists launched against Israel that day is continuing, with Israeli troops marching into Gaza, Hamas’ home, and rooting out members of the terror organization, their supplies and their defenses.
But at the same time, there’s been the threat of another attack such as the one on Oct. 7, with its atrocities including babies beheaded and entire families burned alive
A report from the Middle East Media Research Institute reveals that Hamas leaders are continuing to “threaten a repeat of the October 7, 2023, attack on Israel.”
And they are inciting people of the West Bank to attack Israelis and be part of the terrorism.
“Telegram channels identified with Hamas’ student organization, the Islamic Bloc, and especially with its branches in the West Bank, are especially active in spreading threats and incitement of this kind,” the report explained.
“In a November 16 post on its Telegram channel, for example, the Islamic Bloc urged the people of the West Bank to emulate the October 7 attack by storming Israeli localities within their reach. Other posts on this channel likewise incite terrorism and provide operational advice on carrying out effective attacks.”
The Islamic Bloc, a student organization for Hamas, posted a call for more violence and a graphic “showing masked terrorists breaching a fence and raiding an Israeli locality, with the text: ‘The settlements are our targets. Let us storm them, [operating] singly or in groups, and let them taste the might of our resistance. #To the settlements.’”
“It should be stressed that, in Hamas’ parlance, all Israeli localities are termed ‘settlements,’ both the ones in the West Bank and those inside Israel,” MEMRI explained.
Two days later, another graphic threatened, “Ambushes of death await you.”
And yet another, posted just this week, showed armed terrorists preparing to attack a Israeli locality, and threatened, “You have no security. Most of our resistance fighters are lying in wait for you. The [West] Bank is not a playground for the settlers.”
MEMRI explained, too, that Hamas’ student groups in the West Bank are offering advice for terrorism.
[Ed.: Finally now do you see? Meir Kahane was right after all. “They MUST GO!” But, IINO labeled him as an “extremist”, a “terrorist”, expelled him from his seat in the government, and had the A-rabs assassinate him in New York. Google it. Personally, I am a Kahanist to this day! No, much more so this day... They would be lucky to get out alive! No justification in Israel for Moslems to be there at all. It should be an illegal religion.]
NBC Journalist Arrested In Israel on “Very Serious Offenses” Including Inciting Terrorism Against the Jewish State By Cullen Linebarger
Nov. 20, 2023 3:20 pm – The Gateway Pundit previously reported on liberal media networks hiring sordid individuals with ties to the Islamist terror group Hamas. This time, Israel is taking action against these sick people.
The Jerusalem Post reported Saturday that 45-year-old NBC “journalist” Marwat Al-Azza was arrested on severe criminal offenses including inciting terrorism. She also hailed the Hamas massacre of innocent Israelis.
Authorities discovered four recent posts on her personal Facebook page regarding the October 7 terror attack by Hamas from the Gaza Strip, in which at least 1,200 people were murdered and 240 taken hostage.
The specific contents of these posts have not been released by police at this point.
Police said Al-Azza arrived, “arrived ready for arrest” and confessed to her crimes. A police representative called the offenses, “very serious.”
These are very serious offenses during a time of declared war when the respondent lives and makes a living in the same country that is under attack and yet chooses to incite and glorify the horrible acts committed against civilians.
Al-Azza’s attorney praised her “cooperation” and claimed her role in journalism is, “very important to everyone.”
This is a normative woman, engaged in journalism, and her role is very important to everyone. She was asked in her investigation about her work. I believe that in the things attributed to her, she cooperated fully. She did not try to hide, saying “I had a hacker.
The attorney also asked for her to be released. A judge ordered Al-Azza to be confined for four additional days following the arrest.
The New York Post reports it is unclear how much jail time Al-Azza could be facing.
The Post further reveals that Al-Azza has been a freelance journalist since September 2018. Her recent stories on NBC News — where she uses the pen name Marvat Azzeh — focus on the Israel-Hamas war.
Her most recent byline on Nov. 12 claimed that newborn children at the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City were dying as the facility ran out of resources.
In an interview with the Post, NBC claimed that they cut ties with Al-Azza following her arrest and were unaware of her social media activity.
Before we recently retained Marwat Azza for services as a freelance producer, we were not aware of her personal social media activity that provided the basis for the Israeli investigation.
Westerners must understand the undiluted savagery of the Gazastinians [Video] By Madeline Brooks
November 19, 2023 – It is gut-wrenching to have to revisit the events of October 7 in southern Israel. But new evidence emerges that should shake our foundational thinking about Gazan civilians’ presumed innocence.
The Free Beacon has collected survivor reports. One of the survivors filmed the attacks:
Eyal Barad and his family hid in the safe room of their house from about 6:30 a.m. until the Israeli military evacuated them 12 or so hours later. But Barad, an engineer, had a rare view of the outside world thanks to a speed camera he had recently set up to bust his neighbors for driving on the sidewalk.
On the camera’s livestream, Barad watched three types of Gazans pass by his house: uniformed Hamas commandos carrying automatic weapons, RPGs, and grenades; casually dressed gunmen; and ordinary-looking men, women, and children. Barad said the ordinary Gazans vastly outnumbered the armed terrorists. He estimated that he saw at least a dozen children, who were between the ages of 10 and 15, and 30 women from Gaza. {snip]
“I can say with 100 percent certainty that [the women and kids] were not just innocent bystanders or looters. They were part of the massacre. They were part of the horrors that we endured that day.”
A mother describes hiding in her safe room with her children while a Gaza woman spent hours eating her food, serving meals to the Gazan men, and stealing the Israeli woman’s personal items, including her underwear.
Another survivor says he saw children between six and ten wearing Hamas military outfits, riding with a group of Hamas commandos. (my emphasis). Some of the boys were given rifles and told to kill the Israelis, which they did. The combatants’ young age would be surprising if one were not aware of how early military training begins in Gaza. In this video, we watch kindergartners execute a complex takeover of an Israeli outpost by killing a soldier. It is a graduation ceremony, and we see the whole family in proud attendance:
BREAKING: Giant rocket barrage fired at all of central Israel
Millions of Israelis taking shelter.
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The Hamas sexual pogrom and the deafening silence of the world’s feminist movements Nitsana Darshan-Leitner
Opinion: Where is the outrage from Save the Children or UNICEF when underage girls are savagely raped in front of their mothers by sadistic Hamas terrorists?
November 16, 2023 – Days after the October 7 attack by Hamas against Israel, Representative Derrick Van Orden, a former Navy SEAL and combat medic, turned congressman from Wisconsin, visited Israel after the attack and commented, “I can speak with authority. I’ve done multiple combat tours. People were slaughtered at a level not seen since the Holocaust.” The analogy was not an exaggeration. The terrorists burned babies alive in kitchen ovens.
Read more:
- Body of hostage Yehudit Weiss found in Gaza
- Settlers push plans for resettling northern Gaza
- ‘We will rebuild’: Former MK Shai Hermesh returns to the ruins of his Kfar Aza home
Hamas commanders had issued specific and sadistic orders to the terror squads to kill and kidnap as many Jews as possible. They also issued orders to rape, sodomize, and sexually mutilate the Israeli women they came across.
Underage girls were savaged as were their mothers before the eyes of other family members. Grandmothers, even those in wheelchairs, were molested and sodomized. The terrorists filmed their heinous acts in gory snuff films to be shared on social media and streamed on their GoPro cameras. They took their human trophies back to Gaza to be violated, abused, and held for ransom.
Images released in real-time documented the atrocities. Who can forget poor Shani Louk, a German-Israeli 23-year-old who had been scooped up at the rave, horribly assaulted, and then brought back to Gaza in the back of a pickup truck? Hamas terrorists sat on top of her twisted half-naked unconscious body as if she were a hunting trophy. There is also the soul-scorching video of a 19-year-old Israeli woman, beaten, her wrists and ankles sliced open, led out of a vehicle by heavily armed men yelling God is Great in Arabic. Her light jeans were bloodied at the crotch, indicating that the poor girl had been gang raped and violated in ways that cannot be imagined. Who knows what fate has befallen her in captivity?
Rape and sexual assault as a terror tactic in conflict is a war crime. The Geneva Convention specifies that “women shall be especially protected against any attack on their honor, in particular against rape or any form of indecent assault.” The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court states that “rape, sexual slavery, forced pregnancy, or any other form of sexual violence” is a crime against humanity. Many other international treaties and conventions demand that the global community must always safeguard women and girls, including and especially during armed conflict.
But the world has been silent about these heinous Hamas crimes against girls and women.
Where are the self-righteous sisters of The Squad? Where is AOC, Rashida, and Ilhan? I guess their duplicitous feminist stance takes a pause when the victims are Jewish. Where is the Me-Too movement? They shamed and helped prosecute sexual predators in show business and the workplace. Why are they giving Hamas a pass? Where are the female journalists on the BBC and MSNBC? CNN’s Christiane Amanpour has been aggressively critical of Israel’s defensive actions, but silent on the sexual crimes perpetrated by Hamas.
Where is the outrage at the rape of children?
Israeli children were raped on October 7. Where is the outrage from Save the Children or UNICEF? In 2014, after Boko Haram terrorists kidnapped 276 schoolgirls in Nigeria, movie stars and politicians spearheaded the global outcry. Michelle Obama launched a social media campaign to “Bring Back Our Girls.” But the former first lady has been nowhere to be seen since October 7. Her silence has been deafening.
‘All the bodies were brutalized’: The truth about the Hamas attacks [29:43] The Caroline Glick Show
November 2, 2023 – Author and Journalist Caroline Glick sits down with Avigail Gimpel – educator, author and burial society member who handled the bodies of the Oct. 7th massacre.
With so many claiming that the atrocities are exaggerated or untrue, it is crucial that we hear from someone who witnessed the brutality firsthand.
IDF Hunts Hamas with Robots, “Weasels” and Attack Dogs in Tunnels under Al-Shifa Hospital to Rescue Hostages like Emily, Who Had Her 9th Birthday Yesterday [Videos] By Richard Abelson
Nov. 19, 2023 8:45 am – The Israeli Army has begun perhaps the most difficult phase of the eradication of Hamas, the tunnel warfare in the 300 miles of tunnels beneath Gaza. The IDF is employing drones, combat robots and attack dogs in its efforts to free the 240 hostages and smoke out the terrorists hiding them underground.
Yesterday, Irish-Israeli hostage Emily Hand experienced her 9th birthday in the underground terror tunnels held by Hamas.
Can you imagine what the poor girl and her family are going through?
As the Israeli Army begins its attack on the Hamas nerve center hidden beneath al-Shifa Hospital and other civilian buildings it uses as shields, rescuing hostages like Emily has to be first priority. To achieve this, specialist units are employing modern technology and tunnel warfare skills in the rats’ nest of terror tunnels Hamas has built with Western funding since 2005, known as the “Gaza Metro”.
Instead of just flooding the tunnel complex with salt water from the nearby Mediterranean, or using poison gas like Arab dictators do, the IDF looks to be preparing for grueling underground tunnel warfare, even worse than the urban combat the IDF has been facing in Gaza City, in order to save hostages like Emily.
Bring Them Home NOW! for the hostages of Kibbutz “Nahal Oz”
Ilana Yahav – אילנה יהב – Sand Artist | Music Meirav Yosef
November 16, 2023
What do the Palestinians Want? Caroline Glick
11/19/2023 – For more than a generation, the Israeli left and Western leaders have insisted that the Palestinians want peace. They want a state of their own. They want Israel to leave the Gaza Strip, Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. And once they get these things, they will live at peace with Israel.
Successive U.S. administrations have modulated their support for Israel based on their perception of the Israeli government’s willingness to make territorial concessions to the Palestinians. Those that were seen as willing to surrender Judea, Samaria, Gaza (which Israel abandoned in 2005) and Jerusalem to the Palestinian Authority were supported. Those that were perceived as unwilling to cough up land to the P.A. were ostracized, condemned and subverted.
Throughout the years, Israeli political leaders, military leaders, academics and journalists have produced voluminous reports that exposed the P.A.’s support for and involvement in terrorism. They have produced encyclopedia-length dossiers, documentary movies and intelligence reports exposing how its education system indoctrinates children from birth to embrace the cause of Israel’s annihilation and imbued the entirety of Palestinian society with a genocidal, Nazi-styled jihadist outlook that seeks the utter elimination of Judaism and Jews from the face of the planet.
Beyond a few half-hearted condemnations from U.S. State Department officials over the years—and a couple of even less committal guffaws from U.N. and E.U. officials—none of these reports, documentaries or exposés have impacted the West’s devotion to the so-called “two-state solution,” or Westerners’ tendency to blame the absence of peace on “right-wing” or “extreme right-wing” Israelis who reject territorial concessions to a society and a governing authority that aspire to wipe Israel off the map.
Over the past 30 years, Israeli leftists have at times paid lip service to the problem. But due to a combination of political interests, ideological brittleness and dependence on Western allies, the bulk of the Israeli left refused to accept the strategic implications of the absence of a Palestinian leadership—or society, for that matter—that is willing to countenance Israel’s right to exist, with or without Judea and Samaria, with or without Jerusalem.
On Oct. 7, the sadism and scope of Hamas’s slaughter shocked the whole of Israeli society to its core. Polling data indicates that there has been a sea shift of opinion among Israeli leftists regarding the possibility of peaceful coexistence with the Palestinians.
UK and Germany, Unlike Canada and France, Are Standing Firm in Support of Israel BY HUGH FITZGERALD
NOV 18, 2023 4:00 PM – While Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and French President Emmanuel Macron has called on Israel to “stop the bombing” — which of course would give Hamas the ability to rearm and regroup, saved by the bell — elsewhere in Europe Israel’s friends are standing firm. More on the support reiterated by the Germans and the British can be found here: “Germany’s Scholz spurns calls for Gaza ceasefire; UK defense chief backs IDF efforts,” Times of Israel, November 12, 2023:
November 18, 2023
Never forget every Jew hating Nazi who stood with these monsters.
There is no nuance. No gray area.
It’s good vs. evil. That’s it.
Eyewitness Accounts: Palestinian Terrorists Gang Rape Israeli Girl, Cut Off Her Breasts While She’s Still Alive, Then Shoot Her In Her Head And Continue to Rape Her By Pamela Geller
November 18, 2023 – What is more depraved – these unspeakable acts or the worldwide support they are receiving?
Eyewitness accounts— Palestinian terrorists gang raping an Israeli girl, then cutting off her breasts while she’s still alive, then shooting her in the head, and then continuing to rape her dead body.
Deeply disturbing account of Hamas’s brutal rape and execution of young girls in Kibbutz Be’eri
Two girls, ages 13 or 14. Pants pulled down around her knees. Remains of semen on the lower part of her back. Bruises all over her body.
CDC recommends: Updated COVID-19 vaccine for everyone 6 months and older INN
Head of CDC signs off on recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices regarding updated COVID-19 shots.
Sep 13, 2023, 4:09 AM (GMT+3) Israel National News: The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Tuesday recommended that everyone ages 6 months and older get an updated COVID-19 vaccine to help lower the risk of severe illness, hospitalization or death from the coronavirus, CNN reported.
Dr. Mandy Cohen, director of the agency, signed off on recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices or ACIP, a panel of experts that advises the CDC on its vaccine recommendations.
The CDC said in a news release that the shots from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna will be available this week.
The endorsement from the CDC and the committee means the vaccines will be covered by public and private insurance plans.
On Monday, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave the green light to updated COVID-19 vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech.
Both vaccine manufacturers said testing shows that their vaccines are effective against EG.5, the currently dominant strain in the United States.
The updated vaccines are arriving amid a late summer uptick in COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths.
The most recent data from the CDC shows that hospitalizations for the virus rose 9% last week compared to the week prior. Despite the increase, hospitalizations are still roughly half of what they were during last winter’s peak. Weekly COVID-19 deaths also climbed in August.
Clinical studies presented by Moderna, Pfizer and Novavax on Tuesday showed that all the updated shots significantly boosted antibodies against currently circulating coronavirus variants, suggesting that they will provide good protection against the predominant variants.
The committee said everyone ages 5 and older should get at least one dose of an updated mRNA vaccine against COVID-19 vaccine this year.
Children 6 months through 4 years of age, who may be getting their vaccines for the first time, should get two doses of a Moderna vaccine and three doses of a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, with at least one of the doses being an updated 2023 shot.
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- Jewish scientist awarded 2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine
- New shippment of vaccines to counter rising COVID-19 rates
- Increase in cases of COVID-19 in Israel
The committee also made recommendations for people who are moderately or severely immunocompromised. To be up-to-date, those with low immune function should have had at least three doses of COVID-19 vaccine, with at least one of those doses being an updated shot. They also have the option to get an additional updated vaccine later in the year.
The committee has not decided whether seniors 65 and older might need another dose of an updated vaccine in a few months. Seniors became eligible for a second dose of a bivalent vaccine this past spring.
[Ed.: IINO follows the CDC religiously...]
Is COVID coming back? Health Ministry recommends masks INN
Ministry of Health recommends that people at high-risk use a mask in closed places to minimize the risk of infection.
Sep 13, 2023, 1:18 AM (GMT+3) Israel National News: The Ministry of Health said on Tuesday evening that there is a moderate increase in the number of people hospitalized from coronavirus in Israel.
“The ministry constantly monitors the morbidity trends and variants of the coronavirus and, as of this moment, a moderate increase in the number of hospitalized patients is evident in Israel. Both in Israel and in the world, there are a number of variants that cause morbidity,” it said.
Ahead of the holidays and as a result of the increase in morbidity, the Ministry of Health recommends that if a person is in a high-risk group or wishes to reduce the risk of infection, use of a mask in closed places with many people is advised.
It is also recommended that a mask be used when meeting with people who are in high-risk groups.
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- Jewish scientist awarded 2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine
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The Ministry of Health stated that it is important for a patient with symptoms to remain in isolation until the symptoms pass, and added that if a sick person needs to go outside, it is recommended that he wear a mask.
It was also noted that “it is important to maintain awareness and be tested at home for early detection when there is a suspicion of illness. The ministry is preparing to provide dedicated vaccines against the new subvariants in the near future.”
IDF expands efforts to aid evacuation of Shifa Hospital INN
Following the request of the director of the Shifa Hospital, the IDF agrees to expand and assist evacuation effort of the Shifa Hospital.
Nov 18, 2023, 5:47 PM (GMT+2) – Israel National News: On Saturday morning, the IDF acceded to the request of the director of the Shifa Hospital to enable additional Gazans who were in the hospital, and would like to evacuate, to do so via the secure route.
At no point did the IDF order the evacuation of patients or medical teams, and in fact proposed that any request for medical evacuation will be facilitated by the IDF.
Medical personnel will remain in the hospital to support patients who are unable to evacuate.
On Friday night, the IDF provided additional food, water, and humanitarian assistance to the hospital.
Related articles:
- IDF transfers over 6,000 liters of water to Shifa Hospital
- ‘Hamas is cynically using the hospitals in Gaza’
- Intercepted conversations show Hamas operating in Shifa Hospital
NBC journalist arrested for inciting terrorism INN
Jerusalem police have arrested a journalist employed by NBC for posts lauding the Hamas invasion of Israel.
Nov 18, 2023, 9:40 PM (GMT+2) – Israel National News: Maariv reports that Mirvat al-Azzeh, a 45-year-old journalist who works for NBC, was arrested on Thursday on suspicions of inciting terror and identifying with a terrorist organization. The arrest comes after she published posts on Facebook commenting on the Hamas invasion of Israel
Police claim that she arrived at the station “ready to be arrested,” without her mobile phone and with the telephone numbers written on her leg. During her investigation, she admitted to the deeds ascribed to her. A representative of the police summarized the interrogation at the court hearing Friday in Jerusalem: “This is a serious crime during a declared war, during which the defendant is living and employed in the country that is under attack, and still decided to incite and praise the attacks against citizens.”
IDF surveillance posts warned about impending invasion INN
IDF surveillance operators who tried to warn their commander of unusual activity near the border were threatened with legal action.
Nov 19, 2023, 12:22 AM (GMT+2) – Israel National News: New testimony from surveillance post operators on the Gaza border has revealed the scale of the failure that preceded the invasion.
Channel 12 News reports that for several months, surveillance post-operators warned about changes in the areas they were watching, saying that special attention was needed and clear warning signs were present.
According to the operators, they warned their commanders of training, unusual activity, and preparations near the border. Among other things, they described how more and more people who had not been observed in the area were arriving there, how farmers who used to arrive daily to work their fields had been replaced by others, and how they were seeing a new kind of activity.
When they alerted one of the senior officials appointed over the area, they received the response: “I don’t want to hear about this foolishness even one more time. If you annoy me again with these things, I will have you brought up on charges.”
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The report also claims that the surveillance operators, who served on the border and lost friends to murder or abduction in the invasion, are not receiving psychological care from the IDF, and have been presented with the demand to either return to their post within two weeks or forfeit their benefits and move to another position.
The IDF responded: “The IDF and it’s officers have accompanied all soldiers who were present on the 7th of October closely and with sensitivity. The soldiers are being accompanied by medical and psychological health professionals, in addition to a continual connection with their commanders which gives them a listening ear and environment within which to work. Their return to duty will be carried out gradually, with sensitivity, and according to the individual status of each one. there is no intention to bring charges against any of them. To the degree that there were any statements otherwise, they were contrary to the guidelines and will be dealt with accordingly.”
[Ed.: ‘IINO’, a fitting name!]
Week 6 – Live updates: IDF continues to operate in and around Shifa Hospital
IDF forces battling Hamas terrorists in Al-Shati Camp in Gaza as war against Hamas enters 6th week.
Nov 18, 2023, 10:40 PM – Israel National News: Israel entered its sixth week of war, which has been dubbed “Swords of Iron,” on Saturday. The war was sparked on October 7th, when the Hamas terrorist organization launched a surprise attack by land, air, and sea. After a heavy barrage of several thousand rockets, Hamas terrorists invaded Israeli territory, infiltrating military bases and civilian population centers, where they massacred the inhabitants and took others captive. As of Sunday, November 5, over 1,400 Israelis have been killed, about 4,000 were injured, and about 240 Israelis, including civilians, are in Hamas captivity.
IDF troops are continuing to eliminate terrorists in close-quarter combat and direct aircraft to strike Hamas terrorist infrastructure, weapons depots, observation posts, and command and control centers in the Gaza Strip.
Over the past day, IDF soldiers began operating in the Al-Shati Camp in the northern Gaza Strip. During the operational activity, the soldiers killed numerous terrorists and uncovered a large number of terrorist infrastructure in the area.
During one of the battles with the terrorists, IDF troops identified civilians who were located in a building in the area. The IDF secured an evacuation route for the civilians, and as the civilians were evacuating, terrorists fired at the troops from the outskirts of the area. In order to protect the evacuation route, IDF troops responded with light weapons fire and tanks to kill the terrorists.
Washington Post: How Israel’s high-tech ‘Iron Wall’ crumbled on Oct. 7th [12:40] Israel National News
Washington Post analysis shows how Hamas succeeded in infiltrating Israel, neutralizing border wall and exploiting Israel’s reliance on tech.
Nov 18, 2023, 10:33 PM (GMT+2) – In December 2021, Israel’s military promised that an expensive, state-of-the-art upgrade to the barrier between Gaza and southern Israel would protect Israelis living near the border from the threat of violence from Hamas terrorists.
In December 2021, Israel’s military promised that an expensive, state-of-the-art upgrade to the barrier between Gaza and southern Israel would protect Israelis living near the border from the threat of violence from Hamas terrorists.
The upgrade, which cost $1 billion, took three years to complete.
In an investigation, the Washington Post aimed to answer questions of how, despite the cutting-edge technology used in the border fence, Hamas terrorists succeeded in infiltrating Israel and carrying out the most horrific massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.
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- ‘Miss you, love you, waiting for your return’
- IDF surveillance posts warned about impending invasion
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The Washington Post investigation reveals how Hamas exploited vulnerabilities created by Israel’s reliance on technology at the border to carry out its deadly attack. In the video, the Post details how Hamas terrorists neutralized long-range cameras, sophisticated sensors and remote-control weapons — a tactic known inside the group as the “blinding plan” — to breach the high-tech fence.
The Post also reconstructed the attack by analyzing hundreds of videos and photos posted online, including visuals filmed on Oct. 7 and during preparations by Hamas terrorists. The Post investigation also included videos and audio recorded on body cameras worn by terrorists, footage from Israeli security cameras, and the testimonies of witnesses, as well as maps and planning documents recovered from eliminated terrorists.
In concluding its investigation, the Post said, “We found that Hamas had also been expanding its training camps for several years, activity that is visible in widely available online maps.”
[Ed.: Israel put her faith in technology. When the technology was turned off, the billion dollar defense system was useless. The symbology of the security breach disaster occurring on Simchat Torah specifically answers Who the modern State of Israel should have had its faith in, in the first place. The question of how and why this happened has finally been shown! B”H]
Watch the new documentary, Confronting Radicals
[Premiers at 8:00 AM EST, Monday November 19th]
Hamas. Most would agree they are a monstrous terrorist group whose sole mission is to kill as many Jews as possible, with the ultimate goal of eradicating the nation of Israel. After the horrific massacre that the world was witness to on October 7th, 2023, where 1,400 Jews were tortured, raped, mutilated and then murdered, and 243 civilians taken hostage, the world’s sympathies lay squarely with Israel….but not for long.
After a few unbelievable days of bi-partisan support for Israel from people all over the world, the narrative quickly shifted.
The time has come to cut through the fog of propaganda so that we can discover the truth that has been in the shadows for years. Hamas is not a militant group, they are not freedom fighters, and they certainly have no “right” to murder and torture anyone.
The time has come to expose Hamas for who they really are.
Israeli Robots Enter Tunnels with Sponge Bombs! Israeli Army Attacked and Secret Tunnel Base! [28:09] Unique Eyes
Iran Panic!! Israeli Jets FOUND & DESTROYED All Pro-Iranian Bases in a Surprising Airstrike! [8:07] Deep Journal Global
November 17, 2023