[Ed.:  The news can be fun (and is sometimes funny, if you know how to swallow it…)  Notice the conscientious avoidance of Kamala/Biden articles here!  …You’re welcome!  ]

 (Note:  All Democrat and RINO readers must be accompanied by an adult, and have a clean pair of unwrinkled panties...)


Trump files lawsuit against CBS over Harris interview

Republican presidential nominee files lawsuit against CBS, says a recent “60 Minutes” interview with Kamala Harris was misleading.

Nov 1, 2024, 4:52 AM (GMT+2) Israel National NewsRepublican presidential nominee Donald Trump filed a lawsuit against CBS on Thursday, targeting an interview with his Democratic opponent Kamala Harris that aired on the network’s “60 Minutes” program in early October, and alleging that the broadcast was misleading, Reuters reported, citing court documents.

The lawsuit, submitted in federal court in the Northern District of Texas, claims that the network aired two different responses from Harris to a question concerning the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

The broadcast version shown on the Oct. 6 episode of “60 Minutes” omitted what the lawsuit describes as a “word salad” response from Harris regarding the Biden administration’s influence over Israel’s handling of the conflict.

“Former President Trump’s repeated claims against 60 Minutes are false,” a CBS News spokesperson said. “The lawsuit Trump has brought today against CBS is completely without merit and we will vigorously defend against it.”

The lawsuit requests a jury trial and seeks around $10 billion in damages, citing alleged violations of a Texas law prohibiting deceptive practices in business.

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[Ed.:  Right!  Why pay all that money, and go through all that hardship, if you’re just gonna’ be sent back where you came from?  But, on the other hand, don’t worry all you malicious hostile invaders to our country, the Democrats already announced that they will not accept the results of the election if (or when) Trump wins.  So you will continue to live off the fat of the land (US tax dollars,) for free, and have all your expenses covered; you can continue to murder our citizens, rape our daughters and eat our pets, as long as you supply your votes and your children for the Democrat sex-trade business.  That’s the deal:  you vote Democrat and supply the children, and you live for free, and won’t get sent back!]  


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[Ed.: Yakety Yak]  


NYT’s “Fact-Check” on The Gateway Pundit Reveals How Mainstream Media Coordinates With Dems To Silence Reports of Voter Fraud That Could Swing The Election   By Jim Hoft

Nov. 1, 2024 1:00 pm – On Thursday, The New York Times published its third piece this week that targeted The Gateway Pundit. Why are they escalating their attacks against our publication, that receives over 3 million views per day, only one week before the 2024 presidential election?

The latest NYTs article, written by the highly-partisan Alexandra Berzon,  targets The Gateway Pundit, along with contributor and investigative reporter Patty McMurray, Michigan election integrity expert Tim Vetter, and CheckMyVote co-founder Phani Mantravadi, who have impeccable reputations in the state of Michigan

This follows two other NY Times articles earlier in the week that mentioned or targeted The Gateway Pundit.

The latest report was written by Alexandra Berzon, an investigative reporter focused on American politics, who previously authored another hit piece on Michigan election integrity groups earlier this year.

Alexandra’s first mistake was reaching out to the Michigan Secretary of State’s office under the direction of Jocelyn Benson for her “facts.” Benson is widely considered the most partisan activist election official in the US today. She is frequently overturned in her fight to make Michigan elections less secure.

The title of the article is “Michigan Election Denial Activists Seize on Voter Report Glitch.”

Again, reporter Berzon relied upon Jocelyn Benson as her so-called expert in the piece. That was her first fatal flaw.

Alexandra Berzon wrote this about the Gateway Pundit report: “Election Integrity Data Analysts Claim They Have Proof of 208,075 Ballots Cast By 82,674 Voters… An Excess of 125,428 Votes Cast!”

TGP’s Patty McMurray reported that data analyst Tim Vetter and co-founder of Check My Vote, Phani Mantravadi, discovered a bombshell revelation that they discovered by tracking the Michigan Daily Absentee Voter Reports.

According to the Daily Absentee Voter Reports obtained by FOIA from the MI Bureau of Elections, on October 28, 2024, Tim Vetter and Phani Mantravadi, who have peer-reviewed each other’s work, claim 208,075 votes were cast in Michigan by 82,647 voters (based on their voter ID’s).

The discovery by Vetter and Mantravadi resulted in a shocking 125,428 excess ballots cast in the state. These ballots were turned in by someone who already voted, as recorded by the MI Bureau of Elections.

Tim and Phani supply evidence, charts and data for their reporting. They double-checked or peer-reviewed each other’s findings to ensure they were correct.

Here is how Alexandra Berzon described the findings, as relayed to her by Jocelyn Benson:

Continue reading


Ally of Trump, Nemesis of EU Globalists and Demonized by the MSM, Hungarian PM Orbán Has To Increase His Personal Protection Detail   By Paul Serran

Nov. 1, 2024 1:20 pm – Conservative champion Viktor Orbán is in constant conflict against the European Union, an institution that the Hungarian Prime Minister once called a ‘contemporary parody of the Soviet Union’.

Be it about mass migration, war in Ukraine, global warming policies or LGBT propaganda – to name a few issues – there you have Orbán against the Brussels liberal gang headed by Commissioner Ursula von der Leyen.

With the support of the MSM, they have demonized Orbán to a point in which he felt compelled to increase his personal security detail, especially after the assassination attempt against Slovak PM Robert Fico.

The Hungarian leader said today during his visit to Austria that left-wing politicians and the media ‘incite hatred’ that can lead to physical violence.

TASS reported:

“Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has spoken about strengthening personal security measures after the assassination attempt on his Slovakian counterpart Robert Fico.

’Sometimes it is necessary to raise the security level a bit. For instance, following the assassination attempt on Fico in Slovakia, security measures had to be intensified, although they have since been somewhat reduced’, Orban told the Austrian Auf1 website. He added that left-wing politicians and the media ‘incite hatred’ against individuals, and suggested that this can lead to physical violence.”

In the meantime, as the US elections arrive, the EU is frightened by Orbán’s close personal alliance with Donald Trump.

Viktor Orban held a phone call yesterday (31) with Donald Trump to wish him good luck, and the EU liberal apparatus is now scared that he may invite Trump to appear at a E.U. meeting after he wins next week’s U.S. election.

Bloomberg reported:

“Orban, who posted on X that he’d spoken to the Republican presidential candidate to wish him the best of luck ahead of the Nov. 5 vote, could ask him to join E.U. leaders via a video link or share a recorded message when they meet in Budapest next week, according to several E.U. diplomats.”

That is sure to annoy the Globalist E.U. leaders.

Budapest will host an ‘informal E.U. summit’ on Nov. 8, after a larger meeting of the European Political Community the previous day (7).

EU leaders will discuss the outcome of the US election over dinner on Nov. 7.

“Some of the diplomats said rumors of a potential invite had been circulating in Brussels for a while, a reflection of the unease in several capitals toward Hungary for leaving them in the dark before. Orban, who holds the rotating presidency of the E.U., was criticized by other members of the 27-nation bloc for traveling to Georgia shortly after last week’s divisive elections.

Similarly, his visits earlier this year to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Trump angered other leaders, who sought to underscore that he wasn’t representing the bloc in talks over issues including the war in Ukraine.”

Read more:

[Ed.:  Prime Minister Viktor Orban is using common sense, something that Trump doesn’t have. Trump persists in trusting the SS (Secret Service) to keep him alive, when they work for the same deep state that is trying to kill him!  Trump should be more like Orban.]


SHOCK VIDEO: Man at Allentown Rally Throws Cellphone at Trump as He Leaves Building – Hits the Floor and Busts Up   By Jim Hoft

Nov. 1, 2024 9:00 am – A man at President Trump’s Allentown, Pennsylvania rally threw his phone at President Trump when he left the arena on Tuesday.

Of course, this could have been very dangerous. The phone busted when it hit the floor. It if would have hit President Trump in the head it could have caused a significant injury.

We also saw how Israel planted exploding pagers in Lebanon and blew up a few hundred Hezbollah members.

The video was posted by ZacharyClark from Pennsylvania.

The Gateway Pundit reached out to Zachary for comment.

This video was later posted by vDarkness Falls on X.

vDarkness Falls: Throwing a cell phone at President Trump is uncalled for and just plain STUPID considering cell phones have been rigged around the world to explode to assassinate people.

It’s great to see Trump’s protection detail recognizing that fact in an instant to kick the phone away at the risk of his own leg being blown off, but that guy should have been HAULED out of the bleachers.

No ACTUAL Trump supporter would just throw their phone at Trump to risk him being tackled and injured in the scuffle to get him to safety – which btw – also didn’t happen but should have.

For the record – this is not the first time this happened.

A man at the 2019 NRA convention tossed a phone at Trump at their convention.
The man was quickly arrested.

UPDATE: Zachary Clark confirmed to The Gateway Pundit that he took the video. Zachary told us that he is not sure if the Secret Service arrested the man who threw the phone.


Here’s What We Discovered About 15 of the 19 Addresses Tied To One Voter ID In Detroit – It’s Very Disturbing!   By Patty Mcmurray

Nov. 1, 2024 8:00 am – In September 2024, we reported that data experts Tim Vetter and Phani Mantravadi of Check My Vote identified 6,126 duplicate votes on the August primary voter rolls.

Later, 6,017 of the duplicate votes curiously disappeared from the voter rolls after our reporting, while 109 duplicate votes remained in the October vote history. “Our Secretary of State has a record of scrubbing the voter rolls after the media and election integrity groups bring it to their attention.”

From our September 2024 article:

A STUNNING analysis of voter history records by Michigan data expert Tim Vetter reveals explosive findings about Michigan’s corrupt voter rolls, and they’re aimed squarely at the person who’s been entrusted to ensure their accuracy.

If Mr. Vetter, who analyzes data for a living, is correct, he argues that Michigan SOS Jocelyn Benson could have potentially put many innocent Michigan voters in hot water with the law.

Yesterday, Election Integrity Data Analyst Tim Vetter and founder of Check My Vote, Phani Mantravadi, revealed a bombshell revelation to The Gateway Pundit that they discovered by tracking the Daily Absentee Voter Reports.

According to the Daily Absentee Voter Reports obtained by FOIA from the MI Bureau of Elections, on October 28, 2024, Tim Vetter and Phani Mantravadi, who have peer-reviewed each other’s work, claim 208,075 votes were cast in Michigan by 82,647 voters (based on their voter ID’s).

The discovery by Vetter and Mantravadi resulted in a shocking 125,428 excess ballots cast by the same voter ID, as recorded by the MI Bureau Elections.

Soon after Lara Trump announced the “glitch,” MI SOS Jocelyn Benson posted another one of her “fact-checks” on “election misinformation.”

Without providing any evidence of why the glitch happened or how they proved it was only a glitch. Ms. Benson or someone from the MI State Department simply wrote their version of a “fact check” that we are supposed to all believe.

Fact Check: Voters can only vote once in every election. A recent social media post has taken a data report that included formatting errors to incorrectly claim that individual voters were casting multiple ballots in this election.

In a follow-up tweet, the MI State Department wrote:

The error has been identified and corrected. Each of these voters only had one vote recorded for this election.

Why does the Secretary of State’s office say “each of these voters only had one vote recorded for this election” when the evidence we provide clearly states that we are addressing ONE voter ID used to cast 29 votes in this election, according to their data? What, exactly was the “error” that was “identified” and how was it “corrected”?

Here is a graph from Check My Vote that helps to provide a visual of their stunning discovery:

Continue reading


Dov Hikind: Chuck Schumer ‘nothing but a traitor and kapo’

Chuck Schumer advised Columbia University leaders to ‘keep their heads down,’ ignore criticism of antisemitism management, report says.

Nov 1, 2024, 11:19 AM (GMT+2)  Israel National NewsSenate majority leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) quietly advised Columbia University’s leaders to “keep heads down” and ignore congressional criticism of the school’s handling of campus anti-Semitism, the Free Beacon reported.

According to a new House Committee on Education and the Workforce report, Schumer told former university president Minouche Shafik that the school’s “political problems are really only among Republicans.”

The report explains: “When asked, Schumer and his staff indicated they did not believe it was necessary for the University’s leaders to meet with Republican.”

“Greenwald echoed this, writing in response, ‘If we are keeping our head down, maybe we shouldn’t meet with Republicans.'”

This advice differed greatly from his public statements during the anti-Israel encampment months later, when he criticized the “lawlessness” of the protests at Columbia.


New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind responded, “The self-proclaimed protector of the Jewish People, Chuckie Schumer, is nothing but a kapo, traitor. He should be ashamed of himself.”

“He advised Columbia University to ignore the antisemitism backlash: ‘Keep your heads down.’ This is Schumer! What a fraud! This is the same Schumer who in March of 2024 called on the elected Prime Minister of the State of Israel to step down – during a war.

“He is a traitor to America, he is a traitor to the Jewish People. Shame on hm! This is what the Democratic party has become.”

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January 6 Prisoners Denied Right to Vote While Career Criminals Cast Ballots!

Oct. 31, 2024 8:20 pm – In an appalling move of tyranny, political prisoners from January 6, locked up in the Washington D.C. jail for nearly four years, are being denied the right to vote in the upcoming 2024 election.

Even as other inmates, including career criminals, carjackers, thugs, and violent repeat offenders, are escorted to early voting stations, these American heroes are being cruelly blocked from exercising their fundamental right. As the rest of the jail population sees their voices counted in this critical election, these patriots are left without representation.

The Gateway Pundit has an exclusive statement from inside The Gulag from January 6 political prisoner Jake Lang who has been detained for 1400 days without a trial (900 of those have been in solitary confinement.)

“We are officially the most disenfranchised group in American history; they stole our vote in 2020 – and now after waiting 4 long, hard years in dark, musty prison cells – we are having our VOTE STOLEN from us AGAIN! These Marxists have a playbook, and to systematically deny us our ability to elect Conservatives and Constitutionalists, they are trying to turn America into an autocratic nightmare.”

“It’s the Deep State vs. We The People in 2024. Your vote could be the difference between 2 more months in prison or 20 more years for me and hundreds of other brave J6 hostages. I believe God’s strong hand will call us out of this Egypt of bondage and deliver us into the Make America Great Again promised lands on November 5th.”

Denying the J6ers voting access is not just an isolated act of cruelty; it’s blatant election interference, a deliberate act to silence conservative voices and tilt the scales in favor of the Democrats. After enduring nearly four years of cruel and unusual punishment, separation from their families, and relentless attacks on their character from Main Stream Media and Congress, these men and women are stripped of their last remaining right— their chance to have their voices heard. The Washington D.C. Jail’s refusal to extend voting rights to these individuals is a move more befitting a dictatorship than the Constitutional Republic we hold dear.

Reports from within the D.C. jail reveal further horrors inflicted on these political prisoners. In an apparent act of retaliation, jail officials recently cut off water to their cells, leaving them without hydration or working toilets. J6ers were forced to endure the nauseating stench of unflushed urine and feces in conditions that should shock and outrage every American. Is this the America we believe in— a country where citizens are denied basic human rights and dignity for exercising their freedoms?

These patriots have already been railroaded by a weaponized Department of Justice under Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. Declared guilty before even stepping into a courtroom, their fate was decided by a regime intent on silencing any opposition. This lawfare has been systematically used to destroy President Trump and terrify his supporters into silence. With each new act of cruelty, Democrats are morphing our democracy into something unrecognizable—a banana republic where political dissidents are punished, humiliated, and silenced.

And what of their families? The January 6 political prisoners have wives and children who are paying an enormous price. Many families have been financially devastated, drained by mounting legal fees, and struggling to keep up with mortgage and car payments. One patriot organization has stepped into the gap to support these families here.

The children left behind face a future without stability, and wives bear the heavy burden of supporting their families alone. These families are teetering on the brink of financial collapse, and their desperation only grows with each passing day.


We cannot turn a blind eye. Americans must come together to support these men and women who are suffering cruel and unusual punishment. A contribution to the J6 Commissary Fund can help ease their suffering and remind them that they have not been forgotten. Every donation counts and offers them a glimpse of hope in an otherwise dark and punishing world.

These Americans are calling on us, desperately in need of our support. Stripped of every human dignity, even the right to vote, they need us to stand by them. Will we ignore their cries, or will we be the light they need in this hour of darkness? Every American must decide where they stand, for these January 6 prisoners once stood up for what they believed was right, and now they suffer because of it.

As the 2024 election nears, remember these patriots and their sacrifices. Remember that by casting a vote, you have the power to help set them free. Vote for justice. Vote to bring their suffering to an end. And remember President Trump’s promise to pardon these brave men and women. This is their only hope of freedom, and we must do everything in our power to ensure that hope becomes a reality.

Learn more about the January 6 Patriots and watch The Gateway Pundit’s Political Prisoner Podcast by visiting J6Truth.org.

The Gateway Pundit has reached out to the Washington DC jail for comment and further information.  This post will be updated if they respond with additional information.

[Ed.: But, but, I thought convicts couldn’t vote! In fact, they can’t. What am I missing?  That J6 prisoners don’t vote and real convicts do?]


Barack Obama Responds to Daughter Malia Ditching Last Name   By Anthony Scott

Oct. 31, 2024 8:40 pm – As The Gateway Pundit reported, Barack Obama’s oldest daughter, Malia, has ditched her Obama surname as she begins a career in Hollywood.

Malia Obama’s last name change was first revealed in her new film project, “The Heart,” in which she was credited as Malia Ann instead of Malia Obama.

The oldest daughter of Obama reportedly dropped her last name in film projects to distance herself from her famous parents.

Barrack Obama has now responded to his daughter ditching her last name.

In a recent appearance on the “Pivot” podcast, Obama shared, “Her first film went to Sundance and all these fancy film festivals, and she didn’t use ‘Obama’ as a director on the credits.”

The 44th President added, “I mean, they’re very sensitive about this stuff. They’re very stubborn about it.”

Per The New York Post:

Barack Obama got candid on his daughter Malia dropping her last name in a professional setting.

After the 26-year-old tried to distance herself from her famous moniker for her directorial debut, the former president, 63, said he warned her that doing so wouldn’t hide her connection to her parents.

“Her first film went to Sundance and all these fancy film festivals and she didn’t use ‘Obama’ as a director on the credits,” Barack said during Tuesday’s episode of the “Pivot” podcast.

“I was all like, ‘You do know they’ll know who you are.’ ”

Malia Obama got her start in Hollywood after working as an intern for a disgraced producer and convicted sex offender Harvey Weinstein.

READ  https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/10/new-york-ag-launches-civil-rights-investigation-weinstein-company-malia-obama-know/


Former New York Governor Cuomo Recommended for Criminal Prosecution   by Joe Hoft

Oct. 31, 2024 8:00 pm – Former New York Governor Cuomo is finally being held accountable for his actions and directives during the COVID crisis starting in 2020.

Back in May 2020 TGP reported that New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo, Health Commissioner Howard Zucker, MD and Executive Deputy Commissioner Sally Dreslin’s actions led to thousands of deaths in New York state.

Yaacov Apelbaum at the Illustrated Primer shared that these New York politicians were accountable for thousands of nursing home deaths because of their insane directives related to the China coronavirus.

Apelbaum first pointed out the ludicrous directive from New York’s Department of Health, including:

During this global health emergency, all NHs [nursing homes] must comply with the expedited receipt of residents returning from hospitals to NHs.


No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NHs are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission.

See the directive below:

As we reported in 2020, the reason for the Cuomo’s insane directives was related to money:

In 2018, as Governor Andrew Cuomo faced a challenge to his reelection bid in the New York State Democratic primary, he got a last minute $1m cash infusion from the General New York Hospital Association (GNYHA)—a powerful NY healthcare industry group. On April 2, 2020, he repaid the favor when he quietly signed legislation shielding hospital and nursing home executives from any lawsuits stemming from the coronavirus outbreak. The clauses, inserted into the annual budget bill by Cuomo, gave blanket immunity protections for healthcare industry executive and administrators, the same individuals and institutions that have made a fortune moving sick Covid-19 patients to nursing homes.

The GNYHA gave to the Democrats an unheard of $3 million in the 2018 election cycle. Of this, Cuomo and his state party committee received close to $2.3m from various hospitals and nursing home industry donors. Governor Cuomo returned the favor with his directive forcing COVID-19 patients back into elderly homes. This directive provided a massive increase in revenues to organizations associated with the GNYHA who were paid handsomely for COVID patients. It was a bonanza for these entities


BREAKING: FEMA Whistleblower Reveals Agency’s Focus on “DEI Initiatives” Over Disaster Response: “There Are Higher Priorities Given to Different Racial Groups”   (VIDEO 12:07)   By Cristina Laila

Oct. 31, 2024 4:20 pm – A FEMA whistleblower revealed the agency, which is supposed to focus on recovery efforts and assisting when disaster strikes for all Americans, is instead focusing on “DEI initiatives” over disaster response.

In an interview with James O’Keefe, Kelsey Goodman, a FEMA Hazard Mitigation Emergency Manager for REGION 4 said, “there are higher priorities given to different racial groups.”

“The number one goal of FEMA is to instill equity in emergency management. It’s not to save lives. It’s not to create stronger communities that will weather future disasters,” revealed Kelsey Goodman, a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Emergency Manager for REGION 4.

Per O’Keefe Media Group:

Goodman has come forward to discuss concerns about FEMA’s response to recent disaster-stricken communities.

After Hurricane Helene, North Carolina residents reported seeing few FEMA responders on the ground, despite widespread devastation and flooding. Many people, Goodman observed, were “videoing themselves stranded” with little to no visible federal help. She described how “residents are very upset. They don’t see FEMA on the ground,” adding, “We are not there, and they’re very frustrated.”

Goodman expressed frustration about FEMA’s approach, stating that their internal narrative differed from the experiences of those in the affected areas. She explained that, internally, employees were told they were doing everything right, and “Anyone who has a problem with the way we’re doing things, they’re bad actors, they’re spreading misinformation.”

She detailed FEMA’s increasing focus on equity initiatives, revealing, “We are prioritizing disadvantaged communities when there’s no clear definition of what that is,” Goodman said. According to her, this focus is detracting from FEMA’s core mission to assist all Americans facing urgent needs after disasters. “When you’re dedicating that time and those resources to things that you can’t tie to fact… you’re not dedicating to the things that matter, which is helping American families stay safe.”

Despite potential risks, Goodman explained her motivation for coming forward: “If you feel a calling from the Lord…you need to speak the truth.” She called on FEMA to refocus on disaster response essentials, stating, “We have the resources. We need to get back to basics and use them to actually help people.”



Boeing Just Became The Latest Company to Scrap Its Entire Diversity Department   By Ben Kew

Oct. 31, 2024 7:20 pm – The troubled aerospace manufacturer Boeing has become the latest major company to dismantle its entire diversity department.

According to a report from Bloomberg, the remaining  staff from Boeing’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion office will be folded into human department.

Sara Liang Bowen, the Boeing vice president who led the department, departed the company on Thursday, writing in a post on LinkedIn:

Our team strived every day to support the evolving brilliance and creativity of our workforce. The team achieved so much – sometimes imperfectly, never easily – and dreamed of doing much more still.

All of it has been worth it. Because behind every effort there has been a person: An unheard voice, an idea waiting to bloom. The people make the company what it is, and it’s the people who will restore it to a state of trusted excellence.

Meanwhile, Boeing said in a statement that it “remains committed to recruiting and retaining top talent and creating an inclusive work environment where every teammate around the world can perform at their best while supporting the company’s mission.”

The company added that it will still prohibit discriminatory hiring practices and install “a merit-based performance system with procedures aimed at encouraging an equality of opportunity, not of outcomes.”

Boeing, which has recently been plagued by numerous safety issues that are threatening the very future of the organization, is merely the latest in a long line of companies to scrap DEI initiatives, which effectively seek to discriminate against white men in favor of women and minority gorups.

Back in August, Harley Davidson confirmed it had dismantled its diversity department in April 2024 and is no longer pursuing “supplier diversity spend goals.”

Last month, the automobile giant Toyota similarly announced that it was scaling back its diversity initatives and would no longer sponsor pride events and would “narrow our community activities to align with STEM education and workforce readiness.”

Both moves were partly credited to the conservative activist Robby Starbuck after he led a successful pressure campaign against the prevalence of racist and discriminatory DEI practices.



Argentine Foreign Minister Fired After Voting in Favor of Cuba at UN – PRESIDENT MILEI REAFFIRMS STANCE AGAINST COMMUNISM   By Fernando De Castro

Oct. 31, 2024 7:00 am – Argentina’s President Javier Milei announced on Wednesday, 30, that he had fired his foreign minister, Diana Mondino, in yet another decisive move against communism and leftist policies.

Milei’s decision followed Mondino’s vote in favour of lifting the US economic embargo on Cuba’s communist dictatorship. At the United Nations General Assembly in NY, Argentina supported a resolution to end the embargo, a measure that would directly benefit the Cuban regime. The resolution passed with 187 votes in favour, two against – cast by the U.S and Israel – and one abstention from Moldova.

Mondino’s firing was announced in a formal statement from the Argentine president’s office on “X”. The statement also reaffirmed Argentina’s commitment to freedom and opposition to Cuban communism. Milei appointed Argentina’s current ambassador to the United States, Gerardo Werthein, to take Mondino’s place as foreign minister.

In the official announcement, Milei’s administration declared:

 “Argentina is undergoing a period of profound change, and this new phase requires that our diplomatic corps reflect the values of freedom, sovereignty, and individual rights that characterize Western democracies. In this regard, our country categorically opposes the Cuban dictatorship and remains firm in promoting a foreign policy that condemns all regimes that perpetuate human rights abuses and restrict individual freedoms.”


Hours after Mondino’s firing, Florida Republican Congresswoman María Elvira Salazar, herself a Cuban exile’s daughter, spoke with President Milei over the phone. Salazar praised the Argentine leader for his swift decision.

According to Congresswoman Salazar, Milei expressed that Mondino’s vote in favor of Cuba at the UN was a “betrayal of Argentina.” She thanked Milei for his prompt action and for reaffirming his stance against Cuban communism.

In a video posted on X, Salazar addressed President Milei directly:

“We thank you deeply, Mr. President of Argentina, for once again showing that you are the moral compass of this hemisphere. You are proving that with democratic values, freedom, and a market economy, prosperity can be brought to the people”.


President Javier Milei reposted Congresswoman Salazar’s message on his official profile, amplifying the support from the U.S.


Violent Aliens Roam Free!   Brigitte Gabriel

Shocking ICE Revelation!

OCT 31, 2024  ACT FOR AMERICA – In a stunning display of transparency, the ICE director sent a letter to Texas Congressman Tony Gonzalez, revealing the shocking reality: nearly 800,000 non-detained, non-citizen criminals are freely roaming America’s streets.

This crisis, exacerbated by the Biden administration’s dereliction of duty, is the direct result of policies spearheaded by Biden, Harris, DHS Secretary Mayorkas, and Attorney General Garland, who have effectively decriminalized illegal immigration while enabling an organized invasion of the nation.

These lawless policies are further compounded by their defense of sanctuary cities, which shield violent offenders from federal law enforcement. The administration’s reckless approach to immigration has created a staggering security crisis, placing countless Americans at risk as dangerous criminals walk freely, evading justice in the communities they threaten.

647,431 Total Illegal Aliens Wanted by ICE:

  • 425,431 Illegal Aliens Guilty of Homicide, Violent Crimes, Sexual Assaults Against Women and Minors Roaming Free!
    • 13,099 Convicted for Homicide
    • 15,811 Convicted of Sexual Assault
  • 222,000 Illegal Aliens Pending Criminal Charges Roaming Free!
    • 1,900 Pending Homicide Charges
    • 4,259 Pending Sexual Assault Charges

Since Biden and Harris took office, over 7.3 million documented illegal aliens are on the docket waiting for court hearings, with at least 9% committing heinous crimes.

VIOLENT MIGRANT CRIME IS 10 TIMES HIGHER THAN US CITIZENRY! U.S. official crime statistics estimate less than 1% of citizens have committed a violent crime.

With an estimated 2-2.5M gotaways crossing our borders undetected, we likely have another 222,000 homicidal, violent criminals running around that include organized cartel crime networks.

America has nearly 1,000,000 violent criminals that must be apprehended now!

America has been turned into a warzone and public safety nightmare with nearly 1,000,000 violent criminals roaming free with the aid and abetting of Biden, Harris, Mayorkas, and their friends running sanctuary cities and states!

These criminals flee to sanctuary states, like Colorado, where the criminal Tren de Aragua gang has taken over apartment buildings and city blocks, empowered by several policies that limit cooperation with federal immigration enforcement.

ICE noted a recent case out of Boston in which ICE asked the Boston police to detain a Haitian child rapist. They refused to honor the immigration detainer and let this violent criminal back out on the street on an unforgivable $500 bond! Another case involved a Haitian immigrant, arrested for sexually assaulting a disabled person, who was similarly released by local authorities despite ICE’s demands to detain him. A Guatemalan citizen, unlawfully present in the U.S., was arrested for aggravated rape and indecent assault on a child. Despite an immigration detainer issued by ICE, the individual was released under house arrest with an electronic monitor instead of being detained in custody.

Defund Sanctuary Cities-Act Now

Since the start of Fiscal Year 2021, the U.S. Border Patrol has faced an alarming surge in arrests of illegal aliens with criminal records, totaling 43,674 — a staggering 99% increase compared to FY2017–2020 combined. These “hardened criminals,” according to Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens, exploit overwhelmed agents, hiding within migrant groups.

By late 2023, agents were catching 47 criminal aliens daily, many with serious offenses!

Border Betrayal: More Than It Appears   ACT FOR AMERICA  SEP 26   Read full story

The ONLY way this nightmare ends is to kick Harris out of office for good and hand the keys over to the only leader with a proven track record on the Border!

Support Our Movement with Over 25 Million Real Direct-to-Lawmakers Actions to Remedy Our Border and National Security Crisis!

ACT NOW for Border Security Here>>

43% of America’s Faith Community is NOT REGISTERED to Vote! That’s Nearly One in Every Two Folks You Know. Help Register Your Family and Friends Today! Click Here>>

WE DEPEND ON YOUR SUPPORT! With your annual subscription, RECEIVE YOUR FREE COPY of my NY Times Bestseller, ‘Because They Hate,’ while supplies last. You are delivering REAL RESULTS with your support!


EPIC TROLL: MAGA Garbage Truck Greets Trump Force One in Wisconsin After Biden Calls Trump Supporters “Garbage”  [VIDEOS]

October 30, 2021  Yeshiva World News  In a spectacularly cheeky move, a garbage truck decked out with American flags and a massive “TRUMP” sign pulled up beside Trump Force One in Green Bay, Wisconsin, delivering a clear, humor-filled response to President Biden’s comment on Tuesday night labeling Trump supporters as “garbage.”

The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Former President Trump, spotting the truck, grinned and pointed it out to the crowd with a laugh: “How do you like my garbage truck? This truck is in honor of Kamala and Joe Biden!”



Supreme Court Rules Virginia Can Continue Removing Non-Citizens From Voting Rolls    Jon Dougherty

October 30, 2024  Conservative Brief – The U.S. Supreme Court issued an emergency ruling on Wednesday allowing the state of Virginia to continue removing non-citizens from voting rolls.

The 6-3 decision reversed a lower federal court that ordered state officials to not only pause the removal but to also reinstate names that had been removed despite the fact that they are declared non-citizens.

It is against federal law for non-citizens to vote in federal elections.  [Emphasis added]

The decision is a victory for Gov. Glenn Youngkin and comes just days after Virginia filed an emergency appeal to the Supreme Court to halt a lower court ruling that ordered the restoration of approximately 1,600 individuals’ names to its voter rolls, Fox News reported.

At the center of the case is the question of whether Virginia’s voter removal process infringes on a so-called quiet period under the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), a federal law that mandates states to suspend all “systematic” voter roll maintenance for 90 days ahead of a federal election.

That argument placed the Department of Justice— which sued the state over its removal program earlier this month—against Youngkin, who maintained that the state’s process is “individualized” and complies with both state and federal law.

Justice Department officials also expressed concerns in their lawsuit that eligible voters may have been improperly removed from the rolls without sufficient notice or adequate time to rectify the error.

In Virginia’s petition to the Supreme Court, Attorney General Jason S. Miyares contested the lawsuit and subsequent court ruling on several grounds. He argued that the NVRA does not apply to “self-identified noncitizens” in the state, adopting a narrower interpretation of the law than the Justice Department, which he contended could undermine the primary basis for the lawsuit.

Secondly, he contended that if the NVRA does apply, the state still has an “individualized process” for removing voters, which is carried out by the Department of Motor Vehicles and local registration offices.

Late Monday, attorneys general from all 26 Republican-led states joined Virginia in filing an amicus brief with the Supreme Court, supporting its claim that the removal program was conducted on an “individualized” basis. They further argued that the Justice Department’s interpretation of the protections granted under the NVRA is overly broad and does not extend to noncitizens.

Attorneys urged the court to grant Virginia’s emergency motion and “restore the status quo,” noting that doing so “would comply with the law and enable Virginia to ensure that noncitizens do not vote in the upcoming election.”

“This Court should reject Respondents’ effort to change the rules in the middle of the game and restore the status quo ante,” they wrote. “The Constitution leaves decisions about voter qualifications to the people of Virginia. And the people of Virginia have decided that noncitizens are not permitted to vote.”

U.S. District Judge Patricia Tolliver Giles, a Biden appointee, on Friday ordered the state to restore the registration of more than 1600 people whom it had taken off the rolls, per the SCOTUS Blog.

The blog noted further:

Giles barred the state from “continuing any systematic program intended to remove the names of ineligible voters from registration lists less than 90 days before the November 5, 2024, federal General Election,” although she left open the possibility that the state could still remove some voters on a case-by-case basis – for example, those with criminal convictions and those who have died. She also ordered the state to restore the registration of voters whom it had removed from the rolls as part of the program.

The state went to the 4th Circuit, asking it to put Giles’ order on hold. But a three-judge panel made up of two Obama appointees and one Biden appointee denied (as relevant here) that request on Sunday, writing that it was “unpersuaded” that Virginia’s program complied with the NVRA.


GATEWAY PUNDIT’S ELECTION SOS: Latest UOCAVA Updates in Battleground States – SOS Benson Is Up to New Tricks in Michigan – and Widespread Leftist Ballot Harvesting Operations   By Jim Hoft

Oct. 30, 2024 8:00 am – GATEWAY PUNDIT’S ELECTION SOS: Breaking UOCAVA Updates – SOS Benson Is Up to New Tricks in Michigan – and Widespread Leftist Ballot Harvesting Operations

The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft and Patty McMurray discussed several important developments in Election 2024 that are not making headlines.

We have several exclusives and decided to discuss them on video.

1.) The widespread ballot registration scandals by leftist-funded groups.

It’s not just York County, Pennsylvania where we have seen fake registrations turned in to county clerks by leftist-funded groups.

We have also reported on major fraudulent ballot registration scandals in Ohio and Michigan.

2.) Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is up to her old tricks again.

This lawless Democrat is mixing things up in Detroit and the former TCF Center. This is the same Democrat who has lost 10 lawsuits in this election cycle.


From our source, we can see that Pennsylvania Democrats are still accepting UOCAVA registrations after the state deadline. UOCAVA are the questionable ballots coming in from overseas. Democrats are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars this cycle to register more foreign voters!

4.) The latest updates on the UOCAVA ballots arriving in Michigan so far this election cycle!

These numbers will SHOCK you! There is a reason lawless Democrats are focusing on UOCAVA voting!



TRUDEAU ON THE EDGE: Bloc Quebecois Withdraws Support for Unpopular Canadian PM and His Liberals, Now Works With Opposition To Topple His Government   By Paul Serran

Oct. 30, 2024 11:40 am – Political Survivor and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sees his minority Government in real danger of collapsing, as Bloc Québécois Leader Yves-François Blanchet has come out today (30) vowing to work with opposition parties to bring down the Liberal government.

This development comes after Trudeau couldn’t approve a pension hike for seniors or protections for some farm sectors.

The block Quebecois had been keeping Trudeau in government after the NDP left the flimsy coalition.

Reuters reported:

“In return for backing Trudeau, the Bloc wanted more money for seniors and a promise to protect a system of tariffs and quotas that protect dairy farmers, many of whom live in Quebec. Blanchet said Trudeau had not acted in time.

‘We are negotiating with opposition parties in order to have the government fall’, he told reporters.

To succeed, Blanchet must win over the smaller left-leaning New Democratic Party (NDP), which has twice in the last five weeks backed Trudeau in confidence votes. The Bloc, which is the second largest of the four opposition parties, seeks independence for the province of Quebec.”

Read: Even Canada Decides To Reduce Immigration Levels – Under Siege in His Own Party, Trudeau Has To Admit His Policy Failed

The NDP leader, Jagmeet Singh, will address the press today.

After the NDP stopped backing the Liberals, the Quebecois started to support the Liberals on non-confidence votes on the condition that they approved two bills: one increasing Old Age Security payments for people between 65 and 74 and another bill exempting dairy, poultry, and eggs from future trade negotiations.

The deadline of Oct. 29 was given for both bills to be passed into law, so Blanchet is now trying to oust this minority government.

CBC reported:

“’Depending on what the NDP will do, we can say the government’s days are numbered’, Blanchet told reporters, referring to the possibility that the NDP could stand with the Liberals again to prevent an election.

‘The expiry date of this government has gone by and it’s up to the people of Quebec and Canada to compose a new Parliament’, Blanchet said in French. ‘The only agreement we need now is to send the Liberals to the showers’.”

The Quebecois are no longer negotiating with Trudeau. Instead, ‘we are negotiating with opposition parties in order to have the government fall’, he said.

“Asked about Blanchet’s threat to vote down the government, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said ‘the lines of communication are open. We think it’s important to continue to have an open door and an opportunity to talk’, she said.

Blanchet said that because the Liberals haven’t delivered on either proposal, ‘the government is in serious danger of falling. I’m ready for an election. I am absolutely ready to go to an election tomorrow’,” he said. ‘You could say we’re expecting that with enthusiasm’.”

Read: Desperately Unpopular Trudeau Accuses Tucker Carlson of Being Funded by Russia’s Media Outlet RT, Presents No Evidence


VOTER SUPPRESSION: Quakertown Polling in Bucks County Cuts Voting Line Nearly Three Hours Early Despite 4:30 PM Closing Listed on Website — Peace Officer Cites Slow and Grueling Process as Cause   By Jim Hft

Oct. 30, 2024 8:30 am – Reports indicate that the Upper Bucks Government Service Center polling location in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, abruptly closed its voting line nearly three hours ahead of the scheduled closing time.

According to the Bucks County website, the polling station was expected to remain open until 4:30 PM; however, a line-cutting order reportedly went into effect at 1:45 PM, leaving voters who arrived later turned away and outraged.

One citizen, known as @Kellyannelu on X, documented the experience firsthand, detailing how polling staff cut the line as early as 1:45 p.m., distributing handouts that stated the location was “not a polling place,” and explaining the line closure as a “courtesy.”

According to PA’s website, on-demand mail-in voting is a process that allows registered voters to request, receive, vote, and submit their mail-in or absentee ballot all in one visit to their county election office or other designated location.

“Voter fraud in Quakertown Bucks County, Pa. They cut the line at 1:45 and handed everyone a BS handout, saying it’s not a polling place and saying it’s a courtesy. Also, there are people here with “voter” protection tags. I asked the lady if I could see her credentials as a poll watcher, and she said she was a poll monitor. That’s NOT a thing!!” she wrote.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that James Blair, the political director of the Trump campaign and Republican National Committee, posted a disturbing image on X showing that Democratic staffers are posing as election workers in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

A peace officer on duty, identified as Charles Geiger by internet sleuths, cited an overwhelming voter turnout and a “slow and grueling” process as justification for the early cut-off.

In a video exchange between Kellyanne and Geiger, she demanded to know why citizens were being denied the right to vote within posted hours. Officer Geiger maintained that the early cut-off was a necessary measure due to an unexpectedly high volume of voters.

Kellyanne: It’s closed? … We have the right to vote until 4:30.

Officer: I got you.

Kellyanne: Why is it closed?

Officer: Let me explain it to you.

Kellyanne: Please. Okay.

Officer: This process is very slow and grueling.

Kellyanne: That doesn’t matter if we’re online.

Officer: Very slow and grueling.

Kellyanne: It doesn’t matter if we’re online by 4:30; we have the right to vote.

Officer: The reason why it had to close was because a high volume of people wanted to do this. Slow and grueling.

Officer: They had to cut the line at 1:45.

Kellyanne: They cut the line at 1:45? You hear that, everyone? They cut the line at 1:45. This is voter fraud, by the way.

As soon as Kellyanne labeled this tactic as voter fraud, an old Democrat wearing a “Voter Protection” badge approached her, dismissed the fraud claim, and encouraged her to file a complaint with the county commissioners.

After the confrontation, Kellyanne then asked the old Democrat lady for her credentials, which is when the tension escalated.

The woman said that she was a ‘poll monitor.’



Frustration Boils as Pennsylvania Voters Witness ‘Non-English Speaking Citizens’ Escorted Past Long Lines to Vote: Report   By Jim Hft

Oct. 30, 2024 8:15 am – A shocking scene reportedly unfolded at a satellite election office in South Park Ice Rink in Bethel Park, PA, where early voters, who had been waiting for hours, witnessed ‘vanloads’ of ‘non-English-speaking citizens’ allegedly escorted to the front by “translators” to cast their ballots.

According to X user Emma Cawwod, at least “three buses” arrived, with individuals being guided in by representatives from “Vote Today PA,” a vote mobilization group funded by the progressive organization Working Families Power, which advocates for causes like “economic fairness, racial justice, gender equity, climate sustainability.”

Some of these individuals were seen wearing hooded sweatshirts with “Vote Today PA” printed on them.

One witness described a disorganized scene, claiming, “They had these people, they had about 12 of them walked in who were all foreigners, and then they took them up to these younger people help them fill out — they say ‘Vote Today PA’ — and somehow they beat a two-hour line.”

“And then they walked up and the one lady, they were even asking her…they were like, ‘We don’t have you in the system. Your name’s not right.’ And they’re like, ‘Oh, we’ll take it back and change it.’ How do you change your damn name?” the witness added.


Another individual, Cathy, recounted her experience on X, “I was there on Saturday when this happened. We were told when we arrived there would be a 2 hour wait. We watched at least three different groups of approximately 20 non- English speaking people were escorted into the building ahead of everyone in line.”

Another witness, visibly exasperated, commented, “I was there. I saw firsthand. So not only do they get everything in their life for free but now they get to skip the line while the rest of us waited two hours. UNF*CKINGBELIEVEABLE.”

When asked why others in line remained silent as this unfolded, X user RESTORE LAW AND ORDER replied, “They did! Me and one other guy were the only ones complaining about it, except for all the people at the Trump table that were volunteering . There was a judge of elections or some sort of board of elections member there. He is the one that took videos and pictures and reported it . But you are right most everyone (when I was there) just stood there and let it happen and didn’t say anything.”

When asked, “Did you actually see them jump the line and get inside to vote? Or was this organizer just giving them the preliminary paperwork to get their on-demand ballot?”

He replied, “They were being escorted from the van straight to the building. They were sitting all along the benches inside.”

The Gateway Pundit has contacted the Allegheny County Board of Elections and Working Families Power for comments regarding this allegation.

The reports and videos from Pennsylvania have sparked a debate on social media, raising questions about election integrity, fairness, and the treatment of American citizens versus newcomers who may lack a fluent grasp of English. Local officials have yet to release a formal statement.

James Blair, political director for the Trump campaign and the RNC, shared a video of Bucks County Emergency Services shutting down the Doylestown voting line.

According to the Bucks County Election website, Doylestown was scheduled to close at 5 p.m. Eastern Time.

Bucks County Emergency Services shut down the Doylestown voting line early despite Democrat Governor Josh Shapiro’s assurance that counties would accommodate anyone in line by 5 p.m.


BREAKING: WOW! Joe Biden Sabotages Kamala Harris, Refers to Millions of President Trump’s Supporters as “Garbage”  (VIDEOS)   By Cristina Laila

Oct. 29, 2024 8:00 pm – Joe Biden on Tuesday night referred to millions of President Trump’s supporters as “garbage.”

Biden made the grotesque remark during a campaign call on Tuesday night as Kamala Harris delivered a speech at the Ellipse in DC.

Joe Biden is actively sabotaging Kamala Harris’s campaign.

During the campaign call, Biden once again took a swipe at a comedian who cracked a joke about Puerto Rico during Sunday night’s rally at Madison Square Garden.

The left went apocalyptic after comedian Tony Hinchcliffe called Puerto Rico a “floating island of garbage” on Sunday evening.

Biden lashed out on Tuesday evening while Kamala Harris was on stage for her ‘closing argument’ and called Trump supporters “garbage.”

“Donald Trump has no character. He doesn’t give a damn about the Latino community… just the other day, a speaker at his rally called Puerto Rico a floating island of garbage?… The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters,” Biden said.


The Trump Campaign responded to the Democrat leadership’s dehumanizing language and attacks on Trump supporters:

Trump War Room @TrumpWarRoom

Hillary calls you deplorables.

Kamala calls you Nazis.

Biden calls you garbage.

President Trump calls you patriots.

Earlier Tuesday, Joe Biden incited violence and threatened the comedian for making a joke about Puerto Rico.

“I’d like to take that guy for a swim out there,” Biden said as he announced funding for Puerto Rico.

Biden is not well.


[Ed.:  That ought’a get them votes!!!    Projection:   Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.

The concept emerged from Sigmund Freud’s work on defense mechanisms and was further refined by his daughter, Anna Freud, and other prominent figures in psychology.


Jeff Bezos has a business problem   HAMISH MCKENZIE

Out with the olds, in with the news

OCT 29, 2024Jeff Bezos seems to relish taking on almost impossible projects. After magicking up “the everything store,” which can now get a toothbrush from the internet to my house in six hours, he founded a rocket ship company, Blue Origin, with the hope of making spaceflight so cheap that humans can live in Earth’s orbit. But his most difficult task might just be trying to revive the Washington Post and restore it to a semblance of its former glory while also making it solvent. It’s also far less fun.

Yesterday, Bezos published a defense of why the newspaper he bought 11 years ago is not endorsing a presidential candidate this year. His case, whether you like it or not, was coherent: Americans trust “the media” less than they trust even Congress, and any news organization in this day and age that presents itself as impartial undermines its own credibility by appearing to take sides.

“We must be accurate, and we must be believed to be accurate,” he wrote. “It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but we are failing on the second requirement. Most people believe the media is biased.”

As much merit as there might be to Bezos’s argument—and as understandable as it might be for his critics to decry a powerful and conflicted owner’s interference in an ostensibly independent editorial process—the root problem for the Post in its fight against irrelevance is less to do with a steely-eyed commitment to fairness and balance, and more to do with a business bind. It just doesn’t make much sense for a news organization in the year 2024 to look like the Post looks, with thousands of editorial and sales staff, a product that often comes across as New York Times Lite, an income stream that blends premium subscriptions with crappy digital ads, and a political positioning that adopts the “voice from nowhere” but whose staff is quite clearly (and vocally, on social media) aligned with a particular party. It’s an institution that is out of place and out of time—a railroad company in the age of the automobile; a paper company in the age of the touchscreen.

The media ecosystem is in crisis because social media has a mental illness and traditional media has a physical illness. Today’s dominant social media platforms might make us angry and dumb, but they have functioning business models and, with the exception of X, financial stability. Today’s largest traditional media companies have the opposite problem. They produce quality work, but, with the exception of the New York Times and a few others, their increasingly decrepit bodies can no longer support their own weight. Even with an owner whose pockets are as deep as the Mariana Trench, the Post cannot escape that illness. When new publisher Will Lewis met with staff in May, he said the company had lost $77 million over the previous year and seen a 50% reduction in audience over four years.

So what’s a news industry to do?

Well, one path is to hope that stupendously wealthy individuals who believe that newspapers and magazines are still essential to a functioning democracy choose to prop them up—a path that Bezos, Marc Benioff (Time magazine), Patrick Soon-Shiong (the L.A. Times), and Laurene Powell Jobs (The Atlantic) are currently on. That can work for a few, and for a time. But at some point, assuming you are willing to put up with the prickly conflicts of interest, you run out of people who fit into the tight part of that Venn diagram, and even then, their willingness to absorb financial bleeding isn’t infinite.

Another path is to stop looking to the past for hope. When the fire has ripped through the forest, new trees can grow.

With the emergence of powerful new publishing platforms, growth through social networks, and a widespread acceptance that quality journalism can command quality subscription prices, we are witnessing the rise of a new generation that can build for the media future without the legacy baggage of old institutions.

Startup news organizations such as Bari Weiss’s The Free PressMehdi Hasan’s ZeteoThe BulwarkDefectorPuckPunchbowl NewsThe Ankler., and The Dispatch are proving that, while existing news outlets continue to struggle, the conditions are more favorable than perhaps at any time in history to start a new media organization. The Free Press, which is now three years old, boasts 800,000 subscribers and is valued at $100 million. Hasan launched the video-focused Zeteo within weeks of leaving his role at MSNBC and passed 3,000 paid subscribers and $3 million in annual revenue in the first three months. Political news outlet Punchbowl News was on track to bring in $20 million by the end of its second year in business. All of these businesses are growing robustly. They’re car companies for the age of the automobile.

In his editorial, Bezos suggests that many people are abandoning traditional media in favor of “off-the-cuff podcasts, inaccurate social media posts and other unverified news sources, which can quickly spread misinformation and deepen divisions.” The concern is valid, and it’s also fair to challenge the rise of “citizen journalism,” which a certain platform owner seems to equate with “Internet Man who spends all day online mashing keys and proclaiming himself The Real Media Now.” But the new-generation publications listed above are serious operations, with editors, well-compensated reporters, strong, focused editorial remits, and high-quality production. And yet their future is bright. They have leaner business teams, less tech and administrative overhead, and effective business models that, assisted by available-to-all technologies, just work. The most forward-thinking of that list even share ownership with the writers, offering some of the spoils and spotlight to the people who contribute the most value to their businesses.

In their search to restore trust in the media, one hopes that Bezos and co. stop defaulting to the old and start looking to the new. They should back the bold entrepreneurs who have a vision for the future of media that transcends a bygone era and lays infrastructure that makes sense for the AI age. Bezos has reportedly spent billions of dollars on Blue Origin’s efforts to change what’s possible in space. That money hasn’t gone to refitting old Soviet rockets. What if he took the same approach to the industry that is supposed to serve as the bedrock for democracy?


Jeff Bezos has a business problem   HAMISH MCKENZIE

Out with the olds, in with the news

OCT 29, 2024Jeff Bezos seems to relish taking on almost impossible projects. After magicking up “the everything store,” which can now get a toothbrush from the internet to my house in six hours, he founded a rocket ship company, Blue Origin, with the hope of making spaceflight so cheap that humans can live in Earth’s orbit. But his most difficult task might just be trying to revive the Washington Post and restore it to a semblance of its former glory while also making it solvent. It’s also far less fun.

Yesterday, Bezos published a defense of why the newspaper he bought 11 years ago is not endorsing a presidential candidate this year. His case, whether you like it or not, was coherent: Americans trust “the media” less than they trust even Congress, and any news organization in this day and age that presents itself as impartial undermines its own credibility by appearing to take sides.

“We must be accurate, and we must be believed to be accurate,” he wrote. “It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but we are failing on the second requirement. Most people believe the media is biased.”

As much merit as there might be to Bezos’s argument—and as understandable as it might be for his critics to decry a powerful and conflicted owner’s interference in an ostensibly independent editorial process—the root problem for the Post in its fight against irrelevance is less to do with a steely-eyed commitment to fairness and balance, and more to do with a business bind. It just doesn’t make much sense for a news organization in the year 2024 to look like the Post looks, with thousands of editorial and sales staff, a product that often comes across as New York Times Lite, an income stream that blends premium subscriptions with crappy digital ads, and a political positioning that adopts the “voice from nowhere” but whose staff is quite clearly (and vocally, on social media) aligned with a particular party. It’s an institution that is out of place and out of time—a railroad company in the age of the automobile; a paper company in the age of the touchscreen.

The media ecosystem is in crisis because social media has a mental illness and traditional media has a physical illness. Today’s dominant social media platforms might make us angry and dumb, but they have functioning business models and, with the exception of X, financial stability. Today’s largest traditional media companies have the opposite problem. They produce quality work, but, with the exception of the New York Times and a few others, their increasingly decrepit bodies can no longer support their own weight. Even with an owner whose pockets are as deep as the Mariana Trench, the Post cannot escape that illness. When new publisher Will Lewis met with staff in May, he said the company had lost $77 million over the previous year and seen a 50% reduction in audience over four years.

So what’s a news industry to do?

Well, one path is to hope that stupendously wealthy individuals who believe that newspapers and magazines are still essential to a functioning democracy choose to prop them up—a path that Bezos, Marc Benioff (Time magazine), Patrick Soon-Shiong (the L.A. Times), and Laurene Powell Jobs (The Atlantic) are currently on. That can work for a few, and for a time. But at some point, assuming you are willing to put up with the prickly conflicts of interest, you run out of people who fit into the tight part of that Venn diagram, and even then, their willingness to absorb financial bleeding isn’t infinite.

Another path is to stop looking to the past for hope. When the fire has ripped through the forest, new trees can grow.

With the emergence of powerful new publishing platforms, growth through social networks, and a widespread acceptance that quality journalism can command quality subscription prices, we are witnessing the rise of a new generation that can build for the media future without the legacy baggage of old institutions.

Startup news organizations such as

Bari Weiss’s The Free PressMehdi Hasan’s ZeteoThe BulwarkDefectorPuckPunchbowl NewsThe Ankler., and The Dispatch are proving that, while existing news outlets continue to struggle, the conditions are more favorable than perhaps at any time in history to start a new media organization. The Free Press, which is now three years old, boasts 800,000 subscribers and is valued at $100 million. Hasan launched the video-focused Zeteo within weeks of leaving his role at MSNBC and passed 3,000 paid subscribers and $3 million in annual revenue in the first three months. Political news outlet Punchbowl News was on track to bring in $20 million by the end of its second year in business. All of these businesses are growing robustly. They’re car companies for the age of the automobile.

In his editorial, Bezos suggests that many people are abandoning traditional media in favor of “off-the-cuff podcasts, inaccurate social media posts and other unverified news sources, which can quickly spread misinformation and deepen divisions.” The concern is valid, and it’s also fair to challenge the rise of “citizen journalism,” which a certain platform owner seems to equate with “Internet Man who spends all day online mashing keys and proclaiming himself The Real Media Now.” But the new-generation publications listed above are serious operations, with editors, well-compensated reporters, strong, focused editorial remits, and high-quality production. And yet their future is bright. They have leaner business teams, less tech and administrative overhead, and effective business models that, assisted by available-to-all technologies, just work. The most forward-thinking of that list even share ownership with the writers, offering some of the spoils and spotlight to the people who contribute the most value to their businesses.

In their search to restore trust in the media, one hopes that Bezos and co. stop defaulting to the old and start looking to the new. They should back the bold entrepreneurs who have a vision for the future of media that transcends a bygone era and lays infrastructure that makes sense for the AI age. Bezos has reportedly spent billions of dollars on Blue Origin’s efforts to change what’s possible in space. That money hasn’t gone to refitting old Soviet rockets. What if he took the same approach to the industry that is supposed to serve as the bedrock for democracy?


Leftist Jeff Bezos Defends Decision Against Endorsing Kamala — Slams Fake News and Demands Higher Media Standards   By Jim Hft

Oct. 29, 2024 9:00 am – The left is in a state of self-inflicted chaos after leftist billionaire Jeff Bezos, owner of The Washington Post, blocked a 2024 endorsement for Kamala Harris, marking the first time since 1980 that the far-left publication won’t endorse a presidential candidate.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Bezos’ decision was revealed in a heated meeting with the editorial staff, leading to a schism within The Washington Post. Prominent editorial board members resigned in protest.

The journalists join Washington Post editor-at-large Robert Kagan, who resigned on Friday. Several other journalists also resigned or vowed not to work with the paper again in the future.

The aftermath has been immediate and severe. The far-left publication has lost over 200,000 subscribers.

The timing couldn’t be more ironic. Bezos published a soul-searching op-ed expressing concern over “dwindling trust in media” after years of relentless attacks on Trump, his allies, and supporters.

“Our profession is now the least trusted of all. Something we are doing is clearly not working,” Bezos wrote, a statement that reflects more on his own leadership than on the industry he seeks to critique.

He draws a parallel between voting machines and newspapers, stressing the need for accuracy and perceived impartiality. Yet, one can’t help but question whether his sudden push for non-bias is truly principled, or merely a convenient escape hatch from endorsing a struggling candidate in Harris.

Read his statement below:

Let me give an analogy. Voting machines must meet two requirements. They must count the vote accurately, and people must believe they count the vote accurately. The second requirement is distinct from and just as important as the first.

Likewise with newspapers. We must be accurate, and we must be believed to be accurate. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but we are failing on the second requirement. Most people believe the media is biased. Anyone who doesn’t see this is paying scant attention to reality, and those who fight reality lose. Reality is an undefeated champion. It would be easy to blame others for our long and continuing fall in credibility (and, therefore, decline in impact), but a victim mentality will not help. Complaining is not a strategy. We must work harder to control what we can control to increase our credibility.

Presidential endorsements do nothing to tip the scales of an election. No undecided voters in Pennsylvania are going to say, “I’m going with Newspaper A’s endorsement.” None. What presidential endorsements actually do is create a perception of bias. A perception of non-independence. Ending them is a principled decision, and it’s the right one. Eugene Meyer, publisher of The Washington Post from 1933 to 1946, thought the same, and he was right. By itself, declining to endorse presidential candidates is not enough to move us very far up the trust scale, but it’s a meaningful step in the right direction. I wish we had made the change earlier than we did, in a moment further from the election and the emotions around it. That was inadequate planning, and not some intentional strategy.

I would also like to be clear that no quid pro quo of any kind is at work here. Neither campaign nor candidate was consulted or informed at any level or in any way about this decision. It was made entirely internally. Dave Limp, the chief executive of one of my companies, Blue Origin, met with former president Donald Trump on the day of our announcement. I sighed when I found out, because I knew it would provide ammunition to those who would like to frame this as anything other than a principled decision. But the fact is, I didn’t know about the meeting beforehand. Even Limp didn’t know about it in advance; the meeting was scheduled quickly that morning. There is no connection between it and our decision on presidential endorsements, and any suggestion otherwise is false.


Elon Musk Makes Deep State Bureaucrats Cower in Fear with Budget Cut Promise: ‘Your Money Is Being Wasted’   By Michael Schwarz

Oct. 29, 2024 12:20 pm  The Western Journal  – President Thomas Jefferson, without a shred of exaggeration, described his first election to the presidency as the “revolution of 1800.” And now, 224 years later, we find ourselves on the brink of something similar.

Sunday in New York City’s iconic Madison Square Garden, at a rally in support of former President Donald Trump, entrepreneur and patriot Elon Musk electrified rallygoers by pledging to slash trillions of dollars from the federal government’s budget during a second Trump presidency.

“Your money is being wasted,” Musk said, “and the Department of Government Efficiency is gonna fix that!”

The crowd then erupted in cheers.

“We’re gonna get the government off your back and out of your pocketbook,” Musk added moments later.

In August, Trump endorsed the idea of a government efficiency commission headed by Musk.

Since then, D.O.G.E.-related ideas and accounts have proliferated on Musk’s social media platform X.

Howard Lutnick, chairman and CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald, spoke immediately before Musk on Sunday, then introduced the X owner to the rally crowd.

“We set up D.O.G.E.,” Lutnick said to Musk. “How much do you think we can rip out of this wasted $6.5 trillion Harris-Biden budget?”

“Well I think we could do at least $2 trillion,” the X owner replied.

Having pledged to tame the federal leviathan, Musk earned raucous chants of “E-lon! E-lon!”

In fact, to illustrate the D.O.G.E. idea’s popularity on X, here is a shorter clip of the same exchange from an account called “DogeDesigner,” which, as of Monday morning, had more than 935,000 followers:


In an 1819 letter, Jefferson referred to his first election as the “revolution of 1800.”

At the turn of the 19th century, voters overwhelmingly rejected a Federalist program of aristocratic governance, censorship, war and consolidation. Nowadays, we would characterize consolidation as “big government.”

Thus, Jefferson called the voters’ rejection of Federalism “as real a revolution in the principles of our government as that of 76, was in it’s form; not effected indeed by the sword, as that, but by the rational and peaceable instrument of reform, the suffrage of the people.”

Trump victory, featuring a Musk-led assault on federal spending, would qualify as an 1800-style revolution in government principles.

Of course, no one would resist that assault with more ferocity than the bureaucrats of the deep state.

Last year, U.S. News & World Report ranked America’s 15 wealthiest counties by median household income. Incredibly, suburbs of Washington, D.C., occupied five of the top ten spots on the list.

In other words, deep-state actors have grown rich and powerful at the expense of ordinary Americans.

A transfer of wealth on that scale can only happen through criminal levels of confiscation. After all, people connected to the federal government can only get rich via taxation or inflationary spending.

Americans have had enough. Now, Trump and Musk stand poised to carry out another peaceful revolution.



SCOTUS Will Address the Collision of Two Federal Election Laws  By John Mills

Oct. 29, 2024 5:45 pm – Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin issued an Executive Order on Elections on August 7, 2024.  On October 11, 2024, the Department of Justice chose to sue Governor Youngkin on his Executive Order and the case is now in front of the Supreme Court.  The basic issue at hand is the collision of two Federal Laws, the 1993 Motor Voter Law and 18USC611 Voting by Aliens.

Governor Youngkin’s Executive Order helped clarify abidance by the Commonwealth of Virginia on these two different Federal Election Laws.  The National Voter Registration Act Of 1993 (NVRA) (often called “Motor Voter”) mandates the option to register to vote when applying for a Driver’s License in 44 states including Virginia.

There’s also 18USC611 called “Voting by Aliens”.  For some reason this law is rarely cited or referenced, even by constitutionally minded election integrity experts. 18USC611 makes it unequivocal and non-debatable that one must be a lawful U.S. Citizen to vote in a U.S. Federal Election.

The challenge is that for decades no one has bothered to verify that these two Federal Laws are operating seamlessly and cooperatively with each other.  There has been this presumption of trust between Motor Voter and 18USC611.  Somehow there is some magical, transparent, auditable process that verifies U.S. Citizenship before a Motor Voter derived name is put on the rolls.  The existence of such a process is a huge presumption of truth – especially when there appears to be no state that conducts audits of such supposed processes and releases the detailed process, the audit process, and results to the public.

There also appears to be no interest by the Federal Government in enforcing 18USC611.  Attorney General Barr was apparently unaware of 18USC611 during the 2020 election.  Recently the Director of National Intelligence gave briefings on Foreign Interference in U.S. Elections and did not mention 18USC611 nor would respond to questions on whether an Illegal Alien voting in a U.S. Election amounted to Foreign Interference.

Possibly because there was no confidence that the Federal Government was ensuring that these two Federal Laws were properly working in harmony, Governor Youngkin chose to address this matter in his Executive Order.  Open Border advocates who are attempting to get as many illegals into the country as possible and sign them up for driver’s licenses have a vested interest in ensuring no light is shown on the lack of verifiable and auditable processes to validate U.S. Citizenship.  Line One on Driver’s License applications in likely all states asks whether the applicant wants to register to vote.  Who vets and ensures the applicant who marks “Yes” is a legal U.S. Citizen?  That is a great question.

My own Election Registrar in Prince William County had no responsive “records” to demonstrate they were following the Governor’s August 7, 2024, Executive Order nor that they had a process to ensure Motor Voter names were authenticated before being placed on the election rolls.  In 2019 I did a Freedom of Information Act Request and found that at a minimum, 6% of the names on the election rolls in my county included unlawful voters.  Applying other factors, the number of unlawful voters on the rolls was likely 12% or greater.

County Officials most often called “Registrars” are normally the responsible, legal, sworn, constitutional official for ensuring a voter is a lawful voter.  Yet my Registrar, and likely many of the 3,300 or so County Registrars across the country appear to be presuming citizenship validation is taking somewhere else in their state bureaucracy.

The Federal Government has failed to address or resolve the obvious gap and seam between two key Federal Election Laws.  The DOJ’s major point of grievance in their October 11, 2024, lawsuit against Virginia is that Motor Voter gives a 90-day window in advance of an election where names can’t be removed from the Election Rolls – this is also known as the “NVRA Quiet Period Provision”.

DOJ is apparently saying that this 90-day window trumps 18USC611.  Now the showdown has been set.  The view of Virginia is that 18USC611 trumps the 1993 Motor Voter Law.  To be retained on an Election Rolls, one must be a lawful voter.  How could one be retained and not removed during this 90-day window if they were not lawful to be on the election roll in the first place?

Governor Youngkin of Virginia has stepped in where the Federal Government has failed to act – and he gets sued by the Department of Justice (DOJ).  With the SCOTUS case a showdown has been established; which law has precedence.

Amicus briefs have been filed.  One of the first to arrive was from the National Election Integrity Association (NEIA), a Virginia non-profit focused on free and fair elections (and for full disclosure, I am the Director of the NEIA).  The predicate of the NEIA Amicus filing in support of Virginia is:

“The NVRA’s Quiet Period Provision, however, does not apply to the removal of noncitizens because they are outside of the NVRA’s statutory construction. In fact, a noncitizen, who is inherently ineligible to vote in United States elections, cannot obtain protections under the NVRA at all since a noncitizen cannot legally become an eligible applicant or a registrant under the NVRA. Therefore, Virginia’s removal of noncitizens within 90 days of the election could not violate the NVRA or other federal law. Accordingly, the injunction granted by the Eastern District of Virginia, and affirmed by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, should be vacated as Plaintiffs were not likely to succeed on the merits of their case, among other reasons.”

The legal rumble has been set – and the outcome may be decisive in Election 2024.


VOTER SUPPRESSION: Bucks County Emergency Services Shuts Down Doylestown Voting Line Early as Republicans Surge on Final Day   By Jim Hft

Oct. 29, 2024 2:40 pm – Outrage is building as reports indicate Bucks County Emergency Services shut down the Doylestown in-person voting line early on the final day for absentee ballot requests.

This outrageous act of disenfranchisement comes after prominent voices, including Elon Musk and conservative activist Scott Pressler, encouraged Pennsylvanians to turn out and take advantage of every last opportunity to cast their votes.

Elon Musk took to social media to rally Pennsylvanians, urging, “This is the last day you can request an absentee ballot in Pennsylvania. Moreover, you can hand it in immediately in person, so it never touches the mail. Please bring anyone you know to vote today!”

Similarly, Scott Pressler emphasized the step-by-step process for those seeking in-person, on-demand mail-in ballots, instructing voters to stay in line, document their wait, and return your ballot in-person, not drop box.

James Blair, political director for the Trump campaign and the RNC, shared a video of Bucks County Emergency Services shutting down the Doylestown voting line.

According to the Bucks County Election website, Doylestown was scheduled to close at 5 p.m. Eastern Time.

Bucks County Emergency Services shut down the Doylestown voting line early despite Democrat Governor Josh Shapiro’s assurance that counties would accommodate anyone in line by 5 p.m.

“TODAY is the last day to apply for your mail in ballot in Pennsylvania. If you are in line at a county elections office by 5 P.M., counties must give you an opportunity to apply for your mail ballot. Our [PA Department of State] is working with all counties to ensure every eligible voter who wants to vote by mail ballot can do so.”


Continue reading


Rep. Marjorie Greene Sounds the Alarm After Capitol Police Conduct Late-Night ‘Casualty Evacuation Exercise’ with 12 Helicopters Buzzing Over Capitol Hill: ‘They are Planning to Maintain Control of the Capitol’   By Jim Hft

Oct. 29, 2024 12:40 pm – The U.S. Capitol Police, in coordination with federal agencies, conducted a “Casualty Evacuation Exercise” Monday night, just over a week before Election Day.

In a public notice, the U.S. Capitol Police stated, “EXERCISE: This evening, the United States Capitol Police & our federal partners are conducting a routine training exercise on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol. Please do not be alarmed if you see emergency vehicles and low flying helicopters.”

This exercise took place one week after the Capitol Police conducted a campus-wide evacuation drill.

“EXERCISE: This morning, at approximately 10:00 am, we will have a campus-wide evacuation exercise. The routine drill is in coordination with our Legislative Branch partners. Expect temporary street closures to include Constitution Avenue, Independence Avenue, and D Street, NE,” Capitol police wrote on Monday, October 21.

The timing of this exercise, coming just as the 2024 elections approach, has raised alarms among some conservative leaders, including Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). Greene has issued a stark warning about what she believes is a calculated move by Democrats to secure control over the Capitol ahead of January 6, the date designated for certification of the presidential election.

In a statement to her supporters, Greene argued that the Democrats are ramping up security measures in Washington, not to protect the people, but to further entrench their hold on the government should they lose seats in the House.

Read Rep. Greene’s statement below:

Capitol Police hold “Casualty Evacuation Exercise” at the Capitol with multiple helicopters last night.

Stay with me on this.

Trump told us to make it to big to rig and we are on our way to making that happen as long as everyone votes for Trump, but we are in danger of losing the House with approximately 20 House seats literally too close.

Without the House, we can not pass critical legislation to bring forward our MAGA agenda.

But also, if Democrats control the House, they will refuse to certify President Trump’s election on January 6th. They’ve already said they won’t certify.

Leading into this election just in the past few months, Democrats are making big moves to secure the Capital in January for certification on the 6th.

Last night, Capitol Police conducted a “Casualty Evacuation Exercise” on the East Front with multiple helicopters.

This comes after the DoD signed off on military force to be used to assist police against the American people, Mayorkas designating Jan 6th as a “Special Security Event” through Homeland Security, Mayor Bowser of DC requesting security for Jan 6th, and announcement of fencing to be erected Jan 5-21st.

While security is always important, Democrats are the party of riots, violence, and destruction. If they lose, they don’t care about securing anything. They nearly burned down Washington on Trump’s inauguration in 2017, rioted nightly during 2020, called us all Nazi’s and Trump Hitler for years, and shot Trump in the face.

But they are ramping up mass security for the Capitol because they are planning to maintain control of the Capitol by winning the House.

Trump’s momentum is too big to stop and we are watching the polls stopping the steal for Trump, but we are not doing the same thing for critical House races.

And if Trump wins the WH, Republicans win the Senate, but we lose the House, Democrats will build a fortress of resistance in the House.

They will stop everything, they will impeach Trump again, and they will abuse every ounce of power that comes with the House of Representatives.

And Democrats see all of us as the enemy.

Make sure you VOTE all the way down ballot for Republicans and don’t skip voting just because you are in an unwinnable Democrat state or a solid Republican state and you don’t think your vote matters that much.

You voting for Trump AND that RINO Congressman you can’t stand is actually the key right now to saving this country!!

We have to win the Presidency, the House, and the Senate!!!




Watch Live: President Trump to Deliver Remarks to the Press From Mar-A-Lago at 10:30 am ET   By Margaret Flavin

Oct. 29, 2024 9:30 am – Just one week before the November general election, former President Donald Trump will deliver remarks to the press from Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday at 10:30 am ET.

Trump is touting a “major announcement.”

President Trump will then head to Pennsylvania for two stops.

He will first attend a roundtable discussion about issues impacting senior citizens, including Medicare and social security, with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee at the Drexelbrook event center in Drexel Hill Tuesday afternoon.

He will then head to Allentown for a rally Tuesday night beginning att 7:00 PM ET.

Watch on Rumble  


STEVE BANNON RETURNS TO WAR ROOM – COMES OUT FIGHTING! – SLAMS PELOSI! – “The 4 Months in Prison DID NOT Break Me, They Empowered Me! We Have Never Been More Powerful!”  (VIDEO 8:56])   By Jim Hoft

Oct. 29, 2024 9:31 am

Steve Bannon returned to The War Room on Tuesday morning after his release from Danbury prison earlier this morning.

And, Steve was ON FIRE!

President Trump returned to The War Room on Real America’s Voice on Tuesday. And he was ready to go!

“They sent me to a political prison. Nancy Pelosi take out your number 2 pencil and write this down. “We have never been more powerful!”

Steve Bannon: “It’s Tuesday, the 29th of October in the Year of Our Lord 2024. We’re, what, six and a wake up away from one of the most important political days in the history of this country. But I want to make sure everybody understands something. You see from our great staff here, and I’ll talk a little bit about the production team and our co-host and, of course, the War Room Posse, all the great efforts you made so that was Next Man Up.

It’s now my turn, right? It’s my turn to be Next Man Up, as you guys have done such a magnificent job over the last four months.

Understand something, and this has to be very clear. The Democrats and those radicals you just saw on MSNBC and CNN and Joe Scarborough, and that entire crowd, they had Robert Eric Kagan’s wife who brought this entire debacle in Ukraine on us, they have no intention of giving up power. We have a three-phase, and this is why it’s so important for this audience, you’re the backbone of this movement.

We have two things we’re going to talk about today, the get out to vote effort, focused on our first phase, which is November fifth.

…I have never heard, and I think most people would agree, the rhetoric that’s come out about American citizens calling this audience, not just Donald Trump, and not the people around Donald Trump. That’s bad enough. Calling us fascists, but calling you fascists. Saying that that fantastic, that amazing rally in Madison Square Garden that could never be pulled off by Kamala Harris or the Democrats. With that energy and people from Tulsi Gabbard to Elon Musk, just the broad cross-section you had of American entrepreneurs, Vivek Ramiswami, you had these powerhouses up there. They’re trying to smirch that with one influencer’s throw away, not funny line.

I can tell you in coming from and being a political prisoner in a federal prison, that the young men in this country that are African-American and Hispanic detest Kamala Harris. They detest her. We’re going to go into details today and at the press conference of why that’s up…

Look, Elon Musk is one of the smartest guys in the world, if not the smartest practical engineer in the world. Charlie Kirk is incredibly smart. Look where they’ve put their efforts over the last couple of months. Look where Elon Musk wrote $150 million worth of checks the last couple of months. It is flat out, get out the vote. And that’s this audience comes in. Your efforts have been magnificent. The co-hosts that have done this for four hours a day and a couple of hours on Saturday, and then plus other streaming we’ve done with Grace and Mo, the incredible thing of these people stepping up is everything to motivate you to make sure that you get out and vote…

Nancy Pelosi sent me to a federal prison. She sent me to a federal prison as a political prisoner to do two things, to make sure that she tried to tamp down the power of this show, right? Tamp down the power of the show and also to break me. Nancy Pelosi, take out your number 2 principle and write this down. This show has never been more powerful. The The audiences behind it have never been more powerful. The audience has never been more powerful. And we’re going to deliver a knockout blow to your progressive insanity on fifth of November, and then we’re going to secure the deal after that.

Number two, the four Four months in federal prison not only didn’t break me, it empowered me. I am more energized and more focused than I’ve ever been in my entire life. I can see clearly, just like in 2016 and in 2020, exactly what’s going on here and what we have to do to defeat it. I want to go back through the three phases. Number one is 5 November. All that matters right now in places like Pennsylvania, and in Michigan, and in Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, obviously other states, but these seven battleground states, is to deliver something that takes us to where Ohio and Florida are today…

…They understand she can’t… Kamala Harris, it’s impossible for her to generate any enthusiasm. Number one, what What he had to do was to focus on one thing and drive the narrative. Her politics of joy was too ill defined. She didn’t do it. So what did they do last week? They pivoted to Night Falls on America. This is a fascist movement that the people that support it are equivalent to the American German Bund in the 1930s. That is a bald-face lie, and it’s a dangerous lie. So number one, on November fifth, we have to crush them at the ballot box. There’s only one way to do that. The commercials aren’t going to do it. The only thing that’s going to do it is you’re putting your shoulder to the wheel. The hard work of walking precincts, the hard work of working phone banks, the hard work of texting nonstop. We have to put in superhuman efforts to support the Elon Musk of the world, to support the Charlie Kirk of the world, to support the other organizations that are out there doing this.


BREAKING: War Room Host Steve Bannon Released from Prison   By Cassandra Macdonald

Oct. 29, 2024 5:38 am – War Room host and former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon has been released from prison.

Bannon, 70, was released from the Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury, Connecticut, early Tuesday morning.

The wildly popular political firebrand served four months behind bars for contempt of Congress after refusing to testify before the House committee investigating the January 6 Capitol protest.

Bannon was widely considered to be a political prisoner.

War Room co-host Natalie Winters confirmed his release in a post on X shortly after 6 a.m. EST.

“Steve Bannon is a Free Man,” Winters wrote.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene wrote in a post on X, “Steve Bannon has been released from prison earlier this morning! Welcome back Steve!! Let’s win this election and defeat these communists!!”

Bannon is expected to hold a press conference in Manhattan later in the day. He is also expected to pick up the microphone and return to his show.

Unfortunately, this is not the end of his legal troubles. In December, Bannon will go on trial in New York over his efforts to privately fund a wall along the southern border. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges.





“If you want to know about governments, all you need to know is two words: Governments lie.” – I.F.Stone, investigative journalist.

It is manifest that the only security against the tyranny of the government lies in forcible resistance to the execution of the injustice; because the injustice will certainly be executed, unless it be forcibly resisted.” – Lysander Spooner

“Wherever the real power in a Government lies, there is the danger of oppression.” – James Madison

What is underground in northwest North Carolina? Lithium.

And with the climate change enthusiasts, lithium is a desired quantity, not only for their electric cars, which no one wants, but because lithium is also used in nuclear devices.

Leo Hohmann’s recent article, tells us that China is a top producer of lithium, but China and US relations are not the best. The federal government is pressuring Kings Mountain, NC, to reopen a lithium mine which was closed in 1988. The feds awarded
$240 million to restart the mine.

The city manager says the people don’t want it, but he and the Kings Mountain City Council are under state and federal pressure to reopen the mine.

“In mid-September, just two weeks before Hurricane Helene blasted this area of North Carolina, the U.S. Department of Defense awarded Albemarle Corporation of Charlotte, NC, a $90 million grant to restart mining operations in Cleveland County.”

Climate change is true, every year it changes four times, spring, summer, fall and winter. That’s it! As for the environmental impact of these stupid lithium batteries being forced down our throats with electric vehicles, they are toxic to the environment and cannot be recycled.

Kings Mountain may get off the hook as a new giant lithium source was just found in Arkansas. Suspended in the relic of an ancient sea beneath southern Arkansas, there may be enough lithium for nine times the expected global demand for the element in car batteries in 2030.

Albemarle, Lithium, and Quartz

There’s more to this than meets the eye however, and it isn’t pretty.

Albemarle Corporation’s website states, “Our Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the proposed Kings Mountain Mine is underway.

“The Kings Mountain site has one of the world’s richest lithium depositions, representing an essential part of the global clean energy transformation. Albemarle is seeking approval to resume open pit mining and expand the mine footprint of the Kings Mountain Mine which was idled in the early 1990s. Lithium from Albemarle’s proposed project is expected to be a crucial building block for the transition to clean energy and sustainable transportation and continue to support the manufacture a lot of products used every day.”

Albemarle’s top institutional stockholders are Vanguard, BlackRock, Capital Research Global Investors and State Street.

Kings Mountain is sitting on a huge lithium deposit. The people are opposed. No people, no problem.  Blackrock has invested in the area and has a multi hundred-million-dollar contract to mine. Will the government use eminent domain to get people off their land? Maybe they will declare the land useless and pay a fraction of the cost.

Interestingly enough, Doug Emhoff, Kamala Harris’ husband, has retirement investments in companies like BlackRock, Vanguard and Charles Schwab. These firms are heavily involved in resource extraction, including lithium mining. Emhoff’s connections to these companies have raised ethical questions about potential conflicts of interest, especially as the Biden administration promotes policies supporting clean energy and domestic lithium production. The intersection of Emhoff’s financial interests and his wife’s role in public office has sparked debate about transparency and ethics in government, particularly concerning the mining industry’s environmental impact . Yet, without seeing Emhoff’s investment holdings, there is no documented proof he is invested in lithium production.

Emhoff’s family is connected to the largest producer of puberty blockers for children – AbbVie Inc. Douglas Emhoff, husband of the U.S. presidential candidate (who advocates for affordable gender-affirming surgeries for children) has a financial interest in ensuring that all children from 8 years old have unrestricted access to puberty blockers, which essentially make people sterile.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has issued Civil Investigative Demands (CIDs) to AbbVie Inc. and Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. as part of an investigation to determine whether these manufacturers of puberty-blocking drugs deceptively advertised and promoted hormone blockers for unapproved uses without disclosing the potential risks to children and their parents.

Kamala Harris’ Connection to the Largest Elections Tech Firm, reveals that Emhoff’s former law firm is involved with election tech firms.

“Kamala Harris failed to disclose her relationship to Sir Nigel G. Knowles, her husband former boss at DLA Piper PLC of London, UK.

“Sir Nigel is co-director of SGO Smartmatic with Lord George Mark Malloch-Brown who controls Nevada, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin voting machines from Dominion, Smartmatic, ES&S, Sequoia, Premier, Diebold and Optech machines responsible for the alleged 2020 voting fraud.”

In 2016, when Kamala Harris was running for Barbara Boxer’s former Senate seat, Emhoff got rid of several stockholdings in companies that could become a conflict like Caterpillar, Dominion Resources, Monsanto and Medtronic, opting to reinvest the proceeds in mutual funds and ETFs.

The joint wealth of Douglas Emhoff and Kamala Harris is reportedly $13 million. Before Harris took over as vice president, Emhoff announced he would be leaving his law firm and took up a job at Georgetown University‘s law school, where he reportedly makes $200,000. Legal Insurrection Through Lawfare is about what is being planned at Georgetown University’s law school should Trump win the election.

US Sun reported that last year, the couple gave $23,026 to charity. Their largest gifts went to Howard University and two colleges in California. They also contributed to nonprofit and religious organizations. If you haven’t read Manning Johnson’s 1958 booklet, Color, Communism and Common Sense, he writes that back then, Howard University’s president was charged with being a communist. This is the same university Judge Emmett Sullivan graduated from. He was the judge who refused to release Gen. Michael Flynn despite the proof the FBI had set him up.

Spruce Pine, NC Quartz

The Spruce Pine community of NC was hit hard and it could have spelled disaster for the global automotive industry. Spruce Pine is the world’s main source of high quality fused quartz, a material with unparalleled optical, mechanical and thermal properties that make it indispensable in the manufacture of high-tech products such as semiconductors, solar photovoltaic cells, optical fibre and quartz lighting.

Hurricane Helene ravaged Spruce Pine last week, inundating the tiny town with over two feet of water, which may have seriously hamper the production of those conductors.

The high-purity quartz is used in the production of silicon wafers for semiconductors and solar panels, according to the Raleigh News & Observer. The town only has 2,200 residents, but is one of the most important (if not the most important) sources of the critical mineral in the world. Sibelco, a private Belgium mineral company, has a virtual monopoly. It also just happens to be the largest employer in Mitchell County, North Carolina.

Those who have studied United Nations Agenda 21/30 know the globalists want us living in 15-minute cities and using only bicycles or our feet for transportation. The loss of the quartz would have helped their efforts.

Sibelco, one of the two companies that mine quartz in Spruce Pine, is back in operation. The Quartz Company is also nearing operation. They survived 140 mph winds, tornados and land slides.

Helene Disaster

Northwest North Carolina has been declared a disaster area by the federal government, yet DHS Director Mayorkas told us they have run out of money because they’ve spent $1.4 billion on illegal aliens. Harris has said she is giving $750.00 to the survivors. In July, Mayorkas said that FEMA was “tremendously prepared” for hurricane season. “This is what we do. This is what they do.”

The problem with this is that foreign illegals are receiving the tax-dollar funds which should go to our own people in times of disasters. There is enough money backlogged in FEMA, approximately $8 billion, but it is not being released.

Biden/Harris administration is pushing back against the allegation, saying that the alien resettlement funding—provided through the Shelter and Services Program (SSP)—is congressionally appropriated, specifically allocated for that purpose, and “completely separate” from disaster relief funds. But a DHS spokesperson told Fox News, “That these claims are completely false, a completely separate, appropriated grant program was authorized and funded by Congress and is not associated in any way with FEMA’s disaster-related authorities or funding streams.”

FEMA money has been spent on housing, travel and care of illegal aliens released from federal custody and awaiting immigration court proceedings. This fiscal year alone, the DHS pledged $640.9 million tax dollars toward these “humanitarian” services assisting illegals. The previous year, the DHS doled out $363.8 million.

Mia Cathell’s article in Townhall gives full insight as to where our money is going.

The death toll is huge, and is not being reported. A three-minute video on X.com shows men on horseback in Chimney Rock which Helene literally flattened. These are the first outsiders the survivors have seen after 22 days. A resident told the fellow bringing aid that only a YouTuber had been there to check on them. With the horror and devastation in these mountains, no one else has been there to help them until now.

In early October, Elon Musk reported that SpaceX engineers told him there were people helping in the disaster areas that were being blocked by FEMA. 10-News also reported that FEMA was blocking shipments and seizing goods and services locally and locking them away and stating they are their own.

On October 15thGrindstone Ministries reported that the deaths and destruction were far worse than people know. He said there were thousands dead. The mud is polluted with cadavers and animals, sewage and lithium, and he could not allow his people to become contaminated in certain areas.

The Grindstone leader tells about Little Germany and Bumpus Cove, TN where the water is polluted from heavy metals in the soil and the river that washes past Little Germany and into Bumpus Cove, TN, has chemical plants washed into it, cadavers, dead animals, PVC manufacturing plant contaminants and nuclear fuels. At least one person from the area was admitted to the hospital for radiation sickness.

He reports that the land underneath these TN towns and in portions of NC are owned by lithium mining companies and the lithium underneath these towns seems to be the predicate for federal land grabs. That is not confirmed, but appears to be the goal.

Here is a two-minute video of NC Governor Roy Cooper confirming that government is buying out entire communities affected by “climate change.”

We have been losing assets to South African minerals, so we are desperate to find those minerals here, even if they are on private land.


The Federal Emergency Management Agency, (FEMA) has built a massive new FEMA camp in Candler, NC. Locals raised concern about how it just popped up when the agency’s personnel have not been extending them assistance and appeared to have already left them without help after the disastrous aftermath of Hurricanes Helene and Milton.

Over a month and these folks are still hurting but FEMA built themselves a comfortable base camp.

Zelenko Freedom Foundation’s Ann Vandersteel went to the area to check the massive installation camp that popped up in just a matter of days. She decided to check on the property because they had seen drone footage but their team was surveilled by the personnel of the camp.

Here is the 21-minute video on X.com of Ann’s interview with the people outside this new FEMA camp. It is worth watching because of the worthless answers they gave Ann.

Ann saw huge climate-controlled trucks and trailers coming in and observed that the installation had just one entrance and exit. She also mentioned that locals have told her that the said FEMA property allegedly belonged to a trucking company that was leased to the federal government. Upon checking, her team found that the land was owned by Smoky Park LLC.

Followers on X lauded her efforts to go and clarify with the FEMA personnel herself. One person even commented, “Why are they building a FEMA camp for 700 ‘rescue workers’ and not helping the residents who lost everything and many dying or dead? Something evil is going on in those mountains.”

FEMA is more concerned with “equity” than with helping our people.

One citizen group is on a mountaintop in Little Switzerland collecting and distributing necessities, but what they really need is medicines. FEMA sent three pallets of electric chain saws to an area with no power. They need generators and fuel.

Kamala tells them to go on the internet and fill out the paperwork for your $750.00 check, which you have to pay back, when they have no internet, no power, and no home.

Every year, the U.S. Congress begins work on a federal budget for the next fiscal year. The federal government’s fiscal year runs from October 1 of one calendar year through September 30 of the next.

FEMA just received their annual funding at the beginning of October and Mayorkas said FEMA was out of money. They spent it all in less than one month on illegal aliens? Or maybe that’s where Harris got $157 million for Lebanon.


Biden/Harris and DHS have abandoned our people, but not former President Trump. He started a Go-Fund-Me for the victims of Helene, and has raised $8 million in relief. Of the $8 million raised, $7 million has already been distributed to charities that are actively helping to clean up and rebuild the impacted areas. Trump has often worked with Samaritan’s Purse who also has an excellent reputation.

Political strategist James Carville calls on Democrats to take up arms against Trump regime if Kamala loses.

This is what we’re fighting. It is a battle between good and evil, life and death.

© 2024 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

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Less than a week before elections, poll shows many Jews still undecided

Trump voters say Israel key factor in decision, American Jews’ support for Democrats hits all-time low, JPPI poll shows.

Oct 29, 2024, 8:00 AM (GMT+2)  Israel National NewsLess than two-thirds of Jewish Americans surveyed say they will vote for Harris, with about a quarter supporting Trump. Respondents signaling intention to vote for Trump place Israel as key factor, Harris voters to a lesser extent.

The Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) studies trends among American Jews (who constitute almost half of the global Jewish population) through its monthly “Voice of the Jewish People” surveys. These surveys analyze responses according to key political and religious streams within American Judaism. Findings, weighted by religious affiliation (Reform, Conservative, ultra-Orthodox, etc.), show that nearly two-thirds (63%) intend to vote for Harris, while about a quarter (24%) plan to vote for Trump. The remaining respondents are undecided, plan to vote for other candidates, or do not intend to vote at all.

Support for Democrats among Jewish Americans remains a majority, but it has reached its lowest level in four decades (previously peaking at around 80%). Significant differences appear across groups on issues related to Israel and antisemitism. For instance, 95% of Jewish Americans who firmly support Trump regard Israel as a major voting issue, compared to 31% of firm Harris supporters. A similar disparity exists concerning antisemitism, with 89% of strong Trump supporters viewing it as a central issue, while only 39% of strong Harris supporters agree.

Support for Israel

Regarding US support for Israel, a gap is evident between those identifying as “centrist” or “conservative,” with most (73% and 93%, respectively) feeling that the US does not sufficiently support Israel, compared to self-identified “strong liberals,” among whom a record high of about one-third (34%) feel the US supports Israel “too much.”

When responses are weighted by religious stream, a slight majority (56%) believes that the US does not support Israel enough. Among strong Harris supporters, a slim majority (51%) feel that current support is “at the right level,” while over a quarter (28%) find it insufficient. Among Jewish Americans leaning toward Harris but not firmly committed, a larger majority (60%) perceive that US support for Israel is inadequate, likely contributing to their indecision.

The data also shows that few respondents believe US-Israel relations would improve under a Harris administration. Even among liberal or very liberal respondents — the most committed Harris supporters — only 10%-14% expect relations to improve. Conversely, among Trump voters, a large majority (over 90%) anticipate better relations with Israel if Trump is elected.

JPPI President, Prof. Yedidia Stern, said: “American Jewry is not monolithic. Conservatives who support Trump view Israel and antisemitism as primary factors when they vote. Liberal Harris supporters — the majority group — do not see Israel as central to their voting decisions. However, among ‘swing voters,’ a large majority believe that the Biden-Harris administration’s support for Israel has been insufficient. In a close race, stronger support for Israel could benefit Harris.”

Survey Editor, Shmuel Rosner, a Senior Fellow at JPPI, added: “The data shows that most Jewish Americans will vote for Kamala Harris. While her support may slightly decline from Biden’s 2020 levels, the shift won’t be dramatic. The bottom line is that most Jews still lean Democratic, even with broad consensus that a Harris administration could strain US-Israel relations. Many Harris voters are prepared to accept a possible deterioration in relations with Israel. The reason is that Trump voters place a far higher priority on Israel, seeing it as a central issue. Nearly all firm Trump voters (95%) say Israel is ‘one of the main voting issues,’ while among firm Harris supporters, this figure is a third (31%)—a finding from a survey of Jews relatively connected to the community and Israel (registered with JPPI’s Voice of the Jewish People panel).”

[Ed.:  These intractable Jewish Democrats and the ‘undecided’ American Jews represent the pea-brained, idiot faction of our people.  After all that we’ve seen and learned, how could they vote Democrat, or be undecided now?]


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Israel’s attack on Iran – force and dollar multiplier for the USA   Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: a US-Israel Initiative”
October 28, 2024*The October 26, 2024 Israeli Air Force 1,000-mile-offensive against Iran – which was one of the more complex air force offensives since WW2 – highlighted Israel as a unique triple A store and battle-tested innovation center for the US defense and aerospace industries, underscoring the superiority of the US-made F-35, F-16 and F-15 in the global market.

*The capabilities of the US combat aircrafts have been demonstrated by the Israeli Air Force, which – more than any other air force – operates in a high intensity manner (over Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran) and acts daily in a do-or-die and can-do state of mind, which mandates more innovation and risk-taking, stretching the capabilities of the US-made combat aircraft to new heights. The keen interest by the US Air Force to hold a multitude of joint maneuvers with Israel’s Air Force attests to the added-value derived by the interaction with – and feedback from – the uniquely experienced Israeli combat pilots.

*The game-changing battle tactics employed on October 26, 2024 by Israel’s Air Force have already been shared with the US Air Force, as were the lessons of the ground-breaking June 1982 Israeli Air Force destruction of 20 Soviet-made Syrian surface to air missile batteries, while downing 82 Soviet Migs, which still inspires the US Air Force. The Israeli battle experience has enriched the US battle tactics and training program of US combat pilots, who rarely experience do-or-die type of sorties, improving US military skills and saving American lives. A similar contribution has been made by Israel’s counter-terrorism, special operations and urban warfare battle-experienced units, which systematically interact with their US colleagues.

*Moreover, the US military has been privy to a most advanced level of Command, Control and Communications system (C3), which was developed by Israel’s military, playing a key role in the execution of the October 26, 2024 offensive.

*The more than 100-combat-aircraft-offensive also included US-made aerial refueling tankers and spy planes, as well as radar suppression technologies and drones.  It demolished and jammed air defense systems in Syria and Iraq, on the way to striking 20 military targets in Iran, including in Tehran.  Thus, disabling Iran’s Russian-made S-300 surface-to-air missile batteries (which is also used by China!), and destroying missile and drone production facilities. All Israeli Air Force US-made planes returned home safely.

*Furthermore, the Israeli Air Force has been a flagship of the US aerospace industries, sharing with the US manufacturers vital operational, maintenance and repair lessons concluded by the Israeli battle-tested laboratory. These lessons – also produced by other branches of the IDF, employing hundreds of US military systems – have been integrated as upgrades into the next generation of the US products, saving the US many years of research and development (which amounts to mega-billions of dollars), enhancing the competitiveness of US products in the global market, generating more exports (additional billions of dollars), and expanding employment (3.5 million people working in the defense and aerospace industries, in addition to the multitude of subcontractors).In fact,Israel’s uniquely intense use of US combat aircraft has helped in solving pivotal glitches (especially in the F-35).

*Israel has evolved into a unique research and development center for the US defense industries, as it has been for some 250 US high tech giants of the commercial industries in the areas of agriculture, medicine, pharmaceuticals, automotive, computer software, electronics, telecommunications, fin tech, Internet, etc. (e.g., John Deere, General Electric, Johnson & Johnson, Texas Instruments, Intel, Nvidia, General Motors, Microsoft, AT&T, IBM, Dell, Google, Facebook, Intuit, etc.).

*The US defense and commercial industries have leveraged Israel’s brain power and innovative and defiance-of-odds spirit, in order to sustain their global lead, yielding a substantial increase in global sales.

*The October 26, 2024 offensive has enhanced Israel’s posture of deterrence in the face of anti-US Shiite terrorism (e.g., Iran’s Ayatollahs and Hezbollah which operate in the Middle East and Latin America) and anti-US Sunni terrorism (e.g., the Moslem Brotherhood, Hamas and the PLO), which are committed to bringing “The Great American Satan” to submission. Israel’s offensive has advanced the stability of all pro-US Arab oil-producing regimes, such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain, as well as the pro-US Jordan, Egypt and Morocco, all of which have the machetes of the Ayatollahs and the Moslem Brotherhood at their throats.

*As stated by General Alexander Haig, who was a Supreme Commander of NATO and a US Secretary of State, and Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, who was Chief of US Naval Operations: Israel is the largest US aircraft carrier, which does not require a single US military personnel on board, cannot be sunk, deployed in a most critical area of the world, and sparing the US the need to manufacture, deploy and maintain a few more real aircraft carriers along with a few ground divisions, which would have cost the US $15bn-$20bn annually.

*The October 26, 2024 Israeli Air Force offensive against Iran’s Ayatollahs highlights the reality of the annual $3.8bn extended to Israel (to purchase US military systems), which does not constitute “foreign aid.” Rather, this is an annual US investment in an immensely grateful Israel, yielding to the US a few hundred percent annual Return-on-Investment (R-o-I). It is the most productive and secure US investment in its unique force and dollar multiplier, underlying the mutually beneficial US-Israel two-way-street.

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[Ed.:  VERY interesting!]


Jeff Bezos Positioning Washington Post (and Interests) to Mitigate Financial Exposure to President Trump    Sundance 

October 28, 2024  The Conservative Treehouse – It’s a Game of Thrones thing, and multiple interests have contacted me for questions following the Washington Post non-endorsement of Kamala Harris.  I’ll explain in detail, but first the latest development in the moves.  Always remember, there are trillions at stake.

NEW YORK – Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos has reportedly given the newspaper a mandate to add more conservative voices to its opinion section — even as he remains silent over the broadsheet’s decision not to endorse a candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

Bezos — the world’s second richest person with a fortune that Bloomberg Billionaires Index valued at $211 billion as of Monday — is keen on gaining a more ideologically diverse readership by expanding his newspaper’s reach among right-leaning audiences, according to a report in The New York Times.

The Amazon founder, meanwhile, has remained silent over the non-endorsement controversy. He has not spoken publicly amid protests from high-level staffers and prominent figures such as Watergate reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. (read more)

The framework, the inside baseball political stuff, is never truly explained by media.  They play this pretending game that we are not bound to follow.  So, I’ll outline exactly what is happening and the motives for all these recent moves.

You will remember last year when I dug deep into the financial system around Twitter, Elon Musk’s purchase, and the viability of the business model.  In short, by the time he reached October/November ’23 there was going to be no way for Musk to continue operating Twitter without some serious change in financial construct.

So, what happened?

Larry Ellison happened.

In a little-known background conversation that President Trump is well aware of, Oracle founder Larry Ellison said, “I will not allow Musk to fall.”  Thus, an immediate and opportune alignment began that shows the strategic thinking of billionaire Larry Ellison.

Ellison gains around $50 billion per year from his operations.  Oracle is huge. The X-platform subsequently began big contracts with Oracle.   Twitter’s fate is now intrinsically linked to Ellison. Nuf said.

With that scale of GFY money now steadfast backing him, Elon Musk not only had breathing room, but he also had the ability to take big risks.

After testing the water with DeSantis, likely stirred by Ellison taking a peek, it became obvious the best play was to fully support Trump.  Week after week, as President Trump solidly gained position for next week’s election, Elon Musk leaned in further and deeper.  Elon Musk is now the biggest influence operation in the 2024 MAGA movement.

As a direct consequence of Musk’s position, Larry Ellison -by extension Oracle- is now easily positioned to be the biggest beneficiary of a Trump win.  Ellison is the biggest influence operation; but as all influence and leverage operations go, he’s also the quietest influence.

Larry Ellison (Oracle) is the hand on the Elon Musk Marionette.  All Musk moves are with this background alignment as the underpinning.

With a Trump victory next week becoming more and more predictable, the biggest loser was set to be Larry Ellison’s billionaire competitor, Jeff Bezos (Amazon).

Jeff Bezos needs to position himself to avoid being totally shut out from White House influence ability.  The non-endorsement was the first move.  The shift in ideological alignment within the Washington Post (article above) is the second move.  Bezos is mitigating and strategizing risk.  That’s what is going on.

These are not media outlets in your traditional frame of reference. These are influence operations aligned with the interests of the billionaires behind them. It’s a game of thrones thing. Each interest has their own advocacy group. That’s what you would call “modern media”. Bezos has the Washington Post, Ellison positioned himself with Twitter; the intent is the same.

The biggest winners from the Trump victory will be Larry Ellison (Oracle), his super influence operator Elon Musk, and their smaller -albeit ideologically similar- friend, Peter Thiel (Palantir).

This is the inside baseball stuff that circles the President Trump campaign orbit in very close proximity. This is the command-and-control influence operation that determines outcomes. When Trump wins, these interests are positioned for strongest influence.

If you want to really understand what is happening, follow this background context as the intellectual filter and you will be watching President Trump Term-2 politics with clear eyes.  However, always remember, these are their personal interests.  As long as they align with MAGA, all is cool.  If their personal interests diverge from MAGA, we will have a problem.

There are trillions at stake.


Jeff Bezos wants more conservative columnists at the Washington Post: report   Thomas Stevenson

Bezos said he wants to expand the paper’s reach to conservatives.

October 28, 2024  The PostmillennialWashington Post owner and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is looking to bring on more conservative writers after the paper chose not to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris. Many have been critical of the outlet for being too far to the left in its coverage.

Bezos said he is looking to expand the paper’s reach among those who are more conservative, according to the New York Times. Will Lewis has been appointed to be the chief executive at the paper and informed him that there needs to be more conservative writers at the paper on the opinion section.

The Time reported that ahead of the declination to endorse Harris, Bezos was encouraged by Lewis and other opinion editors to not end the outlet’s tradition of giving endorsements. After it became public that the paper would not endorse, multiple employees at the company resigned from their positions.

Editor-at-large at the Post Robert Kagan resigned from his position following the announcement. Michelle Norris, a columnist at the outlet also resigned, announcing the decision via a social media post on Sunday. She said it the paper’s choice to not to make an endorsement was “a terrible mistake & an insult to the paper’s own longstanding standard of regularly endorsing candidates since 1976.”

The LA Times also declined to endorse Harris, leading to a number of resignations from that outlet as well.

[Ed.:  It’s never too late for an alterkaker to correct his mistakes (at least while he’s still breathing and farting)!  Apparently, Bezos figured out that everything he believed politically was fatally flawed, and that would translate into a loss of business, he suddenly saw the light; jumped ship, joined the winners, and laughed knowing fully well their rage...]



The Surveillance State has Arrived… And It’s Being Implemented by Our Cities and Towns   by Leo Hohmann 

Oct. 28, 2024 9:30 am

Cities across the United States are installing hidden surveillance cameras that track everyone, everywhere, and nobody, not even Donald Trump, is talking about this. What are the Top 10 most surveilled cities in the U.S.? We’ve got the list!

My old colleagues at World Net Daily have an interesting story up today about the city of Norfolk, Virginia. City officials have transformed Norfolk into a virtual lock-down surveillance society with more than 172 high-resolution, internet-connected cameras monitoring practically all human movement.

Of course Norfolk is not terribly unique in this regard and we have a full report below, including a Top 10 list of most surveilled American cities.

Multitudes of cities of all sizes across the U.S. are jumping on the technocracy bandwagon and setting up hidden surveillance cameras on every corner. They’re on light poles, bridges and overpasses, stoplights, buildings, you name it. Some are equipped with speakers so they can also listen in on what’s being said.

They claim it’s for our “safety.”

What makes Norfolk unique is a group of citizens is fighting back. They’ve filed a lawsuit against the city, which is something that needs to happen in every city that implements this technology.

A lawsuit has been filed that accuses elected officials in Norfolk, Virginia, of using a network of 170 cameras to impose a warrantless surveillance scheme on residents and visitors.

The Institute for Justice has filed the suit on behalf of several plaintiffs, charging that the actions violate Fourth Amendment rights protecting U.S. citizens against unwarranted searches and seizures.

The system allows police “to monitor the comings and goings of all drivers in the city,” the legal team said.

Lee Schmidt, one of the plaintiffs, said, “I don’t like the government following my every movement and treating me like a criminal suspect, when they have no reason to believe I’ve done anything wrong.”

Another plaintiff, Crystal Arrington, stated, “My work requires me to drive around Norfolk very often, and it’s incredibly disturbing to know the city can track my every move during that time.”

The Institute for Justice explained that in 2023, Norfolk police partnered with a private company called Flock Safety Inc. to install 172 automatic license-plate reading cameras all across town.

The locations were chosen to provide a so-called “curtain of technology,” which would allow police to watch anyone drive anywhere without knowing they’re being watched.

The Institute noted:

“Unlike traditional traffic cameras, which capture an image only when they sense speeding or someone running a red light, Flock’s cameras capture images of every car driving by, which it retains for at least 30 days. Artificial intelligence then uses those images to create a ‘Vehicle Fingerprint’ that enables any Flock subscriber to both track where that vehicle has gone and identify what other vehicles it has been seen nearby.”

Institute for Justice lawyer Michael Soyfer stated:

“Norfolk has created a dragnet that allows the government to monitor everyone’s day-to-day movements without a warrant or probable cause. This type of mass surveillance is a blatant violation of the Fourth Amendment.”

Making the violation worse, the Institute noted, is that since Flock “pools its data in a centralized database, police across the entire country can access over 1 billion monthly datapoints. That means not just tracking drivers within a particular jurisdiction, but potentially across the entire nation.”

“Following someone’s every move can tell you some incredibly intimate details about them, such as where they work, who they associate with, whether or not they’re religious, what hobbies they have, and any medical conditions they may have,” said IJ lawyer Robert Frommer. “This type of intrusive, ongoing monitoring of someone’s life is not just creepy, it’s unconstitutional.”

The scheme gives police the ability to spy on people without any judicial oversight.

Imagine walking into court to challenge a ticket when the only evidence is from a machine powered by artificial intelligence. We already know that AI allows for deep fake videos. Think of the potential for abuse here.

The really sick part of this story is that the Agenda 2030 surveillance state is being implemented at the local level. And many cities are able to pay for the digital enslavement of their residents with federal dollars as the incentive. Why aren’t more Republican political figures talking about this?

Some abuses have already been documented, the Institute said, noting just a couple of examples:

  • In Kansas, the Institute reports that officials were caught using Flock to stalk their exes, including one police chief who used Flock 228 times over four months to track his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend’s vehicles.
  • In California, several police departments violated California law by sharing data from their license-plate reader database with other departments across the country. And as is the case with other databases, these can be susceptible to hacking, which can reveal private data.

Comparitech looked at a variety of camera types that have become ubiquitous in U.S. cities of all sizes.

  • Fixed CCTV cameras.
  • Cameras accessed through real-time crime centers.
  • Private cameras within the police force’s network.
  • Cameras on public transport facilities.
  • Traffic cameras.
  • Streetlight cameras.

Not to mention, FedEx and Amazon are also spying on you each time they make a delivery to your home.

Tech writer Kim Komando reports in an October 22, 2022 article that the study even looked at police departments that access people’s private Ring doorbell data.

She writes: “Did you know that police can access your Ring footage without your permission? Tap or click here to stop law enforcement from asking you for any videos. While at it, you’ll want to disable Amazon’s shared wireless network, known as Sidewalk. Here’s how to opt out of Sidewalk on your Amazon devices.”

Using Census.gov data, this is what the Comparitech study showed:

  • 44.2 million people are being monitored by 270,000 cameras.
  • Atlanta was the most surveilled city, with a ratio of 48.93 cameras per 1,000 people.
  • Chicago had the highest number of cameras at 32,000.
  • 28 of the police departments have access to Ring doorbell technology and have submitted a total of 728 requests for access to footage in the third quarter of 2020.

The top 10 most surveilled cities in the US as of October 2022

Based on the number of cameras per 1,000 people, these are the 10 most surveilled cities in the U.S.:

  1. Atlanta, Georgia – 24,800 cameras for 506,811 people = 48.93 cameras per 1,000 people.
  2. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – 28,064 cameras for 1,584,064 people = 17.72 cameras per 1,000 people.
  3. Denver, Colorado – 12,273 cameras for 727,211 people = 16.88 cameras per 1,000 people.
  4. Washington, District of Columbia – 11,441 cameras for 705,749 people = 16.21 cameras per 1,000 people.
  5. San Francisco, California – 14,266 cameras for 881,549 people = 16.18 cameras per 1,000 people.
  6. Las Vegas, Nevada – 10,208 cameras for 651,319 people = 15.67 cameras per 1,000 people.
  7. Detroit, Michigan – 8,836 cameras for 670,031 people = 13.19 cameras per 1,000 people.
  8. Chicago, Illinois – 32,000 cameras for 2,693,976 people = 11.88 cameras per 1,000 people.
  9. Portland, Oregon – 6,411 cameras for 654,741 people = 9.79 cameras per 1,000 people.
  10. 10.Fresno, California – 4,706 cameras for 531,576 people = 8.85 cameras per 1,000 people.

2024 is almost over and LeoHohmann.com needs your help if Leo is going to be able to bring you another year of independent news and analysis. This site is totally independent and ad free, meaning nothing is owed to any corporate or government entity. I depend only on my readers to support the reporting and critical analysis you find on this site. If you appreciate these updates and wish to support my work, you may send a donation of any size c/o Leo Hohmann, PO Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or donate via credit card here. Thank you.


Shocking Announcement: Walz Gives Nod to AOC For House Speaker

October 28, 2024  Jewish Breaking News – In a surprising statement, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz hinted that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) may be appointed Speaker of the House if he and Vice President Kamala Harris secure the 2024 election. “We’re gonna win this election and we’re gonna make you put a gavel in your hand in the House,” Walz said to AOC during a campaign event.

This unexpected development has raised eyebrows, as the Harris campaign has made efforts to present themselves as moderate candidates. AOC, a self-proclaimed democratic-socialist, has previously expressed frustration over her limited role in Harris’s campaign, particularly as Harris has sought to distance herself from prominent progressives like AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Bernie Sanders, and others.

[Ed.:  From Communist bar maid, to Speaker of the House!  Wow!  Imagine that…]


Abused J6 Political Prisoner Begs Those Listening to Vote for Trump: “My Life and So Many Others Depend on This Election… It’s So Important”  (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

Oct. 28, 2024 8:00 am – January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel called The Gateway Pundit on Sunday.

Ryan urged all decent Americans to vote for President Trump for President of the United States.

Ryan’s life depends on it.

Ryan is not alone. The Biden-Harris regime has arrested over 1,200 opposition protesters and jailed over 460 Americans for their actions on January 6, 2021.  [Emphasis added]

This is the day that Nancy Pelosi REFUSED President Donald Trump’s previous requests to bring in thousands of National Guard soldiers to protect the US Capitol. She knew what she was doing.

Then violence broke out after police fired exploding projectiles into the crowd without warning and Chris Wray’s undercover FBI agents and cutouts went to work.

The rest is history. Dozens of men are in prison today, sentenced to over a decade behind bars for leading an insurrection—Nancy Pelosi’s Insurrection.

This was something that was planned, organized, and carried out to work just as it did. Today, over 460 Americans sit in prison or await their sentencing date for Pelosi’s insurrection.

Ryan Samsel is begging Americans to save him and hundreds of others.

Ryan Samsel: Hey, Jim. It’s Ryan Samsel, calling from MDC, Brooklyn. Just wanted to reach out to the Gateway readers and let them know how important this election is for a lot of us in the jail.

This is not just the January 6ers, but the the inmates in general. Everybody here in New York, in every jail that I’ve been through, it’s shockingly, I’ve seen a turnaround of every single inmate who wants Trump to win. Especially us, January 6ers, our lives depend on it, Jim.

Me, in particular, I’ve been locked up ever since Ray Epps had set me up at the front gate. My co-defendants all went home, except one, And I’m still sitting here and literally my- ‘This call is from a federal prison.’ My life and some of the others’ lives depend on this so at the upcoming election.

It’s so important that people go out and vote. And if you can, bring somebody with you to vote, because literally we’ve given everything. I’ve literally given my home, I’ve given my health. I mean, Jim, I think your readers noted that I was assaulted. Because of the fact that I wasn’t pleading guilty in terms of Trump. In that time since, I’ve lost my father.

I’ve lost everything. As I speak to you, Jim, I don’t even have an attorney. My lawyer just quit. So I’m waiting to go fight, and everything in the next week counts on this vote.

And I beg you guys, please, please, please, please, for this, and we’re left with nothing. It’s just your vote. So then I just thank you. I appreciate you giving me a voice. And please, guys, spread this around. I have nothing left. I’d rather be homeless than sit in this place. I’ve lost everything. So I’d rather be homeless on the street before I spend another day in here. This is my only chance of getting out. So please, guys, help us out, please. Thank you.

Jim Hoft: Thanks, Ryan. That’s very moving. I appreciate it. And there’s a lot of people out here who support you. Our prayers are with you. And we agree this is going to be life or death for a lot of Americans right now. We can’t continue to have this oppressive regime destroying our lives.

** Please pray for Ryan and the other January 6 prisoners. Please donate to Ryan Samsel here.



Who Is Actually Running the Country?   by John Richardson
October 28, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • Members of both American political parties and other concerned observers have been asking for a while now, “Who’s actually running the country?”
  • More often it seems as if is a cadre of unelected bureaucrats – a faceless politburo – who uphold the law or not, according to political expediency or whim.
  • American author and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy has called this group “a machine.”
  • Are “open borders” legal or not? Are immigration laws being violated or not? Are illegal aliens legal or not? Are prosecutions of presidential candidates within a month of a presidential election “election interference” or not? Were the deliberate lies of former US intelligence officials to the US public about the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop actionable “election interference” or not?
  • What we should probably be asking, as we head to November, is: “Do we really want to go on living like that?”

Members of both American political parties and other concerned observers have been asking for a while now, “Who’s actually running the country?”

Answers include:

Former President Barack Obama, who, in November 2020, said on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert:

“People would ask me, knowing what you know now, do you wish you had a third term? And I used to say, “You know what? If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man or front woman, and they had an earpiece in, and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, and then I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I’d be fine with that.”  [Emphasis added]

George Soros, of whom the journalist Wayne Allen Root wrote: “Obama take his marching orders from George Soros.”

The Chinese Communist Party, about whom Root wrote:

“[T]he real power behind the throne. The boss of bosses. The capo di tutti. China and the Chinese Communist Party. Everyone is taking orders from China and the CCP. China bribes all the politicians in America and around the world with billions in offshore bank accounts. China owns Biden and his family. China owns virtually the entire leadership of the Democratic Party — and quite a few establishment RINO Republicans, too…. It’s easy to see China is the top dog. You’d have to be blind, deaf or really dumb to not see that. Everything happening … just happens to weaken and divide America while benefiting China.”

And of course Jill Biden, who was recently asked by the president to chair a Cabinet meeting.

More often, it seems, it is a cadre of unelected bureaucrats – a faceless politburo – who uphold the law or not, according to political expediency or whim.  [Emphasis added]

American author and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy has called this group “a machine.”

Are “open borders” legal or not? Are immigration laws being violated or not? Are illegal aliens, then, legal or not? Are prosecutions of presidential candidates within a month of a presidential election “election interference” or not? Were the deliberate lies of former US intelligence officials to the US public about the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop actionable “election interference” or not?

What we should probably be asking, as we head to November, is: “Do we really want to go on living like that?”


‘Tortured and Raped Multiple Times’: The Persecution of Christians, September 2024   by Raymond Ibrahim
October 27, 2024 at 5:00 am  Gatestone Institute

  • “Typically, kidnapped girls in Pakistan, some as young as 10, are abducted, forced to convert to Islam and raped under cover of Islamic ‘marriages’ and are then pressured to record false statements in favor of the kidnappers….” — morningstarnews.org, September 24, 2024, Pakistan.
  • Headlines of the “pure genocide” of Christians from the month of September follow…. — Nigeria.
  • “Muslims who abducted a 17-year-old Christian girl and gang-raped her for 10 days are threatening her family to pressure them to withdraw charges, even as police have failed to arrest most of the suspects.” — morningstarnews.com, September 30, 2024, Pakistan.
  • Muslims murdered, hacked to pieces, and dumped the remains of a Christian man into a Cairo canal…. Mina Musa, 21, had left his family home in Minya for a new job in Cairo…. He was responding to an advertisement on social media to assist an elderly person in Cairo. The notice included the offer of a generous salary, along with broader networking opportunities in the field of physical therapy….. The authorities managed to track the young man down to a Cairo apartment. On breaking in, they found parts of Mina’s body…. Last reported, divers were searching in the canal for Mina’s head. — copticsolidarity.org, October 5, 2024, Egypt.
  • “I WILL BOMB THE POPE. I’M A TERRORIST…JUST BE CAREFUL…WAIT FOR NEWS YEEE.” — posted on social media, morningstarnews.com, September 10, 2024, Indonesia.
  • “Khosravi said the main goal of detention isn’t always punishment or even to gather information, but to break a prisoner at such a fundamental level that they are shattered permanently…. Another Christian, forced to listen to the cries of a woman screaming in a near-by cell, was convinced by guards that it was his wife being raped repeatedly, he said.” — morningstarnews.org, October 1, 2024, Iran.
  • On September 18, Christian mother of four was sentenced to death on a “blasphemy” conviction…. The reason she was handed the death sentence has less to do with actual evidence and everything to do with extremist pressure groups, Hameed [her lawyer] said… “If you analyze all cases of 295-C, you will see that all the convictions of the trial court are overturned by the superior courts.” — morningstarnews.org, September 19, 2024, Pakistan.
  • “Nearly 3,000 persons have been accused of blasphemy in Pakistan since 1987…” — morningstarnews.org, September 19, 2024, Pakistan.
  • “These are Christians who are out to convert our people to a wrong religion.” — Sheikh Kalimu, Islamic leader, morningstarnews.com, September 23, 2024, Uganda.
  • “After 1994 [when the Muslim Brotherhood came to power], the authorities tried to make Yemen an Islamic state. They wiped out our identity as Christians and refused to write ‘Christian’ on documents. Christians had to write either ‘Muslim’ or leave a blank space…. When I got full marks in Islamic education, they would reduce my grades, because they told me ‘a Christian couldn’t be equal to a Muslim.’… [A]ll the nuns were later killed…. In 2018, the authorities refused to renew our passports unless we wrote the word ‘Islam’ in the religion section of the application form, as we were told: ‘There are no Christians in Yemen.'” — Badr, Yemeni Catholic woman living in Aden, catholicnewsagency.com, September 25, 2024, Yemen.

The following are among the abuses and murders inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of September 2024:

Continue reading


Uganda: Muslims burn Christian pastor and his family to death after he led three Muslims to faith in Christ   BY ROBERT SPENCER

OCT 27, 2024 12:00 PM  JIHAD WATCH – The death penalty for apostasy is part of Islamic law. It’s based on the Qur’an: “They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper.” (Qur’an 4:89)

A hadith depicts Muhammad saying: “Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him” (Bukhari 9.84.57). The death penalty for apostasy is part of Islamic law according to all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence.

This is still the position of all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence, both Sunni and Shi’ite. Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the most renowned and prominent Muslim cleric in the world, has stated: “The Muslim jurists are unanimous that apostates must be punished, yet they differ as to determining the kind of punishment to be inflicted upon them. The majority of them, including the four main schools of jurisprudence (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, and Hanbali) as well as the other four schools of jurisprudence (the four Shiite schools of Az-Zaidiyyah, Al-Ithna-‘ashriyyah, Al-Ja’fariyyah, and Az-Zaheriyyah) agree that apostates must be executed.”

Qaradawi also once famously said: “If they had gotten rid of the apostasy punishment, Islam wouldn’t exist today.”

“Pastor, Family Killed in One of Two Islamist Attacks,” Morning Star News, October 25, 2024:

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamist villagers in eastern Uganda burned a pastor and his family to death after he led three Muslims to faith in Christ, the pastor’s brother said.

Pastor Weere Mukisa, his 25-year-old wife Annet Namugaya and their two daughters, 7-year-old Judith Banirye and 4-year-old Sylvia Bamukisa, died when the assailants set fire to their home shortly before 3 a.m. on Oct. 13, said the church leader’s brother, James Tusubira. Pastor Mukisa was 30.

The tragic attack took place in Kibale village, Mpumiro Parish, Bulange Sub-County, Namutumba District. Pastor Mukisa had led the Muslims to Christ in September.

“When the three young Muslims converted to Christ, my brother started receiving threatening messages that he should stop any contact with the three young converts, and that the act committed is against teaching of Islam to not join the religion of infidels,” Tusubira told Morning Star News.

Tusubira said he saw flame and smoke coming from the family’s home at 2:48 a.m.

“We rushed to the scene of the incident and found the house torched and the five bodies burned beyond recognition,” he said. “Many people started arriving till the break of the day. Plastic bottles of petrol were found outside the house.”…


Cuban support keeps Maduro in power, complicating a solution to the Venezuelan crisis    LARA MIRAVENT 

OCT. 27, 2024 2:36 PMThe crisis in Venezuela has been one of the longest and most complex conflicts in Latin America in recent decades. Nicolás Maduro’s hold on power, sustained by electoral fraud, has defied all predictions. One key reason for his continued rule is the direct support from Cuba.

According to Jorge G. Castañeda, former foreign minister of Mexico, Cuban intervention has not only reinforced the stability of Maduro’s regime but has made any solution unlikely without Havana’s approval.

For years, there has been discussion about the role Cubans play in Venezuela. Castañeda explained how the Maduro regime has been supported by a Cuban contingent acting as a kind of “praetorian guard,” protecting the Venezuelan leader from any attempts to overthrow him.

This situation, rarely seen in recent history, has been a crucial factor in preventing the Venezuelan military from taking action that could destabilize the regime. The Cuban contingent, according to Castañeda, consists of intelligence agents who constantly monitor the Venezuelan armed forces, ensuring no internal movements threaten Maduro’s power.

The Cubans, loyal to their own country rather than Venezuela, are tasked with preserving Maduro’s control to safeguard Havana’s interests. Castañeda points out that Cuban officers are not affected by Venezuela’s economic and social crises, making them immune to pressures that might influence local military officials.

Cuban influence in Venezuela: beyond the military apparatus

Cuban support for Maduro is not limited to its military. Cuban influence extends to Venezuela’s political and economic institutions, evident in policies of social control and repression of dissent, mirroring the Cuban model.

Moreover, the Maduro government has adopted a subsistence economy approach similar to Cuba’s, heavily relying on international aid and natural resource exploitation to survive. The relationship between Cuba and Venezuela has been solidified through trade and energy agreements, such as exchanging Venezuelan oil for medical services provided by Cuba.

This type of arrangement has allowed Cuba to circumvent international sanctions imposed by the United States, while Venezuela benefits from the strategic support of one of the longest-standing dictatorships in the region.

What incentives could change Cuba’s stance?

Castañeda argues that the only way to shift Cuba’s position regarding Venezuela is through normalizing relations with the United States. He believes that Cuba’s dire economic situation makes the elimination of U.S. sanctions and the reactivation of remittances the only viable way out for Havana. This incentive could push Cuba to reconsider its support for Maduro and pursue a more negotiated solution to the Venezuelan crisis.

Mexico’s stance under Claudia Sheinbaum

Claudia Sheinbaum’s presidency in Mexico has sparked uncertainty over how she will handle the country’s foreign policy on the Venezuelan crisis. Castañeda has expressed concern that Sheinbaum’s approach could be even more passive than that of her predecessor, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. While AMLO at least called for discussions in international forums, Sheinbaum has taken a more neutral stance, indicating that her government will remain «impartial» regarding Venezuela.

This neutrality could have negative consequences for Mexico in the region. A lack of clear stance weakens efforts by countries like Colombia and Brazil, which have been leading international pressure for a peaceful solution in Venezuela. Sheinbaum’s lukewarm approach indirectly supports communist regimes.

Claudia Sheinbaum emphasized that just as Colombia, Brazil, and the United States (US) have taken positions regarding Venezuela, “our position is constitutional.” She stated, “From now on, we will remain, let’s say, impartial regarding this.”


LIVE STREAM VIDEO: Donald J. Trump Speaks to a Massive Crowd at Madison Square Garden – LIVE NOW   By Jordan Conradson

Oct. 27, 2024 4:20 pm – President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks at a rally in New York, New York, on Sunday, October 27, 2024, at 5:00PM EDT.

The election is in nine days, and President Trump is making a HUGE statement to the Democrats on their home turf for one of his last campaign appearances before the November 5 election.

Tens of thousands of Trump-supporting patriots packed the stadium at Madison Square Garden and were seen lined up early this morning to see President Trump’s speech scheduled at 5 PM ET.


The streets of New York City were filled with MAGA supporters on Sunday.

This is unprecedented for a Republican. Notably, a Republican has not won New York since 1984. Democrats have also won the state by double digits since 1992.

Watch President Trump deliver remarks to this massive crowd HERE via Right Side Broadcasting Network


Hero Rudy Giuliani Delivers Historic Speech to Trump Crowd at Madison Square Garden, Slams Biden-Harris Regime, “The Deplorables Don’t Count – 20 Million from China Counts, We Don’t Count”   (VIDEO)   By David Greyson

Oct. 27, 2024 5:20 pm – America’s Mayor and Trump Attorney, Rudy Giuliani, spoke at the historic Madison Square Garden Trump rally on Sunday.

Rudy Giuliani, one of the greatest Americans alive today, has been the number one target of the corrupt Biden-Harris regime who have used lawfare to harass, abuse and financially destroy this great American patriot. Rudy does not let it stop him! What a hero!

Rudy fiercely defended his friend Donald Trump, not only as a great President but also who he is as a person.

“Many people don’t know, and they probably don’t realize why I get so angry when he is attacked and demonized. This is a very charitable, very good man,” Giuliani said.

“Yeah, I know he was a great President, but this is a very good man,” Giuliani continued.


Giuliani also called out Harris and Biden for not caring about the American people. He explained that President Trump went to East Palestine after the train derailment, while it took Biden a year to go there.

“He went there, I went there. I did my television show from there. It took Biden a year to go there because those people are deplorables, like you, like me, we are deplorables, we don’t count! The Hollywood stars count, the big money counts, 20 million from China counts, but we don’t count,” Giuliani exclaimed.


Giuliani explained that President Trump has worked hard through his life and has accomplished so much yet he continues to fight for the US while his life has continually been put in danger.

“You always know what he is thinking, and we need that from a President,” Giuliani said.

“He built a great real estate empire, he built some of the most iconic buildings in New York, that skyline would not be as beautiful without him. That’s enough for a man’s lifetime,” Giuliani said.

“Here he is fighting 24 hours a day, twice almost murdered. Twice! And why is he doing it? For you, for me, to save our country!” Giuliani exclaimed.



TERROR IN CHICAGO? Jewish Man Shot On Way To Shul, Suspect Apparently Shouts ‘Allah Akbar!’ In Shootout With Police [VIDEO]

October 27, 2024 @ 12:55 pm ET  Yeshiva World News – A Jewish man on his way to shul on Shabbos morning was shot in Chicago’s West Rogers Park neighborhood, triggering a tense standoff between police and the gunman – who may have shouted “Allah Akbar!” as he fired at officers, footage obtained by YWN shows.

The incident unfolded around 9:35 a.m. Shabbos morning in the 2600 block of North Washtenaw Avenue, an area home to a large Orthodox Jewish community. The 39-year-old victim was walking in the neighborhood when he was approached from behind by an armed suspect, who opened fire, striking him in the shoulder, according to the Chicago Police Department (CPD).

Around 9:55 a.m., the suspect, who had fled into an alley, returned and began firing shots at police and paramedics. Police reported that an ambulance was hit by gunfire during the chaotic exchange, which lasted for approximately two and a half minutes as the suspect fired from multiple locations in the area.

The standoff ended near the 6800 block of North Washtenaw Avenue, where officers returned fire, hitting the suspect several times. The suspect, whose identity has not been released, was transported to St. Francis Hospital in critical condition. Officers recovered the firearm used in the shooting, police said.

The injured victim received treatment at a nearby hospital and has since been released. Authorities reported no injuries to officers during the incident.

Jewish community activists are furious that Chicago police have made zero mention of the victim being Jewish, nor have they provided or even suggested any motive for the shooting, which appears to have directly targeted Jews – at the conclusion of a major holiday, Sukkos. Activists are now demanding answers from police officials to explain their apparent indifference to the worrying details of the unprovoked and – unless it was terrorism – inexplicable attack.


The shooting happened following the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret/Simchas Torah, and it took place in a West Ridge neighborhood that holds the city’s largest population of Orthodox Jewish residents.

UPDATE:  October 28, 2024 @ 3:15 pm ET

STUNNING: No Hate Crime Charges For Man Shouting “Allah Akbar” Who Shot Jewish Man In Chicago

Chicago police are not pursuing hate crime charges against a Muslim man who shot and injured a visibly Jewish man as he made his way to shul on Shabbos morning – despite video obtained by YWN showing the suspect shouting “Allah Akbar” as he fired at police and paramedics in a subsequent shootout.

The suspect, identified by police as 22-year-old Chicago resident Sidi Mohamed Abdallahi, faces over a dozen serious felony charges, including six counts of attempted first-degree murder and seven counts of aggravated discharge of a firearm at police officers. After allegedly shooting the 39-year-old Jewish man in the 2600 block of West Farwell Avenue around 9:30 a.m., Abdallahi engaged in an exchange of gunfire with responding police officers, who ultimately shot and apprehended him. He remains in critical condition at a local hospital.

Local residents were stunned to learn that authorities have not considered hate crime charges in what appeared to be a targeted attack on a Jewish man simply walking to shul.

“Notably, and despite evidence that seems to suggest an antisemitic motive for the shooting, authorities did not file hate crime charges,” Alderman Debra Silverstein of the 50th Ward wrote in a statement.

“Law enforcement shares our disgust at a Jewish man being the victim of violence over the Jewish holidays,” Silverstein asserted, adding that police have asked the community to assist in providing any information or footage relevant to the investigation.

She noted that police have recovered a weapon and are continuing their investigation, and officials insist that further charges, including potential hate crime charges, could be filed as more evidence comes to light. However, this assurance has done little to soothe community anger. Many, including local leaders, have been quick to criticize the decision to initially overlook what they see as clear signs of bias-driven violence.

[Ed.:  So I ask you a tough question:  who’s a more dangerous enemy: musloids, or Democrats?]


Democratic Senators Take Action Against McDonald’s Just a Day After Trump’s Visit  By Bryan Chai

October 22, 2024 at 2:07 pm  The Western JournalSomething smells fishy here … and it’s not the Filet-O-Fish.

On Sunday, former President Donald Trump — the Republican presidential nominee — dropped by a McDonald’s in Pennsylvania for a well-received campaign stop and photo-op amid a whirlwind weekend of activity in the key swing state.

(Well, mostly well-received campaign stop.)

Less than 24 hours after Trump’s pit stop at McDonald’s, a trio of Democratic senators are suddenly taking umbrage with the ubiquitous fast food chain.

Coincidence? Perhaps.

But that doesn’t make it any less eyebrow-raising.

In a snide letter sent Monday, Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts (of course), Robert Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania, and Ron Wyden of Oregon directly addressed Chris Kempczinski, president and CEO of McDonald’s, about what the letter called “concern regarding increases in fast food prices over the last several years.”

Of note, “the last several years” would just about fully entail the administration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris — and all of the Bidenomics/Kamalanomics that would come with those two, but I digress.

“We write with concern regarding increases in fast food prices over the last several years and seeking information regarding McDonald’s pricing decisions,” the three senators wrote.

Then, in a bid to nuke its own narrative, the three brilliant Democrats admitted that McDonald’s pricing issues are hardly unique to it.

“While McDonald’s is not the only fast food restaurant that has increased prices significantly in recent years, its dominant market position as the largest fast food chain in the United States has an outsize impact on American consumers,” the senators continued.

Ah, so they’re punishing a company for its success. Gotta love that equity, right?

“While working families are trying to make ends meet, McDonald’s and its corporate counterparts have continued to grow their profits,” the senators said, explaining how most at-profit corporations are operating under Biden’s gross mismanagement of the economy.

The entire letter, which can be read here, needles Kempczinski and his company on a myriad of topics.

“Earlier this summer, in an effort to combat lagging sales, McDonald’s announced a $5 Meal Deal,” the senators probed. “Although initially introduced as a limited-time offer, [McDonald’s USA President Joe Erlinger] recently said the company is extending the deal because its availability has helped shift ‘sentiment towards the brand around value and affordability.’

“Apart from the $5 Meal Deal, has McDonald’s lowered prices on individual menu items? If no, please explain why not.”

Um, what? Even setting aside the suspicious timing of this inquiry, in what world do United States senators have the right to bother a private business — no matter how large or successful it may be — about things as granular as the business decisions around a $5 deal?

God certainly hasn’t given them that right, and neither has the Constitution. No, this is just another egregiously naked example of Democrats lusting for power via borderline unconstitutional government overreach.

It’s gross, it’s dictatorial, and its exactly what the Democrats love accusing Trump of doing so much.

In other words: They’re hypocrites, the lot of them.

Keep in mind, the above rant is all assuming that this attack on the Golden Arches wasn’t done with malicious intent due to Trump’s photo-op.

But if it was? The deep state swamp is more scared of Trump than anyone could’ve imagined.



Iranian Missiles Hit Europe: Europe Does Nothing    by Majid Rafizadeh
October 26, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • Iran’s Islamist regime has never made a secret of its ambitions. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who seized power following the overthrow of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and established the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979, said: “We shall export our revolution to the whole world. Until the cry ‘There is no god but Allah’ resounds over the whole world, there will be struggle.”
  • Ignoring the warning signs will only make the price Europe pays even higher.
  • The question is, how much more aggression will Europe tolerate before it recognizes the full extent of the threat?
  • How come Europeans do not seem as distressed about the deaths of civilians in Ukraine as in Lebanon and Gaza?
  • All the EU seems to do is issue statements of condemnation against Israel, which is sacrificing the lives of its people to save these sanctimonious ingrates.
  • The first step should be to formally designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its elite Quds Force as terrorist organizations. This would send a powerful signal that Europe is no longer willing to tolerate Iran’s military and ideological expansion, and it would empower law enforcement across the continent to act decisively against Iranian operatives.
  • Europe should also take a bold step of shutting down all Iranian embassies and consulates on its soil.
  • Europe should sever all trade relations with Iran. Every euro that flows into Iran is likely being funneled into Tehran’s military machine and its support for Russia’s war in Ukraine.
  • The EU also needs to be prepared to form a coalition to back up its words with military action. Continuing to sit passively while Iranian missiles and drones rain down on a European nation is not a strategy; it is a surrender
  • If Europe finds itself too hesitant to confront the Iranian regime directly, it should at the very least stand by those who are fighting the Iranian regime and its proxies. Israel has taken the lead in confronting Iranian aggression in the Middle East. Rather than undermining Israel for defending itself and the West against Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran, the EU should do everything it can support these heroes. Abandoning Israel while it fights Iranian-backed terror only weakens Europe and plays into the hands of everyone working to bring it down.
  • By responding with empty words as Iranian missiles hit European soil, the EU is essentially green-lighting Tehran to escalate its aggression. The lessons of Nazi Germany are there for everyone to see.
  • The time has come for Europe to support those risking their lives to take down this terror regime before they get a nuclear bomb.
  • Most grateful of all would be the people of Iran.

The European powers’ current approach to Iran is uncomfortably reminiscent of how, in the 1930s, they dealt with Nazi Germany.

European democracies, choosing appeasement over confrontation, turned a blind eye to Hitler’s rising aggression. This indulgence, not surprisingly, simply emboldened the Nazis, and led to the horrors of World War II.

Today, in a similar fashion, the Europe’s passivity toward Iran’s escalating threats is just bolstering its regime. Iran, called by the 2023 US annual Terrorism Report, “the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism,” is on the cusp of acquiring nuclear weapons.

Continue reading


‘Tortured and Raped Multiple Times’: The Persecution of Christians, September 2024   by Raymond Ibrahim
October 27, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • “Typically, kidnapped girls in Pakistan, some as young as 10, are abducted, forced to convert to Islam and raped under cover of Islamic ‘marriages’ and are then pressured to record false statements in favor of the kidnappers….” — morningstarnews.org, September 24, 2024, Pakistan.
  • Headlines of the “pure genocide” of Christians from the month of September follow…. — Nigeria.
  • “Muslims who abducted a 17-year-old Christian girl and gang-raped her for 10 days are threatening her family to pressure them to withdraw charges, even as police have failed to arrest most of the suspects.” — morningstarnews.com, September 30, 2024, Pakistan.
  • Muslims murdered, hacked to pieces, and dumped the remains of a Christian man into a Cairo canal…. Mina Musa, 21, had left his family home in Minya for a new job in Cairo…. He was responding to an advertisement on social media to assist an elderly person in Cairo. The notice included the offer of a generous salary, along with broader networking opportunities in the field of physical therapy….. The authorities managed to track the young man down to a Cairo apartment. On breaking in, they found parts of Mina’s body…. Last reported, divers were searching in the canal for Mina’s head. — copticsolidarity.org, October 5, 2024, Egypt.
  • “I WILL BOMB THE POPE. I’M A TERRORIST…JUST BE CAREFUL…WAIT FOR NEWS YEEE.” — posted on social media, morningstarnews.com, September 10, 2024, Indonesia.
  • “Khosravi said the main goal of detention isn’t always punishment or even to gather information, but to break a prisoner at such a fundamental level that they are shattered permanently…. Another Christian, forced to listen to the cries of a woman screaming in a near-by cell, was convinced by guards that it was his wife being raped repeatedly, he said.” — morningstarnews.org, October 1, 2024, Iran.
  • On September 18, Christian mother of four was sentenced to death on a “blasphemy” conviction…. The reason she was handed the death sentence has less to do with actual evidence and everything to do with extremist pressure groups, Hameed [her lawyer] said… “If you analyze all cases of 295-C, you will see that all the convictions of the trial court are overturned by the superior courts.” — morningstarnews.org, September 19, 2024, Pakistan.
  • “Nearly 3,000 persons have been accused of blasphemy in Pakistan since 1987…” — morningstarnews.org, September 19, 2024, Pakistan.
  • “These are Christians who are out to convert our people to a wrong religion.” — Sheikh Kalimu, Islamic leader, morningstarnews.com, September 23, 2024, Uganda.
  • “After 1994 [when the Muslim Brotherhood came to power], the authorities tried to make Yemen an Islamic state. They wiped out our identity as Christians and refused to write ‘Christian’ on documents. Christians had to write either ‘Muslim’ or leave a blank space…. When I got full marks in Islamic education, they would reduce my grades, because they told me ‘a Christian couldn’t be equal to a Muslim.’… [A]ll the nuns were later killed…. In 2018, the authorities refused to renew our passports unless we wrote the word ‘Islam’ in the religion section of the application form, as we were told: ‘There are no Christians in Yemen.'” — Badr, Yemeni Catholic woman living in Aden, catholicnewsagency.com, September 25, 2024, Yemen

The following are among the abuses and murders inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of September 2024.

Continue reading


Burkina Faso: Jihadis murder at least 150 people in jihad raid, kill the wounded in hospital the next day   BY ROBERT SPENCER

OCT 26, 2024 9:00 AM – What would move people to commit acts of such savage cruelty? Could it possibly be a divine command to strike terror in those who believe differently?

“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60)

“Burkina Faso: Terrorists carry out brutal massacre over three days,” ACN International, October 16, 2024:

In early October, terrorists killed at least 150 people, including many Christians, in northeastern Burkina Faso, revealing their increasing brutality and determination to spread terror in a country where insurgents now control over half of the territory.

On Sunday, 6 October 2024, a new terrorist attack took place in the town of Manni in the East Region of Burkina Faso. Various local sources told Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) that the death toll exceeded 150. The town is home to a large Catholic community, and many Christians, as well as Muslims, were killed in the massacre.

The sources told ACN that the terrorists first cut mobile phone networks before attacking the local market, where many people had gathered after Mass. They then opened fire indiscriminately, looted shops and set fire to several buildings, burning some victims alive. The same sources reported that the next day, the perpetrators returned to attack medical staff and kill the many wounded in the city’s hospital. A new incursion took place on Tuesday, 8 October, when the terrorists again invaded the town of Manni, massacring all the men they could find.

Many of the victims were residents from nearby villages who had sought refuge in Manni after being driven out of their homes by terrorists. “The situation is beyond horrific,” one of the local sources told ACN. “But even if the terrorists burned everything, they didn’t burn our faith!”…

According to ACN sources, who have closely followed the situation in the country, the terrorists are attempting to divide the population, which is otherwise known for its harmony between Muslims and Christians. The Catholic Church is doing everything it can to maintain these good relations….

Good luck, fellas.


Biden-Harris administration announces another $135,000,000 in aid to Hamas-infested Gaza   BY VIJETA UNIYAL

OCT 25, 2024 2:30 PM – With the U.S. presidential election just around the corner, the Biden-Harris administration continues to reward terrorism-infested Gaza and the Palestinian Authority (PA), while pressuring Israel to abandon its military offensive against Iran-backed terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah.

On Thursday, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pledged another $135 million to the “Palestinians.” This is in addition to more than a billion dollar worth of aid this administration has handed to them since they perpetrated the October 7 atrocities. “Blinken has announced that Washington will provide Palestinians with another $135 million (€125 million) in aid, while calling once more for a cease-fire in Gaza,” Germany’s DW TV reported Wednesday.

Shortly after taking office in early 2021, President Joe Biden reversed the outgoing President Donald Trump’s decision to cut all funding going to Gaza and Judea and Samaria. The Biden-Harris White House announced aid worth $235 million in 2021 and raised it to $316 million in 2022.

This so-called humanitarian aid skyrocketed after Gazans — led by Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorists — massacred, raped and kidnapped innocent Israelis on October 7, 2023. According to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), by late September 2024, “the total U.S. humanitarian assistance announced for the Palestinian people [is pegged at] more than $1 billion since October 2023.”

“Blinken announces another $135 million in aid to Gaza,” I24NEWS, October 24, 2024:

Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday announced another $135 million in aid to Gaza, saying it was critical that aid enter the war-ravaged encalve.

Blinken spoke in Qatar on his 11th visit to the region since the outbreak of the war in Gaza last year, sparked by the October 7 massacre.

Washington has pressed Israel to allow more aid into the devastated Palestinian territory, while Israel has repeatedly pointed out that the deliveries are being looted by the armed jihadists of Hamas, who often attack Palestinian civilians for trying to access them.

In Qatar, Blinken “discussed renewed efforts to secure the release of the hostages and end the war in Gaza” with the Gulf state’s emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, the State Department said.

Having wrapped up a two-day trip to Israel, Blinken now seeks to build momentum for a ceasefire after Israel’s killing of Hamas kingpin Yahya Sinwar; he flew to Qatar to seek assessments of where Hamas stands on a truce.


Biden-Harris Gave Over $1,000,000,000 to ‘Palestinians’ Since Oct 7   BY DANIEL GREENFIELD

Terrorists murdered over 1,000 people and got over $1 billion.

OCT 19, 2024 5:00 PM – Oct 7 marked the grim anniversary of the worst massacre of Jews since Holocaust. The terrorist perpetrators of it however could celebrate the over $1 billion in foreign aid from the U.S.

46 Americans had been murdered on Oct 7 and another 12 taken hostage, but ahead of the Oct 7 anniversary, USAID announced that it was sending another $336 million in taxpayer-funded ‘aid’ to the terrorist occupied territories in Israel behind the killings of Americans.

USAID boasted that this “brings the total U.S. humanitarian assistance announced for the Palestinian people to more than $1 billion since October 2023.”

The terrorists had murdered over 1,000 people and gotten over $1 billion.

In 2023, ahead of the Oct 7 attacks, a Freedom Center Investigates expose revealed that Israeli deaths shot up by 900% after Biden dispensed $1 billion in aid to the terrorist areas.

Oct 7 would likely never have happened without that blood money.

In April 2021, the Biden-Harris administration had restored aid to the terrorist areas after a near total cut off by the Trump administration.

By June 2021, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar was planning what would become the Oct 7 attacks.

In 2022, the number of Israeli deaths had increased by 400% since the aid cutoff, and Hamas was drawing up plans for its own version of 9/11 targeting Israeli’s skyscrapers in Tel Aviv.

In 2022, Biden met with Palestinian Authority terror leader Mahmoud Abbas and boasted, “I reversed the policies of my predecessor and resumed aid to the Palestinians — more than a half a billion dollars in 2021.”

Why has Hamas still not been defeated? Part of the answer is we’re still funding it.

A Hamas commander recently told the Washington Post that “almost every facet of weapons production, from machine tools to agricultural chemicals for explosives, was either labeled for civilian use or hidden inside shipments of food or other everyday wares.”

Hamas funding came from Iran, but also “much of it siphoned from aid money, charitable contributions” and other supposedly legitimate sources. The aid that the Biden-Harris administration sends in continues to be seized by Hamas despite promises it would not happen.

That’s why Hamas has been able to keep paying salaries to terrorists since Oct 7.

Aid trucks that come into Gaza have to pay tens of thousands of dollars to Hamas or turn over 50% of their cargo. Some aid trucks are seized outright. Israel’s COGAT, which coordinates the entry of humanitarian aid, estimates that over 50,000 trucks have entered Gaza.

Kamala falsely claimed that, “the UN reports that no food has entered northern Gaza in nearly 2 weeks. Israel must urgently do more to facilitate the flow of aid to those in need.”  In reality, Hamas was taking over the aid trucks. And Hamas terrorists were secretly recorded complaining that they had no more room for all the aid.

American foreign aid has likely become the largest source of funding for Hamas. As long as foreign aid continues to flow to Gaza, Hamas will be able to pay salaries and fund its operations.

Hamas learned all this from our failed “hearts and minds” strategy in Afghanistan.

The massive amounts of aid sent to Afghanistan became the largest source of income for the Taliban. The Islamic terror group imposed taxes on aid, including taxing aid trucks and even military supply trucks. Under Obama, 10% of the Pentagon’s logistics contracts went to Taliban payoffs. The Islamic terrorists were being paid hundreds of millions to leave our trucks alone.

Hamas and its political allies faked a famine in Gaza to undermine Israel’s military campaign and to cash in on the hundreds of millions in aid. Every truck that enters Gaza helps fund terror.

Under Samantha Power, an Obama official who once called for a military occupation of Israel, USAID has become a cash machine printing massive amounts of money for terrorists. Since the Taliban takeover, USAID has provided over $2 billion in aid for Afghanistan. Power and other  officials stonewalled a watchdog investigation of whether aid was going to terrorists. A watchdog report from earlier this year found that more than half of USAID’s “implementing partners” who actually work on the ground in Afghanistan reported paying “taxes” to the Taliban.

Special licenses were issued allowing transactions with the Taliban and an Al Qaeda partner.

As far back as 2021, the Biden-Harris administration was aware that our foreign aid was going to Hamas. “We assess there is a high risk Hamas could potentially derive indirect, unintentional benefit from U.S. assistance to Gaza,” the State Department wrote, requesting exemptions from sanctions on aiding the terror group.

USAID instructions for aid groups in Gaza warn “if Hamas contacts you, be polite but minimize the contact” and “do not pay taxes or fees to the De Facto Authorities (DFAs) – we legally cannot reimburse you for them.” The DFAs are Hamas. Another guideline instructs, “do not pay any taxes, fees, levies etc. to the De Facto Authorities (DFAs) using USG funds.” The implication is that they have to bribe Hamas on their own. But the money for the implementing partners all ultimately comes from the United States government.

“In all likelihood, the Biden-Harris administration has prolonged the Gaza war, allowed aid to flow to Israel’s enemies, and misused taxpayer funds,” Senator Tom Cotton recently warnedUSAID Administrator Samantha Power. “You should immediately suspend all aid until taking credible and serious steps to stop Americans’ tax dollars from funding terrorists.”

Power and USAID have no intention of doing so. The over $1 billion sent into the terrorist areas in Israel and the over $2 billion sent into the terrorist areas of Afghanistan are only the beginning. Islamic terrorism will never end if we keep financing it. And that’s what we’re doing.

The anniversary of Oct 7 should have been a time to end the flow of taxpayer money to terrorists. Instead it’s a time to take stock of the $1 billion we have sent to the enemy.


U.S. and G7 prepares $50 billion loan for Ukraine     MARIA HERRERA MELLADO 

OCT. 26, 2024 7:33 PM – On October 22, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced that the United States and its Group of Seven (G7) allies agree to formalizing a plan to provide a loan of up to $50 billion to Ukraine, a country that continues to resist Russian invasion.

The Secretary of the Treasury of USA was confident that the G7 would move forward with the USD 50 billion loan to Ukraine.

He confirmed that “productive discussions” had taken place with the leaders and that the agreement could move forward and will be delivered as soon as December

The initiative is part of a joint agreement by G7 members, including the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom, who are seeking to support Kyiv through a financial package that uses frozen Russian assets in Europe as collateral.

The G7 provisionally agreed in June 2024 to provide this loan, with the United States being one of the main contributors with a contribution of approximately $20 billion.

This amount adds to the $175 billion the United States has already allocated to Ukraine since the start of the conflict in 2022, consolidating its position as Kyiv’s largest financial supporter during the war.

Yellen stressed that although the loan involves large sums of money, it will not directly affect American taxpayers, as it will be guaranteed by Russian assets blocked under the control of the European Union (EU) since 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea.

For the Treasury Secretary, European participation is key, and she considered it «unthinkable» that the EU would not maintain these sanctions and frozen assets for the duration of the war.

The United States and other G7 members have almost agreed on a loan for Ukraine with repayment of proceeds from frozen Russian assets, the head of the US Treasury announced.

According to Janet Yellen, the White House is close to completing work on the part pic.twitter.com/toC3Mkoy1T

The proposed loan also requires the periodic renewal of sanctions imposed on Russia by the EU. Every six months, member states must approve the continuation of measures freezing Russian assets.

Despite the potential political difficulties that this renewal process could face, Yellen expressed confidence that Europe will continue to maintain these locks as part of its commitment to support Ukraine. The Russian assets in question account for a significant part of the economic backing of the loan and have been subject to restrictions since Russia’s intervention in Crimea in 2014.

One of the most prominent challenges in this agreement has been ensuring that the frozen assets remain blocked indefinitely. The US Treasury Secretary has asked the EU for additional reinforcement of guarantees to ensure that these assets will continue to support assistance to Ukraine.

This support is crucial, according to her, since Russian assets form the basis that guarantees the solvency of the loan, allowing the G7 nations, and in particular the United States, to minimize the risks for their own taxpayers.

In addition to the United States, other G7 member countries have shown their willingness to contribute significantly to this financial package. The United Kingdom, for example, confirmed its commitment to provide 2.26 billion pounds (approximately 2.93 billion dollars) as part of its contribution to the loan for Ukraine.

Press release

The UK strengthens national security and bolsters Ukraine’s military budget with a £2.26 billion loan Ukraine to receive more

funds to purchase essential military equipment to defend itself against invasion

Trending: Bill Gates’ donation to Kamala Harris: An act of patriotism or a hidden strategy?

illegal from Russia, as the Minister of Finance announces today that the Government will grant a new

£2.26 billion loan to Ukraine. Fountain:

Treasure of His Majesty and the Most Honorable

Rachel Reeves MP

Publication date: October 22, 2024

This contribution is essential for the G7 global initiative to move forward, and other non-EU countries are also apparently expected to make contributions.

The EU’s total contribution to the loan is not yet fully defined, as it depends on what G7 members outside the eurozone contribute.

The European Parliament voted on Oct. 22 in favor of a plan that could raise the sum to as much as 35 billion euros ($38 billion), although the final amount is likely to be lower depending on individual countries’ contributions.

European Parliament approves loan of up to €35 billion to Ukraine backed by Russian assets.

This loan is part of a G7 package agreed last June to provide up to $50 billion in financial support to Kyiv.

Continue reading



Leftist-Run City Having Second Thoughts After It Defunded the Police: ‘A Mistake’   By Joe Saunders

Oct. 26, 2024 8:20 pm  The Western Journal – A city that followed the national anti-police mania of 2020 is learning the hard way just how big a mistake that was.

Burlington, Vermont — which gave socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders his start in elected office four decades ago — made a conscious decision four years ago to cut its police force amid the riots that plagued the country after the death of accused counterfeiter George Floyd.

Now, overrun by crime, drug addiction and homelessness, the city has attempted to change course, but progress hasn’t been easy, Fox News reported Friday. In fact, when it comes to police numbers, it’s pretty well non-existent.

And the results have been utterly predictable.

“I think we’ve seen increased drug trafficking and drug use,” City Council President Ben Traverse, a Democrat, told Fox News Digital.

Traverse won a second two-year term in March, as reported by the VTDigger, an online newspaper in the Green Mountain State. He was not on the city council when the council voted to cut its police force through attrition, but he’s well aware of what’s followed.

“You’ve seen increased circumstances of retail theft as well, and a lot of crimes that revolve around that — increased gun-related crimes and other violence that comes with an increase in drug trafficking. Those are the kinds of issues that we’ve been dealing with here.”

Ernie Pomerleau, president and CEO of a local real estate company, agreed.

He told Fox Digital that drug addiction, crime and homelessness have all risen since the decision to reduce policing.

He said he disagreed with reducing police four years ago, but the leftists running the city had their way.

“And so, they allowed attrition to take down the police force – that was a mistake,” Pomerleau told Fox News Digital.

“We need to support the police.”

In 2020, the city council voted to cut its police force by 30 percent, from 105 to 74, according to Fox.

It has since attempted to backpedal on that, raising the department’s approved staffing level to 87 in 2022 and again this year, but there aren’t enough takers. The department currently has a staff of 68 officers, according to Fox.

And now? According to Fox, “violent crime is up significantly in Burlington, with crime data showing that aggravated assault has increased 40 percent and gunfire has gone up nearly 300 percent. Some local residents told Fox they find it ‘dangerous’ to be out in public at night.”

Burlington isn’t alone in seeing the consequences of “defund the police” hysteria.

Cities like Portland, OregonOakland, California, and Minneapolis — where the George Floyd craze began — have all seen crippling quality-of-life issues from their hostility to law enforcement.

If Burlington residents are truly making the connection between leftist policies and the results that follow, it isn’t showing up in the election results. In the March election that returned Traverse to office, VTDigger reported, the city elected a candidate from the Progressive Party as mayor and gave Progressives a fifth seat on the 12-member city council.

Democrats hold six seats and an independent holds one.

So a city that was run by a Democratic mayor and council in 2020 is now run by a Progressive mayor and Democratic/Progressive council.

That means leftist policies and politics are probably easier to find than police officers — and it’s likely to remain that way.

In a letter posted to its Facebook page on Wednesday, the Burlington Police Officers Association — the union that represents the city’s officers — charged city leaders with failing to support its officers, which the union said was reflected in the fact that Vermont Police Academy cadets showed no interest in working in the city.

In an interview with WCAX-TV in Burlington, Democratic City Councilwoman Joan Shannon described the situation in realistic terms.

“We’re losing more officers than we’re gaining and that is obviously not sustainable,” she told the station.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.



RFK Jr.’s Vice Presidential Candidate Nicole Shanahan Releases Another Jaw-Dropping Ad on Election Fraud: “THE BIG CHEAT   By Jim Hft

Oct. 26, 2024 8:00 pm – RFK Jr.’s Vice Presidential candidate Nicole Shanahan (I) has released her latest ad, “The Big Cheat,” a hard-hitting exposé on election fraud and decade-long deception that rigged the very foundations of democracy.

The ad opens with a reminder of the Democrat Party’s high popularity during Obama’s presidency. With Hillary Clinton primed to continue the legacy, the Democrat elite appeared ready to cement their hold on power.

However, the ad accuses the DNC of orchestrating a coup to sideline Senator Bernie Sanders— whose momentum, Shanahan’s campaign claims, threatened Clinton’s ascent.

The ad exposes how the Clinton campaign pulled the DNC’s strings, buying out its massive debt in an unprecedented power play that ultimately gave her near-total control over the party’s operations and finances.

By the end, the Sanders campaign reportedly received only a sliver of the funding intended for all Democrat nominees, turning the “Victory Fund” into a Clinton-only campaign bank.

But the allegations don’t stop with 2016. The ad claims the “big cheat” has only intensified, implicating social media giants, federal agencies, and political insiders who allegedly worked to censor voices and manipulate narratives in the 2020 and 2024 elections.

The ad even calls out the suppression of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign and the controversial judgment that keeps him off ballots in certain states. The ad paints the DNC’s actions as systematic disenfranchisement under the guise of “saving democracy.”

The ad goes on to highlight that free speech is under unprecedented threat. It shows the Biden regime’s use of government authority to stifle dissent, going so far as to label certain domestic critics as “potential domestic terrorists.”

WATCH  [5:20]  


Court Rules Against Law Allowing Ballots to Be Counted After Election Day, Effect Could Be Enormous in the Coming Days   By C. Douglas Golden

October 26, 2024 at 10:16am – In between former President Donald Trump’s sit-down with podcasting icon Joe Rogan and Vice President Kamala Harris’ Houston event with Beyoncé, there was other campaign news being made on Friday — and one quiet move could have serious impacts on which party controls Congress.

According to Politico, a three-judge panel of the New Orleans-based 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that ballots for federal elections must be received by the state before or at the time the polls close on Election Day, ruling against a Mississippi law that allows late ballots to be counted.

“Text, precedent, and historical practice confirm this ‘day for the election’ is the day by which ballots must be both cast by voters and received by state officials,” the court wrote, according to NPR.

“Because Mississippi’s statute allows ballot receipt up to five days after the federal election day, it is preempted by federal law.”

All three judges on the panel were appointed by former President Trump. The suit was filed by the Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign. The RNC called it a “major win for election integrity.”

It’s unclear whether the ruling will apply in this election or in future ones; a lower-court judge who initially sided with the state of Mississippi over the law will be given purview in deciding when the move takes effect.

The court rejected a GOP request to place an injunction against the law, saying the lower court would handle “further proceedings to fashion appropriate relief, giving due consideration to ‘the value of preserving the status quo in a voting case on the eve of an election.’”

However, if it does apply during this cycle, it could affect the Democrats’ chances in at least one major race, Politico noted.

“For now, the circuit court’s ruling only applies to Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi — a list that does not include any core presidential battlegrounds but includes a key Senate race,” the publication noted.

“It also tees the issue up for the Supreme Court, where a similar ruling would have a far more dramatic impact.”

The race in question is between Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Colin Allred; if the ruling is put into place this year and late mail-in ballots favor the Democrats, it could spoil whatever chances Allred had at the seat.

While Cruz remains the prohibitive favorite in the race, he’s still only up by a slim margin in the polls. The RealClearPolitics aggregate, as of Friday, had him ahead by 4.2 points, 49.6 percent to 45.4 percent.

However, Allred did out-fundraise Cruz in the third quarter and hoped to get a boost from Harris’ visit to the Lone Star State with Queen Bey, as evinced by his appearance at the rally.

The impact is mostly limited this cycle in the House; only one of the 50 most competitive races, as per the Cook Political Report, is in those states: One border seat in Texas currently held by a Democrat, Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, which they have as a “Lean Democrat” race.

However, Cruz vs. Allred will be important in deciding who decides the upper chamber; with the GOP all but certain to pick up retiring independent Sen. Joe Manchin’s West Virginia seat and also likely to win in Montana, that would leave them with a 51-49 edge even if the Democrats were able to hold the rest of their swing seats.

An upset of Cruz would leave the Senate even again at 50 all, with ties broken by the vice president. And, as the RNC noted in its suit, “voting by mail is starkly polarized by party.”

“For example, according to the MIT Election Lab, 46% of Democratic voters in the 2022 General Election mailed in their ballots, compared to only 27% of Republicans,” the challenge to the law read. “That means the late-arriving mail-in ballots that are counted for five additional days disproportionately break for Democrats.”

Granted, there will probably be a bevy of appeals in this case — and Supreme Court involvement could mean this has a much wider impact in future elections.

“Roughly 20 states plus Washington, D.C., accept and count mail-in ballots that are received after Election Day. (Many states require that those ballots be postmarked on or before Election Day),” NPR noted.

“States provide these grace periods in case voters forget to return their mail ballots in a timely manner, if there are issues with the postal service, or if there are other unforeseen issues like bad weather and natural disasters.”

However, Conor Woodfin — who represented the RNC in the suit — said that “the meaning of Election Day is not up to the subjective views.”

“For decades after Congress established the uniform national Election Day, those words meant the day that ballots are received by election officials,” he said.

Which makes this whole case a salient object lesson: Election Day is Election Day, not “Election Month” or “Election Season.” One can only hope that other courts — including the highest court in the land — recognizes this salient fact and makes mail-in and early voting more restrictive, not less.


Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Dispatches Open Letter to Catholics in Advance of Election Day   Sundance 

October 26, 2024  The Conservative Treehouse – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America, has dispatched a passionate open letter to American Catholics in advance of election day 2024.  [Source Link]

Dear Faithful American Catholics,

I am addressing all of you, a few days before the Presidential Election that will call millions of American citizens to the polls.

Even in conditions of relative normality, the exercise of the vote is your moral duty, through which you cooperate in the first person in choosing the person who will lead the Nation for the next four years. But in this coming electoral round – just as in 2020 and indeed much more so – you are not simply called to choose between two candidates who happen to be on different political sides but who both nevertheless have the common good at heart in compliance with the Constitution and the Law. No; in this election you must choose between two radically opposed ways of conceiving the government of your Nation: you are called to choose between democracy and dictatorship, between freedom and slavery.

On one side we have candidate Donald J. Trump, who, despite serious problems in his positions – especially in the matter of abortion and assisted procreation – has as his objective the common good and the protection of the fundamental freedoms of citizens. In Donald Trump’s America, every Catholic can practice their Faith and educate their children in it without interference from the State.

On the other side we have a candidate and a party that promotes everything that directly opposes the Faith and Morals of the Catholic Church. In Kamala Harris’ America, Catholics – but also Protestants – are considered fundamentalists to be marginalized and eliminated, and their children are considered the property of the State, which arrogates to itself the right to lead them astray from an early age in both body and soul. Trump’s America can become great and prosperous again. Harris’ America is destined for invasion and for moral, social, and economic destruction: the most ferocious dictatorship.

Look at your country! Your cities have become dumps filled with derelicts and criminals, drug dealers and addicts, prostitutes and robbers. Your schools are dens of indoctrination and corruption from kindergarten onwards. In your courts, criminals are acquitted, and innocents are imprisoned: new ideological crimes are prosecuted, while illegality is tolerated and encouraged.

In your hospitals, multinational corporations rule, and you are their guinea pigs to be exterminated or made chronically ill so that you will be their perpetual clients. Farmers, ranchers, and fishermen are persecuted and forced to fail, while the land is grabbed by unscrupulous corporations who transform it into endless photovoltaic systems and wind turbines to power their data centers and server farms where they collect all your data, your movements, your purchases, and your political preferences.

They have gone so far as to tamper with the climate by means of sophisticated geoengineering operations and devastating arson in order to make the global warming fraud credible and impose the green transition, the increase in the cost of energy, and electric cars and scooters. And all this is done based on evidence that consists of lies without any scientific proof, but which are propagated through the servile collaboration of the regime media, ever ready to label any dissenters as conspiracy theorists. But what until yesterday was dismissed as the result of conspiracy theories is now admitted by the government itself.

They take away your sunlight; they poison you by seeding the clouds; they overwhelm your villages and your fields with deadly hurricanes; they kill your livestock and dry up your crops with induced droughts and devastating fires. They aim to control the entire food sector, to force you to eat only what they make available to you. This is what the Agenda 2030 calls for, which has been imposed without any vote by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.

In these four disastrous years of the Biden-Harris administration, we have had a puppet in the White House and a corrupt and incompetent Vice President who has never stopped lying and deceiving voters about her past and her future. Power is managed by the criminal deep state – whose names and faces we now know – that is responsible for the destruction of your great Nation. And to ensure that the crisis is endless, new war scenarios are continually opening up, in conflicts that no one actually wants, except for those who make enormous profits from them, sacrificing human lives and compromising international stability.

You have seen what the Democrats, that is, the woke far Left, have been capable of in four years. Imagine what they will be able to do if, instead of Biden’s numerous stand-ins, his Vice President is elected – in the most scandalous and unimaginable fraud – with her entourage of LGBTQ+ Ministers, rigorously woke, sold out to China or the World Economic Forum, sponsored by George Soros or Bill Gates, manipulated by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. At that point, dear American Catholics, you will not only have to go to a different rally – as Kamala would like – in order to say “Christ is the Lord”, because saying that will be considered hate speech, and praying in front of an abortion clinic an act of terrorism. Do not think that these are remote hypotheses: wherever the woke Left takes power, it establishes the most vicious, anti-human, and anti-Christian dictatorship that humanity has ever known. And we know that every time the Left has come to power, it has never left through democratic means.

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris: we are not talking about two visions that are a bit different but still part of the normal political back-and-forth. No; we are talking about two diametrically opposed and irreconcilable worlds, in which Trump fights against the deep state and is committed to freeing America from its tentacled grip, while on the opposite side we have a corrupt and blackmailed candidate, an organic part of the deep state, who acts as a puppet in the hands of warmongers like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, of self-proclaimed “philanthropists” like the criminals George Soros and Klaus Schwab, or of characters like Jeffrey Epstein and Sean Combs.

Their program is that of the Global Left, the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and ultimately the program of Vanguard, BlackRock, and StateStreet. Their agenda is dictated by the financial oligarchy that controls humanity to the detriment of the people: an elite that operates not only in the United States but also in Canada, Australia, Europe, and wherever politics is held hostage by their investment funds and their pseudo-humanitarian organizations dedicated to the obliteration of Western Civilization.

Behind these people – by now we should know this – are people devoted to evil, united by the satanic hatred against Our Lord Jesus Christ and those who believe in Him, mainly against the Catholic faithful. We want Christ to reign, and we proclaim it with pride: Christ is King! They want the Antichrist to reign, whose tyranny is made of chaos, war, disease, famine, and death. And the more emergencies and crises planned and created by the globalist elite increase, the more that elite has a pretext to impose new limitations, new restrictions of fundamental rights, and new social controls.

Joe Biden, the current “President,” is a servant of this subversive elite and widely blackmailable for the scandals and crimes committed by himself personally and also by his family, beginning with his son Hunter. His “Vice President,” Kamala Harris, is equally subservient to the same deep state. And the Democratic Party, to which they both belong, is the expression of the woke ideology that plagues all the parties of the global Left.

Candidate Donald J. Trump, while certainly taking some serious critical positions that a Catholic cannot agree with, represents for us, dear American faithful, in this specific historical moment, the only possible choice to counter the globalist coup that the woke Left is about to implement definitively, irreparably, and with incalculable damage for future generations.

Voting for Donald Trump means firmly distancing ourselves from an anti-Catholic, anti-Christian and anti-human vision of society. It means stopping those who want to create a hellish dystopia that is even worse than the one announced by George Orwell. And it also means – do not forget – giving him our vote of confidence, so that President Trump knows that the massive vote of Catholics and Christians that brought him back to the White House must become the premise for a more incisive commitment to the defense of life from conception to natural death, the traditional family, the right of parents to educate their children, and to the defense of the Christian Faith and the cultural identity of the Nation.

I repeat: the choice is between a conservative President, who is paying with his very life for his fight against the deep state, and an infernal monster who obeys Satan. For a Catholic, there can be no question: voting for Kamala Harris is morally inadmissible and constitutes a very grave sin. Nor is it morally possible to abstain, because in this war declaring oneself neutral means allying oneself with the enemy.

People around the world are beginning to understand the threat that looms over them and their children’s future, and you Americans have understood it too. But even if this time it will be more difficult for the deep state to repeat the fraud of 2020, you must not think that it will resign itself to defeat so easily. Let us therefore prepare to prevent possible attacks and civil war scenarios from being used to impose martial law and new restrictions, after the attempts on his life from which President Trump providentially escaped.

But let us not forget, dear Faithful, that human energies alone are powerless in the face of this infernal display of forces. We proclaim that Christ is King – this means that Our Lord must return to reign, and the first way to make Him reign is by obeying His holy Law and living in His Grace. Let Christ reign in your hearts, in your families, in your communities, and throughout the entire United States of America: this is the only way to peace, harmony, and prosperity for your Nation.

Think of how many of you Catholics there are in the United States! Vote without hesitation and pray that Our Lord will enlighten American citizens in making their choice and grant victory to those who, at least, have no problem proclaiming that Christ is Lord.

May God bless you all, and may the Virgin of Guadalupe, she who is the Patroness of the United States and all the Americas, and Saint Michael the Archangel, protect you. (SOURCE LINK)


Early Results Show Conservative Government of Eastern European Country of Georgia Victorious in Today’s Election – But Globalist Opposition Parties Also Claim Victory   By Paul Serran

Oct. 26, 2024 3:40 pm – South Caucasus country of Georgia is currently one the main battlegrounds in the war between the Globalism and the patriotic forces rejecting their demented agenda.

The current government under the ‘Georgian Dream’ party has been under unprecedented pressure to recant its nationalistic ways, to reject traditional and religious values, and join the liberal bandwagon of the European Union.

So today’s election was expected to be contested from side to side. Georgian Dream’s billionaire founder Bidzina Ivanishvili claimed victory – but the opposition called on the ruling party to admit defeat.

Read: Eastern European Country of Georgia Moves To Impeach ‘Traitor’ Globalist President – French-Born Zourabichvili Is Trying To Sabotage Conservative and Nationalist Agenda

As we follow the MSM reporting of Georgia, we see that it is accused of ‘leaning back towards Russia’ and away from the west.

That may be the case, but what is NOT discussed are the failed policies that Georgia is rejecting. As it always happens, whenever a country vetoes some demented Brussels idea, the chorus rises: ‘Putin lover!’

Reuters reported:

“Early official results with 70% of precincts counted, showed the ruling party had won 53% of the vote, the electoral commission said, but the deeply divided pro-Western opposition parties said that they had collectively clinched a majority.

Rival exit polls gave sharply different projections for the election. The Georgian Dream-supporting Imedi TV channel showed the ruling party winning 56%. Exit polls by the pro-opposition channels showed major gains for the opposition parties.”


Ivanishvili claimed victory and praised the Georgian people. But the opposition also claimed victory and said that ‘Georgian Dream’ should concede.

“Ivanishvili, who made his fortune in Russia in the 1990s, came to power in 2012 advocating pro-Western views, alongside a pragmatic policy towards Russia. He has since soured on the West, accusing a ‘Global War Party’ of seeking to drag Georgia into war with Russia, even as he insists Georgia is on course to join the EU.”

Georgia has been a pro-Western state ever since the end of the Soviet Union.

“Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Tbilisi’s relations with the West have taken a sharp downward turn. Unlike many Western allies, Georgia declined to impose sanctions on Moscow, while Georgian Dream’s rhetoric has become increasingly pro-Russian.”

Read more:


HERE WE GO… BREAKING: President Trump’s Much Anticipated Interview with Joe Rogan Drops on Friday Night – About to Break the Internet – FULL INTERVIEW BELOW   [2:58:49]   By Cristina Laila

Oct. 25, 2024 9:46 pm – President Trump traveled to Austin, Texas on Friday to deliver remarks on the border and record an interview with highly popular podcaster Joe Rogan.

President Trump sat down for the interview with podcaster Joe Rogan earlier today at Rogan’s Austin, Texas studio.

Rogan boasts an audience of 15.7 million followers – greater than the population of any of the six battleground states this year. Rogan also has 17.5 YouTube subscribers and 19.3 million Instagram followers.

Kamala Harris declined the invitation to sit with Joe Rogan for an interview.

The full interview is posted on Joe Rogan’s YouTube Channel and already has 745,000 views in less than one hour!

The full video is posted at PowerfulJRE – Rogan’s Channel.

Here is the full video:


The Democrat Party Is a Crime Syndicate: THIRD Major Fraudulent Ballot Registration Operation Busted Manufacturing THOUSANDS of Fake Registrations — WHEN WILL RICO CHARGES BE FILED?   By Jim Hoft

Oct. 26, 2024 8:00 am – Lancaster County, Pennsylvania city officials announced on Friday that they were investigating a massive fraudulent voter registration operation investigation involving thousands of fraudulent voter registrations. At least 2,500 ballot registrations were in question.

During their press conference on Friday morning, the officials announced that the investigation would likely expand to include at least two neighboring counties.

Lancaster officials also announced that two ballot registration groups were involved in the scandal. These groups were not mentioned by name during the press conference.

A county attorney urged the Secretary of State’s office to warn other Pennsylvania counties to be on alert for fake registrations.

The Lancaster County attorney blasted the Pennsylvania Secretary of State, Al Schmidt, a Trump-hating RINO, for playing politics following the discovery instead of assisting the county.

Several of the registrations included the same handwriting. Most of the registrations were not signed by the people who were listed on the registration.

The investigation is ongoing.

* * * * * * * * *

In August 2023, The Gateway Pundit broke the explosive reporting on the GBI Strategies fraudulent voter registration group that was operating openly in Michigan and numerous other states during the 2020 election.

On August 8, 2023, The Gateway Pundit revealed a major fraudulent voter registration operation that had been under investigation for almost three years in Michigan, spanning several cities across the state.

Although the investigation involved lead investigators working for Michigan’s Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel and at least one analyst working for Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, the true depth of the investigation and the shocking details uncovered by the MI State Police and Muskegon Police Department were hidden from the public.

Thanks to the work of Patty McMurray, Phil O’Halloran, Braden Giacobazzi, and others, we were able to report that Empower Michigan, staffed by GBI Strategies, shares the same address as the Democrat Party Headquarters in Lansing, Michigan.

During our investigations, we learned that GBI Strategies was saving the “good forms (registrations)” and loading them into a computer before they were delivered to the clerk’s offices. Why was that? Could it be so they could share these ghost registrations with leftist groups during the election?

Why did GBI Strategies or Empower Michigan need to download the information contained on the voter registration forms they collected?

You can read more about this criminal group here.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.