Daily Shmutz | NEWS | 11/19/2023



Natural Disasters, Nov 19, 2023

Biblical hailstorm hits Saudi Arabia!  Nov 19, 2023



See How Dubai is devoured by water  Nov 19, 2023


Istanbul, Turkey Isolated After Super STORM, People Panic, City Destroyed By Natural Disasters  Nov 19, 2023


SHOCKING – GOD FLOODS GAZA TUNNELS, Huge Lightening Storms  Nov 19, 2023


Miami a city known for its Haitian black magic practitioners  Nov 19, 2023


Projections of deadly Tsunamis yet to come (label altered)  Nov 19, 2023


BREAKING NEWS: IDF Details ‘Concrete Evidence’ Of Hamas Use Of Al-Shifa Hospital For Hostage-Taking  Nov 19, 2023



Brigitte Gabriel says Muslim Brotherhood working to destroy US, reveals ‘secret plan’   Kevin Haggerty

November 15, 2023 – Rising antisemitism and widespread protests reportedly all part of “secret written plan” detailing Islamic extremists’ operations “to destroy the United States from within” stretching back decades.

As the founder and chairwoman of ACT for America, a grassroots movement dedicated to America’s national sovereignty, Lebanese-born Brigitte Gabriel has long warned against the threat of Islamists and jihadists to the United States and the free world. Tuesday, she connected much of the unrest seen in the wake of Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel with the Muslim Brotherhood and a coordinated infiltration of every level of society to “dominate the West and establish Islamic government on earth.”

Taking to X, Gabriel posted a video referencing a document dating back to 1991 called the “Muslim Brotherhood plan for North America” as she asserted they were “working to destroy the United States from within for DECADES, this is their secret written plan exposed.”



BREAKING! Conservative Javier Milei Is Elected the New President of Argentina in a Landslide Victory!   By Paul Serran

Nov. 19, 2023 5:49 pm – Conservative Janier Milei overcame the Peronist machine, the MSM opposition, and is the new president of Argentina in a blowout result.

It was a blowout! [55.95% vs. 44.04%]

After finishing second place behind Finance Minister Sergio Massa, Milei got the support from former President Mauricio Macri and his candidate Patricia Bullrich, who finished in third place in the October first round. Since then, Milei jumped ahead in the polls.

[Ed.:  So very happy that I was mistaken!!  So, Argentina is now the only non-Communist country in South America!]


BREAKING: Argentinian Donald Trump Javier Milei Wins First Batch of Diaspora Votes by MASSIVE MARGINS – Runoff Election Today Against Socialist Economic Secretary Who Crushed the Economy   By Jim Hoft

Nov. 19, 2023 5:00 pm – The Argentinian runoff election is being held today and so far the “Argentinian Donald Trump” Javier Milei is winning the diaspora vote by wide margins.

The socialist economic minister Sergio Massa, who has destroyed the nation’s economy, is taking on conservative firebrand Javier Milei.

As reported earlier by Paul Serran – Massa broke Argentina, but MSM would have you worry about Milei.

The leftist Peronist administrations have all but destroyed Argentina economy and put astonishing 40% of the population below poverty level.

But hey – the Globalism media would have you believe that the grave danger to its economy is the conservative Javier Milei.

How can they keep a straight face while supporting the ECONOMY minister Sergio Massa, the architect of the economic demise of the nation?

So, when the first round of voting showed Massa in first place, the jubilations around the MSM were copious, with many assurances that Argentina ‘may yet prevent the worst’.

However, the celebrations may have been a bit ahead of time, since the polls for the today’s runoff vote show that Milei still holds an edge over his rival.

Bloomberg reported:

[Ed.:  Now-a-days, when you win an election, you lose it.  It’s one of those Democrat reversal thingies.]


The Hamas sexual pogrom and the deafening silence of the world’s feminist movements   Nitsana Darshan-Leitner

Opinion: Where is the outrage from Save the Children or UNICEF when underage girls are savagely raped in front of their mothers by sadistic Hamas terrorists?

November 16, 2023 – Days after the October 7 attack by Hamas against Israel, Representative Derrick Van Orden, a former Navy SEAL and combat medic, turned congressman from Wisconsin, visited Israel after the attack and commented, “I can speak with authority. I’ve done multiple combat tours. People were slaughtered at a level not seen since the Holocaust.” The analogy was not an exaggeration. The terrorists burned babies alive in kitchen ovens.

Read more:

Hamas commanders had issued specific and sadistic orders to the terror squads to kill and kidnap as many Jews as possible. They also issued orders to rape, sodomize, and sexually mutilate the Israeli women they came across.

Underage girls were savaged as were their mothers before the eyes of other family members. Grandmothers, even those in wheelchairs, were molested and sodomized. The terrorists filmed their heinous acts in gory snuff films to be shared on social media and streamed on their GoPro cameras. They took their human trophies back to Gaza to be violated, abused, and held for ransom.

Images released in real-time documented the atrocities. Who can forget poor Shani Louk, a German-Israeli 23-year-old who had been scooped up at the rave, horribly assaulted, and then brought back to Gaza in the back of a pickup truck? Hamas terrorists sat on top of her twisted half-naked unconscious body as if she were a hunting trophy. There is also the soul-scorching video of a 19-year-old Israeli woman, beaten, her wrists and ankles sliced open, led out of a vehicle by heavily armed men yelling God is Great in Arabic. Her light jeans were bloodied at the crotch, indicating that the poor girl had been gang raped and violated in ways that cannot be imagined. Who knows what fate has befallen her in captivity?

Rape and sexual assault as a terror tactic in conflict is a war crime. The Geneva Convention specifies that “women shall be especially protected against any attack on their honor, in particular against rape or any form of indecent assault.”  The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court states that “rape, sexual slavery, forced pregnancy, or any other form of sexual violence” is a crime against humanity. Many other international treaties and conventions demand that the global community must always safeguard women and girls, including and especially during armed conflict.

But the world has been silent about these heinous Hamas crimes against girls and women.

Where are the self-righteous sisters of The Squad? Where is AOC, Rashida, and Ilhan? I guess their duplicitous feminist stance takes a pause when the victims are Jewish. Where is the Me-Too movement? They shamed and helped prosecute sexual predators in show business and the workplace. Why are they giving Hamas a pass? Where are the female journalists on the BBC and MSNBC? CNN’s Christiane Amanpour has been aggressively critical of Israel’s defensive actions, but silent on the sexual crimes perpetrated by Hamas.

Where is the outrage at the rape of children?

Israeli children were raped on October 7. Where is the outrage from Save the Children or UNICEF? In 2014, after Boko Haram terrorists kidnapped 276 schoolgirls in Nigeria, movie stars and politicians spearheaded the global outcry. Michelle Obama launched a social media campaign to “Bring Back Our Girls.” But the former first lady has been nowhere to be seen since October 7. Her silence has been deafening.


Guitar icon Eric Clapton releases new song accompanied by Gaza imagery

Titled Voice of a Child, video features images of extensive destruction in Gaza and pro-Palestinian protests around the world; users express disappointment over omission of Oct. 7 attack

November 18, 2023 – YNET News: Rock legend Eric Clapton on Friday released a new song accompanied by a video featuring images of extensive destruction in the Gaza Strip and pro-Palestinian protests around the world amid the Israel-Hamas war.

The video, captioned “Voice of a Child” and featuring Clapton’s guitar playing in the background, overlooks the October 7 massacre committed by Hamas terrorists which sparked the war, its 1,400 victims or the 237 hostages held in Gaza.

Israeli musician Idan Raichel, along with numerous other users, expressed their disappointment in the comment sections of Clapton’s social media accounts over the omission of the Israeli perspective.

“Hammas [sic] murdered hundreds of kids on October 7th. And kidnapped many more. And we haven’t heard a word from you. Shame on you,” the singer-songwriter commented under Clapton’s Instagram post.

“Where is the voice of Oct 7th? Can you play some nice chords for that too?” wrote another user.

[Ed.:  Like sharks smelling blood in the water, the people of the world no longer can conceal their hatred of the Jews. It oozes out of everyone’s ears!  Buh-bye Eric.  It was nice loving you, for a while]


200 Medical Journals and the UN Call for New Global Health Emergency   DR. PETER AND GINGER BREGGIN

The Elites of the World Return to Climate Crisis to Increase Their Stranglehold Over Us!

NOV 19, 2023 – Still Doubting “Conspiracy Theories?”

[read more below]

More than 200 medical journals worldwide published a coordinated editorial on October 25, 2023, calling for the World Health Organization to declare a new global health emergency. That 200 medical journals could publish the same editorial on the same day, calling for a new global health emergency, is living proof, indeed, the only proof we should ever need that we are at the mercy of highly organized conspiracies.

Nor is this the first proof. When was another time we have seen that happen? Hint — in the middle of the COVID crisis, in 2021, a coordinated editorial announcing a ‘climate emergency’ appeared in dozens of journals. The British Medical Journal was kind enough to provide a full list.

The calls for draconian measures to be implemented, changing the way and kinds of energy used, are not new. But new and more frightening language is being used to push the climate change agenda, with the United Nations spearheading these efforts.

NGOs — non-governmental organizations — are at the forefront of promoting the dangers of climate change, including the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), National Geographic (with a special focus on ‘educating’ children), and, of course, the World Health Organization (WHO).

This cabal, this cult of globalist predators including virtually all of the formerly esteemed international medical journals and organizations, are the same crew that brought us the last four years of suffering due to a manipulated and exaggerated disease and so-called preventive emergency measures that led to Western hospitals becoming killing centers implementing deadly COVID protocols, and so-called COVID vaccines that have lead to millions of deaths and more disability and chronic disease.

None of those effects were a mistake. They were not an ‘accident.’ They were not mismanagement.

The COVID crisis was always a plot to capture the governments and control the citizens of the world, especially those of the West.

The Climate Change Crisis is just the next emergency to increase the global cult’s control of Western nations and their peoples.

In the COVID crisis, the excuse was that a disease (supposedly emerging due to climate change) came forth from some natural source, and hundreds of millions were at risk of death; hospitals would be overwhelmed. We documented that the probability was overwhelming that SARS-CoV-2 emerged from a Bio-4 laboratory in Wuhan, China, and was spread around the world by means of collusion among the US, China, and WHO.

[Ed.:  They are unanimous about calling for a new global emergency!  Surely they can cook one up quickly…  But, this time, no one will believe them,  “once fooled, twice shy”, and all that.  Why don’t they just nuke us all now and get it over with?]


Oh, Canada’s Thriving Organ Harvesting Business: State-Sanctioned Baby-Killing Regime   2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

NOV 19, 2023 – WEF “penetrator” airhead puppet Justin Trudeau has been pushing his handlers’ global democide program with mindless aplomb.

This Substack has been exposing this Marxist state assisted suicide program called MAID (medical assistance in dying):



Indiana: Imam prays ‘Oh Allah, bring annihilation upon the plundering Zionists, the hateful Crusader aggressors’  BY ROBERT SPENCER

What do you think is the likelihood that this man is impressing upon his congregation the importance of being loyal, stable, productive members of American society?

NOV 18, 2023 10:30 AM – “Indiana Imam Sheikh Mongy El Quesny: The Jews Have No Mercy, Yet They Keep Bugging Us About Six Million Jewish People Burned In The Holocaust; Oh Allah, Bring Annihilation On The Zionists, Crusaders, Treacherous Arab Leaders,” MEMRI, November 10, 2023:


No Christmas Celebrations In Bethlehem This Year   BY HUGH FITZGERALD

Bethlehem, believed by Christians to be the birthplace of Christ, is a city that lives in large part on the revenues from Christian tourists, especially those who come during the Christmas season. They stay in local hotels, eat in Bethlehem’s restaurants, buy olive-wood crucifixes and tiny statues of Jesus and Mary. More than a third of the annual revenues of the city’s shopkeepers come during the weeks preceding Christ’s nativity and from Christmas to Epiphany. Now the city fathers have decided to destroy that essential part of their economy, by decreeing that there will be no Christmas lights or decorations this year, out of solidarity with the fanatical Muslim terrorists now under relentless attacks by the IDF in Gaza. Any Christian who dared to object to this policy of not permitting the Christmas decorations would face the wrath of local sympathizers of Hamas; the Christians are keeping mum. .


Hamas-linked CAIR ad pushes false anti-Israel narrative that ignores Hamas’ atrocities   BY ROBERT SPENCER

NOV 18, 2023 9:30 AM – Of course. What would anyone expect the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) to do other than push the narrative of its parent organization?

“A CAIR ad shamefully ignores the truth,” by Charles O. Kaufman, JNS, November 15, 2023 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

When the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) was founded on June 24, 1994, the spy thriller “True Lies” was raking in money at the box office, but many felt it portrayed Arabs in a bad light. As a result, CAIR’s mission of opposing such stereotypes went mainstream.

After the 9/11 attacks, the group’s profile as a civil rights and advocacy group soared as the organization declared war on a wave of Islamophobia that never actually occurred. Today, CAIR has leveraged its claims of Islamophobia brilliantly, using it to silence any and all truths that might prompt a skeptical examination of Arab or Muslim malfeasance….

Recently, CAIR published a full-page newspaper advertisement that identified a small group of Palestinians, including children, who were tragic casualties of the war against Hamas. Such loss of life is painful for all involved, but CAIR’s ad shamelessly exploited these deaths to push a narrative that fuels antisemitic violence and whitewashes genocidal terrorism.

The ad’s message also ignored any and all information that might cast doubt on CAIR’s preferred narrative, such as:


‘The sudden surge of antisemitism has obviously made Jews around the world unsafe’   BY ROBERT SPENCER

NOV 18, 2023 9:00 AM – Yet those who are threatening them still claim the moral high ground.

“Open cries for massacre of Jews and Israel,” by Jason Shvili, JNS, November 15, 2023:

On Oct. 7, Hamas did more than brutally and methodically slaughter 1,200 people, mostly Jewish civilians, in cold blood. The event gave the terrorist group—and tens of thousands of supporters worldwide—freedom to expose their true genocidal intentions.

Not only do Hamas and its apologists celebrate the murderous rampage as a great victory, they also promise Jews and Israel to repeat the massacre until “Palestine” is free of Jews and the Jewish state. This is a public demand for genocide.

To liberal minds who hold humanitarian values sacred, such open advocacy for barbarism is both shocking and horrifying. Demonstrators on American streets swear allegiance to Hamas and its methods, under the battle cry, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”—by whatever means necessary. Those means obviously include beheading, rape, incineration, torture and cold-blooded mass murder.

Who was surprised, then, when in Los Angeles last week a supporter of Israel was killed by a pro-Hamas demonstrator? Or that a rabid backer of the Palestinian cause broke the nose of a Jewish Tulane University student?

The sudden surge of antisemitism has obviously made Jews around the world unsafe. Jews are now being told to hide their identities on the street, in their neighborhoods—and to avoid non-essential travel. University and college campuses have become particularly hostile—and dangerous—for Jews.

In the past, antisemites could mask their Jew-hatred as “resistance” to Israel’s “occupation” of Judea and Samaria (aka the West Bank) and the Gaza Strip. Today, outrageous behavior is normalized. Apparently, no ethical line is sacrosanct….


Spain: Muslim migrants fight police in Barcelona  [Video]   BY ROBERT SPENCER

NOV 18, 2023 12:00 PM – The Spanish police may not be joking now, but give Spain a few more years of mass Muslim migration, and the cops in Barcelona will be as supine and deferential to Muslim mobs as London’s Metropolitan Police are now.


Christian Pastor Shot in the Head While Preaching At Street Corner In Arizona   By Pamela Geller

November 18, 2023 – No one has been arrested, just like the Synagogue president who was stabbed to death in broad daylight outside her home

But leave bacon outside a mosque and they’ll chop off your head.

As for the FBI, they are busy elsewhere chasing grandmas who were at the Capital January 6th.


Detroit Synagogue President Samantha Woll Brutally Stabbed To Death Outside of Her Home

Florida man gets 15 years for leaving bacon at a mosque


Violent Jew-Hating Group Publishes Map of NYC Jewish Targets   By Pamela Geller

November 18, 2023 – This is a call to violence and death. Where is the FBI? Law enforcement? These are Nazi tactics.

Pro-Palestinian group’s map of NY Jewish organizations condemned by politicians, community leaders

By Luke Tress November 16, 2023:

(New York Jewish Week) — A pro-Palestinian group that calls for “intifada” and Israel’s destruction temporarily posted maps online detailing the locations of Jewish organizations in New York City and saying they had “blood on their hands.”

The posts have drawn the NYPD’s attention and sparked condemnation from elected officials and Jewish leaders. Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine called the posts “dangerous and reprehensible.”

The group, Within Our Lifetime, posted the maps on Instagram. It urged its 121,000 followers, in all caps, to “KNOW YOUR ENEMY.” The group, and others who shared the posts, had deleted them from the platform by Thursday.

The posts were uploaded during an ongoing heated debate on social media over Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza. They also come during a spike in antisemitism across the United States in the nearly six weeks since Hamas launched the war on Oct. 7 with its invasion of Israel.

The images recall the “Mapping Project,” an anonymous effort last year that listed the names and locations of Jewish institutions in Boston as supporters of “the colonization of Palestine.” That project was condemned and disavowed by a wide range of organizations, including pro-Palestinian groups. And in 2021, a local leader of the Council on American-Islamic Relations warned an audience to beware of “polite Zionists,” including Jewish federations, synagogues and Hillels.


Newly Released January 6th Bombshell Footage: “We Need to Investigate the J6 Committee,” “Police Facilitated January 6th”   By Pamela Geller

November 18, 2023 – “The police facilitated January 6th. This is why they withheld the tapes. The J6 committee should be censured and expelled for lying to the public.”

More: HOUSE SPEAKER RELEASES J6 FOOTAGE: FBI Agents Dressed As Trump Supporters Inside The Capitol on J6, NO INSURRECTION


The Migrant Nightmare In Germany   By Hugh Fitzgerald

November 18, 2023 – Ever since Chancellor Angela Merkel opened wide the gates to a million Muslim migrants in 2015, Germany has been living a slow-motion nightmare, in which ever greater numbers of these economic migrants arrive, not to become productive and employed citizens, but to batten on the benefits the generous German welfare state provides, including free or greatly subsidized housing, free medical care, free education (or vocational training), unemployment benefits (without an employment record), family allowances, and more.

These migrants are now costing the Federal government 36 billion euros a year in benefits. German state governments have also found their cupboards are bare for their own poor and elderly, because they must provide so much for these able-bodied Muslim layabouts who are in no hurry to be employed. In the city of Hamburg alone, the municipal government has in the last year spent one billion euros on migrants as costs spiral out of control. More on this colossal expenditure, which is only expected to grow inexorably,  can be found here.


‘Multiple bombs have been placed in your buildings, and in your car lot. Many Jews will die today.’   By Pamela Geller

November 18, 2023 – The new norm. no media coverage.

Police Evacuate BABIES From Jewish Daycare Because of Bomb Threat

Police Evacuate Jewish Day School After Bomb Threat

Toronto:‘Multiple bombs have been placed in your buildings, and in your car lot. Many Jews will die’   By: Robert Spencer, November, 18, 2023:
“WARMINGTON: Terrifying threats made against Jewish school and daycare,” by Joe Warmington, Toronto Sun, November 17, 2023:

The threat emailed anonymously to Tanenbaum Community Hebrew Academy of Toronto (CHAT) on Friday was ominous and terrifying.

“Multiple bombs have been placed in your buildings, and in your car lot. Many Jews will die today.”The threat emailed anonymously to Tanenbaum Community Hebrew Academy of Toronto (CHAT) on Friday was ominous and terrifying.

“Multiple bombs have been placed in your buildings, and in your car lot. Many Jews will die today.”

This would be taken seriously at any time.But after the Black Sabbath of Oct. 7 in which 1,400 Jews were murdered in Israel at the hands of Hamas, there isn’t a doubt in anyone’s mind that such threats could have actions behind them.

So no one is taking any chances.


MASSIVE Protests in Spain Against Illegitimate Socialist PM Sanchez – Hundreds of Thousands Reject His Illegal and Unpopular Amnesty to Catalan Separatists  By Paul Serran

Nov. 18, 2023 2:20 pm – Socialists will stop at nothing to retain power.

If it means enacting an amnesty considered illegal by the courts and rejected by the vast majority of the population, so be it.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez did just that – and now he has a powder keg in his hands as demonstrations against him keep getting bigger.

A massive amount of people marched through Madrid on Saturday in the largest protest yet against the amnesty law that will pardon Catalonia’s 2017 separatists in exchange of support to form a government.

Reuters reported:

“The demonstration, the latest in a series of protests in cities across the country against the amnesty, took place two days after Spain’s Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez won a four-year term with the backing of Catalan and Basque nationalist parties in return for agreeing to the law.

Protesters, many waving Spanish flags and holding signs that read “Sanchez traitor” and “Don’t sell Spain”, demonstrated against the law which four judicial associations, opposition political parties and business leaders said threatens the rule of law and the separation of powers.”

Authorities low-ball the number of demonstrators at 170,000, while organizers talk about ‘almost a million’.


Christmas Decorations at Jesus’ Birthplace Torn Down as Bethlehem Casts Its Lot with Hamas   By Laura Wellington, 

Nov. 18, 2023 1:40 pm – They began by going after the Jews. Now they continue by kicking the Christians in the teeth.

If ever there was a sign of forced participation or unilateral thought and allegiance, simply look at this latest action enacted by Palestinian authorities.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the city of Bethlehem has announced they are removing all decorations commemorating the birth of Christ.

“Bethlehem Municipality crews announced the dismantling of Christmas decorations installed several years ago in the city’s neighborhoods and removing all festive appearances,” officials wrote in a post on Facebook.

Their reason? To “honor the martyrs and [show] solidarity with our people in Gaza.”

The Palestinian people are angry, upset, and sad due to the “massacre of their people” in Gaza. This is how they see it and put it.

Did anyone remind them that Hamas began this war? Had Hamas not suddenly attacked Gaza and slaughtered, tortured, raped and kidnapped Israeli men, women and children Oct. 7, none of this would have occurred.

In the sorry perspective of the Palestinian officials, no one deserves to celebrate the season now, not in all its glory, anyway. According to WORLD, the city is dismantling its Nativity scene and will no longer put up the 50-foot tree it usually decorates.

This will have a huge, devastating impact on the town of 25,000, which brings in much of its annual income from tourists who journey to the birthplace of Jesus Christ this time of year.

This move shines a spotlight on where Palestinians’ total concern and allegiance lies: with Hamas.


DOJ Wants J6 Defendant Victoria White to Serve 90 Days in Prison After Capitol Police Beat Her 35 Times in the Face with Their Fists and Sticks and Nearly Kill Her on J6    (Gruesome Video)   Jim Hoft

Nov. 18, 2023 11:40 am – On January 6, 2021, four Trump supporters were killed.

The sham January 6 Committee did not even investigate the deaths of these Trump supporters in their politicized investigation. The four Trump supporters were barely mentioned in passing in their final report.

At least two other Trump supporters were nearly killed by police that day.

Philip Anderson was knocked out, gassed, and smothered by police that day. J6 political prisoner Jake Lang dragged him to safety and saved his life. The Biden DOJ wants to drag Philip Anderson into a DC Court after they nearly killed him.

And Victoria White was brutally smashed in the face dozens of times by Police Officer Jason Bagshaw . She was then beaten with sticks before she was dragged through the dozens of police officers and paraded through the US Capitol in her socks and without her coat.

They nearly killed her. Watch what these animals did to Victoria!


Steve Bannon: We Must Investigate the J6 Select Committee for the “Brazen Criminality” of What They Did – “I Think It Will Be Proven”  (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

Nov. 18, 2023 10:20 am – On Friday Night Speaker Mike Johnson fulfilled his commitment to release the security camera footage from the January 6, 2021 protests at the US Capitol.

The first batch of video was released Friday afternoon.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that House Speaker Mike Johnson previously declared his intention to release thousands of hours of surveillance footage from the January 6, 2021, events at the U.S. Capitol.

On Friday Johnson tweeted, “Today, I am keeping my promise to the American people and making all the January 6th tapes available to ALL Americans.”

Of course, Democrats and Liz Cheney lost their minds! They know they are about to be exposed.

On Saturday morning, Steve Bannon invited investigative journalist Julie Kelly on to The War Room to discuss this development.

During their discussion, Julie Kelly called for a new Congressional investigation into the events on January 6.

Steve Bannon agreed and added this,

Steve Bannon:  He must reinstate the Joint Committee on J6. Let them have a ranking member, let him have minority council. Let’s set it up the right way, not the way that was set up. It’s one of the key arguments I’ve made in my case, which I don’t talk much about. But you can’t do it the way Nancy Pelosi did it. You have to do it by the rules.

But Johnson must set this up. We must have the House go through and do a formal event. This must be adjudicated… Two things we must adjudicate now. This must be done. Is, number one, we have to get to the bottom of J Six, and this footage is part of it. We have to get to the bottom of it. Wherever it leads. We have to get to the bottom of it. All of it. All of it. And you also have to investigate Nancy Pelosi’s committee. This committee I think there’s brazen criminality in what they did, and I think that will be proven. Criminality.

We all know it’s true.

No wonder Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are freaking out! They know they lied for years to the American people!


Watch the new documentary, Confronting Radicals

[Premiers at 8:00 AM EST, Monday November 19th]

Hamas. Most would agree they are a monstrous terrorist group whose sole mission is to kill as many Jews as possible, with the ultimate goal of eradicating the nation of Israel. After the horrific massacre that the world was witness to on October 7th, 2023, where 1,400 Jews were tortured, raped, mutilated and then murdered, and 243 civilians taken hostage, the world’s sympathies lay squarely with Israel….but not for long.

After a few unbelievable days of bi-partisan support for Israel from people all over the world, the narrative quickly shifted.

The time has come to cut through the fog of propaganda so that we can discover the truth that has been in the shadows for years. Hamas is not a militant group, they are not freedom fighters, and they certainly have no “right” to murder and torture anyone.

The time has come to expose Hamas for who they really are.


75% of “Innocent Palestinians” Approve of Hamas Oct. 7 Bloodbath, 98% Hate the USA   [11:52]   By Richard Abelson

Nov. 18, 2023 9:15 am – More than three quarters of Arab “Palestinians“ approve of the barbaric Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks,  according to the first poll on the subject. 98% said it makes them feel “prouder of their identity as Palestinians,” JNS reported.

48.2% of respondents in the areas Israel gave up in 1995 for a never-fulfilled promise of „land for peace“ saw Hamas’s role as “very positive,” while 27.8% view Hamas as “somewhat positive.” Almost 80% regard the role of Hamas’s Al-Qassam Brigades “military” wing as positive, JNS reported.

59.3% of the Arabs who call themselves “Filistin” (after the biblical Philistines) said they supported the attacks “extremely”and 15.7% said they “somewhat” supported the bloody killing spree.

Only 12.7% expressed disapproval, with 10.9% saying they neither supported nor opposed the attack, JNS reported.

Three-quarters are so delusional they expect the Israel-Hamas war to end in a Palestinian victory.

After the end of the war, 72% want a government that includes Hamas with Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah. Which ain’t happening.

98% of Palestinians surveyed held negative views of the United States.


Another Leftist Insurrection? HUNDREDS Of Pro-Hamas Agitators INVADE Locked University of Michigan Building, Bully Cops, and Scream Slogans Calling For Israel’s Destruction  (VIDEOS)   By Cullen Linebarger

Nov. 17, 2023 8:40 pm – This is what a real insurrection looks like. But don’t expect them to receive decades in prison.

CBS News reported that a radical Palestinian “advocacy” group stormed a prominent campus building on the University of Michigan’s campus. And they were not there to protest Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh’s suspension by the Big Ten.

The network reported the group, Members of the Students Allied for Freedom and Equality (SAFE), allied with a coalition of 45 leftist student organizations to demand the university divest from companies they claim are contributing to the crisis in Gaza. Of course, they are not blaming Hamas, the real culprit, because they support the Islamist group against Israel.

A U of M spokesperson told CBS News at least 200 protestors “forcefully gained access to a locked Ruthven Administration Building.” Students are still in the building at the moment.

Before the invasion, you can see the protesters corner the campus police while chanting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” which codes for wiping Israel off the map.


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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.