Daily Shmutz | NEWS   | 11/26/23




Biden Admin, WEF, Gates officials to speak at pro-Hamas Doha Forum   JORDAN SCHACHTEL

The Qatari government is an ally to Hamas, but governments and mega corps are happy to legitimize the The House of Thani, thanks to the money spigot coming out of the ground in Doha.

NOV 26, 2023 -The Biden Administration, along with several powerful international organizations and multinational corporations, are sending speakers to the 2023 Doha Forum, an upcoming annual event held under the auspices of the Hamas-harboring Qatari regime.

The Dossier has obtained a speakers list for the upcoming Doha Forum, which is set to convene from December 10th to the 11th.

Timothy Lenderking, a Special Envoy with the State Department, will be representing the Biden Administration in Doha. He will be joined by dignitaries such as Borge Brende, the president of the World Economic Forum. Also on hand will be Dr Antia Zaidi, the president of the “Gender Equality Division” of the Gates Foundation.

The infamously compromised D.C. “think tank” industry will also have a robust presence at the Doha Forum. Top “thinkers” from the Institute for the Study of War, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and the Wilson Center, among others, will participate in the conference.

Sadly, it’s nothing new for major world governments (including Republican and Democratic administrations), major non profits, and top multinational corporations to send representatives to participate in a confab hosted by such a morally reprehensible regime. But Qatar has a $200 billion annual GDP, thanks entirely to the fact that the country sits on massive oil and natural gas reserves. Moreover, 90% of Qatar’s population is foreign workers, so the profits of the energy business are split among less than a quarter of a million Qataris. In short, this means that there’s lots of money up for grabs in and around Doha.

The House of Thani, the family that rules Qatar, is currently harboring almost the entire leadership of roster of Hamas, the terrorist group that controls the Gaza Strip, and was responsible for the October 7 massacre of over 1200 people (including at least 27 American citizens) in southern Israel. In the aftermath of the massacre, the leaders of Hamas were spotted in Doha celebrating and praying for the success of their holy warriors. The government of Qatar then released a statement expressing its solidarity with Hamas, asserting that the civilian-targeting massacre committed by Hamas was Israel’s fault, declaring Israeli victims “solely responsible” for the Hamas savagery. Since then, Doha has fashioned itself as a hostage negotiations intermediary between Israel and Hamas, seemingly in order to restore its reputation on the world stage.

The Qatari royal family owns the influential Al Jazeera media network, which, since its inception, has openly promoted and celebrated jihadist violence and terrorism.

Thanks to its lucrative energy export operation, which allows for the Qataris to print money out of the ground while providing nothing of value to the world, the Doha regime has been able to buy off a significant chunk of Washington, D.C. along with countless influential retired American generals, with the mission to present a false image of itself as a bridge between the West and the nefarious actors in the Islamic world. As the world’s third-largest exporter of natural gas, there’s plenty of bribe money to go around in circles of influence and power. Especially complicating the relationship with Qatar is the Al Udeid airbase, which Qatar hosts as a base for U.S. forces and several partner governments. In the geopolitical sense, the base acts as a diplomatic immunity shield for the Qataris.


Is America Short of Heavy Weapons?   By Patrick Drennan

Nov. 26, 2023 9:45 am – President Joe Biden echoed former President Franklin Roosevelt when he called America the arsenal of democracy. With wars raging on two fronts, Israel and Ukraine, and China threatening to invade Taiwan, how stretched is the American arsenal?

First Israel

Israel receives about $3 billion worth of military aid annually. U.S. aid to Israel is mainly in the form of grants to American manufacturers- a type of subsidy. U.S. military aid also has helped Israel build its domestic defense industry, which now ranks as one of the top global exporters of arms. Fourteen Israeli defense companies, such as Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), Rafael, and Elbit Systems export nearly 70% of their products abroad.

The Republican-led U.S. Congress proposed an Israeli-only defense aid package that they knew would die in the Senate. This has only affected U.S. arms manufacturers, because the Israeli conflict with Hamas has reached a stage where this aid is no longer required. Sure, the Israeli would like more support for their air defense systems and more bunker buster bombs, but they can proceed without them.

What about Ukraine?

America has given Ukraine about $46 billion dollars of military aid in 2022 – $23.5 billion of that is military equipment (the remainder is grants, training and financial aid). The total value of U.S. military equipment has not been successfully audited in years, but procurement of new weapons and systems cost $136 billion in 2022, and $107 billion was spent on research and development. In comparison the European Union has given $27  billion dollars of military aid to Ukraine, mainly military equipment.

So, is American military stock severely reduced?


Overwhelming Number of Americans Would Not Volunteer to Fight if US Entered Major Conflict: Poll  By Rachel M. Emmanuel

Nov. 26, 2023 9:15 am – In Israel, every citizen is required to serve in the Israel Defense Forces for at least a year.

Over the past month, we have been inundated with pictures and videos of 18- and 19-year-old service members, away from their families and in harm’s way to protect their country.

As we watch the conflict in the Middle East unfold, the question arises — would Americans be ready to fight for our country if we were pulled into a major war?

A recent poll by the research institute Echelon Insights found that 72 percent of Americans say they would not volunteer for military service in a major war, according to Newsweek.

“The figures come as all branches of the armed forces have in recent years struggled to meet their recruitment targets, suggesting a growing apathy towards a career of military service,” Newsweek reported.


Argentina’s new President Milei: “Afuera!”


Patriot Lawyer DC_Draino Clashes with Republican Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy in Heated Debate Over Vivek’s Controversial Background  By Jim Hft

Nov. 26, 2023 7:45 am – GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy and prominent patriot lawyer Rogan O’Handley (popularly known as DC_Draino) found themselves embroiled in a war of words on X/Twitter. The heated exchange was sparked when DC_Draino publicly called out Ramaswamy for his controversial background and his flip-flopping on several critical issues.

DC_Draino questioned Ramaswamy’s integrity, shedding light on allegations that Ramaswamy faced earlier in his career.

In an X post, DC_Draino posted: “Yeah I mean sure he:

  1. was affiliated with the WEF;
  2. took money from the Soros family;
  3. got rich in Big Pharma;
  4. does massive deals with Pfizer;
  5. pushed for masks, testing, and vaccines;
  6. thinks Mike Pence did the right thing on J6;
  7. thinks Trump is a liar about election fraud similar to Stacey Abrams;
  8. never voted most of his adult life;
  9. wants to re-enter TPP;
  10. wants uncapped immigration (if they’re educated);
  11. changes his positions weekly when called out.

But we should totally trust him to lead the MAGA movement b/c he called out Ronna McDaniel (like 99% of other Republicans have been doing for years).”


Greece: Muslim migrant stabs man in head and hand because victim was a Muslim who became a Christian    BY ROBERT SPENCER

NOV 25, 2023 9:30 AM  – The death penalty for apostasy is part of Islamic law. It’s based on the Qur’an: “They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper.” (Qur’an 4:89)

A hadith depicts Muhammad saying: “Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him” (Bukhari 9.84.57). The death penalty for apostasy is part of Islamic law according to all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence.

This is still the position of all the schools of Islamic jurisprudence, both Sunni and Shi’ite. Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the most renowned and prominent Muslim cleric in the world, has stated: “The Muslim jurists are unanimous that apostates must be punished, yet they differ as to determining the kind of punishment to be inflicted upon them. The majority of them, including the four main schools of jurisprudence (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, and Hanbali) as well as the other four schools of jurisprudence (the four Shiite schools of Az-Zaidiyyah, Al-Ithna-‘ashriyyah, Al-Ja’fariyyah, and Az-Zaheriyyah) agree that apostates must be executed.”

Qaradawi also once famously said: “If they had gotten rid of the apostasy punishment, Islam wouldn’t exist today.”

[Ed.:  But, but, the Moslem was a ‘refugee’! They really do need to kill us…  Get over it.]


India: Muslim slits throat of Hindu bus driver for supposedly insulting Muhammad      BY ROBERT SPENCER

NOV 25, 2023 12:00 PM – “From India to France, whoever insults our Prophet will be exterminated.”

Where did he get this idea? From Islamic tradition, which tells these stories, among others:

A critic of the prophet of Islam, Ka’b bin Al-Ashraf, had mocked Muhammad in verse. Muhammad asked his followers: “Who is willing to kill Ka’b bin Al-Ashraf who has hurt Allah and His Apostle?” One of the Muslims, Muhammad bin Maslama answered, “O Allah’s Apostle! Would you like that I kill him?” When Muhammad said that he would, Muhammad bin Maslama said, “Then allow me to say a (false) thing (i.e. to deceive Kab).” Muhammad responded: “You may say it.” Muhammad bin Maslama duly lied to Ka’b, luring him into his trap, and murdered him. (Sahih Bukhari, volume 5, book 59, number 369)

Islam mandates death for non-Muslim subjects of the Islamic state who mention “something impermissible about Allah, the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), or Islam” (‘Umdat al-Salik, o11.10), and such laws are based upon passages in the Hadith and Sira in which Muhammad orders the murders of people who have insulted him.

These include Abu Afak, who was over one hundred years old, and the poetess Asma bint Marwan. Abu Afak was killed in his sleep, in response to Muhammad’s question, “Who will avenge me on this scoundrel?” Similarly, Muhammad on another occasion cried out, “Will no one rid me of this daughter of Marwan?” One of his followers, Umayr ibn Adi, went to her house that night, where he found her sleeping next to her children. The youngest, a nursing babe, was in her arms. But that didn’t stop Umayr from murdering her and the baby as well. Muhammad commended him: “You have done a great service to Allah and His Messenger, Umayr!” (Ibn Ishaq, 674-676)

Yet Islamic apologists in the West routinely lie about all this and claim that Muhammad reacted with grace and tolerance in the face of impossible provocations, and the Leftist establishment media does its part by smearing as an “Islamophobe” anyone who dares to point out the relevant facts.

[Ed.:  If we ignore this Islam problem, it will just go away!]


CNN: Freed ‘Palestinians’ aren’t terrorists, one ‘sentenced for attempted stabbing attack’   BY ROBERT SPENCER

NOV 25, 2023 3:30 PM  –  CNN journalist says the Palestinians released by Israel in exchange for the hostages can’t be called terrorists.

She then plays a clip of one of them returning home to the West Bank and adds:

“She was sentenced for an attempted stabbing attack”

The establishment media narrative is so counterfactual that they can’t keep reality from constantly intruding.


Netherlands: Wilders calls for recognition that Islam is a violent ideology   BY ROBERT SPENCER

NOV 25, 2023 4:30 PM – Geert Wilders’s post winning the election made it very clear that there is no place of extremism in Netherlands.

His speech in the parliament included the following points.

“He stated their future plan includes:

– To Recognise that #Islam is a v!olent ideology, one that comes with hate and terror, and thus it has no place in Netherlands.

– To Close our boders immediately to the asylum seekers and immigrants from the !slamic countries.

– To Reject Schengen, open border treaty, and Re-introduce border checks.

– To Start dismantling the institutions of Islam, such as Mo$ques. And to begin with all those mo$ques that receive foreign funding and where for example diyanet, and the turkish ministry of religious affairs makes the rules instead of us.

– To lock up or deport everybody who threatens with violence, or uses violence.

– To get thousands of sympathisers of

J!had! movement in Netherlands locked up preemptively if necessary.

– To Ask all the school, newspaper, media to show a Muh^mmad cartoon, Not to provoke but to show that we’ll never give up to threats and violence and we proudly support our freedom.

– To wrap up, I have a message for all the musl!ms in Netherlands who do not respect our freedom, our democracy and our core values, Who find the rules of Quran more important than our secular laws, There are many of those, Research by Prof. Koopmann shows there are 700000.

– My message for them is GET-OUT!!

And leave for !slamic country and enjoy

!slamic rules, those are their rules but not ours.

This is our country, not your country, but  our country,


Will he become the PM?


The Net Zero Lemmings Rush   by Viv Forbes, Executive Director, The Saltbush Club,

(Nov. 24, 2023) — Australia’s ALP/Green government and their media mates are using subsidies, taxes and propaganda in a suicidal attempt to move the whole country to 82% “renewable” energy by 2030 and “Net Zero Emissions by 2050”. Canny Aussies are buying diesel generators.

If they persist in their rush to Net Zero, we have a few “Net Zero” suggestions for them.

1.    “Net Zero Immigration”.

Every migrant adds to Australia’s emissions by consuming food, electricity, transport fuels and housing. Thus, to reach net zero emissions, the rest of us must be rationed further to cope with these additional emitters.

2.    “Net Zero Tourists”.

Every tourist adds to our emissions for transport, food, electricity and accommodation. To achieve net zero emissions in the face of millions of immigrants, tourists and foreign students will need slick carbon accounting, or penury for the rest of us. Victoria’s Dan Andrews was accidentally right for once – he cancelled the Commonwealth Games.

3.    Net-zero growth of welfare rolls and the bureaucracy.

Net Zero will not allow us to import hundreds of foreign workers for our mines, factories and farms while we maintain battalions of bureaucrats shuffling files in air-conditioned ivory towers in the capital cities. Nor can we accept growing armies of able-bodied idlers sipping green smoothies at the beach.

We must get all healthy Aussies into real jobs.

4.    Net-zero-growth in locked-up land.

Wind and solar energy are sterilising huge and growing areas of land to produce their intermittent electricity. This greatly reduces the land available to grazing, forestry, fishing, exploration and mining.

It’s time to call a halt.

There must be net-zero increase in land devoted to national parks, marine parks, world heritage playgrounds, locked-up black homelands or carbon credit and green energy wastelands.


How Office Buildings Will Be Converted to Smart Cities for the Cartels   by Dr. Joseph Mercola

(Nov. 24, 2023) — The White House released plans to convert massive commercial properties into affordable housing. Along with promoting energy efficiency and “zero emissions conversions” — classic technocrat dictates — the “much-needed housing” will provide more room to house the influx of illegal immigrants1 being driven into the U.S. by drug cartels.

In the October 2023 fact sheet, which touts the developments as “transit-oriented” and a method to “increase housing supply,” it’s stated:2

“[T]he Biden-Harris Administration is announcing new actions to support the conversion of high-vacancy commercial buildings to residential use, including through new financing, technical assistance, and sale of federal properties.

These announcements will create much-needed housing that is affordable, energy efficient, near transit and good jobs, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, nearly 30 percent of which comes from the building sector.”

Paving the Way for a Surveilled, Green ‘Utopia’

The White House announcement is peppered with Great Reset buzzwords, like “clean energy economy” and “zero emissions housing,” and echoes the agendas being pushed by globalists.

The Green New Deal (Green Agenda), “Build Back Better,” the Fourth Industrial Revolution3 (the transhumanist movement) and The Great Reset, officially introduced by World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab and then-Prince Charles in June 20204 — all exist to further and facilitate the implementation of Agenda 21.

Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st Century) is the inventory and control plan for all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, construction, means of production, food, energy, information, education and all human beings in the world. The European Green Deal is more of the same — introduced by the European Commission in December 20195 to, in part, replace fossil fuels with “cleaner” energy sources.

The White House cites data showing that office vacancies are at a 30-year high,6 straining local economies, while affordable housing is lacking and communities are looking for ways to cut emissions from buildings and transportation. Vacant commercial properties will be repurposed into affordable housing that will be close to transportation, “green,” and ideal for building the smart cities that take away your privacy and autonomy and allow for further surveillance and control.



Pro-Palestinian Antifa Militants Harass Customers at Starbucks in Seattle   (VIDEO)   By David Greyson

Nov. 25, 2023 4:40 pm – Whenever customers can’t enjoy a peaceful time with a cup of coffee or time with friends at an establishment, you can bet leftists are behind the harassment.

On Friday in the Capitol Hill area of Seattle, a group of Antifa thugs terrorized customers at a Starbucks. The far-left militants vandalized the building and spray-painted profanities and violent political statements promoting Hamas terrorism.

Radio host Jason Rantz posted a video to X showing a masked Antifa thug outside the window of Starbucks giving the middle finger to customers.

Another Antifa militant spray-painted the window with messages like “free Gaza” and “free Palestine.”



High School Students Riot in Queens After They Discover Teacher Attended Pro-Israel Rally, Teacher Forced to Hide From ‘Radicalized’ Mob   By Margaret Flavin

Nov. 25, 2023 12:00 pm – At Hillcrest High School in Queens, New York, a terrified Jewish teacher was forced into hiding while hundreds of students rioted in the hallways after learning she attended a pro-Israel rally.

The New York Post reports that the riot started on Monday in what students called “a pre-planned protest’ over the teacher’s Facebook profile photo, which showed her holding a poster saying, ‘I stand with Israel’.

This is what happens when you focus more on DEI than academics.

“The teacher was seen holding a sign of Israel, like supporting it,” a senior told The Post this week.

“A bunch of kids decided to make a group chat, expose her, talk about it, and then talk about starting a riot.”

Many tried to barge into the teacher’s classroom despite school staffers blocking their entry.

“Everyone was yelling ‘Free Palestine!’” a senior said.

“Everyone was screaming ‘(The teacher) needs to go!’” a ninth-grader said.

Students posted videos of the rampage to social media.


UPDATE: Derek Chauvin Stabbed in Federal Prison; Cop Convicted in George Floyd Death Given “Life-Saving Measures” Before Being Taken to Hospital   By Kristinn Taylor

Nov. 24, 2023 9:00 pm – Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who pled guilty to federal charges in the 2020 death while in custody of 46-year-old George Floyd, was stabbed and seriously injured in prison on Friday by a fellow inmate, according to a report by the Associated Press. Chauvin, 47, was also convicted on state charges in Minnesota and is serving concurrent sentences of over 20 years on the federal and state charges.

Saturday morning update: Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison told CNN that Chauvin is in stable condition (excerpt):

The attorney general’s office, which prosecuted Chauvin in the Floyd case, said early Saturday that it was notified of the assault and told Chauvin is in stable condition.

“I am sad to hear that Derek Chauvin was the target of violence,” Ellison said, according to the statement provided to CNN. “He was duly convicted of his crimes and, like any incarcerated individual, he should be able to serve his sentence without fear of retaliation or violence.”

The news of Chauvin’s stabbing was first reported by the AP’s Mike Sisak:

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.