Daily Shmutz | NEWS  | 11/6/23



Authorities Warn Violent Extremists May Attack

November 6 2023 – As the violence rages on in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas, federal authorities in the U.S. have issued warnings that there is an increased risk that could be posed by “violent extremists and lone offenders” in the U.S.

On Thursday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security issued a joint release that said they have increased their threat level since an initial alert was sent out earlier in October.

As the agencies said in the release:

“Since DHS and FBI issued the 10 October Public Service Announcement, the volume and frequency of threats to Americans, especially those in the Jewish, Arab American, and Muslim communities in the United States, have increased, raising our concern that violent extremists and lone offenders motivated by or reacting to ongoing events could target these communities.”


Oops! Indiana Woman Targeting Jewish School Actually Crashed Car Into Building of Group Labeled Anti-Semitic   By Margaret Flavin

Nov. 6, 2023 11:15 am – On Friday night, Ruba Almaghtheh, 34, drove her Chevy Impala into what she believed to be a Jewish school.

The building actually belongs to The Israelite School of Universal and Practical Knowledge which has been labeled as an anti-Semitic hate group.

She was arrested on a charge of criminal recklessness and police have labeled her a “terrorist” for the act.

According to a police report obtained by FOX59/CBS4, police were called to the building around 11:30 Friday night to investigate a hate crime after Almaghtheh backed her car into the building.

Almaghtheh admitted to police that she targeted the building because she thought it was Jewish.

7 Reasons to Stock Up on Long-Term Storage Premium Beef Right Away

Almaghtheh told officers she was watching news coverage of the Israel-Hamas war on television and decided to plan an attack on the building because she was offended by the “Hebrew Israelite” symbol on the front of the building.

Police said Almaghtheh passed by the building a couple times and called it the “Israel school.”

Outkick reports that she told police that she did “it on purpose” and referenced “her people back in Palestine.”

Fox 59 also reports that Almaghtheh admitted to committing the “hate crime” during a phone call from jail with a family member.

The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department has contacted the FBI to look into the incident further and she could eventually face additional charges.

The Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis said in a statement, “Safety and security for our community is of the utmost importance, and we are more secure and prepared than ever before.”

“Although a Jewish facility was not targeted, solely due to ironic misidentification, this is yet another reminder to maintain security protocols, remain vigilant of suspicious activity and to (report promptly) to the appropriate authorities.”


Majority Support For Muslim Migration Ban As 3 In 4 Germans Say Newcomers Hate Western Society    by Thomas Brooke

SUNDAY, NOV 05, 2023 – 07:00 AMSome 61 percent of Germans no longer want any migration from Islamic nations, new polling shows…

Nearly two-thirds of all German citizens want the country’s federal government to impose a ban on migration from predominantly Muslim nations, a damning survey has revealed.

Polling conducted by INSA on behalf of the Bild tabloid newspaper showed that 61 percent of respondents now advocate refusing any more migrants from Islamic countries with many explaining they no longer feel safe in their own country and believe an increasing number of new arrivals despise German society.

A majority of voters from every political party except for the German Green Party supported a ban on Muslim immigration.

The survey was conducted amid the ongoing pro-Palestine demonstrations witnessed in several German cities following the Hamas terror attack in Israel on Oct. 7 and the retaliatory measures carried out in Gaza by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

A total of 60 percent of respondents admitted the ongoing protests, attended by large numbers of foreign nationals sympathetic to the Hamas cause, concern them, while 77 percent of Germans believe that a growing contingent of the country’s migrant population resents German society and Western values.


J6 Single Mother Faces Up to 6 Months in Prison, Felicia Kenold Is Fighting to Save Her House and Keep Her Children out of the Government’s Hands If She Is Sent to Prison   By Jim Hoft

Nov. 6, 2023 7:45 am – By Jenn Baker with CondemnedUSA.com

On January 6th, 2021, Felicia Konold ended a cross-country road trip with her brother Cory at the United States Capitol.

Felicia and her brother were two patriots out of a million or more who attended President Trump’s speech at the Ellipse that day.

Now Felicia is looking at possibly six months in prison. She is worried she will lose everything including her children.

** Please donate to Felicia Kenold here.

As previously reported by The Gateway Pundit – Felicia Kenold and her brother Cory were prosecuted as if they were part of the Proud Boy group and conspiring with them to Obstruct Congress.

Felicia and Cory were not Proud Boys and had just met members of the group that day.  Yet the Biden DOJ prosecuted them as Proud Boys anyway.

Felicia famously told reporters she was not even a boy let alone a Proud Boy!

Now this young mother is looking at up to sic months in prison by this wicked regime.

Here is her story…


BORDER VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: Muslims Pray at the Border After Crossing into the US through Joe Biden’s Open Border   (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

Nov. 6, 2023 8:00 am – Nothing to see here.
Last month FBI Director Chris Wray warned about possible terror attacks by radical Islamists following the Hamas massacre in Israel.

If Chris Wray were serious about attacks by radical Muslims he would insist we have a secure border.

But he’s obviously not serious. The border is wide open.

Millions of aliens have crossed into the US under Joe Biden. We have no idea who they are.
This is national suicide.

Reporter Jeffrey Rainforth recently caught footage of alien Muslims praying at the border wall inside the US.

We are witnessing Joe Biden’s intentional destruction of the United States. There is no other explanation for this purposeful invasion of unknown and undocumented aliens invading this country.

Video journalist Jeff Rainforth is covering the apocalyptic destruction of our country in real time. Jeff has been reporting from the border for weeks now.

In a recent report on the absolute chaos at the border Jeff filmed hundreds of illegals from Africa and Syria storming the border through a hole by the cartels.

Jeff reported on the cartels cutting holes in the border wall – and border patrol attempting to patch the holes as they are detected.
It is complete chaos!

On Friday Jeff Rainforth notified The Gateway Pundit that he filmed alien Muslims praying at the border wall after entering the country.


UN urges Gaza ceasefire while funding anti-Israel propaganda, ignoring human rights abusers  By Steven Richards

The UN passed a resolution which called for an immediate ceasefire without explicitly condemning the Hamas attacks. Israeli Ambassador Gilad Menashe Erdan said that the U.N. “no longer holds even one ounce of legitimacy or relevance.”

November 6, 2023 6:01am – The global body that was created to encourage peace in a turbulent world is facing harsh criticism after it could not muster the votes to condemn one of the most heinous acts of terrorism in modern history.

The United Nations General Assembly voted against a resolution amendment last week that would have unequivocally rejected and condemned the Oct. 7 terrorist attack by Hamas against Israeli civilians.

Canada introduced the amendment to a wider resolution introduced by a slew of countries that called for “an immediate…humanitarian truce” and included an equivocating condemnation of violence against civilians from both sides.

The General Assembly, which has no binding power under international law, voted 88 in favor and 55 against the amendment, but it did not reach the required two-thirds majority to pass the chamber, according to U.N. press.


These are Hamas officials who run terrorism in the Gaza Strip, and are not there at all   Aya Khimovich

06.11.23 – In Iran, Qatar, Lebanon and Turkey, senior Hamas foreign leaders sit. Away from the battles, they run budgets, target terrorist operatives and even incite global public opinion. While Hamas prevents Gaza residents from evacuating and protecting themselves, they are not in the Gaza Strip at all – and still are involved in decisions and enabling the terrorist organization’s activities

While Hamas is violently preventing Gaza residents from evacuating to the southern Gaza Strip, some of its leaders are not in the area at all, staying thousands of miles away.

While leading a comfortable life, they raise funds, train terrorists and form international connections, to serve one terrible purpose – terrorism, and as much as possible.

[Ed.:  Missing (BUT) In Action!]


There Is No Food, Water, or Medicine Shortage In Gaza   BY HUGH FITZGERALD

NOV 5, 2023 10:00 AM – Every day for the past four weeks, Hamas keeps announcing that Gaza has only a day, or a few hours, or an hour, before something critical to peoples’ survival — water, fuel, food, medicine — will run out completely. But it never comes to pass. The next day comes, the same dire warnings are offered, and again people in Gaza do not run out of water, fuel, food, or medicine. Could it be that Hamas has been lying to the world? Has Hamas ever been known to tell the truth? A sober discussion of the state of humanitarian conditions in Gaza can be found in the report issued on November 1 by Israel’s COGAT, the office of Coordination of the Government Activities in the Territories, right here: “The REAL humanitarian situation in Gaza as of 11/1, not Hamas propaganda,” Elder of Ziyon, November 2, 2023:


Who’s Funding the Pro-Hamas Rallies? Taxpayers.   BY DANIEL GREENFIELD

We are literally funding the Muslim Brotherhood.

NOV 5, 2023 1:30 PM – In the last 15 years, Islamic political interests have dug deep into New York City politics. What does that mean? Beyond the obvious, political power, money. That’s what the currency of power comes down to anyway. And that means government contracts going to so-called community groups. More Muslims living in NYC meant more money was going into Islamist organizations. And much like funding Hamas, that adds up to pro-Hamas rallies.

Big Apple taxpayers have shelled out nearly $9 million since 2010 — including $3.3 million the past two years — to four nonprofits that helped spearhead anti-Israel protests where demonstrators openly cheered Hamas’ terrorist attacks on the Jewish State.

…The biggest winner: The Arab American Association of New York, a Brooklyn-based group that helped plan a hate-filled “Flood Brooklyn for Palestine” protest in Bay Ridge on Oct. 21, where protestors called for the eradication of Israel and held a sign of the Israeli flag in a trash basket that read “Please keep the world clean!”

It’s received $6.8 million in Council pork and city contracts – including $3 million-plus the past two years – for criminal justice services, adult literacy programs, mental health aid through ex-First Lady Chirlane McCray’s failed ThriveNYC initiative and other services, records show.

That would be Linda Sarsour’s group.


Hamas Sends Out Women and Children to Protect Its ‘Fighters’   BY HUGH FITZGERALD

NOV 5, 2023 2:00 PM – Hamas knows that the IDF tries to protect Palestinian civilians as best it can. Exploiting Israel’s “purity of arms,” and its fundamental decency, Hamas sent out one hundred women and children to block IDF soldiers from continuing to attack fighters in a key Hamas compound inside the Jabaliya camp. Hamas knows these civilians’ appearance will at least slow down the Israeli advance, and may even cause the IDF to call off the assault altogether, until the women and children can be rounded up and moved to a safer space. More on this latest example, among so many, of how Hamas uses its civilians — and especially its women and children — as human shields, can be found here: “Israel accuses Hamas of using over 100 women and children as human shields in Gaza,” Times of Israel, November 2, 2023:

[Ed.:  Islamic ‘bravery’...]


Germany: Young Muslims say Muslims will become majority, abolish constitution and impose Sharia   BY ROBERT SPENCER

NOV 5, 2023 4:30 PM – Young Islamists in Germany say Muslims will become the majority in Germany, abolish the German Constitution & introduce Sharia law

Europe has been underestimating the threat posed by Islamism.

Well, I tried to tell you.



Deemed ‘Accidental’: The Burning Alive of Christians in the Middle East   by Raymond Ibrahim


Coptic Solidarity

Over 100 Christians were burned alive after a fire broke out during a Christian wedding ceremony in Iraq on Oct. 3, 2023; another 150 attendees were seriously injured.  Nearly 60 of those killed in the inferno were directly related to the bride and groom.

To quote from one report,

Tragedy struck the Assyrian Christian town of Hamdaniya in Nineveh province … during a joyous wedding when scenes of celebration and laughter soon derailed into a hellish nightmare when the banquet hall caught on fire. At least a hundred died and over 150 were also injured.

The town of Hamdaniya, it is worth recalling,

is one of Iraq’s only Christian-majority districts, located in the Nineveh Plains near Mosul, a historic Assyrian region. Like many Christian towns in the Nineveh Plains, it was taken over by Islamic State (ISIS) jihadists during their brazen sweep of northern Iraq, where they declared a so-called “caliphate” and inflicted grave atrocities on minority groups, including Christians.

In a press conference held on the same day of the tragedy, the Iraqi government announced that its investigation had “conclusively concluded” that the fire was “accidental,” and “not intentional at all.”

Minutes later, the Syriac Church slammed the announcement: “We reject it [the results], we don’t accept it,” said the Archbishop of Mosul Benedictus Younan Hanno, adding that “political conspiracies” might be afoot.

The archbishop especially rejected the idea that the fire was caused by fireworks: “there are tens of videos,” he said, “showing that they were not the reason.”


‘I saw that Allah had sent me the Jewish woman and I understood that I had to kill her’   By Robert Spencer

November 4, 2023 – Every day seems to bring fresh evidence of just how savage and demonic Hamas really is. On Friday, video surfaced of IDF soldiers entering the Nova music festival in southern Israel in the aftermath of Hamas’ massacre there. Be warned: the video shows the dead bodies of numerous young Israelis whom the jihadis murdered in their pursuit of another genocide of the Jewish people. As such evidence of Hamas’ inhumanity comes to light, however, their motivations remain obscure to most people. Even now, nearly a quarter-century after 9/11, people in the West have trouble believing that someone could ruthlessly murder people and think he is serving the supreme being. And so studying the testimony of another jihadi can be illuminating.

Back in 2019, a Palestinian Muslim named Arafat Irafaiya raped and murdered a nineteen-year-old Israeli girl named Ori Ansbacher. The murder was so brutal that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu specifically noted its “shocking brutality.” Irafaiya emphasized that he had raped and murdered Ori Ansbacher because she was Jewish; as if to emphasize the ideology that had spurred such bloodlust, Irafaiya was captured in a mosque.

Irafaiya afterward made statements to investigators that are newly relevant as illustrative of the jihadi mindset. In an upbeat mood, Irafaiya exulted: “I did everything an Arab dreams of.” He even said that raping and murdering Ori Ansbacher was “the best and most important thing I did in my life.”

The Western mind reels. How could this blood-curdling act of hatred be the best and most important thing he ever did in his life? This is understandable only from an Islamic perspective. An Islamic tradition depicts a man approaching Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, and asking him: “Instruct me as to such a deed as equals jihad (in reward).” Muhammad replies, “I do not find such a deed.” (Sahih Bukhari 4.56.2785) Arafat Irafaiya no doubt considers his brutalization and killing of Ori Ansbacher to be an act of jihad, and so he regards it with the deep satisfaction of the pious when they know they have done something that pleases their god.

[Ed.: Islam is one of the world’s ‘three great religions’?  Not a chance in Hell!  It’s not a religion at all.  It’s a military cult.]


TERROR TV: NPR Is Supporting Hamas Terrorism @NPRpubliceditor   By Pamela Geller

November 5, 2023 – Why are we, the American taxpayer, forced to fund this terror outlet?

National Public Radio (NPR) has long been criticized for its biased coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Please write to NPR:

• Contact NPR Public Editor Kelly McBride by filling out the following form:

Firmly but courteously make the following points:

• NPR has departed from its touted core principles. It is neither transparent nor fair to conceal the partisan affiliations of the guest and source who cast doubt on Israel’s version of events.

• Hiding information about the independent foreign intelligence sources that concurred with Israel’s version of events is not the contextual truth. Nor is presenting Hamas statistics as fact without noting that based on history these statistics are not reliable and without noting that other assessments refute Hamas’ statistics.

If you’re on X (formerly known as Twitter) you can also post to @NPRpubliceditor


Three Years Ago Today America Woke Up to a Stolen 2020 Presidential Election   By Joe Hoft

Nov. 5, 2023 11:40 am – Three years ago today America woke up to a stolen 2020 Election.

Americans could see through the Russia collusion lie and the unbelievable Democrat impeachment of President Trump for daring to ask about what was going in with the Bidens in Ukraine.

They came out in droves and set the record for the most valid votes for a candidate in history.  For the first time, a candidate had gained more than 70 million votes.

President Trump also recorded the most votes by a President as he walked away with the 2020 Election.

Then in the middle of the night, Americans were told that counting was stopping in multiple swing states.  When Americans woke up three years ago today they saw that their election had been stolen.

Joe Biden who hadn’t even campaigned, who stuttered, who was obviously senile, who stood for all that America hated (corruption, Obama, career politicians, etc…) somehow earned over 80 million votes.  The media told us it was legit.  Some do to this day.


Illegal Alien Wanted For Terrorism Arrested Near One World Trade Center 2 Weeks After Biden’s DHS Let Him into US   By George C. Upper Iii

Nov. 5, 2023 7:45 am – Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced last month in a news release that it had taken into custody a foreign national terrorism suspect who had been released by border authorities two weeks earlier.

The unnamed “unlawfully present Mauritanian or Senegalese citizen” was apprehended the second time in New York City on October 17 after having been processed and released on his own recognizance near the southern border on October 3.

Border Patrol agents first encountered the 29 year old illegal immigrant near Lukeville, Arizona, and served him with a Notice to Appear in New York, Fox News reported.

A week later, Homeland Security Investigations contacted Enforcement and Removal Operations in the city, stating that the man was wanted by the West African nation of Senegal on terrorism charges.


WATCH: RAV’s Ben Bergquam Releases New Shocking Video of Massive Invasion Location Discovered in Sasabe, Arizona   By David Greyson

Nov. 4, 2023 6:30 pm – Ben Bergquam, host of Law and Border on Real America’s Voice, was down at the border again. This time he was in Sasabe, Arizona, which is a remote area next to the southern border. He is consistently doing what the mainstream media won’t, which is showing us just how bad Biden’s border crisis is.

As Ben was walking along the border wall, you can see countless illegals sitting against the wall, waiting to turn themselves in. Remote areas like this were also used for cartels to run drugs but are also being used now to bring in illegals.

Ben had gone up to numerous individuals that were waiting and asked them in Spanish where they were planning to go. Some said Mississippi, California, Pennsylvania, Nashville, Maryland and New York, among other locations.

He was offering help when he noticed a girl looked sick. He called for help on a satellite phone to the Border Patrol and asked one of them to translate. It turns out she had not eaten in two days.

Ben put the blame on the humanitarian groups that are showing up at the border to help because they are enabling the cartels. The man wearing the black mask is telling the group of illegals not to talk to Ben.


NATIONAL SUICIDE: Inside the Democrats’ Plan to Allow Non-Citizens to Vote   By Mike Lachance

Nov. 4, 2023 9:55 pm – As the border has been overrun with illegal immigrants in recent years, many people on the right have suggested that the goal of Democrats is to eventually turn these people into Democrat voters.

The report below suggests that this is not a long-term plan for years from now but right now.

Democrats in various American cities are setting up these invaders to vote ASAP, through work permits, which they are all working hard to hand out as quickly as possible.

From the Epoch Times via Zero Hedge:

The Non-Citizen Voting Scam

Democrats are pushing to allow noncitizens to vote in local elections in New York City, Boston, and other municipalities, and statewide in Connecticut.

The number of migrants pouring across the southern border has hit a record high, according to data released on Oct. 21. Illegal immigrant crossings soared 21 percent over the previous month. On a yearly basis, the figure hit 2.48 million.

Democrats may feign shock and distress. Don’t be fooled. Democrats see these newcomers as their guarantee of a permanent voting majority in local elections. Not years from now, after the newcomers become citizens. Right now.

New York Mayor Eric Adams’s rhetoric is typical. He warns that the overwhelming number of migrants arriving—currently 16,000 to 17,000 a month—“will destroy New York City,” but he’s also leading the legal effort to turn migrants into voters.

Mr. Adams and other New York Democrats pushed President Joe Biden to expedite work authorizations for them. They said it’s about making migrants self-sufficient. Maybe, but Democrats have another powerful motive.

If you read the fine print of New York City’s “Our City, Our Vote” law, enacted in December 2021, it says that anyone with a work authorization who has been in the city for a mere 30 days can vote, even if they entered the country illegally.

If Democrats are allowed to get away with this, they will ‘fundamentally transform’ the United States forever.


Bank of America, Chase and U.S. Bank systems DOWN today as direct deposit systems crash   By Vassia Barba

U.S. Bank, Bank of America, Chase and Wells Fargo are among the banks with direct deposit payment issues today, with users reporting the systems are down

Banks reported a delay in the posting of direct deposits on Friday, November 3 (Image: Omar Marques/SOPA Images/REX/Shutterstock)

3 NOV 2023 – Banking companies Truist, Bank of America, Chase, US Bank, and Wells Fargo were experiencing delays in the posting of direct deposits today.

The disruptions reportedly began at around 8am ET and seem to have concluded at 1:30pm ET. Customers reported experiencing delays in the posting of their direct debit deposits and paychecks. Wells Fargo first acknowledged the issue on social media and said they were working towards a resolution. Bank of America also acknowledged the issue in a message to customers.

A Chase spokesperson said: “A system issue affected ACH debits and credits sent to us, as well as to other banks. The originators of these deposits are working to resend the payment files and we will post them as soon as we can.”

The other institutions haven’t released any official statement as of yet. Bank of America didn’t immediately reply to a request for comment. Wells Fargo and Truist declined to comment on the issue and instead referred The Mirror to The Clearing House, the company involved in the delayed payments.

Total Page Visits: 236

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.