J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang Speaks Out from Prison Cell After President Trump’s Victory


P’nut The Squirrel’s Spirit Lives On: Squirrel Spotted Running Across The Stage Before Kamala Harris Concession Speech (VIDEO)


A Note of Thanks from The Gateway Pundit Editor to Our Amazing Readers


TRIFECTA! Republicans Will Hold The House and Senate, Giving Trump’s Agenda Unprecedented Mandate



Feel-Good Video of the Day… Jen Psaki Draws the Short Straw – Is Forced to Announce Donald Trump’s Historic Victory as President of the United States


MUST SEE: Liberals Meltdown After President Trump Wins Presidential Election  (VIDEOS)   By Anthony Scott

Nov. 6, 2024 9:15 am – Following President Trump’s dominant election victory, liberals across the United States went into full meltdown mode.

Videos on X show Democrats crying and completely enraged after finding out Trump won the presidential election.

One streamer, who goes by the Boogie, ripped up his “White Dudes for Harris” shirt in a fit of rage after learning Trump won the election.


Another man who supported Kamala Harris uploaded a video of himself crying on TikTok after learning that Kamala lost the election.


He wasn’t the only one to shed tears.

Continue viewing more videos





ANOTHER WIN! Bette Midler Deletes Her X Account After Implying She Will Drink Drano if Trump Wins


CHECK THIS OUT: Bette Midler Posts Meme Implying She Will Drink Drano if Trump Wins


[Ed.: Go for it, Meat Head, I insist!]



US election 2024 results in full: Maps reveal where Trump and Harris stand in every state   By DATA JOURNALISM TEAM and WILLS ROBINSON  and STEPHEN MATTHEWS, ASSOCIATE EDITOR

5 November 2024 11:50 GMT, 6 November 2024

View the results of the dramatic 2024 election with our catalogue of maps and charts that show where Donald Trump and Kamala Harris stood in every state.

Trump swept the battleground states of North Carolina, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to secure victory and cement one of the most unlikely comebacks in political history. 

Take a look at all the results from around the country.

Continue reading



Boxes of Ballots Still Arriving at Detroit’s Bureau of Elections in Cars with California Plates at 11 PM: Report


[Ed.:  Question:  What ever made the Democrats think that Kamala could possibly win over Trump?]


Republicans Take Senate Majority — Ending Brutal Four Years as the Minority   By Cassandra Macdonald

Nov. 6, 2024 12:50 am – The Republican Party was projected to have captured a Senate majority on election night.

The GOP lost the majority in 2020 and failed to win it back in 2022.

By midnight, Republicans had flipped West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin’s seat with the election of Jim Justice and Bernie Moreno ousted Sen. Sherrod Brown in Ohio.

The Hill reports:

Republicans entered the election cycle as favorites to recapture the Senate, as Democrats had to defend 23 seats — including four rated as “toss-ups” and one rated “lean Republican” — while Republicans only had to worry about 11 seats, all in states that supported Trump in 2016 and 2020.

Battleground races in Montana, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin remained uncalled.

Republican candidates were also helped by voters’ sour view of the economy and inflation during President Biden’s four years in office.

Twenty-four percent of voters in battleground states such as Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin rated the economy as the most important issue in deciding their vote, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll conducted from Oct. 24 to Nov. 2.

Several Republicans who were at risk of losing their seats, including Nebraska Sen. Deb Fischer and Texas Rep. Colin Allred, were protected by Trump’s strong showing at the top of the ticket.


BREAKING: Fox News Calls Pennsylvania For President Trump   By Cristina Laila

Nov. 6, 2024 12:24 am – Fight! Fight! Fight!

Fox News called Pennsylvania for President Trump after midnight on election night.

President Trump won the 2024 election. Kamala Harris does not have a pathway to 270 electoral votes.




President Trump became the second US president in history to win the White House in two non-consecutive terms!

Trump won the presidency in a historic three-peat!

The last president to win in non-consecutive terms was Grover Cleveland.

Nothing could stop President Donald Trump – 91 junk indictments, two assassination attempts, Democrat lawfare, being shot in the face!

Trump won Pennsylvania at 1:30 AM for 19 electoral votes to put him at 267

With Alaska coming in that is 3 points to put him at 270 electoral votes and the victory!

Trump is still leading in every battleground state – Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, and Nevada have not been called yet!

UPDATE: Wisconsin was just called for Trump!

UPDATE: (01:51 AM) FOX News and Decision Desk HQ announced Trump’s victory.


CNN Panel in Utter Shock After Seeing Huge 20 Point Swing Toward Trump Among Independent Voters in Georgia (VIDEO)


TRUMP WINS: Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Utah, Missouri, Texas, Ohio, Louisiana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia


HOLD THE CHAMPAGNE: American Embassies in Europe Cancel Election Night Festivities, as Liberal Diplomats and Staff Anticipate a Trump Victory


WV Gov. Jim Justice Wins Senate Race — Flips Sen. Joe Manchin’s Seat Red


BREAKING: Trump Declared Projected Winner of Florida’s 30 Electoral Votes


Biden-Harris Regime Moves Murderers and Rapists Into J6 Wing of DC Prison on Election Day – A Note from Dominic Box Who Serves Time in Prison for Walking Inside US Capitol That Day


Here We Go Again: Arizona Secretary of State Reports Multiple “Unsubstantiated” Bomb Threats at Four Navajo County Locations, Points to Russia


TRUMP: ‘A Lot of Talk About Massive CHEATING in Philadelphia. Law Enforcement Coming!!!’


BREAKING: HERE WE GO: Milwaukee to Recount 30,000 Absentee Ballots Due to Tabulator Issue, ‘Could Take Hours’


Snipers and Drones on Standby Near Polling Stations in Maricopa County, Arizona


URGENT: STAY IN LINE: Judge Extends Voting Hours in One Luzerne County, PA Precinct to 9:30 PM After Voters Were Unable to Cast Ballots Due to Delays


ANOTHER VICTORY! RNC Wins Huge Lawsuit Against Milwaukee Election Commission Over Its Plan to Limit Poll Watchers


Judicial Watch Victory: Federal Appeals Court Rules against Counting of Ballots Received after Election Day   Tom Fitton

November 5, 2024  (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has issued an opinion reversing a lower court ruling on Mississippi’s election law that permitted absentee ballots to be received as late as five business days after Election Day.

Earlier this year, Judicial Watch filed the civil rights lawsuit challenging the Mississippi election law on behalf of the Libertarian Party of Mississippi (Libertarian Party of Mississippi v Wetzel et al. (No. 1:24-cv-00037)). The court consolidated the case filed by Judicial Watch with one filed by the Republican National Committee, the Mississippi Republican Party, and other complainants.

(Judicial Watch filed the first challenge to require all ballots be received by Election Day in 2022 against Illinois.)

The Fifth Circuit opinion states in part:

Congress statutorily designated a singular “day for the election” of members of Congress and the appointment of presidential electors. Text, precedent, and historical practice confirm this “day for the election” is the day by which ballots must be both cast by voters and received by state officials. Because Mississippi’s statute allows ballot receipt up to five days after the federal election day, it is preempted by federal law. We reverse the district court’s contrary judgment and remand for further proceedings. [Emphasis added]

Judicial Watch argued that holding voting open for five days past Election Day violates the constitutional rights of voters and candidates:

Counting untimely, illegal, and invalid votes, such as those received in violation of federal law, substantially increases the pool of total votes cast and dilutes the weight of votes cast by Plaintiff’s members and others in support of Plaintiff’s federal nominees.

 The complaint details that as many as 1.7% of votes cast in Mississippi in 2020 were received after Election Day.

 In its appeal filings, Judicial Watch explained that the Mississippi law extending Election Day is obviously at odds with federal law. The Fifth Circuit hearing can be found here.

“This is a historic victory for election integrity and voter rights and confidence. This is a precedent that ensures that only ballots that arrive by Election Day can be counted under federal law,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “We hope this begins a national movement to increase voter confidence, comply with federal law, and limit voter fraud by counting ballots that arrive only by Election Day.”

Judicial Watch is a national leader in voting integrity and voting rights. As part of its work, Judicial Watch assembled a team of highly experienced voting rights attorneys who stopped discriminatory elections in Hawaii, and cleaned up voter rolls in California, Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky, among other achievements.

Robert Popper, a Judicial Watch senior attorney, leads its election law program. Popper was previously in the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, where he managed voting rights investigations, litigations, consent decrees, and settlements in dozens of states.

In a similar lawsuit, in 2022, Judicial Watch, on behalf of Congressman Mike Bost and two other registered voters, sued Illinois for allowing vote-by-mail ballots (even those without postmarks) to be counted if received up to 14 calendar days after Election Day if the ballots are dated on or before Election Day.

In May 2024, Judicial Watch sued California under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) to force it to clean up its voter rolls. The lawsuit, filed on behalf of Judicial Watch and the Libertarian Party of California, asks the court to compel California to make “a reasonable effort to remove the registrations of ineligible registrants from the voter rolls” as required by federal law (Judicial Watch Inc. and the Libertarian Party of CA v. Shirley Weber et al. (No. 2:24-cv-3750)).

In March 2024, Judicial Watch, Breakthrough Ideas, Illinois Family Action, and Carol J. Davis sued Illinois officials under the NVRA to force them to clean the State’s voter rolls. (Judicial Watch Inc., et al., v. Illinois State Board of Elections, et al. (No. 1:24-cv-01867).

In December 2023, a notice letter was sent to election officials in the District of Columbia notifying them of evident violations of the NVRA, based on their failure to remove inactive voters from their registration rolls. The letter pointed out that D.C. publicly reported removing few or no ineligible voter registrations under a key provision of the NVRA. The letter threatened a federal lawsuit unless the violations were corrected in a timely fashion. In response to Judicial Watch’s inquiries, Washington, DC, officials admitted that they had not complied with the NVRA, promptly removed 65,544 outdated names from the voting rolls, promised to remove 37,962 more, and designated another 73,522 registrations as “inactive.”

In July 2023 Judicial Watch filed an amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief, supporting the decision of the U.S. District Court for the District of Maine, which struck down Maine’s policy restricting the use and distribution of the state’s voter registration list (Public Interest Legal Foundation v. Shenna Bellows (No. 23-1361). According to a national study conducted by Judicial Watch in 2020, Maine’s statewide registration rate was 101% of eligible voters.

Judicial Watch in July 2023 also settled a federal election integrity lawsuit on behalf of the Illinois Conservative Union against the state of Illinois, the Illinois State Board of Elections, and its director, which now grants access to the current centralized statewide list of registered voters for the state for the past 15 elections.

In April 2023, Pennsylvania settled with Judicial Watch and admitted in court filings that it removed 178,258 ineligible registrations in response to communications from Judicial Watch. The settlement commits Pennsylvania and five of its counties to extensive public reporting of statistics regarding their ongoing voter roll clean-up efforts for the next five years.

In March 2023, Colorado agreed to settle a Judicial Watch NVRA lawsuit alleging that Colorado failed to remove ineligible voters from its rolls. The settlement agreement requires Colorado to provide Judicial Watch with the most recent voter roll data for each Colorado county each year for six years.

In February 2023, Los Angeles County confirmed the removal of 1,207,613 ineligible voters from its rolls since last year, under the terms of a settlement agreement in a federal lawsuit Judicial Watch filed in 2017.

Judicial Watch settled a federal election integrity lawsuit against New York City after the city removed 441,083 ineligible names from the voter rolls and promised to take reasonable steps going forward to clean its voter registration lists.

Kentucky also removed hundreds of thousands of old registrations after it entered into a consent decree to end another Judicial Watch lawsuit.

In February 2022, Judicial Watch settled a voter roll clean-up lawsuit against North Carolina and two of its counties after North Carolina removed over 430,000 inactive registrations from its voter rolls.

In March 2022, a Maryland court ruled in favor of Judicial Watch’s challenge to the Democratic state legislature’s “extreme” congressional-districts gerrymander.

[Ed.:  BRAVO Tom Fitton!!! THANK YOU!]


Election Night Updates  Sydney Powell


Dear Patriots:

Recommended sites for updated Election Night Voting Results:

Defending The Republic website

Steve Bannon’s War Room

Megyn Kelly Podcast

Tucker Carlson LIve from Mar-A-Lago

Patrick Bet-David Podcast

Check out each one for the one that you find easiest to interpret for what you are looking for. Updates should begin around 8:00 PM EST.

Of course, we will have a DTR Newsletter to you by 8 AM Wednesday morning as always …

PRAY for our country


Defending The Republic

Read the five part series truthfully explaining the unprecedented lawfare used by the left to remove Sidney Powell’s right to free speech.

This will be permanently available for all at Defending The Republic.

Regardless of who wins any election, to have confidence in the outcome, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.

NOTE: Defending The Republic, Inc. is a §501(c)(4) non-profit organization, gifts to which are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

As a special service to you – our loyal Defending The Republic readers – we offer the following guide for watching tonight’s Election Voting Updates.

We recommend you do not go to mainstream media news channels. They are aggressively and overtly partisan to Democrats at every level. You will not get honest analysis and reporting from them.


Pennsylvania Vote by Mail Update: Democrats Only Squeak Out 2,411 Net Votes on Election Eve… Developing


ARIZONA UPDATE: Republicans Led in Early Voting by 218,311 – Republican Election Day Voting: Turn Out Is 2-1 Over Democrats


They’re Not Hiding It Anymore: Wisconsin Dem Party Chair Says Expect to See a “Red Mirage” Then a ‘Blue Shift’ in the Dead of Night Like in 2020


Gas Leak Forces Evacuation and Closure of One of Northville’s Two Voting Precincts on Election Day


Top Pollster “Dumps” on his Own Data… Trump Actually Up Bigger than his State Polls Show! (VIDEO)


Election Day Chaos Hits Key Swing State County: Voting Machines Down in Apache County, Arizona


Here We Go: RINO Georgia Secretary of State Blames Polling Place Bomb Threat on Russia Russia Russia


WATCH: Kari Lake Speaks to The Gateway Pundit on Election Eve, Says “The Numbers Are Going to Be TOO BIG TO RIG” as Republicans Hold 200,000+ Lead in Early Ballot Returns


URGENT: CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA VOTERS: Stay in Line: RNC Secures Another Victory, Extends Voting Hours Until 10 PM After Voting Machines Melt Down


WAYNE ROOT: We are Living in a Combination of Twilight Zone and Bizarro World. Here are the Three Factors That Will Determine Today’s Election Winner- and Mainstream Media Refuses to Mention Any of Them.


BREAKING: O’Keefe Media Group Undercover: Philadelphia City Commissioners’ Office Tells Noncitizens They Can Vote if They Are Philly Residents (VIDEO)


Ben Bergquam and Jordan Conradson Break News on Today’s Arizona Maricopa County Election Day Fiasco – 4-Page Ballot Is Causing Extended Wait Times! (VIDEO)


BANANA REPUBLIC: Widespread Voting Issues Reported in Cambria and Other Counties in Pennsylvania on Election Morning


Commander Jay Furman – Republican Candidate in TX-28 – Reports Early Voting Irregularities at Polling Centers Across His District


HUGE WIN! Biden-Harris DOJ BLOCKED From Entering Texas Polling Stations Hours After AG Ken Paxton Sues Department


Nearly 14,000 Nevada Mail Ballots Could Go Uncounted Unless Voters Verify Signatures by November 12


BLM Leader Announces He’s Voting for Donald Trump — Warns That a Kamala Harris Victory ‘Would Be a Disaster for This Country’


Reports of HUGE LINES and Massive Turnout in Pennsylvania – RNC Chairman Deployed Attorneys to Allow Poll Watchers into Several Polling Stations


Arizona and Pennsylvania Ballot Registration Harvesting Update: Primary Far Left Group Behind the Scandal FieldCorps Received HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS from Democrat Political Committees


Here We Go: Harris County Clerk Issues Statement After Early Votes Shift Mysteriously Favor Democrats — Claims it Was an ‘Accident’   By Jim Hft

Nov. 5, 2024 11:15 am – In yet another “accidental” discrepancy benefiting Democrats, Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth announced on Monday that early voting turnout numbers in Texas’ Harris County might be inaccurate due to a “formatting issue” with their tracking spreadsheet.

The news has sparked outrage from Republicans, who see this as yet another in a long series of convenient glitches and accidents that seem to lean in one political direction.

Joseph L. Trahan, a candidate for Senate District 15, took to social media platform X to air his grievances.

He wrote:

“Harris County Central Count must have some kind of secret teleportation device they used to remove 2000 to 3000 voters a day from HCC South Loop and moved them to Kashmere every day of early voting after the fact. THIS is merely one of many astounding feats overcoming the limitations of time and space, physics, Rodney Ellis’ team has been able to achieve.

Me, my team and other candidates worked HCC Southloop many days of the early voting period. For instance, Wednesday we know for a fact we passed out 1000 campaign buttons to voters that exited the polling location with a “I Voted” sticker, many of which we had spoken with as they were entering the polling location.

Wednesday Oct 30 at HCC 610 loop easily 2,500 voters entered that voting center by all accounts and this morning Harris County Central Count adjusted that number to 711?

Over 60 daily totals shifted from heavy “Republican” polling locations to heavy “Democrat” polling locations.

We want answers.

Left Totals at polls closing Friday evening and these numbers lasted online until the morning where the image at right shifted 60 different daily totals as indicated entirely inconsistent with first hand on site witnesses at these polling locations.”

Caroline Kane, who is a candidate to represent Texas’ 7th Congressional District, also wrote on X:

“In Harris County, there are now huge discrepancies in early voters by polling location between yesterday and what is now showing today. These should NOT CHANGE, yet 60 polling locations have indeed changed.

The beginning of the list and end of alphabetical list are all nearly the same. The entire middle of the report is off. Look at “HCC West Loop South,” for instance. Where did the votes go? Perhaps some went to “Samuel Matthews Park Community Center”?

I check these numbers daily to check traffic and assign volunteers for the following day. All was consistent day-to-day until today -when everything changed. What is going on here [Office of County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth]?”

In response to the backlash, Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth released a statement explaining that a formatting error had allegedly misaligned certain cells in the spreadsheet, causing totals to appear incorrectly across several polling locations.

“In the process of updating the daily record of early vote totals for two vote centers (Baytown Community Center and Mission Bend Center), the formatting of the spreadsheet inadvertently misaligned, causing cells to shift and reflect incorrect numbers for other locations. Our office is aware and is actively working to correct the report.

A gentle reminder, as stated in red at the bottom of the early vote total report, the numbers of early voters by personal appearance are UNOFFICIAL until all administrative documents collected from each voting center are reviewed and reconciled in accordance with the Texas Election Code (TEC). I assure you that every vote that was cast will be accurately tallied.”


Washington Transforms Into Military Zone for Election Night

November 5, 2024  JBN News – With a divided country heading to the polls today, extra security measures have been taken to protect government buildings, businesses, and election night gatherings across Washington D.C.

This week, the Secret Service erected new eight-foot-high metal fencing around both the White House and Treasury Department complex, with the barriers extending into adjacent parts of Lafayette Square. Similar fortifications now surround the Naval Observatory grounds and Vice President Kamala Harris’s residence.

At the Capitol, temporary bicycle-rack barriers posted with “Police Line: Do not cross” signs encircle the perimeter. The Secret Service also installed barriers outside the West Palm Beach, Florida, convention center where Donald Trump will hold his election-night party.

“I feel very sad that this is the state of things,” admitted D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser at a news conference on Tuesday. “But the way that I deal with anxiety is to work and to make sure that we are as prepared as we can be.”

The Metropolitan Police Department has implemented a comprehensive security strategy, focusing on polling locations and deploying extra officers around the White House and downtown areas. The department’s Falcon 1 police helicopter and drones will monitor key areas across the district.

“There is concern around the city. We’re not expecting full-fledged pandemonium like we saw after January 6, or four years ago,” said Eric J. Jones, vice president of government affairs for the Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington.

Meanwhile, many private businesses are taking their own precautions, despite District officials stating there’s no need to cover windows. According to the Washington Post, Admiral Security Services has mobilized roughly 2,000 private personnel for 12-hour shifts at its client facilities, particularly those concentrated around the White House. Building owners have been advised to increase security staffing, secure materials for emergency barriers, and practice evacuation procedures.


Mail-In Ballots Sent to Uninhabited Locations Across Pennsylvania Including Power Plants and a Baseball Field: Report   By Cristina Laila

Nov. 4, 2024 10:45 pm – Mail-in ballots have been sent to uninhabited locations across Pennsylvania according to the Oversight Project.

The mail-in ballots were sent to power plants and baseball fields in Pennsylvania.

“According to data released by Philadelphia City Commissioners, somebody requested a 2024 general election mail-in ballot to be sent to this address and that ballot was returned as undeliverable. And the reason why that is, is because this is not the location of a residential housing unit, but it is the location of some sort of industrial power plant,” a reporter for Real Muckraker said pointing to a sign that read “Danger: High Voltage”

The Real Muckraker reporter said he discovered that another mail-in ballot had been sent to another power plant.

A request for a mail-in ballot also came from a baseball field.

“We’re working to get to the bottom of this. Stay tuned,” the reporter said.


Democrats heavily relied on mail-in ballots in 2020 to get Joe Biden across the finish line.

Recall that President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden by more than 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania at midnight on Election Day in 2020, but Democrats in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia kept counting ‘mail-in ballots’ for two weeks without GOP monitors present.

Joe Biden ‘won’ Pennsylvania by approximately 80,000 votes after Democrats used mail-in ballots to cheat.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court recently ruled that undated ballots or improperly dated ballots won’t be counted.

The RNC sued Pennsylvania to block mail-in ballot curing and the state’s high court said the committee filed the lawsuit too close to the election.

Election officials will now be able to notify voters of ‘mistakes’ and allow them to make changes to their ballots.


Rumblings: Scandal Involving the Postal Service and Mail-In Ballots Is Developing


DEVELOPING: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Deploys Election Day Rapid Response Legal Team to Monitor Voting Process – Puts Activist Groups on Notice


NY EMERGENCY ALERT! Vote ‘NO’ on Proposal One in New York Tomorrow! DECEITFUL PROPOSAL Can Give Illegal Migrants the Right to Vote and Allow Minors to Get Sex Changes!


Another Huge Win! Georgia Supreme Court Reverses Lower Court’s Decision, Blocks Democrat-Run Cobb County From Counting 3,000 Absentee Ballots After Election Day


UKRAINE DARKNESS: With Power Infrastructure Destroyed, Kiev Faces Daily Blackouts of Eight to 20 Hours During the Winter, as Russian Attacks Intensify All Along the Front

[Ed.:  Thank NATO and US “Administration” for forcing Russia into a corner – and responding as they promised they would for the past 10 years!]


BREAKING: Detroit Activist Blows City’s Election Fraud Machine Wide Open! – Elections Whistleblower Has Evidence People Are Being Illegally Registered to Vote And Votes Are Being Cast Using Their Identities


Harris Campaign Says Results Could Take ‘Several Days’ After Dems Threaten to Flood Airwaves if Trump Declares Victory Before ‘All Votes’ are Counted


THIS IS HUGE!… Trump Leads in Real Clear Politics Averages for First Time – Numbers Are Exceptional – Better Than with Hillary and Joe Biden


Dysfunctional German Coalition Has Put Forward THREE Different Plans to Reboot Ailing Economy – Unpopular Chancellor Scholz Trying To Keep Government From Imploding   By Paul Serran

Nov. 3, 2024 6:40 pm – If you have a three-party coalition and one economic plan, you have at least the semblance of a working government.

But if you have a three-way coalition and THREE economic plans, what you have is Germany.

‘The sick man of Europe’ is on an economic slope since it abdicated from cheap Russian oil and began relying on much more expensive alternatives.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz leads an ideologically disparate coalition that can never agree on policy measures to ‘drive growth, protect industrial jobs, and reinforce Germany’s position as a global industrial hub.’

Because his government now has three plans, Scholz needs to meet the other two leaders, Green’s Robert Habeck and FDP Christian Linders.

Will he arrive at a compromise between the contradictory plans?

Reuters reported:

“A document leaked by Christian Lindner’s finance ministry in Berlin last week laid out a plan for tax cuts and fiscal discipline that political analysts interpreted as a challenge to the multibillion-euro investment program put forward by Economy Minister Robert Habeck days earlier.”

The enormous differences of economic and industrial policies have given birth to speculation about the coalition’s collapse.

“A government source told Reuters that Scholz and the ministers would hold several meetings in the coming days, saying that ‘now that everyone has submitted their paper, we have to see how they fit with each other’.”

That’s obviously easier said than done. The proposals are too different.

“Fiscal hawk Lindner has proposed scrapping the funds from the budget, while Habeck has said they could be reallocated.

[…] While Habeck wants the creation of a fund to stimulate investment and to get around Germany’s strict fiscal spending rules, Lindner advocates tax cuts to spur the economy and an immediate halt on all new regulation.”

As Greens and FDP bicker, Scholz’s SPD party is also distant from Lindner proposals.

“Opposition parties, including the conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) and the far-right Alternative for Germany, called for early elections on Sunday, with conservative parliamentary group manager Thorsten Frei telling newspaper Welt that this ‘would be the last service [the government] could render to our country’.”

If one of the parties exits the coalition, a parliamentary confidence vote takes place, after which the president can trigger elections.




WATCH LIVE: President Trump Holds Rally in Macon, Georgia- Begins at 6:30 ET   By Margaret Flavin

[UPDATE:  7:55 pm ET:  Trumps has not even started yet!  So, you’re early…]

Nov. 3, 2024 5:30 pm – President Donald Trump will hold his third rally of the day in Macon, Georgia.

The event is set to begin at 6:30 PM ET. [Ed.:  Ha ha ha!]

Crowds arrived early to attend his final scheduled campaign stop in the Peach State.

WATCH  https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GrwdUhqLpY

On Monday, Trump has four rallies scheduled.  He will start the day in North Carolina, he will make two stops in Pennsylvania, and close the night in Michigan.

[Ed.:  ‘Keep ’em waiting!’  He came out at 8:00 pm.  1 1/2 hrs. X 40,000 people (for example,) = 60,000 people hours waiting for Trump.  Add to that an extra 4-years!]


Biden-Harris, Pfizer & Moderna SUED for Depopulation Crimes – Media Blackout   THE VIGILANT FOX

Introducing the top 10 stories they chose not to tell you this week.

NOV 03, 2024

#10 – Biden, Harris, Pfizer, and Moderna smacked with MASSIVE lawsuit for anti-human crimes.

The lawsuit, which has been filed in the Southern District of Texas, demands an end to:

• The COVID-19 injections.

• The “poisoning of our skies” that people refer to as chemtrails.

• And other toxic practices deemed harmful to human beings.  [Emphasis added]

Shelby Hosana, one of the multiple plaintiffs in the lawsuit, calls this “a whole lot of evil put into one hefty lawsuit.”

She explained that “every single thing in the lawsuit was based on a constitutional statute,” emphasizing their focus on constitutional violations that will be tough for the court to dismiss.

Going further, Hosana added, “If enough people… join this lawsuit as a plaintiff, we can actually turn it into class action status,” meaning the lawsuit could represent a larger group of individuals, creating a collective force that the court cannot easily ignore.

“So we can overwhelm the Texas district court, and they’ll have no choice but to turn it into a class action.”

If you know someone injured by the jabs, direct them to humanitysuit.com to become a plaintiff.

#9 – Bill Maher shocks liberals, calls media’s “firing squad” headline a HOAX.

#8 – WaPo host dies inside as columnist QUITS on air.

#7 – J.D. Vance drops vaccine bombshell personal story.

#6 – Jeff Bezos writes a shocking editorial explaining why WaPo refused to endorse Kamala Harris.

#5 – Mainstream media airs shocking segment about “turbo cancer.”

#4 – Mark Cuban gets a rude awakening when Bill O’Reilly fact checks him to his face.

#3 – Whoopi Goldberg loses her mind in certifiably insane rant against Trump.

#2 – Elon Musk launches investigation as Harris campaign gets caught manipulating social media platforms.

#1 – Idaho health board votes to REMOVE deadly Covid-19 jabs from their clinics.

BONUS #1 – Alliance of doctors launch petition to REMOVE liability protections for vaccine manufacturers.

BONUS #2 – Ron Paul “Revolution” Reignites After Elon Musk Offers Libertarian Legend a Role in the White House

BONUS #3 – How to Prepare for a Post-Election Nightmare Now

BONUS #4 – RFK Jr. Says Trump Will Push to Remove Fluoride from Tap Water on Day One

BONUS #5 – Anchor’s Face Drops in Disbelief Over Why NY Authorities Killed Peanut the Squirrel


Republican Lawmakers Sound Alarm as U.S. Military Bases Report Depleted Stock of Write-In Absentee Ballots — Troops Overseas Left Without Voting Options Due to Delayed Mail-In Ballots   By Jim Hft

Nov. 3, 2024 2:20 pm – In a call to action, Republican Representatives Brian Mast (FL-R), Bill Huizenga (MI-R), and Michael Waltz (FL-R) expressed outrage over the Pentagon’s handling of voting procedures for overseas service members.

The lawmakers contend that the Department of Defense has failed to ensure the availability of write-in absentee ballots for troops stationed abroad.

“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have mobilized federal manpower, resources, and tax dollars to block state-level election integrity measures, including in Georgia and Virginia, through lawsuits and smears,” Rep. Mast said in a statement on Friday.

“They claim to care about democracy and the right to vote, yet they’ve failed to plan accordingly to facilitate the right to vote for every single one of our nation’s brave men and women in uniform. This is absolutely unacceptable. Our nation’s elite warriors deserve to have every opportunity to vote for the next commander-in-chief, especially since that person will be making life-and-death decisions for our troops,” he added.

Rep. Waltz echoed these concerns, stating, “Both Joe Biden & Kamala Harris have dismissed our warfighters serving in combat zones by either falsely claiming the U.S. has suffered no casualties under this administration or by claiming thousands of these service members aren’t in active combat zones. We need assurances these service members who are putting their lives on the line for our country have the information and tools they need to cast their ballot to vote.”

Rep. Huizenga added, “It is completely unacceptable that our men and women serving overseas are not receiving the proper information and resources necessary to cast their ballot. Sadly, this is the latest example of the Biden-Harris Administration failing to stand up for our service members.”

Rep. Paulina Luna weighed in and stated, “Our military puts EVERYTHING on the line for us, but their right to vote is being ignored. Secretary of Defense Lloyd, why are federal write-in ballots not reaching our troops overseas? This is unacceptable. We demand answers and action NOW to ensure they can vote. No more excuses.”

Continue reading


Islamist Shooter In Chicago Who Shot Jewish Man on Way to Synagogue Alleged to Be Illegal Muslim Immigrant   By Seth Segal

Nov. 3, 2024 4:45 pm – As previously reported by The Gateway Pundit, an Orthodox Jewish man was shot and injured by a man screaming “Allahu Akbar” in Chicago.

The man was left critically injured in the shooting.

The West Rogers Park neighborhood where the incident occurred is heavily Orthodox Jew.

Initially, authorities were quiet on the shooter’s immigration status as well as his motive.

Now according to The Geller Report, the shooter was allegedly in America illegally from the African nation of  Mauritania.

In addition, according to the report,  the suspect was caught and released in the San Diego, CA sector.

More blood on Kamala Harris’s hands.

“Police say 22-year-old Sidi Mohamed Abdallahi walked up to the Orthodox Jew, who was wearing traditional Jewish clothing, and shot him multiple times without saying a word. He then got into a shootout with responding officers, and he was shot himself. He is now charged with 14 felonies.”

Per The Geller Report, “The Mauritian economic migrants usually apply for asylum while citing internal power struggles in their home country. That application keeps them in the United States for several years, allowing them to earn money and summon more friends and relatives from their Islamic homeland.”

This illustrates yet again that open borders and the policies of Biden-Harris have real-world consequences for Americans of every background in every part of the country.

Every community is now a border town thanks to Biden-Harris.


Republican Georgia State Senator Who Descended on Fulton County to Monitor Ballot Counting Says It’s Worse Than Previously Reported   By Cristina Laila

Nov. 3, 2024 1:15 pm – As reported earlier, the RNC filed a lawsuit on Saturday after four Georgia counties extended their election office hours and decided to accept absentee ballots over the weekend in violation of state law.

Fulton, Cobb, DeKalb and Gwinnett counties initially refused to allow Republican poll watchers in to observe the process, according to the Republican National Committee.

“This is a blatant violation of Georgia law . . . which states ‘all drop boxes shall be closed when the advance voting period ends,’” the Georgia Republican Party said in a statement on Friday. “To make matters worse, the four election office locations are situated in areas of the county that will clearly favor Democrat candidates.”

Fulton County did not inform the Secretary of State’s office they would be counting ballots all weekend.

According to Georgia state senator Greg Dolezal, the Secretary of State’s office sent investigators to all four counties.

“I am in communication with the Secretary of State’s office and my Senate colleagues about this. The Secretary has sent investigators to all four locations and the outside monitoring teams (which were assigned specifically to observe Fulton for prior issues) are also deploying people to each location. Fulton County did not inform the SoS office they would be doing this. I will continue to monitor this situation with my colleagues,” Greg Dolezal said.

At least 3 GOP Georgia state senators descended on Fulton County on Saturday to monitor the situation.

After putting pressure on Fulton County officials, all four counties eventually allowed poll watchers to observe the counting.

But it is way worse than previously reported according to state senator Brandon Beach.

Brandon Beach is one of the state senators who raced over to the Fulton County Government Services Center on Saturday and he said that not only was the Secretary of State not informed of the weekend ballot counting, but the Fulton County Board of Elections also had NO KNOWLEDGE of the last minute decision to open 4 locations to accept absentee ballots!

Brandon Beach said he will be filing an Open Records request to get answers.

“The Fulton County Board of Elections had no knowledge of the last minute decision to open 4 locations to accept absentee ballots this weekend. This was not discussed at their special called meeting last Wednesday (10/30). Who made this decision and who decided to tell security to keep monitors/poll observers outside ? I will be filing an Open Records Request to get answers. Election Integrity Matters !!” he said.

Senator Beach delivered a message from the Fulton County Government Services Center.



Death of Peanut the squirrel radicalizes people against government tyranny. Even Elon Musk goes nuts.

The pet was popular online until someone complained to the state.




Mass Mobilization Weekend


Bannon’s War Room☣️ <info@warroom.org>

Read More Show Notes Here and Read Saturday Evening Election Coverage Notes Here.


NOVEMBER 02, 2024  BLAZE NEWS – squirrel, a pet and online star, at the hands of the New York state government. Even Elon Musk, a strong supporter of former President Donald Trump, condemned the killing.

The pet squirrel was euthanized by the Department of Environmental Conservation after anonymous complaints were lodged against the owner Mark Longo. Another pet belonging to Longo, Fred the raccoon, was also euthanized.

The pet was popular online until someone complained to the state.

Social media was lit afire with outrage on Saturday over the death of Peanut the squirrel, a pet and online star, at the hands of the New York state government. Even Elon Musk, a strong supporter of former President Donald Trump, condemned the killing.

The pet squirrel was euthanized by the Department of Environmental Conservation after anonymous complaints were lodged against the owner Mark Longo. Another pet belonging to Longo, Fred the raccoon, was also euthanized.

Longo said he had rescued Peanut after seeing the squirrel’s mother get run over by a vehicle.

The squirrel was known as “P’nut” on various social media accounts until his untimely death at the age of seven by order of the state.

“RIP MY BEST FRIEND. Thank you for the best 7 years of my life. Thank you for bringing so much joy to us and the world. I’m sorry I failed you but thank you for everything,” wrote owner Mark Longo in a post announcing his death.

Longo said the squirrel was very friendly and docile, but state officials claimed the squirrel bit an officer while they tried to confiscate him. That provided the pretense for his state execution.

“Well internet, you WON,” Longo wrote after the animals were seized. “You took one of the most amazing animals away from me because of your selfishness.”

The incident enflamed critics of state tyranny online, where many memes were cast.

“Government overreach kidnapped an orphan squirrel and executed him,” Musk wrote.

“I want a government small enough to have neither the time nor the resources to conduct a 5 hour raid over a pet squirrel,” read another popular response.

“Petty bureaucrats can, at a whim, terrorize people. Nobody was being hurt, good things were being done, but some petty rule was broken. They mobilized goons and destroyed something good,” read another tweet.

“Euthanizing someone’s indoor pet squirrel under the guise of a rabies concern when New York is infested with rats is a perfect allegory for how the government functions writ large – DRAIN THE SWAMP,” said another critic.

A humorous statement about Peanut’s demise that appeared to come from the Trump-Vance campaign quickly caught fire on social media as well, but the statement turned out to be fake.

Longo said he had rescued Peanut after seeing the squirrel’s mother get run over by a vehicle.
As Peanut and Fred the raccoon were both beloved pets, their deaths also called to mind other politically charged animal memes that went viral after the presidential debate in September. During that debate, Trump famously accused Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, of stealing family pets and eating them.

“In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs. They’re eating the cats. They’re eating … the pets of the people that live there. And this is what’s happening in our country, and it’s a shame,” he said.

Savvy content creators then used those remarks to generate endearing AI images and catchy songs that sent social media users into a craze.

Editor’s note: This article was updated on 11/2/24 to include details linking the story to Elon Musk and former President Donald Trump.


REPORT: Millions of Non-Citizen Voters in California Are Enough to Decide Any Election in the State


Photo of Political Prisoner Tina Peters in Orange Jumpsuit Released-This is What the Biden-Harris Regime is Doing to a Gold Star Mother   By Margaret Flavin

Nov. 2, 2024 7:20 pm – In yet another blatant display of political persecution, former Mesa County, Colorado Clerk Tina Peters, 68—a gold star mother—was sentenced to 9 years in prison in early October.

In August, Peters was found guilty on seven of ten charges for preserving critical election data.

After bravely raising questions about election irregularities, Peters was relentlessly pursued by local and federal authorities, culminating in charges that were politically motivated from the outset.

Peters’ crime? Exposing the truth about what happened in the 2020 election.

As a last act before entering prison as the result of a political prosecution, Peters publicly released the Mesa County Colorado Voting System Forensic Examination and Analysis reports.

Tina asked her supporters to view her investigative reports on election integrity in Mesa County, Colorado. The reports 1-3 are found at tinapeters.us.

Tina Peters, a widow, and Gold Star Mother has never violated any laws. She is 69 years old and will be 78 when the state releases her from prison.

Tina shared a photo in her prison orange to X.

The two-tiered nature of the politically motivated Biden-Harris DOJ can be seen in the stark difference between how Tina Peters has been treated in contrast to how the serious breach of election security by Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s office has been addressed.

Griswold’s office left voting system passwords publicly accessible on the state’s website for several months.

Despite discovering the exposure on October 24, Griswold’s team only began to change the leaked passwords after the Colorado GOP brought the issue to light.


“We Can’t Afford Anything as Working Class and Middle Class People” – BREAKING: Somali American Leaders in Minnesota Endorse President Trump – Slam Democrats   By Jim Hoft

Nov. 2, 2024 3:30 pm – Somali leaders in Minnesota endorsed Donald J. Trump for US President in a press conference on Saturday in St. Paul.

The leaders stated during the press conference, “We can’t afford anything as working class and middle class people!”

There are an estimated 86,000 Somalis in Minnesota today, the largest Somali population in the country. The group is known to be politically active and in the past tended to vote Democrat.

This follows news last week that Muslim leaders in Michigan also endorsed President Donald Trump.

From the video.

The reason why is because he’s a fighter. That’s it. We like fighters. More importantly, the left left us. They left us.

33% of our kids at third grade cannot read at grade level. We went from the sixth to what? 19th now. Minnesota education? I mean, we’re failing in every standard. Eighth graders, 60% cannot do math at grade level. These are our kids.

We’re talking about economic conditions here. Our conditions is horrible. We can’t afford anything as working class and middle class people. Now, please understand this. We love our brothers and sisters who are Democrats, but you left us. And because the left left us, join the right, vote for Trump 2024, vote for Joe Teirab 2024, vote for Macy Young in Saint Paul 2024, vote for Tad Jude in CD3 2024, vote for Tom Emma, our lion, out of Saint Cloud. Farhan is here, and he’s endorsing him.

And please go out and vote because voting for Trump without soldiers is giving him a failure. So please vote. Again, for the school boards, we have a ton of people running who are in the school board from all over the state. And please go vote for the Republican Party this time.


Here is the full video from today’s press conference.  [50:13]


Washington Businesses Boarding Up in Preparation for After-Election Violence   By WND

Nov. 2, 2024 10:15 am  WND – When the numbers came in from the 2020 election and gave the White House to Joe Biden, there was an “insurrection,” according to Democrats, in Washington.

It actually was a protest by a few thousand people who distrusted the handling of the election results and frankly doubted their accuracy. There were a few hundred who rioted, inflicting vandalism on Capitol.

Democrats have claimed ever since, in the media, in the public and in court, it was an attempt to overthrow the government, take over its economy, its military, its foreign relations and much, much more.

The election this year appears to be a close race between President Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, and Democrats, including some in Congress, have been saying for years now that they will not allow Trump back into office.

Their plans haven’t been specific but they have been adamant about the goal.

So what is the expectation, in that Washington businesses already are boarding up their windows in advance of next weeks’ vote?

WATCH  [8:43]  

Commentator Mike Benz has explained, “If Trump wins the electoral college next week, get ready for 2 months of street riots, a media onslaught the vote was illegitimate, crisis gov’t pressure on social platforms, followed at the end by an attempt by Congress to nullify the election on January 6, 2025.”

Pollsters say the race is too close to call definitively, while gamblers and Wall Street appear to be expecting a Trump victory.

It’s true that a majority of Americans are outraged that the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris regime has left the southern border wide open for millions of illegal aliens to arrive, and to allow inflation pushing past 20% since they took office.

But the impact of schemes, already uncovered – including Democrat plans to let overseas residents vote in states where they’ve never lived, and to keep noncitizens on voter rolls across the states – is still to be determined.

report at ZeroHedge explained, “Washington, D.C., authorities are hardening security for potential social unrest after next week’s presidential election. With four days remaining, workers have been busy boarding up government buildings and retail stores with plywood.”

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser said, “We do expect the Capitol complex to be much more hardened.” And she said residents will need to be flexible because of the possibility of demonstrations.

The report pointed out, “The ultra-hardening of security around and near the White House might be preparation for a possible Trump victory. With far-left corporate media outlets pushing ‘Trump Nazi,’ ‘Trump Hitler,’ and ‘Trump fascist’ rhetoric nonstop ahead of the election, this hate speech propaganda could certainly fuel leftist radicals to become violently unhinged if Trump wins next week.”

Polling shows many Americans are worried about the possibility of such unrest after the vote Tuesday.

Already, one member of Congress has confirmed he will claim that even if elected President Trump is unqualified to take office, and he says then everybody will need bodyguards, a clear expectation of violence.

If Trump in fact does win, violence would be expected, as his critics, hecklers and looters, “wreaked havoc” on business when he was being inaugurated in 2017.

This article originally appeared on WND.com.

[Ed.:  The losers are now planning another insurrection!  It will be like going to the theater replete with marches of FBI guys in patriot costumes, and enormous restless and angry crowds, made up of on-call riot crews dressed as Trump supporters!  Yes, they will stage their own fake “Insurrection” AGAIN.  Deja-vu.]


New York Times and Government-Funded Censorship Outlets Target Gateway Pundit with Five Hit Pieces and Ridiculous Reports in One Week — And Election Week Isn’t Even Here Yet!… They Must be VERY Worried    Jim Hoft

Nov. 2, 2024 8:00 am – Trump-hating globalists and government elites must be very, very worried about the 2024 election.

Despite the deep state’s best efforts and the kowtowing from their faithful soldiers in the legacy media, at least half of Americans understand that fraud affected the 2020 election.  62% of American voters are concerned that cheating will affect the results in 2024. And one-fifth of mail-in voters admitted they cheated in 2020.

The panic is real. Democrats know they have a dog for a candidate.  They know it will be difficult to persuade Americans to pull the lever for such a lackluster and annoying candidate as Kamala Harris.

As their panic grows, it appears the government’s censorship army was ordered to start focusing on The Gateway Pundit early this year. And, it’s not even “election day week” yet!

Far-left The New York Times published at least three reports that targeted or mentioned The Gateway Pundit and our 2024 election reporting just this week.

Last week, the New York Times published an opinion hit piece titled “Trump’s Election Reversal Dreams Are Dead,” where it discussed former President Donald Trump’s alleged “Green Bay Sweep” plan and referenced the Gateway Pundit as part of a supposed “right-wing media machine.”

The article accused Trump and supportive outlets of concocting a “conspiracy theory” around the 2020 election, claiming they spread lies that nearly led to a “coup.”

The Times also drew attention to a cascade of lawsuits that have targeted conservative media, mentioning Gateway Pundit’s bankruptcy filing and asserting that conservative news organizations are more hesitant now to cover MAGA candidates and claims of election fraud.

On Monday, The New York Times published a hit piece on attorney and elections expert Cleta Mitchell. The purpose of the article was to smear Cleta and her amazing efforts in understanding and countering the Democrat Party’s election antics and  the corruption in the US election system.

The NY Times authors couldn’t help but take a swipe at The Gateway Pundit in their reporting.

The Times authors couldn’t help but mention The Gateway Pundit and that “Right-wing media outlets, including Gateway Pundit and the Federalist, joined the calls and later publicized the activists’ work to sympathetic readers across the internet.”

On ThursdayThe New York Times published its third piece this week that targeted The Gateway Pundit. Why are they escalating their attacks against our publication, that receives over 3 million views per day, only one week before the 2024 presidential election?

The latest NYTs article, written by the highly-partisan Alexandra Berzon,  targets The Gateway Pundit, along with contributor and investigative reporter Patty McMurray, Michigan election integrity expert Tim Vetter, and CheckMyVote co-founder Phani Mantravadi, who have impeccable reputations in the state of Michigan

This follows two other NY Times articles earlier in the week that mentioned or targeted The Gateway Pundit.

The Thursday piece called us “Election Denial Activists” because our friends in Michigan found over 125,000+ extra ballots cast from the latest state election reports.  TGP’s Patty McMurray reported that data analyst Tim Vetter and co-founder of Check My Vote, Phani Mantravadi, discovered a bombshell revelation that they discovered by tracking the Michigan Daily Absentee Voter Reports.

The New York Times said our reporting was inaccurate – our data analysts who are full-time engineers disagree with the NY Times.  We stand by our reporting.

NYT’s “Fact-Check” on The Gateway Pundit Reveals How Mainstream Media Coordinates With Dems To Silence Reports of Voter Fraud That Could Swing The Election

Also on Thursday, Newsguard, a US government-funded censorship organization that targets conservatives and independent media and takes money from the Defense Industrial Complex, sent a request to The Gateway Pundit regarding pro-Kremlin trolling that targets comment sections of US news sites.

Our first reaction was, “This MUST be another deep-state op!” And why are they ALWAYS targeting The Gateway Pundit?

The deep-state are scouring again on The Gateway Pundit’s comment section.

Recall in 2022, following the unprecedented raid on Mar-a-Lago, the FBI feared retribution from the American public for their ongoing partisan attacks on President Trump.

Americans were outraged to see their premier law enforcement agency once again used as the paramilitary force of the Democrat Party.

The FBI was scouring the comments at The Gateway Pundit, other conservative websites, and social media.

Read more:

EXCLUSIVE: Chris Wray Put FBI on High Alert After Scouring Gateway Pundit and Flagging 1 Comment Out of 35,000 Daily Comments Following Mar-a-Lago Raid

Continue reading


DOJ Will Monitor Polls in 27 States for ‘Compliance with Federal Voting Rights Laws’   By Cassandra Macdonald

Nov. 2, 2024 2:00 pm – The Department of Justice has announced that it will monitor polls in 86 jurisdictions throughout 27 states on election day for “compliance with federal voting rights laws.”

The agency’s Civil Rights Division will coordinate the effort.

Republican lawmakers in Missouri and Florida are trying to bar the agency from polling places, accusing them of “overstepping its authority and using its monitors to punish red states that have tightened voter identification laws,” according to a report from the Washington Post.

In a press release, the DOJ said, “Monitors will include personnel from the Civil Rights Division, other department divisions, U.S. Attorney’s Offices and federal observers from the Office of Personnel Management. Throughout Election Day, division personnel will maintain contact with state and local election officials.”

“The Civil Rights Division’s Voting Section enforces the civil provisions of federal statutes that protect the right to vote, including the Voting Rights Act, National Voter Registration Act, Help America Vote Act, Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act and Civil Rights Acts,” the press release continued.

The press release added, “The division’s Disability Rights Section enforces the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to ensure that persons with disabilities have a full and equal opportunity to vote. The division’s Criminal Section enforces federal criminal statutes that prohibit voter intimidation and voter suppression based on race, color, national origin or religion.”

Jurisdictions being monitored include:

Bethel Census Area, Alaska;
Dillingham Census Area, Alaska;
Kusilvak Census Area, Alaska;
North Slope Borough, Alaska;
Northwest Arctic Borough, Alaska;
Apache County, Arizona;
Maricopa County, Arizona;
Pima County, Arizona;
Yuma County, Arizona;
San Joaquin County, California;
Broward County, Florida;
Miami-Dade County, Florida;
Orange County, Florida;
Osceola County, Florida;
Cobb County, Georgia;
DeKalb County, Georgia;
Fulton County, Georgia;
Gwinnett County, Georgia;
Macon-Bibb County, Georgia;
Jefferson County, Kentucky;
Kenton County, Kentucky;
City of Everett, Massachusetts;
City of Fitchburg, Massachusetts;
City of Leominster, Massachusetts;
City of Lowell, Massachusetts;
City of Malden, Massachusetts;
City of Methuen, Massachusetts;
City of Quincy, Massachusetts;
City of Salem, Massachusetts;
Prince George’s County, Maryland;
City of Ann Arbor, Michigan;
City of Detroit, Michigan;
City of Flint, Michigan;
City of Grand Rapids, Michigan;
City of Hamtramck, Michigan;
City of Warren, Michigan;
Hennepin County, Minnesota;
City of Minneapolis, Minnesota;
Ramsey County, Minnesota;
Covington County, Mississippi;
Scott County, Mississippi;
Warren County, Mississippi;
City of St. Louis, Missouri;
Blaine County, Montana;
Alamance County, North Carolina;
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina;
Wake County, North Carolina;
Bergen County, New Jersey;
Middlesex County, New Jersey;
Union County, New Jersey;
Bernalillo County, New Mexico;
Cibola County, New Mexico;
Clark County, Nevada;
Queens, New York;
Cuyahoga County, Ohio;
Portage County, Ohio;
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania;
Luzerne County, Pennsylvania;
Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania;
City of Pawtucket, Rhode Island;
City of Providence, Rhode Island;
City of Woonsocket, Rhode Island;
Charleston County, South Carolina;
Bennett County, South Dakota;
Jackson County, South Dakota;
Minnehaha County, South Dakota;
Oglala Lakota County, South Dakota;
Atascosa County, Texas;
Bexar County, Texas;
Dallas County, Texas;
Frio County, Texas;
Harris County, Texas;
Hays County, Texas;
Palo Pinto County, Texas;
Waller County, Texas;
San Juan County, Utah;
Hanover County, Virginia;
Henrico County, Virginia;
Loudoun County, Virginia;
City of Manassas, Virginia;
City of Manassas Park, Virginia;
Prince William County, Virginia;
Town of Lawrence (Rusk County), Wisconsin;
City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin;
Town of Thornapple, Wisconsin; and
City of Wausau, Wisconsin.

[Ed.:  Well isn’t that special!  Now we know that everything will go smoothly. The steal is assured.]


Fulton County Did Not Inform Georgia Secretary of State They Would Count Ballots Over the Weekend without GOP Poll Workers Present – State Senators Descend on Fulton County   By Cristina Laila

Nov. 2, 2024 2:20 pm – As reported earlier, the RNC filed a lawsuit on Saturday after four Georgia counties extended their election office hours and decided to accept absentee ballots over the weekend in violation of state law.

Fulton, Cobb, DeKalb and Gwinnett counties are refusing to allow Republican poll watchers in to observe the process, according to the Republican National Committee.

“This is a blatant violation of Georgia law . . . which states ‘all drop boxes shall be closed when the advance voting period ends,’” the Georgia Republican Party said in a statement on Friday. “To make matters worse, the four election office locations are situated in areas of the county that will clearly favor Democrat candidates,”

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said Democrat officials are playing fast and loose with election law.

According to Georgia state senator representing Forsyth County Greg Dolezal, The Fulton County Registration Manager ordered the staff not to allow GOP observers in the building.

“Do not let them in the building. If they want to observe from the parking lot, you can’t stop that but they are not allowed to sit in the building,” the Fulton County Registration Manager said in an email.

Fulton County did not inform the Secretary of State’s office they would be counting ballots all weekend.

According to Greg Dolezal, the Secretary of State’s office sent investigators to all four counties.

“I am in communication with the Secretary of State’s office and my Senate colleagues about this. The Secretary has sent investigators to all four locations and the outside monitoring teams (which were assigned specifically to observe Fulton for prior issues) are also deploying people to each location. Fulton County did not inform the SoS office they would be doing this. I will continue to monitor this situation with my colleagues,” Greg Dolezal said.

Georgia Republican state senators Greg Dolezal, Brandon Beach and Albers descended on Fulton County and were given access to the building.

“I am en route myself to get eyes on the situation as well. Maddening way to spend a Saturday, and Fulton needs to be held accountable for once again making up rules as they go,” Greg Dolezal said.

The GOP is in court seeking an emergency order to sequester the ballots until their appeal is heard.

DEVELOPING…please check back for updates.

[Ed.:  Yeah, who needs GOP poll workers anyway!]


URGENT BREAKING: Four Georgia Counties Decide at the Last Minute to Accept Ballots Over the Weekend in Violation of the Law, Refuse to Allow Republican Poll Watchers Observe Process   By Cristina Laila

Nov. 2, 2024 12:45 pm – The RNC filed a lawsuit on Saturday after four Georgia counties extended their election office hours and decided to accept absentee ballots over the weekend in violation of state law.

Fulton, Cobb, DeKalb and Gwinnett counties are refusing to allow Republican poll watchers in to observe the process, according to the Republican National Committee.

“This is a blatant violation of Georgia law . . . which states ‘all drop boxes shall be closed when the advance voting period ends,’” the Georgia Republican Party said in a statement on Friday. “To make matters worse, the four election office locations are situated in areas of the county that will clearly favor Democrat candidates,”

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said Democrat officials are playing fast and loose with election law. [Emphasis added]

“Fulton, Cobb, DeKalb, and Gwinnett counties decided at the last minute to accept ballots over the weekend — which disregards the law. They have also failed to let our poll observers in to watch the process. The Secretary of State has issued guidance to allow Republican poll watchers in but local officials REFUSE,” Michael Whatley said on X.

The Registration Manager is refusing to let poll watchers in the building!

“Do not let them in the building. If they want to observe from the parking lot, you can’t stop that but they are not allowed to sit in the building,” the Fulton County Registration Manager said in an email.

Excerpt from Fox News:

Georgia Republicans are vowing to sue the Democratic stronghold of Fulton County after it announced extended elections office hours on Friday.

The threat came after the state GOP learned that election officials in the county, which includes Atlanta, are planning to open four election offices this weekend ‘to accommodate voters seeking to hand-return their absentee ballots.’

Fulton County was one of several to announce it would keep election offices open this weekend for voters turning in their existing absentee ballots in-person.

Drop boxes are a way for voters to turn in their absentee ballots at elections offices without human contact, which is different from submitting them in person at the office itself.

Drop boxes were available through Georgia’s early voting period from Oct. 15 through Nov. 1.

But Republicans are arguing that the extended hours for turning in absentee ballots over the weekend run afoul of the state’s rules.

The Democrats know they can’t win unless they cheat which is why they doing everything they can to flood the ballot boxes with sketchy mail-in ballots and count ballots without GOP poll watchers present.

A judge also ruled on Friday that Cobb County Georgia voters who received absentee ballots late can accept them until November 8, three days after the election.

At least 1,000 of the absentee ballots sent out late this week in Cobb County went to out-of-state voters.




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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.