Daily Shmutz | NEWS  | 12/31/23


[Ed.:  Therefore, read Daily Shmutz!]


BREAKING: Bill Clinton to be Named as “Doe 36” in Epstein Court Documents   By Cristina Laila

Dec. 31, 2023 12:40 pm – Former president Bill Clinton will be named in the Jeffrey Epstein court documents set to be unsealed this coming week.

Bill Clinton was good friends with Epstein and traveled on his private jet dubbed ‘Lolita Express’ over two dozen times and according to pilot logs, underage teenagers were on the flights with Clinton.

Earlier this month, it was reported that dozens of Jeffrey Epstein’s high-profile associates are in for a New Year’s surprise as they may be named in court documents set to be released in the first days of 2024.

Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, who previously called for all material related to him to be made public, was the only John Doe identified by name before ABC’s report on Bill Clinton.

Judge Loretta Preska, however, stayed her order, which gives attorneys representing the “Does” time to convince the court to keep names under seal, so it is unclear if the public will ever see the full Epstein client list.

“Hundreds of sealed court filings pertaining to the late sex-offender Jeffrey Epstein are set to be made public this week, and several prominent names — including Britain’s Prince Andrew and former President Bill Clinton — are expected to appear in the documents.” ABC News reported.

According to ABC News, Bill Clinton is named as “Doe 36” in “more than fifty redacted filings.”

“Former President Clinton, who ABC News has learned is identified as “Doe 36,” is mentioned in more than fifty of the redacted filings, according to court records. Several of those sealed or redacted entries are focused on an effort by Giuffre’s lawyers in mid-2016, first reported by ABC News, to subpoena the two-term Democratic president for deposition testimony about his relationship with Epstein.” the outlet reported.

A witness alleged she saw Bill Clinton and “2 young girls” on Epstein’s pedophile island in the Caribbean; however, Clinton’s spokesman denied the claims.

[Ed.:  Surely President Clinton had nothing to do with Epstein’s “suicide”!]


REVEALED: Eyewitness testimony to acts of rape by Hamas terrorists from the October 7th massacre.



What Hamas Did to the Girls and Women in Gaza   BY HUGH FITZGERALD

DEC 30, 2023 2:00 PM – The full horror of what happened to them is now coming out. It is just what you expected. What is unexpected is that it was The New York Times, so often unfair to Israel, that published this detailed account. More on the rapes, tortures, and murders of Israeli girls and women on October can be found here: “In harrowing detail, NYT reports on weaponization of rape, sexual violence on Oct. 7,” Times of Israel, December 29, 2023:

In a comprehensive, horrifying exposé published on Thursday [Dec. 28], The New York Times detailed the systematic sexual violence against Israeli women and girls employed by Palestinian terrorists during Hamas’s unprecedented October 7 rampage through southern Israel.

The two-month investigation includes interviews with more than 150 witnesses, medical personnel, first responders, soldiers, rape counselors, and government officials, along with the scanning of video footage, photographs and GPS data from cell phones.

The piece begins with the description of a harrowing video that circulated widely in the days after Hamas’s monstrous assault on southern Israel that Saturday morning. The footage, filmed in the early hours of October 8, shows the partially charred remains of a woman whose face is burned beyond recognition, and who is naked from the waist down, legs spread, her black dress hiked up. Her body is lying beside a car that was set alight on Route 232, which runs parallel to the Gaza Strip, where many people trying to flee the outdoor Supernova festival near Kibbutz Re’im were massacred by Hamas terrorists. Some 360 of the 1,200 people slaughtered that day were from the rave.

[Ed.: How could these men have done these things?  It’s really very simple: Moslem men have a unique type of misogyny stemming from a deep-seeded gynophobia.  They are so threatened by women, that they subordinate them to the level of chattel.  This is why little girls are so much less threatening!  Even Mohammad himself married 9-year old Aisha, so it’s okay for grown men to take little girls.  The men then aspire to attain their 72 virgins if they can manage to die for Allah while killing non-believers.  Their Koran teaches them that non-moslem women are to be raped and murdered (either one can come first).  This is how Islam provides a pressure-release valve for their male inferiority complex.  It’s a very evil and sick ‘religionOkay, you may go vomit now…]


At least 140 Christians killed in Nigeria Christmas massacre   Israel National News

Muslim shepherds accused of carrying out 3-day massacre in over 20 Christian villages in Nigeria’s Plateau state.

Dec 31, 2023, 7:29 AM (GMT+2) – At least 140 people have been killed and 300 injured in what has been described as a massacre against Christians in the African country of Nigeria over the Christmas weekend, Amnesty International confirmed.

The killings occurred in about 20 villages and communities in the Plateau state of north-central Nigeria between December 23-25.  [Emphasis added]

According to some local reports, the death toll may be as high as 200. Plateau Governor Caleb Mutfwang called the attacks “Senseless and unprovoked.”

“I am yet to take stock of [the deaths in] Barkin Ladi,” Mutfwan said, “It has been a very terrifying Christmas for us here in Plateau.”

The attacks appear to be part of a longstanding conflict between Fulani Muslim herdsmen and Christian farming communities. The herdsmen accuse the farmers of taking over their grazing land and began raiding farming villages in 2014. Thousands of people have been killed in the conflict over the last decade.

Residents have reported that security forces took at least 12 hours to respond to calls for help.

Related articles:

Nigerian President Bola Tinubu instructed the country’s security agencies to “scour every stretch of the zone and apprehend the culprits.”

The French government on Tuesday condemned the attacks against the Christian farmers “in the strongest possible terms.”

“France calls for the perpetrators of these attacks to be identified and brought to justice, and assures the Nigerian authorities of its full solidarity.”

Some called out the silence of the international community in the face of a large-scale massacre of Christians over the Christmas holiday.

“There was yet another Christmas massacre of Christians in Nigeria yesterday. The world is — silent. Just unbelievable,” wrote leading evangelist the Rev. Johnnie Moore on X(formerly Twitter).

[Ed.:  The “muslim shepherds” were really radical right-wing extremist Jewish settlers incognito, dressed up as moslem shepherds.  How else could it be considered genocide? Just look at what they’re doing to the innocent civilians in Gaza!]


‘Israel committing genocide’: Muslim organization welcomes ICJ action against Israe  Israel National News

Organization of Islamic Cooperation welcomes South Africa’s ICJ case against Israel, urges swift action.

Dec 31, 2023, 4:43 AM (GMT+2) – The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Saturday welcomed South Africa’s action of filing a case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for committing “genocide” in Gaza.

In a statement quoted by the Qatar News Agency, OIC claimed that “Israel, the occupying power, is committing a genocide by its indiscriminate targeting of civilian population, killing and injuring tens of thousands of Palestinians, the majority of whom are women and children, forcibly displacing them, preventing them from obtaining basic needs and humanitarian aid, and destroying buildings and health, educational, and religious institutions.”

The organization called on the ICJ “to respond swiftly and take urgent measures to put an end to the genocide committed by the Israeli occupation forces in the occupied Palestinian territory.”

South Africa on Friday asked the ICJ to issue urgent order declaring that Israel was in breach of its obligations under the Genocide Convention in its ongoing crackdown against Hamas in Gaza.

In a statement from South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO), said, “Israel, since 7 October 2023 in particular, has failed to prevent genocide and has failed to prosecute the direct and public incitement to genocide.”

It said it had requested that the ICJ declare “on an urgent basis that Israel is in breach of its obligations in terms of the Genocide Convention, should immediately cease all acts and measures in breach of those obligations and take a number of related actions.”

Israel’s Foreign Ministry said in response that Israel “rejects with disgust the blood libel spread by South Africa in its application to the International Court of Justice (ICJ).”

“South Africa’s claim lacks both a factual and a legal basis, and constitutes a despicable and contemptuous exploitation of the Court. South Africa is cooperating with a terrorist organization that is calling for the destruction of the State of Israel,” the Foreign Ministry said.

Anti-Israel sentiments remain prevalent in South Africa, where the government has frequently accused Israel of applying a policy of “apartheid” towards Palestinian Arabs. The tensions have been on the rise since the start of Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza.

The South African government announced last month it was recalling its ambassador and entire diplomatic mission from Israel in protest against Israel’s attempts to defend itself from the Hamas terrorist organization following the October 7 massacre.

Related articles:

Later, South Africa called in Israeli Ambassador Eliav Belotsercovsky for a formal reprimand, citing “public comments” he had made.

In late November, a majority of South African lawmakers voted in favor of a motion calling for the closure of the Israeli embassy and the cutting of diplomatic ties until Israel agrees to a ceasefire in Gaza.

[Ed.:  The pot is calling the kettle ‘Black’! When South Africa conducts state-sponsored raids on white South African farmers and slaughters them, they must have forgotten to report themselves to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for “genocide“. ]


Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Calls for Reparations as a Way to Reduce Violent Crime   (VIDEO)   By Mike Lachance

Dec. 30, 2023 10:20 pm – Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is calling for reparations as a way to reduce violent crime. Is he suggesting that only black people commit violent crimes? It’s a good thing he isn’t a Republican or some people might say that he was a racist for saying that.

This raises other obvious questions. Is Brandon suggesting that we should pay criminals to not commit crimes? None of it makes sense.

Also, isn’t the city going broke due to the influx of illegal border crossers. Johnson just tapped millions in COVID funds to deal with that problem.



‘Dark Money Nightmare’: How Qatar Bought the Ivy League   by Robert Williams
December 31, 2023 at 5:00 am

  • “At least 100 American colleges and universities illegally withheld information on approximately $13 billion in undocumented contributions from foreign governments, many of which are authoritarian…. Speech intolerance—manifesting as campaigns to investigate, censor, demote, suspend, or terminate speakers and scholars—was higher at institutions that received undocumented money from foreign regimes.” — ISGAP report, “The Corruption of the American Mind,” November 2023.
  • Qatar makes it possible for Ivy League universities to claim that they receive no funds from the Qatari state, because the donations are funneled through the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, a not-for-profit organization established in 1995 by the Emir of Qatar. This ensures that the foundation can identify itself as a private organization, which enables Qatar to conceal its state funding as private donations.
  • “At the time of writing, the State of Qatar contributes more funds to universities in the United States than any other country in the world, and raw donation totals omit critical, concerning details about the nature of Qatar’s academic funding.” — ISGAP report, “Networks of Hate,” December 2023.
  • “We would pay them [journalists]… Some of them have become MPs now. Others have become patriots…. We would pay [journalists] in many countries. We would pay them every year. Some of them received salaries. All the Arab countries were doing this. If not all, then most of them.” — Former Qatari Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim, February 2022.



Google Agrees to Settle $5 Billion Class Action Lawsuit Over Tracking Users in ‘Incognito’ Mode    By Cassandra Macdonald

Dec. 30, 2023 9:00 am – Google has agreed to settle a $5 billion class-action privacy lawsuit that alleges the tech giant has been tracking people using the “incognito” mode in its Chrome browser.

The lawsuit was filed in 2020 and claimed that Google had misled the public into believing their activity would not be tracked while using the private browser.

WTOP reports that the plaintiffs claimed Google continued to “catalog details of users’ site visits and activities despite their use of supposedly ‘private’ browsing.”

This act gave Google an “unaccountable trove of information” from people who believed they were not being monitored.

“Google has made itself an unaccountable trove of information so detailed and expansive that George Orwell could never have dreamed it,” the lawsuit said.

The settlement terms have not been made public and will still need to be approved by a judge.

Yahoo News reports:


‘Rocket Man’ Kim Jong Un Sets His Defense Industry on a War Footing – North Korean Dictator Steps up Nuclear Capabilities for a Confrontation With the US   By Paul Serran

Dec. 30, 2023 4:40 pm – O how we miss the time when peacemaker US President Donald Trump walked alone into North Korea, initiating a normalization of bilateral relations, well in the road to constructive interactions between the nations.

Nowadays, warmongers from Joe Biden’s administration from hell only recognize two kinds of countries: vassals and enemies – and ‘rocket man’ Kim Jong Un doesn’t seem inclined to bend the knee.

So we witness a rapid deterioration in the geopolitical situation, leading to real fears of a military confrontation in the Korean peninsula and the world.

Read: “Hello. Period” – Joe Biden Has Really Bizarre Message For Kim Jong Un in Meeting with Press in Tokyo (VIDEO)

North Korea set its munitions industry and nuclear weapons sector ‘on a war footing’.

This follows a long period of raised tensions with the U.S., South Korea and Japan, as well as a number of missile tests and increased border activity.

Newsweek reported:


Less Than Half of Republicans are ‘Highly Confident’ That Votes Will Be Counted Accurately in GOP Primary Election   By Cassandra Macdonald

Dec. 30, 2023 5:20 pm – Less than half of Republicans are “highly confident” that votes will be counted accurately in the GOP primary next year.

The number is a sharp contrast from the 72 percent of Democrats who say that they have high confidence their party’s primary election.

According to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research:

About one-third of Republicans say they have a “great deal” or “quite a bit” of confidence that votes in the Republican primary elections and caucuses will be counted correctly. About three in 10 Republicans report a “moderate” amount of confidence, and 32% say they have “only a little” or “none at all.” In contrast, 72% of Democrats have high confidence their party will count votes accurately in its primary contests. Democrats are also slightly more likely than Republicans to have a high level of confidence in the Republican Party’s vote count being accurate.

The pollsters additionally found that just “about one-quarter of Republicans say they have at least ‘quite a bit’ of confidence that the votes in the 2024 presidential election will be counted accurately, significantly lower than Democrats. Slightly fewer than half of U.S. adults overall (46%) believe the same.”

Overall, the poll found massive distrust for both parties by Americans across the political spectrum.

The Associated Press reports, “About one-quarter of U.S. adults say they have ‘only a little’ confidence or ‘none at all’ that both the Democratic Party and Republican Party have a fair process for selecting a presidential nominee. About half of independents have that low level of confidence in both party’s processes, compared with one-quarter of Republicans and 19% of Democrats.”


Biden DOJ will NOT Pursue Second Trial Against Sam Bankman-Fried – Democrats ALWAYS Get a Pass   By Jim Hoft

Dec. 30, 2023 10:00 am – The Biden Department of Justice announced on Friday before the holiday weekend that Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF, the top Democrat donor in 2022, will not face a second fraud trial.

CNBC reported:

Prosecutors have decided not to pursue a second trial against disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried.

In a note to Judge Lewis Kaplan on Friday, the U.S. government explained that the decision to forego a second set of proceedings had to do with the fact that much of the evidence that would have been presented in a second trial had already been submitted to the Court during Bankman-Fried’s first criminal trial.

In November, following a month’s worth of testimony from nearly 20 witnesses, a jury found the former FTX chief executive guilty of all seven criminal counts against him following a few hours of deliberation. Prosecutors added that the Court could consider the hundreds of exhibits already entered into evidence during these proceedings when he is sentenced next year.

“Given that practical reality, and the strong public interest in a prompt resolution of this matter, the Government intends to proceed to sentencing on the counts for which the defendant was convicted at trial,” continued the government’s letter to Judge Kaplan.

Here is a chart of his $42 million he donated to Democrats and ‘dark money” Republicans.



Huge: Argentina’s Milei Presents ‘Omnibus Bill’ Promoting Privatizations, Curbing Protests – Implements ‘Right to Self-Defense’ and Protects Children ‘Since the Conception’    By Paul Serran

Dec. 30, 2023 8:15 am – New Argentinian President Javier Milei continues his urgent work of drafting new legislation to tackle the dire situation in his country.

Milei has just presented a huge, radical ‘omnibus bill’ to Congress, declaring the country in a state of ‘public emergency’.

The comprehensive reforms in the 600-plus articles would give his government sweeping powers regarding economic issues, as well as fiscal, taxation, security, defense, energy and health areas, over a period of two years.

El Pais reported:

“The bill will be fast-tracked via extraordinary sessions of Congress. If it is approved, Milei will have a greater degree of legislative power ceded to the presidency, specifically competences that correspond to both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, where his party, La Libertad Avanza (Liberty Advances), holds a minority of seats. The 664 articles address a variety of issues, ranging from the reform of the political system and the control of social protests to the resale of tickets for sporting events.”

The bill, among many other things, eliminates Mandatory Open Primary Elections, restructures the Chamber of Deputies and removes free advertising spaces for candidates while eliminating the ceiling for contributions.

Read: Libertarian Outsider Javier Milei Is Sworn in as President of Argentina, Warning of a Fiscal ‘Shock Therapy’ and Vowing To Put the Country on the ‘Road to Reconstruction’

Some features of the bill are particularly poised to generate controversy, such as the measures against social protests.

According to the text, any ‘intentional and temporary gathering of three or more persons’ is to be considered a crime should it impede free transit or the provision of public services.

When it comes to fundamental rights, one of the highlights of the bill regard the rights to self-defense.

Regarding security, the bill also introduces amendments to the Penal Code to broaden the right to legitimate self-defense and offer the security forces greater support. On this point, the text also establishes that the person who commits a crime or, in the case of death, his relatives ‘do not have the right to file a complaint or sue the person preventing the crime or preventing flight’. The text also legislates on ‘resistance to authority’ and establishes penalties of up to six years for anyone who ‘uses intimidation or force against a public official or against the person who assists them at their request’.”

Read: Argentina Devalues the Peso Over 50% In First ‘Shock Package’ to Tackle Hyperinflation by President Javier Milei

In a country with an overgrown and ineffective public sector, Milei brings the dreaded (to the left) subject of privatization.

“The bill proposes that 41 public enterprises are ‘subject to privatization’. The list includes the oil company YPF; the flagship airline, Aerolíneas Argentinas; the railroads and the post office; the Casa de la Moneda (the Argentine mint) and the public media, such as the news agency Télam.”

Read: Maligned by the MSM, Argentina’s Javier Milei Is Not Joking Around: Gets Rid of ‘Ministry of Culture’ Along With 8 Others, to the Dismay of Libs Worldwide

The text promotes a veritable overhaul of laws, rules and regulations in Argentina.

“The bill seeks to ratify the Necessity and Urgency Decree (DNU) whose 300 reforms dismantle the existing structure of the Argentinian State by repealing laws, eliminating dozens of state regulations, enabling the privatization of public companies, opening the door to operations in dollars and making the labor market and health system more flexible. The DNU is being challenged in Congress, the courts and on the streets by those who consider it ‘unconstitutional’.”

Other meaningful and welcome article deals with protecting ‘children from the moment of their conception’, thereby contradicting the laws on abortion.

[Ed.:  Argentina’s commies are verklempt and are having shpilkes…]


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.