Daily Shmutz | NEWS | 12/5/23




Exclusive – Kash Patel: Biden Unfreezing $6B for Iran Funded Proxy Forces Attacking U.S. Ships, Troops     KRISTINA WONG

4 Dec 2023 – Kash Patel, former President Donald Trump’s Pentagon chief of staff, in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Monday slammed President Biden for reversing the Trump administration’s designation of the Houthis as a terrorist organization, in the wake of the group’s attack against a U.S. war ship in the Red Sea.

“The Trump administration prioritized designating terrorist groups as terrorist groups, both at the State Department at Treasury and across all other government agencies. And we designated the Houthis as a terrorist group, even though a lot of people in the media were like, ‘Oh you can’t do that, we won’t be able to provide humanitarian aid.’”

“Well, what’s more important than humanitarian aid, unfortunately, is them killing us and preventing that from happening. And we did it. We got it through. … And then, in the first or second month of the Biden administration, they rescinded that designation,” he said.

Patel, who also served as Trump’s deputy director of national intelligence, added:

It just shows you what they think is priority. We just thought differently… . Foreign Terrorist Organizations were Trump’s top priority. We went after them. We killed al Qaeda senior leadership. We wiped out the emir of ISIS, we took out [Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force leader Qasem] Soleimani — all of those people were foreign terrorist organizations. We struck Houthi foreign terrorists. We took out al Shabaab [and] Hezbollah leaders.

And I don’t think there’s an appropriate response that Joe Biden can now craft. We are such a weak position that I don’t know if anything short of escalating to a war effort for the United States is something that’s going to help resolve this situation. I’m not saying we should do that. I’m just saying we’ve been put in such a bad position that if we’re just going to kick some tin cans downrange and help let the media write disinformation campaigns about how we’re defeating the enemy, we’re gonna continue to lose.


Loud Fart Erupts: John Kerry’s Speech on Climate Change Overshadowed by Audible Call to Reduce Personal Methane Contributions   (VIDEO)   By Jim Hft

Dec. 5, 2023 8:15 am – In an ironic twist at the Climate Change Conference in Dubai, John Kerry, the Biden regime’s climate envoy, may have inadvertently highlighted the need for personal methane reduction in a manner most unexpected.

There’s a saying that “actions speak louder than words,” and Kerry, an ardent proponent of reducing emissions, might have taken this quite literally.

A loud fart sound can be heard as the former secretary of state was lecturing about the climate scam, the New York Post reported.

“I find myself getting more and more militant because I do not understand how adults who are in a position of responsibility can be avoiding responsibility for taking away those things that are killing people on a daily basis…” Kerry asserted, just before the crude sound of passing gas echoed over the microphone. The crowd, seemingly oblivious to the interruption, broke into applause.

CNN’s Becky Anderson, Managing Editor of CNN Abu Dhabi, sitting to Kerry’s right, was caught off-guard. She quickly turned her head aside and subtly covered her mouth – perhaps in anticipation of any olfactory assault.

Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency, maintained his composure, nodding and shifting his gaze as if deeply contemplating Kerry’s words.

Unfazed, Kerry continued, “And the reality is that the climate crisis and the health crisis are one and the same.”

John Kerry is a walking climate crisis.

Kerry farts at 0:34 seconds into this clip  [Emphasis added]

[Ed.:  Do as I say, not as I do!]


Guyana on High Alert Against Maduro’s Invasion Threat – Referendum’s Turnout Is Said To Have Been Very Low – Venezuelan Voters Also Allegedly Rejected Arbitration by International Court   By Paul Serran

Dec. 5, 2023 7:00 am – Maduro is hell-bent on getting all that Guyanese oil and gas.

Now that all over the world frontiers have begun to be redrawn left and right, it is not all that surprising when a down-on-luck socialist dictator from Venezuela decides to have a crack at snatching 74% of his oil-rich neighbor Guyana’s territory.

After all, if post-WW2 borders are being moved around, why not one that was settled in 1899? The international mediation by the US and Russia awarded the area to England, no less.

After massive oil reserves were found in Guyanese territorial waters, the secular claim by Venezuela was rekindled in a spectacular fashion.

Read: POWDER KEG AMERICA: Venezuela Votes in a Referendum Asking Whether They Should Invade Neighbor Guyana and Occupy 74% Of Its Territory!

It arises now that Guyana ‘will remain vigilant’ after the Venezuelan referendum rejected the international court’s jurisdiction over the  territorial dispute.

Tensions over oil-rich Esequibo rose ahead of the five-question Venezuelan referendum.


Argentina’s Javier Milei Prepares a ‘Shock Package’ of Legislation for His Very First Day: ‘It’s a New Social Contract’   By Paul Serran

Dec. 4, 2023 7:20 pm – New Argentine President intends to start his term kicking down the door on the very first day.

While ‘chainsaw’ Milei has somewhat softened his rhetoric and changed a few names on his team, apparently he intends to enact meaningful reforms and repeal a voluminous body of legislation in his very first act after the inauguration on December 10.

Read: BREAKING! Conservative Javier Milei Is Elected the New President of Argentina in a Landslide Victory!

Javier Milei plans to present to an extraordinary session of  Congress a highly ambitious ‘omnibus law’ project to start off his government.

Dr. Peter McCullough Urges Preparedness on News of Chinese Pneumonia Outbreak

Besides the traditional ‘ministry law’ – that establishes the organizational chart of each new administration – he is preparing a ‘shock package’: deregulation of economic laws, simplification of the tax system, labor modifications, and the privatization of state companies.

Read: A New, Pragmatic Javier Milei Invites Socialist Lula to His Inauguration – Brazil Is Argentina’s Biggest Trade Partner – The Catch: Bolsonaro Is Also Invited!

La Nacion reported:

“As LA NACION learned from high-ranking sources at La Libertad Avanza, in recent days the idea was added to the menu to include a ‘political reform’ that contemplates, among other points, the suppression of the [primaries law] PASO, in addition to modifications linked to party financing. This chapter was being written at this time, with one week left until the inauguration.

‘It is a living document, in which things constantly come and go. But without a doubt what is proposed is not only to change the organizational chart, it is a new social contract’, highlighted a close collaborator of Milei.”

He only has 38 deputies and seven senators so it’s unclear how he will navigate the legislative.

“In the libertarian environment they cling to the reading of the ‘social mandate’ left by the runoff and argue: ‘They voted for Javier to do this’. The libertarian leadership assures that all the reforms will be integrated into a single text that will be sent ‘on day one’. But others in the space began to warn behind closed doors that Milei should polish the legislative strategy and dose the reforms over time.”

Read: Conservative Patricia Bullrich Will Join Javier Milei’s Government as Argentina’s Security Minister, Vows to Wage a ‘Relentless Fight Against Drug Trafficking’

His shock package entails a considerable shrinking of the state structure, reducing the current 18 ministries to eight or nine portfolios.

“The economic part of the project would contemplate strong deregulation in different sectors, such as mining and oil, in addition to an infrastructure chapter to ‘generate legal security for large investments’. ‘There are 2,000 laws that regulate economic activity and many that must be eliminated to promote investment’, said a leading libertarian contributor. The future chancellor, Diana Mondino, said this week in statements to CNN Radio: ‘I don’t know how many (laws) are going to be repealed. But there are many, many, many’.”

The ‘money drain’ public companies to be converted into public limited companies via direct privatization, while others share ownership could be transferred to employees.

When it comes to taxes, libertarians talk about ‘tax simplification’, a.k.a. tax cuts.

Read more:


The Gateway Pundit Sends Out Official Letter – Asks Speaker Johnson to Investigate Why One of America’s Top Conservative Outlets is Being Censored in Congress   By Benjamin Wetmore

Dec. 4, 2023 6:00 pm – Last Friday, several Capitol Hill offices reported that The Gateway Pundit website was blocked by the House internet provider.

Rep. Matt Gaetz announced on his popular podcast that he could not get to The Gateway Pundit website. The Florida representative also posted a photo  https://twitter.com/i/status/1730704657150869864 of what he was seeing when he went to TheGatewayPundit.com

The Gateway Pundit and our reporter Jordan Conradson spoke with several sources on Capitol Hill after this discovery. We actually had one other office notify of this earlier in the day on Friday. After discussing this with our IT experts, it appears that the internet block was caused by someone at the U.S. House of Representatives.

TGP reporter Jordan Conradson reached out to several offices and we also inquired whether there were other conservative media outlets that were also being censored.

The Gateway Pundit’s editor, Jim Hoft, wrote to Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) on Monday asking that he investigate the matter. We also would like to know how this ban came into effect.

And, of course,  we requested that the ban be removed.



What’s Going On? Pentagon Joins US House – Blocks Access to The Gateway Pundit Website: Report   By Jim Hft

Dec. 4, 2023 7:00 pm – In a recent development, The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative websites in the country today, reported that its access has been blocked on networks within both the United States House of Representatives and the Pentagon.

On Thursday, sources from Capitol Hill informed The Gateway Pundit that attempts to access the website from the House network were unsuccessful.

A staff member from Congressman Paul Gosar’s office detailed ongoing access problems for the past two weeks.

“Wanted to notify you that I have been unable to access the Gateway Pundit on the House network for the past two weeks,” according to the email.  [Emphasis added]

Dr. Peter McCullough Urges Preparedness on News of Chinese Pneumonia Outbreak

TGP Washington DC reporter Jordan Conradson contacted Rep. Gosar’s Communications Director, Anthony Foti, who confirmed that some government-issued computers used by Gosar’s staff displayed the error code seen above upon visiting our site. According to the individual who sent the aforementioned email, this also occurs on his government-issued laptop when connected to his home network.

Conradson was informed by an IT specialist associated with the House that a firewall is in place to filter out “unauthorized” sites as designated by the House Administration Office. Despite repeated attempts to gain clarity and official comment from the House Administrative Committee, responses remained elusive.

This is not surprising, as they have also refused to provide Conradson with press credentials to cover Capitol Hill since we applied nearly four months ago in August.

On Friday, Rep. Matt Gaetz acknowledged the censorship of The Gateway Pundit within the House. During his podcast, Gaetz stated that access to the website was blocked according to House policy and expressed his intention to investigate the matter.

Below is the transcript on his podcast:



4 dead, 50 injured in Islamic State-claimed blast at Catholic Church in Philippines   by: Sara Higdon

12/04/2023 – On Sunday, an explosion at a Catholic mass in the Philippines killed at least four people and injured 50 others. Officials said the blast is believed to have been caused by a bomb after fragments of a 16-mm mortar were found a the scene.
The Islamic State group said its members had detonated the bomb on Telegram, Reuters reports.

According to NBC, the explosion occurred in a gymnasium at Mindanao State University in the city of Marawi, and Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. blamed “foreign terrorists” for the attack.

[Ed.:  Islam should become illegal, not protected as any sort of sacred religion!  All they do is kill people and take over the world.  What good is that?  Islamic motivation is getting old already…]


Hillary Clinton Raises Concern on Climate Change Body Count: ‘We are Beginning to Count and Record Climate-Related Deaths’  (VIDEO)   By Jim Hft

Dec. 4, 2023 11:00 am – Failed presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, attended the 28th annual United Nations climate conference (COP28) in Dubai to lie about the number of deaths attributed to climate change, focusing on issues caused by extreme heat, which experts referred to as “global boiling.”

Speaking to an international audience, Clinton suggested that climate-related deaths are being meticulously tallied, indicating an ‘already high’ and growing body count.

“We are seeing and beginning to pay attention and to count and record the deaths that are related to climate. And by far the biggest killer is extreme heat,” she said.

She referenced a European heatwave allegedly responsible for 61,000 deaths and insinuated that unrecorded. She also claimed that climate change-related deaths can be influenced by gender. According to Harvard Business Review, “We can’t fight climate change without fighting for gender equity.”

Clinton said, “I mean, even in Europe last summer, which has the ability to count and figure out what happened, they recorded 61,000 deaths because heat in Europe, we don’t have that kind of number yet from Africa, Asia, Latin America. But we know and estimate that we probably could measure about 500,000 deaths, and the majority of those are women and girls, and particularly pregnant women.”


[Ed.:  Hillary obviously keeps up with the news, and that is a good thing.  Otherwise, she might not be aware of the death count!  The Clintons should stay up to date about death counts, when they already have 71 in their own family…]



BREAKING: Hunter Biden’s Business Entity Owasco Made DIRECT Monthly Payments to Joe Biden – WITH RECEIPTS!   By Cristina Laila

Dec. 4, 2023 12:40 pm – House Oversight Chairman James Comer on Monday released subpoenaed bank records revealing Joe Biden received direct monthly payments from Hunter Biden’s business entity, Owasco PC.

Hunter Biden is currently under federal investigation for using Owasco PC for tax evasion and other crimes.

Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed he never took a dime from China and was never involved with his son Hunter’s overseas business dealings.

Biden, in a ‘catch me if you can’ moment, taunted reporters in October inquiring about his family’s corruption and asked, “Where’s the money?”


[Ed.: We need to audit Trump’s taxes again!]


Karine Jean-Pierre Brushes Off Questions About Bombshell Bank Records Showing Hunter Biden Payments to Joe Biden, Walks Out of Briefing Room  (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

Dec. 4, 2023 4:00 pm – White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday walked out of the press briefing room after a reporter asked questions about Hunter Biden’s payments to Joe Biden.

House Oversight Chairman James Comer on Monday released subpoenaed bank records revealing Joe Biden received direct monthly payments from Hunter Biden’s business entity, Owasco PC.

Hunter Biden’s investment vehicle Owasco made DIRECT payments (screenshots below) to Joe Biden, according to newly obtained bank records.


BIDEN BORDER CRISIS: Massive Group of Military-Age Men From China Invade US Border in California   (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

Dec. 4, 2023 2:40 pm – Joe Biden’s America.

A massive group of military-age men from China invaded the southern border in California on Monday.

Hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants from all over the world are traveling through the Darien Gap en route to the United States every month.

Illegals from Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and South and Central America are making the trek to the United States.

The latest group of illegals to invade California were mainly from China.

Jacumba, which is about 75 miles east of San Diego, has been a hangout for thousands of illegals after crossing the border. The high desert has been a drop-off location for smugglers for illegals to live in makeshift camps.

The group Border Kindness, which is a non-governmental organization that helps provide resources for illegals, has provided food and water in areas where terrain is difficult to traverse in the San Diego mountains.

A large group of illegals, mostly from China, crossed through the open gaps on the border wall in Jacumba Hot Springs, California.

Video posted to X by Jorge Ventura Media on Monday showed the group of military-age men lined up in front of Border Patrol agents.


[Ed.:  These poor Chinese (military age men) refugees only want to come to the US to be free and enjoy capitalism.  No need to worry.  Everything is under control.  But we do need to closely watch these Maga Republicans.  They are the greatest threat to our Democracy!]


Blinken doubles down on pressuring Israel to ‘minimize further casualties of innocent Palestinians’   BY CHRISTINE DOUGLASS-WILLIAMS

DEC 3, 2023 8:30 AM  – The Biden administration persistently refrains from addressing the reason for Israel’s war on Hamas, the goal of which is to obliterate the state of Israel, and the massacre of its citizens on October 7. This video gives insight into what Israel has suffered: see HERE. Warning: it’s disturbing. Blinken also neglects to mention Hamas’ use of human shields as he constantly draws attention to the collateral damage of war on Hamas.

The Biden administration participating in the gang-up against Israel at the worst possible time. Israel’s response to the horror of October 7 has now been twisted to make Israel appear to be the abuser and the Palestinians as the victims. As a result, ISIS-like Hamas is virtually off the hook. Blinken did not “appear to set down red lines that would trigger US actions.” But when might he do so? World War II, which was the “deadliest and most destructive war in human history, claimed between 40 and 50 million lives, displaced tens of millions of people, and cost more than $1 trillion to prosecute.” What would Blinken say about the civilian lives in that just war?

This escalating level of propaganda against Israel, whose citizens were victimized in the most sickening way, is a mystery revealed for those who couldn’t understand antisemitism and the warped mindset that led to the Holocaust.


Pennsylvania governor slams anti-Semitic mob who screamed ‘You can’t hide, we charge you with genocide’ into Jewish-owned Philly FALAFEL restaurant…hours after students at nearby UPenn called for ‘intifada   By STEPHEN M. LEPORE

  • A mob the Democrat governor of Pennsylvania called anti-Semitic protested a Jewish-owned Philadelphia falafel restaurant Sunday night
  • At the same time, a group of students at the University of Pennsylvania went viral for calling for an ‘intifada’
  • The Philadelphia chain is owned by Mike Solomonov, an Israeli-born, Pittsburgh raised chef who has won the James Beard Award in the past

4 December 2023 – An anti-Semitic mob was blasted by Pennsylvania‘s governor for screaming threats into a Jewish-owned falafel store in Philadelphia.

The group marched at the Goldie’s location in Center City chanting: ‘Goldie, Goldie you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide.’

The Philadelphia chain is owned by Mike Solomonov, an Israeli-born, Pittsburgh raised chef who has won the James Beard Award in the past.

[Ed.:  Forgive them Father, for the poor shmucks are deeply misinformed!]


AMERICA UNDER FIRE: U.S. Warship and Several Commercial Ships Attacked in the Red Sea – Iran-Backed Houthi Rebels Claim Responsibility for Attacking Two Ships   By Cullen Linebarger

Dec. 3, 2023 11:00 am – AMERICA UNDER FIRE: U.S. Warship and Several Commercial Ships Attacked in the Red Sea – Iran-Backed Houthi Rebels Claim Responsibility for Attacking Two Ships

An American warship and several other commercial ships came under attack Sunday in the Red Sea, potentially marking a significant escalation in a series of naval forays in the Mideast linked to the Israel-Hamas war.

… The Trump Administration recognized the Yemeni rebels as a terrorist group, but Biden decided to remove the militants from the list in 2021.

[Ed.:  Quick!  Send some more billion$ to our buddies in Iran!]


Private Jets Headed To Global Warming Conference “Literally Frozen On Runway”    BY TYLER DURDEN

SATURDAY, DEC 02, 2023 – 11:05 AM – While world leaders spoke at a ‘global warming’ conference in Dubai, located in the heart of the Arabian Desert, discussing the usual: banning gas stoves, cow farts, and petrol-powered vehicles, a powerful snowstorm grounded all flights at Munich Airport in Germany.

“Private jets in Munich on the way to Dubai global warming conference are literally frozen on the runway, which has turned into a glacier,” said Ryan Maue, a meteorologist and former NOAA chief scientist.

[Ed.:  Oh, the irony!]


Joe Biden’s Department of Veterans Affairs Processed 161,000 Medical and Dental Claims for ILLEGALS in 2022 while Delaying Service to US VETERANS    (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

Dec. 3, 2023 9:15 am – Joe Biden’s Department of Veterans Affairs processed 161,000 medical and dental claims for illegal aliens in 2022 while delaying service to US veterans who served their country.

Pete Hegseth exposed this shocking abuse on FOX News.

Concerned Veterans for America and senior adviser Darin Selnick is calling on lawmakers to investigate this horrible abuse by the Biden regime.


Video Evidence From Jan 6th Committee “Vanished”   By Pamela Geller

December 2, 2023

“All of the videotapes of all depositions are gone.”

People’s lives have been destroyed, five of those Americans politically persecuted for attending the election integrity march have committed suicide, and the underlying evidence has been “vanished”?

We are drowning in a fetid sea of corruption.

[Ed.: ‘All gone’…


Hamas official hints at another attack on Israel, bigger than Oct. 7   By Charlotte Hazard

“I can promise that a war of liberation is coming, not just another October 7,” Hamdan said.

December 2, 2023 – Atop Hamas official hinted during an interview with Lebanese media that another attack against Israel is in the works, likely bigger than Oct. 7.

Osama Hamdan, a senior representative of Hamas in Lebanon, said during an interview earlier this week that a “war of liberation” was coming.

The interview was transcribed by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), according to The Daily Wire.

“You said that if the Israelis would make new arrests, after all the prisoners are released from [Israeli] prisons, you would carry out another operation,” the interviewer said during the interview, according to the outlet. “So can you promise another October 7?”

“I can promise that a war of liberation is coming, not just another October 7,” Hamdan answered.

The interviewer asked if this attack would happen soon in the future, to which Hamdan answered, “I do not think it is far off.”


Operation Trojan Horse – SITREP 12.1.23   [30:34]   Monkey Werx US


Leo Hohmann: FBI Tells Newsweek that Trump Supporters are Enemies of the State and Must be Secretly Tracked, Monitored, Investigated   By Leo Hohmann

Dec. 2, 2023 1:40 pm – Will Trump supporters start to disappear leading up to and following the 2024 election? The FBI appears to be laying a narrative that hints of unprecedented government actions on American soil.

Have you ever voted for Donald J. Trump?

Have you ever posted a comment to any social media platform that was even remotely favorable towards Trump?

If so, you may be on an FBI watchlist.

According to an October 4 report in Newsweek, “the federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbance around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump‘s army of MAGA followers.”

Notice the term “army.” There’s a sinister purpose behind that word. The government, in cooperation with its corporate partners at Newsweek, are trying to paint a picture of an organized military force ready to go to war with Trump as its leader.

As a member of the conservative movement in America, I can tell you that it is the most unorganized, disjointed and fragmented movement in the country. It is not in any way monolithic and as such poses no threat to the government or anyone else.

But this is who our government has targeted for monitoring and tracking.

They’re not worried about the Chinese men of military age pouring over the open border at a rate of 2,000 to 4,000 per month under Biden. They’re not worried about Iranian sleeper cells. NO, they’re worried about American citizens on the Trump team who want to see their candidate in the White House.   [Emphasis added]

Here’s a blurb from the article:


FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried Worried About Safety, Learning To Survive Behind Bars – Convicted Billionaire Thought About Paying for Protection, According To Former Inmate at MDC   By Paul Serran

Dec. 2, 2023 5:40 pm – 2023 turned things around – for bad – for former Billionaire FTX CEO, Sam Bankman-Fried.

In January, Bankman-Fried was arrested in the Bahamas. In August remanded to jail by Judge Lewis Kaplan for witness tampering. In November, he was found guilty of all 7 counts of fraud and conspiracy.

But his story hasn’t ended: as he awaits sentencing in March – and of course, the appeal from his lawyers, SBF is learning to survive in prison – which can be tricky.

It now arises that he was ‘reportedly worried for his safety’ during his pretrial detention time at the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC), and even considered paying another inmate for ‘protection’.

The revelations come from former New York mob ‘enforcer’ Gene Borrello.

Borrello told crypto blogger Tiffany Fong that he spent time with Bankman-Fried in the lead-up to his criminal trial.

The ‘crypto bro’ was ‘out of his element’ in jail, worried for his safety. A prisoner attempted to make SBF fearful, in order to extort him for ‘protection’ money.

Read: BREAKING: Sam Bankman-Fried Convicted of All 7 Counts – Sentence Could Be as High as 115 Years in Prison

Coin Telegraph reported:

“However, Bankman-Fried was housed in a unit of the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center that separated the wealthy and government cooperators from the general prison population, said Borello. ‘I kept saying: It’s not dangerous in here. You don’t need protection. Don’t worry about it. You ain’t got to pay nobody nothing. Don’t listen to these fucking kids’.”

Borrello confronted the other prisoner, leading to a fight.

“Borrello recalled speaking to Bankman-Fried, saying, ‘When he talks to you, he puts his head down. He’s very timid. He talks very nervous’. He also said he asked the former billionaire what he spent his money on.

‘I said, ‘What are you doing with the money? What kind of watch did you have?’ He said, ‘I had an Apple Watch’, Borrello recounted. ’I said, ‘What kind of car were you driving?’ He said, ‘A 2020 Toyota Camry’. Me and my friends go, ‘So, what the fuck did you steal the money for? You wanna look at it?’’”

Borello can’t go into ‘gen-pop’ due to his perceived wealth, because other inmates would again try to extort him.

“’He just didn’t understand how much trouble he was in’, Borrello said. ‘We were trying to explain to him that this is the feds, you’re accused of stealing billions of dollars. […] He just didn’t understand how screwed was until we started breaking it down to him’.”

Bankman-Fried was more nervous about jail than about his case – and held the belief that he’d only spend 20 years in prison.

“’We looked at him like he was crazy. I kept trying to explain to him, you’re never going to see the outside again’.”

A month ago, Bankman-Fried was found guilty of seven counts of money laundering, fraud and conspiracy, facing a maximum sentence – according to guidelines – of 115 years in jail.

[Ed.:  Crocodile tears!]


One Dead, Two Injured in Paris Terror Attack – Islamist Was Shouting “Allahu Akbar” During Attack Near Eiffel Tower    By Jim Hoft

Dec. 2, 2023 5:20 pm – An Islamist murdered one man and injured at least two others in a knife and hammer terrorist attack Saturday in Paris.

The attacker was screaming “Allahu Akbar!” during the attack.

[Ed.:  But, he was just practicing his ‘religion’…  I accuse this article of promoting Islamophobia!]


Kamala Harris Attacks Israel Over Hamas War: “Too Many Innocent Palestinians Have Been Killed”   By Kristinn Taylor

Dec. 2, 2023 3:00 pm – Kamala Harris attacked Israel over its conduct of the war with Hamas in Gaza in remarks made Saturday at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, saying, “too many innocent Palestinians have been killed.”

The criticism comes as the Biden administration is facing enormous political pressure by the Hamas wing of the Democratic Party with reports of Arab Muslims and progressives in swing states including Michigan saying they will not vote for Biden-Harris in the 2024 election because of the administration’s support for Israel. Biden went through a struggle session with Arab Muslims at the White House on October 26 in which he criticized himself for doubting the high number of Palestinian casualties in Gaza claimed by the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry: “I’m sorry. I’m disappointed in myself,” he told the group, according to two people familiar with the meeting. “I will do better.” (via the Washington Post)

Harris began her remarks with a recitation of the horrors of the October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas and support for Israel’s right to defend itself, noting that Americans were killed and are still being held hostage. Harris praised the release of about half the hostages held by Hamas that was facilitated by the now ended ceasefire agreement. Harris went on to differentiate the Palestinians in Gaza from Hamas and then blasted Israel for its conduct of the war.



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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.