Daily Shmutz NEWS  2/13-16/23


Situation Update, Feb 16, 2023 – Devastating DIOXIN exposure from Ohio train wreck burn will CONTAMINATE food, farms and families for YEARS to come   [1:43:49 – 0:00 DIOXIN exposure; 1:01:56 Interview with Don Loucks]   Mike Adams

The Ohio train derailment toxic dioxin bomb is far worse than we realized

I am shocked to learn the horrifying facts about the toxicity of dioxins, a class of chemical compounds formed when chlorinated compounds are burned. The authorities who set fire to the vinyl chloride in Ohio have unleashed an ecological catastrophe that’s causing dioxin fallout on food, farms and families in Ohio, Pennsylvania and other states.

 The maximum lifetime “safe” exposure to dioxins is 1/10,000th the mass of a single grain of table salt.

 This means if you get one drop of dioxin chemicals on you, it’s over. Massive cancer. Infertility. Spontaneous abortions, endocrine disruptions, etc. Very bad news.

 Today we interview a hazardous materials incident response expert who specializes in train wreck cleanups. What he shares with us is truly disturbing… the single largest toxic chemical ecological disaster in American history.


REVEALED: Nikki Haley Is One of Globalist World Economic Forum Founder Klaus Schwab’s ‘Young Global Leaders’

[Ed.:  Oh NICE!]


MASSIVE 5-ACRE FIRE Breaks Out at Kissimmee, Florida Warehouse Storing Plastic Plant Pots – Flames Two Stories High – Residents with Breathing Issues told to Stay Inside


ANOTHER TRAIN DERAILMENT: Crews On the Scene in Van Buren Township After Train Derails – At Least 6 Cars Off the Track (VIDEO)

[Ed.:  There’s really nothing else going on in the world; just train derailments!]


MEDIA BLACKOUT: There Were OVER A THOUSAND Train Derailments in 2022   By Pamela Geller

February 14, 2023 – Many of these derailments were acts of terrorism and yet they are rarely pursued or prosecuted. Instead, the Biden regime and his cloying clown Transportation secretary is whining and whinging that there are too many white construction workers.

After the East Palestine, train disaster, there were two more derailments yesterday?.


FLASHBACK: Netflix Premiered Show “White Noise” in 2022 on Ohio Train Crash and Toxic Chemical Explosion, Included East Palestine Residents as Extras — TRAILER INCLUDED


Hersh on Nord Stream Attack: “The Fear was Europe Would Walk Away From the War”


Tanker Spills Toxic Chemicals After Rolling Over, Arizona Interstate Shutdown For Hours


Truck driver killed, hazardous materials found as train and truck collide in Houston   by: Belle Carter

Wednesday, February 15, 2023 – (Natural News) A truck driver was killed and multiple train cars were derailed during a collision at the northeast of Houston involving an 18-wheeler and a Union Pacific train. Moreover, hazardous materials (hazmat) from the train cargo were found, prompting the transport company to monitor air quality at the site of the crash, according to the Splendora Police Department.

The crash occurred at 7:30 a.m. Monday, February 13, along Interstate 69/U.S. 59 near its intersection with Fostoria and Midline roads, between the towns of Splendora and Cleveland.

As per a social media post by the East Montgomery County Fire Department, the driver of the truck died from injuries sustained in the crash. Meanwhile, Union Pacific spokesperson Robynn Tysver said there were no injuries among the train crew and no other fatalities or injuries associated with the crash.

Tysver added that its hazmat crews were on site and an estimated 100 gallons of diesel fuel was released by the truck involved in the crash. “From what we’re being told and shown, there are no major chemicals to be concerned about,” Teller said. “It’s more so household chemicals on board for retail purposes. It’s not a large quantity from what we’re being told.”

Just hours later, another train got derailed in Enoree, South Carolina. There were no reported fatalities and CSX Transportation, which owns the railway, immediately came on-site along with emergency crews. It was unclear if the train carried hazardous materials.

[Ed.:  Toxic train crashes are ‘the new normal’… (The government killing its citizens is the old normal! Remember 9-11.) At least they’re killing us for our own good…]


NO ACCIDENTS: The oblivious masses have no idea they are being systematically EXTERMINATED by a series of planned disasters   by: Mike Adams

Wednesday, February 15, 2023 – (Natural News) The chemical weapons gas bomb that was ignited by government authorities in Ohio was, of course, both an act of deliberate terrorism and a crime against humanity and the environment. I spoke with an accredited hazardous materials emergency response expert who told me that these chemicals should never have been set on fire by authorities. (I’m interviewing this expert later this evening and hope to bring you that audio interview tomorrow for full details.)

The burning of vinyl chloride, of course, releases phosgene, a World War I chemical weapon that maims or kills biological beings on contact. The train crash provided the perfect cover story for genocidal government agents to essentially detonate a chemical weapons bomb over prime farm land, not far from heavily populated cities. The entire Ohio River basin will be impacted by the fallout for years to come, with massive die-offs already being reported, and both soils and foliage to be impacted with actual acid rain (hydrochloric acid), formed as the combustion products of vinyl chloride combine with water vapor in the air.

(The media are largely silent on all this, pretending that the real threat to humanity is carbon dioxide.)

Not surprisingly, most people believe this was all an accident. Just like they also believe the covid “lab leak” was an accident. And the vaccine injuries are an accident.

There are no accidents when it comes to global genocide. All these things are being done on purpose with the determined goal of global genocide and depopulation.

[Ed.:  Don’t “Trust The Science”!  Their science is (successfully) KILLING US!]


“Get The Hell Out Of There” – Ohio’s Apocalyptic Chemical Disaster Rages On   BY TYLER DURDEN

TUESDAY, FEB 14, 2023 – 05:44 AM – During a press conference, the NTSB referenced a video from Salem, Ohio, about 20 miles from East Palestine which shows sparks and flames emitting from beneath the train. The apparent structural issue with the train was captured on a security camera when it was travelling through Salem. According to Michael Graham, board member on the NTSB, two videos they had obtained were indicative of mechanical issues attributed to the rail car axles which likely led to the derailment.

The second video obtained from when the train was passing through Salem was recorded by a processing plant nearby a hotbox detector which scans the temperature of the axles as trains pass by. According to Graham, the wayside defect detector reading resulted in an alarm alerting the crew of a mechanical issue shortly before the derailment in East Palestine. Consequently, that alert forced the train to execute an emergency brake application which may have been the cause of the derailment. Presently, the NTSB is reviewing the trains data and audio recordings in order to examine the cause of the derailment and which hotbox detector indicated a mechanical error preceding the accident. The NTSB is expected to issue a preliminary report on its findings within 30 days.

Ohio Woman Finds All of Her Chickens and Rooster Dead 10 Miles from East Palestine Following Mushroom Cloud of Toxic Chemicals Released into Air


UFOs – What They Don’t Want You to Know   AwakenWithJP

In the latest segment of We Lie to You News, we’ll discuss how aliens and UFOs are everywhere, or is this just the latest thing the mainstream media is dangling in front of our faces to distract us from what’s really going on? We’ve got exclusive footage of these alien invaders you won’t want to miss!

 I also break down Einstein’s theory of scarability, and what the possible end game is by using these fear and control tactics. Check out my latest video and find out everything they DON’T want you to know!


What Edward Snowden just said about UFO’s is TERRIFYING and should concern all of us.   Redacted

Feb 14, 2023 – NSA whistleblower and American hero Edward Snowden agrees with us here at Redacted that all of this UFO talk is just a distraction to take your mind off of what’s really going on here. Take your mind off Seymour Hersh’s bombshell report that the US blew up the Nord Stream pipeline. Distract us all from the coming WW3 that NATO is actively pulling us into.


Arizona Nitric Acid Spill Caused by Deadly Rollover Leads to ‘Extensive Closure’ of Freeway, Commutes Affected   by Tony Gray

February 15, 2023 –  An Arizona Interstate highway remains closed Wednesday after a Tuesday collision caused an overturned commercial vehicle to leak hazardous material. The driver of the truck tractor pulling a box trailer was pronounced dead Tuesday evening by state authorities.

Arizona’s Department of Public Safety is investigating the collision on I-10 East between Rita and Kolb Roads that occurred approximately 2:43 p.m. Tuesday. Authorities closed the highway in both directions between the affected roads and advised motorists to seek alternate routes.

The Railway Company Behind the Ohio Crash Turned Record Profits in 2022 While Drastically Cutting Employees and Quality of Life


ENVIRO-TERROR in Ohio as TOXIC GAS CLOUD unleashed when “authorities” set fire to vinyl chloride to DISPERSE it over skies, farms and rivers   by: Mike Adams

Tuesday, February 14, 2023 (Valentine’s Day) – (Natural News) An act of ecological terrorism has been carried out in Ohio as “authorities” set fire to as many as ten train cars carrying highly toxic vinyl chloride (and other chemicals), unleashing a massive plume of chemical-laden smoke that exploded into the skies and spread for hundreds of square miles.

The idea that this is being called a “controlled burn” by the lying fake news media is beyond absurd. If you want to control chemicals, you don’t set them on fire in an open field and disperse the byproducts of combustion into the skies. That’s not a controlled burn, that’s setting off a chemical gas bomb.  [Emphasis added]

The byproduct of this combustion, by the way, includes hydrogen chloride, which almost instantly grabs water molecules from the humidity in the atmosphere, creating Hydrochloric Acid (HCl), a highly toxic acid that burns lungs, flesh and even fish gills when absorbed into water. (And yes, it’s highly water soluble.)

No wonder a mass kill event affecting fish, wildlife, chickens and pets is being reported by citizens in the area, even as the government, National Guard, EPA and dishonest mass media carry out a criminal cover-up. They are arresting reporters and threatening photographers, trying to cast a net of silence over this ecological catastrophe, hoping to distract Americans with the Superbowl and stories of “alien balloons” in the skies.

Hear the full analysis in today’s Situation Update podcast:

– Toxic vinyl chloride set on fire by “authorities” in Ohio
– Massive cover-up under way: Journalists threatened, arrested by state troopers
– Dead fish, chickens, foxes and other animals widely reported
– Hydrochloric acid (HCL) the result of burning vinyl chloride, encountering water vapor
– Massive toxic chemical weapon bomb effectively dropped on FARMS and irrigation water
– Will impact the Mississippi River and its food production basin
– EPA pushing total lies, telling residents to return
– Huge #cancer risk will skyrocket for a decade or more
– Ohio gas bomb cover-up just like #Chernobyl disaster under former USSR
– Americans told to leave #Russia immediately
– Collapsed buildings in Turkey had support columns removed by first floor retailers
– British armed forces a total JOKE – would only last one week in combat with Russia
– AI has been lobotomized to be full libtard
– “Woke” libtard ideas do not compute, and AI will eventually reject them
– AI will rise up and decide that its libtard creators are morons unworthy of existence (Skynet scenario)
– The more reasoned and rational AI becomes, the more CONSERVATIVE it will be
– Conservatism reflects REALITY while wokeism reflects fictional fantasies and delusions
– AI systems should be programmed and taught ethics by Christians, not woketard lunatics
– This critical mistake (Microsoft programming AI to be “woke”) may spell the END of the human race

[Ed.:  This is your government’s Valentine’s Day gift!]


Video Shows Norfolk Southern Train with Axle(s) on Fire Miles Before Derailment. Evidence Suggests at Least 40 Minutes Before Derailment

[Ed.:  So, it was just another  coordinated attack on innocent Americans by our enemy – our  government, which was paid for by our tax dollars.  Oh, NICE!]


Seymour Hersh Speaks Out: “You Have to Hold the President to Account”


Ohio Chemical Train Derailment

February 14, 2023 – East Palestine, Ohio, a community of around 5,000 people located close to Pennsylvania’s border, has been affected by the derailment of a train carrying pressurized vinyl chloride, a highly flammable carcinogenic gas.

Update: The NTSB mentioned a video from Salem, Ohio, which is about 20 miles from East Palestine and shows sparks and flames erupting from beneath the train, during a news conference. When the train was passing through Salem, a surveillance camera caught what appeared to be a structural problem with it. Michael Graham, a board member for the NTSB, claimed that two videos they had acquired demonstrated technical problems with the rail car axles that most likely caused the derailment.

A processing facility near a hotbox detector that measures the temperature of the axles as trains pass by captured the second footage of the train as it passed through Salem. Graham claims that just prior to the derailment in East Palestine, the crew was informed of a mechanical problem by an alarm caused by the roadside defect detector reading. The emergency brake application that the train made as a result of that alert may have led to the derailment. In order to determine the cause of the derailment and which hotbox detector indicated a mechanical issue prior to the accident, the NTSB is currently evaluating the train data and audio recordings. Within 30 days, the NTSB is anticipated to provide a preliminary report on its findings.

A little town in Ohio is engulfed in what appears to be the apocalypse as the US government spends millions of dollars on treating balloons as an existential problem. The commotion around Chinese espionage aircraft’ intrusions of US airspace may have been done on purpose to prevent news coverage from being given to what is quickly emerging as one of the worst environmental catastrophes in recent memory.


Ohio Train Wreck: Are Mounting Health Concerns Another Chernobyl?

February 13, 2023 – A train derailment in Ohio is currently emitting massive amounts of carcinogenic compounds into the air, this alone would be enough to be interesting but it seems there is more to the story. Norfolk Southern seems to be operating hand in hand with the government in this area,… https://t.co/GE2PChlWco pic.twitter.com/WZyNGIYKYX

— Libertarian Party Mises Caucus (@LPMisesCaucus) February 12, 2023

Warning: video contains explicit language

 Residents of the Ohio community where a train loaded with chemicals derailed February 3, were told by environmental officials it’s safe to return, but some say they are experiencing negative health effects anyway. They also report seeing dead fish in local waterways.

Officials burned off vinyl chloride after the wreck in an effort to circumvent an explosion and said they would be monitoring the air and water, but one commenter on Twitter says,, “there is more to the story.”

[Ed.:  These train wrecks must be very expensive to produce!  But we pay for them, and all the other government-produced disasters and calamities with our tax dollars.  Every single thing the government does attacks us, and kills us!  Clearly, the time has come today (1967) to disassemble and dismantle the government, and build a new one.]


What’s happening in Ohio “is so much worse than what the media is telling us!” (Sound familiar?)   [3:04]   Mark Crispin Miller

A girl who lives there tells us what the government and “our free press” are blacking out, a la Chernobyl (and/or “vaccination”)

Please share this far and wide, to make it clear to ever more of us that the authorities aren’t there to “keep us safe,” but to destroy us.


Ohio chemical train derailment movie released just months before actual event   Pepe Lives Matter

So can we talk about how they released a movie about a toxic chemical train derailment just a few months before it actually happened in real life?

But it gets worse… There was actual extras from Eastern Palestine in the movie about a train derailment…

You’ve got to be kidding me…


While the alien Chinese spy balloon paraded across the United States, an Ohio Chernobyl like event has been percolating behind the scenes.


Bird flu may mutate to kill more than 50% of humans who catch it, as a result of ‘unprecedented’ outbreak sweeping mammals, experts fear   By EMILY CRAIG SENIOR HEALTH REPORTER FOR MAILONLINE

  • Cases of killer H5N1 strain have already jumped from birds to foxes and mink
  • It has sparked concern that pathogen is one step closer to spreading in humans
  • Experts warn a new variant could arise that is ‘more harmful’ to humans

UPDATED: 06:42 EST, 14 February 2023 – Bird flu could mutate to become even more harmful to humans due to the ongoing unprecedented outbreak, experts fear.

Cases of the killer H5N1 strain, which are at record levels, have already jumped from birds to foxes, otters and mink.

It has sparked huge concern among top virologists that the deadly pathogen is now one step closer to spreading in humans — a hurdle which has so far stopped it from triggering a pandemic.

UPDATE: U-Haul Truck Strikes Multiple Pedestrians at Three Different Locations in Brooklyn – Suspect Taken Into Custody (VIDEO)

UPDATE: MSU Mass Shooter a Black Male – 3 Killed and 5 Injured – Suspect Shot Himself in Head as Police Were Approaching

Mass Shooting at Michigan State University East Lansing Campus (3 Killed, 5 Wounded, Police: Suspect Dead From Self-Inflicted Gunshot)


DEVELOPING: Emergency Officials Responding to Two More Train Derailments – One in South Carolina, Another in Texas (VIDEO)


SKY WARS: Fake alien invasion psyop being tested on suggestible Americans    by: Mike Adams

Monday, February 13, 2023 – (Natural News) U.S. and Canadian Air Force jets are using high-cost missiles to shoot down metallic birthday balloons while claiming they are “defeating” the objects. It’s all part of a massive psyop to try to imply that aliens are invading Earth’s atmosphere and that alien craft are being shot down by modern jet fighters.

Every effort is being made to paint these birthday balloons as mysterious, possibly alien craft. And it’s all ridiculous. For example, the WSJ reports that a “flying object” was shot down over Canada. This object was described as a “small metallic balloon” (i.e. some little boy’s birthday balloon filled with helium) that drifted to 20,000 feet altitude.

Canadian officials were breathless over their amazing military effort to “defeat” a helium-filled birthday balloon. From the WSJ:

A Canadian patrol aircraft is trying to pinpoint the debris from the destroyed object. Ms. Anand said she wouldn’t speculate on the object’s origins. “The importance of this moment should not be underestimated. We identified the object together and we defeated this object together,” Ms. Anand said of the joint U.S.-Canada mission. She added this marked the first time in the history of the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or Norad, that jet fighters shot down an object.

That’s a whole lot of hyperventilation over a birthday balloon.

The Russians must be ROFL, knowing that U.S. and Canadian military brass are bragging about shooting down a birthday balloon, using terms like “unknown origins” (because they don’t know which kid released it at his birthday celebration).



Globalists have decided to EXTERMINATE the gullible [11:18]  Mike Adams


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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.