Daily Shmutz | NEWS | 3/30/23


Why Reparations are Wrong   Robert W Malone MD, MS

C’mon man! Let’s get real.

March 30, 2023 – My home state of California has come up with the figure of $800 billion to compensate “Black” residents for “generations” of “over-policing, disproportionate incarceration and housing discrimination, economists have told a state panel considering reparations.”

Give me a break.  [Emphasis added]

The preliminary estimate is more than 2.5 times California’s $300 billion annual budget, and does not include a recommended $1 million per older Black resident for health disparities that have shortened their average life span. Nor does the figure count compensating people for property unjustly taken by the government or devaluing Black businesses, two other harms the task force says the state perpetuated.

Now, San Francisco is also considering a similar measure. Their “leaders” are supporting $5 million reparation payments for every eligible Black resident in the city of San Francisco. Eligibility might be tied to living in San Francisco during a certain time period and descending from someone incarcerated for drugs. Supervisor Shamann Walton states:

“Now, the real work continues,” “As I’ve said before, we have to stay focused and stay together as a community because now it is 100% more prevalent that we cannot be separated or divided. Let’s not lose focus because when we receive the final report, we have to actually resource the path forward.”

So, the supervisor of San Francisco, Shamann Walton, has decided that San Francisco will steal the money it has taken in taxes from one group of residents to give to other residents who are more deserving?


ABSURD: Activists Tell California Reparations Committee That $5 Million Per Person isn’t Enough   By Mike Lachance

Mar. 30, 2023 11:00 am – Activists are now telling the California reparations committee that the unbelievable sum of $5 million per person is not enough.

This entire affair is ridiculous. Slavery never existed in San Francisco or even the state of California.

And yet the suggested amount for reparations just keeps going up. Even at $5 million per person, it would cost residents of San Francisco approximately $600,000 for each resident of the city.

FOX News reports:

‘$5 million is too little:’ [Emphasis added]  Activists tell California reparations committee to aim higher

Activists on Wednesday demanded that the state of California pay millions of dollars to each Black resident in reparations as a way to make amends for slavery and subsequent discrimination, dismissing the idea of payments of $5 million per person as “nothing” and “too little.”  [Emphasis added]

The demands were made at an in-person meeting of the California Reparations Task Force, which was created by state legislation signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2020. The committee was hearing comments from the public as it considers final recommendations to submit to the California Legislature, which will then decide whether to implement the measures and send them to Newsom’s desk to be signed into law.

The task force is considering a proposal to give just under $360,000 per person to approximately 1.8 million Black Californians who had an ancestor enslaved in the U.S., putting the total cost of the program at about $640 billion.

Meanwhile, the city of San Francisco is weighing its own reparations proposals at the local level. Earlier this month, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors expressed “unanimous” support for a draft plan of more than 100 reparations recommendations for the city, including a proposal to dole out $5 million each to qualifying Black residents. The proposal would cost non-Black families in the city at least $600,000, according to Stanford University’s Hoover Institution.

The whole thing is absurd.

[Ed.:  Oh, the poor abused blacks!  Black lives matter!! Even those who are embarrassments to the entire race...

Wait a minute!  Lemme correct myself!  This is not really about black lives, or reparations.  This is about breaking America by spending exorbitant amounts of money, that we don’t have for any excuse (think: Ukraine).  Commies (devildemocommiecrats) will do that in their take-down of America. ]


JUST IN: Senate Votes 68-23 to End Covid Emergency   By Cristina Laila

Mar. 29, 2023 7:00 pm – Three years later…

The Senate on Wednesday voted 68 to 23 to end the Covid emergency.

The House already passed the resolution 229-197.

Joe Biden is not expected to veto the resolution.



NYT: Donald Trump has been indicted   Techno Fog

“Felony charges” still under still seal

March 30,2023 – Breaking news from the New York Times today:
A Manhattan grand jury voted to indict Donald J. Trump on Thursday for his role in paying hush money to a porn star, according to four people with knowledge of the matter, a historic development that will shake up the 2024 presidential race and forever mark him as the nation’s first former president to face criminal charges.

The felony indictment, filed under seal by the Manhattan district attorney’s office, will likely be announced in the coming days. By then, prosecutors working for the district attorney, Alvin L. Bragg, will have asked Mr. Trump to surrender and to face arraignment on charges that remain unknown for now.

felony indictment. We’ll have more information and more analysis after the indictment is unsealed. But as we stated yesterday regarding the reported “delays” and the potential charges:

“In New York, the falsification of business records is a misdemeanor that is subject to a two-year statute of limitations. Bragg, however, is supposedly pursuing felony charges against Trump for falsifying business records to conceal federal campaign finance violations. The felony has a five-year statute of limitations, one which Bragg can manipulate to perhaps apply to Trump.”

The indictment is an absolute scandal, the banana republic on parade, the prosecutor using the weapons of his office to attack his political opponent.


Saudi Arabia invests in Chinese oil refineries as China completes first yuan-settled oil trade   [9:14]   Jarryd Jaeger 

03/29/2023 – On Tuesday, it was revealed that a Chinese energy company had completed the nation’s first ever Yuan-settled oil trade. At the same time, Saudi Arabia has ramped up investment in the region, outlining a set of refinery deals and joint ventures.

The move is the latest in China and other authoritarian nations’ attempts to move away from the American dollar as the default global currency.

According to The Business Times, China National Offshore Oil Corporation and France’s TotalEnergies traded 65,000 tonnes of liquified natural gas imported from the United Arab Emirates. The deal was completed via the Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange, which has vowed to strengthen the financial infrastructure needed to facilitate Yuan-based trades.

China National Offshore Oil Corporation is one of the largest energy company’s in the nation, and its CEO Yu Jin has proposed conducting more deals in Yuan, rather than US dollars.


Don’t forget that BLM, Antifa, Occupy, YLF & the new Trans Resistance Network (TRN) are all fronts for atheist Communists, NWO Fascists & Satanists!   Tierney’s Real News

March 30, 2023 – Today’s newsletter covers many topics so I apologize for the quick pivots from segment to segment. I hope it’s not too confusing – too much real news – too little time! Enjoy your day. Peg


How Much Longer Can Western Governments Spit on Their People?   By J.B. Shurk

March 30, 2023  – Labor strikes and fiery riots dominate French news after King Macron’s imperial decision to raise the nation’s retirement age without any vote from parliament.  In reaction to spiraling inflation, German transportation workers shut down the country on Monday in one of the largest European walkouts in decades.  In the Netherlands, a new anti-globalist, pro-farmer political party fighting back against the World Economic Forum’s climate change–obsessed “Great Reset” agenda just dominated Dutch elections.  In “defiance of establishment elites,” Italians chose Giorgia Meloni to free the nation from subjugation to Brussels and “defend God, country, and family.”  And as left-wing protesters in Israel threaten civil war, Prime Minister Netanyahu has been forced to temporarily suspend his efforts to reform the nation’s powerful Judiciary, which operates largely free from competing checks and balances.  Clearly, revolution is in the air.

If you thought incendiary political turmoil threatened to combust only in the United States these days, then you have missed the growing protest movements throughout the collective West.  From belated pushback against government COVID tyranny in New Zealand and Australia to percolating hostility across the European continent stemming from the ruling class’s “Build Back Better” pipe dreams, State-sanctioned illegal immigration, and costly “green” energy–induced inflation, there is a powder keg of popular resentment against governing authorities just one spark away from a history-altering explosion.



De-Dollarization Just Got Real   John Rubino

A multi-polar world is bad news for the American Empire but great news for gold

Mar 27, 2023 – Since the 1970s it’s been virtually impossible for a country to function without access to US dollars. And Washington maintained this highly-favorable status quo by putting various kinds of pressure — from sanctions to election theft to outright invasion — on anyone who stepped out of line.

This weaponization of the world’s reserve currency has, not surprisingly, created resentment in a lot of foreign capitals. And after a long gestation period, that resentment is now erupting into a rebellion against dollar hegemony. Among the big recent events:

The BRICS coalition has become the hottest ticket in geopolitics. Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (the BRICS) have been toying with the idea of forming a political/monetary counterweight to U.S. dominance since 2001. But beyond some aggressive gold buying by Russia and China, there was more talk than action.

Then the floodgates opened. Whether due to the pandemic’s supply chain disruptions, heavy-handed sanctions imposed by US-led NATO during the Russia-Ukraine war, or just the fact that de-dollarization was an idea whose time had finally come, the BRICS alliance has suddenly become the hottest ticket in town. In just the past year, Argentina, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mexico, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Egypt have either applied to join or expressed an interest in doing so. And new bilateral trade deals that bypass the dollar are being discussed all over the place.

Combine the land mass, population, and natural resources of the BRICS countries with those of the potential new members and the result is more or less half the world. And now things are getting real:


Ohio River Disaster As Barge Hauling 1,400 Tons Of Methanol Smashes Into Dam   BY TYLER DURDEN

WEDNESDAY, MAR 29, 2023 – 02:20 PM – Three large barges, one carrying 1,400 tons of methanol, were wedged against a dam and partially submerged, on the Ohio River in Louisville, Kentucky, following their detachment from a tugboat.

The Louisville Metropolitan Emergency Services  said the navigation accident occurred early Tuesday morning when three barges — part of a group of ten — broke free from a tugboat after hitting a structure at the entrance to the Portland Canal near the river’s McAlpine Locks and Dam.


BNSF train carrying ethanol in Minnesota derails and catches fire, forcing evacuations in small town   By Greg Norman 

March 30, 2023 8:20am EDT – Burlington Northern Santa Fe says 22 cars from train have come off the tracks in Raymond

A Minnesota town outside of Minneapolis has been ordered to evacuate Thursday morning after a train carrying “a form of ethanol” and “a corn syrup liquid” derailed and caught on fire, police say.

Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway told FOX Business that its train came off the tracks near Raymond around 1 a.m. local time and no injuries were reported.

“Fire departments from Raymond and numerous area departments responded as several of the derailed tankers started on fire and were determined to be carrying a form of ethanol and others with a corn syrup liquid,” the Kandiyohi County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.

“An evacuation area of ½ mile was established around the crash site and law enforcement officers and other EMS assisted with that evacuation,” the statement continued. “Residents were instructed to leave their homes and an emergency collection site for those with nowhere to go was established at the Central Minnesota Christian School building in nearby Prinsburg, Minnesota.”



No More Effective Lines of Defense Against The Russians   Douglas Macgregor Straight Calls

Col Douglas Macgregor Straight Calls – Analysis of breaking news and in-depth discussion of current geopolitical events in the United States of America and the world.

Interview with Andrew Napolitano on 3/29/2023.


BREAKING: Manhattan DA Bragg’s Grand Jury Off for a Month on Vacation Without Any Garbage Indictments of President Trump  By Joe Hoft

Mar. 29, 2023 12:30 pm – The corrupt Soros-backed New York DA Alvin Bragg’s grand jury being used to create a crime against President Trump is off on holiday for a month with no indictment.

Newsmax reported moments ago on a report coming from far-left Politico, which is the go-to Mainstream Media source for leaks coming from this case.

Newsmax reported:

The grand jury hearing evidence in Manhattan Attorney General Alvin Bragg’s investigation into Donald Trump over the “hush money” payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels is set to break for a month, pushing back a potential indictment of the former president, reports Politico.

The hiatus was previously scheduled. The group, which typically meets Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, heard testimony in the Trump case on Monday but isn’t expected to meet Wednesday and is set to examine evidence in a separate matter Thursday, according to the report.

Bragg is reportedly seeking an indictment against Trump for allegedly falsifying business records by writing off the payment as legal fees to former lawyer Michael Cohen.

…Trump last week claimed that Bragg had “dropped” the probe, calling it a “fake case.”

“Some fake cases, they have absolutely nothing,” he told reporters on his jet Saturday night after a campaign rally in Waco, Texas.

His comments came a day after he sparked controversy with a social media post of him aiming a baseball bat at Bragg’s head.

“What kind of person can charge another person, in this case, a former President of the United States, who got more votes than any sitting President in history, and leading candidate (by far!) for the Republican Party nomination, with a Crime, when it is known by all that NO Crime has been committed, & also known that potential death & destruction in such a false charge could be catastrophic for our Country?” he said in a Truth Social post.

“Why & who would do such a thing? Only a degenerate psychopath that truly [sic] hates the USA!”

President Trump is right.  Bragg is not upholding the law in Manhattan and letting criminals run free while at the same time he pushes this lunatic case against President Trump.



The Return of ‘The Myth’: Bolsonaro to Fly Back to Brazil – Lula Fears Popular Protests – 10k Are Expected to Welcome Leader at the Airport   By Paul Serran

Mar. 29, 2023 1:45 pm – Former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro is set to return to the country this Thursday, after 3 months of self-exile in Florida, following the heavily contested Brazilian presidential elections.

The imminent arrival of the undisputed opposition leader – ‘The Myth’, as he is called by many here in Tupiniquim lands – has sent a chill throughout the Lula administration. They fear his presence will ignite a massive popular demonstration.

Conexão Política reported:

‘According to Planalto officials, the Lula government is studying the possibility of closing part of the Esplanada dos Ministérios and Praça dos Três Poderes to avoid a possible motorcycle-ride (motociata) held by Bolsonaro on the 30th (Thursday).

According to the information, the current government thinks that a traditional motorcycle-ride of the former president would be an insult.

{…] There is a possibility that Lula’s Security Cabinet will close the surroundings of the three powers square to prevent a “confrontation or intimidation of the new government”.

[Bolsonaro’s party] is hosting a mega-reception for Brazil’s main opposition leader, expected to draw 10,000 people. On social networks, several profiles are informally calling for supporters to be at Brasilia’s International Airport to welcome Bolsonaro.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.