Daily Shmutz | NEWS | 4/12/23


Mugshot reveals Virginia bank robbery suspect accused of taking 4 adults, 1 child hostage Wells Fargo   by Danielle Wallace

April 12, 2023 – Virginia authorities released the mugshot of the bank robbery suspect accused of taking four adults and one child hostage inside a Wells Fargo outside Washington, D.C., Tuesday.

Oscar Gonzalez Allarenja, 30, of Durham, North Carolina, has been charged with bank robbery and abduction in connection to the hour-long standoff that developed at the Wells Fargo location in the 3100 block of Washington Boulevard in the Clarendon neighborhood of Arlington, Virginia.

According to the Arlington County Police Department, a preliminary investigation indicates that at approximately 3:09 p.m. Tuesday, the suspect entered the bank, grabbed an employee, indicated he had a firearm and demanded cash before walking behind the counter.

Ed.:  I may be somewhat jaded, but I’m sitting here laughing my head off!]


Ron Paul Says There Has Been a Coup in America, Claims it Began With the CIA Murder of JFK   (VIDEO 1:17)  By Mike Lachance

Apr. 12, 2023 – Former presidential candidate, congressman and medical doctor Ron Paul appeared on the Tim Pool podcast this week and made some bold statements about the state of country.

Paul called out the numerous current members of Congress who have no knowledge of or loyalty to the U.S. Constitution. He slammed corrupt and out of control government spending.

Finally, he claimed that JFK was murdered by the CIA and that that moment was the beginning of a coup.

The Daily Caller has details:

Ron Paul Tells Tim Pool JFK Was ‘Murdered By Our Government’

Former Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul claimed John F. Kennedy was “murdered by our government” during a Tuesday interview with political commentator Tim Pool.

Paul appeared on Pool’s show, “Timcast IRL,” for a wide ranging interview about current events, economics and war. Pool asked Paul 10 minutes into the show about the possibility of America entering World War III against Russia.

“I’m arguing the case that we’re in the middle of it and moving right along, that the revolution has been fought, there’s been a coup, we don’t have any resemblance to a government that believes in a Republic, we don’t have honest money, we don’t have integrity,” Paul said.

“But I do believe there has been a coup, and it’s been taken over, and if I want to, and if I can I want to just put the date in my mind, and anybody could pick probably any date in the last 100 years, but I have picked November 22nd 1963,” Paul continued. “That was the day Kennedy was murdered by our government, you know by the CIA.”

Watch the video:

[Ed.:  Many of us already knew that... They’re going for Trump next (God forbid!]


Col. Tony Shaffer: Russia HITS Ukraine With DESTRUCTIVE FORCE   Stephen Gardner

Apr 12, 2023  #scottritter #douglasmacgregor #putin

Apr 12, 2023 – Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shaffer goes over the realities of the Russia Ukraine war. Colonel Shaffer lays out how dominate the Russian army is right now, what Ukraine should do next in Bakhmut, he covers new details about events that lead up to Sept. 11 and how new pentagon lawsuits show the CIA may have been involved. We talk president Biden and his plans for Ukraine and the US. LTC Shaffer shares where he agrees and disagrees with Scott Ritter and Colonel Douglas Macgregor.


Baltimore Mayor Calls For Citywide Curfew After All Hell Breaks Out   BY TYLER DURDEN

TUESDAY, APR 11, 2023 – 05:44 AM – All hell broke out on Sunday night in Baltimore City’s Inner Harbor district when gunshots were heard, causing hundreds of spring break youngsters to scatter through the streets. The mayhem, captured on video, resembled an apocalyptic scene. As a result, Mayor Brandon Scott has proposed a citywide curfew for minors during the upcoming summer months.

Baltimore City Police Commissioner Michael Harrison said more than 200 “young people” went running after gunfire rang out just 50 feet from police officers, according to Fox Baltimore. A 14yo and a 16yo suffered gunshot wounds.

“Either they [the kids] don’t care about consequences or don’t believe the consequences, and they have no respect for human life or the sanctity of life or authority to pull off that brazen cowardly act right there in the presence of police officers,” said Harrison.

Mayor Scott said youth curfews would be implemented for the summer period.

“I want everyone to hear me and hear me very clearly. We are going back to the old days. We will be enforcing the use of youth curfew in Baltimore as we move into the later Spring and Summer months,” the mayor said.

None of this should come as a surprise…

Over fifty years of Democratic leadership has steered this struggling city into a hellhole of murders, broken families, collapsing education system, and an ever-worsening opioid crisis.

… and, of course, the Biden administration remains silent on Baltimore’s rapid demise.


Scott Ritter: Ukraine Is Being DESTROYED And Pentagon Papers Prove It   Stephen Gardner

406,012 views • Apr 11, 2023 • #scottritter #douglasmacgregor #putin

Scott Ritter discusses the Ukraine Russia war with Stephen Gardner. Ritter disagrees with Colonel Douglas Macgregor on Bakhmut strategy. They also discuss the fall of Bakhmut, Kerson and more. Plus Stephen gets Scott’s reaction to the senate removing war authority, money and military use in Iraq after 20+ years. Plus Scott tells about how Colin Powell lied before the UN security council in order to get into the Iraq war.


HERE WE GO AGAIN! Stunning VIDEOS Show Akron, OH Businesses Boarding Up Windows In Anticipation of BLM/Antifa Terrorists Destroying Their City Over Upcoming Ruling on Jayland Walker Case  By Patty Mcmurray

Apr. 12, 2023 1:15 – On June 27th, a 25-year-old Black man named Jayland Walker was shot more than 40 times by police in Akron, Ohio, after refusing to stop for them, initiating a dangerous car chase, and allegedly firing at officers from his vehicle. Walker’s death led to violent protests throughout the Ohio city, and “bounties” were even put on the involved police officers’ heads.


Alvin Bragg Video RESURFACES as Democrats PANIC!!!  [11:23]   Dr. Steve Turley   Apr 12, 2023


Seymour Hersh on Biden’s Ukraine Corruption Quagmire: “This is Not Just Bad Leadership. There is None.”   By Richard Abelson

Apr. 12, 2023 9:45 am – Corruption in US vassal state Ukraine is “rampant”, charges Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh in his latest Substack article.  At least $400 M have been embezzled buying Diesel fuel from Russia, with which the Ukraine is allegedly at war. Hersh charges a “total breakdown” of leadership and trust in the US government as “the US army is getting ready to go to war.”

The Ukraine government, headed by Volodymyr Zelensky, has been “using American taxpayers’ funds to pay dearly for the vitally needed diesel fuel” including fuel from Russia, which it – and the USA – are ostensibly at war with, Hersh writes.

Ukrainian President Zelensky and many in his entourage have been “skimming untold millions from the American dollars earmarked for diesel fuel payments”, Hersh writes. “One estimate by analysts from the Central Intelligence Agency put the embezzled funds at $400 million last year, at least. “

Hersh’s sources compared the level of corruption to that of the Afghan war, where the US puppet government embezzled $19 billion, according to the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR).


JUST IN: Classified Doc Leak Appears to be Physical Theft, Not a Cyber Leak   By Cristina Laila

Apr. 11, 2023 9:18 pm – The leaked Pentagon documents appear to be a physical theft rather than a cyber leak, CBS reported Tuesday evening.

“One U.S. official indicated that not all printers are authorized to print classified documents, and those that have this authorization register a unique ID when printing, so this may provide some clues into the search for the leaker.” CBS News reported.

Classified documents detailing the Ukraine war, Middle East, China, Africa and Israel ended up on a gaming platform.

According to the latest leak, US and UK special forces are on the ground in Ukraine.


Florida Lawmakers Poised to Pass Law Allowing Death Penalty for Pedophiles   By Cassandra Macdonald

Apr. 12, 2023 7:15 am – Florida lawmakers appear poised to pass legislation allowing the death penalty for pedophiles.

If passed, pedophiles could be sent to death if they commit sexual battery on a child under age 12.

According to a report from CBS News, “the House is scheduled Thursday to take up its version of the bill (HB 1297), while the Senate version (SB 1342) was approved Tuesday by the Rules Committee, positioning it to go to the full Senate.”

The Supreme Court has previously ruled that imposing capital punishment in rape cases is unconstitutional, but that may change with the new justices.

There has not been an execution for a crime that did not include murder in the United States since 1964.

After the bill passed the Rules Committee, Senate bill sponsor Jonathan Martin, a former prosecutor, said, “if an individual rapes an 11-year-old, a 10-year-old, a 2-year-old or a 5-year-old, they should be subject to the death penalty.”


Analyzing the U.S. and NATO Presence in Ukraine – After Leaked Document Surfaces from Department of Defense   By Larry Johnson

Apr. 12, 2023 7:00 am – Another document was leaked on Tuesday from the Department of Defense.  This latest release lists the number of NATO forces currently inside Ukraine including US special forces.

This document, based on what you see, appears to be Unclassified. If there is a classification marking in the upper right hand corner, it is obscured. As you can see, it primarily provides a summary of the Composition & Disposition of the U.S. forces — air, maritime and soldiers — in the European theater. There are 92,000 U.S. military personnel in the European AOR (i.e., Aera of Operations), but they are not in Ukraine.

The image also shows the US/NATO Special Operations Forces in Ukraine (you can read Jim Hoft’s report on this here) and the total US presence in Ukraine, which is 100 persons. According to the image of the document published on Twitter, the Department of State has more people in Ukraine than the Department of Defense. There are 71 people listed as State Department (i.e., DoS) and 29 military personnel. Of those 29, 14 are SOF aka Special Operations Forces. the remaining 15 consist of the Defense Attache (DAO), personnel with the Office of Defense Cooperation (essentially traffic cops handling the flow of U.S. military aid to Ukraine) and the Marine Security Augmentation Unit (MSAU), which provides security for U.S. diplomatic facilities.







Joe Biden is destroying our country and West simultaneously while launching World War III.

The leaked document was dated March 23.



Central Bank Digital Currencies: Funny Money That Will Destroy What Is Left of Private Property, Free Markets, and Personal Liberty   by J.B. Shurk
April 12, 2023 at 5:00 am

  • [E]ven when you have followed every law to the letter and paid every fee to the cent, there is still no guarantee that government agents will not later invoke eminent domain laws to swipe what you own because they believe they can use your private property more fruitfully for the “public good” – and, since Kelo v. New London, even for someone else’s private good. So much for private ownership.
  • Competition, in theory, forces markets to naturally discard bad and expensive products, while keeping the prices of the best products low…. In practice, however, mature students of capitalism understand that entrepreneurs are never in search of markets for competition but rather conditions for maintaining monopoly.
  • The end result is that capitalists are always in pursuit of ways in which they may take advantage of laws and regulations, specialized knowledge, government contracts, or other exclusionary mechanisms to restrict potential competitors from ever entering the market.
  • The usefulness of money over traditional bartering for goods and services comes from its three chief functions providing (1) a unit of account, (2) a store of value, and (3) a medium of exchange.
  • [O]ver the last century and a half, the important steps have all been the same: First, some form of paper money is introduced and backed by the government’s promise to pay the holder of each note a fixed sum in gold or silver. Next, the introduction of a private central bank comes into existence holding a de facto monopoly power to print paper money according to its best judgment for maintaining a healthy national economy. Finally, the gold or silver backing of those paper money currencies is revoked.
  • [G]overnments… spend money like drunken sailors precisely because central banks right across the street will buy up their debt and facilitate the printing of more money. How could politicians object to an arrangement that allows them to spend recklessly without any normal free market consequences?
  • Now with the central banks printing money and reckless government spending pushing Western economic systems to the brink, a new kind of financial hocus-pocus has been proposed: central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).
  • If governments and central banks control the creation, distribution, and exchange of virtual money, whatever remains of free markets will disappear. If governments and central banks monitor every transaction between consumers and producers, then all industries will be subjugated to the centralized command of the State. If governments and central banks assert the legal power to determine who may store value, how much value may be personally stored, and how long that value will be permitted to last, then whatever remains of private property will cease to exist. If governments and central banks maintain a digital monopoly over the only legalized forms of money, then they may redistribute wealth or penalize personal behavior without regard for individual rights or limits to their control.
  • No doubt propaganda campaigns will cloak this oppressive monitoring in the West’s own “politically correct” language of fighting “hate” or “racism” or “climate change” or the next COVID-like scare, but the West’s system of control over its citizens will be no different from the Chinese communist version: Individuals will have their digital wealth confiscated or replenished according to whether their behavior conforms to the strictures of the State.
  • [A]n overhaul of the financial system and a transition to mandated CBDCs threaten what remains of Westerners’ personal liberties.
  • [T]hose who value liberty know that personal ownership and the unfettered exchange of goods, services, and ideas remain the bedrock of those free nations that refuse to be enslaved.


LED lights in your house can cause irreversible damage to the eyes and lead to a vision-robbing condition, French health authority warns   By STEPHEN MATTHEWS 

  • ANSES urged officials to revise the maximum limit for exposure to LED lights
  • In a 400-page report, the body warned powerful LED lights are ‘photo-toxic’
  • LED phone, tablet and laptop screens do not pose a risk of eye damage, it said
  • But it urged car manufacturers to ‘limit the luminous intensity of headlights’
  • 15 May 2019

LED lights can permanently damage the retina and disturb natural sleep rhythms, France‘s government-run health watchdog has said.

The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES) warned powerful LED lights are ‘photo-toxic’.

In a 400-page report, the body cautioned it can cause an irreversible loss of retinal cells and lead to a common cause of blindness.

ANSES urged officials to revise the maximum limit for exposure to LED lights, which emit ‘blue light’ at much higher quantities.

LED phone, tablet and laptop screens do not pose a risk of eye damage – but the intense bulbs used in car headlights may, it suggested.


FBI sought to develop sources in Catholic churches to combat domestic terrorism, docs show

FBI hit with subpoena for records by House Judiciary Committee   By Thomas Catenacci

April 10, 2023 – The FBI recently sought to develop sources inside Christian churches and Catholic dioceses as part of an effort to combat domestic terrorism, according to internal documents released by House Judiciary Committee on Monday.

The internal documents — obtained last month by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., who are also members of the so-called Weaponization Subcommittee — showed the FBI planned to use churches as “new avenues for tripwire and source development.” The federal law enforcement agency also aimed to specifically target “mainline Catholic parishes” as part of its efforts.

In addition, according to Jordan, the FBI expressed interest in “leverag[ing] existing sources and/or initiat[ing] Type 5 Assessments to develop new sources with the placement and access.” And, in another example, the agency cited a desire to to sensitize religious congregations “to the warning signs of radicalization and enlist their assistance to serve as suspicious activity tripwires.”



The Pentagon Leaks Charade   Pepe Escobar

April 10, 2023 – The leaked intel might be advantageous to Russia were this not to be misdirection: and the possibility is quite real, Pepe Escobar writes.

The script reads like a spoof straight out of legendary Mad magazine 1960’s cartoon “Spy vs. Spy”: Secret Pentagon Documents Fall in the Hands of Malign Russia. Well, actually in the hands of millions accessing Twitter and Telegram.

So here, at face value, we have a major leak essentially detailing Pentagon planning for the next stage of the NATO vs. Russia proxy war in Ukraine: the interminably debated Spring “counter-offensive” that may, or may not, start in mid-April, as well as war plans shared with FVEY – the Five Eyes.

The leaked intel might – and the operative word is “might” – be advantageous to Russia were this not to be misdirection: and the possibility is quite real.

The inestimable Ray McGovern, who knows one or two things about the CIA, noted whether the Pentagon is “falsifying kill-ratio to gild Easter lilies in Kyiv? Recent leak of an apparently official NATO document shows 71,500 Ukrainians KIA and only 16,000 to 17,500 Russians, a far cry from earlier Pentagon ‘estimates’. All sounds so Vietnam-déjà vu!”

So this may be Vietnam all over again – never count on the Pentagon learning from their mistakes – but could be something way more alarming, according to a top Beltway intel source, retired: “Our interpretation of this breach is that intel sources in the United States have released critical intel data in order to avoid a nuclear war with Russia.”

[Ed.:  Here is a newscast of the charade:


‘Splintered’ Court Ruling Throws J6 Prosecution Into Chaos   By Julie Kelly

True justice will only be served when gutless judges on the district court finally start to toss this bogus charge or the higher court delivers a well-deserved smackdown in a final decision.

April 11, 2023 – A Massachusetts man on Friday was charged with a felony related to his participation in the protest at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Mark Sahady already faced misdemeanors for his nonviolent and brief jaunt through the building that afternoon, but the Justice Department decided to add the common “obstruction of an official proceeding” charge to Sahady’s case on April 7.

That same day, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia threw Sahady—and more than 300 January 6 defendants charged with the same obstruction felony—a potential lifeline. In what one judge described as a “splintered decision,” a three-judge panel narrowly reversed a lower court ruling that tossed the obstruction count against three Capitol protesters. D.C. District Court Judge Carl Nichols dismissed the charge last year largely based on the argument that the statute “requires that the defendant have taken some action with respect to a document, record, or other object in order to corruptly obstruct, impede or influence an official proceeding.”

A fair reading of the law proves Nichols is correct. Passed in 2002 in the wake of the Enron scandal as part of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, section 1512(c)(2) closed a legal loophole related to evidence tampering. The law applies to “whoever corruptly . . . otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so.” It’s a crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison.


Nearly 20,000 cattle die in fire at dairy farm   By KyLeah FrazierVanessa GarciaTamlyn Cochran and Jordan Gartner

Officials are calling a fire at a Texas dairy farm one of the deadliest in the history of the state regarding cattle deaths. (Source: KFDA)

Apr. 11, 2023 at 9:51 PM EDT – DIMMITT, Texas (KFDA/Gray News) – Texas officials say thousands of cattle have died in a fire at a dairy farm.

KFDA reports that upwards of 18,000 cattle died in the fire that started Monday night at the South Fork Dairy.

Officials said only a small percentage of the animals at the facility survived the fire with them having been moved to a separate area.

According to Castro County Sheriff Sal Rivera, an explosion occurred at the farm as the fire spread to a building where the cattle were being held.

“There’s some that survived, there’s some that are probably injured to the point where they’ll have to be destroyed,” Rivera said.

The Texas State Fire Marshal’s Office reports it is continuing to investigate the cause of the fire. Sheriff Rivera said it appears the fire may have started from a machine overheating that ignited the explosion.

A female worker was injured. She was transported to an area hospital in critical condition. The sheriff’s office said all other workers at the farm have been accounted for.

According to the Animal Welfare Institute, the blaze is the deadliest fire regarding cattle deaths since the team started tracking barn fires in 2013.


Who Owns the World? [1:03:19]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

April 11, 2023 – What’s happening in the global economy today may be the greatest illusionary trick ever pulled over the eyes of people around the world. Whether you’re planning a vacation, buying food and clothes, or going out to eat, you may think you have choices, but they’re mostly all part of this invisible ‘pyramid.’


  • A handful of mega corporations — private investment companies — dominate every aspect of our lives; everything we eat, drink, wear or use in one way or another. These investment firms are so enormous, they control the money flow worldwide
  • While there appear to be hundreds of competing brands on the market, like Russian nesting dolls, larger parent companies own multiple smaller brands. In reality, all packaged food brands, for example, are owned by a dozen or so larger parent companies
  • These parent companies, in turn, are owned by shareholders, and the largest shareholders are the same in all of them: Vanguard and Blackrock
  • No matter what industry you look at, the top shareholders, and therefore decision makers, are the same: Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street and/or Berkshire Hathaway. In virtually every major company, you find these names among the top 10 institutional investors
  • These major investment firms are in turn owned by their own set of shareholders. One of the most amazing things about this scheme is that the institutional investors also own each other. They’re all shareholders in each other’s companies. At the very top are Vanguard and Blackrock. Blackrock’s largest shareholder is Vanguard, which does not disclose the identity of its shareholders due to its unique structure


Walter Reed Takes Away Pastoral Care from Sick Veterans – Outrage Ensues After Replacement Is Revealed  By Warner Todd Huston

April 10, 2023 at 3:25pm – Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, has quietly canceled its contract with Catholic priests to offer pastoral services to veterans and has replaced the priests with a secular organization after working with Catholic priests for 20 years.

In yet another example of President Joe Biden’s and the left’s war against Christians, Walter Reed abruptly sent a cease and desist letter to Holy Name College Friary, a Franciscan group that has served at the hospital for nearly two decades, Fox News reported.


Bud Light Hit with Terrible News from Heartland, Rural America: Report   By Johnathan Jones

April 10, 2023 – Beer distributors are reportedly “spooked” after Anheuser-Busch products failed to sell in the South and in middle America over the weekend.

If it is indeed true, it is terrible news for the company but not exactly unexpected after Bud Light drinkers saw their brew of choice cater to radical gender extremists earlier this month.

Dylan Mulvaney, a man who courted a large following on TikTok and Instagram over the last year by documenting his journey to becoming a “transgender woman,” is now a paid influencer for the beer brand.

The beer has been boycotted, used for target practice and lampooned online since Mulvaney shared this atrocity of an Instagram post:


Truck Carrying 40,000 Pounds of Toxic Material from East Palestine Overturns, Spilling Contents   By George C. Upper III

April 11, 2023 at 6:49am – Apparently, it’s the gift that just keeps on giving.

A truck carrying 20 tons of toxic soil from the site of the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, managed to transport the soil approximately four miles Monday afternoon before overturning and spilling about half of it, WKBN reported.

The crash occurred just before 1:00 p.m., the Ohio State Highway Patrol told the outlet, on State Route 165 in Columbiana County, when the truck veered off the road and went into the ditch.

The truck then struck a utility pole and rolled over onto its right side.

… “Michael Regan, head of the Environmental Protection Agency, visited the site on Feb. 16, nearly two weeks after the derailment, and walked along a creek that still reeks of chemicals as he sought to reassure skeptical residents that the water is fit for drinking and the air safe to breathe.

“I’m asking they trust the government,” Regan said. “I know that’s hard. We know there’s a lack of trust.”   [Emphasis added]

[Ed.:  ‘Drink the water!  It’s good for you.  You can even make your Kool Aid with it!‘]


Conservative Radio Host and Writer [Steve Deace] Taken to Hospital with ‘Scary’ Symptoms After Show: ‘Please Pray for Strength’   By George C. Upper III

April 11, 2023 at 5:36am – Conservative Christian radio host and writer Steve Deace wound up in the emergency room Monday night with severe symptoms brought on by what his wife described on social media as an unspecified “infection.”

Deace “tried to do the show” on Monday, she wrote, but his symptoms only worsened. It wasn’t immediately clear whether Deace had completed Monday’s show, although TheBlaze’s site was showing a Monday episode of “The Steve Deace Show” available to stream for account holders.

A tweet appearing on Deace’s Twitter account Monday evening, apparently written by his wife, Amy, said Deace was at the hospital and asked for prayers for his condition.


STEVE DEACE TWEET   11:48 AM · Apr 11, 2023

Steve here. I’m back, sorta, after a very rough night. Thanks to my awesome wife  @AmyDeace

for handling all this the last 18 hours or so. She got me through this, despite still recovering from a torn meniscus on her end.

Here’s what happened.

On Thursday I started developing an upper body infection out of nowhere. In typical guy fashion, I figured I’d just power through it, even though it got progressively worse throughout the weekend. Monday morning I woke up in searing pain. I went to the urgent care clinic, and they gave me a strong antibiotic and pain relief and I went and did the show from there. I also had a full day of NEFARIOUS meetings/interviews scheduled after the show, too, I couldn’t afford to miss. But I was getting increasingly weaker as the day wore on.

That evening my body completely shut down, and I was having terrible shakes and chills on top of the pain. I started getting disoriented. Amy rushed me to the ER. We were there about 8 hours and I don’t remember a lot of it. I vaguely remember some guys from our small group, and another buddy of mine, came and prayed with me. But I was out of it a lot, and according to Amy babbling incoherently at times. She says this is the worst she’s ever seen me in 27 years.

The ER doctors/nurses at Mercy Westlakes did a tremendous job, despite being overwhelmed with patients, and were able to physically remove a massive bacterial infection from my body in the least painful way possible. I woke up just a little a bit ago feeling the best I have in several days, except for there’s a literal hole in my upper body still healing from where the infection was.

I’m obviously still sore from that, and as a result  I will need my first sick day today in 5 years. In fact, I’ll be popping another hydrocodone shortly after publishing this lol. Barring any unforeseen setbacks, I should be back on the show tomorrow.

I can’t tell you how moved both Amy and I were by all the texts, messages, social media posts, etc. we have received with prayers, encouragement, and well wishes. I get choked up as I write this just thinking about it again.

I love y’all too. I am overwhelmed at the support/affection. You might make me have to abandon my black sheep trope once and for all!

Finally, the only two times I’ve had to miss work in the last five years were the result of strange and extremely painful bacteria infections/inflammations, whose origins the doctors weren’t sure of.

One happened at Christmas in 2021, shortly after we wrapped filming of NEFARIOUS in Oklahoma as they tried unsuccessfully to shut down our production. The other just now over Easter, following a successful red carpet premiere. And after receiving news we’ve grown from just over 500 theaters two weeks ago to nearly a thousand nationwide when we open on Friday.

As Nefarious himself would say, “Probably just a coincidence.”

[Ed.:  There are no coincidences!  The Devil has been operating in high gear of late, as predicted in the early prophesies of Rabbi Akiba and Shimon Bar Yochai.  He immediately attacks all who do God’s work. Satan is so deceptive and convincing that he has people doing and planning demonic activities out in plain view. Isaiah 5:20 says, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”  They celebrate evil in plain view and persecute those who are doing God’s work.]


House Judiciary Committee Announces Special Visit to Alvin Bragg’s Manhattan in Bid to Hold Him Accountable   By Randy DeSoto

April 10, 2023 – The House Judiciary Committee plans to hold a field hearing on April 17 in New York City to examine how Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s policies have led to an increase in violent crime.

“We’ll be hosting this hearing next week from NYC. We’ll be hearing from victims who are suffering under DA Bragg’s pro-crime policies. If Bragg can spend resources indicting President [Donald] Trump, he should be able to address the soaring crime in NYC,” committee member Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona tweeted.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.