Daily Shmutz | NEWS | 4/18/24





University Of North Carolina Committee Passes Dramatic Policy Change That Could Slash DEI Goals   by Jordyn M.

April 18, 2024 (resistthemainstream.com) – Another state university system is actively removing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) requirements and roles from its campuses, reflecting a growing backlash against DEI ideology in schools nationwide.

The Associated Press (AP) reported that a swift vote by a five-person committee to repeal a key policy on Wednesday within the University of North Carolina (UNC) Board of Governors that oversees 17 schools could lead the school system to could join other major universities in dismantling their diversity offices.


Watch: Dismissed Trump Juror Says She’s ‘Not Sure’ Jury Can Be Unbiased   [VIDEOS (3)]

April 18, 2024 – A potential juror spoke with MSNBC after being dismissed from Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s case against Donald Trump for falsified business documents on Wednesday.

She said she’s “not sure” about the jury’s ability to be impartial in the “historical case.”

[Ed.:  The remaining jurors will all hate Trump, along with the court itself.  Hate IS biased, metaphorically speaking.]


911 Call Sevices Mysteriously Go Down in Four States at Same Time, Hours Before ABC Reported DHS Is Concerned Emergency Services Are Target for Cyber Attack    By Anthony Scott

Apr. 18, 2024 10:45 am – Several states lost access to 911 emergency call services late last night causing many residents not to have any access to emergency services.

Nebraska, South Dakota, Texas, and Nevada residents experienced emergency service outages from around 10 p.m. to midnight.

Authorities in Texas reported the outages were due to “an outage with a major cellular carrier” but did not elaborate on which carrier was responsible.

The outages were first reported in Las Vegas, which caused the Las Vegas Police Department to urge those needing emergency services to dial 911, and dispatchers would call them back.

Outages in Texas, Nevada, and Nebraska were only reported in several cities and towns, but South Dakota experienced a state-wide outage.


Potato Brain Biden Warns Israelis “Don’t Move on Haifa!”… Israel’s Third Largest City   By Jim Hoft

Apr. 17, 2024 9:40 pm – Joe Biden delivered a stern warning to Israeli leaders on Wednesday, “Don’t move on Haifa!”

Haifa is the third largest city in ISRAEL!

Potato brain has no idea what he’s talking about. The man is lost.

JOE BIDEN: “I made it clear to the Israelis — don’t move on Haifa!”

[Ed.: In the full spirit of being ‘team players’, Israel fully obeyed the US President and halted any plans to attack Haifa!  Israel just wants to be loved, and to be recognized as ‘A nation amongst nations’ (and not a banana republic).]


RFK Jr Won’t Pursue Libertarian Nomination, Says Team Trump Asked Him To Be VP    BY TYLER DURDEN

WEDNESDAY, APR 17, 2024 – 05:25 AM – After seriously considering the possibility, 2024 presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy, Jr has declared he will not seek the Libertarian Party nomination, saying he’s confident he’ll achieve ballot access across the country on his own. Meanwhile, in a social media skirmish with Team Trump, Kennedy said Trump associates asked him to consider becoming the former president’s running mate. 

In a political system with formidable ballot-access barriers that protect the Democrat-Republican duopoly, outsider presidential candidates are frequently attracted to the idea of running as a Libertarian — if only to access the party’s hard-earned, 50-state ballot qualification.

“We’re not gonna have any problems getting on the ballot ourselves so we won’t be running Libertarian,” Kennedy tells ABC News. That declaration came as his team was celebrating their exploitation of a quirk in Iowa ballot-access law: Rather than gathering 3,500 signatures, the Kennedy team held a convention in West Des Moines. Consistent with state requirements, it included at least 500 voters who represented at least 25 of the Hawkeye State’s 99 counties.

Kennedy assured ABC that he’s “100% confident” he’ll manage the arduous process — which includes fending off Democrats’ lawfare — in all 50 states, saying “we’re going to add probably two to three states a week.”

While Kennedy framed his decision solely in ballot-access terms, it was far from certain that he could have actually won the Libertarian nod. The nominee isn’t selected by party leadership, but by delegates at the group’s convention — all of whom show up fully free to vote for the candidate of their choice. Things can get wild and spontaneous, and not just in a political sense:


Supercharged Spying Provision Buried In “Terrifying” FISA 702 Reauthorization   BY TYLER DURDEN

WEDNESDAY, APR 17, 2024 – 06:55 AM – On Monday, the House finalized procedural business on a bill to reauthorize the nation’s warrantless surveillance powers under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) called “one of the most dramatic and terrifying expansions of government surveillance authority in history.”

“I will do everything in my power to stop it from passing in the Senate,” said Wyden in a Friday post to X.

Wyden is right…

In a Sunday night thread on X from Elizabeth Goitein, co-director of the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, breaks down why this is so ‘terrifying.’

“Buried in the Section 702 reauthorization bill (RISAA) passed by the House on Friday is the biggest expansion of domestic surveillance since the Patriot Act. Senator Wyden calls this power “terrifying,” and he’s right,” the thread begins.

I’ll explain how this new power works. Under current law, the government can compel “electronic communications service providers” that have direct access to communications to assist the NSA in conducting Section 702 surveillance.

In practice, that means companies like Verizon and Google must turn over the communications of the targets of Section 702 surveillance. (The targets must be foreigners overseas, although the communications can—and do—include communications with Americans.)

Through a seemingly innocuous change to the definition of “electronic communications surveillance provider,” an amendment offered by House intel committee (HPSCI) leaders and passed by the House vastly expands the universe of entities that can be compelled to assist the NSA.

If the bill becomes law, any company or individual that provides ANY service whatsoever may be forced to assist in NSA surveillance, as long as they have access to equipment on which communications are transmitted or stored—such as routers, servers, cell towers, etc. That sweeps in an enormous range of U.S. businesses that provide wifi to their customers and therefore have access to equipment on which communications transit. Barber shops, laundromats, fitness centers, hardware stores, dentist’s offices… the list goes on and on.

It also includes commercial landlords that rent out the office space where tens of millions of Americans go to work every day—offices of journalists, lawyers, nonprofits, financial advisors, health care providers, and more.

The amendment even extends to service providers who come into our homes. House cleaners, plumbers, people performing repairs, and IT services providers have access to laptops and routers inside our homes and could be forced to serve as surrogate spies.

None of these people or businesses would be allowed to tell anyone about the assistance they were compelled to provide. They would be under a gag order, and they would face heavy penalties if they failed to comply with it.

That’s not even the worst part. Unlike Google and Verizon, most of these businesses and individuals lack the ability to isolate and turn over a target’s communications. So they would be required to give the NSA access to the equipment itself or to use techniques or devices (presumably provided by the NSA) to copy and turn over entire communications streams and/or repositories of stored communications, which would inevitably include vast quantities of wholly domestic communications.

The NSA, having wholesale access to domestic communications on an unprecedented scale, would then be on the “honor system” to pull out and retain only the communications of approved foreign targets. (Let that sink in.)

HPSCI leaders deny that the administration has any intent to use this provision so broadly. Supposedly, there is a single type of service provider that the government wants to rope in. But they didn’t want anyone to know what that service provider was so they hid the real goal by writing the amendment as broadly and vaguely as possible. But no worries, Americans! The administration isn’t actually going to USE all the power it just persuaded the House to give it.

I cannot overstate how mindblowingly irresponsible that is. I don’t think *any* administration should be trusted with an Orwellian power like this one. But even if *this* administration doesn’t plan to make full use of it… (Go ahead and fill in the blank.)

There are certain powers a government should not have in a democracy. The ability to force ordinary businesses and individuals to serve as surrogate spies is one of them. Even if the targets are supposed to be foreigners, a power this sweeping WILL be abused.

The Senate MUST stop this train before it is too late. The Senate is scheduled to vote on the House-passed bill this week. If there’s an opportunity to remove this provision, senators should remove it. If not, they should vote against the bill.

The White House will tell senators they have no choice other than to pass the House bill, because Section 702 expires on April 19, and trying to fix the House bill—or pass different legislation—would take too long. But the April 19 deadline exists only on paper.


California Senate Democrats Reject Bill to Make Purchasing Children for Sex a Felony   By Pamela Geller 

April 17, 2024 – Democrats are a threat to humanity.

Democrats rejected Bill authored by Sen. Shannon Grove to make the buying of children for sex a prison felony, and hijacked her bill forcing hostile amendments by denying Grove’s efforts to protect 16 and 17-year-old children from being purchased as part of commercial sex trafficking.

Under the amended bill now solicitation of 16 and 17 year-olds will remain a misdemeanor, punishable by as little as 2 days in jail or up to a $10,000 fine.

Grove’s bill would make solicitation, attempting to engage or engaging in sex with a minor for money a felony with a prison sentence ranging from 2 to 4 years, a fine not exceeding $25,000, and registration as a sex offender. The bill would punish all those who solicit from a child, regardless of whether or not the person knew or reasonably should have known that the person solicited was a minor.


MUST SEE: O’Keefe Media Group Uncovers who is Really Running the White House – Special Advisor Reveals That Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Are Still Involved Behind The Scenes!  (VIDEO  18:32)   By Jordan Conradson

Apr. 17, 2024 7:00 pm – Tyler Robinson, a special advisor at the United States Small Business Administration (SBA), recently revealed to an O’Keefe Media Group undercover journalist the inner workings of the Biden Administration and who is really running the White House.

Robinson says he reports to Arthur Plews, SBA Chief of Staff, who reports to SBA Administrator Isabel Casillas Guzman.

He revealed that some refer to former Facebook board member and Biden Chief of Staff Jeff Zients as “the second most powerful person in Washington” and that “by getting Jeff’s sign off, you’re getting the President to sign off.”

“Whatever this guy says, it’s what the President says,” Robinson told an undercover journalist. Robinson also said Jeff Zients is the most powerful person at the White House, “other than like the President.” Zients is even more powerful than Kamala Harris “in some ways” but “not legally,” according to Robinson.  [Emphasis added]

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Zeints’ approval for activity within the Administration includes his sign-off on activity that potentially violates the Hatch Act, which prevents federal employees from taking part in partisan activity or influencing an election. Robinson says that SBA Administrator Isabel Guzman indirectly campaigns for Joe Biden and helps to get Democrats elected in Congress. “Pretty much every week, she goes somewhere in the country… We can tell their accomplishments; she can’t like go on a stage and be like, ‘Hey, vote for Joe Biden.’ Like that’s illegal,” said Robinson.

“Any time we go [to a state], we try to visit with a Member of Congress, if they’re a Democrat… because then we can help them get reelected as well. So we’re going to Montana because Senator Tester, he’s the Democratic Senator from Montana, like he’s in a tough reelection race, and that’s like a seat we need in the Senate to maintain a majority.” Robinson added, “We all, like as an office, were going, and the White House was like, ‘yes, go. Invite Senator Tester. Don’t invite the other Senator because he’s a Republican, and don’t invite the two members of Congress because they’re Republicans.’” He then confirmed that the White House authorized the SBA to campaign for this Senator.

Robinson also revealed that Biden’s shadow cabinet of advisors, which includes Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton. According to Robinson, Hillary Clinton is close to people in the White House, such as Director of the Domestic Policy Council Neera Tanden, a former employee of Hillary Clinton, and uses them to influence policy. “She does a lot of the international stuff… They have like the Clinton Initiative,” he added.

Recall that O’Keefe previously exposed another White House official who admitted that Joe Biden’s mental health is in decline and that there are closed-door discussions about how to remove Kamala Harris from the 2024 ticket without stirring a “scandal” and giving poor optics to the American people.


Democrats sink both impeachment articles against Mayorkas on Senate floor without debate or trial    By Nicholas Ballasy

The two impeachment articles against Mayorkas alleged a “breach of trust” related to Mayorkas describing the southern U.S. border as secure as well as a “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law.”

April 17, 2024 5:19pm – The Democratic-led Senate killed both impeachment charges against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Wednesday, cancelling the impeachment trial before it could get off the ground.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., offered a deal to the Senate GOP where senators would have time for floor debate and Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, would be able to force votes on a full trial as well as the establishment of an impeachment committee. Schumer said votes on dismissing the impeachment articles would follow. Sen. Eric Schmitt, R-Mo., said on the Senate floor that he objected to voting to dismiss the charges without a full trial.

After his objection, Schumer motioned for a floor vote on the constitutionality of impeachment article one against Mayorkas. Schumer argued that it does not rise to the level of “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

Cruz requested a vote that the Senate move to a closed session to debate the constitutionality of impeachment article one, given that Schumer didn’t outline evidence on the Senate floor to support his position. Schumer shot back, saying he gave the GOP a chance to debate the articles in public but Schmitt objected. The motion raised by Cruz failed to pass.

Schumer’s motion to deem article one unconstitutional ultimately passed 51-48. He then made a motion to deem article two unconstitutional, which also passed 51-49. The Senate passed a motion to adjourn the trial.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell said the Senate set a very “dangerous precedent” by ignoring the House’s directions to have an impeachment trial.


In Conservative Conference in Globalist Belgium, Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán Torches EU Leadership, Calls for Change, Says Ukraine ‘Not a Sovereign State Anymore’     By Paul Serran

Apr. 17, 2024 6:30 pm – There’s really no surprise in learning that Belgium’s government has gone full authoritarian by repeatedly targeting a Conservative conference taking place in Brussels, going as far as shutting down a day of events with a ridiculous excuse in the middle of UK’s Nigel Farage’s speech.

But as the old Arabic saying goes: ‘the dogs bark, the Caravan goes on’. In the run-up to a most relevant European Election cycle in recent times, the National Conservative Conference moved to its THIRD venue, and hosted as keynote speaker none other than conservative champion Viktor Orbán, long-serving Prime Minister of Hungary.

Orbán urged voters to reject mainstream political parties in the upcoming EU elections for their failure of leadership.

He also said Ukraine must never be allowed to join the either EU bloc or NATO.

Read: Hungary’s Orbán Calls the European Union a ‘Bad Contemporary Parody’ of the Soviet Union

Orbán strongly criticized EU climate alarmist policy and agriculture rules, that left farmers in great difficulty and drove them a an unprecedented season of protests.

He also stated the obvious: Europe’s migration crisis is now worse than ever.

Associated Press reported:

“’The sense of this European election is: change the leadership’, Orbán told an audience […] as campaigning heats up for Europe-wide polls on June 6-9. ‘If the leadership proves to be bad, it must be replaced. That’s so simple’, the right-wing populist leader said, to applause.”

Illiberal democrat Orbán torched the European Commission for using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to target his country.

“’The bureaucrats in Brussels tried to suffocate Hungary financially’, he said.”

The commission has denied Hungary access to billions of Euros over ‘concerns about democratic backsliding in the country’ – a.k.a., unwillingness to obey Brussels Globalist mandatory agenda.

“The Hungarian leader, who has been in office since 2010, also underlined the failure of EU sanctions to stop the war in Ukraine. Addressing the fact that he’s often described in the media as a staunch ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Orbán said: ‘My mother is not happy’.”

Read: EPIC Hungary’s Orbán on EU ‘Blackmail’: ‘There Is Not Enough Money in the World To Force Us To Accept Mass Migration and To Put Our Children in the Hands of LGBTQ Activists’

About Ukraine: ‘Guys, you have to understand that you are [Ukraine] a buffer zone country. You can’t change your house number’, he said.

“Orbán said ‘Ukraine is now just a protectorate’ relying on Western money and weapons and is ‘not a sovereign state anymore’.”

The ‘threat’ indeed existed, but it was not the Conservatives present: it was a group of ANTIFA thugs trying to disrupt the meeting.

“Nigel Farage, the man credited with taking Britain out of the European Union, addressed the crowd, saying that ‘a new form of evil ideology’ had tried to silence the conference.”

Even ultra-liberal Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo called the shutdown unacceptable.

“Municipal autonomy is a cornerstone of our democracy but can never overrule the Belgian constitution guaranteeing the freedom of speech and peaceful assembly since 1830. Banning political meetings is unconstitutional. Full stop.”

Read more:


BREAKING: Senate KILLS Articles of Impeachment Against Open Borders Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Breaking 227 Years of Congressional History   By Cullen Linebarger

Apr. 17, 2024 3:47 pm – The United States Senate was supposed to hold the impeachment trial of Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas beginning at 1 PM Eastern Wednesday. It actually proved to be a historically rapid dismissal by the Democrats.

As The Washington Post reported, the Senate at Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) urging voted to dismiss both articles of impeachment against Mayorkas, who has presided over the worst border crisis in America history.

Democrats voted along party lines on the first article of impeachment which charges Mayorkas with “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law,” finding the charge unconstitutional. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (RINO-Alaska) voted present.



“Show Is Over”: Angry Biden Supporter John Mellencamp Throws Tantrum On Stage   BY TYLER DURDEN

TUESDAY, APR 16, 2024 – 05:20 PM – At a recent concert, John Mellencamp, known for his liberal activism and support for President Biden, had a total meltdown on stage. A fan, seemingly uninterested in his liberal ranting, shouted, “Just Play Some Music!”.

Music blog Wide Open Country said Mellencamp was in the middle of a story when a heckler in the audience shouted: “Just Play Some Music!”

Mellencamp responded: “What do you think I’ve been doing you (expletive).”

“Here’s the thing man, you don’t know me,” the musician said, adding, “You don’t (expletive) know me.” He told the concert-goers, “Find this guy [heckler] and let me see him after the show.”

Mellencamp told the audience, “Tell you what I’m going to do, since you have been so wonderful, I’m going to cut about 10 songs out of the show.”

He then started playing “Jack and Diane,” one of his hit songs from the early 1980s that was number one on the Billboard Hot 100 for four weeks.

About 15 seconds into the song, he said, “You know what, the show is over.”

[Ed.:  Old guitar players never die.  They just lose their pluck!]


NSA “Just Days Away From Taking Over The Internet” Warns Ed Snowden    by Tom Mitchelhill,

TUESDAY, APR 16, 2024 – 08:15 AM – The United States National Security Agency (NSA) is only days away from “taking over the internet” with a massive expansion of its surveillance powers, according to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

In an April 16 post to X, Snowden drew attention to a thread originally posted by Elizabeth Goitein — the co-director of the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice — that warned of a new bill that could see the U.S. government surveillance powers amplified to new levels.

Source: Edward Snowden

The bill in question reforms and extends a part of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) known as Section 702.

Currently, the NSA can force internet service providers such as Google and Verizon to hand over sensitive data concerning NSA targets.

However, Goitein claims that through an “innocuous change” to the definition of “electronic communications surveillance provider” in the FISA 702 bill, the U.S. government could go far beyond its current scope and force nearly every company and individual that provides any internet-related service to assist with NSA surveillance.

“That sweeps in an enormous range of U.S. businesses that provide wifi to their customers and therefore have access to equipment on which communications transit. Barber shops, laundromats, fitness centers, hardware stores, dentist’s offices.”

Additionally, the people forced to hand over data would be unable to discuss the information provided due to hefty gag order penalties and conditions outlined in the bill, added Goitein.


KANGAROO COURT: Jesse Watters Reviews First Seven NYC Jurors in Trump’s Rigged Criminal Case – And It’s Just What We Expected   (Video)   By Jim Hoft

Apr. 17, 2024 9:15 am – The first seven jurors in President Trump’s NYC lawfare case in liberal Judge Juan Merchan’s court.

Judge Juan Merchan on Tuesday accused Trump of intimidating a juror who admitted she posted a pro-Biden video to her Facebook page.

Jury selection was still underway on Tuesday in the Stormy Daniels ‘hush money’ trial after more than 50 prospective jurors were dismissed from the jury pool on Monday.

One potential juror was brought in for questioning after Trump’s lawyers discovered she posted a pro-Biden celebratory video in 2020.

“You had to get in the car to spread the honking cheer. it’s a full on dance party at 96th street,” the potential juror’s caption read according to Trump attorney Todd Blanche.

President Trump was allegedly gesturing and ‘audibly speaking in the direction of the potential juror’ while she was being questioned about her pro-Biden social media post.

Judge Merchan accused Trump of intimidating the juror.

“I won’t tolerate that. I will not have any jurors intimidated in this courtroom. I want to make that crystal clear,” Judge Merchan said.

Merchan’s daughter is a top activist for Democrats and Joe Biden campaign.  Merchan is pushing charges against Trump that are not a crime.  He needs jurors who believe like he does that President Trump is guilty of a crime because he is still breathing.

Jesse Watters reviewed the first seven jurors selected for Trump’s criminal trial in Merchan’s kangaroo court.

They all get their news from the far-left New York Times. No one who takes the reporting and nonsense published at the NYT seriously is even slightly conservative. The trial is rigged.



Alan Dershowitz: Judge Merchan’s Gag Order and Refusal to Allow Trump to Leave the Courtroom Is Clearly Unconstitutional – Should be Immediately Challenged   [Video  5:28]  By Jim Hoft

Apr. 17, 2024 7:45 am – Harvard Law School Professor and Constitutional lawyer Alan Dershowitz joined Sean Hannity on Tuesday along with Gregg Jarrett to discuss the current Alvin Bragg lawfare case in New York City against President Donald Trump.

Jury selection continued on Tuesday morning for Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s lawfare case against Trump related to ‘hush payments’ made to porn star Stormy Daniels. Last April Trump was hit with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records and conspiracy. The charges are unprecedented and illogical.

Alvin Bragg still hasn’t named the underlying felony after he twisted the law and somehow upgraded the misdemeanor charges that were past the statute of limitations – to felonies.

The fix is in. The judge overseeing the case is a far-left operative whose daughter has made a lucrative career helping Democrats ‘get Trump’ and is currently profiting from the case.

After refusing to recuse himself, Judge Juan Merchan on Monday threatened to put President Trump in jail if he doesn’t show up for trial.

On Monday, the Marxist tyrannical judge told President Trump that he could be thrown in prison if he did not show up each day in court. This is a clear constitutional violation.

Judge Merchan even warned President Trump about attending his son’s high school graduation. This is typical behavior from soulless Marxists as we are quickly learning in America today.

On Tuesday Alan Dershowtiz called on Trump’s attorneys to IMMEDIATELY file a motion and challenge Judge Merchan’s clearly unconstitutional court orders gagging President Trump and refusing to allow him to campaign or attend his son’s graduation.

How do these horrible, lawless leftists sleep at night?


SURPRISE! Pro-Hamas Road Blockers Being Bailed Out by Organizations Funded by George Soros   By Mike Lachance

Apr. 16, 2024 9:20 pm – Mobs of crazed, pro-Hamas lefties have been blocking traffic this week in various parts of the country this week, shutting down bridges and blocking access to air ports.

As usual, very few of them are being arrested or prosecuted for this terrorism, but those who are held accountable are being bailed out.

Where is the bail money coming from? Organizations funded by George Soros, naturally.

From the Washington Free Beacon:

Left-Wing Dark Money Behemoth Behind Bail Fund for ‘Free Palestine’ Bridge Blockers

Scores of “Free Palestine” protesters across the United States took to the streets Monday to block major airports, highways, and bridges. Those who are arrested will receive bail money and legal support from a left-wing dark money behemoth funded by George Soros, an online fundraising page shows.

The protests, which took place in dozens of U.S. cities including San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia, were organized by A15 Action, a newly formed group that worked to “coordinate a multi-city economic blockade on April 15 in solidarity with Palestine.” The group’s website directs users to a “bail and legal defense fund” hosted through ActBlue, the Democratic Party’s online fundraising juggernaut.

Those who donate to the fund, the ActBlue page says, are sending money to the Community Justice Exchange, which provides “money bail, court fees and fines” and other legal services to “community-based organizations … that contest the current operation and function of the criminal legal and immigration detention systems.” The exchange is a project of the Tides Center, a left-wing dark money network funded by Soros and other liberal billionaires.

How not shocking.


Wife of Defense Department Director and Nebraska Teacher Arrested After Found in the Backseat of a Car Naked with a Minor Student   By Jim Hft

Apr. 16, 2024 6:20 pm – A 45-year-old substitute teacher and the wife of a high-ranking Defense Department official has been arrested for having sex with a minor student in the backseat of a car.

Local law enforcement responded to reports of a suspicious vehicle parked on an isolated road.

Upon arrival, they discovered Erin Ward and a 17-year-old student from Burke High School, both undressed, in the backseat of a Honda sedan.

The panicked boy attempted to escape by driving away, but after crashing the vehicle several blocks away, he fled the scene on foot, dressed only in his underwear, t-shirt, and socks. He was later found hiding in a yard.

Both Ward and the minor were taken to the hospital to treat minor injuries sustained from the accident. During the investigation, Ward, who possessed an Omaha Public Schools ID, admitted to engaging in sexual relations with the student. She has been working as a substitute teacher at various schools, including the very institution the minor attends.

The vehicle in question has been identified as belonging to Ward’s husband, William Douglas ‘Doug’ Ward, a Deputy Director and Senior Advisor at the United States Strategic Command.  [Emphasis added]   According to The New York Post, Doug Ward is a distinguished alumnus of Harvard Extension School and has been a dedicated member of the Strategic Command. This command plays a crucial role in identifying and preventing attacks against the United States and its allies.

The couple, who have three teenage children, one of whom is the same age as the involved student, reside in Gretna.

Since the teenager was over Nebraska’s age of consent, which is 16, the teacher avoided charges of statutory rape. However, she was still charged with a felony for sexual abuse by a school employee.

[Ed.:  Director and Senior Advisor at the United States Strategic Command? God help us. Wait a minute.  Why should we ask God for help?  We’re doing a fine job by ourselves…]



DHS Secretary Mayorkas Reveals No Measures in Place to Block Illegal Immigrants from Unlawfully Registering and Voting — “We Do Not Oversee the Election Enrollment Process”    By Jim Hft

Apr. 16, 2024 2:15 pm – The embattled Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Alejandro Mayorkas, admitted that his department has no mechanisms in place to prevent illegal immigrants from unlawfully registering and voting in U.S. elections.

It is expected that House Republicans will formally present their impeachment articles against Alejandro Mayorkas on Tuesday.

In February, the House of Representatives impeached Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas by a vote of 214 to 213.

This unprecedented action makes Mayorkas the first cabinet member to be impeached in nearly a century and a half and the first sitting cabinet secretary ever to face impeachment.

The impeachment resolution, known as H. Res. 863, charges Secretary Mayorkas with high crimes and misdemeanors. The allegations within the resolution include a “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law” concerning the enforcement of U.S. border policy, and a “breach of public trust,” setting a dramatic stage in the House.

The Secretary testified before the House Homeland Security Committee to testify on Biden’s 2025 budget request.

Mayorkas has admitted that the department has no measures to prevent illegal immigrants from potentially registering and voting in U.S. elections.

This admission came amidst a tense exchange with Congressman Dan Bishop during the oversight hearing.

The discussion was ignited by a query from Congressman Dan Bishop, referring to a disputed document purportedly distributed by a non-governmental organization (RCM) in Mexico, which encouraged voting for Biden among illegal aliens.

“RCM bills itself as an operation which houses functions for Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), which helps illegal aliens enter the United States. Sec. Mayorkas is a former board member of HIAS, which received numerous grants from Soros’ Open Society Foundation over the years.”

Read more:

[Ed.:  The Department of Homeland security “is not involved in elections”??  What if there were a threat to our homeland’s election for President?  Would DHS be “involved” then? Are they really “involved,” and just denying it? We need to dissolve 3-letter government ‘agencies’, Hang the guy in a public square, or shooting squad LIVE Prime Time! Is that too harsh for treason?]


Justice Clarence Thomas Grills DOJ Lawyer on January 6 ‘Obstruction’ Statute That Could Torpedo Jack Smith’s DC Case Against Trump   (AUDIO  5:41)   By Cristina Laila

Apr. 16, 2024 5:40 pm – The US Supreme Court on Tuesday heard oral arguments in Fischer v. United States and at issue is statute 18 USC §1512(c)(2):

Whoever corruptly—

(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or

(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

The Supreme Court is expected to issue a decision on Fischer v United States this summer which means hundreds of J6 cases could be upended.

Biden’s corrupt DOJ has charged more than 300 J6ers with 18 USC §1512(c)(2). Additionally, two of the four charges against Trump in Jack Smith’s DC case are conspiracy to obstruct so the Supreme Court’s ruling could torpedo the special counsel’s case against Trump as well.

Justice Clarence Thomas grilled DOJ Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar as she droned on and on about how the government is fairly using the §1512(c)(2) statute to prosecute hundreds of J6 defendants for merely walking through the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Justice Thomas pointed out that there have been many violent protests that have interfered with proceedings (Kavanaugh hearings).

“There have been many violent protests that have interfered with proceedings. Has the government applied this provision to other protests in the past and has this been the government’s position throughout the lifespan of the statute?” Justice Thomas asked the DOJ lawyer.

Justice Thomas asked Prelogar if the government had ever used this provision for other protestors.

Prelogar broke her back trying to explain to the Supreme Court why leftist protestors weren’t prosecuted as January 6 defendants were.


Special Counsel Jack Smith suggested he will ignore the Supreme Court if it reverses the obstruction statute this summer.

Jack Smith suggested he will find a workaround if the Supreme Court reverses two of the charges against Trump.

Smith claims the ‘obstruction’ charges will still stand against Trump because the alternative electoral certificates represent “documents” that were fraudulently used in an “official proceeding.”

These papers weren’t even sent or signed by Trump!

Jack Smith isn’t the only one who is threatening to circumvent the Supreme Court.

Last month US Attorney from DC Matthew Graves fired a warning shot to the US Supreme Court – and J6ers serving time for 18 USC §1512(c)(2), the ‘obstruction’ statute pending before SCOTUS.


OUTRAGEOUS: 16-Year-Old Student Suspended After Using Term “Illegal Alien” in English Class   By Jim Hft

Apr. 16, 2024 12:20 pm – A 16-year-old student at Central Davidson High School in Lexington, North Carolina, faced a three-day suspension last week, the Carolina Journal reported.

The cause? His use of the term ‘illegal alien’ during a vocabulary assignment in English class.

The Carolina Journal has omitted the teenager’s name due to his minor status and in order to safeguard his privacy. Similarly, The Gateway Pundit has also chosen not to disclose the student’s identity.

Leah McGhee, the mother of the student, reported that the vocabulary exercise included the word ‘alien’. Trying to clarify, her son inquired, “Like space aliens or illegal aliens without green cards?”

This question led to a confrontation with another student, escalating to the point where the teacher summoned the assistant principal.

The administrative staff subsequently determined the term used by McGhee’s son as ‘offensive and disrespectful’ towards Hispanic classmates, leading to his suspension.

In his defense, the student stated, “I didn’t make a statement directed towards anyone; I asked a question. I wasn’t speaking of Hispanics because everyone from other countries needs green cards, and the term ‘illegal alien’ is an actual term that I hear on the news and can find in the dictionary.”

The Carolina Journal reported that this suspension could potentially tarnish the student’s academic record and jeopardize his aspirations for an athletic scholarship. Besides being a diligent student, he is also a committed athlete, participating in school clubs, track, and cross country.

Leah McGhee wrote in an email to local officials, “He is devastated and concerned that the racism label on his school record will harm his future goal of receiving a track scholarship. We are concerned that he will fall behind in his classes due to being absent for three consecutive days.”

Despite attempts to rectify the situation, the assistant principal has not agreed to remove the infraction from the student’s record.

The family has engaged an attorney to address the issue in hopes of preventing any long-term negative impact on the student’s future.

State Senator Steve Jarvis has reached out to the school district’s superintendent regarding the matter, emphasizing the need for a fair resolution while acknowledging his limited understanding of the incident’s specifics.

Elon Musk has weighed in, labeling the incident as “absurd.”

Central Davidson High School’s principal, Heather Horton, told The Gateway Pundit, “We cannot discuss a specific student or their actions due to federal student privacy protections. Please know that Davidson County Schools administrators take all discipline incidents seriously and investigate each one thoroughly. Any violation of the code of conduct is handled appropriately by administrators.”

Back in 2021, Joe Biden proposed some changes to immigration policy. His initiatives aimed to create an eight-year pathway to citizenship for approximately 11 million individuals residing in the U.S. without legal status, along with removing the term ‘alien’ from legal terminology, which he described as “dehumanizing.”

[Ed.:  Wash his mouth out with soap!]


AUDIO: Justice Neil Gorsuch Blows Up Department of Injustice’s Case Against J6 Protesters While Dunking on Biden Solicitor General During Questioning   By Cullen Linebarger

Apr. 16, 2024 2:30 pm – The United States Supreme Court is holding arguments in Fischer v. US, a case that could reduce criminal charges filed against more than 350 Trump supporters who participated in the US Capitol protest on January 6, 2021.

The Department of Injustice (DOJ) is using a statute called “obstructed a Congressional proceeding” to prosecute hundreds of these protesters simply for exercising their First Amendment rights. This statute is a serious felony with the potential of 20 years behind bars.

CNN notes that this case also has implications for President Donald Trump, who was charged by corrupt special counsel Jack Smith for exercising his First Amendment rights on that fateful day.

Justice Neil Gorsuch stole the show this morning by blowing up the foundation of the DOJ’s case against the nonviolent J6 protesters. While the Trump supporters simply exercised their freedom of speech, there were leftist individuals who committed actual felonies that the Biden regime gave a complete pass to.

Gorsuch threw out several meaningful real-life incidents involving these left-wing figures, including the unlawful sit-ins during a trial (which occurred during the Brett Kavanaugh hearing in 2018), Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) pulling a fire alarm to prevent a critical vote to keep the government open, hecklers during the State of the Union, and so-called “mostly peaceful” protests (BLM riots).

Critical Medications Every American Can Have On Hand (Including Ivermectin) – And How To Get Them Prescribed

Gorsuch asked Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar whether those actions would qualify for 20 years in prison. Prelogar tried to spin her out of the questioning. She claimed that the DOJ would need to prove “corrupt intent” and whether these incidents qualified as a “meaningful” disruption of the proceedings.

Of course, all of these incidents recounted by Gorsuch met those qualifications, meaning the leftists, including Bowman, should have received years in prison. But Prelogar could not really answer Gorsuch’s queries unless she wanted to admit defeat.



BREAKING: Soros-Funded DA Alvin Bragg Files Motion to Hold Trump in Contempt for Allegedly Violating ‘Gag Order’  (VIDEO)   By Jim Hft

Apr. 16, 2024 10:15 am – Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, whose election campaign received significant funding from radical left billionaire George Soros, has filed a motion to hold former President Donald Trump in contempt of court.

The motion alleges that Trump violated a gag order set by Judge Juan Merchan during the jury selection phase of the Stormy Daniels ‘hush money’ trial.

Earlier this month, far-left judge Merchan expanded Trump’s gag order and barred the former president from criticizing his family members. In March, Judge Merchan issued a gag order against Trump.

Merchan ordered Trump to refrain from making any public statements about witnesses and jurors in the Stormy Daniels case. Alvin Bragg accused Trump of violating the gag order when he criticized Merchan’s daughter even though she isn’t a witness or a juror.

Trump threw down the gauntlet and blasted Judge Merchan in a series of Truth Social posts after the far-left judge expanded the gag order.

President Trump said he will continue to tell the truth and “gladly become a Modern Day Nelson Mandela” and is willing to “sacrifice my Freedom for that worthy cause.”

“Now, we have Merchan, who is not allowing me to talk, thereby violating the Law and the Constitution, all at once. It is so bad what he is trying to get away with – How was he even chosen for this case??? I heard he fought like hell to get it, and all of the rest of them also! If this Partisan Hack wants to put me in the “clink” for speaking the open and obvious TRUTH, I will gladly become a Modern Day Nelson Mandela – It will be my GREAT HONOR. We have to Save our Country from these Political Operatives masquerading as Prosecutors and Judges, and I am willing to sacrifice my Freedom for that worthy cause. We are a Failing Nation, but on November 5th, we will become a Great Nation again. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” Trump said on Truth Social a couple of weeks ago.

The Manhattan DA’s office said in the motion that Trump’s actions, which included labeling Cohen as a “disgraced attorney and felon” in one of his posts and referring to Judge Merchan and prosecutors as “thugs,” represent a willful violation of the court’s directives.

The motion said:


Far-Left Radical BlackRock CEO Larry Fink Flips Out as Red States Divest From His Woke, ESG-Driven Company  (AUDIO)   By Cullen Linebarger

Apr. 16, 2024 7:30 am – Radical left Blackrock CEO Larry Fink was caught on audio Friday completely losing his mind as red states cut off funds to his woke company, including the Texas Permanent School Fund’s decision to withdraw $8.5 billion last month.

As Gateway Pundit readers know, BlackRock is the largest asset management firm in the world, overseeing trillions of dollars worth of assets. It was founded in 1988 by Fink.

The company used to focus solely on risk management and fixed-income securities management but has since attempted to force companies across America to adopt a social credit system akin to Communist China focused on Environment and Social Justice (ESG) or face penalties. This includes forcing companies to go along with the radical left’s DEI agenda and pressuring firms not to fund coal and other fossil fuel projects.

Bud Light’s partnership last year is a textbook example of how this scheme works.

Will Hild, Executive Director of Consumers First, was the first to obtain audio of Fink losing his mind over Texas and other states defying his dangerous woke agenda.



WHAT A DISGRACE: Pro-Hamas Protesters Shut Down Road to Seattle Airport, Forcing Travelers to Leave their Cars and Walk to the Terminals    (VIDEO)   By Cullen Linebarger

Apr. 15, 2024 8:30 pm – Pro-Hamas protesters have blocked the road to arrivals and departures at Seattle–Tacoma International Airport (SEA), forcing passengers to leave their cars and walk on foot to the airport.

As KOMO News reported, several vehicles operated by protesters are blocking the road along with multiple people standing in the road.

The airport’s X account urges passengers to use alternate routes or public transit to reach their terminals.


BREAKING: RINOS WIN – AMERICANS LOSE: FISA 702 Again Passes House by Vote of 259-128 – Here are The 117 RINOs Who Voted for Warrantless Spying on Americans    By Jordan Conradson

Apr. 15, 2024 6:40 pm – The House of Representatives on Monday passed a Motion to Table the Motion to Reconsider H.B. 7888, which passed on Friday to renew FISA 702 and allow warrantless surveillance of innocent Americans.

This was a betrayal of Americans.

Shortly before the final passage of H.B. 7888 on Friday, the House rejected a commonsense amendment from Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), which would have required a warrant to spy on Americans. However, 86 Republicans voted for authoritarianism, with Speaker Mike Johnson casting the decisive vote.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), in an interview with Maria Bartoromo this weekend, slammed Mike Johnson for voting with Democrats again to break the tie and “abdicating the power of the purse” to the Democrats in the latest spending package. “As I see it now, I’m not sure there’s a difference between Mike Johnson being in charge and the Democrats being in charge,” Senator Paul remarked:  https://rumble.com/v4po4m8-sen.-rand-paul-slams-mike-johnson-over-fisa-vote-and-spending-package.html

Recall that official intelligence documents show that the FBI illegally used FISA 278,000 times to spy on Americans, including their political enemies like President Trump, Trump donors, and January 6 families. Republicans in Congress chose to screw the American people and allow unwarranted search and seizure of our private communications, giving the Biden Regime and FBI renewed authority to spy on Trump and innocent Americans, as they previously did, leading up to the 2024 election.


President Biden declines Comer’s invitation to testify, refuses to answer written questions  By Steven Richards

Oversight Chairman Comer previously invited President Biden to testify before his committee to address discrepancies between his claims and the evidence uncovered by the impeachment inquiry.

April 15, 2024 9:57pm – President Biden formally declined House Oversight Chairman James Comer’s invitation to testify before his committee Monday evening.

Comer invited Biden in late March to appear before his committee to address apparent discrepancies between the president’s claims and evidence uncovered by his probe.

In a letter to the committee Monday, Biden’s counsel criticized the Republicans’ impeachment probe and claimed the testimony so far has only exonerated the president.

“Your Committee’s purported ‘impeachment inquiry’ has succeeded only in turning up abundant evidence that, in fact, the President has done nothing wrong,” wrote Special Counsel to the President Richard Sauber.

“Yet rather than acknowledge this reality, your March 28, 2024, letter contains the same litany of false allegations that have been repeatedly debunked and refuted by the very witnesses you have called before your Committee and the many documents you have obtained,” he added.

You can read the letter below:

File:  2024-04-15.Sauber to Comer re Hearing.pdf

Chairman Comer pushed back in a statement.

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree in the Biden family. Like his son, Hunter Biden, President Biden is refusing to testify in public about the Bidens’ corrupt influence peddling. This comes as no surprise since President Biden continues to lie about his relationships with his son’s business partners, even denying they exist when his son said under oath during a deposition that they did,” Comer said in a statement obtained by Just the News.



High alert in Iran:

The air defense systems of the Iranian army are now moving on the roads of Tehran.


Kersten: Extremist ideology has already hijacked Minnesota’s social studies classes   By Katherine Kersten 

How did biased, ideologically freighted concepts of this kind become a centerpiece of what Minnesota students will soon learn in their social studies classrooms?

April 15, 2024 – On Oct. 7, 2023, the world witnessed Hamas’ brutal invasion of Israel — the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. In the days that followed, loud voices attempted to excuse or justify this heinous act, both in Minnesota and elsewhere.

They did so using the rhetoric of an extremist ideology that views historical tensions and conflicts through a one-dimensional, politicized lens. This ideology reduces the complex history of Israel and Palestine to a caricature, and portrays Israel as an illegitimate state — an oppressive “colonizer” — whose victims are entitled to forcibly throw off their oppressor. The vocabulary used to justify this violence includes terms and concepts such as “decolonization,” “settler-colonialism,” “dispossession” and “resistance.”

Minnesotans will likely be surprised and disturbed to learn that our state’s new K-12 social studies standards are littered with these buzzwords, which are at the heart of “decolonization” ideology.

The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) has portrayed the standards — which were formally adopted in January 2024 after a four-year process — as unifying. In reality, they will divide our young people by group identity, teach them to view social life as a zero-sum power struggle between oppressors (bad) and victims (good), and convert public schools into boot camps for political activism.

In the new standards, the connection between “decolonization” ideology and Israel is made explicit in the examples that, according to MDE, “clarify the meaning” of the grade-level benchmarks. MDE has not made these examples public, indicating it will provide them separately to explain how schools should implement the standards. However, Center of the American Experiment obtained the examples, which appeared in MDE’s September 2021 working draft, through a public data request.

In connection with one standard, for instance, students are instructed to “describe how individuals and communities have fought” for “liberation against systemic and coordinated exercises of power.” In another, they must “analyze the impact of colonialism” and in a third, they must “analyze dominant and non-dominant narratives.” In all three cases, Israel-Palestine is highlighted as an example. Likewise, U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar is held up as an immigrant who has made “contributions” to “political ideas.”

How did biased, ideologically freighted concepts of this kind — which appear designed to enlist young people behind a political agenda — become a centerpiece of what Minnesota students will soon learn in their social studies classrooms?


WATCH: Florida Police Take Care of Business After Pro-Hamas Agitators Try to Block a Road in Miami   By Cullen Linebarger

Apr. 15, 2024 6:00 pm – Police across the country could learn a few lessons regarding how Florida takes care of pro-Hamas protesters who disrupt the daily lives of residents.

As WSVN reported, several of the losers were manhandled, dragged, and then arrested by Miami Police in riot gear and on horseback as they attempted to block the entrance to Port Miami. The incident occurred at roughly 1 PM on Monday.

The local police were joined by state troopers and armored vehicles in the process according to the outlet.

Bryan Griffin, the communications director for Governor Ron DeSantis, shared a clip of the Miami police taking out the trash. At the same time, other cities like Chicago and San Francisco coddled the protesters instead.



Pro-Palestine Protestors Take Over the Brooklyn Bridge, Block Traffic  (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

Apr. 15, 2024 5:45 pm – Far-left pro-Palestine protestors blocked the Brooklyn Bridge on Monday afternoon.

This is after pro-Palestine activists shut down the Golden State Bridge and blocked the entrance to Chicago’s O’Hare Airport.

According to reports, chants of “Death to America” were heard earlier in New York City and one protestor burned an American flag.

NYPD officers in riot gear started making arrests.



Pfizer to pay $0 in taxes, despite billions in income     JORDAN SCHACHTEL

Every year, Pfizer sends an army of lobbyists to Washington, D.C., seeking to manipulate the tax code to their benefit.

APR 15, 2024 – It’s Tax Day, which, for most Americans, means it’s time to fork over lots of cash to the feds.

Unless you’re running Pfizer, which is paying a grand total of zero dollars and zero cents in taxes this year. In fact, Pfizer is expecting a hefty refund!

Despite bringing in $58 billion in revenue and billions in net income for 2023, Pfizer is not paying a dime in taxes. Thanks to their scale, size, and taxpayer-funded support system, Pfizer and its peers reap tax benefits that allow for the zeroing out of their tax burden. Such privileges are not afforded to Main Street businesses, highlighting an incredibly unequal tax code that benefits mega corporations at the expense of the average citizen and small businesses.

The news is especially unsavory for American taxpayers, considering the fact that Pfizer’s income over the course of the Covid era was produced via the American and overseas taxpayers themselves. Taxpayers subsidized the research and development, approval process, purchasing, and implementation of Pfizer’s junk mRNA product line. The mRNA shots, coupled with the failed Paxlovid oral pill, gave Pfizer an unprecedented windfall, delivering tens of billions in annual profits.

[Ed.:  They really should be paying taxes like the rest of the businesses.]


WAYNE ROOT: Why Isn’t Every Republican Leader in America Asking 24/7, “Who is the Real President? Who is Making the Decisions That are Destroying America?” Because We All Know It Isn’t Joe Biden.   By Wayne Allyn Root

Apr. 15, 2024 12:45 pm – Is there anyone left who doesn’t see that Joe Biden is not the president? Joe Biden isn’t running the show.

Everyone in Washington DC knows Joe Biden is for all intents and purposes brain-dead. Everyone knows he should be in a nursing home with a sign around his neck listing his name and phone number in case he wanders off. Everyone knows he wears diapers. Everyone knows he doesn’t know what year it is, or most of the time, where he is, what he’s reading on the teleprompter, or what he’s signing.

This is the worst kept secret in history: Joe Biden is a brain-dead zombie puppet.

Biden is a wooden dummy and someone is the ventriloquist. Biden is the frontman for the biggest scam in world history.

So, why isn’t every Republican politician in Washington DC and America asking “Who is in charge? Who is running the country? Who is making the decisions that change our lives and our children’s future? Who is giving the orders?

Someone is making ridiculous, absurd, insane decisions. Someone wants America destroyed. Someone wants America weak and impotent. Someone wants to turn Americans into serfs and slaves, dependent on government to survive.

Someone wants America part of a One World government with all other poor and powerless nations of the world.

Who made the decision to leave the border open and invite the whole world in- including murderers, terrorists, Jew-hating Muslim radicals, Hamas, Hezbollah, MS-13, and Chinese military-age males? Who would want this?

Who made the decision to leave the border open- thereby allowing all the fentanyl and other deadly drugs in the world to flow into the USA and kill over 100,000 Americans a year? Who would benefit from that?

Who made the decision to add half billion dollars a year to the national debt to pay for 20 million new illegal aliens? Why do we need them? Who benefits?

Who made the decision to treat illegal aliens better than U.S. citizens, and better than even our hero military vets?

Who is making the decision to allow the violent criminals out with “no bail?” Look around- almost every crime in America is committed by criminals arrested or convicted 5 times, 10 times, 20 times, 50 times. Why are they walking the streets? Why are they still breathing? Why aren’t they in prison for life, or given the death penalty?

Who is making the decision to “feminize” the U.S. military and base it on DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion), CRT, climate change, and transgender ideology?

Who made the decision to release billions of dollars to Iran right before they funded one of the worst terror attacks in history upon Israel? Who gave them the green light to attack Israel twice without America lifting a finger to stop them?

Who made the decision over the weekend for the United States to not support Israel’s counterattack against Iran?

Who made the deadly decision to keep the printing presses running 24/7 to create the worst debt and worst inflation perhaps in our lifetimes, and thereby destroy the middle class?

Who made the decision to hurt the oil and energy industries and reverse America’s energy independence under President Trump? Who would want us dependent on our enemies in the Middle East, Russia and Venezuela?

Who made the decision to not refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve at the exact moment World War 3 appears to be imminent?

The world is on fire because someone gave the order to abdicate our role as world leader. Who made that decision?

Who made the decision to weaponize our government against President Trump? And to violate the U.S. Constitution in order to censor and silence conservatives?

Who made the decision to mandate against their will every employee in America with an untested, experimental, emergency-use-only, vaccine based on OSHA rules?

Who gave the order to demonize and slander Ivermectin as a veterinary medicine for pigs and horses- even though it is now proven to be safe and effective for humans versus Covid, and could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives? Someone didn’t want those American lives saved. Why?

I could go on for hours.

Someone is making all these devastatingly wrong decisions that are intentionally destroying America. Why isn’t every Republican politician in America asking out loud, “Who is President? Who is making these decisions?”

And we should be saying it 24/7 until the election. Everyone in DC knows Biden can’t control his bladder, he’s certainly not running the country.

So, who is? Why are we allowing the greatest nation in world history to be destroyed by an unelected mysterious stranger, or foreign interests?

We know Joe Biden is reading teleprompter. We know his mic is cut off, if he strays from prepared words. We know the Easter Bunny led him off the White House lawn when reporters asked too many questions. We know his wife Jill often leads him off stage. We know he can’t walk up short stairs without tripping. We heard him actually say he doesn’t know what he’s signing.

We know Obama said he was “going to fundamentally change America.” We know Obama if he was elected gas prices would skyrocket.

I believe Obama is the real power behind the throne. Obama is giving the orders.

But who is his boss? The Deep State? China? The CCP? George Soros? Klaus Schwab? Valerie Jarrett? Satan?

Someone is the head of the snake giving the ultimate orders to destroy America. Someone is ordering this communist and globalist takeover of USA. Someone is turning our government against the people. Someone is being bribed billions of dollars to destroy us.

Why isn’t every GOP politician in America asking these questions LOUDLY 24 hours a day in the media and in television commercials?


PURE EVIL: Biden Administration Reportedly Provided Guidance to Iran in Saturday’s Drone and Missile Strike on Israel   By Jim Hoft

Apr. 15, 2024 9:00 am – Boy, the Biden-Obama regime really, really hates Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel!

According to reports coming from Israel and Turkey the Biden Administration provided guidance to Iran in its missile and drone strike against Israel.

Here is video of Iranian missiles and drones entering Israeli airspace where most were shot down.

Why would Israel EVER trust the Biden regime again?

The Jerusalem Post reported:

Iran informed Turkey in advance of its planned operation against Israel, a Turkish diplomatic source told Reuters on Sunday, adding that Washington had conveyed to Tehran via Ankara that any action it took had to be “within certain limits.”

Turkey, which has denounced Israel for its campaign on Gaza, said earlier on Sunday that it did not want a further escalation of tensions in the region.

The Turkish source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan had spoken to both his US and Iranian counterparts in the past week to discuss the planned Iranian operation, adding Ankara had been made aware of possible developments.

Earlier this week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to Fidan to make clear that escalation in the Middle East was not in anyone’s interest.

“Iran informed us in advance of what would happen. Possible developments also came up during the meeting with Blinken, and they (the US) conveyed to Iran through us that this reaction must be within certain limits,” the source said.


Saving whales started as left-wing cause, but now conservatives are taking up the fight   By Kevin Killough

While the media and environmental groups claim there’s no connection between the uptick in whale deaths and offshore wind developments, groups like the Heartland Institute, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and the National Legal and Policy Center are taking the matter to court.

April 13, 2024 – Saving the whales was once a leading cause of left-wing environmental groups like Greenpeace. But offshore wind development has created an ironic twist in which conservative groups are now the loudest voices raising concerns about the North Atlantic right whale’s extinction.

The Heartland InstituteCommittee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) and the National Legal and Policy Center, want to draw attention to what they say is a connection between an increase in dead whales along the East Coast and industrialization of the U.S. Coast. A new study by an independent acoustician concludes that they may be right.

Off the shores of the East Coast are plans for the development of massive amounts of offshore wind farms. Among them is Dominion Energy’s Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project, which is expected to be the largest offshore wind farm in the world.

Last month, a coalition of conservative groups filed a lawsuit against federal agencies, their top officials, and Dominion Energy, arguing the permits didn’t properly assess the danger the project presents to whales. The same groups Tuesday submitted a Freedom of Information Act request for Dominion’s species protection plan, which they said isn’t publicly available.

Greenpeace, whose first campaign in 1973 was aimed at stopping whaling, insists that concerns about the impacts to whales from extensive offshore wind developments spreading up the East and soon the West Coast are nothing more than “right-wing disinformation,” and media outlets like the Associated Press and The Guardian report these concerns as “unfounded” and “false.”


Democrats critical of Israel switch tune after Iran attack: ‘Popular to be pro-Israel again’   By Madeleine Hubbard

Some Democrats used the occasion to demand a ceasefire in Gaza.

April 15, 2024 – Many Democrats who were critical of Israel and even pressuring the country to agree to a cease-fire with Gaza are now saying they support Israel after Iran’s major attack, leading to questions about how long their support for Israel will last.

“It is politically popular to be pro-Israel again!” New York Democratic Rep. Ritchie Torres, a vocal supporter of Israel, joked on X Sunday. “Count on me to be pro-Israel even when it becomes unpopular again, as it inevitably will. A fair-weather friend is no friend at all.”

After Iran launched more than 300 drones and missiles at Israel over the weekend, some Democrats are now voicing their support for Israel after heavily criticizing the country’s response to Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023, attack, and calling for a cease-fire.

For example, Sen. Chris Van Hollen previously accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of enabling Hamas, a terrorist organization funded by Iran, and he made multiple posts online criticizing Israel and calling for a cease-fire.

“I condemn the Iranian attack on Israel and support Israel’s right to defend itself against this aggression,” Van Hollen wrote on X.

Vice President Kamala Harris has also been critical of Israel’s actions in Gaza and called for a cease-fire, but Saturday she said on X: “Our support for Israel’s security is ironclad, and we stand with the people of Israel in defense against these attacks.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who has condemned Israel’s response in Gaza and called for a temporary cease-fire, said after Iran’s attack that the U.S.’s “commitment to Israel’s security is ironclad.”


Ten New Studies Detail Health Risks of 5G   [57:32]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Why Over 400 Scientist and Doctors Want to Halt 5G

April 14, 2024 – During the pandemic, we watched the rollout of 5G cross the country, even though little if any research had been done on its safety. Over the last two years, 10 new studies have been published, and the findings are alarming enough to spur hundreds of scientists and doctors into action. Here’s how to protect yourself.


  • Several studies published between 2022 and 2024 underscore the health risks posed by 5G technology
  • Research contradicts the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection guidelines, demonstrating various harmful biological effects of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) on humans and the environment, including potential cancer risk
  • Studies reveal 5G’s potential to induce neurological damage and psychiatric problems, highlighting its effects on brain development, including the increased risk of conditions like dementia through mechanisms such as the impairment of neurosin
  • A December 2023 study illustrates the detrimental effects of 5G RFR on rat sperm, showing decreased sperm count and quality, with melatonin offering a protective effect
  • February 2024 research indicates significant changes in the fecal microbiome and metabolome profiles in mice exposed to 5G RFR, hinting at broader implications for health, including mental well-being and immune function


RFK Jr. Exposes BlackRock’s Chronic Disease-Related Money Laundering Scheme    THE VIGILANT FOX        

No one else has ever explained it quite like this.

APR 14, 2024Independent presidential hopeful Robert Kennedy Jr. recently shared some more striking insights while on the campaign trail in Iowa.

Taking aim at BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, Kennedy revealed how the mega-corporation profits from people’s sickness on multiple levels.

The money-making scheme goes as follows:

60% of Americans have at least one chronic disease. Who does that benefit? Big Pharma.

Who owns portions of all major pharmaceutical companies? BlackRock.

It goes even deeper.

People are sick because they’re eating processed foods with ingredients that are banned in European countries.

Who owns portions of all major processed food companies? BlackRock.

And who is one of the biggest donors to both the Republican and Democratic parties? Once again, the answer is BlackRock.

Kennedy says both parties are “not allowed to solve” the chronic disease epidemic.


“Because there are people making money on that problem who are giving them money.”

Watch the full video below:


Iran sent 150 missiles

[Ed.:  Well, at least they made an attempt to save their honor, after we offed so many of their top Generals in targeted hits.  So, they let off some steam.  They even told Foggy Bottom not to wrinkle their panties, and to not intervene in a limited (controlled) response.  It would be short and sweet, and not merit WWIII.  So the show of fireworks was seen by all, they ‘saved face’, and we can all go home now. And about that bridge in Brooklyn…]


Even Putin Is In Shock! Ukraine’s Neptune Missiles Started Hunting Russian Warships In Nato Lake!   [10:09]   Yair Pinto | Pinto News

Apr 9, 2024In the Middle East, the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) carried out a major attack on Hamas’ Kassam Brigades during their withdrawal from Khan Yunis. Rocket launchers, military bases and warehouses of Hamas and the Kassam Brigades were hit by the IDF. Attention then turned to the Ukraine-Russia war. A Russian warship in the NATO lake was hit by Ukrainian Neptune missiles.

Ukraine struck Russia’s huge airbase and many fighter jets and Russian warships were damaged. Russia launched a large-scale offensive to confront NATO. The German army provided the first blockade against Russia. Putin ordered an attack that would change the entire balance.

We are a leading news source following Middle East dynamics. We constantly update you on the tensions between Israel and Gaza, the latest developments concerning Hezbollah, Hamas’s attacks, and the situation in Syria. Additionally, we closely monitor global events such as the Ukraine-Russia conflict and provide you with the latest information. Offering in-depth analyses on defense technologies, political developments, and leaders’ actions, we guide you to understand the global military landscape. While our news adheres to principles of impartiality and reliability, it’s backed by the latest technology and information.


Brutal Iranian Regime Sends Out Morality Police on the Streets of Iran – To Attack Iranian Citizens and Protesters Following Iranian Attacks on Israel – VIDEO   By Jim Hoft

Apr. 13, 2024 7:00 pm – FOX Contributor Ellie Cohanim reported moments ago that the Iranian regime is sending out morality police into the streets of Iran.

The brutal regime is afraid of the possible protest movement that could develop in the streets.

Ellie Cohanim: I have no doubt the the Iranian leadership themselves are very scared right now… I have to tell our audience that just a few hours ago Iranians put out the morality police on the streets of the country. So it’s an interesting situation… I believe it’s because they expect perhaps the Iranian people might take to the streets at a moment like this, at a moment of war. So they have their morality police ready to attack Iranians. So they know themselves how vulnerable they are.

Via Midnight Rider.

[Ed.:  It’s good to know who your real friends are!]


Fewer Than One in Four Americans Have a Positive View of Federal Government    By Cassandra Macdonald

Apr. 13, 2024 2:40 pm – According to a new poll, fewer than one in four Americans have a favorable opinion about the federal government.

The Pew Research Center released data from their American Trends Panel survey on Thursday, which found only 22 percent of adults have a positive opinion of the federal government.

Pew reports, “State governments get mixed ratings: 50% of adults have a favorable opinion and 49% have an unfavorable view. This reflects a 4-point decline in favorability since 2022 and a 9-point decline since 2019.”

Additionally, “61% of adults rate their local government positively. But this, too, is down from 66% in 2022 and 69% in 2019.”

Democrats are approximately three times as likely as Republicans to have a positive view of the federal government.

Only about 11 percent of Republicans or Republican-leaning Americans have a similarly favorable view.

Pew reports that views on state governments vary widely depending on whether the respondents’ political party is in power.

“For example, 70% of Republicans living in states with Republican leadership have a positive view of their state government. By comparison, just 43% of Republicans living in states with split control – and only 22% of Republicans living in states with Democratic leadership – have a positive view,” Pew found. “The pattern among Democrats is similar.”

Local governments, on the other hand, have a majority favorable view across party lines.

“Americans differ little by party in opinion of their local government, with similar shares of Republicans (63%) and Democrats (64%) holding favorable views,” the report states.

[Ed.:  And they’re all NPR listeners…]


Hungarian and Polish Farmers Battling Cheap Unregulated Ukrainian Grain – Orbán Is Implementing Agricultural Protections but Tusk Prioritizes Helping Kiev   By Paul Serran

Apr. 13, 2024 12:40 pm – The great European Farmers’ Revolt is still ongoing, with agricultural producers mobilizing in an unprecedented scale in most countries.

The demands from the food producers is pretty much the same all over, and it centers around the failed, crippling green environmental policies, emanating from Brussels, that threaten their subsistence and may also cause food insecurity and a major manufactured famine.

But some countries have an additional sticking beef: the cheap, low quality unregulated Ukrainian grain flowing through their borders.

This week, two of its neighbors, Hungary and Poland, saw developments in the battle against this economic invasion.

Read: EUROPEAN FARMERS REVOLT: Tractors Break Through Barriers in Brussels – Agricultural Workers Surround EU Headquarters, Spray Liquid Manure at Police in Major Show of Force (VIDEOS)

The conservative, nationalist government of Hungary is already moving on its own to try to protect its farming sector, but the new Globalist and Eurofanatic Polish government is still dragging its feet on the issue.

Hungary will place additional restrictions on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products, trying to shield Hungarian farmers from market fluctuations caused by cheaper Ukrainian imports.

Associated Press reported:


Outrageous! Speaker Johnson Bloviates on X About “founding principles” the Day After He Breaks Tie Vote to Support FISA Spying on Americans w/o Warrants – Gets Totally Ratioed!    By Jim Hoft

Apr. 13, 2024 1:20 pm – On Friday, the House voted 273 to 147 in favor of extending Section 702 of FISA, a provision originally enacted in the aftermath of September 11, 2001.

This legislation permits U.S. agencies to monitor foreign targets abroad but has come under scrutiny for its implications and past misuse in surveilling American citizens. The vote displayed a uniparty alliance, with 147 Democrats and 126 Republicans supporting the bill, while 88 Republicans and 59 Democrats opposed it.

The approved legislation proposes a two-year extension for the surveillance program.

Rep. Mary Miller (R-Illinois) stated her opposition, referencing past abuses: “I voted NO on reauthorizing FISA without a warrant requirement and serious reforms. FISA was misused by Obama to spy on the Trump campaign, and under Biden, to monitor his critics, including Tucker Carlson.”

An amendment was proposed by Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), which would have required a warrant for the FBI to conduct surveillance on Americans under FISA. The floor vote resulted in a tie vote of 212-212. Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) then broke the deadlock by casting the tie-breaking vote against the amendment, a move criticized by grassroots supporters.

Johnson betrayed Americans and defied the US Constitution.

Worse yet, less than 24 hours later Mike Johnson posted on X about America’s founding principles — after giving the regime power to spy on any American at will!

The man is either clueless or passive-aggressive as hell.


HUGE! MI Legislators Vow To Take Case to US Supreme Court Before 2024 Election, After Biden-Appointed Judge Dismisses Suit Arguing Unconstitutional Changes To Election Laws Via Ballot Proposal Funded By George Soros   By Patty Mcmurray

Michigan legislators claim that the state government infringed on their constitutional rights when it used ballot initiatives to change election laws.

Apr. 13, 2024 3:45 pm – Eleven Michigan Legislators have vowed to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court after U.S. District Court Judge Jane Beckering, a Biden-appointed judge, dismissed their federal lawsuit on April 11, citing a lack of standing.

The lawmakers’ claim, filed Sept. 28, 2023, argues the 2018 and 2022 state constitutional amendments regulating time, place, and manner of federal elections are legally null and void because they usurped the legislators’ constitutionally protected rights.

Plaintiffs include Republican Senators Jonathan Lindsey and Jim Runestad; Republican Representatives Steve Carra, James DeSana, Joseph Fox, Neil Friske, Matt Maddock, Angela Rigas, Joshua Schriver, and Rachelle Smit.

The U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 4 (the Elections Clause), requires state legislatures to regulate the times, places, and manner of federal elections. However, the 2018 and 2022 constitutional amendments bypassed the state legislature and, in doing so, infringed on the legislators’ federally mandated constitutional authority.

Representative Steve Carra (R), the House Freedom Caucus leader and a plaintiff in the case, disagreed with the judge’s decision and is optimistic the U.S. Supreme Court will hear the case. “If I, as a legislator, don’t have standing to say laws are being passed without legislature approval, then who does? The Elections Clause of the U.S. Constitution protects legislative authority to determine the times, places, and manner of elections.”


WORLD WAR III WATCH: Iran Launches Kamikazi Drone Attack Against Israel   By Cullen Linebarger

Apr. 13, 2024 3:33 pm – Iran has officially launched a drone attack against Israel, a development that could spark an all-out war and draw in more countries.

Axios’s Barak Ravid was the first to report this alarming news.

One U.S. official reported that the number of drones is between 50 and 100.

reports, these drones will arrive in the Jewish state within the next few hours.

A second wave is now underway according to Israeli officials.

An attack was widely expected to occur after Israeli forces killed a senior officer in Iran’s embassy in Damascus last week.

IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said in a televised statement Israel is “well-prepared” for the attack and will try to intercept the strikes.

We have prepared for diverse scenarios in advance. In order to intercept these launches, we have the circles of protection from both the Navy and the Air Force on several layers.

We are going to try to prevent them from reaching Israeli territory, that is our task. If they do enter Israeli airspace, then you will hear sirens and alarms wherever these threats enter and we will intercept them.

As Catturd helpfully reminds us, Biden’s coddling of the Iranian regime also helped lead to this terrible moment.


26 Barges Barges Break Loose Causing Bridge Closures and Damage to a Marina on Ohio River   By Anthony Scott

Apr. 13, 2024 10:15 am – In a bizarre incident, 26 barges broke loose in Pittsburgh and drifted uncontrollably down the Ohio River on Friday night.

Shortly after the barges broke free, Pittsburgh authorities closed the McKees Rocks Bridge and the West End Bridge “out of an abundance of caution.”

Authorities reported that eleven barges were stopped by running into a river bank by Brunot Island, and now tugboats are on the scene pulling the barges out.

Nine were found stopped at the Emsworth Lock and Dam.

The commander for the Pittsburgh district of the Army Corp of Engineers stated that a preliminary evaluation showed no damage to the dam, but extensive damage to a nearby marina was found.

Per CBS News:

Multiple law enforcement agencies are investigating after more than 20 barges broke loose and floated down the Ohio River.

The commander for the Pittsburgh district of the Army Corp of Engineers told KDKA the 26 barges that broke loose have been accounted for, with some of them resting against the Emsworth Lock and Dam on the Ohio River.

He said early investigation found no issues with the dam and no one was hurt.

Pittsburgh Police said the call came in around 11:30 on Friday night.

A spokesperson for the U.S. Coast Guard said 26 barges broke away from a vessel at mile marker one. Of the 26 barges, 23 were loaded and three were empty.

Currently, the cause of the barges breaking loose is under investigation, but authorities believe high water levels played a. acfactor.

[Ed.:  Typos not mine.]


Mike Benz on the FBI’s Lawless Use of FISA Spying: “This Is the Most Corrupt Agency, the Most Lawless… We Will Know There Are Checks and Balances When We See Them in Jail”   (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

Apr. 13, 2024 8:00 am – Mike Benz the founder and executive director of the Foundation for Freedom Online joined Natalie Winters on The War Room on Friday evening to discuss the House vote to recertify FISA spying on American citizens.

Benz believes the FBI is the most corrupt agency, the most lawless in the country.  And the only way “we will know there are checks and balances is when we see them in jail.”

So true.  The more the lawless government agencies are allowed to abuse the American public with no consequence – the more the lawless government agencies will continue to abuse Americans without concern of any consequence.

Where are the good guys in the GOP?

Via the War Room.

Mike Benz: I share an identical rage that I feel emanating from you here. For him to take to the press conference like that and pivot to the border on exciting all the principles. If we don’t have a border, we don’t have a country. – This idea that, Oh, don’t worry about it, there’s checks and balances on it now. No, there’s not. It’s an empty check. It’s a blank check for the FBI to do whatever it wants, and it’s bluster instead of balances. FISA is, as Senator Mike Lee said it best, “Federal investigators stalking Americans.” And there’s something very sick and twisted about what’s happening right now with the FISA fight vis-a-vis the Republican Party. The Republican Party is in the middle of a civil war between the internationalist sect of the GOP, the blob sect of it, versus the Nationalist wing of the GOP, the populist faction. And FISA will not be used on the blob side, the internationalist side of the GOP. That side of the GOP associated with big international businesses is associated with the energy market, associated with the military.

In that empire managerial class of the GOP, FISA is not an issue to them. It won’t be used on them, but it will be used on their opposition in the GOP Civil War. Every single right wing populist, nationalist, Republican is a target of FISA.

FISA is this idea that you can get around the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution and use the Department of Dirty Tricks Power that our foreign policy establishment has to spy on foreigners, to spy on Americans, if you simply use the word counterintelligence instead of intelligence. We’re not doing intelligence spying on our own people. We’re doing counterintelligence spying on our people because they might be being spied on by Russia.



Anarchy in the UK: Squatters Take Over £13 Million London Pub Owned by Celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsay  By Kristinn Taylor

Apr. 13, 2024 9:30 am – A luxurious London pub and boutique hotel owned by celebrity British chef Gordon Ramsay has been taken over by a gang of squatters who are threatening legal action if an effort is made to remove them, according to reports that place the value of the property at 13 million pounds sterling (About $16.2 million.)

Excerpt from the UK Sun report:

The gang, said to be made up of at least six “professional squatters”, used Ramsay’s own kitchen appliances to barricade themselves in and have glued shut the locks.

Photos show the swanky bar area of the venue — which had been temporarily closed for a handover — resembling a tip, with debris sprawled everywhere and a squatter crashed out on a leather sofa.

Ramsay, 57, was about to sign over a multi-million pound lease to new partners when the gang broke in to the York & Albany pub and boutique hotel near Regent’s Park, central London.

The TV chef — who was embroiled in a legal battle over the venue back in 2015 — called the police last Wednesday but has been unable to remove the squatters from the 19th-century building.


They have also slapped a legal notice on the front door, saying they are entitled to stay there as it “is a non-residential building”.

They claim that the law which prevents squatting is not applicable because it “was NOT designed or adapted, before the time of our entry, for use as a place to live”.

Incredibly, they then threaten legal action, suggesting that if anyone tries to enter “by violence” they could end up in jail for six months.

They warn: “Take notice that we occupy this property and at all times there is at least one person in occupation.

“That any entry or attempt to enter into these premises without our permission is therefore a criminal offence as any one of us who is in physical possession is opposed to such entry without our permission.

“That if you attempt to enter by violence or by threatening violence we will prosecute you.

“You may receive a sentence of up to six months’ imprisonment and/or a fine of up to £5,000.”

The note, signed by “The Occupiers”, also warns: “If you want to get us out you will have to issue a claim for possession in the County Court or in the High Court.”

End excerpt. Please read the complete Sun report at this link for more including photos of the squatters.

Background on the property via Yahoo!Life/ the Evening Standard (excerpt):


HUGE! Georgia State Election Board Now Admits to Violations of Election Law in 2020 Election – Hearing on May 7 – Emerald Robinson Weighs in  (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

Apr. 13, 2024 7:30 am – The Georgia State Election Board admitted to violation of election law in the 2020 election.

The State Election Board admitted to this in a recent letter to investigator Joseph Rossi.

The Georgia Election Board says in their letter to Rossi, “The matter is in the violation found category.”

Here is the letter below.

[Ed.:  Surprise, surprise, surprise!!]


New York City Council Opens Meeting by Praising Allah as the Supreme Lord of the World  (VIDEO)   By Jim Hft

Apr. 12, 2024 9:00 pm – The New York City Council opened its Thursday meeting with an invocation praising Allah, recognized in Islam as the supreme deity.

Imam Abdoulazakou Traore of the Darou Salam Islamic Community Inc. led the council in prayer, beginning with an Arabic recitation followed by an English translation that expressed reverence for Allah as the “Lord of the world” and sought guidance for the city’s lawmakers.

The New York City Community Affairs Bureau estimates the Muslim population in the city to be between 800,000 and 1,000,000, with other sources citing numbers as high as 1.4 million. This demographic makes New York home to the largest Muslim population in the country, according to WiseVoter.

During his invocation, Imam Traore began by reciting Al-Fatiha, the opening chapter of the Quran, which is known to be one of the most significant Surahs (chapters) recited in daily prayers by Muslims around the world.

English Translation:

“In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the world, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgment. It is You we worship, and upon You we call for help. Guide us to the straight path, the path of those You have blessed, not those against whom there is anger, nor of those who are misguided.”



Trump Demands an End to Funding for National Public Radio After Report Reveals Their Political Bias: ‘A TOTAL SCAM!’   By Mike Lachance

Apr. 12, 2024 10:00 pm – Earlier this week, an editor for National Public Radio went on the record exposing the extreme political bias of the taxpayer funded network.

He claimed that after the 2016 election, that the outlet went full-activist and did whatever they could to damage Trump and his presidency. They obviously pushed the Russia collusion hoax and refused to report on the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Someone must have shared the story with Trump, because he is now calling for an end to public funding for National Public Radio.

Breitbart News reports:

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.