Daily Shmutz | NEWS  | 5/16/24



Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal DC Training for Noncitizen Voting   Tom Fitton

MAY 13, 2024 – (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it received 13-pages of records in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from the District of Columbia, explaining to illegal aliens and other noncitizens how they can register to vote in local elections.

 The records came in response to an April 12, 2024, FOIA request for:

  1. Materials presented and/or provided at the training;
  2. Communications advertising/promoting the training; and
  3. Materials provided to participants/attendees after the training.

 On April 10, 2024, DC held a training event titled ”Non-Citizen Voting Education Virtual Training” in which DC announced noncitizen voting would begin in 2024.

 The PowerPoint presentation explains:

Non-US citizen residents of the District of Columbia can vote in local elections under the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2022. Non-US citizen residents can vote in District elections for the offices of Mayor, Attorney General, Chairman or member(s) of the DC Council, member(s) of the State [sic] Board of Education, or Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner(s) Non-US citizen residents cannot vote for Federal Offices

To register to vote in the District of Columbia as a non-citizen, you must: Be at least 17 years old and 18 years old by the next General Election; Maintain residency in the District of Columbia for at least 30 days prior to the election in which you intend to vote; Not claim voting residence or the right to vote in any state, territory, or country; Not been found by a court to be legally incompetent to vote.


You must provide proof of your address in the District of Columbia at an Early Vote Center prior to Election Day or at the polling place assigned to your address on Election Day.

In 2023 the DC Council amended the District of Columbia Election Code of 1955 to expand the definition of the term qualified elector to include otherwise eligible noncitizen residents, including illegal aliens.

DC’s law went a step further than those jurisdictions, though, by extending the franchise to undocumented immigrants.

The District’s action was opposed by congressional Republicans but they failed to overturn the measure.

“Illegal aliens and noncitizens should not vote in any elections,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “That Congress allows the votes of citizens to be legally stolen by illegal aliens in our nation’s capital is inexcusable.”

According to federal law, only U.S. citizens can vote in federal elections, but a growing number of state and local elections allow noncitizens to vote, among them San Francisco and Oakland, California, along with some cities in Maryland and Vermont. In February, a state appeals court ruled a similar New York City law violates the state constitution.

[‘Ed.’ :  Woe unto them who call something illegal, legal!]


Lecturing Biden Official Destroys US Relations with Niger – Now US Troops are Stuck in Country, Biden Is Abandoning its $100 Million Airbase, and Russian Forces Have Moved In   By Jim Hoft

May 16, 2024 8:00 am – Another Biden foreign policy catastrophe.

Molly Phee, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, did a bang up job in Niger. Now US forces are being told to leave the country pivotal to US national defense.

Nigerien Prime Minister Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine recently spoke to reporters and blamed US State Department official Molly Phee of threatening the current leaders while negotiating US military presence in the country.

The Nigerian leader blamed Phee for the complete breakdown in relations. Zeine described his reaction to Molly Phee when she came to lecture the Nigerien leaders in March, “You have come here to threaten us in our country. That is unacceptable. And you have come here to tell us with whom we can have relationships, which is also unacceptable. And you have done it all with a condescending tone and a lack of respect.

In April we learned about Joe Biden’s most recent foreign policy disaster in Niger, Africa. US troops are trapped in the country allegedly without water and medicine at the time. The Army was likely hiding this to protect itself from the embarrassment. Deployed Americans were in limbo and unable to do their jobs and the Biden State Department was completely outmaneuvered once again.

Thanks to brilliant negotiating skills by Biden appointed diplomats US military will leave Niger and leave behind a $100 million airbase to the current anti-American rulers.  [Emphasis added]

[Ed.:  It is tragic to watch Obama direct his ‘Administration’ to destroy America (read: “fundamentally transform America”) with every new day, with impunity.]


Peru’s Government Officially Classifies Trans, Nonbinary, and Intersex as ‘Mentally Ill’ People   By Jim Hft

May 15, 2024 1:30 pm – The Peruvian government has taken a firm stand on the issue of gender identity. A new decree, signed by President Dina Boluarte, has officially classified transsexualism, nonbinary, and intersex conditions as “mental illnesses.”

Supreme Decree No. 009-2024-SA specifies “transsexualism” and “gender identity disorder in children” as mental health conditions, The Telegraph reported.

It further includes “dual-role transvestism, fetishist transvestism, egodystonic sexual orientation, and other gender identity disorders” in the same category. This groundbreaking decision by the Peruvian health ministry is seen by many as a bold affirmation of biological truths and a commitment to providing appropriate mental health care.

In defense of this action, the ministry asserts that this classification will “guarantee full coverage of medical attention for mental health.”

By amending the Essential Health Insurance Plan (PEAS), they aim to align medical treatment with the newly established view that such gender identity conditions fall within the domain of mental health disorders.

This policy has been met with applause from conservative factions who commend the government for taking a stand against what they perceive as a global trend of blurring biological realities.

In the U.S., former State Representative Vernon Jone tweeted earlier this year, “CNN goes dark when cold blooded killers of straight men, women and children are from the LGBTQ community. They actually go to extreme lengths to cover it up.”

[Ed.: ‘Mentally Ill’ People. That’s putting it diplomatically.  How about calling them crazy dangerous sociopaths.  “Mentally Ill’ describes it, though.  They are already a global political movement stealing children’s souls for Moloch.  Gender dysphoric, dangerous assholes.]

                                                                                                                                                                     Peruvian pervert who went to grade school one fine morning


BREAKING: Barge Collides with Galveston Bridge, Causing Partial Collapse and Oil Spill  (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

May 15, 2024 1:00 pm – A barge collided with the Pelican Island Bridge in Galveston, Texas on Wednesday morning.

The collision resulted in a partial collapse and oil spill.

No injuries have been reported so far.

It is unclear what caused the collision.

Fox 26 Houston reported:

The Pelican Island Bridge is shut down to traffic after it was struck by a barge on Wednesday morning, officials say.

The bridge connects Pelican Island to Galveston, and Pelican Island is currently inaccessible by vehicle.

Galveston officials say there were no reports of injuries in the collision that occurred around 10 a.m.

SkyFOX video from the scene shows that debris from the bridge, including a section of the railroad tracks, fell onto the barge.

Galveston officials say the collision resulted in an oil spill in the bay. The U.S. Coast Guard is responding to determine the extent of the spill and initiate the containment and cleanup process.

Live shot of the Pelican Island Bridge:

[Ed.:  These barge crashes are becoming all the rage lately!]


BREAKING: Pro-Trump Conservative Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico Shot in Public – Stood Up Against Ukraine War and WHO Global Pandemic Accord   By Jim Hoft

Conservative-Populist Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot today and wounded at a government meeting.

May 15, 2024 9:00 am – According to reports Prime Minister Fico is alive and in a helicopter on his way to a hospital in Bratislava.

There is video of Robert Fico being dragged to this car after he was shot.

The Gateway Pundit heard from our close friend in Europe who is a friend of Fico who tells us Fico is wounded but expected to live. He is in the hospital.

After Fico was appointed Prime Minister of Slovakia he immediately ended military aid to Ukraine.

Robert Fico is also a staunch supporter of President Donald Trump.

Slovakian Tasr News reported:

Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) was shot and injured after an away-from-home government meeting in Handlova (Trencin region), according to information confirmed by Parliamentary Vice-Chair Lubos Blaha (Smer-SD), who suspended the House session.
According to a TASR reporter, several shots were fired at the scene and the assailant was detained. The area in front of the Culture House in Handlova, where the government meeting was held, is currently evacuated.


Turncoat Mike Pence Demands Taxpayers Bail Out His Embarrassing Presidential Campaign, Has Over $1.3 Million in Unpaid Debts   By Ben Kew

                                                                                                                                          Pence without tuppence

May 15, 2024 9:45 am – The disgraced former Vice President Mike Pence has sought public funding to help bail out his embarrassing presidential campaign.

According to a report from The New York Times, Pence sought public funds last December after realizing that his campaign could no longer meet its obligations.

The report states:

Former Vice President Mike Pence sought public financing for his failed presidential primary campaign, a highly unusual move that if successful would make him the first Republican in more than a decade to receive such funds, according to Federal Election Commission documents that have not previously been disclosed.

Starting in the post-Watergate era, the federal government has allowed presidential candidates to apply for and receive public dollars. But the program has become all but obsolete as it imposes strict spending limits on anyone who participates, at a time when the cost of nationwide campaigning has skyrocketed. Even applying for the money is generally seen as a sign of desperation because the limits of the program are so onerous.

The Times also found that Pence’s campaign has well over a million dollars in unpaid debts:

Mr. Pence’s campaign committee had more than $1.3 million in unpaid debts as of the end of March, federal records show. Qualifying for public funds now would presumably help him pay down those bills.

A spokesman for Mr. Pence did not immediately respond to a request for comment. It was not clear why Mr. Pence’s request for public funds last fall had not yet been acted upon. On Tuesday, the Federal Election Commission posted an eligibility report from its audit division of the request, as well as a memorandum from its general counsel’s office about the matter. A discussion is on the agenda for a commission meeting on Thursday.

Despite raising over $5 million from an array of establishment and anti-Trump donors, Pence’s campaign was a catastrophic failure that underlined his status as a pariah among the conservative grassroots.

After launching his campaign on an explicitly anti-Trump platform, Pence actively boasted about how he had fufilled his constitutional duty by certifying the 2020 presidential election results despite massive evidence of widespread voter fraud.

However, things did not go to plan and he pulled out the race just four months after announcing his campaign when it became clear he did not even qualify for the Republican primary debates.

Since then, Pence has refused to support Donald Trump’s return to the White House, providing a defacto endorsement for more years of Joe Biden.


New Biden Rule Aims To Entrench The Deep State Forever   BY: JACOB SAGERT AND JAMES SHERK

The Biden administration’s rule seems designed to ensure the deep state will remain unaccountable to the president — and the American people.

MAY 14, 2024 – If you think firing poorly performing federal employees is too hard, you are not alone. Most federal employees agree. Now President Biden has made this problem worse. New regulations will make dismissals of poor-performing and subversive employees even more difficult. The rule reinforces removal restrictions and prohibits the reclassification of federal bureaucrats. This broad regulatory change was built specifically to block the reinstatement of Trump-era reforms. The deep state will soon become even less accountable.

The federal employee dismissal process is broken. Agencies take six months to a year to remove poor performers, followed by lengthy appeals that often result in reinstatement with back pay. If the employee wins, agencies must typically cover their attorney fees — at rates of $400 to $1,000 per hour. This makes removing employees for even the worst offenses expensive and uncertain.

For example, the Department of Justice suspended two prosecutors who withheld exculpatory evidence from a U.S. senator’s defense team. The federal judge overseeing the case said he had “never seen such mishandling or misconduct.” Nonetheless, the prosecutors appealed and got the suspensions overturned on a technicality. The government restored two months of back wages and paid out $643,000 in attorney fees.

This dysfunction is all too common. Removing problematic employees is difficult in every federal agency. Just one-half of 1 percent of tenured federal employees were fired in 2023 for poor performance or misconduct.

Surveys show that federal employees themselves object to this system. Half report chronic poor performance in their unit, and most don’t believe their agency effectively addresses poor performers. Fewer than half of federal career supervisors feel confident they could dismiss an employee for serious misconduct. Just a quarter believe they could remove a poor performer. Federal employees recognize the system is broken.


Pro-Israel Group Assaults Anti-War Protestors in UCLA, Police Arrives Late

At the University of California, Los Angeles, a group of masked supporters of Israel attacked students who supported Palestine before police were sent to the scene.

Governor Gavin Newsom’s spokeswoman called the police’s slow and restricted response “unacceptable.”

More than two hours of violence they ensued on Wednesday morning, prompting hundreds of police to flood the campus.


Iranian Lawmaker Claims Tehran Now Equipped with Nuclear Bombs   By Jim Hft

May 12, 2024 9:45 pm – Iranian lawmaker Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani claimed on Friday that Iran possesses nuclear weapons, despite the country’s formal policy under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). This statement came shortly after the UN’s atomic watchdog highlighted Iran’s capacity to produce multiple nuclear bombs, Fox News reported.

Speaking to Rouydad 24, a local media outlet, Ardestani contradicted the official line that Iran adheres to the JCPOA, which aims to prevent the nation from developing nuclear arms in exchange for economic sanctions relief.

“In my opinion, we have achieved nuclear weapons, but we do not announce it. It means our policy is to possess nuclear bombs, but our declared policy is currently within the framework of the JCPOA,” Ardestani said.

This controversial declaration follows a warning by Rafael Grossi, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, who recently stated that Iran has enriched enough uranium for several nuclear bombs.

The international community, particularly the United States and Israel, has expressed grave concerns over Iran’s nuclear ambitions, with the U.S. withdrawing from the JCPOA in 2018 under President Donald Trump’s administration.

Conservative media exploded after it was revealed Barack Obama’s former Secretary of State, John Kerry, has been secretly meeting with Iranian officials to salvage Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

Fox News reported:

Ardestani, who was re-elected to Iran’s quasi-parliament in March, added, “The reason is that when countries want to confront others, their capabilities must be compatible, and Iran’s compatibility with America and Israel means that Iran must have nuclear weapons,”

The Iranian parliament member noted, “In a climate where Russia has attacked Ukraine and Israel has attacked Gaza, and Iran is a staunch supporter of the Resistance Front, it is natural for the containment system to require that Iran possess nuclear bombs. However, whether Iran declares it is another matter.” Fox News Digital sent press queries to Iran’s Foreign Ministry in Tehran and its U.N. mission in New York.

Experts on Iran’s illegal nuclear weapons program warned about the seemingly speculative comments made by Ardestani. Jason Brodsky, the policy director of the U.S.-brd United Against a Nuclear Iran, told Fox News Digital that “Ardestani is only a member of parliament, and he’s not in the inner core of the regime’s nuclear decision-making circle, so while his comments are interesting, I think they have to be weighed properly given his access and standing.”

Just two days before Ardestani’s announcement, the president of the Iranian Strategic Council on Foreign Relations, Kamal Kharrazi, told Al-Jazeera Network Qatar, “I announced two years ago, in an interview with Al-Jazeera TV, that Iran had the absorptive capacity and the capability to produce a nuclear bomb. Iran still has that capability, but we have not made the decision to produce a nuclear bomb. However, if the Iranian interests are threatened in this manner, we may change this doctrine. The military officials in Iran have announced that if our nuclear facilities would be attacked, we may change our military doctrine, with regard to the nuclear facilities.” The U.S.-brd Middle East Media Institute (MEMRI) translated and published Kharrazi’s May 8 interview.

Brodsky said, “Kharrazi’s comments are part of an increasingly loud chorus of threats from Iranian officials that they will change Iran’s nuclear doctrine if Israel attacks them. The current advanced state of Iran’s nuclear program provides it with the luxury to make these threats as it hopes to deter Western policymakers from launching pressure campaigns on Tehran.”

Critics of the Biden administration’s Iran policy argue the White House strategy of de-escalation and containment targeting Iran’s atomic program has backfired. Iran’s regime – the world’s worst state-sponsor of international terrorism – is moving at an astonishingly fast pace to secure an operational nuclear weapon.

Read more here.


SOS: Stop the World Health Organization’s Tyrannical May 27 Power Grab   by Robert Williams
May 13, 2024 at 5:00 am – The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations give the WHO Director General the authority to declare not just an actual but a potential international public health emergency and set out binding recommendations on how to address it, whether individual states agree with him or not.

  • Worse, no criticism of the new WHO regime and its decisions to declare potential or actual pandemics, lockdowns and treatment, including vaccines, will be allowed under the amended IHR… In other words, the government lies, obfuscations and cover-ups that so dominated the last pandemic will become normalized, and all criticism outlawed.
  • Already, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (not a medical doctor) has castigated critics of the planned amendments and new Pandemic Treaty as conspiracy theorists who spread “fake news, lies and conspiracy theories.”
  • Since the UN claims that to “owns the science,” it is now brainwashing the public into believing that “climate change” threatens global health. This view makes it likely that you will one day find yourself in a WHO-mandated lockdown to mitigate the effects of the “climate crisis,” along with limits on where you go, how you may get there, what you do, and what you can own.
  • The US is already seeing forerunners of this in the Biden administration’s unconstitutional executive orders, possibly including his attempts to ban internal combustion engine vehicles and gas stoves; mandating dishwashing machines that may need repeated cycles to clean dishes, and new stricter regulations on air conditionerswashing machinesrefrigerators, and even leaf-blowers — and this is only the beginning.
  • The WHO is not elected, has no democratic legitimacy, is not accountable to anyone and has no control mechanisms to restrain its reach. After the horrifying failures of the WHO during Covid-19, the answer is not to give the organization more power, but to disengage from it entirely.
  • The UN and the WHO evidently want unlimited control. If they are not stopped right now by national governments that refuse to approve the new Pandemic Treaty and proposed International Health Regulations amendments, unlimited control is what they will have — and it is we who will have given it to them.


DISGRACE: Pro-Hamas Thugs Raise Palestinian Flag at Daley Plaza in Chicago Higher Than American Flag   (VIDEOS)   By David Greyson

May 12, 2024 8:20 pm – Pro-Hamas agitators throughout the United States are undermining the freedoms and what our American flag stands for.

In Chicago, at Daley Plaza, on Saturday, a group of agitators raised the Palestinian flag above the American flag. Putting any flag above the American flag within our borders is a disgrace and an insult to our nation. More accurately, it is an insurrection.  [Emphasis added]

Blue cities like Chicago not only don’t take a stand against this insanity, they also celebrate it.


The next video shows more Palestinian flags flying on the rails at Daley Plaza.



Biden Administration Admits They Are Withholding Information from Israel on the Location of Hamas Leaders in Hidden Tunnels – Maria Bartiromo Goes Off!    (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

May 12, 2024 10:30 am – Senator Mike Lee joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

During their discussion Maria Bartiromo brought up Joe Biden’s latest moves against Israel.

Maria Bartiromo: Senator, let me just look at this one story. I’ve got to get your take from the Washington Post. The Washington Post apparently got this leak from, I assume, the Biden administration, but it says that the administration is working urgently to stave off a full-scale Israeli invasion of Raafa, and they claim that they will give Israel valuable… quote, unquote, “Valuable assistance, if it holds back, including the US will share sensitive intelligence to Israel to help the Israeli military pinpoint the location of the Hamas leaders to find them in hidden tunnels.”

In other words, the Washington Post is writing that the United States will share information about where the terrorists are with Israel if they don’t go into Ra’afa. Are you kidding me? In other words, the US knows where the terrorists are. They’re not going to share the information with Israel unless Israel to go into Rafa. This story is outrageous in the Washington Post.

This comes after Joe Biden announced last week that he was holding military aid from Israel.

Now Joe Biden is withholding from Israel valuable information on the location of Hamas leaders in the terror group’s hidden tunnels.

Again, Hamas is still holding over 130 Jewish hostages including Americans.

Maria Bartiromo erupted on Biden’s latest actions against US ally Israel.

[Ed.:  At least Tucker Carlson must be pleased about it…]


KARI LAKE Drops a BOMB on Sunday Morning Futures – Exposes How Democrats Are ALREADY Stealing Votes in the 2024 Election  (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

May 12, 2024 2:20 pm – Popular Arizona Senate Candidate Kari Lake joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

During their discussion, Kari described how Joe Biden’s open border crisis is endangering every American. Kari pointed out that border ranchers are seeing 8-9 illegal alien “gotaways” every day on their land. These same ranchers saw 8-9 “gotaways” a year when Trump was in office!

Kari Lake then pivoted and described how Democrats are already stealing votes in the 2024 election.

Maria Bartiromo: As we report all the time, hundreds of people were already apprehended who were on the terrorist watchlist. Do you believe one of the motivations here is to get illegals, foreigners, to vote for the Democrats?

Kari Lake: Oh, absolutely. A 1,000%! Otherwise, they would be working hard to get the Save Act through, which will prevent that. Instead, in every state around the country, you’re seeing Democrats fight tooth and nail any piece of legislation which will prevent illegals from voting, which will solidify and codify that already existent law.

What they want, Maria, we’re not going to see all these people pouring across the border showing up at polling placesWhat they What they want is to have a line in the voters’ rolls so that somebody can vote for that person. That’s why they’re asking them to register to vote when they get set up for Medicare and Medicaid, because they’re giving them all of these services. They’re asking them to sign up to vote. Then they have a line in the voter roll, and somebody will vote under that name.

Kari is exactly right. Democrats are signing up illegals at the border – sharing their registrations with leftist groups – and these groups are ready to make sure someone votes for them in 2024.

This is totally illegal and will likely destroy this country. But it is effective and Democrats lust for power above all else.

[Ed.:  The election is already a wash.  We have no vote. But we do have illusions of an election system.]


The People Setting America on Fire   BY  PARK MACDOUGALD

An investigation into the witches’ brew of billionaires, Islamists, and leftists behind the campus protests

MAY 06, 2024 Tablet Magazine – Over the past several weeks, Americans have witnessed what has seemed like a mass outpouring of support for terror on elite college campuses. At Columbia, Yale, Princeton, NYU, UCLA, Northwestern, Texas, and elsewhere, masked mobs have occupied schools with tent encampments, established self-proclaimed “autonomous zones,” clashed with police, harassed and threatened visibly Jewish students, and issued demands for their universities to divest from Israeli “genocide.” Politically, moreover, the protests have displayed an incoherent mix of campus progressivism, hardcore Islamism and Arab nationalism, and revolutionary anarchism and communism, including open praise for North Korea. The only unifying thread would appear to be opposition to Israel and its alleged imperial patron, the United States.

Have America’s college students suddenly converted en masse to anarcho-communist-jihadism? Not quite. Many are far left and anti-Israel. Some are foreigners, or the children of foreigners, who have imported the conspiracies and hatreds of their homelands. More, admitted under relaxed pandemic-era admissions standards and proudly ignorant of both American and world history, are taking the “decolonial” half-knowledge pushed by their elders to its logical conclusion.

But students are not the only, and perhaps not even the most important, faction active in the campus protests. As in the “mostly peaceful” Black Lives Matter protests of the summer of 2020, “outside agitators”—professional radicals and organizers, black bloc antifa thugs, Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries, and Palestinian and Islamist radicals—have played a central role in organizing and escalating the campus protests, just as they have organized and escalated the wider anti-Israel protest campaign that began almost immediately after Oct. 7. This largely decentralized network of agitators is, in turn, politically and financially supported by a vast web of progressive nonprofits, NGOs, foundations, and dark-money groups ultimately backed by big-money donors aligned with the Democratic Party.


ANOTHER ONE: Boeing 737 Crashes During Takeoff in Senegal, Injuring 10 with Four in Serious Condition   By Jim Hft

May 10, 2024 4:40 pm – Another one.

A Boeing 737-300 aircraft suffered a significant accident during an attempted takeoff at Senegal’s Blaise Diagne International Airport early Thursday, causing serious injuries.

Air Senegal flight HC301, operated by Transair, failed to ascend and “overran the runway” around 1:14 a.m., according to a statement released by Senegal’s Ministry of Infrastructure, Land and Air Transport. The flight had been bound for Bamako, Mali, per BBC.

Of the 78 people on board, which included two pilots and four cabin crew members, eleven suffered injuries, the Senegalese military reported. Four of these passengers are in serious condition.

Videos circulating online show the aircraft with serial number 6V-AJE lying on a grassy bank, with visible damage to its left engine.


[Ed.:  Pretty soon they will inevitably run out of duct tape!!  Then what will they do!  How can they run an airline without duct tape??]


The Gaza Pier Situation is Tenuous and a Possible Set Up for Beirut Barracks 2.0   By John Mills

May 10, 2024 8:20 pm – As the American domestic scene is distracted by the sudden appearance of the Palestinian “protesters” (née Antifers, née violent Transgenders, née Trust Fund malcontents), the Gaza Pier building exercise has been out of the spotlight.  The real question should be, after at least 15 years of about a $1 Billion Dollars of year of funding donated directly to the UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) – why has a modern port not already been made in Gaza?  For some reason $1 Billion Dollars a year was not enough to at least have a simple seaport and pier.

The Biden Team made a policy decision to generate and deploy U.S. Army and U.S. Navy resources to create such a pier.  The whole endeavor was announced simultaneously with the release of the Fiscal Year 2025 budget submission to Congress which eliminated more aircraft and ships than were lost at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.  Every line item of resources relevant to the Gaza Pier building went downward, which meant for every floating modular causeway section used, there were no replacements bought, and the likelihood of these sections being recovered and re-used is low.  The pier building project was just completed and has now received its first hostile fire from Hamas.

Where is the mini-Iron Dome to cover the pier and American military?

The on-going operation to marshal the American flotilla, unload and build the floating modular causeway system (72 feet by 270 feet long), excavate and dump backfill to create the earthen pier to connect with the floating section has now received fire from terrorist elements.  On April 24, the site of the pier building exercise came under fire and received two incoming mortar rounds.  No injuries were reported, and assembly and construction continued.  The Biden Team has insisted that no American Boots will be placed on the ground.  It is hard to believe that during JLOTS (Joint Logistics Over The Shore) Operations no U.S. Military personnel will step onto the beach, which defies the meaning of the JLOTS acronym.  There seems to be some creative wordsmithing going on.


HAARP or Solar Storm? Public Speculates Northern Lights Were “Man-Made” Following Experiment on Earth’s Upper Atmosphere Last May 8-10   By Jim Hft

May 11, 2024 9:00 pm – The United States and parts of Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand witnessed vibrant auroras lighting up the night sky on Friday night.

This rare phenomenon was prompted by an extreme G5 geomagnetic storm, the most intense solar event to impact Earth in nearly two decades.

NOAA issued a storm watch earlier in the week after detecting multiple earth-directed coronal mass ejections (CMEs). These CMEs were anticipated to hit by midday Friday, May 10, 2024, with the possibility of lingering effects until Sunday.

The agency warned of potential “widespread voltage control problems and protective system problems,” noting that “some grid systems may experience complete collapse or blackouts, transformers may experience damage,” and disruptions to radio and satellite navigation were likely.

As awe-inspiring images of the auroras flooded platforms like X, with sightings reported as far south as Texas, an alternative theory gained traction. Some members of the public questioned whether the event was natural or the result of human intervention, specifically pointing to the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP).

HAARP, a research initiative aimed at studying the ionosphere—located roughly 50 to 400 miles above Earth’s surface—is capable of creating artificial auroras.

The program uses high-frequency radio wave transmitters to excite electrons in the ionosphere, mimicking the natural aurora borealis effect.

According to University of Alaska Fairbanks website, “HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at understanding the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, which forms the boundary between Earth’s lower atmosphere and the vacuum of space.”

[Ed.:  We were ‘played’ like a HAARP! They played the HAARP in Maui, too!]


Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Slams Washington, DC: ‘It is a Hideous Place as Far as I’m Concerned’   By Mike Lachance

May 11, 2024 10:00 pm – Conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas slammed life in Washington, DC while attending a recent judicial conference.

He described DC as a ‘hideous place’ and explained that this is part of the reason that he and his wife like to go on RV trips.

It’s hardly surprising that Thomas feels this way when you consider what he has been put through over the years by Democrats and the beltway media.

RedState reported:

Clarence Thomas Unleashed: Calls DC a ‘Hideous Place’ Where ‘People Pride Themselves in Being Awful’

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is often viewed as a cipher, considering that for years he sat silent on the bench and for a decade didn’t ask a single question during proceedings. He’s been more vocal in recent times, however, and on Friday at a conference of the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit in Point Clear, Alabama, he was anything but quiet.

Political operatives in the nation’s capital are simply “awful,” he told the audience:

Thomas… described Washington as a place where “people pride themselves in being awful.”

“It is a hideous place as far as I’m concerned,” Thomas said.

“It’s one of the reasons we like RVing,” he added. “You get to be around regular people who don’t pride themselves in doing harmful things merely because they have the capacity to do it or because they disagree.”

Thomas should know—he was at the center of the Anita Hill fiasco—overseen by then-Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Joe Biden—where he was subjected to evidence-free, humiliating claims of sexual harassment during his SCOTUS confirmation hearings in 1991.

This classic clip helps to explain why the left has been so nasty to Thomas over the years. He does not change his views with the winds of public opinion. He believes right is right no matter what. 

Nothing triggers the left like a black man who is a conservative.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.