Daily Shmutz | NEWS  | 5/2/24



Pro-Hamas Agitator Using Garbage Can as Shield Charges Awkwardly at Police and Gets a Rude Awakening During Protest at Portland State University   (VIDEO)    By Cullen Linebarger

May. 2, 2024 6:40 pm – A video has emerged showing the moment a pro-Hamas agitator got more than he bargained for after attempting an awkward charge toward police officers during a protest at Portland State University.

As Fox News reported, protesters took over the student library (Millar Library) in downtown Portland on Monday and have stayed there since. Only now has the city finally started to take action to end the madness.

On Thursday, local Portland TV station KPTV captured footage of a small group of protesters carrying makeshift shields made out of trash cans streaming out of the library as the crowd cheered them on.

A police officer quickly warns the protesters that they will be placed under arrest. One agitator fails to heed the warning and is quickly overpowered by a cop and knocked to the ground.

After getting up, the protester is promptly apprehended by the police and dragged along the ground.


Ed.:  Tee-hee! They’ll be using garbage cans a lot in thier woke future.  Off to a bad start. Did Soros provide those garbage cans?]


Stanford University Officials Submit Photo to FBI of Anti-Israel Campus Protester Wearing Hamas-Like Headband   By Margaret Flavin

May. 2, 2024 8:00 pm – Many have warned that the protests on college campuses have nefarious elements behind the scenes pushing their radical agenda.

Like many colleges in the country, Stanford University has been battling anti-Israel protests, including an encampment in the White Plaza area of its campus.

Officials expressed concern over a picture of a protestor on Stanford’s campus wearing a green headband, similar to what is worn by Hamas terrorists.

The image began circulating this week, prompting the University to forward the photo to the FBI.

The New York Post reports:

A photo of someone at the encampment wearing a green headband, a face covering and glasses eventually came to the attention of school administrators.

“We have received many expressions of concern about a photo circulating on social media of an individual on White Plaza who appeared to be wearing a green headband similar to those worn by members of Hamas,” the school said in a Wednesday statement. “We find this deeply disturbing, as Hamas is designated a terrorist organization by the United States government. We have not been able to identify the individual but have forwarded the photo to the FBI.”

Leaders have raised the alarm on who is lurking in the shadows of these protests, including New York City Mayor Eric Adams.

Adams has alleged that protests at Columbia University and City College of New York (CCNY) were infiltrated by “outside agitators” affiliated with “terrorist groups.”

In an interview with Vladimir Duthiers on CBS Morning, Adams detailed the city’s response to the chaotic scenes that unfolded at both institutions, where nearly 300 individuals were arrested Tuesday night.

“These were not spontaneous student movements but calculated disruptions by professional agitators,” Adams explained, noting that a significant portion of those arrested had no affiliations with either university.

Those cheering on the anti-Israel protests include Hamas leaders and Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Western governments say the Resistance Front is terrorism. This comes at a time when people flew Hezbollah’s flag in a street in the US. The people of the world are supporting the Resistance Front because they are resisting & because they are against oppression. pic.twitter.com/8nvRDlh8nw

[Ed.:  Pssst:  It’s not a “Hamas-like” headband.  It is a HAMAS headband.  Pssst again:  It’s not “pro-palestinian protests”. The freaking “palestinians” have nothing to do with it! It’s pro-Hamas.  Words have meaning.]


Trump Takes the Gloves Off, Files Unsealed Motion to Dismiss Jack Smith’s Classified Docs Case For “Vindictive and Selective Prosecution” – AND SLAMS HILLARY CLINTON!   By Cristina Laila

May. 2, 2024 7:45 pm – President Trump filed an unsealed motion to dismiss Jack Smith’s classified documents case for vindictive and selective prosecution.

The motion was originally filed under seal in February. Judge Cannon authorized Trump to file an unsealed version of the motion to dismiss Jack Smith’s case.

Trump’s legal team in February filed several motions to dismiss Jack Smith’s classified documents case.

Judge Cannon previously denied Trump’s motion to dismiss the classified docs case on ‘unconstitutional vagueness’ of the Espionage Act, however, a third motion based on selective prosecution is still pending.

In his unsealed motion to dismiss, Trump highlighted how others such as James Comey, Joe Biden, Mike Pence, and Bill and Hillary Clinton all illegally possessed classified dosident Trump’s lawyers argued that former President Bill Clinton stored classified tapes in his sock drawer yet he was never prosecuted.

Mike Pence disclosed to NARA that “a small number of documents bearing classified markings” were stored at his home in Indiana, yet he was never prosecuted.

Trump also slammed Hillary Clinton.

“Hillary Clinton and her colleagues deleted 31,830 emails and destroyed data on numerous electronic devices, including after a congressional preservation order,” Trump’s attorney Todd Blanche wrote referring to Hillary’s criminal email deletion and use of BleachBit to destroy emails under subpoena. Hillary also took a hammer to her BlackBerrys.

“None of these individuals faced a charge under the Espionage Act or was prosecuted for obstruction,” Blanche wrote in the 178-page motion to dismiss for vindictive and selective prosecution.

Cannon did hammer the double standard and selective prosecution of the Espionage Act.

“Arbitrary enforcement..is featuring in this case,” Cannon said.

Stay tuned for Judge Cannon’s decision on Trump’s pending motion to dismiss!

[Ed.:  One pissed off American.]


IT’S SPREADING! HUNDREDS OF STUDENTS at Ole Miss Gather Around Pro-Hamas Encampment and Sing the National Anthem – Chant “We Want Trump!”  (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

May. 2, 2024 5:00 pm – On Wednesday morning,  The Gateway Pundit reported on the heroic University of North Carolina fraternity brothers who protected a fallen American flag from a pro-Hamas mob despite a violent onslaught from the radicals.

The melee started after police confirmed approximately 30 anti-Israel demonstrators were detained for refusing to leave an encampment erected on campus, and Students for Justice in Palestine organized a walkout in protest.
According to KVIA News, during the walkout, protesters tore down barricades and took down the American flag situated on the quad, and a Palestinian flag was raised in its place.

The American flag was flying at half-mast to honor the police officers tragically killed in Charlotte earlier this week.

Chancellor Roberts personally returned with police to replace the American flag while protestors threw bottles, rocks, and water at them and yelled obscenities.

In a rare show of leadership from a college administrator, Roberts faced down shrieking protesters saying, “This university doesn’t belong to a small group of protestors. It belongs to every citizen of North Carolina.”

When the protestors attempted to remove the flag again, the fraternity brothers stepped up to protect it while they sang the National Anthem.

They made sure the flag never touched the ground despite the barrage of objects thrown at them and the violent rhetoric shouted at them by the unhinged activists.

UNC student Guillermo Estrada shared what happened.

Now, it’s spreading!

Thursday afternoon at Ole Miss, HUNDREDS of male students gathered at the Pro-Hamas camp and began singing the National Anthem.


Free Palestine activists just tried to pull off a protest on the Ole Miss campus. It didn’t go according to plan. pic.twitter.com/Lj3szEyzRe

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) May 2, 2024

“>End Wokeness.

There were HUNDREDS of young men surrounding the encampment.

Gotta love the “I hate terrorists” T-shirt.

The Ole Miss protesters chanted, “We Want Trump!”


Biden’s latest brilliant idea: Inundate the U.S. with Hamas-supporting Arabs from Gaza   CHERIE ZASLAWSKY

MAY 02, 2024 – Good news for the Jew-hating, Soros-funded, Hamas supporters wreaking havoc on the campuses of prestigious universities all over our country: Biden’s planning to bring in the real thing: actual Jew-hating, Christian-hating, America-hating, Hamas-supporting “refugees” from…wait for it…Gaza!

You know, the terrorist-prone “Palestinians” no Arab country wants within their borders because they’ve proven so dangerous—those “refugees.”

As CBS reports: “White House considers welcoming some Palestinians from Gaza as refugees.” Nice trick to say “some,” as if they mean maybe five or six…

Leave it to Obama, I mean Biden—OK, I was right the first time—to fan the flames of antisemitism while endangering all Americans by directly importing would-be terrorists and their supporters.

Gosh, what could possibly go wrong?

Get ready to pay for their housing, healthcare, “resettlement benefits”, etc., because that’s O’Biden’s plan as well, courtesy of Cloward and Piven—Obama’s mentors.

And about these potential refugees—before we ask why they’d want to come to the “Great Satan” in the first place, it might interest people to learn what investigative journalist Daniel Greenfield revealed in an article entitled: “There Are No Innocent Civilians in Gaza”. Well, I’m sure there are some, but as we’ll see from the statistics below, they make up a tiny percentage.

In fact, hundreds of Gazan civilians gleefully participated with Hamas in the raping, torturing, burning alive, beheading and dismembering of Israeli civilians on October 7th. And many took part in the kidnappings as well.

Here are some statistics Greenfield quotes in his article:

98% of the Arab Muslim settlers in the West Bank hate America as do 96.8% of those in Gaza. That’s still better than the UK which is hated by 100% of Arab Muslim colonists in the West Bank and Gaza. They actually hate America and the UK more than Israel which is only at 97.3%.

But don’t feel too bad, Americans, Israelis and Brits, because they hate everyone.

Not a single country, and that includes Iran, gets even a 5% ‘very positive’ rating….

The ‘Palestinians’ have their own dedicated UN agency (UNRWA) and have billions of dollars lavished on them. Their needs are taken care of by the people they hate, America, Israel, Egypt and the UAE, not to mention the UN and the Red Cross, whom they repay by hating them.

And from a JNS article by Akiva van Koningsveld: “Three in four Palestinians support Hamas’ massacre”. And this: Ninety-eight percent of respondents said the Oct. 7 slaughter made them feel “prouder of their identity as Palestinians.”

And here’s a quote from Brigitte Gabriel’s Substack:

The Biden administration’s latest scheme seems like a playbook for national suicide. From flinging open our borders to entertaining the WHO surrender to killing energy independence and now entertaining the idea of welcoming Palestinian “refugees” from Gaza? It’s like they’re throwing a party for America’s demise!

Let’s face the facts: the overwhelming majority of Arab Muslim settlers in the West Bank and Gaza harbor deep-seated animosity towards America. Yet here we are, discussing plans to roll out the welcome mat for them, courtesy of Uncle Sam, courtesy of taxpayers.

Click the link below to see her action plan:

Stop Palestinian Refugees From Entering the United States!


Antisemitism expert: Qatari billions used as soft power to influence campus, culture   Yoni Kempinski

Dr. Charles Asher Small, the founder and director of the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy, tells Arutz Sheva recent rise in antisemitism is a warning of a threat to democracy and Western culture.

May 2, 2024, 8:17 PM (GMT+3) – Dr. Charles Asher Small, the founder and director of the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy, spoke to Arutz Sheva-Israel National News about the recent rise in antisemitic incidents around the world following the Hamas massacre of October 7, 2023.

“We’re not surprised, and we’re shocked at the same time,” Dr. Small said of the outbreak of antisemitic incidents. “The exponential growth, and the speed of it, and how it seems to be growing faster and faster is surprising and troubling.”

He stated that “this is really a crisis. As you know, antisemitism is really an early warning system for deeper societal problems. We see the radical left, the radical right, and political Islam using antisemitism as a core element of their ideology as they attack the democratic center.”

Dr. Small noted the seeming irrationality of the alliance between the radical left and radical Islam, such as when left-wing intellectual Judith Butler defended and supported the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist organizations.

“She’s Jewish, she’s a woman, and she’s a proud gay person. And yet she famously reiterates the fact that Hamas and Hezbollah need to be understood as ‘the progressive left.’ Even after October the 7th, she was saying how the massacre of October the 7th, the pogrom, was ‘jarring,’ but it was a ‘legitimate expression of resistance,'” he said.

“When people behave so irrationally and inhumane, it’s very disturbing,” he said. “I think what we have here is that the red-green alliance is that the radical left and this sort of twisted, nostalgic look at post-colonialism and the need to liberate all those who were once colonized by Europe on the one hand. On the other hand, you have political Islam, radical political Islam like the Muslim Brotherhood, the Iranian Revolutionary regime and its offshoots, Hezbollah, Hamas, ISIS, Al Qaeda, the whole gambit: They perceive any vestiges of Jewish, Christian, or European in the Middle East, in the Islamic lands as a problem.”


Pro-Hamas Protestors: All They Are Saying is Give Jihad a Chance   By Antonio Graceffo

May. 2, 2024 9:30 am – Pro-Palestine protests have broken out on university campuses across the United States. Some have turned violent, while others have resulted in the destruction of public property. Many have laid siege to public buildings, and there have been repeated instances of crowds chanting antisemitic or even genocidal slogans.

The pro-Palestine protesters have been compared to the anti-Vietnam War protestors by their supporters. But other than the fact that they are protesting, the two groups share little similarity. Several fundamental differences are: they are not championing women’s rights or minority rights; they are not protesting for peace, the US is not at war in Gaza; Hamas is a designated terrorist organization. And these kids are not in danger of being drafted.

The hippie protestors in the 1960s were closely aligned with the Civil Rights movement, fighting for women’s rights and minority rights. The pro-Palestine mobs, however, are protesting in favor of a system where women have almost no rights. Additionally, there are 1.9 billion Muslims and only about 16 million Jews. So, they are protesting in support of the majority, not the minority.

Some of the anti-Vietnam protestors felt war was morally wrong, so they wanted peace, as reflected in songs like, “All that we’re saying, is give peace a chance.” Representative Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., mistakenly characterized the pro-Palestine protestors as wanting peace. She said, “Contrary to right-wing attacks, these students are joyfully protesting for peace and an end to the genocide taking place in Gaza.” But this is a misrepresentation. The pro-Palestine protestors do not seem to have a peace agenda. Furthermore, a lot of them are calling for violence against Jews and Israel, shouting “Death to America” and “Death to Israel”.

Even if a few of them use the word “peace,” they aren’t really calling for peace. They just want Israel to stop defending itself.

One of the main reasons that the hippies opposed the Vietnam War was because of the draft. The college students of that era were draft age and stood a good chance of being conscripted and sent to fight in Vietnam. However, the US has not had a draft since 1973. These kids are not in danger of being sent to war.

The connection between the anti-Vietnam War protests in America and the Vietnam War was direct: America was in a war, and the young people wanted America to no longer be in that war. The pro-Palestine protests, on the other hand, seem to have a less logical connection.

Hamas attacked Israel and killed 1,200 civilians. Israel finally had enough and is decimating Gaza. So, liberal college students in the USA shut down their universities, broke the law, threatened people, damaged property, preached antisemitism… The connection is difficult to see.



Oct. 7 terror attack victims file suit against several U.S. groups alleging collaboration with Hamas   By Nicholas Ballasy

The lawsuit “seeks compensatory damages for nine American and Israeli victims of the attack in which Hamas killed 1,200 people and took 240 people hostage, alleges that AMP and NSJP work in the United States as collaborators and propagandists for Hamas.”

May 2, 2024 8:35am – Victims of the Oct. 7, 2023 Hamas terror attack on Israel are filing suit against several U.S. groups that they claim have been collaborating with Hamas and promoting the terrorist organization’s propaganda in the U.S.

According to a news release, Greenberg Traurig, LLP, the National Jewish Advocacy Center, the Schoen Law Firm, and the Holtzman Vogel law firm “filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern Division of Virginia, Alexandria Division, against AJP Educational Foundation Inc. a/k/a American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) and National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP).”

The lawsuit “seeks compensatory damages for nine American and Israeli victims of the attack in which Hamas killed 1,200 people and took 240 people hostage, alleges that AMP and NSJP work in the United States as collaborators and propagandists for Hamas.”

Hamas is currently considered a U.S. designated “Foreign Terrorist Organization.”


Chaos Erupts At UCLA After Pro-Gaza Activists Refuse Entry To Non-Allied Students   [[VIDEOS]   BY TYLER DURDEN

WEDNESDAY, MAY 01, 2024 – 04:35 PM – It’s like the Seattle CHAZ encampment all over again.  Far-left activists have declared the UCLA campus a “liberated zone” and are refusing entry for many students not affiliated with the pro-Gaza protests.  They have erected barriers and placed guards, creating makeshift checkpoints which require a special wrist band in order to gain passage.

In other words, if you aren’t an “ally” then you don’t get to attend classes, or, if you’re lucky you are allowed to take a longer route around the barricades.  Keep in mind, this is not a protected form of protest or free speech, which explains why many college campuses have chosen to have protesters removed by police.  UCLA so far appears to be supporting the activists and has allowed them to take control.

The barricades and the selective barring of certain students has led to predictable anger.  Various groups are now engaging protesters and have triggered what can only be described as an all out brawl.  The use of weapons has been common and firecrackers have even been fired at activist tents.  Whether or not the fighting is between pro-Gaza and pro-Israel groups is not yet clear, and the conflict may simply be a matter of students enraged by the general blockade.  No substantial police presence is visible so far.

Though considerable criticism has been aimed at the police response to similar encampments at universities in other states and no doubt some of those actions will be reviewed in civil courts, there has been very little sympathy from the general public when it comes to woke protesters.  After years of cancel culture and the threat of Antifa and BLM mobs, we are now seeing the same exact people pummeled by law enforcement and kicked out of the tent cities choking college grounds.  Questions of free speech fall by the wayside when activists try to physically block other students from exercising their right to access public property and educational facilities.

A police response to clear UCLA of protesters is widely expected within the next couple of days.

Leftists have a tendency to hijack the causes of other movements as a way to elevate their own agendas, and this is exactly what is happening in the west with the Gaza issue.  It is rather revealing that these protesters aren’t amassing on Joe Biden’s doorstep or the halls of Congress. The people most directly responsible for the funding of Israel for some reason get a pass while US colleges with no power to change anything in the Middle East are overrun.

Is this simply a matter of what is easy?  Or, is there another motive at play?  Is this about speaking out about Gaza, or is it about radicalizing an ever growing mob that can be manipulated by progressive gatekeepers, just as we witnessed with the BLM riots?


“It Was Brutal”: 2nd Boeing-Linked Whistleblower Dies  BY TYLER DURDEN

WEDNESDAY, MAY 01, 2024 – 09:25 PM – A whistleblower at Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems died Tuesday morning following a struggle with a ‘sudden, fast-spreading infection,’ the Seattle Times reports.

45-year-old Joshua Dean, a former mechanical engineer and quality auditor from Wichita, Kansas, alleged that Spirit leadership ignored manufacturing defects on the 737 MAX, including ‘mechanics improperly drilling holes in the aft pressure bulkhead of the MAX.’ When he brought this up with management, he said that nothing was done about it. So he filed a safety complaint with the FAA – and said that Spirit had used him as a scapegoat while they lied to the agency about the defects.

“After I was fired, Spirit AeroSystems [initially] did nothing to inform the FAA, and the public” regarding the bulkhead defects, said Dean in his complaint.

In November, the FAA suggested to Dean in a letter that his claims had merit, writing “The investigation determined that your allegations were appropriately addressed under an FAA-approved safety program,” adding “However, due to the privacy provisions of those programs, specific details cannot be released.”

Dean also gave a deposition in a Spirit shareholder lawsuit.

The shareholder lawsuit alleging that Spirit management withheld information on the quality flaws and harmed stockholders was filed in December. Supporting the suit, Dean provided a deposition detailing his allegations.

After a panel blew off a Boeing 737 MAX plane in January, bringing new attention to the quality lapses at Spirit, one of Dean’s former Spirit colleagues confirmed some of Dean’s allegations. -Seattle Times

He had been in good health, and ‘was noted for having a healthy lifestyle,’ according to the report.

He had been in critical condition for two weeks, according to his aunt Carol Parsons, who said he became ill and went to the hospital due to breathing difficulties. He was intubated, after which he developed pneumonia and then MRSA, a serious bacterial infection.



The ‘Palestinian State’: Hamas Plays Westerners for Fools – Again   by Bassam Tawil
May 2, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • [T]he Iran-backed Hamas terror group is again trying to dupe gullible Westerners, including the Biden administration and the European Union, into believing that it has accepted the “two-state solution.”
  • The Hamas official would not have dared to utter similar nonsense to an Arab media outlet. He knows that here his lies are directed at English-speaking audiences, who tend to swallow whole the baloney spouted by Israel’s enemies.
  • The Hamas official wants everyone to believe that his group is ready to stop killing Jews for a period of five years “or more” if it gets the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem. He just forgot to mention that there was an official truce between Israel and Hamas until October 7, when the terror group Hamas initiated the current war.
  • The Hamas official also forgot to mention that Hamas has repeatedly violated several truces and ceasefire agreements reached with Israel over the past 17 years. The truces and ceasefires were always used by Hamas to regroup and rearm in preparation for the next round of attacking Israel.
  • Hamas will never abandon its weapons or dismantle its armed group, especially after the establishment of a Palestinian state
  • The mere talk about a Palestinian state these days is regarded as a reward for Hamas’s genocidal assault on Israel. It sends the message to Hamas that after you murdered so many Jews, the international community will reward you by giving you a state. It reaffirms that terrorism works. Where do we sign up?
  • The secret that the AP and the US administration do not want you to know is that Hamas does not actually want the Gaza Strip or the West Bank or east Jerusalem. Hamas wants to eliminate Israel and replace it with an Iran-backed Islamist terror state.
  • If Hamas and the Palestinian Authority are given a state next to Israel, they will absolutely continue to pursue their goal of killing Jews and obliterating Israel. Hamas official Ghazi Hamad has clearly said that the terror group will repeat the October 7 attack, time and again, until Israel is annihilated.
  • Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal has repeatedly clarified that his group’s acceptance of a Palestinian state does not mean that it will abandon its goal of destroying Israel.
  • “The lines below are for the next person who comes to me with ‘Hamas agreed to two state solution.’ It DID NOT! Hamas outlines this scenario fully in its Charter as amended in 2017…. Hamas will likely then stock as much rockets and drones possible for the next round of war to destroy Israel…. Prophet Muhammad is said to have entered into a 10-year truce with the infidels. He conquered them a few years into the truce. Hamas imagines a similar scenario with Israel.” — Hussain Abdul-Hussain, X, April 25, 2024.
  • Hamas is well aware of the credulity of the international community. It knows that it can engage in all forms of propaganda and win friends in the West. It also knows that the best vehicle to advance its goal of killing Jews and destroying Israel is a “two-state solution.”


Inside Columbia’s ‘vandalized’ Hamilton Hall, where pro-terror protesters came face to face with riot police   By Richard Pollina

May 1, 2024, 8:02 a.m. ET – Columbia University’s iconic Hamilton Hall was left looking like a war zone after pro-terror activists smashed windows, set up barricades and destroyed furniture during their occupation of the building, causing an untold amount of damage.

The Ivy League school finally called on the NYPD to enter Hamilton Hall just after 9 p.m. Tuesday, with officers using a massive armored vehicle to push a bridge into a second-floor window to remove protesters who began occupying the space the previous night.

Images show that the occupiers had stacked chairs in doorways, staircases and hallways — possibly as makeshift barriers to prevent police from reaching them.

Emergency Service Unit officers with riot shields were seen removing the blockages and forcing doors open to reach the unruly mob.

A countless number of windows were smashed and shattered throughout the building.

In a courtyard outside, the protesters’ trash and belongings were spread across the ground.

NYPD spokesman Carlos Nieves said cops used four distraction devices — described as a “very loud bang to distract people” — to infiltrate the academic building.

Dozens of detained protesters were seen being filed out from Columbia’s campus to buses by NYPD officers after police used zip ties to make multiple arrests.

Multiple demonstrators continued screaming anti-Israel sentiments while police were removing them.

The arrests continued after the raid on Hamilton Hall, with police clearing out the encampment, including some protesters outside the campus.

About 100 protesters were arrested in the mass sweep, sources told The Post.

Nieves confirmed Hamilton Hall was secure, and the campus’s anti-Israel encampment was fully cleared out after authorities stormed the campus.

Nieves shared that there were no reports of injuries.

NYPD brass announced earlier Tuesday that the Hamilton Hall occupiers would be charged with third-degree burglary, criminal mischief and trespassing.

Those camped out on the lawn would be charged with trespassing and disorderly conduct.

Columbia University issued a statement just 15 minutes after cops entered the campus, saying it “regretted” having to rely on police to clear the mess.

“After the University learned overnight that Hamilton Hall had been occupied, vandalized, and blockaded, we were left with no choice,” the statement read.

“Columbia public safety personnel were forced out of the building, and a member of our facilities team was threatened. We will not risk the safety of our community or the potential for further escalation.”

Columbia added the decision was made to “restore safety and order to our community.”

“We believe that the group that broke into and occupied the building is led by individuals who are not affiliated with the University. Sadly, this dangerous decision followed more than a week of what had been productive discussions with representatives of the West Lawn encampment.”

About 45 minutes before the NYPD stormed the grounds, Columbia University issued a shelter-in-place order for students over “heightened activity” at the Morningside Heights campus and warned that those who did not obey would face “disciplinary action.”


BREAKING – EXPOSING THE CIA: “So the agencies kind of, like, all got together and said, we’re not gonna tell Trump…Director of the CIA would keep [information from Trump]…”   [VIDEO 27:19]    2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

MAY 01, 2024 – If there is for some reason still a scintilla of doubt that the criminal and wholly unconstitutional CIA, a rogue agency that comprises the 4th Branch of Government aka the Intelligence Industrial Complex, is not waging a full spectrum soft war on We the People, then James O’Keefe’s latest exposé should shatter the last vestiges of that absurd illusion:

BREAKING – EXPOSING THE CIA: “So the agencies kind of, like, all got together and said, we’re not gonna tell Trump…Director of the CIA would keep [information from Trump]…” A project manager working in Cyber Operations for the @CIA and an @NSAGov contractor with top-secret clearance working for @Deloitte, Amjad Fseisi, is caught on undercover cameras implicating the highest levels of the intelligence agencies, including “The executive staff. We’re talking about the director and his subordinates,” former CIA Directors “Gina Haspel….And I believe Mike Pompeo did the same thing too,” “kept information from him [Trump] because we knew he’d fucking disclose it.” Amjad reasons “There are certain people that would…give him a high-level overview but never give him any details. You know why? Because he’ll leak those details…He’s a Russian asset. He’s owned by the fucking Russians.” @mikepompeo

Amjad reveals to OMG’s Undercover American Swiper that intel agencies not only kept intelligence information from a sitting United States President and Commander-In-Chief, they also used FISA to spy on @realDonaldTrump and his team and are still monitoring President Trump according to Amjad who says, “We monitor everything.” Amjad adds “we also have people that monitor his ex-wife. He likes to use burner phones” – information only an insider with access to highly sensitive information would state.

“We steal it [information]” and “We hack other countries just like that,” Amjad, who states he currently works on the CIA’s China Mission Center, explains how intel agencies obtain information. He also describes a broken intelligence system where “We don’t share information across agencies” because the CIA is “very reluctant” to share information with the “careless” NSA.

O’Keefe Media Group’s bombshell undercover footage supports earlier reports by investigative journalists Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag that revealed how the American intelligence community illegally ran a spy operation against then-candidate Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016 and illegally acquired intelligence that was later used to justify the Federal Bureau of Investigation (@FBI) official probe, “Crossfire Hurricane,” which in turn led to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that ultimately did not find evidence of Russia collusion by the 2016 Trump campaign. @shellenberger @mtaibbi @galexybrane

Contractors like Fseisi hold the duty to withhold sharing confidential or national security information. In denying his statements, Fseisi may have realized he could be held liable for violating internal agency provisions and federal laws like the Executive Agency ethics provisions, which restrict what he may share with others outside of his contracted-to agency. Additionally, any government worker or agency head who withheld information from a superior (i.e. President Trump) may violate: (a) obstruction of justice by deception (18 USC 1512); (b) conspiracy to obstruct (18 USC 371); and false statements (18 USC 1001). Agency regulations may also provide offenses related to insubordination, reflecting poorly on the agency in public, or misrepresentation or dishonesty.

When James O’Keefe caught up with Amjad Fseisi on the streets of Washington, D.C., Fseisi could not tell O’Keefe whether he had top secret clearance, denied making statements clearly caught on camera, and would not even confirm it was him on the video saying only “It looks like me.” When asked directly if he works at the CIA, Fseisi said, “I can’t tell you that.”

And the weak sauce CIA response:

Nothing to see here:

And who could ever forget former CIA director and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo admitting what an unlawful operation this spy agency really is:

Because when you trace the origins of the CIA straight back to Operation Paperclip and the top SS brass that comprised its originating mission objective and ethos, it should also come as no surprise that the legacy culture pervading this agency till this very day is pure evil.

The only way to fix America is to drastically shrink the fraudulent Federal government and all of its corrupt agencies operating out of the foreign nation of Washington, D.C. such that this Constitutional Republic may be returned back to We the People.

They want you dead.

Do NOT comply.



President Trump: Joe Biden Seems to Be Determined for an October 7 Style Event Here in America   (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

May 1, 2024 5:40 pm – President Trump spoke to supporters in Waukesha, Wisconsin on Wednesday where he concentrated on Joe Biden’s failed policies that are crippling America.

During his speech President Trump noted that Joe Biden is going to start bringing Jew-hating Palestinians into the country from Gaza. Polling found that 68% to 89% of Palestinians support terror attacks on Israel. Joe Biden wants to bring these people into the US.

President Trump says Joe Biden seems to be determined to create the conditions for an October 7th attack here in America!

President Trump: Crooked Joe is now reportedly planning, this is wonderful news for you people in Wisconsin, to bring massive numbers of Gazans from the Middle East all live to your American towns, your towns and villages. Your towns and villages will now be accepting people from Gaza, lots of people from Gaza, and various other places, Yemen, lots of other places. You Now, just let the world simmer down a little bit, please. He’s now delivering thousands. He just announced last night he’s going to deliver thousands of people to a town near you. Joe Biden seems to determine to… He’s just determined to create the conditions for an October seventh style attack right here in America. It’s going to happen with all of these people coming in from the Southern border… Did you see where, and nobody knew this, that for a year and a half, they’ve been actually flying planes in and landing in towns all over the country, and they’re flying them in by the thousands?

Trump’s right.

[Ed.:  Listen, there’s no reason to fear Moslems.  As long as you convert to Islam, they don’t have to rape your women, throw your living babies into ovens and roasting them alive, and they won’t have to kill you!]


NYC Mayor Eric Adams Reveals CCNY and Columbia Protests Infiltrated by ‘Outside Agitators’ Linked to TERRORIST Groups, Many Arrested Were Not Students   (VIDEO)   By Jim Hft

May 1, 2024 7:00 pm – New York City Mayor Eric Adams has alleged that protests at Columbia University and City College of New York (CCNY) were infiltrated by “outside agitators” affiliated with “terrorist groups.”

In an interview with Vladimir Duthiers on CBS Morning, Adams detailed the city’s response to the chaotic scenes that unfolded at both institutions where nearly 300 individuals were arrested Tuesday night.

“These were not spontaneous student movements but calculated disruptions by professional agitators,” Adams explained, noting that a significant portion of those arrested had no affiliations with either university.

Adams asserted that the protests were “hijacked” by “outside agitators” with ties to “terrorist groups.” He cited intelligence reports identifying individuals with professional backgrounds and connections to terrorism among those arrested.

Eric Adams: “Well, there were two operations tonight. One was with CCNY and one was with Columbia University. Once I became aware of the outside agitators who were part of this operation, as Columbia mentioned in their letter and their request with the New York City Police Department, it was clear we had to take appropriate actions. When our Intelligence Division identified those who are professionals, well-trained, one of them was married to someone that was arrested for terrorism. We knew these children were being exploited and they were in danger and it would have been irresponsible not to reply to the request from Columbia University.”

[Ed.:  Well, DUH!


Two-Tiered Justice: DOJ Announces They Will NOT Be Releasing Joe Biden’s Audio Recordings with Special Counsel Robert Hur – To Protect Biden’s Privacy!   By Jim Hoft

May 1, 2024 4:20 pm – In February Chairmen James Comer from the House Oversight Committee and Jim Jordan from the Judiciary Committee subpoenaed the Justice Department for Special Counsel Robert Hur’s Biden interview records as damaging leaks revealed at the time that Biden lied about his interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur. Comer and Jordan were seeking Biden transcripts, notes, video and audio files of Robert Hur’s 5-hour interview over two days.

Robert Hur was tasked as Special Counsel in investigating Joe Biden’s stolen classified documents case. Joe Biden, who did not hold presidential immunity to hold classified documents like President Trump did, held classified documents in numerous unprotected locations.

Joe Biden STOLE SCIF-designated classified documents and improperly stored them at the Penn Biden Center, his Delaware garage, his Virginia home, and his lawyer’s Boston office.

Hur found that Joe Biden “willfully retained” classified information, however, he decided not to charge him. Hur said there is evidence Biden retained classified notebooks, “knowing he was not allowed to do so.”

Biden wasn’t charged.

In March 2024 Judicial Watchfiled its FOIA lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after the Department of Justice failed to respond to a February 2024 FOIA request for records of all Special Counsel interviews of President Biden (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:24-cv-00700)). A redacted transcript of the Biden interview was released on April 15.

In the report, Hur called Biden a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” and declined to charge Biden with a “serious felony:”

Judicial Watch also sought the audio recordings of Joe Biden’s testimony before Robert Hur.

On Tuesday, Judicial Watch reported that Joe Biden’s DOJ will not release the audio recordings to their group in order to protect Joe Biden’s privacy.

And they also did not want to disclose Biden’s late stage dementia recorded by the Special Counsel during interrogation of his criminal acts.

Judicial Watch reported:



Sanctuary City of Chicago Arrests Over 1K Illegals from Venezuela In First Three Months of 2024   By Margaret Flavin

May 1, 2024 4:00 pm – Police in the Democrat-run sanctuary city of Chicago have reportedly made more than 1,000 arrests of illegal Venezuelan nationals in the first three months of 2024.

With the new numbers, the analysis has shifted from the prior argument that illegals commit less crime to one where they commit “less violent felonies.”

An analysis of the arrest data by The Chicago Tribune, in an article pushing the new narrative titled, “Migrant arrests are up, but they’re rarely accused of violent felonies,” tracks the increase.

According to the analysis, there were 609 arrests for driving/traffic offenses, nine violent felonies, 75 violent misdemeanors, and 313 other offenses listed as non-violent, with nine others listed as unknown or not listed.

Critical Medications Every American Can Have On Hand (Including Ivermectin) – And How To Get Them Prescribed

The data does not include arrests of juveniles or anyone arrested by another agency.

Additionally, the data shows that a shoplifting surge shows a high share of Venezuelans’ arrests.

From The Chicago Tribune:

While much of the attention has focused on claims of violence, the Tribune analysis found a much higher than typical share of native Venezuelans’ arrests were for alleged thefts, particularly shoplifting or walking off without paying a tab.

The analysis found the biggest effect was seen around downtown, the heart of city retail shopping. In the past 19 months, for Loop theft arrests in which police listed the suspect’s birth country, roughly 1 in 5 were born in Venezuela.

The analysis found the biggest spike in one Loop beat in December and January, and in particular, the block that houses Macy’s flagship store on North State Street, where Chicago police arrested 76 adults in two months on theft charges. Of those with listed birth countries, more than 40% listed Venezuela. That doesn’t include an additional 95 people that Cook County sheriff’s deputies arrested there in a special shoplifting detail, roughly half of whom were native Venezuelans, according to the sheriff’s office.

Matt Christiansen has an excellent analysis of the shift in narrative:


Northwestern University Caves to Radical Campus Protestors: Offers Full-Ride Scholarships to Palestinian Students and Guaranteed Faculty Jobs for Palestinian Academics   By Margaret Flavin

May. 1, 2024 11:00 am – Northwestern University, located in the liberal suburban Chicago enclave of Evanston, Illinois, announced their concessions to the radical Hamas supporters who have taken over their campus to end their protests and encampment.

Two of the most notable include the promise to offer full-ride scholarships to Palestinian students and also guaranteed faculty jobs for Palestinian academics.

The University will also provide special housing for Muslim students and will “advise employers not to rescind job offers for students engaging in speech protected by the First Amendment.”

One of the “First Amendment” students recently assaulted a student journalist attempting to take a video of the encampment.

The Hamas lovers at Northwestern are so proud of their support for terrorists that they even wear Hamas hoodies.

These are the people Northwestern is caving to.

A statement from University President Michael Schill, Provost Kathleen Hagerty, and Vice-President for Student Affairs Susan Davis announced the agreement.

We have reached an agreement with a group of students and faculty who represent the majority of the protestors on Deering Meadow to bring the demonstration into compliance with University rules and policies. This agreement represents a sustainable and de-escalated path forward, and enhances the safety of all members of the Northwestern community while providing space for free expression that complies with University rules and policies.

The full agreement can be found here.

This agreement was forged by the hard work of students and faculty working closely with members of the administration to help ensure that the violence and escalation we have seen elsewhere does not happen here at Northwestern.

This agreement also addresses our commitment to protect the safety of our entire community and to ensure the ongoing academic operations of our campus while adhering to our support for free expression. The agreement includes support for our Muslim, Arab and Palestinian students. Some of the actions have been discussed for years and some are new. Together, they will strengthen our community.

This path forward requires the immediate removal of tents on Deering Meadow, cessation of non-approved use of amplified sound and a commitment that all conduct on Deering and across campus will comply with all University rules and policies. Compliant demonstration can continue at Deering Meadow through June 1.

For any demonstrators refusing to comply with the agreed-upon path forward, the University will take action to protect the safety of the community and enforce University rules and policies. These steps will include the suspension of non-compliant students and a requirement that non-affiliated individuals leave campus.

This path forward takes into account careful observation and assessment of protests on campuses across the United States.

Reported antisemitic and anti-Muslim/Palestinian incidents over the weekend — in most cases, fueled by demonstrators who are not affiliated with Northwestern — are unacceptable and cannot continue, and this agreement will help to ensure that. Acts of antisemitism, anti-Muslim/Arab racism, and hate will not be tolerated, and community members who can be identified participating in such acts will face disciplinary action.

The University will take appropriate disciplinary action against any student, faculty or staff who violate these rules and policies.

We know more challenges remain ahead of us. But our guiding principles will never waver: protecting the safety of our entire community, preserving free expression and peaceful demonstration, denouncing and refuting intolerance and hate, and ensuring that our University can continue to operate without disruption.


This gives me hope!!    TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS


Fraternity brothers were pelted by anti-Israel protesters (terrorists) at UNC Chapel Hill because they were protecting the United States flag. Thank God there are young people who understand what it means to respect our flag.

Pro-Hamas terrorists removed the American flag and replaced it with the Palestinian flag. Then, the terrorists attacked police while the police removed the Palestinian flag. When police moved in, the terrorists started attacking them and the students trying to protect the flag. These are not “peaceful protests.”

REAL MEN! Students at UNC Chapel Hill protected the American flag from being replaced by agitators & refused to let it touch the ground!

This is a powerful image of America-loving students at UNC Chapel Hill protecting our Flag after protestors took it down. When it was raised again, they all stood and sang our National Anthem. God Bless America!

Today, students at UNC Chapel Hill faced down an anti-American mob, helped replace a vandalized American flag, and proudly sang our National Anthem. America is an exceptional nation that is worth defending and there are still young people who remember that!

Here is testimony from one of the hero students about what happened:

GUILLERMO ESTRADA: “Today was a sad yet empowering day at Chapel Hill. When I walked to class, I saw the Palestinian flag raised on our quad flag pole, and was immediately upset at the act that these “protestors” had made. I cannot say I am fully educated on the Israel/Palestine conflict but it upset me that my country’s flag was disrespected in order to advocate for another.


IU offers concessions in wake of arrests at Dunn Meadow protests    Russ McQuaid

Apr 30, 2024 / 09:24 AM EDT BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — In the wake of two Indiana State Police sweeps of pro-Palestinian protestors in Dunn Meadow on Indiana University’s Bloomington campus, President Pamela Whitten issued a statement defending law enforcement action but offering concessions to demonstrators including the partial roll back of recently enacted restrictions on the placing of tents in the traditional free speech zone.

More than fifty demonstrators were arrested, many complaining that their tents, personal items and food stuffs were destroyed, and were charged with misdemeanors before being released from brief custody Thursday and Saturday.

23 people arrested after clashes with police on 3rd day of protests at IU

University President and IU Campus Police called in ISP to dismantle the camps and arrest demonstrators following a last minute rule change rolling back more than 50 years of free assemblage and speech articulated on Dunn Meadow.

”As I recall, the dean of students would go out there every day and check on them and just make sure everything was okay and the administration just decided to wait it out,” said IU Maurer Law School Professor Steve Sanders of past protests against the wars in Vietnam and Iraq. “Sooner or later they’ll get tired and cold and hungry and go home and we’ll clean it up and Dunn Meadow survived.”

[Ed.:  Damn!  The concessions could have (at least) offered silly putty and energy bars!! WTF!]


WOW! MI Senator Makes Stunning Video: Warns About Bill That Dem Senators Just Passed That Will Be “An Explosion of Election Fraud!” …Won’t Allow Recount…Will Bar Investigations Into Election Fraud   By Patty Mcmurray

May. 1, 2024 9:30 am – Michigan Senator Jim Runstead (R) is one of only a few good men in Michigan’s dirty, rotten legislature.

The sad truth is that the majority-Democrat legislature is mostly filled with self-promoters, deal cutters, and parasites indebted to the three witches at the top of the food chain: the Lockdown Queen of America, FBI kidnap victim and CCP cheerleader, Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel, who frequently uses lawfare to punish her political enemies and the dirtiest Democrat Secretary of State in America, Jocelyn Benson.

If Senator Jim Runstead’s assessment of a bill that was passed in the Democrat-majority Senate today is accurate, it sure looks like MI SOS Jocelyn Benson, who’s been working overtime to manufacture new ways to cheat in the upcoming 2024 election, owes her Democrat friends in the Senate a big favor.

By 11 pm on the eve of the 2020 election, Michigan residents went to bed fully believing that with President Trump’s massive lead, there was no way Joe Biden could beat him, but on the day after the election, hundreds of thousands of votes mysteriously appeared in the wee hours of the morning. The votes were almost all for Joe Biden, and almost none were for President Trump. Leftist judges in Michigan refused to hear multiple lawsuits that were filed with claims of voter fraud. Spineless Republicans like Rep. Matt Hall, who sat on the House Oversight Committee, and Senator Ed McBroom, Chair of the Senate Oversight Committee, brushed the testimony of dozens of poll challengers and even election workers under the rug for the sake of unity with the Democrat minority and moved on to the next deal they needed to cut to stay in power.

Senator Jim Runstead was one of a handful of lawmakers willing to listen to Michigan citizens’ concerns about what everyone knew deep down was a fraudulent election.

On Tuesday, Senator Runstead took to Twitter to warn Michigan about the new bill that should infuriate every American, considering Michigan is a must-win state for President Trump in 2024.

Michigan Democrats are terrified Biden will implode and drag them down. So today they bet the bank and went all out to codify election fraud into state statute with SB 603.

Today, they smashed through this gigantic pile of election-fraud-enabling legislation today with Democrat-only votes.

SB603 Repeals the current law, which gives bipartisan county Boards of Canvassers the authority to investigate fraud and other wrongdoing, including ballot tampering during recounts.

With the passage of their (election-fraud-enabling) Bill, there will be no future route for requesting a recount if you believe there was fraud.

Under their corruption bill, candidates will be prohibited from requesting a recount if they suspect fraud, and is designed to stop investigations of election fraud by the Board of Canvassers.

This disgusting bill will now permit clerks to recount ballots even if seals are broken on ballot containers and was essentially written by the Secretary of State, who was reversed multiple times by our Supreme Court for her illegal election decisions.

Continue reading

Ed.:  The 2024 election will also be stolen.  We no longer have a democracy.  Our country has been overtaken.]


“Hamas and Supporters Are Not Welcome on Native Land!” – Native Americans Come Out in Force – Confront Pro-Hamas Mob at UCLA – Blast Pledge of Allegiance Over Speakers – Beat Drums in Support of Jews   By Jim Hoft

May. 1, 2024 9:10 am – Well, the Communist left was not expecting this!

Native Americans came out in force to challenge the pro-Hamas, America-hating Marxists who set up camp on UCLA campus.

The Native Americans carried signs warning the Jew-hating Marxists, “Hamas and Supporters Are Not Welcome on Native Land!”

And, right next to that sign, another read, “Jewish Students are welcome on native land.”

Via Cam Higby and Citizen Free Press.

The Native Americans were beating their drums in support of Jewish students.

Then later the counter-protesters and protesters clashed for over an hour on the UCLA campus.

The police were missing.


Summer of Love 2.0: MASS RIOT RAGES FOR HOURS AT UCLA – Protesters vs. Counter-Protesters – Police Absent! – VIDEOS   By Jim Hoft

May 1, 2024 8:34 am – Summer of Love 2.0

Violent clashes took place at the UCLA campus on Tuesday night between protesters.

The police were absent as protesters beat each other with fists, sticks, and pallets!

Via ABC7 and Citizen Free Press.

100+ California Jews and supporters arrived late at the “liberated zone” and started tearing it down.

The counter protesters dismantled the bike racks and pallets on the ground.


DHS Data Exposes Over 45 U.S. Cities as Destinations for Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Through Biden’s Parole Program — 80% Were Flown to Red State Florida   By Jim Hft

Apr. 30, 2024 9:20 pm – Internal data from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has uncovered that hundreds of thousands of migrants have been flown into over 45 U.S. cities through the Biden regime’s Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans (CHNV) mass parole program.

On January 5, 2023, the Biden regime unveiled a plan to provide ‘safe and orderly pathways to the United States’ for up to 30,000 individuals monthly from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

Known as the CHNV program—short for Processes for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans—it grants eligible people from these nations who have a U.S. sponsor and pass a background check the opportunity to live and work in the U.S. legally for two years under ‘humanitarian parole.’

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the Biden regime has been operating secret charter flights to transport illegal immigrants from foreign airports to various U.S. cities. This covert operation has been ongoing amidst an unprecedented influx of illegal aliens across the southern border.

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), a think tank known for advocating tighter immigration controls, reported that these obscure flights have facilitated the entry of approximately 320,000 illegal aliens into at least 43 different airports in the US. These figures were disclosed for the period ranging from January through December 2023.

In a recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, lawyers for CBP refused to reveal details about the program, citing potential national security vulnerabilities, according to the Daily Mail.

The news outlet reported:


Big Development: Fractal Technology Uncovers the Central Nervous System of the Left – NGO Funding   by Jay Valentine

May. 1, 2024 8:15 am – 3 years ago, Sheriff Clarke of Wisconsin asked the Fractal team to review the Wisconsin voter rolls – and the result was the Fractal Election Management application finding anomalies that cannot be found with current relational database.

The Fractal team is not a political activist organization – we are high tech guys – who saw a problem and offered a solution.

The team, and the 26 state groups with whom we worked, recognized cleaning voter rolls was a losing proposition for 2024 – not enough time, too few phantoms taken off, massive government resistance, RNC inaction.

Cleaning voter rolls is a fundraising technique for national “non-partisan” voter integrity groups.  It’s perfect – almost nobody is taken off, the problem remains, dopey donors write checks.

Fractal shows, in multiple videos on the Omega4America site – vast voter roll anomalies in place for over 20 years!  Fractal showed thousands of voters at illegitimate addresses – FOR DECADES!

The Fractal ecosystem recognized delivering free, fair, transparent elections – is a fight against a multi-headed – hydra monster.

That monster includes contribution fraud groups and Dark Money NGOs operating under the cover of massive, interconnected financial networks – hidden in plain sight.

Harnessing the power of Fractal quantum technology, the team delivered the FEC Contribution System – identifying every contribution, from every person or group to every Federal level candidate – for the last 50 years.

With one click, there is total transparency – across 680,000,000 (six hundred eighty million) records.

For the first time, any contribution in the FEC database is visible, from a phone.  State databases followed.

When we delivered the FEC database, we recognized many “contributions in kind” flowed in a river – below the surface with NGOs (non-governmental orgs), 501 Cs, grants, foundations – funding lawfare, voter drives, even making illegal contributions.

Working with insightful voter integrity groups in California, Wisconsin, Texas – we delivered the Fractal Dark Money Tracking System.

The system, as the short demo below shows, connects NGOs, 501Cs, hundreds of thousands of other organizations who are the central nervous system of the Left.

The first week the system was available, we hit paydirt in a major swing state.

Working with the election integrity team, we identified one of their largest “voter registration” organizations, is directly financed by a Chinese NGO.

Following that success, we downloaded the information for most of the major Leftist NGOs in the state, and within minutes we were able to make hundreds of connections.

The system connects an NGO Dark Money entity – through any common attribute – employee, director, money flow out, money flow in, common address, near address, phone, and other attributes.

The results are so interconnected, artificial intelligence queries were brought in to trace money across connections.

The intricacy of these networks is simply breathtaking.

In the video below, one click shows the second level connections from just one NGO.

The numbers of connections run into the hundreds of thousands – most delivering Leftist money to Leftist causes – in every state.

Because every fractal in the Fractal quantum system can communicate with every other fractal, the Fractal Election Management applications are fully integrated with the Dark Money system – immediately.

Teams using the Fractal Election Management app will now have access to the Dark Money Tracking System.

Several election integrity groups are actively using the system to challenge the tax status of some of these groups where their records show they are receiving money from illegitimate sources or in other cases where they are spending money on prohibited activities.

The video is of ONE organization – when you see how large its network is – just imagine what we are finding looking at hundreds of thousands of such Dark Money groups.

You can watch the video HERE or scroll down below:


CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Wife of Known Terrorist Is Pictured Protesting at Columbia University Campus   By Jim Hoft

May. 1, 2024 7:30 am – On Tuesday night CBS News New York reporter Ali Bauman tweeted that the wife from a known terrorist was protesting at Columbian University campus.

Ali Bauman reported that New York City Hall sources notified her that the wife of the known terrorist was seen at the Columbia University protests.

BREAKING: New York City Hall sources tell @CBSNewYork evidence that the wife of a known terrorist is with protestors on Columbia University campus.

— Ali Bauman (@AliBaumanTV) May 1, 2024

The Gateway Pundit confirmed this report on Tuesday.

Nahla Al-Najar, the wife of deported terrorist Sami Al-Arian, was pictured at the protests.

Sami Al-Arian proudly tweeted out her picture at the Columbia University anti-Israel encampment on Friday April 26.


Israeli student elected by Columbia for role of student president as protests surge   by JERUSALEM POST STAFF, JPOST    July 27, 2024

Columbia University has elected Israeli student Maya Platek as Columbia student government president for the 2024-2025 school year, the organization Students Supporting Israel (SSI) announced Friday.

The election of an Israeli student for the role comes as the Columbia campus experiences an overwhelming wave of anti-Israel protests and encampments.

Platek has been determined to speak up for Jewish students on campus as a member of SSI, an organization that, according to its website, aims to allow for a pro-Israel voice on college campuses.

Platek introduced herself to the student body in a speech following her election.

“I am an Israeli rising senior and was recently elected as the Student Body President at Columbia University. As Columbia hits a peak of antisemitism and anti-Zionism, I am honored to have been elected as next year’s Student Body President. More than ever before, it is critical that our voices are heard and our safety is protected.”

Columbia University has also been slammed with unprecedented levels of antisemitic activity, including violent behavior against Jewish students.


More Evidence Showing Vitamin D Combats Cancer   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

This Amazing Vitamin Stops the Growth and Spread of Cancer Cells

May 01, 2024 – With cancer being the No. 2 cause of death, you would think doctors would be recommending this vitamin to everyone, as low blood levels are clearly linked to an increased risk of many cancers – and the majority of people are deficient. Don’t take a chance, make sure your levels are at least this.


  • Evidence continues to accumulate showing that vitamin D is a strong ally to combat cancer
  • Low vitamin D levels are linked to an increased risk of cancers, while vitamin D can attach to the vitamin D receptor (VDR) in your cells, setting off a series of signals that may affect how they grow, develop and survive
  • Although increasing vitamin D levels may help to reduce cancer deaths, health officials rarely recommend optimizing levels for this purpose
  • Vitamin D targets cancer in multiple ways, including anticancer, antimetastatic and anti-tumorigenic effects
  • The best way to optimize your vitamin D level is via regular sun exposure, which enhances production of melatonin — a potent anticancer agent


DEVELOPING: NYPD Declares Columbia University Protest a Riot — Crackdown Begins, Dozens Arrested   [12 VIDEOS]   By Jim Hft

Apr. 30, 2024 8:40 pm – A demonstration by pro-Hamas supporters at Columbia University turned violent on Tuesday after Columbia University authorized the city to deploy officers onto the campus amid escalating tensions.

As the situation intensified, the university administration issued a “shelter in place” directive to students, citing “heightened activity on the Morningside campus.” The alert advised students to remain indoors for their safety, warning that failure to comply could lead to disciplinary actions.

The NYPD issued a directive to all non-essential personnel, including students not involved in the protests, to vacate the campus area. “The operation at Columbia University has commenced,” announced an NYPD spokesperson.

“All credentialed media members are to meet with DCPI personnel at West 114th Street and Broadway. Anyone remaining in the area without authorization will be escorted from the premises.”

According to WKCR radio, NYPD officers used tear gas on pro-Hamas protesters at Columbia University.

Watch the videos below:


SHOCKING VIDEO: Jewish Girl on UCLA Campus BEATEN UNCONSCIOUS – SENT TO HOSPITAL – By Keffiyeh-Wearing Jew-Hating Leftists!    By Jim Hoft

Apr. 30, 2024 8:55 pm – According to That Korean Jew on Instagram the girl was surrounded by five people wearing keffiyehs and bludgeoned in the head while they stomped on her Israeli flag.

The girl reportedly lost consciousness and her body went limp. She was carried away and sent to the Emergency Room.

This was at UCLA campus!

That Korean Jew added: We are experiencing a nation-wide pogrom led by college student “activists.” This is UCLA. This is their “intifada” chant in practice!

ThatKoreanJew reported:

The Jewish girl’s head was bleeding after the assault.

Collin Rugg:

JUST IN: Jewish girl at UCLA sent to the ER after being beaten unconscious by pro-Palestine protesters.

The incident reportedly happened at Dickerson Plaza.

According to ‘ThatKoreanJew’ on IG who is a medical student at UCLA, the girl was surrounded by 5 people.

She suffered a concussion and was unable to recognize her family when she initially woke up.

Thankfully she is in stable condition now.

Source: ThatKoreanJew on IG.


Biden White House considering welcoming Hamas-supporting, Jew-hating Palestinians to America as ‘refugees  LEO HOHMANN

Up to 800,000 have fled the war zone in Gaza

APR 30, 2024 – CBS News is reporting that the Biden White House is hot to bring up to 800,000 Palestinians to America as “refugees.”

This would be done under the Refugee Act of 1980 and include work permits, food stamps, housing assistance, free education for their children, along with a fast-track to U.S. citizenship, which can be accomplished in as little as five years. Refugees that arrive in the U.S. at age 65 or older qualify almost immediately for Social Security, even though they have never worked a day in their lives in this country or paid a dollar in federal income taxes.

U.S. Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Democrat from New York, is one of the point men pushing for this disastrous policy — the direct importation to America of what would mostly be terrorist-supporting, Hamas-loving, Jew-hating Muslims. Just what we need more of in this country right now, given the ugly antisemitism we’ve seen on university campuses of late.

But Congressman Bowman is very excited about welcoming 800,000 Palestinians into the already volatile mix in U.S. cities. We’ve seen what a powder keg America has become in the last few weeks as Hamas-supporting college students and professors have taken over campuses, beat up and intimidated those who oppose them, occupied libraries, etc. Watch Bowman make the pitch for Palestinian refugees being welcomed to America in an interview posted to X below.


This is nothing new. The U.S. State Department has been contracting with the United Nations since 1981 to ship foreign refugees directly into U.S. cities and towns. They fly them in from Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and many other countries, many of them countries hostile to America and Americans. Now they want to bring in the Palestinians.

They fly these refugees to America and other Western countries from UN camps all over the world, typically with little to no vetting, and they have a poor record of assimilation. As evidence of that, all you have to do is visit places like the Cedar Riverside district of Minneapolis or Hamtramck, Michigan.

Over the years, they have built up a Fifth Column of anti-American enclaves, nations within a nation, parallel societies. We already suffer from a lack of social cohesion in this country, some say we’re on the verge of civil war, and yet Congress is pouring gasoline on the fire by funding more resettlements of refugees from the Islamic world. All of this is documented, by the way, in my 2017 book, Stealth Invasion, along with the many violent crimes committed by refugees in America. No wonder the book was banned just over a year ago by Amazon. They knew the issue of Islamic refugees would be a hot button issue in the years ahead.

Think of the possibilities. Sleeper cells and attacks on Americans, potentially similar to what we saw in Israel on October 7, 2023.

Congress is totally complicit in the refugee resettlement program, which operates under the radar for the most part, coordinated by the U.S. State Department, which outsources the placement of refugees to nine NGOs, six of which are affiliated with religious organizations – the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, World Relief, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, Episcopal Migration Ministries, and Church World Services.

Continue reading


Billionaire Donors Are Pulling Funds From Universities That Allow Violent Anti-Semitic Protests…Should US Taxpayers Be Forced To Fund Universities That Allow Protesters Calling For Genocide of Jews On Their Campuses?   By Patty Mcmurray

Apr. 30, 2024 7:20 pm – Surging anti-Semitism at elite private universities has captured the media spotlight and Congressional attention, but escalating anti-Israel protests at our nation’s premiere public universities should be of even greater concern because they are taxpayer and government-supported.

Should Jewish children be afraid to walk freely on a college campus in America in 2024 over fears of being targeted by large groups of individuals calling for the genocide of Israeli Jews?

Imagine how it must feel to be a young Jewish student who is forced to walk through these protesters, many of them fellow students whom they sit next to in class, who are either fueled by their hatred for Jews or have no idea what they’re protesting, as they openly call for the elimination of the Jewish state of Israel.

Philip Klein of the National Review explains what it means when protesters are shouting the phrase “Free Palestine from the river to the sea” or “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” may seem innocuous to those unfamiliar with the geography of the region, but in reality, it represents calls for genocide against Jews.

Those of us who follow these issues closely have recoiled whenever we hear the phrase chanted at rallies around the world, or, as was the case last night, projected in massive letters on the library of my alma mater, George Washington University. We may take it for granted that everybody else understands why these words are so alarming. But it strikes me that, to the unacquainted, saying, “Free Palestine from the river to the sea” may seem like an innocent call for people to be free. How could that be objectionable?

Well, the issue is that “from the river to the sea” refers to the entire area in between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea — an area that encompasses not just territories captured by Israel in 1967 during the Six-Day War, but the entirety of Israel. Referring to that entire area as “Palestine” is not a call to end the occupation, to create a two-state solution, or even to return Israel to the borders that existed before 1967. It is a call for the elimination of Israel in its entirety. Israel is home to nearly half of the world’s Jewish population. The only way you can eliminate Israel and turn that whole area into Palestine is by killing millions of Jews.

There is simply no way of getting around the fact that anybody who utters the phrase “Free Palestine from the river to the sea” is advocating genocide.

Today, House Republicans stood up to colleges allowing radical anti-semitic protesters on campuses and put American universities and colleges on notice that they will lose their taxpayer funding away if officials at these so-called institutions of higher learning don’t put an end to these hateful and, at times, violent protests.

A rabbi at Harvard University explains that the university asked them to hide their menorah at night so it wouldn’t be destroyed on the campus “and it wouldn’t look good.” The rabbi also talks about a Jewish student who admits he looks in the mirror before he heads off to class to make sure there are no outward signs of him being a Jew before he leaves his room.

Would Democrat Party leaders like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortz and Rep. Jamaal Bowman, who have expressed their support for the pro-Palestine/Hamas protests, offer the same support for white supremacists calling for the extermination of blacks on campuses across America?

Continue reading


‘You Guys Put Yourself in That Position’: Columbia Protest Leader Struggles for Words as Reporters Expose Hypocrisy for Demanding University to Feed Protesters Who Occupied Hamilton Hall  (VIDEO)   By Jim Hft

Apr. 30, 2024 6:20 pm – A Columbia University protest leader was caught in a cycle of contradictions when reporters questioned the logic behind the protestors’ demands for food and water after they had unlawfully taken over Hamilton Hall.

The protest escalated dramatically overnight, with the group smashing windows and forcefully entering the building. The Hamas supporters fortified their position by barricading doors and covering windows, effectively taking control of the academic building.

The occupation began around half past midnight following a standoff on the university’s academic lawn, where protesters had set up roughly 120 tents. The move to storm Hamilton Hall, a central location used by university deans, came shortly after the university administration took action to suspend those refusing to dismantle their encampment.

A Columbia facilities worker recounted the harrowing experience of being held against his will by the protesters. “They held me hostage,” the worker disclosed to the Columbia Spectator after being released.

The protesters have laid out clear demands: for Columbia University to divest from Israel, increase transparency regarding their financial affiliations, and grant amnesty to all students involved in the prolonged demonstrations, Fox News reported.

Protestors are now demanding that the university provide them with food and water, essential supplies they were cut off from due to their own barricades. They argue that their basic needs should be met despite their aggressive actions.

A reporter challenged the protest leader, asking why the university should cater to the needs of those who unlawfully occupied its property.

“Why should the university be obligated to provide food to people who’ve taken over a building?” the reporter asked.

The leader’s response was a mix of entitlement and confusion, first asserting an obligation due to paid meal plans, then scrambling to clarify the nature of their requests for “basic humanitarian aid.”

The conversation became increasingly muddled as the reporter pointed out the self-inflicted nature of the situation, with the protest leader contradicting earlier statements by saying they were not asking for direct provision but rather non-interference with outside aid – a commitment they sought from the university.

Protest Leader: “Well, first of all, we’re saying that they’re obligated to provide food to students who pay for a meal plan here.”

Reporter: “But you mentioned that there was a request that food and water be brought in.”

Protest Leader: “Unless I misunderstood. To allow it to be brought in. I guess it’s ultimately a question of what community and obligation Columbia feels it has to its students. Do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation or get severely ill, even if they disagree with you? If the answer is no, then you should allow basic… I mean, it’s crazy to say because we’re on an Ivy League campus, but this is basic humanitarian aid we’re asking for. Could people please have a glass of water?”

Reporter: “Don’t they have water? But they did put themselves in that very deliberately in that situation and in that position. So it seems like you’re saying, ‘We want to be revolutionaries. We want to take up this building. Now, would you please bring us food and water?’”

Protest Leader: “Nobody’s asking them to bring anything. We’re asking them to not violently stop us from bringing in basic humanitarian aid.”

As the dialogue continued, the leader’s position became less clear, with them admitting uncertainty over whether attempts to deliver food had been made or prevented, revealing cracks in the protesters’ front.

Second reporter: They’re stopping the delivery of food?

Protest Leader: We are looking for a commitment from them that they will not stop it.

Second reporter: But they haven’t stopped it yet?

Protest Leader: Well… I don’t… I am not… I don’t know to what extent it has been attempted, but we’re looking for a commitment.

Investigative reporter Jordan Schachtel was able to identify the Pro-Hamas spokesperson.

“I did a quick search and found that this lady, who refused to reveal her name, is named Johannah King-Slutzky. She is a paid instructor & PhD candidate at Columbia studying “theories of the imagination & poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens.” No, I’m not making this up,” Schachtel wrote on X.




BREAKING: Biden Regime is Considering Flooding US with ‘Refugees’ From Gaza   By Cristina Laila

Apr. 30, 2024 5:20 pm – Here we go.

The Biden Regime is considering ‘welcoming’ so-called ‘refugees’ from Gaza into the United States.

According to internal federal documents obtained by CBS News, the Biden Regime is considering resettling Palestinians who have family members in the US.

Egypt doesn’t even want to take in refugees from Gaza!

The US will work with Egypt to resettle Palestinian refugees who have escaped there.

CBS News reported:

The Biden administration is considering bringing certain Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees, a move that would offer a permanent safe haven to some of those fleeing war-torn Gaza, according to internal federal government documents obtained by CBS News.

In recent weeks, the documents show, senior officials across several federal U.S. agencies have discussed the practicality of different options to resettle Palestinians from Gaza who have immediate family members who are American citizens or permanent residents.

One of those proposals involves using the decades-old United States Refugee Admissions Program to welcome Palestinians with U.S. ties who have managed to escape Gaza and enter neighboring Egypt, according to the inter-agency planning documents.

Top U.S. officials have also discussed getting additional Palestinians out of Gaza and processing them as refugees if they have American relatives, the documents show. The plans would require coordination with Egypt, which has so far refused to welcome large numbers of people from Gaza.

This is as Hamas supporters are violently taking over universities and demanding colleges stop doing business with companies with ties to Israel.

As TGP contributor Ben Wetmore reported last week, part of the $9 billion in relief being sent to the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip, claims a former Congressman who sat for years on the Foreign Affairs Committee, is secret funding for massive Palestinian resettlement in America and Canada.

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) last week said that the billions being sent to Gaza are suspicious in that the funds seem disconnected from the reality of a true humanitarian mission. The funds are legally worded in such a way as to give the Biden Regime the ability to do whatever it wants with the money.

As TGP’s Ben Wetmore noted, Congressman Steve Stockman said the Biden Regime and Deep State are planning a massive resettlement of Palestinians to the West.

“The $9 billion in relief aid wasn’t meant to actually help the Palestinians who need it,” Stockman said. “They structured it as ‘humanitarian aid’ because legally, that definition is so broad that they can repurpose the aid however they want. It’s a classic Congressional con game with this funding. It’s part of the billions and trillions spent every year by the deep state to accomplish its goals, and most of it is right out in the open.”

“They are going to use this money to resettle Palestinians in America, using this pier, the same way the militant left used Muslim refugees from Syria to colonize Europe.”


WATCH: Hamas Supporter Gets Triggered and Shuts Down Interview When Confronted with Facts by Fox News Reporter   By Jim Hft

Apr. 30, 2024 3:20 pm – Fox News correspondent Lawrence Jones interviewed an anti-Israel protester on live television, resulting in an exchange that ended abruptly when the protester could not respond to factual challenges.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the ‘Islamo-Communist revolution’ occurring on college campuses advanced further overnight with the takeover of Hamilton Hall at Columbia University in New York City.

Dozens of Hamas supporters, who have been staging an ‘occupy’ protest against Israel and the United States, smashed windows and stormed the building, apparently unimpeded by law enforcement, while hundreds more gathered outside to secure the entrances.


During a live broadcast, Fox News correspondent Lawrence Jones encountered a protester just outside the university premises, initiating a dialogue that would soon reveal the tension between facts and narrative.


Murder Suspect Accused of Eating Victim’s Face at Bus Stop Near Las Vegas Strip   By Anthony Scott

Apr. 30, 2024 11:30 am – A man reportedly killed another man at a bus stop close to the Las Vegas Strip and proceeded to eat parts of the victim’s face.

The Las Vegas Journal has reported that 31-year-old Clinton Czech has been arrested and charged with open murder.

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department reported they responded to a physical altercation call around 4:40 a.m. on Sunday.

When police arrived on the scene, one man was seen unresponsive and bleeding from his head.

Czech was reportedly near the victim’s body and seen with body parts of the victims in his mouth.

The Las Vegas Journal reported Czech consumed the victim’s eyeball and ear.

[Ed.: That guy must’a really been hungry, huh!  So, when you’re out and about doing errands, or sitting at bus stops,  make sure that nobody eats your face.]


Joe Biden’s DOJ Accused of Brutal Treatment of Jailed Pro-Life Grandmother: Prolonged Solitary, Paraded in Court in Shackles  (Video)   by Margaret Flavin

Apr. 30, 2024 12:00 pm – Joe Biden’s DOJ/FBI is hunting down pro-life, conservative grandmas while ignoring Antifa and BLM militants and the radical Hamas supporters shutting down and terrorizing college campuses.

Under Biden, the DOJ weaponized the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, a 1994 law that prohibits interfering with anyone obtaining or providing “reproductive health services,” as a punishment for the Supreme Court’s reversal of  Roe v. Wade in June 2022.

After the Supreme Court ruling, Biden formed the DOJ-led Reproductive Rights Task Force to enforce the act.

According to The Epoch Times, The FACE Act has now been used 130 times against pro-life individuals but only used three times against pro-abortion protesters.

In 2020, a group of pro-life activists entered an abortion clinic in Washington DC and ‘blocked’ women from seeking abortions.

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The DOJ said the group entered the facility and blocked access using their bodies, furniture, chains, and ropes and live-streamed their activity on social media, which, according to the DOJ, is a felony conspiracy.

In September 2023, Lauren Handy, 28, of Alexandria, Virginia; John Hinshaw, 67, of Levittown, New York; Heather Idoni, 61, of Linden, Michigan; William Goodman, 52, of Bronx, New York; and Herb Geraghty, 25, of Pittsburgh were found guilty of conspiring to blockade access to the clinic.

Idoni, a mother of 15, including 10 boys she and her husband adopted from Ukraine, is facing a sentence of up to 50 years in federal prison and over $1 million in fines for her participation in pro-life protests in Washington, D.C., Michigan, and Tennessee.

Sentencing for Idoni and the other pro-lifers in the Washington D.C. case will take place in mid-May.

Idoni was also convicted for praying and singing hymns in the hallway of a clinic in Tennessee, and she currently awaits trial for two additional FACE violations in Michigan.

Idoni recently spoke with LifeSiteNews and shared the abuses she alleges she has faced while incarcerated.

Heather Idoni, a defendant in the Washington, D.C., FACE (Freedom to Access Clinic Entrances) Act trials, told LifeSiteNews that she has been subjected to 22 days of solitary confinement. In an exclusive interview, she said that she received this punishment for sharing food with fellow prisoners. Idoni alleged that she was allowed to walk outside her cell only for two hours in the middle of the night each day and that the lights of her cell were continually kept on. Idoni has been in prison since she was convicted last autumn.

Cal Zastro, a fellow pro-life advocate who has also been convicted of violating the FACE Act, told LifeSiteNews that “when Idoni was brought into the courtroom for a trial in Nashville, the U.S. marshal had the middle-aged woman shackled at the wrists, waist, and feet as if she were a dangerous criminal.”

Zastro said that, upon entering the courtroom, the shocked judge ordered the shackles removed. Initially the marshal agreed to remove the shackles from only one wrist to allow Idoni freedom to write, a concession necessary for her to take notes, as she was then representing herself in court. Only at the insistence of the indignant judge were the shackles of both wrists finally removed, although the marshal left the bars around her waist and feet.



Joe Biden’s DOJ Accused of Brutal Treatment of Jailed Pro-Life Grandmother: Prolonged Solitary, Paraded in Court in Shackles  (Video)   by Margaret Flavin

                                                                                                                                                                Heather Idoni

Apr. 30, 2024 12:00 pm – Joe Biden’s DOJ/FBI is hunting down pro-life, conservative grandmas while ignoring Antifa and BLM militants and the radical Hamas supporters shutting down and terrorizing college campuses.

Under Biden, the DOJ weaponized the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, a 1994 law that prohibits interfering with anyone obtaining or providing “reproductive health services,” as a punishment for the Supreme Court’s reversal of  Roe v. Wade in June 2022.

After the Supreme Court ruling, Biden formed the DOJ-led Reproductive Rights Task Force to enforce the act.

According to The Epoch Times, The FACE Act has now been used 130 times against pro-life individuals but only used three times against pro-abortion protesters.

In 2020, a group of pro-life activists entered an abortion clinic in Washington DC and ‘blocked’ women from seeking abortions.

New Deals At The Gateway Pundit Discounts Page At MyPillow – Up to 71% Off With Promo Code TGP

The DOJ said the group entered the facility and blocked access using their bodies, furniture, chains, and ropes and live-streamed their activity on social media, which, according to the DOJ, is a felony conspiracy.

In September 2023, Lauren Handy, 28, of Alexandria, Virginia; John Hinshaw, 67, of Levittown, New York; Heather Idoni, 61, of Linden, Michigan; William Goodman, 52, of Bronx, New York; and Herb Geraghty, 25, of Pittsburgh were found guilty of conspiring to blockade access to the clinic.

Idoni, a mother of 15, including 10 boys she and her husband adopted from Ukraine, is facing a sentence of up to 50 years in federal prison and over $1 million in fines for her participation in pro-life protests in Washington, D.C., Michigan, and Tennessee.

Sentencing for Idoni and the other pro-lifers in the Washington D.C. case will take place in mid-May.

Idoni was also convicted for praying and singing hymns in the hallway of a clinic in Tennessee, and she currently awaits trial for two additional FACE violations in Michigan.

Idoni recently spoke with LifeSiteNews and shared the abuses she alleges she has faced while incarcerated.

Heather Idoni, a defendant in the Washington, D.C., FACE (Freedom to Access Clinic Entrances) Act trials, told LifeSiteNews that she has been subjected to 22 days of solitary confinement. In an exclusive interview, she said that she received this punishment for sharing food with fellow prisoners. Idoni alleged that she was allowed to walk outside her cell only for two hours in the middle of the night each day and that the lights of her cell were continually kept on. Idoni has been in prison since she was convicted last autumn.

Cal Zastro, a fellow pro-life advocate who has also been convicted of violating the FACE Act, told LifeSiteNews that “when Idoni was brought into the courtroom for a trial in Nashville, the U.S. marshal had the middle-aged woman shackled at the wrists, waist, and feet as if she were a dangerous criminal.”

Zastro said that, upon entering the courtroom, the shocked judge ordered the shackles removed. Initially the marshal agreed to remove the shackles from only one wrist to allow Idoni freedom to write, a concession necessary for her to take notes, as she was then representing herself in court. Only at the insistence of the indignant judge were the shackles of both wrists finally removed, although the marshal left the bars around her waist and feet.



Judge Gives Trump ‘Permission’ to Attend Son Barron’s High School Graduation   By Cristina Laila

Apr. 30, 2024 2:00 pm – Radical far-left New York Judge Juan Merchan on Tuesday fined President Trump $9,000 for speaking out in his own defense and violating his gag order in the ongoing lawfare trial in New York City.

Merchan also threatened President Trump with jail if he continued to publicly defend himself in the case.

The judge gave Trump ‘permission’ to attend his son Barron’s high school graduation ceremony on May 17 in Palm Beach, Florida.

“The judge presiding over the NY v. Trump trial in Manhattan granted former President Trump permission on Tuesday to attend his son’s high school graduation in Florida next month.” Fox News reported. “I don’t think the May 17 date is a problem,” Judge Juan Merchan told the court Tuesday morning of Barron Trump’s graduation date.

After refusing to recuse himself, Judge Juan Merchan earlier this month threatened to put President Trump in jail if he didn’t show up for trial.

Earlier this month President Trump asked the judge if he could skip the trial to attend his son Barron’s graduation.

Judge Merchan said that the decision “really depends on if we are on time and where we are in the trial.”

After major backlash the judge gave Trump ‘permission’ to attend his own son’s high school graduation.

[Ed.:  The $9000 will be promptly refunded when Marchan gets prosecuted and disbarred. But, “at this point”, as Hillary is quoted, Trump won’t get re-elected, despite the fact that we will elect him.  Discuss.]  


Pro-Gaza Protesters Vandalize GW University Campus, Desecrate George Washington Statue with Anti-American Graffiti – VIDEOS   By Jim Hoft

Apr. 30, 2024 1:40 pm – Young radical leftists vandalized the George Washington statue at George Washington University in Washington DC on Monday.

The historic campus is nestled between the White House, the Kennedy Center and a number of federal and international agencies.

Clay Travis posted this video. Notice the writing on the base of the statue.
These people HATE the Jews and HATE America.

FOX News reporter Griff Jenkins ran a live report from GW quad where they protests were taking place.

Vigilant News reported:

Protesters at George Washington University in D.C. have defaced their own campus and vandalized the statue of the school’s namesake and America’s founder, George Washington.

Fox News sent a camera crew to the campus to document the damage caused by recent ‘pro-Palestine’ protests over the past few days.

A reporter walked through the encampment, expressing shock at the extent of the damage and the disregard for the campus’s historical significance.

“The signature statue here, George Washington himself, has been draped in a Palestine flag and also the kaffiyeh, which is a traditional headdress, a black and white headdress that’s worn by Palestinians.”

As the reporter approached the monument, it became clear that the vandals had done more than just drape the flag.

“This is George Washington, the statue here. Graffitied, covered in stickers.”



George Washington University was founded in 1821 through an Act of Congress signed by then-President James Monroe. The university was named after George Washington, who had advocated for a national university in the U.S. to educate future leaders of the country.

Judge Gives Trump ‘Permission’ to Attend Son Barron’s High School Graduation   By Cristina Laila

Apr. 30, 2024 2:00 pm – Radical far-left New York Judge Juan Merchan on Tuesday fined President Trump $9,000 for speaking out in his own defense and violating his gag order in the ongoing lawfare trial in New York City.

Merchan also threatened President Trump with jail if he continued to publicly defend himself in the case.

The judge gave Trump ‘permission’ to attend his son Barron’s high school graduation ceremony on May 17 in Palm Beach, Florida.

“The judge presiding over the NY v. Trump trial in Manhattan granted former President Trump permission on Tuesday to attend his son’s high school graduation in Florida next month.” Fox News reported. “I don’t think the May 17 date is a problem,” Judge Juan Merchan told the court Tuesday morning of Barron Trump’s graduation date.

After refusing to recuse himself, Judge Juan Merchan earlier this month threatened to put President Trump in jail if he didn’t show up for trial.

Earlier this month President Trump asked the judge if he could skip the trial to attend his son Barron’s graduation.

Judge Merchan said that the decision “really depends on if we are on time and where we are in the trial.”

After major backlash the judge gave Trump ‘permission’ to attend his own son’s high school graduation.


[Ed.:  The $9000 will be promptly refunded when Marchan gets prosecuted and disbarred. But, “at this point”, as Hillary is quoted, Trump won’t get re-elected despite the fact that we will elect him.  Discuss.]


IT WAS ALL A SETUP: Trump Slams Jack Smith After Bombshell Documents Prove Coordinated Legal Assault by Biden DOJ, NARA  (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

Apr. 30, 2024 11:45 am – President Trump on Tuesday slammed Jack Smith in remarks outside of a courthouse in New York City.

Trump went after Jack Smith in a Truth Social post on Saturday night after bombshell documents revealed the Biden DOJ coordinated with the National Archives (NARA).

“Wow! It looks like Deranged Jack Smith, a sick PSYCHO, got caught. BIG “STUFF!” See story in Rob Schmitt opening on NEWSMAX. AMAZING — MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Trump continued his attack against Special Counsel Jack Smith on Tuesday morning in remarks outside the New York State courthouse.

“You probably saw last night that Jack Smith got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. It was released late last night and it’s a big story,” Trump said. “The documents case is a hoax, created by them for election interference purposes. That one looks like it’s going asunder.”

Trump continued, “The whole thing is a hoax. All of them are hoaxes, including the civil cases. They’re controlled by the White House, they’re controlled by Democrat judges and prosecutors… and the people are getting it.”

“The public has figured it out because the poll numbers are the highest they’ve ever been,” he added.

WATCH  [6:22]

Judge Aileen Cannon unsealed records in Jack Smith’s classified docs case against Trump that reveal Biden’s White House and DOJ were coordinating with National Archives general counsel Gary Stern.

The day before Jack Smith indicted Trump in the classified documents case last June, NARA’s general counsel Gary Stern was at the Biden White House and met with Joe Biden’s White House lawyer Richard Sauber.

NARA’s general counsel Gary Stern was working with Biden’s White House and DOJ as early as August 2021 (one year before the Mar-a-Lago raid).


Columbia University suspends press access on campus amid pro-Palestine protests   By Nicholas Ballasy

“Media access to campus is suspended. Campus is accessible only to CUID-holders and essential personnel as a safety measure and that includes media,” the University announced.

April 30, 2024 12:16pm – Columbia University banned media access on its campus Tuesday as pro-Palestine protests continue.

“Media access to campus is suspended. Campus is accessible only to CUID-holders and essential personnel as a safety measure and that includes media,” read an announcement on the university website.

The university also revealed that early Tuesday morning, “a group of protestors occupied Hamilton Hall on the Morningside campus of Columbia University.”

To protect the safety of the community during the “protest activity,” the university said it has asked students and faculty to “avoid coming to the Morningside campus to do so; essential personnel should report to work according to university policy.”

The university also said that “access to campus has been limited to students residing in residential buildings on campus and employees who provide essential services to campus buildings, labs, and residential student life.”

Columbia University administers the Pulitzer Prize for journalism and houses the Global Free Expression Center.  [Emphasis added to hilite the irony]


Justice Kavanaugh Warns Of Vicious Cycle Of Malicious Prosecutions That Could End Presidency   by Tom Ozimek 

MONDAY, APR 29, 2024 – 05:11 AM – During Thursday’s deliberations at the U.S. Supreme Court on former President Donald Trump’s immunity claim, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh warned that a decision in the case has future implications for whether future presidents are shielded from vicious cycles of malicious prosecution that could effectively end the presidency as we know it.

President Trump was indicted by special counsel Jack Smith in August 2023 on charges of conspiring to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

Pleading not guilty, the former president has argued that he should receive absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for acts that fell within the scope of his official duties. The exception to this immunity, he has argued, is if Congress impeaches and convicts him on charges.

A federal appeals court rejected that argument, claiming that presidents must face prosecution for alleged criminal wrongdoing.

The question that is now before the Supreme Court is: “Whether and if so to what extent does a former president enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office?”

During Thursday’s deliberations, the justices weighed the claim of absolute immunity that, if adopted, would stop Mr. Smith’s prosecution of the former president dead in its tracks.

Several conservative justices suggested they favor imposing limits on the prosecution of former presidents, while highlighting the importance of the case for the future.

Justice Kavanaugh said that when presidents are subject to prosecution, history shows that it’s not going to stop.

“It’s going to cycle back and be used against the current president or the next president … and the next president and the next president after that.”

Justice Neil Gorsuch, who said that the court is “writing a rule for the ages,” along with Justice Samuel Alito and Justice Kavanaugh all said that their concern was not so much the case against President Trump, but rather the effect of the ruling on future presidencies.

“This case has huge implications for the presidency, for the future of the presidency, for the future of the country,” Justice Kavanaugh said.

Continue reading


Democracy in Action: Louisiana Residents Win Right to Secede from Democrat-Run State Capital and Create their Own City   By Cullen Linebarger

Apr. 30, 2024 10:00 am – Residents in Louisiana’s Democrat-run capital city have won a historic battle to secede and create their own city following a lengthy court battle.

As the New York Times reported, the Louisiana Supreme Court cleared the way on Friday for a group of mostly-white, affluent residents of Baton Rouge to secede and form the new city of St. George. This is the first city incorporated in the Pelican State in almost two decades.

In the 4-3 ruling, the justices found that lower courts were wrong in blocking St George’s creation over concerns of its financial viability.

Andrew Murrell, one of the leaders of the St. George movement, released the following statement after the Louisiana Supreme Court’s decision.

This is the culmination of citizens exercising their constitutional rights. We voted and we won.

Whether you are for or you are against St. George, now is your opportunity, a historic opportunity, to create a city from the beginning, from the ground up. It’s your ideas, it’s your policies, it’s your way of life and now you can come together and put those out there and have someone accountable to you.

Now, we begin the process of delivering on our promises of a better city. We welcome both our friends and foes to the table to create St. George.

[Ed.:  Very interesting!]


EXCLUSIVE: Evidence Shows Adam Schiff Falsely Registered, Ineligibly Voted, and/or Committed Mortgage Fraud   by Joe Hoft

Apr. 30, 2024 8:00 am – Evidence Shows that Rep. Adam Schiff, who is running for US Senate in California, has committed election fraud, has ineligibly voted, and/or committed mortgage fraud.

One year ago, in April 2023, we reported that an ethics complaint was filed against corrupt US Rep. Adam Schiff. Today, we can report that Schiff’s corrupt and even criminal acts involve much more.

In April 2023 we reported at The Gateway Pundit that an ethics complaint had been filed against US Rep. Adam Schiff.

TGP reported:

US Congressman Adam Schiff from California is in deep trouble. An ethics complaint has been filed against Schiff by a concerned citizen alleging that Schiff has committed election and voter fraud claiming he was both a citizen of California and Maryland.

A concerned citizen from the state of California uncovered what is believed to be crimes committed by Adam Schiff.

In 2000 Schiff was elected to Congress and has served as a US House member from the state of California ever since. Schiff reportedly purchased a home in Maryland with his wife in 2003 stating they would occupy this home for 12 consecutive months as their “primary residence”. Despite this claim, Schiff continued to vote in California.

Schiff refinanced his home in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2013 claiming the Maryland home was his primary residence. In 2009, a House Ethics investigation claimed that Schiff did this and Schiff claimed it was an error and he repaid the exempt taxes to the state of Maryland.

A fellow member of Congress was charged with criminal counts for doing the same thing, Steven Watkins, of Oklahoma.

In addition, the amount of the home mortgage has remained basically the same this entire time. Congress should look into this as well.

When asked about his residence in Maryland a couple of months ago while on the campaign trail running for US Senate in California, Schiff called it a “non-issue.”  He added that his primary residence was in California and neglected to mention that he had repeatedly claimed his Maryland home was his primary residence.

It turns out that there is much, much more to this story.

Earlier this month, Californian Chris Bish who is running for US Congress in California’s District 6 issued a draft report along with Darren Ellis who is running for California State Assembly. The report is below, but here are a few highlights.

[Ed.:  Piece of Schiff:


“We Will Honor All the Martyrs” – Hamas Supporters at Columbia University Smash Windows, Take Control of Hamilton Hall in Overnight Attack  (VIDEOS)   By Kristinn Taylor

Apr. 30, 2024 2:19 am – The Islamo-Communist revolution taking place on college campuses took another step forward overnight with the takeover of Hamilton Hall at Columbia University in New York City. Dozens of Hamas supporters who have been staging a campus ‘occupy protest’ against Israel and the United States smashed windows and stormed the building apparently unimpeded by law enforcement while hundreds more gathered outside the building to secure the entrances.

The attack came after a day of dithering by campus administrators.


Violent Protests Erupt at Virginia Commonwealth University: Air-Raid Sirens Sound, Riot Police Deployed, and Shelter-in-Place Order Issued   (VIDEO)   By Jim Hft

Apr. 29, 2024 10:00 pm – Virginia Commonwealth University has become the latest epicenter of violent protests, as pro-Hamas supporters occupied parts of the campus, leading to a tense standoff with riot police. Authorities issued a shelter-in-place order for all students.

The confrontation began Monday morning when a group of student protesters established what they called a “Liberation Zone” outside the James Branch Cabell Library on VCU’s Monroe Park campus. The group displayed Palestinian flags and chanted “Free Palestine,” demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and calling for VCU to sever all financial ties with Israel.

As the day progressed, tents were erected, and protesters fortified their position by forming a barrier around the zone.

As the day progressed, the situation intensified with pro-Hamas supporters occupying the library and courtyard. Police responded by deploying tear gas and pepper spray after protesters hurled objects at officers.

Social media posts showed tense standoffs between law enforcement and demonstrators, with the latter demanding that VCU disclose and divest any financial ties to Israel and protect pro-Palestinian speech on campus.



Columbia Encampment Lives On After Another Deadline From President Shafik Passes   [VIDEOS]   Jessica Costescu

Unsanctioned student protesters ignore Shafik’s plea to ‘voluntarily disperse’

April 29, 2024 MANHATTAN — Columbia University president Minouche Shafik again set a deadline for unsanctioned student protesters to vacate their “Gaza Solidarity” encampment. Hours after that deadline passed, the encampment still stands.

Shafik sent students a Monday morning letter asking them to “voluntarily disperse” from the encampment by 2 p.m. or face suspension. The students refused, voting unanimously to remain. Some wrote messages on the letters such as “COLUMBIA WILL BURN” and “I AINT READING ALL THAT FREE PALESTINE.” Others pledged to “DEFEND THE CAMP” and “escalate” their demonstrations.

As the deadline approached, protesters gathered outside the campus gates, chanting, “Israel will fall.” Columbia faculty members rushed to the encampment, eventually forming a wall around its entrance to help the student protesters. At 2:30 p.m., student leaders held a defiant press conference, saying they will “not be moved unless by force.”

“It’s past two,” one student said. “We do not abide by university pressure.” Protesters also chanted, “If we don’t get no justice, then they will get no peace,” “We don’t want no two state, we want all of it,” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine is all you’ll see.”


Florida Cracks Down on Pro-Hamas Protestors   ACT FOR AMERICA

University Suspensions and Terminations!

APR 30, 2024

UF student protestors, staff threatened with suspension, termination over protest rules   Nathaniel Rodriguez | Channel 8 News | 4-28-24 | Condensed

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — The University of Florida threatened student protestors with suspension and even banishment if they violated rules surrounding protest conduct, according to a letter sent to students.

As with other college campuses across the nation, the University of Florida has been the site of pro-Palestinian student protests.

Due to the conflicts between students and law enforcement at other colleges like Columbia University and the University of Southern California, the University of Florida released a set of rules of allowable and prohibited protesting actions.

While students are allowed to free speech and holding signs, the university has banned specific actions like using sound amplifiers like blowhorns, littering, building structures, or leaving unmanned signs.

The full list of prohibited activities and items is below:

  • No amplified sound
  • No demonstrations inside buildings
  • No littering
  • No sleeping
  • No unmanned signs
  • No blocking ingress/egress
  • No building of structures (chairs, stakes, benches, tables)
  • No camping, including tents, sleeping bags, pillows, etc.
  • No disruption
  • No threats
  • No violence
  • No weapons
  • Any other items and/or activities deemed to be non-compliant with policy and regulations by university officials.

The university said if a student violates the rules, they would face suspension and a three-year trespass. University employees who commit these violations will also be trespassed and fired.

“The University of Florida will always protect speech and uphold the law,” the statement reads. “Peaceful protests are constitutionally protected. Camping, putting up structures, disrupting academic activity, or threatening others on university property is strictly prohibited. The University has clearly communicated this to our students and explained that they can exercise their free speech rights but breaking the law will result in an immediate trespassing order from UFPD and an interim suspension from Student Life.”

When asked about the restrictions, a student protestor told WUFT the rules would not stop the demonstrations.

“My one message is we will not be intimidated,” the protestor said. “We know our rights, and we are simply protesting. We are exercising our First Amendment right. We have every right to be here, and we will be here as long as we can.”


Wyoming Girl Scout Fined $400 for Selling Cookies in Her Grandparents’ Driveway  By Cassandra Macdonald

Apr. 29, 2024 7:20 pm – A Wyoming Girl Scout has been fined $400 for selling cookies in her grandparent’s driveway.

Emma McCarroll, 13, nearly missed her sales goal due to a stickler municipal code officer in Pinedale.

The Cowboy State Daily reports:

The spat between the city and the Girl Scout and her mom began when the code enforcement officer asked the mom, Erica Fairbanks McCarroll, if she had the landowner’s permission to sell from the city’s Pine Avenue spot and park a vehicle in a driveway there.

Puzzled, Fairbanks McCarroll didn’t answer the officer’s question because the spot where she parked was in the driveway of her parents.

Nonetheless, the officer snapped photographs of their sales activity between March 13 and 15 to prove that Emma McCarroll had set up the stand, and mom had parked illegally in the driveway, which straddled the public sidewalk on Pine Avenue.

“I personally don’t think she ever understood that I was related to the Fairbanks, my parents who own the driveway,” Fairbanks McCarroll told the paper.

Pinedale Mayor Matt Murdock told the paper that the mother was told to move and had refused to do so.

“Sometimes I just think that government can be unreasonable,” Emma McCarroll said. “It wasn’t reasonable to be fined $400 for selling cookies in front on my grandparent’s property.”

[Ed.:  We must take our country back!  Good idea, no?]


JUST IN: Supreme Court Denies Peter Navarro’s Bid to be Freed from Prison While Appealing Conviction   By Cristina Laila

Apr. 29, 2024 10:30 am -The US Supreme Court on Monday denied Dr. Peter Navarro’s bid to be freed from prison pending his appeal.

Excerpt from The Hill:

The Supreme Court’s denial of Navarro’s request follows his second ask to the nation’s highest court to set him free while he challenges his conviction.

By default, Navarro’s first emergency request to stay out of prison while appealing the conviction went to Chief Justice John Roberts.

Roberts, who acted on the request alone, said in March that he would not pause Navarro’s four-month prison sentence as his appeal moves forward, forcing the onetime Trump adviser to report to a federal prison in Miami on March 19.

Navarro then renewed his motion to Justice Neil Gorsuch. As the court typically does to avoid repeated efforts, Gorsuch referred the matter to the full court for a vote. Navarro’s request was again denied.

The decision means that Navarro will likely serve his four-month prison term before arguing the appeal of his conviction before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Last month Peter Navarro reported to prison for his 4-month sentence. He is the first high-ranking Trump aide to be imprisoned by the Biden Regime.

A federal appeals court previously denied Navarro’s request to remain out of jail.

The three-judge panel – all Obama appointees – included Judges Patricia Millett, Cornelia Pillard and Robert Wilkins.

“[T]he argument presupposes that privilege has actually been invoked in this case in some manner by the President,” the judges wrote in a two-page order, according to Politico. “That did not happen here.”

In September former Trump advisor Dr. Peter Navarro, 74, was convicted of criminal contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a subpoena in Liz Cheney’s January 6 investigation.

Navarro did not comply with the subpoena because he said Trump told him to assert executive privilege.

Biden’s DOJ has abused Dr. Navarro throughout the entire process.

According to Navarro, the feds put him in leg irons and threw him in a cell last year.

[Ed.:  We don’t even have SCOTUS any longer…]


CONFIRMED – IT WAS ALL A SETUP: New Evidence Affirms Previous TGP Reporting that Deep State Sent Documents to Mar-a Lago to Set Up Trump   By Jim Hoft

Apr. 29, 2024 1:40 pm – President Trump shared last week that he believes the FBI stole his will. The FBI also stole 1,800 other items that were not documents that belonged to President Trump. This was not lawful or necessary.

It is also widely known at this point that Joe Biden who ordered the FBI access to Trump’s documents at Mar-a-Lago and President Trump’s personal belongings.

On pages 2-3 of the ruling Judge Cannon revealed that it was JOE BIDEN who ordered the FBI access to the Mar-a-Lago documents and President Trump’s personal belongings.

This was despite the Biden regime insisting they had nothing to do with the raid.

In September 2022, Joe Hoft at The Gateway Pundit reported that Chris Wray’s FBI created a fake crime scene at Trump’s home by adding their own documents to the scene and doctoring at least one photo. (more here).

The FBI created the crime scene, inserted their own documents, and then photoshopped the document.  At the bottom of the photo provided to the court there is the number 2A, indicating that this was a crime scene photo as well as a type of tape measure across the bottom of the photo. The corrupt FBI threw the photos on the floor themselves. They staged this.

We know this because the containers were right next door. The documents would have been placed on a table had the FBI wanted to take a picture of the documents. Showing them as scattered across the floor is for show to indicate they were found this way, a lie we explain below. Also, the cabinets are right next to the documents, which is likely where they were stored. They weren’t stored on the floor.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Biden’s corrupt FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago was all a set-up. We reported this when it happened. Now we have more evidence.
It was all another set up from our totally corrupt DOJ and FBI.

In November 2022, we reported at TGP that the FBI set up President Trump and inserted documents at the Mar-a-Lago raid.

1. We know that the FBI wanted to make this look like a crime scene.

We know this because at the bottom of the photo provided to the court there is the number 2A, indicating that this was a crime scene photo as well as a type of tape measure across the bottom of the photo.  The corrupt FBI threw the photos on the floor themselves.  They staged this.


Feds warn employers can be punished for failing to use preferred transgender pronouns, restrooms    By John Solomon

EEOC’s landmark new regulatory guidance elevates gender identity as a protected class under discrimination laws like race, sex and religion.

 April 29, 2024 2:20pm – In landmark guidance, the federal commission created to fight racial and sexual discrimination declared Monday that employers that fail to use a worker’s preferred pronoun or refuse them the chance to use the restroom of their choice will be engaging in prohibited harassment.

The U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission published the new harassment guidelines Monday after voting along partisan lines on Friday to approve them, even in the face of opposition from nearly two dozen red states. Three Democrat appointees approved the rules while two Republicans opposed them.

The new document elevates gender identity as a protected class under discrimination laws like race, sex and religion.

Prohibited harassment includes “repeated and intentional use of a name or pronoun inconsistent with the individual’s known gender identity (misgendering) or the denial of access to a bathroom or other sex-segregated facility consistent with the individual’s gender identity,” the new regulatory document declared.

You can read the document here.  Enforcement Guidance on Harassment in t…qual Employment Opportunity Commission.pdf

[Ed:  “The Feds” are operating outside their purvey.]


Un-Informed Anti-Israel Protestors Have No Idea Gays are Routinely Killed in Palestine. Just Listen…   By Grant Stinchfield

Apr. 29, 2024 10:15 am – The hatred for homosexuals in Gaza ranks a close second to the hatred of Jews. It’s not just Hamas that engages in “Honor Killings” of gay people in “Palestine,” but every day Palestinians do as well. In fact the punishment for being gay in Gaza is prison, torture and often death.

Yet that doesn’t stop the un-informed protest class of America to somehow back the Palestinians and Hamas at all cost. Even leftist members of the gay community seem to be all in for the destruction of Israel, and the love of the Palestinians. Their support stems from not only ignorance of what Sharia Law means for gays in Muslim areas, but an effort by the main stream media to cover up the sexual preference genocide going on inside Gaza.

“Stinchfield” uncovered audio of Muslims in Gaza and the United States openly calling for the imprisonment and death of all gay people. This revelation buy some of the most left leaning members of the LGBTQ community seems to be a shocker. Wait until you hear the proof of this hatred and the surprise that follows, in their own words.

[Ed.:  Commentary on campus ‘protests’:

Brigitte Gabriel joins Sean Hannity Radio Show to talk Campus Riots and Biden’s Weakness   [9:48]  Bridgitte Gabriel | ACT FOR AMERICA

APR 29, 2024


U.S. Campuses: Grooming Terrorists   by Bassam Tawil
April 29, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • For these Arabs, including some Palestinians, there is nothing “pro-Palestinian” about supporting the Iran-backed Hamas terrorist group….
  • Those who are chanting “we are all Hamas” on the streets of New York and U.S. college campuses are not helping the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip even slightly. They are being used as human shields by the terrorist group Hamas in its genocidal war against Israel and Jews.” — Loay Al-Shareef, social media influencer from the United Arab Emirates, X, April 23, 2024.
  • “You would not survive a day in Gaza under Hamas, which demands that ‘infidels’ live with dignity only if they are subordinate to Islamists…. You do not understand Arabic, nor do you know Islam well enough to comprehend what awaits you if Hamas prevails (God forbid).” — Loay Al-Shareef, X, April 23, 2024.
  • “[Y]ou would also be the target of hatred because radical Islamists like Hamas believe in eternal enmity towards Jews and Christians. They interpret the Quranic verse (“O you who believe, never take Jews and Christians as friends,” as timeless, applicable to all Jews and Christians forever.” — Loay Al-Shareef, X, April 23, 2024.
  • “Hamas’ approach, in other words, has been a disaster for Palestinians in Gaza…. If universities cannot instil their students with peaceful, tolerant, and coexistent attitudes, then they have failed as institutions of higher learning.” — John Aziz, a British-Palestinian writer, Jewish Chronicle, April 22, 2024.
  • “Violence has failed us for decades, and the only way to accomplish justice for Palestinians is through peace.” — Hamza Howidy, Palestinian from Gaza, X, April 25, 2024.
  • By blocking the three Palestinian social media influences, the SJP, which claims to seek justice for the Palestinians, is proving that it does not care about freedom of speech for the Palestinians and is as intolerant as Hamas and other terrorist groups to criticism.
  • “The Muslim Brotherhood is a cancer on every university campus.” – Amjad Taha, Emirati researcher and journalist, X, April 23, 2024.


Faculty voice condemnation of IU actions after 22 more arrested at pro-Palestine protests   Brian Rosenzweig

April 28, 2024 8:01 p.m. ET  (The Herald-Times) – Indiana State Police troopers strengthened their response with arrests on Saturday as pro-Palestinian protesters continued to hold an encampment for Gaza on Indiana University’s Dunn Meadow. Protesters remained Sunday in Dunn Meadow but their numbers were fewer and there was no police action from the morning through at least 8 p.m.

Indiana University Police Department and ISP officers arrested 22 people around noon Saturday after protesters refused to take down tents that ISP troopers said violated policy at IU. ISP troopers dressed in full-black riot gear used riot shields, batons and zip ties to advance on and arrest protesters surrounding the encampment. Detainees were again taken to the Harry Gladstein Fieldhouse and then to Monroe County Jail.

The right of protesters to use tents at Dunn Meadow has been the central point of conflict in police response to the encampment. The day before the pro-Palestine encampment began, IU quietly changed its policies to require “structures,” including tents, to be registered in advance.

That move has drawn condemnations from First Amendment experts inside and outside of IU, who say the action, its timing and the lack of clear communication from IU and ISP troopers amounts to “viewpoint discrimination.”

IU and IUPD spokespeople still have not responded to questions from The Herald-Times about why policies were changed the day before the pro-Palestine encampment began and why police officers didn’t clarify the new policy to protesters.

Fallout from IU action:‘Serious First Amendment problem’: A day before protests, IU changed a free assembly policy

Key student organizer arrested, given 5-year ban

Bryce Greene, the founder and graduate student adviser for IU’s Palestine Solidarity Committee who’s been a key organizer for the pro-Palestine encampment, was detained and given a trespass charge by IUPD on Saturday. Greene was given a five-year ban from all IU Bloomington properties. He says he plans to appeal the ban, and in the meantime, is continuing to support the Dunn Meadow protest on the public sidewalks surrounding campus.

Greene said he believes the response of IU and ISP to protesters has helped to further motivate the cause.

“Hour over hour, we have more people,” Greene said. “We have more people than we did yesterday. It’s going strong.”

Faculty condemnations of IU’s actions grow

A growing number of faculty members are calling on IU President Pamela Whitten and Provost Rahul Shrivastav to resign from their positions for their response to the protests. On Sunday a petition distributed to faculty by anthropology professor Shane Greene calling for Whitten and Shrivastav’s resignation has garnered over 450 signatures, although not every signature has a name attached to it, making it hard to gauge faculty numbers.

Read more

[Ed.:  Note to readers:  “pro-palestine” means in favor of abolishing Israel, and killing the Jews.  It means support for ISIS, HAMAS, Hezbolla, Iran, and an Islamic Caliphate.  There is no ‘palestine’! These gullible suckers think they are fighting for a righteous cause, for freedom!  They’ve been had, because they are literally stupid idiots.]


Azerbaijan obliterates church and entire Christian village in Nagorno-Karabakh   BY ROBERT SPENCER

This kind of thing has happened all over what is known as the Islamic world.

APR 27, 2024 1:00 PM – “Church, Entire Village ‘Erased’ In Azerbaijan’s Recaptured Nagorno-Karabakh,” by Amos Chapple, RFE/RL, April 24, 2024:

A picture of a prayer session inside the St. John the Baptist Church in Nagorno-Karabakh was posted to Twitter by Azerbaijani parliament member Jala Ahmadova in July 2021 to demonstrate what she called an “atmosphere of ethnic and religious tolerance,” after Azerbaijan recaptured Susa, a town known in Armenian as Shushi.

Today that church, built by Armenians in the 19th century, no longer exists.

Images released recently by the monitoring group Caucasus Heritage Watch indicate that the Susa/Shushi church, which was wrapped in scaffolding through much of its time under Azerbaijani control, was demolished in the winter of 2023-24.

Baku retook control of Susa/Shushi from ethnic Armenian forces in November 2020 after launching a war to retake territory internationally recognized as Azerbaijani land.

Two kilometers south of the erased church, satellite images released in April reveal that an entire village appears to have been razed to the ground. Today a large mosque is under construction in the broken soil where a settlement once stood, which was known in Armenian as Karintak and as Dasalti in Azeri.


International Criminal Court officials: US green-lighted arrest warrants for Israeli leaders, including Netanyahu   BY ROBERT SPENCER

International Criminal Court officials: US green-lighted arrest warrants for Israeli leaders, including Netanyahu

APR 27, 2024 5:00 PM – “The fear of arrest warrants for Israeli officials: ‘It would not have been possible without a “green light” from the US,’” translated from “החשש מצווי מעצר לבכירים ישראלים: “לא היה מתאפשר בליאור ירוקמארהב” by Amit Segal, Mako, April 24, 2024:

Very senior officials associated with the International Criminal Court in The Hague have spoken about Israel’s fear of arrest warrants for senior officials in the context of the war in Gaza. The officials told N12 that the intention to issue such orders would not have been possible without American consent.

According to them, the chief prosecutor in The Hague, Karim Khan, was elected to his position three years ago with American assistance. After being elected, Khan closed two cases that greatly troubled the Americans: one related to undeclared detention cells related to Afghanistan in Europe, and the other also related to war crimes committed in Afghanistan.

Regarding the intention to issue arrest warrants for senior Israelis, the sources at The Hague said that it is impossible that the chief prosecutor would have decided on such a dramatic step, in a war that is still ongoing, with very little evidence, if he had not at least had a “green light” from the Americans. If this is true, this is another and unprecedented low in relations between Israel and the US, at a very sensitive time, on the eve of the ground entry to Rafah.

Reports that have recently arrived in Jerusalem indicate that the chance of issuing arrest warrants has increased dramatically, possibly as soon as next month. Last week, the Prime Minister’s Office held an urgent discussion on the issue, in which serious concerns were raised about allowing the issuance of arrest warrants against senior Israeli security and political leaders, including against Netanyahu himself.


Terrorists Launch Attacks on Gaza Pier that the Biden Regime is Building (For Terrorists)  By Pamela Geller

April 26, 2024 – Biden is building the pier for terrorists. Terrorists launch attacks on Americans building the pier. No pushback. No media coverage.

“The pier is not temporary or about delivering aid, it’s about giving the terrorists a permanent gateway to the world.”

Daniel Greenfield writes:

Five Americans are still being held hostage by Hamas and President Biden has sent no troops to help them, but in his State of the Union address he promised to send troops to build a pier for Gaza.

The estimated over 1,000 troops will spend as long as two months laboring to build a floating pier in a war zone, under threat of attack, to help transfer aid to the Hamas supporters living in Gaza.


The Trojan pier is not only about bypassing Israel, but also Egypt. The administration’s vision is that the new arrangement will allow it to directly move materials into Gaza without having to get permission from either Israel or Egypt. And that’s a major victory for the terrorists.

TOI: Members of a terror group in the Gaza Strip launched mortars at an under-construction pier for a US-led project to bring aid into the Palestinian enclave yesterday, the military says. The mortar attack occurred as United Nations officials were touring the site with Israeli troops on the coast of central Gaza, the IDF says in response to a query on the incident.

The IDF says the UN officials were rushed to a shelter by troops amid the attack. UN officials also confirmed the mortar attack to the Associated Press, saying there were no injuries.

“The terrorist organizations continue to systematically harm humanitarian efforts while risking the lives of UN workers, while Israel allows the supply of aid to the residents of the Gaza Strip,” the IDF adds.

Terrorists Launch Attacks on Americans Building Biden’s Gaza Pier

By: Katie Pavlich | April 25, 2024 7:45 AM

Terrorists operating in the Gaza Strip launched a series of attacks on Americans building President Joe Biden’s “humanitarian pier” this week.

“Gazan terrorists fired mortar shells on Wednesday towards the construction work on the humanitarian pier being built off the coast of Gaza,” i24 News reports. “i24NEWS has learned that several pieces of American engineering equipment were damaged in the attack. In addition, one person was slightly injured while running to a protected area.”

[Ed.:  The pier will be used to transfer the poor, innocent Gaza civilians to the US, where they will be safe...]


Biden Regime Opening Overseas Immigration Offices To Bring In Muslim Migrants From Jihad Regions As Pro-Terror Riots Roil America     By Pamela Geller

April 27, 2024 – Trump banned jihad immigration and the country was safer for it. This is diabolical.

President Joe Biden’s pro-migration border chief is opening new processing centers for Muslim migrants, amid pro-HAMAS riots in U.S. cities and just after Congress granted $3.5 billion more for migration within the $95 billion aid package

Biden Admin Expands Paths to Muslim Refugees with USCIS Announcement

Biden Administration To Open Two New Overseas Immigration Offices To Process Middle East Refugees

‘Not only did the “foreign aid” bill that passed yesterday do nothing about the mass migration invasion of America, it provided over $3.5 billion to help bring migrants from the Middle East to America,’ Senator Rubio says in a tweet.

By: NY Sun, April 24, 2024:

On the same day the Senate passed a foreign aid bill that infuriated some GOP lawmakers because it does nothing to secure America’s southern border, the Biden Administration announced that it will soon open two new immigration field offices at Doha, Qatar and Ankara, Turkey aimed at processing refugees from the Middle East.

“Opening these field offices establishes a [U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services] presence and expertise in critical locations in the Middle East and is part of our commitment to the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to facilitate safe, lawful, and orderly migration and family reunification,” the director of the USCIS, Ur M. Jaddou, said in a statement.

The offices, set to open in early May, will help process refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. The administration has set a ceiling for refugee admissions in 2024 at 125,000 refugees.

The announcement, the day before President Biden signed into law a bill aimed at providing foreign aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, enraged Republican lawmakers who voted against the measure because it did not make any provisions for border security. Among those complaining about the new offices is Senator Rubio.

“Not only did the “foreign aid” bill that passed yesterday do nothing about the mass migration invasion of America, it provided over $3.5 billion to help bring migrants from the Middle East to America,” Mr. Rubio said in a tweet.

Continue reading…..


Anti-Israel Mob Shows Up at White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Harasses Attendees  (VIDEOS)   By Mike Lachance

Apr. 27, 2024 11:00 pm – Earlier this week, the anti-Israel mob vowed to ‘shut down’ the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, which is happening tonight. We reported on their plans.

Well, the mob kept their word. They showed up and they are making a total nuisance of themselves as usual.

Of course, the people they’re harassing are beltway journalists, so this is a bit entertaining.

ABC News reports:

Chants of ‘shame on you’ greet guests at White House correspondents’ dinner shadowed by war in Gaza

An election-year roast of President Joe Biden before journalists, celebrities and politicians at the annual White House correspondents’ dinner Saturday butted up against growing public discord over the Israel-Hamas war, with protests outside the event condemning both Biden’s handling of the conflict and the Western news’ media coverage of it.

In previous years, Biden, like most of his predecessors, has used the glitzy annual White House Correspondents’ Association gala to needle media coverage of his administration and jab at political rivals, notably Republican rival Donald Trump.

With hundreds of protesters rallying against the war in Gaza outside the event and concerns over the conflict and humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the perils for journalists covering the conflict, the war hung over this year’s event.

“Shame on you!” protesters draped in the traditional Palestinian keffiyeh cloth shouted, running after men in tuxedos and suits and women in long dresses who were holding clutch purses as guests hurried inside for the dinner.

See the videos below:


FBI Pledge Weekend: Patriot Front Group Marches in Downtown Charleston, West Virginia – Elon Musk Weighs In   By Jim Hoft

Apr. 27, 2024 8:40 pm – It must be another FBI freshman pledge weekend.

The Patriot Front “white supremacist” group went marching in Charleston, West Virginia this weekend.

They found a drummer for this weekend’s march and they were chanting something but it was hard to understand.


These deep state a$$holes aren’t fooling anyone.


This sounds about right: You know they’re feds because the mainstream media has absolutely no interest in outing them.


AND THERE IT IS: Campus Protester Says “We Must Have a Revolution so We Can Have a Socialist Reconstruction of the USA”  (VIDEO)   By Mike Lachance

Apr. 27, 2024 10:20 pm – In case you were wondering what all these campus protests are really all about, this should answer any remaining questions.

During an anti-Israel campus protest at George Washington University this weekend, a speaker said ‘We must have a revolution so we can have a socialist reconstruction of the United States of America.’

That’s the quiet part out loud right there. Do you think this is what the founders of George Washington University had in mind for their school?

Watch this video

Funny how the media is overlooking that. These are just protests, we’re told.

WTOP News:

Demonstrations at GW University campus over Israel-Hamas war enter 3rd day

Pro-Palestinian student protests on and in front of George Washington University’s University Yard entered their third day on Saturday with no sign of slowing down.

While many protesters have abandoned the encampment on the yard, WTOP’s Linh Bui saw 15 tents in the new H Street encampment and over 50 protesters waking up on the street Saturday morning.

The Hatchet, the GW University student newspaper, reported that the number of demonstrators outside the yard swelled to somewhere between 200 and 250 around 11 p.m. Friday night on H Street, but dwindled to around 100 in the early morning hours on Saturday.

Most protesters, mix of students and nonstudents, moved onto the street and surrounding area Friday afternoon — taking their bags and tents with them — after university workers put up metal fencing around University Yard. The student news source reported that there were far less demonstrators in the original encampment as of Saturday morning.

This is Occupy Wall Street all over again, they’re just using the conflict in the Middle East as a cover cause.


Oops: Emory University Professor Admits to Hitting Police Officer Before She Was Arrested   (Videos)   By Kristinn Taylor

Apr. 27, 2024 9:15 pm – Emory University economics professor Caroline Fohlin went viral this week with video of her arrest as police cleared an illegal campus ‘occupy’ protest by Hamas supporters Thursday in Atlanta, Georgia. The shocking video of the female professor being forcibly taken to the ground by a police officer who needed a second officer to control the resisting Fohlin and then her hitting her head on the sidewalk was reposted and viewed millions of times worldwide.

Fohlin was one of two professors arrested at the protest Thursday. The other was Noëlle McAfee, the chair of Emory’s philosophy department.

Fohlin is married to Emory’s Dean of AdmissionJohn F. Latting (He/Him/His).

Fohlin appeared in court on Friday where she was freed on $50 bond. Fohlin’s attorney Gregory Clement issued a statement Friday after her release stating she was not a protester and denying the charges against her, reported the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (scroll down) (excerpt):

All 23 people arrested at Thursday’s protest at Emory have been released from the Dekalb County Jail, records show.

Defendants were released on bond by 6:25 p.m., with all of them except two being released on signature bonds, which are cashless bonds usually used for minor or nonviolent offenses. Bonds were granted to the defendants Friday in magistrate court.

Among the first to be released Friday afternoon was Emory economics professor Caroline Fohlin, who is a tenured professor at the university. Fohlin was granted a $50 bond on a charge of simple battery against a police officer and disorderly conduct. Her arrest was caught on camera and went viral on social media.

“Caroline Fohlin was not a protester at Emory on April 25,” her attorney Gregory Clement said. “She emerged from her office, concerned only about the treatment of students on the quad. She looks forward to vigorously defending the accusations against her in court.”

Video clip of Fohlin admitting to hitting a police officer, “I impulsively hit him on the head very lightly to get his attention and they grabbed me and threw me to the ground and arrested me.”

Video clip of the arrest. Fohlin repeatedly cries out, “I am a professor!” Posted with video of McAfee being detained:


Riot Police Clear Out Hamas Agitators at Indiana University  (VIDEOS)   By David Greyson

Apr. 27, 2024 9:00 pm – Hamas agitators have infested Universities across America disrupting education and endangering people’s lives.

Over 33 people were arrested on Thursday at Indiana University for staging pro-Hamas “protests” at Dunn Meadow.

The agitators had tents and other structures, which according to the University, was a violation of the school’s policy.

According to the University provost, Dunn Meadow is a place where “expression on all subjects” is permitted

WISHTV 8 reported:

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (WISH) — At least 33 people were arrested during a Thursday rally at Indiana University’s Dunn Meadow in support of Palestine, law enforcement agencies tell News 8.

The people were arrested for having structures, including tents, at their protest. IU said this violates a university policy and directed News 8 to this link.

Dunn Meadow is designated as a gathering spot for “expression on all subjects,” according to a policy listed under the Office of the Provost.

“The protest started Thursday morning in Dunn Meadow, a park which happens to be across the street from Chabad House of Bloomington, a resource for Jewish people on the campus,” WISHTV 8 reported.

Although the First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects free speech, a gathering that is not peaceful does not fall under its confines.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” First Amendment to the US Constitution.

Watch  https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1WXGMGStMk

Additional footage.

Watch https://twitter.com/i/status/1784313059768738271

Numerous riots and chaos have been spreading to many college campuses. Cal Poly Humboldt shut down its campus on Friday after pro-Hamas agitators took over the college president’s office.

Columbia University, with its Hamas agitators, has become so dangerous that in-person classes were canceled this past Monday. The campus has become very unsafe for Jewish students.

This is the current climate of college education. Chaos and calls for violence have replaced learning and critical thinking.


SHOCK VIDEO: Cal Poly Humboldt Shuts Down After Pro-Hamas Activists Occupied the President’s Office   By Kristinn Taylor

Apr. 27, 2024 4:00 pm – Cal Poly Humboldt, located on the coast in Arcata, about 280 miles north of San Francisco, shut down its campus on Friday after pro-Hamas/Communist activists took over President Tom Jackson’s office and set up an ‘occupy zone.’ One of the buildings was renamed “Intifada Hall” by the terrorist supporters. The school will be closed through May 10 with classes held online. Humboldt, which is a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI), reports it has 5,858 undergraduate students with fulltime tuition and fees for the year costing $7,864.

The school has acknowledged outside actors are in involved, saying, in a statement Wednesday (scroll down to April 24 at link), “There are unidentified non-students with unknown intentions, in Siemens Hall. This creates an unpredictable environment. In addition, all entrances to the building are barricaded, creating a fire hazard. Adding to health and safety concerns, many toilets are no longer working.”

The San Francisco Chronicle reported Saturday about 100 tents are spread around the occupied campus, “UPDATE: About 100 tents covered the lawns adjoining Siemens Hall and extended across the Cal Poly Humboldt campus Saturday as Pro-Palestinian demonstrators protest in defiance of the university’s orders to leave Friday evening.”

Videos posted online show the takeover of the campus by pro-Hamas activists using Antifa tactics like using ‘riot shields’ to defend against police actions. Earlier in the week there were violent clashes with police on campus. (Police withdrew after battling the activists for several minutes.)

Video posted Friday of riot shields being put together at the ‘occupied’ zone’.


Locals Help Police Trash Tents and Anti-Israel Flags at Arizona State University  (VIDEO)   By David Greyson

Apr. 27, 2024 6:30 pm – Some college campuses that have reached their limit with Hamas agitators are taking action to remove tents and anti-Israel flags. Among the allies to the police at ASU was a group of local guys helping with the clean up.

As these guys were helping the police, you could hear the agitators complaining and harassing them.

“We’ve got the white frat boys throwing away protester’s belongings and we’ve got the pigs in brown doing nothing,” an anti-Israel agitator shouted.


Earlier in the day, the police at the ASU campus were tearing down tents that were involved with the unruly Hamas agitators. They were met with anti-Israel chants with some words difficult to understand since they were shouting.

ABC 15 Arizona reported:

TEMPE, AZ — Nearly 70 people were arrested early Saturday morning amid a pro-Palestinian protest at Arizona State University that started Friday over the Israel-Hamas conflict.

ASU confirmed the arrests Saturday morning, saying the group set up an unauthorized encampment in violation of university policy.

“Rogue cops get out of the way we know you’re Israel’s (incoherent word),” agitators shouted.


ASU also turned on the sprinklers in the field to try and deter the agitators. They responded by putting items or bags over them to prevent them from getting sprayed.

One student was hitting a plastic container with a stick while they were chanting. They made reference to liberation, but they were difficult to understand since they were shouting. A good portion of them were wearing masks either to avoid being seen or an obsession with Covid virtue signaling.



Indiana University changed its policy a day before a protest. Then 33 people were arrested.   Brian Rosenzweig  |  The Herald-Times

April 27, 2024 – The day before Indiana University students planned to set up a pro-Palestine solidarity encampment on Dunn Meadow, a public field that’s long been a site of gathering and protest in Bloomington, IU officials quietly changed its on-campus events policy to require tents and other “structures” to receive prior approval from the university.

The next day, 33 protesters at the encampment were arrested, shoved with riot shields and handcuffed with zip ties by Indiana State Police troopers who told them their use of camping tents and canopies on Dunn Meadow was unlawful.

Protesters say they were unaware of the policy change and many believe they were targeted by IU.

“The fact that they did it late at night, the night before they knew that this pro-Palestine event was scheduled to take place tells us that this was not about security,” said David McDonald, chair of the IU Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology and one of those arrested. “It was about stifling speech on this particular issue.”

More on the Dunn Meadow protest:  State police detain pro-Palestine protesters, tear down encampment at Indiana University

The change was approved by an ad-hoc committee of four, consisting of the IU chief of police, the vice provost for student life, the associate vice president of events and conferences and the vice president for undergraduate education. No faculty or students were involved in the committee.

On Thursday, hundreds of protesters refused to take down their encampment after IU Police Department and Indiana State Police officers told them the event was a violation of school policy. IUPD distributed pamphlets saying tents needed prior registration, but protesters disputed the claim, citing the Bloomington campus’ policy on use of assembly grounds under an existing campus policy that’s been in place since 1969,

As faculty and students attempted to explain the campus policy to troopers, state police Capt. Rob Priest replied, “I’m not arguing,” and “I’m just following orders.”

“If you resist us and stay, you’re going to be arrested,” Priest said. Less than three hours later, state police officers, many wearing full military gear and wielding riot-control equipment including rifles and riot shields, advanced on protesters and cuffed and arrested 33 protesters, three of whom were faculty members.

Banned from all IU-owned properties

All 33, the majority of them students, received the same penalty: a one-year ban from all IU-owned properties.

For freshman Elena Thomas, that meant she couldn’t return to her dormitory after she was released from Monroe County Jail around 9 p.m. Thursday and had to stay the night at a friend’s off-campus house. For IU senior Cameron Pierce it means he can’t attend departmental graduation ceremonies or the commencement ceremony next week. For McDonald, it means he can’t do his job.

[Ed.:  See:  Mark Levin Exposes Dark Money Behind Anti-Israel Movement   

The IU decision to block and prevent this so-called ‘protest’, demonstrated that a few people still have their heads screwed on straight. Just look at what happened at the other universities so far!  It’s enough to put them out of business!  However, Indiana university, the City Hall of Bloomington Indiana, and the main newspaper in Bloomington (the Bloomington Herald Times) who published this article, are 99% to 100% radical leftists, and Bloomington is a mini-Berkley California.  They provide well attended trans shows for the kids every week at the public library – for years now! Their Headstart schools teachers with purple hair teach the little boys to wear dresses and lipstick! The town is a sanctuary city for any and every kind of nut-job.

The ‘protesters’ built their political perspective on each and every (only) source of information available to them: their professors, their community, all of their news sources, and plenty of paycheck $$$  from Qatar and George Soros (now THERE is a ‘dirty Jew’!)  These worldwide ‘protests’ are bought and paid for, and the participants are misinformed, communist, Jew hating, air-heads, as shown in this VIDEO. They don’t really know what why they are there protesting! What they think it is, is simply false.

Jesus’s last words were “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do”.  I really don’t think that ignorance quite gets them off so easy! Not when you go up against Israel.]


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