Daily Shmutz | NEWS | 5/21/23


Anti-Vaccine Dr. Rashid Buttar Has Died   By Jim Hoft

May 20, 2023 4:40 pm – The medical community is mourning the loss of Dr. Rashid Buttar, a respected doctor known for his views on COVID-19 and vaccines.

He was named as one of the “Disinformation Dozen” by the far-left media along with Democrat presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Dr. Buttar, 57, a licensed physician and a retired Major in the US Army who served in special forces, died on Thursday at his home, while spending time with his family, according to an email sent by his family.


John Kerry and Biden Regime Target Small Farms in Their Ongoing Climate Crusade – They’re Going After the Food Supply   By Jim Hoft

May 20, 2023 5:40 pm – They’re going after our food supplies.

John Kerry is targeting family farms. The Biden regime’s climate czar says farms produce too much greenhouse gases. He wants that to stop in order to combat the climate “crisis.”

Farms also happen to produce food. Kerry is not worried about that. The global elites are not worried about that.

Recently, the Netherlands announced they were shutting down family farms to combat global warming. Tough luck if you happen to own one of the farms or work at the farms. This insanity comes at the same time Europe is seeing it highest inflation in decades.

The Dutch Government announced they will close up to 3,000 farms to comply with their global warming goals.

[Ed.: Our government hates us.  They are working to kill us off by any and every possible means 24/7.  It needs to be prosecuted.  It needs to stop.  It needs to be disassembled and re-built.]


VIDEO: “Wagner” Group Soldiers Raise the Russian Flag after Historic Victory in Bakhmut, Ukraine   By Jim Hoft

May 20, 2023 – Earlier this morning, Gateway Pundit contributor Paul Serran reported that Bakhmut, Ukraine had fallen.

This was a major blow to Ukraine, NATO, the Biden regime, and the globalists.

As Paul reported:

“Artyomovsk (Russian name) is an important city in the Donbas, the Russian-speaking region comprised of the Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts (states). The defense of the ethnic Russians in this region was one of the primary objectives of Putin in his Special Military Operation, so the capture of this key regional logistics and transport hub is crucial to the Russian plans of liberating the areas of Donetsk Oblast still under Kiev’s control.

While US and UK officials have, as of late, tried to downplay the strategic importance of Bakhmut (Ukrainian name), deeming it to be merely ‘symbolic’, Ukrainian president Zelensky stated that a loss in Bakhmut would mean an open road for Russian forced to attack other important cities in Eastern Ukraine.

As for the symbolic value of Bakhmut, Zelensky called it the ‘the fortress of our morale’, so it’s understandable that he and his Generals may have chosen to defend it to the end, rather than retreat their overwhelmed troops while they still could. But ‘the end’ appears to be nearing.”

Today’s news is a major blow to Ukraine and the West.

It’s time for these Western leaders to start talking about a peace deal. There are only so many Ukrainians left to kill.


Joe Biden Is Preparing to Provide US F-16 FIghter Jets to Ukraine – World War III Can’t Come Fast Enough for These Elites   By Jim Hoft

May 20, 2023 8:20 pm – Joe Biden is preparing to supply fighters for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
He wants more war.

This is a serious escalation in the War in Ukraine and it comes on the same day that Russia captured Bakhmut, an important base in eastern Ukraine.

Joe Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan says providing the F-16s will PREVENT World War III.

Read: Dr. Peter McCullough On “The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification”

It doesn’t work that way Jake. This is called an escalation in the war with Russia. And, of course, there are no Ukrainian pilots who can fly the US planes.

Lindsey Graham must be giddy tonight following the news.


Western Delusions About Russia and Ukraine are Genuine   [14:28]   By Larry Johnson

May. 21, 2023 7:00 am – If you think that the policy towards Russia, which is shaped by the perceptions and beliefs of the Washington status quo, is not seriously screwed up, think again and watch Charles Kupchan, a former Clinton and Obama National Security official and current shill for the Atlantic Council, take you on a bizarre journey worthy of Alice in Wonderland. Kupchan’s views are not unique to him. What he is saying about Russia and Ukraine is mainstream Neo-Con and reflects the views of Biden’s key national security aides and the leaders of the U.S. Senate and House. No amount of facts will change his mind. He is locked in, as is the Biden Administration, in portraying Russia as a rapacious, authoritarian state hell-bent on conquering the world.

If there is anyone in a leadership role in Russia or China who still believes that there is a path of negotiation with the United States, Kupchan’s delusional diatribes unleashed in this video should awake them to the futility of such an effort. There is no room for genuine negotiation with Moscow. The Washington establishment will not be satisfied until Putin is dead and Russia is carved up like a Thanksgiving Turkey — the bird not the country.

Here is the first segment of Kupchan’s interview on RT’s program, Going Underground. You can watch the entire program here.


FIVE REVELATIONS IN FIVE DAYS Expose Chris Wray’s FBI as Criminal Enterprise Devoid of Morals and Legitimacy   By Jim Hoft

May. 20, 2023 8:00 am – Sometimes God works in mysterious ways.  Exposing the FBI as an utterly corrupt organization was one of them.

There was a  time in the not-so-distant past when a vast majority of Americans trusted the FBI, valued its work, and believed in its mission and purpose.  A majority of Americans were proud of the FBI.

Then Trump came into office and the FBI was exposed by independent journalists as a crooked, immoral organization.

Whatever credibility the FBI had left was tossed out the window this week.

On Monday – The Durham Report was released – the FBI, Obama, Hillary, and Deep State knew the Trump-Russia collusion was a lie in August 2016.

Special Counsel John Durham released his final report concluding the FBI had no verified intel when it opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigation into Trump in 2016.  Worse yet, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, then CIA Director John Brennan, and others knew that Hillary was behind the Trump-Russia lies since August of 2016!


Roger Stone: How John Durham Documented the Biggest Illegal Dirty Trick in U.S. History & Why No One Will Be Held Responsible   By Roger Stone

This article originally appeared on Roger Stone Substack and was republished with permission.

May. 20, 2023 1:20 pm – What did Mr. Durham know three days ago when he released his report, that he did not know prior to the November 8th, 2020 election?

Special Counsel John Durham’s final report on the origins of the Russian collusion hoax (also known as Obamagate) document the single greatest dirty trick in the history of American politics and government; an abuse of power in which the full authority and extraordinary intelligence capabilities of the United States government were illicitly and illegally used to remove a duly elected President — Donald J. Trump — from office.

Contrary to the completely politicized and undocumented claims of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee Report, as well as the feeble assertions of the Mueller investigation; neither the FBI or the CIA had any evidence whatsoever of collusion between any Russian entity and Donald Trump’s campaign for President.


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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.