Daily Shmutz | NEWS | 5/7/23




In 55 days EVERYTHING changes for the U.S. Dollar    [14:51]   Redacted with Clayton Morris
The collapse of the U.S. dollar is going exactly as planned while the most prominent banks consolidate power. In 55 days, the U.S. dollar becomes digital, which means the federal reserve bank will have total control and surveillance over every financial transaction you make. And it brings the U.S. one step closer to removing cash as a form of payment.


Wirepoints Report: Illinois on Track to Become First State to Kill School Choice   By Margaret Flavin

May. 7, 2023  – Public schools are failing Illinois students miserably.

While teachers push Critical Race Theory and the sexualization of children in schools, academic rigor continues to slip lower and lower.

The Illinois State Board of Education’s recent report card is dreadful.

In 30 schools in Illinois, not a single student can read at grade level, 22 of which are in the City of Chicago.

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In 53 schools, not a single student can do math at grade level, 33 of which are in  Chicago.

But for parents hoping that school choice is an option, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker and Chicago Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson are signaling that the state’s school scholarship program, the Invest in Kids Act, is dead.

According to the Illinois State Board of Education, “Public Act 100-465  established the Illinois Invest in Kids Act. The Act includes a five-year tax credit scholarship program for eligible students who attend qualified non public schools in Illinois.” The Act has served as the state’s sole school choice option since 2017.

Wirepoints exclusively reports:

Sources have informed Wirepoints that the school scholarship program for Illinois students is dead. Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Chicago Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson and others in the state legislature are going to kill the program for low-income, working-class families when it comes up for renewal this legislative session.

The program – the Invest in Kids Act – currently gives 9,000 kids hope for a better education and a better life through what are called tax-credit scholarships. Those kids have left the traditional public system for schools that better suit their needs.

But Gov. Pritzker and others have a plan to eliminate the program, educational options for families be damned. If there isn’t extreme pushback, say goodbye to the Invest in Kids Act.


FBI Seizes Couple’s Life-Savings Without Charging Them of Crime – Here’s How It’s Completely Legal By Johnathan Jones

May. 7, 2023 – A couple whose safety deposit box was seized by the FBI two years ago as the bureau conducted a money laundering investigation into the owners of the storage company has not and might not ever receive their life savings back.

The FBI has allegedly used loopholes in order to legally line its pockets through civil asset forfeiture.

The owners of a Los Angeles-area company called U.S. Private Vaults Inc. were raided by the bureau after it was discovered they had been allowing drug dealers to launder money through the business, The Los Angeles Times reported.

They accepted a plea bargain that would see them not charged with any crimes but did allow the FBI to take $86 million in cash from various deposit boxes stored at their business. The Times reported millions of dollars more in jewelry and other items were also taken.

Some of the boxes had been used to further illegal activities.

Read: Dr. Peter McCullough On “The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification”

Others were rented by ordinary people who used them to safely store precious items or money.

Linda Martin and Reggie Wilder, a married couple, were among those who said they did nothing wrong, other than choose the wrong business to store the $40,200 they hoped to use to purchase a home.


“It’s Spooky”: Stanford Professor Warns Thousands Of US Banks Are “Potentially Insolvent”   BY TYLER DURDEN

SATURDAY, MAY 06, 2023 – 01:00 PM – Following the collapse of First Republic last week, the meltdown of three other banks, and the Federal Reserve’s quarter-point increase, making the tenth straight hike in an aggressive campaign to tame elevated inflation, a professor of finance at the Stanford Graduate School of Business presented a grim warning that the regional banking dominos are falling.

In a New York Times opinion piece titled “Yes, You Should Be Worried About a Potential Bank Crisis. Here’s Why,” Professor Amit Seru wrote, “the fragility and collapse of several high-profile banks are most likely not an isolated phenomenon.” He said, “A damaging combination of fast-rising interest rates, major changes in work patterns, and the potential of a recession could prompt a credit crunch not seen since the 2008 financial crisis.”


High Levels of Toxic Metals Found in Widely Consumed Drinks: Study   Katabella Roberts

May 5 2023 – A new study has found that some commonly consumed beverages such as fruit juice and artificial soda contain levels of toxic metals including arsenic, cadmium, and lead that exceed federal drinking water standards.

Researchers from Tulane University, Louisiana, measured 25 different toxic metals and trace elements in 60 soft beverages, including single fruit juice, mixed fruit juice, plant-based milk, artificial soda, and tea.

The drinks were purchased in New Orleans and are commercially available in supermarkets across the United States.

Researchers found that five of the 60 beverages tested contained levels of a toxic metal above federal drinking water standards.

Two mixed juices had levels of arsenic above the 10 microgram/liter standard. Meanwhile, a cranberry juice, a mixed carrot and fruit juice, and an oat milk each had levels of cadmium exceeding the three parts per billion standard.


Texas Committee Passes Bill To Create 100% Reserve Gold And Silver-Backed Transactional Currencies    by Michael Maharrey 

SATURDAY, MAY 06, 2023 – 04:30 PMOn May 2, a Texas House committee passed a bill to create 100% reserve gold and silver-backed transactional currencies. Enactment of this legislation would create an option for people to conduct business in sound money, set the stage to undermine the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on money, and possibly create a viable alternative to a central bank digital currency (CBDC).

Rep. Mark Dorazio (R) introduced HB4903 on March 10 and it has since garnered a bipartisan coalition of 42 cosponsors. The legislation would require the state comptroller to establish and provide for the issuance of gold and silver specie and also establish digital currencies that are 100% backed by gold and silver, and 100% redeemable in cash, gold, or silver.

Specie is defined as “a precious metal stamped into coins of uniform shape, size, design, content, and purity, suitable for or customarily used as currency, as a medium of exchange, or as the medium for purchase, sale, storage, transfer, or delivery of precious metals in retail or wholesale transactions.”


California’s Cannabis Market Crashes, Northern Counties Brace for Impact   By Travis Gillmore

May 5, 2023 – California’s cannabis industry is in a free-fall, with some municipalities in the northern part of the state making plans for significantly reduced tax revenues as a result of a collapse in wholesale prices.

Once selling for more than $4,000 per pound, bulk buyers are now shopping in the $300 to $500 range for fresh harvests, according to experts, and some growers reported clearing out their crops for less than $200 per pound for fear of being stuck with product.

The price represents a sharp drop from recent years, according to industry insiders.


“Kill The Whales!”    by James Rickards

SATURDAY, MAY 06, 2023 – 08:10 AMOn Friday Joe Biden signed an executive order directing every federal agency to work toward “environmental justice for all.”

The executive order even establishes a new Office of Environmental Justice within the White House.

If that sounds kind of Orwellian, there’s a reason for that — it is.

“It’s only about the future of our planet,” Biden said.

If “the future of our planet” is on the line, then you can justify whatever extreme measure you want to enact.

After all, you don’t ask questions during an emergency. You act. And what bigger emergency is there than the planet’s very future?

It frames the issue in such a way that’s designed to nullify any criticism or serious analysis. You’re either with the planet or against it.

Beneath a large component of this campaign is the so-called climate emergency.

There’s only one problem — there is no climate emergency. It’s a myth whipped up by radicals to terrify people into supporting extreme policies no one would otherwise embrace.

Some climate activists have even conceded that they’ve had to exaggerate the threat in order to frighten people into taking action.

In other words, they admit that they’ve been engaging in propaganda. Unfortunately, it’s worked to a frightening degree.

They’ve Got It Backward

Here are the facts:


RFK Jr. Says “CIA Definitely Involved In The Murder” of His Uncle President John F. Kennedy   (VIDEO)   By Anthony Scott

May. 7, 2023 – Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was recently interviewed by Jason Calacanis and other members of the popular All-In podcast and in that interview, RFK Jr. revealed he believes the CIA was involved in the assassination of his uncle President John F. Kennedy.

The question arose when host Jason Calacanis asked Kennedy directly “Do you believe they (the CIA) were involved in the murder of your uncle?”

Without any hesitation Kennedy responded “They were definitely involved in the murder and the 60-year cover-up.”

Kennedy continued “They’re still not releasing, you know the papers that legally they have to release.”


[Ed.: Two good reasons why this man would remain Democrat:  Genetic, and his wife!]


Brigitte Gabriel on OAN  [11:36]

  • Mexico’s Embassies internationally are selling $3000 Visa’s drawing hundreds of thousands to storm our southern borders!
  • 9 federal contractors, 6 of them religious organizationsare collecting billions of tax payer dollars from the federal government to fund illegal aliens flooding our border.
  • Atrocious crimes against children and women


Establishment Economists Are Finally Realizing It’s Time To Pay The Piper   by Brandon Smith

FRIDAY, MAY 05, 2023 – 07:20 AMThe one thing about the financial world that never ceases to amaze me is how far behind the curve mainstream economists always seem to be. Not long ago we had Janet Yellen and Paul Krugman, economists supposedly at the front of the pack, both proving to be utterly ignorant (or strategically dishonest) on the effects of central bank stimulus measures and the threat of inflation. In fact, they both consistently denied such a threat existed until they were crushed by the evidence.

This tends to be the modus operandi of top establishment analysts, and the majority of economists out there simply follow the lead of these gatekeepers – Maybe because they’re vying for a limited number of cushy positions in the field, or perhaps because they’re afraid that if they present a contradictory theory they’ll be ostracized. Economics is often absurdist in nature because Ivy League “experts” can be wrong time and time again and yet still keep their jobs and rise up through the ranks.  It’s a bit like Hollywood in that way; they fail upwards.

In the meantime, alternative economists keep hitting the target with our observations and predictions, but we’ll never get job offers from establishment publications because they’re not looking for people who are right, they’re looking for people that toe the line.

And so it goes. I look forward to the fast approaching day when all of these guys (and girls) proclaim frantically that “no one saw this crisis coming.” After things get even worse, they’ll all come out and say they actually “saw the crisis coming and tried to warn us.”

[Ed.:  Found this screen shot of US banks over the years. 2018 we all know. Now, take a look 2023! For sure, the bank crisis is going to make the GFC ( Global Financial Crisis) look like a picnic by the time is over.  It’s almost impossible to clean up this mess already!]


‘Complete vindication’: Woke school district learns a hard lesson about ‘discriminating’ against a Christian university    MICHELE BLOOD

May 06, 2023 – Arizona’s largest elementary school district has shifted course, voting to allow students from a Christian university to teach there once again, Alliance Defending Freedom announced Thursday.

“This is a complete vindication of the rights of our students to be able to participate as student-teachers in a public school district without fear of religious discrimination” said Arizona Christian University President Len Munsil in a statement.

The Washington Elementary School District voted 5-0 March 9 to end an arrangement in which ACU students completed their student teaching and practical coursework at WESD, as TheBlazereported. Board members at the time cited ACU’s stance on lifelong, monogamous, heterosexual marriage as presenting an “unsafe” condition.

After Alliance Defending Freedom sued WESD, the board apparently saw the error of its ways, with four of its five members voting at Wednesday night’s meeting to enter a new agreement with ACU. The district was slapped with $25,000 in attorneys’ fees as part of the settlement.


Who’s the Real Anthony Fauci?  [1:20:13]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

May 06, 2023 – Urgent: Set Aside 60 Minutes to Watch This

This coalition of sinister forces – intelligence agencies, pharmaceutical companies, social media titans, medical bureaucracies, mainstream media and the military – is using a health crisis to impose totalitarian control worldwide. This is Armageddon, and we need to wake up.


  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. describes the coalition of sinister forces — intelligence agencies, pharmaceutical companies, social media titans, medical bureaucracies, mainstream media and the military — that are using a health crisis to impose totalitarian control worldwide
  • Anthony Fauci isn’t acting alone, but he’s become a prominent face of the medical cartel and medical technocracy that is wrapped up in obliterating constitutional rights globally
  • Big Pharma’s infiltration of regulatory and public health agencies goes back more than 100 years to the creation of the Rockefeller Foundation in 1913, which took control of the U.S. medical school system
  • Fauci controls a $6.1 billion budget that he distributes to colleges and universities to do drug research for various diseases, and another $1.7 billion that comes from the military to do bioweapons research
  • Fauci’s NIAID conducted barbaric and illegal drug experiments on foster children; at least 85 children died as a result
  • Waking up to Fauci’s façade is necessary to understand the orchestrated planned use of pandemics to clamp down totalitarian control

[Ed.: In my (not very) humble opinion, the problem with an RFK candidacy is that he is running on a Democrat ticket.  How could any one of us vote for a Democrat? Michoel Green elaborates:

Don’t Vote for Tyranny   MICHOEL GREEN   APR 20, 2023 – I’d vote for RFK Jr. if:

  • he weren’t running as a DemonCrat
  • he didn’t admit to being emphatically pro-jab
  • his wife didn’t ban unjabbed from her events
  • he truly opposed ALL forms of medical tyranny, including but not limited to:
    • chemtrail spraying in our skies
    • fluoridation of our water
    • GMO contamination of our food
    • pesticide contamination of our soil
    • all jab mandates
    • all mask policies
    • all quarantine policies
    • all lockdown policies
      ALL of which are without our informed consent.
  • most essentially, if the entire system weren’t rigged and controlled by eugenicist psychopaths who are actively attempting to mass murder the world population and enslave the remaining survivors in a dystopian “New World Order.”

Otherwise, I will not waste my time voting for him, or for anyone else who chooses to operate through the so-called establishment.


RFK Jr. Says “CIA Involved In CIA”  (VIDEO)   By Anthony Scott

May. 5, 2023  – Democrat presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sat down with Freddie Sayers the Editor-in-Chief of Unhurd and had a lot of interesting things to say about the CIA.

The topic of the CIA got brought up when Sayers asked Kennedy what kind of approach he plans to take with the CIA.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. responded to Sayers’ question by saying  “the CIA needs to be reorganized.”

He continued “Very early on Allen Dulles( former CIA Director) corrupted the purpose of the CIA by getting it involved in assassinations and fixing elections… the CIA has been involved in coup d’état’s in a third of the countries in the world.”

Kennedy rounded up his thought by saying “Our national policy as a country is to promote democracy the CIA’s policy has been the opposite.”


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.