Daily Shmutz | NEWS  | 5/7/24




WATCH: Patriot Pulls Off Creative Troll at Harvard, Loudly Blasts National Anthem in Middle of the Night While Pro-Hamas Agitators Try to Sleep  [VIDEOS]   By Cullen Linebarger

May 7, 2024 3:20 pm –  A fearless patriot brutally trolled an anti-America, pro-Hamas encampment late Monday night at Harvard University.

As Gateway Pundit readers know, Harvard is just one of the many universities up north that have struggled to contain the violent pro-Hamas protests across their campuses.

In contrast, students at Southern colleges have humiliated the loony agitators. These actions include hijacking protests to sing patriotic songs and voice support for President Trump.

Fortunately, Harvard has started to get a little fed up. Outkick.com notes that Harvard interim president Alan Garber released a statement vowing to hold those who refuse to vacate the encampment accountable.

I write today with this simple message: The continuation of the encampment presents a significant risk to the educational environment of the University. Those who participate in or perpetuate its continuation will be referred for involuntary leave from their Schools.

Among other implications, students placed on involuntary leave may not be able to sit for exams, may not continue to reside in Harvard housing, and must cease to be present on campus until reinstated.

Garber got some much-needed assistance from a student who decided to give the foul-smelling, lazy agitators a rude wake-up call. The Daily Wire’s Kassy Akiva posted a video shortly after midnight eastern of the national anthem loudly blasting outside of the encampment as the protesters tried to sleep.

The anthem plays for a full two minutes as some of the disheveled agitators walk around the encampment.



Police in the Netherlands Uses BULLDOZERS To Raze Pro-Hamas Camp at the University of Amsterdam, Clashes With Protesters in the Streets   [VIDEOS]   By Paul Serran

May. 7, 2024 4:20 pm – Even ultra-liberal Amsterdam has had enough of those Gaza camp thugs.

Police in the Netherlands arrested about 169 activists as they broke up a pro-Palestinian demonstration camp at the University of Amsterdam.

The protests that have disrupted campuses in the United States are spreading into Europe.

Police in the Dutch capital said on the social media platform X that their action was ‘necessary to restore order’ after protests turned violent.

There were no immediate reports of injuries.

This comes after yesterday Anti-Israel students & activists armed with sticks attacked Jewish students at the University of Amsterdam. The Jewish students have dared to express their disapproval against the occupation of campus Security watched on during the attack.

[Ed.:  That’s it!  Pick them and all their trash off our campuses and dump them into jail.  Is Norawy waking up after the demise of their country? They say that “it’s never too late to correct a wrong!”]


End of an Era: Boy Scouts of America Officially Changes Name to Embrace Inclusivity After 114 Years   By Jim Hft

May. 7, 2024 1:15 pm – The “woke virus” continues to spread in America.

The Boy Scouts of America has announced a major rebranding as it transitions to “Scouting America,” marking the first name change in its 114-year legacy.

The move is part of the organization’s bid to distance itself from its troubled past marred by a torrent of sexual abuse claims and subsequent bankruptcy while simultaneously embracing “inclusivity.”

The Gateway Pundit reported that the organization was nearly bankrupt after a series of woke decisions, including changing its policies to allow gay leaders and allowing girls to join. Those decisions had a major impact on the organization’s bottom line.

This change is yet another surrender to the ongoing “woke” agenda permeating longstanding American institutions. This is another surrender to political correctness, prioritizing superficial inclusivity over the core values that once made the Boy Scouts an iconic organization.

For over a century, the Boy Scouts of America has stood as a pillar of traditional American values, providing millions of young boys with formative experiences focused on leadership, self-reliance, and camaraderie.

In its press release, Scouting America stated that the change will take effect on February 8, 2025, coinciding with the organization’s 115th anniversary.

“The Boy Scouts of America will rebrand to Scouting America, reflecting the organization’s ongoing commitment to welcome every youth and family in America to experience the benefits of Scouting,” the organization said.

President and CEO Roger A. Krone claimed, “Though our name will be new, our mission remains unchanged: we are committed to teaching young people to be Prepared. For Life. This will be a simple but very important evolution as we seek to ensure that everyone feels welcome in Scouting.”

The name change is meant to reflect the organization’s supposed commitment to inclusivity following decisions in recent years to allow openly gay members and leaders and welcome girls into the ranks.

AP reported:

The organization steeped in tradition has made seismic changes after decades of turmoil, from finally allowing gay youth to welcoming girls throughout its ranks. With an eye on increasing flagging membership numbers, the Irving, Texas-based organization announced the name change Tuesday at its annual meeting in Florida.

“In the next 100 years we want any youth in America to feel very, very welcome to come into our programs,” Roger Krone, who took over last fall as president and chief executive officer, said in an interview before the announcement.

The organization began allowing gay youth in 2013 and ended a blanket ban on gay adult leaders in 2015. In 2017, it made the historic announcement that girls would be accepted as Cub Scouts as of 2018 and into the flagship Boy Scout program — renamed Scouts BSA — in 2019.

There were nearly 1,000 young women in the inaugural class of female Eagle Scouts in 2021, including Selby Chipman. The all-girls troop she was a founding member of in her hometown of Oak Ridge, North Carolina, has grown from five girls to nearly 50, and she thinks the name change will encourage even more girls to realize they can join.

“Girls were like: ‘You can join Boy Scouts of America?’” said Chipman, now a 20-year-old college student and assistant scoutmaster of her troop.

Within days of the announcement that girls would be allowed, Bob Brady went to work. A father of two girls and a proud Eagle Scout himself, the New Jersey attorney eagerly formed an all-girls troop. At their first weekend gathering with other troops, the boys were happy to have the girls involved but some adult leaders seemed concerned, he recalled. Their worries seemed to melt away as soon as the girls led a traditional cheer around the campfire.

The very name “Boy Scouts of America” carried a timeless and specific message, one that emphasized the unique journey of boys learning to become responsible men. The removal of the word “Boy” in favor of a more neutral moniker is unnecessary and eroding concession to modern pressures.

[Ed.:  Seventy years ago, I was a Cub Scout.  Later, I was a Boy Scout, and then an Explorer. At that age, we thought that we would get ‘the cooties’ if a girl even came to our undertakings.  After all these years, it is gratifying to have affirmation that we were right!  Trust your gut feelings!]


Federal Bureau of Prisons Denies Rep. Matt Gaetz’s Interview With Political Prisoner Dr. Peter Navarro, Says He is ‘Too Notorious’   By Ben Kew

May 7, 2024 8:30 am – Rep. Matt Gaetz revealed that the Federal Bureau of Prisons has denied his request to interview political prisoner Dr. Peter Navarro on the grounds that he is “too notorious” for such a meeting to take place.

Navarro, a renowned economist who worked in the Trump administration and whose report exposed the widespread fraud that took place during the 2020 presidential election, was imprisoned for four months by the Biden regime for failing to comply with a subpoena during Liz Cheney’s January 6th investigation.

Posting on the X platform, Gaetz gave details of the denial, arguing that other political prisoners had been allowed to speak to the media:

I was informed today by the Director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons that my request to interview [Peter Navarro] would be denied. And her reason is that Peter Navarro is “too notorious” to be interviewed by a member of Congress! John Gotti was interviewed in prison. The QAnon Shaman was interviewed in prison. Director Peters HERSELF brought NBC News THROUGH PRISONS to showcase the work of corrections that’s being done! This only vindicates the claim made by Peter Navarro that he is being held as a political prisoner.

Speaking on the issue from the House floor, Gaetz added that Navarro was also being denied access to his lawyer.

“I think there is something else afoot here, Mr. Navarro I’m being told is not being allowed to access his attorney and it is because it is shameful what is being done to Peter Navarro based on a sham January 6th committee and a sham indictment and a sham conviction that we ought to work to remediate immediately upon on President Trump’s rightful and righteous return to office.”

Last month, the Supreme Court denied Navarro’s attempt to be freed from prison pending his appeal, meaning he will likely serve his entire four month sentence before he appeals his conviction at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.


PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Columbia University Janitor Slams Trust Fund Baby James Carlson into the Wall when Jew-Hating Leftists Stormed Hamilton Hall  By Jim Hoft

May 7, 2024 8:00 am – Here’s your photo of the week:

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – APRIL 29: A member of the maintenance crew confronts the demonstrators attempting to barricade themselves inside Hamilton Hall on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 in New York City. Pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched around the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” at Columbia University as a 2 P.M. deadline to clear the encampment given to students by the university passed. The students were given a suspension warning if they do not meet the deadline. Columbia students were the first to erect an encampment in support of Palestine, with students demanding that the school divest from Israel amid the Israel-Hamas war, where more than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza Strip. (Photo by Alex Kent/Getty Images)

Columbia University janitor Mario Torres slams 40-year-old trust fund kid James Carlson against the wall in Hamilton Hall with rabid leftists stormed the building late at night last Tuesday.

James Carlson, who was arrested inside Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall, has no affiliation with the University. As reported earlier, when Carlson was arrested inside the building, he was already under investigation for grabbing an Israeli flag from a man near campus and setting it on fire in April.

But who is Carlson? He is the privileged son of a millionaire with a long history of violent protests. And while Carlson “fights the man,” and rages against capitalism, which he can afford to do since it has benefitted him and his family, he goes home each night to his lavish $3.4 million Brooklyn brownstone property.

Carlson is a rabble rouser and an attorney by trade. He was booked as a possible leader of the violent protests at Hamilton Hall.

[Ed.:  That ‘34,000 killed’ is HAMAS’s own numbers…]


MASKS OFF: Pro-Hamas Protesters Show Up at Auschwitz, Harass Holocaust Survivors   By Ben Kew

May 7, 2024 8:15 am – Pro-Palestinian activists showed up outside the Auschwitz concentration camp this week as they continue their campaign against Israel’s war against Hamas.

Footage online showed the demonstrators congregating outside the entrance to the notorious death camp to protest the March of the Living Event to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Located outside of the Polish city of Krakow, Auschwitz is notorious for being the beating heart of Nazi Germany’s industrial death machine, where millions of innocent people, most of whom were Jewish, were systematically murdered during the Holocaust.


Brave Jewish U of M Student Stands Up To Pro-Palestine/Hamas Protester—“You’re supporting terrorists overseas—You’re supporting raping women—You’re supporting killing babies and putting them in ovens, like Hitler!”   [VIDEO]   By Patty Mcmurray

May 6, 2024 5:45 pm – On Saturday, Jewish students and their families sat in the U of M football stadium nervously waiting for the graduation ceremony to begin. Would the same pro-Palestine/Hamas supporters who’ve been camped out in the Diag, a vast open space where sidewalks taking students to different locations across the university’s campus converge, disrupt the graduation ceremony? Would they ruin the celebration of the accomplishment of tens of thousands of students who worked so hard to earn their degrees at the “Ivy of the Midwest?” Would violence erupt in the stadium? Would the radical protesters target them because of their faith? Would their Jewish families and friends in the stadium be safe? These are all questions Jewish students at the University of Michigan shouldn’t have had to be asking themselves in America in 2024, but nevertheless, here we are.

Ever since the unprovoked attack of Israel by Hamas on October 7, 2023, Jewish students attending woke universities across America have been forced to adjust their way of life over fears for their safety, as university professors and administrators on multiple campuses not only condemned the pro-Palestine/Hamas protests but in many cases, joined the radical protesters to show their support.

Last week, something amazing happened. A group of fraternity brothers on the campus of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill jumped in to save the American flag that was being dropped to the ground by a group of radical pro-Palestine/Hamas supporters as they attempted to replace it with a Palestinian flag. The group of brave fraternity brothers stood in a circle and defended the American flag as radical leftist protesters lobbed bottles of water and other projectiles at them in their efforts to make them give up their fight for the flag.

The fraternity brothers refused to give in to the woke mob and, as a result, have started somewhat of a revolution on college campuses everywhere. Spurred on by the bravery of the fraternity on the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill, students across America who are sick and tired of allowing the Left to spew hatred toward Jewish students and against America on their college campuses have been seen fighting back in viral videos that have been shared across social media platforms.

A new video showing a brave Jewish student at the University of Michigan standing alone as he ripped into a female, pro-Palestine/Hamas supporter on his campus is now circulating on social media.

The video shows a young male Jewish student whom a pro-Palestine/Hamas supporter was confronting after he allegedly ripped down one of the radical group’s posters.

“Why don’t you tell me where you want it?” the pro-Palestine/Hamas supporter asked him.

“I want you to put it everywhere because I hope all your people know you’re supporting terrorists. You’re supporting the genocide of Jews. You’re supporting raping women. You’re supporting killing babies and putting them in ovens. You’re just like Hitler. I hope all of you know that,” he responded.

The Jewish student admonished her, saying, “What you’re doing is shameful—shameful! He continued, “So, distribute that everywhere because you people deserve to know the facts—that you’re manipulated by some terrorists overseas.”

He added, “And I hope whoever is funding you stops! And I hope they get rid of you, like they did at Columbia or Texas!”

Watch the exchange here  


Thousands of Pro-Hamas Protestors March Down Street, Break Through Barricades to Disrupt Met Gala in New York City (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

May 6, 2024 8:00 pm – Thousands of pro-Hamas protestors marched down the street in New York City toward the Met Gala, an exclusive, invite-only event with Hollywood celebrities.

The left-wing protestors headed toward the Metropolitan Museum of Art where celebrities were gathered on the red carpet.


The mob broke through barricades on 5th Avenue and rushed down the street to evade police.

According to reports, several protestors were arrested Monday evening.


Many protestors were able to evade police as they ran toward the Met Gala event.


Update: After circling the Metropolitan Museum of Art for two hours, the protestors marched south on Park Avenue and headed toward Midtown.


The protestors lit an American-Israeli flag on fire.  


George Washington University Now Begging DC Police for Help as Student Protesters Start Calling for the BEHEADING of School President and Trustees  (VIDEO)   By Mike Lachance

May 6, 2024 9:20 pm – Pro-Hamas student protesters at George Washington University are now openly calling for the beheading of the school president and members of the board of trustees.

They allowed this situation to go on for too long and now it’s completely out of control.

As you’ll see in the video below, these students are actually chanting ‘Guillotine, Guillotine!’

NBC 15 News reports:

GW president says school needs help from DC police as protesters call for beheadings

The president of George Washington University said late Sunday night her school needs the help of local police to restore law and order as anti-Israel encampment activities continue.

GW President Ellen Granberg’s released a statement Sunday denouncing the encampment degeneration over the weekend. Granberg also said the school cannot restore order without the help of Washington’s Metropolitan Police Department (MPD).

“The demonstration, like many around the country, has grown into what can only be classified as an illegal and potentially dangerous occupation of GW property,” Gransberg said. “It is also essential to highlight that at no point was this encampment lawful.”…

Social media video surfaced over the weekend of an encampment activity called “People’s Tribunal” where GW protesters acted out sentencing senior university officials to death.

This mock court was held for GWU’s board of trustees and for the school’s president, shouting for these individuals to be beheaded.

“To the guillotine,” protesters said.




Gun Miraculously Jams as Man Tries Shooting Pastor During Sunday Sermon in Pennsylvania Church  (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

May. 6, 2024 4:30 pm – A Pennsylvania pastor said God intervened when a gun jammed as a man tried to shoot him during Sunday’s sermon.

A 26-year-old man was arrested and charged with aggravated assault and attempted homicide after he tried to shoot a North Braddock pastor on Sunday.

Pastor Glenn Germany of Jesus’ Dwelling Place Church said God intervened and jammed the gun.

“He pulled the gun; it clicked,” Pastor Glenn Germany told WPIX-TV. “You heard him shoot it. God jammed the gun so the bullet didn’t come out.”

[Ed.:  Click!]


Over 1,000 US Soldiers “Are Functionally Being Held HOSTAGE!” – Matt Gaetz Releases Report on the 1,000 US Soldiers Trapped in Niger as Biden’s Africa Policy Implodes   (VIDEO 4:19)   By Jim Hoft

May 6, 2024 3:40 pm – This incredible story is NOT making any headlines in the legacy media. Why is that?

Joe Biden already turned over the Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan to Taliban terrorists in September 2021.

Biden abandoned Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield after nearly 20 years in July 2021 by shutting off the electricity and slipping away in the night without notifying the base’s Afghan commander, who discovered the Americans’ secret departure more than two hours after they left.

The Taliban quickly took control of Bagram Air Base, which is only 30 miles north of Kabul, on August 15th and released thousands of terrorists held at its prison. The Americans and Afghans left the Taliban military equipment, uniforms, rations and even sports drinks.

The ISIS suicide bomber who murdered 13 US servicemen and women and 169 Afghans was released by the Taliban from the Bagram Base prison. Biden abandoned the country to the Taliban.

In  April we learned about Joe Biden’s latest foreign policy disaster.  The situation in Niger could top the Afghanistan withdrawal – if that is possible.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) totally embarrassed the US Army Secretary and exposed Joe Biden’s latest foreign policy catastrophe during questioning this week in the US House of Representatives’ Armed Services Committee hearing.

Gaetz exposed the latest Biden foreign policy failure – this time in Niger, Africa.

US troops are trapped in the country allegedly without water and medicine. The Army was likely hiding this to protect itself from embarrassment. Deployed Americans are in limbo and unable to do their jobs and the Biden State Department is completely outmaneuvered once again.


Leo Hohmann: Backlash Growing Against Biden Plans to Import Tens of Thousands of Palestinian Refugees   By Leo Hohmann

May 6, 2024 10:30 am – The backlash is growing against Democrat plans to import tens of thousands of Hamas-supporting, Jew-hating Gazans into American cities and towns as so-called refugees.

A group of 35 Republican senators led by Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa has published an open letter petitioning the Biden White House to halt plans to accept Gazan refugees into the United States, citing national security concerns. This many Senators don’t sign anything unless they are getting swamped with letters and phone calls from their constituents.

The senators expressed dire concerns over potential terrorist connections within the refugee population from Gaza. In a letter dated May 1, they argued that the administration should suspend these plans until further scrutiny and security measures are assured.

The letter states:

“Your administration’s reported plan to accept Gazan refugees poses a national security risk to the United States. With more than a third of Gazans supporting the Hamas militants, we are not confident that your administration can adequately vet this high-risk population for terrorist ties and sympathies before admitting them into the United States. We are further worried that accepting Gazan refugees might cause a crisis at the Egypt-Gaza border, leading to chaos that would only empower Iran-backed Hamas. We are also frustrated that your administration is pushing ahead with a plan to evacuate Gazans from the Strip when there are still American citizens held hostage by Hamas.”

The call for action follows a CBS News report from April 30, which indicated that the Biden administration is considering the resettlement of Palestinians from Gaza who have family ties to American citizens or U.S. permanent residents. This would mean that the majority of the Palestinians would be bound for the Detroit and Dearborn metro areas of Michigan, a key battleground state in presidential elections.

The senators’ letter highlighted the complicated security dynamics in Gaza, noting Hamas’s control over the area and the limited access of U.S. officials for vetting purposes. They expressed concerns about the integrity of the vetting process, given the current political influence in Gaza.

A Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research poll conducted in March showed strong local support for Hamas, complicating the narrative around the Gazan refugees. According to the poll, 71% of Palestinians in Gaza endorsed Hamas’s actions in an attack on Israel on October 7th, and 52% of Gazans supported the continuation of Hamas’s governance.

This Biden plan sounds to me like a great favor to Netanyahu, who you will remember said after the October 7 slaughter of nearly 1,200 Israelis that he was going to “eliminate” Hamas completely from his country’s borders. Since he was unable or unwilling to eliminate Hamas militarily, he is simply going to ship the bulk of them to America and transfer his terrorism problem to the good ole U.S. of A., and the America-last Biden administration is encouraging it!

America already has an anti-semitism problem, as evidenced by what’s been occurring on university campuses over the last several weeks. All we need are more soldiers brought in to fill the ranks of the military wing of the Democrat Party, which basically consists of Antifa and other leftist groups combining forces with the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic groups here in America.

More Democrat soldiers means more chaos on the streets of America leading up to the 2024 election and beyond, guaranteed. But don’t kid yourself, there are many Republicans who love refugees too because they see them as cheap labor for their corporate buddies on Wall Street.

I’m glad to see a sizable group of GOP Senators standing up to Biden on this issue, but it may be nothing more than lip service so they can cover their behinds and say “we told you so” when it blows up in our faces.

Do you think this backlash from the Senators will stop the Biden White House from going through with its wicked plans to bring tens of thousands, potentially hundreds of thousands, of radical Jew-hating, Hamas-supporting Palestinian jihadists to America? Remember, this hatred goes way back. The Grand Mufti of Palestine was a big supporter of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis during World War II. Anyone who says the Palestinians have it out for the Jews just because they “stole their land” in 1948 is not looking at the complete historical record with a critical eye.

Palestinian children are taught in school and at Hamas-sponsored summer camps to hate Jews and to murder them. Sounds like they would fit right in on the campuses of Columbia, Harvard and UCLA.

This hatred pre-dates the creation of the Israeli state. Let me know your views in the comments below.


Jew-Hating Terrorists Storm University of Michigan Graduation   By Pamela Geller

May 5, 2024 – Antisemitic administration did nothing — hiding behind jihad Jew haters.

Anti-Israel Protesters Disrupt Main Graduation Ceremony at the University of Michigan    By: Elizabeth Weibel4, Breitbart,  May 2024:

Anti-Israel protesters interrupted the main commencement ceremony at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor on Saturday.

In a video posted to X, protesters carrying the Palestinian flag were seen walking down an aisle towards the front of the stage at the commencement ceremony.

Protesters could be heard chanting, “Disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest, disclose, divest” as people in the crowd can also be heard saying, “F**k you” in response to the protesters.

A plane with the message, “We stand with Israel. Jewish Lives Matter,” was also seen flying above the graduation ceremony at Michigan Stadium.


Anti-Israel protestors taught hand-to-hand combat ahead of riots   By Batya Jerenberg,

The “Dealing with Cops Workshop” took place the evening before violent clashes led the university to call in the authorities.

May 2, 2024  (World Israel News) – Anti-Israel protestors at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) were taught hand-to-hand combat Tuesday evening before violent clashes with counter-protestors led the administration to call in the authorities.

In the “Dealing with Cops Workshop” that took place between 6:30-7:30 pm, as advertised on the protestors’ daily schedule, a few masked men stood in the middle of a circle made by dozens of students deep inside the “Palestine Solidarity Encampment” on the university’s grounds.

In a video clip shared online, one burly man could be seen showing them how to assume a proper fighting position and protect their faces. Another showed the audience how to grab someone’s leg and knock them backwards.

UCLA announced that the encampment was illegal that same evening. Although the school warned that those who remained were subject to arrest, the crowd refused to leave.

Late in the night, rioting began on campus as some 100 pro-Israel activists approached to tear down the hate group’s encampment, whose perimeter had been buttressed by plywood boards attached to low fencing and zip-tied together.


For well over two hours, people were beaten with heavy rods as well as fists and feet, firecrackers were thrown, and ripped-off plywood boards were tossed without any sign of the university’s security personnel.

Los Angles Mayor Karen Bass ordered the police to break it up after finally receiving a request for help around midnight.


Looking to Unify America? Vast Majority of Americans Distrust News Media on Every Level – Report    By Connor CavanaughThe Western Journal

May. 5, 2024 7:20 pm – While some say that Americans are more polarized than ever, there are certainly still points that the country is relatively united on.

One such topic is a distrust of our news media.

poll released Wednesday conducted by the American Press Institute and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that over half of Americans (53 percent) are extremely or very concerned about news organizations reporting inaccurate information during the election.

Another 30 percent of U.S. adults said it is an issue they are somewhat concerned about.

And as to having actual confidence in the information, the number is even worse.

“Most Americans follow news about presidential (77%) and local and state elections (64%) at least somewhat closely, and more report frequently receiving news about elections from nation (50%) or local (39%) than other sources such as friends or family (21%) or individuals on social media,” the poll reported.

And yet, only 14 percent of respondents “express a great deal of confidence in election-related information they receive from national sources and only 11% say the same about local media,” the poll reported.

Fourteen percent? More Americans admit they believe in astrology.

“Misinformation” was a major talking point during both the 2016 and 2020 elections as each side accused the other of reporting false information.

The biggest was in 2016 when then-presidential candidate Donald Trump was reported to be colluding with Russia, a story that was ultimately shown to be baseless, yet spurred an investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller that dogged much of Trump’s presidency.

This coming election cycle will face unique problems that previous ones have not as artificial intelligence technology has expanded since 2020.

Americans have worries over how AI can be negatively harnessed to spread misinformation as 42 percent say of respondents said they were extremely or very concerned.

Other issues, such as whether news organizations will report unverified information or that news will be biased worried 47 percent and 44 percent, respectively.

It’s hard to blame Americans for their distrust of the established media.

Whether it’s news organizations intentionally ignoring or downplaying the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop or liberal news sources constantly covering for President Joe Biden’s blunders, there’s a whole list of reasons to be skeptical of the establishment media.

But while media is as untrustworthy as ever it’s also as abundant as ever.

It is no longer the 1960s when all that most Americans had to choose from were major networks and newspapers.

Conservative media outlets — like The Western Journal — aren’t hard to find.

Before the election cycle is a perfect time to begin vetting different sources and finding which you trust and which ones don’t care about integrity.

While it’s impossible to find a source of news without a bias, as long as you know what that bias is you avoid falling into an echo chamber.

The news is important but it’s just as important that it is true.


HORROR: American Man and Australian Brothers Murdered During Surfing Trip in Mexico, Thieves Dump Their Bodies in 50-Foot Deep Well   By Cristina Laila

May 5, 2024 6:40 pm – An American man and two Australian brothers were murdered during a surfing trip to Mexico. Three suspects were taken into custody this weekend.

According to police, Jack Rhoad, an American man from San Diego, and Australian brothers Jake and Callum Robinson were last seen in the Mexican state of Baja California on April 27.

The men were surfing about 70 miles south of the US border when they disappeared.

The three men were targeted by Mexican thieves for the tires on their truck, according to Mexican authorities. The white pickup truck was set on fire.

The bodies were dumped in a remote 50-foot-deep well. It took authorities 20 hours to extract the bodies from the bottom of the well.

Three suspects, one woman and two brothers, have been taken into custody in connection with the murders.

The woman was found with one of the Australian surfer’s cell phones.

The Daily Mail reported:

Mexican authorities said thieves killed two Australians and an American on a surfing trip to Mexico in order to steal their truck, particularly because they wanted the tires.

Australian brothers Callum and Jake Robinson and American Jack Carter Rhoad were last seen on April 27 in the Mexican province of Baja California.

Prosecutors released grisly details of the slayings, but have not yet officially confirmed the identification of the bodies. They said family members of the victims are viewing the bodies to see if they can be identified by sight.

The corpses were decomposing after the thieves dumped them into a remote, 50- foot deep well. If relatives can’t identify them, further tests will be conducted. The well also contained a fourth cadaver that had been there much longer.

The US State Department previously issued a series of travel advisories over cartel violence, kidnappings and grisly murders in Mexico.

The State Department urged US citizens to avoid the following six Mexican states due to high crime and violence: Colima, Guerrero, Michoacan, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas and Zacatecas.

Several Americans have been murdered in Mexico over the last year.

[Ed.:  Disappeared – desaparecieron].


“They’re Torturing Us!” – J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang Sends Out a Plea for Help After 1,200 Days in Prison without a Trial – Horseback Protest Planned for Wednesday    By Jim Hoft

May. 5, 2024 7:00 pm – This past week J6 political prisoner Jake Lang passed 1,200 days of incarceration without a trial. This is Joe Biden’s America.

Languishing in pre-trial detention for years with no end in sight “feels like ‘an eternity,’” Lang told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview.

“If not for God, I never would have made it this long as a POW,” he said.

Lang was apprehended by the Federal Bureau of Investigations on Jan. 16, 2021, for his alleged role in the Capitol riot.

He went to the Capitol intent on peacefully protesting and ended up saving lives.

In footage from the scene that day, Lang was seen pulling Phillip Anderson and Tommy Tatum, off the ground while they were being trampled and carrying them to safety as police indiscriminately fired on the crowd with rubber bullets, tear gas, and flash grenades and beat even the most peaceful demonstrators to a bloody pulp with nightsticks.

Jake told The Gateway Pundit this past weekend, “They basically removed the voices of dissent from the Brooklyn federal prison and took us both and put us in a solitary primate chamber on the rooftop of the prison here.”

It’s the same goal that they have in mind for President Donald Trump.  If I could see their wish for President Trump it would probably be something like wearing the same pair of underwear for over a week without them giving you clean underwear and an extra pair of socks or shampoo or bath towel to dry yourself with. These are the living conditions that, you know, are basically in store for any political dissident in America today or for Trump supporters.

“I’m just at my 1,200 day mark, if you can believe that. I just passed 1,200 days incarcerated without a trial, without being afforded the right to have bond or mail. Even though we filed twice and were rejected.”

“My legal team and I have now filed a lawsuit. It’s called a habeas corpus motion. It’s a lawsuit against Merrick Garland and the Brooklyn NPC prison here and assistant warden and the warden basically alleging, which is true, that they’ve been violating my constitutional rights and my human rights and I’m being tortured. And you know, this has been going on for three weeks now. The first two weeks of solitary, I was by myself and now they just added Ryan Samsel. So we’re fighting back. We’ve got a habeas corpus motion before the court right at my 1,200 day mark. So we’re not stopping.”

“I think we all in the January 6 community are kind of just sitting back and wondering when this will stop. When will the Republicans in Congress make a real stand for us? When will the Speaker of the House call together a new January 6 committee and let January 6ers such as myself go and tell our story?”

“We are praying for a Trump victory, when we know that the Democrats are up to the same nefarious scam, the mail-in voting. You know, the scam that they did and everything they did in 2020. We have to use every means at our disposal. So, you know, definitely, we are calling upon the Republicans in Congress to put the checks and balances in place against the Bureau of Prisons that’s torturing us, against the US Marshals whose are complicit in our torture and solitary confinement and lack of basic human sustenance that they’re providing us here. Congress needs to put a check on these federal abuses of power.”

There is a protest planned on Wednesday May 8, 2024 at the MDC Brooklyn Federal Prison at Noon Eastern.

Jake’s father Ned Lang will be there as will Cowboys for Trump member Couy Griffin.

Couy will be there with his horse.

The protest will be livestreamed on Rumble


Biden Regime Cuts Off Ammunition Supplies to Israel as Advisors Panic Over Electoral Threat from Anti-Israel Democrats   By Ben Kew

May 5, 2024 6:20 pm – The Biden regime has cut off ammunition supplies to Israel as they attempt to appease the growing anger among the left of the Democratic Party over America’s support for the war against Hamas.

According to a report from Axios, the decision to put a hold on the ammunition shipment caused panic among the Israeli security services and is intended to prevent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from proceeding with an invasion of Rafah.

Axios notes:

The Biden administration last week put a hold on a shipment of U.S.-made ammunition to Israel, two Israeli officials told Axios. It is the first time since the Oct. 7 attack that the U.S. has stopped a weapons shipment intended for the Israeli military.

The incident raised serious concerns inside the Israeli government and sent officials scrambling to understand why the shipment was held, Israeli officials said.

The report adds that Biden took the decision in response to the “sharp criticism” that he is facing from Americans, particularly among Muslims and other demographics key to the Democratic coalition:

[Ed.:  Israel will continue to pretend that America is not Israel’s enemy, and our military ‘leadership’ will continue to take the marching orders from the Biden administration. IINO would much prefer to spend Jewish blood than to not listen to our “rock-solid” friend. Jewish blood is cheapest in IINO! Happy Holocaust Memorial Day!! “Never again,” y’all!!]


US Military Academy Introduces Woke Curriculum with Courses on Deconstructing Patriotism, Cross-Dressing in the Military, Gender Norms, and Representation in the Ranks   By Jim Hft

May 5, 2024 2:40 pm – The United States Military Academy at West Point is introducing a new curriculum that includes courses on “deconstructing patriotism,” “cross-dressing in the military,” and other topics related to gender norms and representation.

These courses are part of a broader initiative by the Biden regime to integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) propaganda into the curriculum over duty, honor, and country.

Former Navy SEAL and Representative Scott Taylor (R-VA) tweeted his concerns after the curriculum was reportedly shared with him, stating, “This was sent to me, classes at U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Quite sure China and Russia are not teaching this nonsense to their officers. Fix yourself.”

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton also weighed in, calling out the Biden regime for “abusing cadets at West Point” through indoctrination.

The controversial courses are as follows:

  1. Deconstructing Patriotism: Exploring Postmodernism and US Army Recruitment Amidst the Lack of a National Narrative
  2. Uniformed Perspectives: The Evolution of Cross-Dressing in the Military and Gender Norms
  3. Do My Leaders ‘Get’ Me?: Unpacking the Importance of Representation in the Military
  4. Harder Rights: An Approach to Espoused Values and Behavior Inconsistency

The point of contact for these courses is Dr. Morten Ender, Professor of Sociology and Co-Chair of the Diversity & Inclusion Studies Minor at West Point.

Dr. Ender has published on related topics, including a paper titled “Dinner and a Conversation: Transgender Integration at West Point and Beyond,” and “Inclusion in the U.S Military: A Force for Diversity.

These courses are a distraction from the Academy’s mission to produce leaders capable of winning wars.

The Pentagon suggested that the United States military entered 2024 with its smallest size and lowest qualification levels in nearly eight decades. This development raises significant concerns about national security and military readiness in an era of evolving global threats.

According to Daily Mail, the total number of active-duty personnel has dropped to levels not seen since the early 1940s, a period before the U.S. entered World War II.

The emerging challenges in military recruitment are becoming increasingly evident, as seen in this year’s significant shortfall of 41,000 personnel. This gap highlights the widening disconnect between the military establishment and the younger generations.

Recruiting has been hampered by the COVID-19 vaccine mandates as well as an increasingly woke military atmosphere where trans soldiers are give special privileges while Christian soldiers are persecuted, bases host drag shows, and leaders with a history of anti-white statements are hired.

Army Secretary Christine Wormuth claimed that ‘woke’ criticisms of the military hurt recruiting. Over the last three years, it has been widely reported that recruiting is way down across all branches of the U.S. military.

It’s fascinating that this official is claiming that woke criticisms are the problem, not the woke policies that have been put in place.



Growing Trend of U.S. Politicians Co-opted by Foreign Governments   By Antonio Graceffo

May 4, 2024 5:00 pm – Representative Henry Cuellar, a Texas Democrat, was recently implicated for accepting a $600,000 bribe from an oil company in Azerbaijan. He is being charged with working as an agent for a foreign entity while a U.S. government official because he lobbied Congress on the company’s behalf. The bribe was tied to a money laundering scheme that cycled through a bank in Mexico. Cuellar is also being accused of attempting to weaken US money laundering rules, particularly those that would hurt Mexican banks. Frighteningly, Cuellar is the leading Democrat on the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee.

Cuellar being coopted by foreign forces is a serious national security concern. Sadly, this is just the most recent case of a foreign entity or foreign government buying influence with elected officials in the US.

Last year, Senator Robert Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey, along with his wife, was charged with accepting bribes from corporations in Egypt.

In 2013, the government-owned State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) provided $750,000 for 10 members of Congress and 32 staffers to go on a junket to Baku, the country’s capital. In addition to the all-expense-paid luxury trip, the invitees also received thousands of dollars in gifts. Among the beneficiaries of Baku’s largesse were three former top aides to President Obama.

Apart from the obvious violation of ethics and the public trust, there was a national security angle to this trip as well. At that time, SOCAR was partnered with the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), and they needed the US to provide exemptions from US sanctions against Iran.

In 2020-2023, Utah lawmakers became the targets of investigation when it was found that they had accepted paid trips to China and later pushed legislation that would benefit the PRC. Similar allegations were made against two Utah lawmakers who accepted trips to Qatar.

The People’s Republic of China (PRC) poses the greatest and most persistent threat to US national security. Additionally, China has deep pockets, and the United Front Work Department (UFWD) of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is actively engaged in co-opting American officials. As far back as 1997, the FBI warned Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif) and five other members of Congress, that the PRC was targeting them for illegal campaign contributions funneled through foreign corporations.

The granddaddy of all foreign influence scandals involves the Biden family. In 2013, Hunter Biden traveled to China with his father, who was then vice president. On that trip, Hunter and a Chinese banker, Jonathan Li, formed a state-backed private equity fund, Bohai Harvest RST (BHR Partners). Chinese government shareholders controlled 80% of the company.

In the spring of 2014, Hunter Biden was appointed to the board of directors of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma. At that time, his father was leading US policy efforts toward Ukraine. Hunter Biden was paid $1 million per year, and there are allegations that his father received some of the money.


BREAKING: Secret Service Releases Statement After Vehicle Crashes Into White House Barrier – Driver Reported Dead   By Jordan Conradson

May. 5, 2024 12:10 am – A vehicle crashed into a White House barricade at high speed on Saturday night, leaving the driver dead, per Secret Service.

According to a statement, a Secret Service investigation is ongoing, but there was no threat to the White House. An investigation into the fatal crash “will be turned over to the Washington Metropolitan Police Department Crash Investigation Unit.”

It is still unclear what caused the car collision.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, another vehicle crashed into the White House gates in January. The driver was taken into custody.

[Ed.:  Another obvious case of INSURRECTION against our government! A suicide car-crasher.]


One of Columbia University’s “Professional Agitators” is Heir to a Fortune Living in $3.5 Million Brooklyn Home   By Margaret Flavin

May 5, 2024 10:20 am – When NYPD began arresting protestors at Columbia University, it confirmed what anyone with eyes knows.

 College campus protests are being infiltrated by outside forces and supported by professional agitators.

One such alleged professional agitator is James Carlson, who was arrested inside Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall and has no affiliation with the University.

A group stormed the building while smashing windows and fortifying their position by barricading doors and covering windows, effectively taking control of the academic building.

A Columbia facilities worker recounted the harrowing experience of being held against his will by the protesters. “They held me hostage,” the worker disclosed to the Columbia Spectator after being released.

When Carlson was arrested inside the building, he was already under investigation for grabbing an Israeli flag from a man near campus and setting it on fire in April.

But who is Carlson? He is the privileged son of a millionaire with a long history of violent protests.

And while Carlson “fights the man,” and rages against capitalism, which he can afford to do since it has benefitted him and his family, he goes home each night to his lavish $3.4 million Brooklyn brownstone property.

Another “shocker?” America haters stick together.  Carlson’s stepmother is reportedly romantically linked to vocal leftist singer John Cougar Mellencamp.  [Emphasis added]


44 Senators Call on Biden to Reject Two Totalitarian Agreements That Surrender U.S Sovereignty to WHO   By Jim Hft

May 5, 2024 8:15 am – This May May 27–June 1, 2024, global elitists and world leaders from across the West will gather in Geneva, Switzerland, for the WHO’s 77th World Health Assembly (WHA).

Attendees from all 194 WHO member countries are set to vote on major amendments to the International Health Regulations that would effectively strip all power away from sovereign countries and turn it over to the WHO’s global health board in the event of a pandemic.

If the ratifications are agreed to this month, the WHO will also be granted sole authority over what constitutes a pandemic.  [Emphasis added]

As we have seen over the past years, just about anything qualifies as an ‘existential threat to public health,’ including, but not limited to, misinformation, parents protesting at school boards, free speech, and—of course—racism. The fact that the WHO is on the cusp of unrestricted authority to decide these measures should terrify every American.

What’s more, the changes also include plans for a mandatory and universal vaccine passport system that’s overseen by the WHO. In fact, the globalist organization has already contracted a German-based company, called ‘T-Systems’, to develop the technology.



Two universities in Islamic Republic of Iran offer scholarships to US students expelled for pro-Hamas protests   BY ROBERT SPENCER

Goodbye, kids, and good luck.

MAY 4, 2024 3:00 PM – “Second Iranian university offers scholarships to expelled students in US, Europe,” Iran’s state-controlled Press TV, May 2, 2024:

The second Iranian university has offered scholarships to students in the US and Europe who have been expelled for taking part in pro-Palestinian demonstrations on campuses.

Seyed Mahmoud Aghamiri, dean of Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran, on Thursday extended his proposal to those protesting Israel’s genocide in Gaza, following the intensified crackdown on demonstrators across the US.

It came after Shiraz University became the first academic center to offer students and even professors who have been expelled or threatened with expulsion in the US to continue their studies at the prestigious school in Iran.

“We accept students who have been expelled from European and American universities for protesting against the actions of the Zionists,” Aghamiri said. “We have considered scholarship for these students and we fully cover the cost of education, dormitory and accommodation.”

The university, Aghamiri said, also provides “special support to Palestinian students whose lives have been affected” as a result of the Israeli aggression….

[Ed.:  LGBT students will get extra bonuses.]


SUBMISSION: Columbia Goes All-Remote as Riots, Protests, Antisemitism Rock School   By Pamela Geller

May 4, 2024 – This is how Brownshirts, Nazis, fascists prevailed in the 1930s.

Columbia goes all-remote as protests, antisemitism rock school; Jewish students advised to use ‘safe corridors’

For the fifth day, pro-terror students occupy a central lawn on the Columbia University campus, on April 21, 2024 in New York City

WCBS Newsradio 880

NEW YORK (1010 WINS/WCBS 880) – Columbia University switched to all-remote classes on Monday, and dozens of protesters were arrested at Yale University in Connecticut, as intensifying protests have led to increased concerns over antisemitic rhetoric on college campuses in New York and beyond.

In a statement early Monday, Columbia’s president, Minouche Shafik, wrote: “To deescalate the rancor and give us all a chance to consider next steps, I am announcing that all classes will be held virtually on Monday.”

“During the coming days, a working group of Deans, university administrators and faculty members will try to bring this crisis to a resolution,” said Shafik’s message, which came on the eve of Passover, which begins Monday night.



Majority of Americans Want Israel to Finish the Job in Rafah   By Pamela Geller

May 4, 2024 – There is a crushing disconnect between reality and the Democrat media/academia axis perceptions (propaganda) violently foisted on the American people daily. We a re living a big lie. Huge. And the sooner the American people come to terms that they’ve been duped – for decades – the sooner we can take back control of our our destiny.

Majority of Americans Want Israel to Finish the Job in Rafah     By Hugh Fitzgerald,

May 4, 2024 – While assorted college brats have been creating chaos on their campuses, and receiving plenty of publicity on the nightly news, as they accuse Israel of “apartheid and “genocide,” and call for the eradication of the Jewish state and its replacement “from the river to the sea” by a 23rd Arab state, an overwhelming majority — 77% — of the American public, including those in the youngest group polled, support an IDF operation in Rafah “to finish the war with Hamas.” And among that youngest group, support for Israel’s Gaza war has gone up, not down, since October 7, directly contradicting the conventional journalistic wisdom. More on the latest poll can be found here: “Majority of Americans think Israel should press on with Rafah op., finish war – poll,” Jerusalem Post, April 30, 2024:


As Jewish Students are Menaced, Biden Regime Investigates Columbia’s Treatment of PALESTINIAN Students   By Robert Spencer

May 4, 2024 – At Columbia University on Tuesday, pro-Hamas thugs assaulted a Jewish student. This took place as pro-Hamas protestors, many from outside the university, shattered the glass of the university’s main building and occupied it. All that happened months after Columbia administrators met with a student and heard him speak openly about murdering Jews.

Not only did they opt not to expel him and allowed him to remain on campus, but they watched as he became the leader of the encampment protests. Amid all this, it’s not surprising that the Biden regime’s Department of Education would be opening a civil rights investigation into Columbia’s mistreatment of students. There’s just one catch: the DoE isn’t investigating Columbia’s allowance of open and menacing Jew-hatred. The Biden wonks are examining Columbia’s alleged mistreatment of “Palestinian” students.

Yes, we have really descended to this level of absurdity. USA Today reported Friday that “the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights on Thursday opened an investigation into Columbia University for how it’s treated Palestinian students and allies, lawyers said.” The Biden apparatchiks have filed a complaint that “alleges unequal treatment by Columbia administrators, including President Minouche Shafik.” Yes, this is the same Minouche Shafik about whom the Washington Post reported Friday that “several Republican lawmakers have accused her of not taking rapid action against protesters and not doing enough to make Jewish students feel safe on campus.”


Students at Rutgers University Stand Up to Anti-American Protests, Wave American Flags, Sing National Anthem   (VIDEO)   By David Greyson

May 4, 2024 6:20 pm – It is encouraging to know that in the midst of pro-Hamas thuggery on college campuses, that patriotic American students are starting to speak out in support for our Nation.

Students at Rutgers University showed their support for the United States this past Thursday, countering the protests by pro-Hamas agitators.

Students who were fed up with pro-Hamas thugs on their campus took a stand by chanting “USA” while waving an American flag.

Fox News reported:

Rutgers students who went viral for waving American flags at a student rally responded to the school administration caving to demands from student protesters.

Anti-Israel protesters on campus at Rutgers University were countered by a large group of patriotic students waving an American flag and chanting “USA!” on Thursday.

Video from Thursday afternoon showed two competing groups of students chanting pro-American and pro-Palestinian slogans on Voorhees Mall in New Jersey.

“As the anti-Israel group yelled ‘Free, Free Palestine!’ and ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!’ the patriotic group could be heard repeatedly chanting ‘USA! USA! USA!’” Fox News reported.

Students can be seen showing their support for the United States, countering the anti-American protests that have invaded their university.

A Rutgers student named Ben was interviewed by Fox News for being one of the many students who stood up for the US and his university.

“Ben was the student holding the American flag high,” Fox and Friends Pete Hegseth said.

“How did so many people show up? Was it coordinated?” Hegseth asked Ben.

“It wasn’t really coordinated at all. My friends and I just sort of came with the flag more as just to go. We didn’t really think much of it at the time,” Ben said.

Watch  https://twitter.com/i/status/1786792552273682442

Stephen Wallace, who is a junior at Rutgers University, spoke to Fox News about how college students are not happy with the anti-American culture on campus.

“We’re tired of it, We’re fed up with the anti-Americanism. We just want to be patriotic again and that’s what I hope for the rest of this country,” Wallace told Fox News Digital in a video interview.



Trump Campaign Files First 2024 Election Lawsuit, Demands Ban on Counting of Mail-In Ballots After Election Day   By Ben Kew

May. 4, 2024 7:40 pm – The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee (RNC) have filed their first election integrity lawsuit of the 2024 presidential election.

Following the massive voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election that rigged the election in favor of Joe Biden, the lawsuit is seeking to block the counting of mail-in ballots received after election day.

“Dilution of honest votes, to any degree, by the casting of fraudulent or illegitimate votes violates the right to vote,” the lawsuit states. “By holding voting open beyond the federal Election Day, Nevada violates federal law and harms plaintiffs.”

“Counting mail ballots received after Election Day doesn’t just dilute the valid ballots—it specifically and disproportionately harms Republican candidates and voters,” it continues. “These harms are irreparable.”

The lawsuit is a response to legislation passed by Nevada’s Democratic-controlled legislature back in 2021, which allows the tallying of mail ballots received up to four days after Election Day so long as the envelopes are postmarked before the end of the day.

“Nevada’s ballot receipt deadline clearly violates federal law and undermines election integrity in the state,” RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said in a statement. “Ballots received days after Election Day should not be counted.”

Nineteen U.S. allow the counting of mail-in ballots received after Election Day. The law’s claim they allow more voters to participate, although they are commonly used as a way of giving Democratic operatives enough time to “find” the necessary votes to ensure victory.

During the 2022 election cycle, Republican Senate candidate Adam Laxalt had his victory stolen from him after leftist Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto after days of mail-in ballot counting. As soon as Cortez-Masto took the lead, mainstream media networks called the race.

Although this is the first lawsuit filed by Trump’s presidential campaign, the RNC has already filed five separate lawsuits targeting election integrity across six state.

[Ed.:  There are many paths to fraudulent election victory.  Counting mail in ballots after closing is only one of them, … sir.]


$3.5 Billion Slipped Into Ukraine-Israel Aid Bill To ‘Supercharge Mass Migration From The Middle East’   BY TYLER DURDEN

TUESDAY, APR 30, 2024 – 05:45 AM

Tucked away in the $95 billion military aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan is a $3.5 billion slush fund to open new processing centers for Muslim migrants, in what Sen. Eric Schmitt described as a bid to “supercharge mass migration from the Middle East.

And as Breitbart points out, the $95 billion package does not include any funds to help rebuild America’s border defenses against illegal migration – but it does contain $481 million to settle migrants in US cities, and of course, the $3.5 billion to expand migration programs worldwide.

The $3.5 billion was granted to the Department of State, which works with many international groups that feed and transport migrants on their way to the United States.

Biden’s deputies are now using the refugee programs as an adjunct to their diversity-expanding “equity” migration policy. For example, Biden’s deputies used the program in March to import 3,009 migrants from the safe and democratic countries of El Salvador and Guatemala.

They are also using the refugee funds to expand migration routes from many African and Muslim countries. In March, they pulled in 12,018 people from the Congo, plus 16,732 migrants from the Muslim countries of Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan, Iraq, and Eritrea, according to a report by Stacker.com. -Breitbart

According to an April 23 release from the Biden DHS visa-granting agency, “The Biden-Harris administration set the refugee admissions ceiling for fiscal year 2024 at 125,000 refugees,” adding “With the opening of the Doha Field Office on May 7, 2024, and the Ankara Field Office on May 9, 2024, USCIS will have 11 international field offices. Other international field offices include Beijing; Guangzhou, China; Guatemala City; Havana; Mexico City; Nairobi, Kenya; New Delhi; San Salvador, El Salvador; and Tegucigalpa, Honduras.”

So – we have the US government encouraging migration, both legal and illegal – which hurts low-income Americans the most, while neglecting to the borders. Seems we’ve learned nothing from Europe.


START THE COURT MARTIAL PROCEEDINGS: DC National Guard Whistleblower Alleges Trump’s Commander-in-Chief Powers Were Revoked by Military Brass During January 6 Capitol Riot   By Jim Hft

May 4, 2024 8:00 am – in April the House Subcommittee on Oversight held a hearing with National Guard whistleblowers who stepped forward to correct the media lies and dishonest narrative by Democrats on the January 6 protests and riots.

Four members of the National Guard testified that they were ready to be deployed on January 6 but THE PENTAGON held them back!

This directly brings General Milley’s actions into question!

Kash Patel tipped us off last month that there were more reports like this coming.

National Guard whistleblowers: Command Sgt. Major Michael E. Brooks, Colonel Earl G. Matthews, Aaron Dean Retired, and Captain Timothy Nick stepped forward and testified before Congress to correct the record on January 6.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser were both warned about the security situation prior to January 6th, and both turned down National Guard troops at the US Capitol that day.

Pelosi and Mayor Muriel Bowser turned down thousands of National Guard troops at the Capitol on January 6 for political reasons.

Chris Wray’s FBI also refused to notify the Trump administration and his cabinet secretaries that they believed there could be violence like the mass protests at the Capitol that took place that day.

Nancy Pelosi also refused the National Guard at the US Capitol due to politics.

Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund said he asked House and Senate security officials for permission to request that the D.C. National Guard be placed on standby in case he needed quick backup. But they both turned him down.

John Solomon from Just The News released an explosive report in 2022 that revealed Capitol Police were first warned about possible violence at the January 6th protests TWO WEEKS before the planned rallies.

Pelosi, Mayor Bowser, and other government officials turned down the National Guard anyway. It is clear they were counting on an “insurrection” to blame on President Trump when they were the ones who allowed the violence to occur and continue that day!

But now there is more disturbing news on the military leadership on January 6th.

According to Colonel Earl Matthews, who testified before Congress in April, US military leaders revoked President Trump’s Commander-in-Chief powers that day and refused to move in the National Guard – because it might look bad.

These military leaders should have been arrested and court martialed.

The Daily Mail reported:


Chinese ‘Spy Cranes’ Targeted in Port Security Executive Order Shortly Before Baltimore Disaster   By John Mills

May. 4, 2024 12:00 pm – ZPMC is the largest manufacturer of cranes in the world. Its assembly yard is a vast facility on Changxing Island at the mouth of the Yangtze River in Shanghai. The massive yard has ample layout space to fabricate and assemble the iconic container cranes seen at ports around the world. Typically, the cranes are shipped assembled, and the ZPMC yard has a large wharf to load them onto specially designed, heavy-lift ships and then deliver them all over the world.

ZPMC’s factory is next to another important facility for China. The flagship shipyard of China’s frenetic naval expansion is Jiangnan Shipyard, adjacent to ZPMC, where the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) Aircraft Carrier 003, the Fujian, is fitting out, and the first PLAN nuclear-powered Aircraft Carrier 004 is being built.

ZPMC has approximately 80 percent market share for container cranes, which are indispensable for port operations in the United States. They provide great efficiencies and are internet-enabled to ensure that the cranes can fully collect and share multiple data streams, including camera systems to monitor all activity in and around the cranes. Internet connectivity means that these cranes are not just cranes but internet protocol (IP) endpoints on a worldwide network.

Chinese ‘Spy Cranes’ to Be Replaced

Being IP-enabled can be a good and a bad thing. The U.S. government ordered the removal of Hikvision closed-circuit television cameras (CCTV) over concerns that this broadly used CCTV system was omnipresent throughout the U.S. government and being used to spy on sensitive government facilities (this same guidance removed Huawei and ZTE information technology).

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, which operates continuity of operations (COOP) sites for the U.S. government, is helping state and local government agencies “rip and replace” Hikvision from their emergency operations centers (EOCs).

The ZPMC cranes are replete with similar cameras that analysts in China could use to count and examine shipments. Signals could also be sent to the cranes to make them potentially unsafe or inoperable.

[Ed.:  Americans are still vigorously fighting Chinese spy balloons:


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.