Daily Shmutz | NEWS | 6/1/23


Soros Gets Bad News as Ingenious Group Rises Against Him – He Can’t Claim Antisemitism Now   By Warner Todd Huston

June 1, 2023 at 2:02pm – One of the left’s favorite tactics to discount criticism of anti-American billionaire George Soros is to claim detractors are “antisemites” because Soros has Jewish ancestry. But one Jewish group has just completely blown that defense out of the water.

A new Jewish group called “Jews Against Soros” has formed that will work to urge people to stop supporting Soros and his many organizations whose purpose is to undermine America and Western democracy.

Created by Newsweek editor Josh Hammer and conservative activist Will Scharf, the group announced its debut with a tweet on Wednesday.

“Today, we (@willscharf and @josh_hammer) are launching Jews Against Soros, a new grassroots coalition of Jews who oppose George Soros’s radical left-wing agenda,” the pair tweeted or Soros and his campaigns to undermine democracy around the world.


Jews Against Soros

Why does this Website Exist?

We are Jews who have had enough of George Soros and his malign, leftist influence on American politics. We are Jews who are also sick and tired of the left accusing anyone who criticizes Soros of being antisemitic.

Let us be very clear:

There is nothing antisemitic about condemning George Soros.

There is nothing antisemitic about identifying the many ways that George Soros and his network of organizations fund the radical left.

Leftism isn’t Judaism, and being anti-leftist is not the same as being Antisemitic. Period.

It’s time for Jews all over America to stand up against George Soros.

[Ed.:  NOT just Jews!]


WAYNE ROOT: YouTube Banned & Deleted My Interview Because This Idea Scares Democrats & Deep State to Death…If Trump Adopts This Idea He Will Win the Presidency   By Wayne Allyn Root

June 1, 2023 10:45 am -I believe I’ve come up with a game-changer. An idea that has the power to save America from destruction and collapse at the hands of our enemies (domestic and foreign).

An idea so powerful that if President Trump adopts it as a centerpiece of his campaign, it will catapult him to re-election as the 47th President of the United States.

This idea is like Kryptonite to the Deep State. It threatens the power structure of the entire American political system and U.S. government.

Because it will prove virtually the entire DC Swamp, Deep State, Democrat Party, US government and even large swaths of the GOP, are traitors to the American people.

How do I know this idea is that good, that powerful?

First, because I unveiled it recently at my speech in front of over 1200 attendees at Club 47, the world’s largest Trump fan club, in Palm Beach, Florida. My speech ended with a standing ovation- and this idea received the wildest ovation of the night.

After the event there was a one-hour line for my book signing. This was the idea everyone would not stop talking about!

Secondly, days ago I laid out this idea for the first time as a guest on a YouTube show aimed at military veterans. This show was INSTANTLY banned and deleted by YouTube. This has never happened in the history of this YouTube show. That’s how powerful this idea is.

The idea is simple. If we want to save America, we must demand politicians and government officials take periodic, random…


I believe our politicians and government officials have sold us out. They’re on the take. They’re bribed and blackmailed. They’re playing for the other side. They’re traitors. All the bad things happening to our country, are happening because we’ve been sold out.

I believe I know who has bought our politicians and government officials. They are owned lock, stock and barrel by either China, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), the Mexican Drug Cartels, multi-national corporate interests, or Big Pharma.

I know the game they’re playing. Either they’re taking cash bribes directly into offshore accounts…or it’s laundered through offshore charities like the Clinton Foundation…or through corrupt offshore countries like Ukraine…or through illegal campaign contributions…or the bribes are doled out to family members or trusted friends of the politicians and government officials- to keep them one step removed. One thing is clear: our nation has been sold out.

There’s only one way to find out- LIE DETECTOR TESTS.


Whistleblower Who Was Set to Reveal “Explosive” Information on the Biden Crime Family Before Disappearing Speaks Out In Interview – Is Hiding Out as Fugitive in Undisclosed Foreign Location   By Cullen Linebarger

June 1, 2023 11:20 am – Gal Luft, the missing whistleblower in the Biden Crime Family corruption investigation, is now speaking out.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Luft vanished from Cyprus in April under mysterious circumstances. He is now living as a fugitive in undisclosed foreign location.

Luft was an adviser to CEFC China Energy (CEFC), a business conglomerate with extremely close ties to the Chinese Communist Party. He served alongside Hunter Biden.

CEFC Energy paid Hunter approximately $5 million in 2017 alone to secure energy deals in the United States according to the Washington Free Beacon.

Luft was arrested back in February on what he called bogus weapon trafficking charges on orders from the Biden regime. Once Joe Biden assumed power, there was every reason to keep details on his and his family’s corruption hidden from the public.


Steve Bannon: Jim Jordan and MTG “Should Both Face Primary Challenges from Real MAGA” For Voting with Democrats on Uniparty Spending Bill   By Jim Hoft

June 1, 2023 10:15 am – Steve Bannon was in rare form on Thursday morning after the House Republicans passed their uniparty spending bill.

On Wednesday night 149 Republicans joined Democrats to pass the Uniparty spending bill.

The bill will now head to the US Senate where Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his stable of lackeys eagerly wait to give it their stamp of approval.

The mainstream media on Thursday morning cheered the vote – which tells you everything.

On Wednesday night Steve Bannon went off following this betrayal of MAGA voters once again.

Bannon posted on GETTR – both Jim Jordan and MTG “should both face primary challenges from real MAGA” for voting for this monstrosity.


Please boycott Pride Month   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

JUNE 1, 2023 – June used to be called the “Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.”

That’s why they stole the entire month for PRIDE – along with God’s rainbow – to mock Jesus. Every time you celebrate PRIDE month – you mock Jesus Christ. Please stop it.

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me”


It Begins: US Embassies Around The World Fly Pride Flag   By Anthony Scott

June 1, 2023 11:40 am – US embassies around the world have decided to fly the pride flag for the month of June to commemorate “LGBTQI+ Pride Month.”

Videos on Twitter show the US Embassies  in London, Suava, Dublin, Jerusalem and many more have all decided to host Pride flag raising ceremonies.



CNN Writes Glowing Article on Women Marrying Themselves as ‘Symbolic Expression of Self-Love’   By Johnathan Jones

June 1, 2023 9:15 am – In today’s edition of why no one takes disgraced CNN seriously, the outlet is celebrating women who are marrying themselves because no one else wants to.  [Emphasis added]

After 2015’s Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges — in which the then-activist court legislated same-sex marriage was legal everywhere — the left told Americans that attacks on marriage would end there.

Love is love, they said.

These people declared that when two consenting adults committed to one another, they should be allowed to marry in the same manner as men and women have for centuries.

Civil unions that offered the same benefits marriage did were deemed draconian.

Marriage had to be redefined to something other than what virtually all big-name Democrats said it was prior to about a decade ago: One man and one woman.

Just look at three of them:



Three Murders Every Hour: South African Farmers Set up Safe Havens as Crime Explodes    By Richard Abelson

June 1, 2023 9:00 am – Three murders take place every hour in South Africa, according to the latest crime statistics. Members of the Afrikaner Freedom Front Plus engaged in a gunfight with robbers in Meyerton. Former Springbok rugby star Lukas van Biljon was stabbed numerous times and his 70-year-old father shot to death. A farmer was tortured for 13 hours in the Eastern Cape but survived. Afrikaners are establishing “anchor communities” where they can provide their own security and live safely.

Freedom Front Plus Community Safety Committee member Kobus Hoffman and Pierre Wheeler were in their office in Loch Street, Meyerton, on Monday, May 29, when they heard people calling for help from an adjacent building, reports South Africa Today.  “They ran to the building and came upon about six robbers busy robbing a jewellery shop.  A gunfight broke out between the robbers and the FF Plus members. After which the robbers made off with 600 silver rings and gold chains in a white Mercedes Benz.”

Crime continues to spiral out of control in the Rainbow Nation, according to the latest crime statistics. 6 289 murders were reported in the first quarter of 2023, in comparison to 6 083 last year. 27 066 people were murdered in the year 2022, 2 256 per month or 76 every day. That means three murders every hour in South Africa.



What was not said in the Durham Report? –  PAID [Partial article here]

JUN 1, 2023 – The first thing to understand about John Durham is that he was a fearless prosecutor who went after organized crime and put in prison retired and active FBI agents who protected the mob for money or other enticements. One of the agents he stopped had enabled James “Whitey” Bulger Jr., once one of America’s most wanted men, the Winter Hill Gang boss who evaded arrest for sixteen years.

In his forty-five years as a state and federal prosecutor in Connecticut and Virginia, Durham worked often and closely with FBI agents, especially on cases that involved violations of federal racketeering statutes.

Durham also handled two inquiries into the CIA’s conduct in the War on Terror, and he did so without angering his superiors in the executive branch. In one case he was asked to investigate the alleged destruction of CIA videotapes of detainee interrogations, the so-called torture tapes. His final report on the matter remains secret, and he recommended that no charges be filed. He was later asked to lead a Justice Department inquiry into the legality of the CIA’s “enhanced interrogation techniques” that resulted in the death of two detainees. In that case, he was told that officers who were given and obeyed what were determined to be illegal orders—there were many of those after 9/11—could not be prosecuted. No charges were filed.

Durham’s 306-page report was made public on May 15, and it pleased no one with its focus on the obvious. The journalist Susan Schmidt, whose byline was a must-read when she was a reporter for the Washington Postpointed out on Racket News that Durham said the FBI would have done less damage to its reputation if it had scrutinized the questionable actions of the Clinton campaign in 2016: the Feds “might at least have cast a critical eye on the phony evidence they were gathering.”

Schmidt was highlighting a moment in Durham’s report where he hints at the real story: Russiagate was a fraud initiated by the Clinton campaign and abetted by political reporters in Washington and senior FBI officials who chose to look the other way. Durham writes: “In late July 2016, US intelligence agencies obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis alleging that US Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against US Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the Democratic National Committee.”

He continues: “this intelligence—taken at face value—was arguably highly relevant and exculpatory because it could be read in fuller context, and in combination with other facts, to suggest that materials such as the Steele Dossier reports and the Alfa Bank allegations . . . were part of a political effort to smear a political opponent and to use the resources of the federal government’s law enforcement and intelligence agencies in support of a political objective.”

Durham goes on to cite many instances of public statements and private communications of Clinton campaign staffers that were “consistent with the substance of the purported plan.” He finds evidence to suggest that “at least some officials within the campaign were seeking information about the FBI’s response to the DNC hack, which would be consistent with, and a means of furthering, the purported plan.” He adds that “the campaign’s funding of the Steele Reports and Alfa Bank allegations . . . provide some additional support for the credibility to the information set forth in the Clinton Plan intelligence.”

However, his report focuses on who knew about the Clinton Plan intelligence and when they knew of it, while “the details of the Clinton Plan intelligence,” “facts that heightened the potential relevance of this intelligence to” Durham’s inquiry, and his team’s “efforts to verify or refute the key claims found in this intelligence” are confined to a Classified Appendix.

It became evident to some members of Durham’s staff that the real story was not about whether or not Trump had pee parties in a Moscow hotel room—one of the headline-producing allegations in the Steele Dossier that consumed the Washington press corps in the aftermath of Trump’s victory in the 2016 election. The issue was whether the Clinton campaign, in its constant leaking of false accusations and false data, had crossed a line.


Seymour Hersh: Durham “Failed to Investigate” whether Hillary Clinton had “Crossed a Line” as FBI “Joined Ranks” with Democrats   By Richard Abelson

June 1, 2023 8:13 am – In his latest Substack article, Seymour Hersh reveals how members of the Durham Special Investigation felt “frustration” at Durham’s “lack of interest” in examining whether “senior FBI officials had openly joined ranks with the Clinton campaign”, possibly in exchange for “promotions” in a Clinton administration.

The Durham Report issued on May 15 “pleased no one with its focus on the obvious,” Hersh writes. Four years in the making, many Spygate observers were disappointed the report mainly compiles information already available.

According to Seymour Hersh, the Durham Report only “hints at the real story”: Namely, that “Russiagate was a fraud initiated by the Clinton campaign and abetted by political reporters in Washington and senior FBI officials who chose to look the other way.”

“In late July 2016, US intelligence agencies obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis alleging that US Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against US Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the Democratic National Committee”, the Durham Report states. “This intelligence—taken at face value—was arguably highly relevant and exculpatory because it could be read in fuller context, and in combination with other facts, to suggest that materials such as the Steele Dossier reports and the Alfa Bank allegations . . . were part of a political effort to smear a political opponent and to use the resources of the federal government’s law enforcement and intelligence agencies in support of a political objective.”

“It became evident to some members of Durham’s staff that the real story was not about whether or not Trump had pee parties in a Moscow hotel room”, Hersh writes. “The issue was whether the Clinton campaign, in its constant leaking of false accusations and false data, had crossed a line.“



JUST IN: Project Veritas Sues James O’Keefe   By Cristina Laila

May 31, 2023 4:01 pm – Project Veritas sued James O’Keefe alleging breach of contract and other claims just months after he was removed from the company’s board.

The complaint was filed on Wednesday in a federal court in the Southern District of New York.

Recall, James O’Keefe was ousted as Project Veritas’ CEO last month after the organization’s board removed him.

Veritas claims O’Keefe was officially removed from the board on April 24 and formally fired May 15.

“Being known as the founder of an organization does not entitle that person to run amok and put his own interests ahead of that organization,” the suit said in the 70-page complaint.

The lawsuit alleges O’Keefe misused funds and mistreated employees.

Board members became aware of “serious allegations by Project Veritas employees about the incredibly troubling workplace and financial misconduct by O’Keefe.”

Project Veritas asked the federal court to issue a preliminary and permanent injunction enjoining O’Keefe and OMG (through O’Keefe and/or based on information from O’Keefe) from:

i. Soliciting or contacting Plaintiff’s donors, employees or contractors;
ii. Disparaging Plaintiffs;
iii. Obtaining, using or disclosing Plaintiffs’ Confidential Information; and
iv. Keeping and failing to return Plaintiffs’ property


Here are the 149 Republicans Who Voted with Democrats in Passing the Uniparty Bill   By Jim Hoft

May 31, 2023 9:05 pm – The House of Representatives on Wednesday evening passed the McCarthy-Biden debt ceiling bill in a 314 to 117 vote.

The bill will advance to the Senate ahead of the June 5 deadline.

149 Republicans voted “Yes” while 71 Republicans stood with “We the People” and voted “No.”

Reps. Banks (Indiana) and Boebert (Colorado) did not vote on the debt ceiling bill.

Below is the list of Republicans who voted with the Democrats:



MUST READ… German Lawmaker Beatrix Von Storch: How BlackRock, the WEF and the Global Climate Cabal are Fleecing the Taxpayers   By Richard Abelson

May 31, 2023 11:45 am – While the Biden Regime is funding “Climate Pollution Reduction” with $5 billion from its laughably named “Inflation Reduction Act”, BlackRock Investment expects to do $100 trillion in business thanks to the so-called Green New Deal. The recent German Green corruption scandal revealed how BlackRock execs, climate activists and taxpayer-funded “non-governmental” organizations are undermining our democracy in a trillion-dollar bid to wreck the economy while getting filthy rich.

 The Biden Regime has hired BlackRock execs Brian Deese to serve on the National Economic Council, Adewale Adeyemo to head the Treasury Department and Michael Pyle as chief economic advisor to Vice President Harris. Deese, Adeyemo, and Pyle all previously worked for the Obama administration. A guest post by MP Beatrix von Storch:

Swedish financial entrepreneur Ingmar Rentzhog is not only a consultant to BlackRock and JPMorgan, but also the “discoverer” of Greta Thunberg. What a coincidence! Greta Thunberg’s very first protest in August 2018, when she sat in front of the Swedish Riksdagen with a cardboard sign, was professionally hyped by Rentzhog and his media team, with photos, videos and English-language press blurbs. What was staged as a spontaneous protest by high-school students was actually a PR campaign planned by a BlackRock communication consultant, in order to turn the autistic young girl into an world-wide icon and poster child for “climate change.”  [Emphasis added]

“The time was ripe to give the climate crisis a human face,” Rentzhog said. Greta posed with the message “We don’t have time”, which just happens to be the name of Renthzogs non-profit. His philosophy: “There’s no conflict of interest between saving the climate and making money.”

The recent scandal in Germany has revealed how the economics ministry run by Green “vice-chancellor” Robert Habeck was infiltrated by a billion-dollar network of NGOs, foundations, think tanks and lobby organizations financed by Wall Street billionaires like Bill Gates and Larry Fink.

The establishment of a $1 billion “Climate Finance Partnership” in 2018 was a milestone in this development, a partnership between BlackRock, the governments of Germany, France and Japan, and large US foundations, such as the Hewlett Foundation.

BlackRock owns shares in 17,000 companies and manages $10 trillion in equity capital – one-tenth of global GDP. Together with the two other major mutual funds, Vanguard and State Street, the “big three” control 88 percent of top US corporations.

[Ed.:  I wonder what’s going to happen when she grows up and realizes how she’s been suckered and used,  Her parents (and in particular her father) groomed her for this.  I was 26-years old before I even began to change my leftist perspectives…]


UPDATE: Here are the 44 Republicans Who Stand with “We the People” and Won’t Vote for Biden & McCarthy’s Flawed Uniparty Bill   By Jim Hoft

May 31, 2023 7:30 am – On Tuesday night, the House Rules Committee on Tuesday voted to advance the McCarthy-Biden Fiscal Responsibility Act.

The 9-majority and 4-minority committee voted 7-6 to advance the bill with Reps. Chip Roy and Ralph Norman voted against the measure. “House Rules Cmte approves rule to govern floor debate on debt ceiling bill tomorrow. The vote was 7-6. Roy and Norman defected Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) votes yes on the rule. Reps. Chip Roy (R-TX) and Ralph Norman (R-SC) were nays,” Fox News Congress reporter Chad Pergram reported. See below:

[Ed.:  I’m surprised that there are 44 real, non-RINO Republicans in Congress!]


World Health Organization Elects Communist NORTH KOREA to its Executive Board   By Jim Hoft

May 31, 2023 12:44 pm – Communist North Korea, a regime notorious for starving its own people while investing heavily in nuclear weapons, has been elected to the Executive Board of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Under the leadership of Kim Il-sung, the country’s founder, North Korea adopted a socialist and communist system.

The communist country has been widely criticized for its human rights record, and there have been reports of severe punishments inflicted on its own people for various reasons. (It is important to note that information about the country’s internal workings is limited due to its isolation and strict control over information.)

Some of the reported methods of punishment in North Korea include:

  1. Forced Labor: The government has been accused of using forced labor, including in prison camps known as “kwanliso,” where detainees are subjected to harsh conditions and forced to perform hard labor.
  2. Political Prison Camps: North Korea operates a network of prison camps where individuals deemed to be enemies of the state, including political dissidents and their families, are imprisoned. The conditions in these camps have been described as inhumane, with reports of torture, starvation, and other forms of abuse.
  3. Arbitrary Detention: The government has been known to detain individuals arbitrarily, often without due process or access to legal representation. Detainees can be held for extended periods without any formal charges or trial.
  4. Public Execution: North Korea has been reported to carry out public executions for offenses such as espionage, political dissent, and even for actions deemed as disobedience to the regime. These executions are often meant to instill fear and maintain control.
  5. Restrictions on Freedom of Expression: The regime tightly controls the flow of information and restricts freedom of speech and expression. Possessing or distributing unauthorized materials, including foreign media, can lead to severe punishment.
  6. Collective Punishment: The government has been accused of implementing a system of collective punishment, where the family members of individuals deemed disloyal or engaging in dissent can also face punishment, including being sent to prison camps.

North Korea’s regime, led by Kim Jong Un, has long been accused of gross human rights abuses and negligence toward the basic needs of its own citizens.

Despite this, the World Health Organization elected North Korea to its Executive Board.



Devout Catholic and Child Sniffer Joe Biden Defends Sex Change Mutilation for Children in Proclamation on “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month”   By Kristinn Taylor

                                                                                                                                                                       America’s First Pedophile President

May 31, 2023 1:06 pm – Devout Catholic and noted child sniffer Joe Biden issued a proclamation Wednesday marking “Gay Pride” month that defends child sex change operations and treatments, supports pornography targeting children in school libraries and claims that his heart is “heavy with grief for the loved ones we have lost to anti-LGBTQI+ violence” without noting the Christians murdered in a school shooting by a transgender person last March.

Biden said he is using the full force of government to ensure sex change mutilation operations for children (what Biden euphemistically calls “medically necessary health care”) and to force women and girls to compete against men pretending to be women in sports competitions, “…I have taken unprecedented steps to support LGBTQI+ youth…The Department of Justice is combating laws that target transgender children, and the Departments of Education and Health and Human Services have proposed new rules to protect LGBTQI+ Americans from discrimination in health care, at school, and in sports.”



With Russian DPR Special Forces Recon & Electronic Warfare Team On Ukraine Frontline Mission    Patrick Lancaster

May 31, 2023 – In this Special report I embed with the Russian DPR OBTF “Cascade” Special Forces Drone Recon & Electronic Warfare Team on a Mission to the Russia – Ukraine War Frontline. We traveled deep into the most dangerous part on the frontline territory near Velyka Novosilka very close to Ukrainian positions. As soon as we arrived at the point where they were to start their mission and Ukrainian drone flew over head and appeared to be targeting us. We ran and hid from the drone until it lost track of us and then we documented the OBTF “Cascade” team completing their mission

The OBTF “Cascade” includes parts of the forces and means of the law enforcement agencies of the DPR. The key element of the OBTF “Cascade” is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DPR. The head of the OBTF “Cascade” is the DPR Minister of Internal Affairs, Colonel-General A. A. Dikiy. It should be mentioned that the DPR government is actively merging with the Russian Government so things change fast

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My name is Patrick Lancaster and I think you deserve more then what the Western main stream media is willing to show you. I think you need to see information for both sides of the contact line.

Why does the Western mainstream media think the world does not deserve to see reports from both sides of the Ukraine War frontline? Why do they only show you(almost all the time) things that are positive for Ukraine? Why when any English Speaking journalists try and show things in Russian-controlled territory they are attacked and attempted to be smeared by the Western  MSM? Think about it!!

I believe You deserve MORE and I will make sure you continue to get it here on this channel!!

We can not cover every story from every place but we can do our best & of course, always bring you reports with full Eng & Rus translations.


The Great Student Loan Nonpayment Boondoggle Is Over And Household Spending Is About To Collapse   BY TYLER DURDEN

WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 2023 – 07:55 AM – In the small print detailing the end of the debt ceiling melodrama which, as we explained, is a farce as it boosts inflation-adjusted spending contrary to Republican promises, there was some actual news: the great student loan boondoggle is about to come to a screeching halt, after a three year “emergency pause” which redirected tens of billions in dollars away from mandatory student loan repayment to other forms of discretionary spending.

According to Goldman, the agreement announced on Saturday between uniparty leaders Joe Biden and Kevin McCarthy titled hilariously the “Fiscal Responsibility Act”, prohibits the Biden Administration from extending the pause on student loan repayments in place since March 2020, even if it does not block the Administration’s student loan forgiveness plan, which would wipe out up to $20,000 in federal loans per borrower and is currently being weighed by the Supreme Court (the plan was announced last year but has not yet implemented).

Here are the details: late last year, Biden extended the repayment pause, which postpones roughly $5bn per month in student loan repayments, until 60 days after the Supreme Court ruled on the separate $400bn loan forgiveness plan the – the Supreme Court is likely to rule on loan forgiveness in June, so this likely would mean a restart of payments after August 2023.

And now, the debt limit agreement prohibits further extension of the payment pause, but remains silent on the student loan forgiveness plan which however will be nixed by SCOTUS much to the chagrin of screaming libs and lifelong members of the “free $hit” army. Prior to the announced debt limit deal Goldman had already assumed the repayment pause would end on schedule, though there was clearly a chance the White House might have extended it once again. The debt limit agreement eliminates that possibility (“except as expressly authorized by an act of Congress”) and should result in a restart of student loan payments in September 2023.

What happens then?


Another Strike on Vladimir Putin? Over Two Dozen Suspected ‘Ukrainian’ Kamikaze Drones Hit Wealthy Moscow Region Within “Earshot” of Putin’s Official Residence – Several Injuries Reported (VIDEO)   By Cullen Linebarger

May 30, 2023 9:00 am – Did the Ukrainians attempt to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin Tuesday morning?  Did they have assistance?

As former Congressman Ron Paul notes, they previously made this vow.

The Daily Mail reported that Moscow was attacked by several suspected Ukrainian drones Tuesday morning ostensibly in revenge for Russian attacks on Kyiv.

The early morning assault specifically targeted the wealthiest areas of the city, where Putin and multiple Russian elites have homes.

Why A Veteran-Owned Freeze-Dried Beef Company Unabashedly Embraces An American-First Worldview

One local resident pointed out the attacks all happened within “an earshot” of Putin’s official residence in Novo-Ogaryovo.

Here are the full details from the Daily Mail:

[Ed.:  ‘Cruisin’ for a brousin’!]


NEW VIDEO EVIDENCE: AZ Election Officials Illegally Break Sealed Voting Machines Reprogram Memory Cards, and Reinstall Them   By Pamela Geller

May 29, 2023 – If evidence mattered…

One thing that’s become crystal clear in the election coup in America, is the American people have no recourse, no redress for hijacked stolen elections.

NEW VIDEO EVIDENCE: Maricopa County Elections Officials Illegally Break into Sealed Election Machines after they were Certified and Before the Election – Inserting Reprogrammed Memory Cards – MUST SEE!

By Jordan Conradson May. 28, 2023:

A new video exposes Maricopa County’s secret machine tampering, where they reprogrammed the voting machines on October 14th, 17th, and 18th so that 59% of them would fail when Republican voters came in to vote on Election Day in 2022.

As The Gateway Pundit recently reported, newly available records show that Maricopa County began “secret” Logic and Accuracy testing on October 14th, after the statutorily required October 11th test, and the legally required public notice was not given.

This is a smoking gun in Kari Lake’s stolen election contest. Lake attorney Kurt Olsen concluded that “this evidence would support our allegation that this election was rigged.”


RINO McCarthy Caves On His Debt-Ceiling “Deal,” He Sold Us Out   By Pamela Geller

May 29, 2023 – Apparently McCarthy was no match for the corrupt, diaper-wearing, cracked, child-sniffing mental patient.

McCarthy’s debt-ceiling deal with Biden comes up short on his vow to reign in IRS
By Miranda Devine, NY Post, May 28, 2023:

Kevin McCarthy trumpeted a debt-ceiling deal Sunday, but increasing debt another $4 trillion with minimal concessions is nothing to boast about.

To be fair, the House speaker has a razor slim majority and Republicans don’t control the Senate, where Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his sidekick Lindsey Graham have announced that the only thing they care about is Ukraine.

But McCarthy’s one dealbreaker should have been his promise to defund President Biden’s massive $80 billion to turbocharge an already weaponized IRS.

This was the totemic centerpiece of his pitch to become speaker.

It was the most memorable promise of the Republicans’ midterm campaign to win back the House.

It struck a chord with voters, wary of funding a new “army” of armed IRS agents to harass middle-class families and small business owners and abuse their powers to target political dissidents, Soviet-style.

“Our very first bill will repeal the funding for 87,000 new IRS agents,” McCarthy vowed.

“You see, we believe government should be to help you, not go after you.”

Sure enough, the House voted 221-210 to repeal the extra IRS funding.

“Promises made,” the newly minted speaker said Jan. 9, banging the gavel on the first bill of the Republican-controlled House.

What about promises kept?



BRUTAL: Biden Regime To Reach a Deal ‘Soon’ To Release Iran’s Frozen Funds As Public Executions Rise   By Geller Report Staff

May 29, 2023 – As the mullah’s brutality grows more gruesome and widespread, Biden moves to reward the villainy.

The Biden Administration continues its immoral appeasement of Iran. They are apparently close to authorizing a deal that would release billions of dollars of Iran’s frozen assets in Iraq and South Korea. Once received by Iran’s leaders, this money will be used to modernize Iran’s military, fund more terrorism, and dominate it’s people even more. How long before Israel is forced to take military action against Iran’s nuclear facilities? The Biden Administration is a total disgrace.


Medvedev guarantees Russia will nuke America if Biden deploys F-16s   Mike Adams

We now know how the United States gets hit with nuclear weapons. Biden is promising to deploy nuclear-capable F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, which would put the US within easy striking distance of key Russian targets.

In its defense, Russia now says (through former president Medvedev) that it will pre-emptively launch nuclear missiles against the United States of America. That means nuclear strikes on key U.S. cities may be just weeks away, unless somebody backs down.

Almost nobody is really prepared for a nuclear war in the United States. Are you?

[1:15:52 – 0:00 Intro; 2:50 The Worst Deal; 18:43 Finance; 33:28 Texas; 40:44 Nuclear War]

– House Speaker Kevin McCathy CAVES to Biden on the debt ceiling

– Now clear the USA will print money to the point of collapse

– The fate of the dollar (and the USA) is now sealed

– USA could DEFAULT on debt as early as June

– Target partners with satanist to push for child mutilations

– Target loses $10 billion in 10 days as boycott accelerates

– Tranny terrorists threaten to BOMB five Target stores for pulling some LGBT displays

– USA Today LIES to its readers, falsely claiming Target bomb threats due to conservatives

– State Farm halts new home insurance policies in California due to impending catastrophe

– Texas AG Ken Paxton impeached by cabal of RINOs and Dems, all funded by Big Pharma and Big Tech

– Paxton needs our support to survive the senate trial

– Former Russian president Medvedev promises pre-emptive nuclear strike against the West if F-16s are given to Ukraine

– Certain F-16 fighter jets can carry nuclear weapons

– Biden has found the perfect way to make sure America is nuked

– This would allow the Obiden regime the perfect cover story for financial collapse and martial law


Putin Speech – WAKE UP AMERICA!   [6:11]   5/26/23


Russia Issues “Arrest Warrant” For Senator Lindsey Graham   By Anthony Scott

May 29, 2023 9:35 am – Just 48 hours after Senator Lindsey Graham took a trip to Kyiv to visit Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Russia’s Interior Ministry issued an arrest warrant for Graham.

The arrest warrant comes after a viral video of Graham saying “The Russians are dying” and it’s the “best money we’ve ever spent” took over Twitter.

Dmitry Peskov, who serves as the Kremlin’s spokesperson, was quoted saying “It’s hard to imagine a greater shame for the country than having such senators.”

Here’s the video that led Graham’s “arrest warrant” being issued:


Blood in the Balkans: Albanian Kosovo Police Invades Serbian-Controlled Municipalities to Depose Elected Mayors – Serbian Citizens React Violently – NATO Peacekeepers Clash With Protesters  By Paul Serran 

May 29, 2023 1:30 pm – Tensions are flaring again between Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo.

Albanian Kosovo police entered Serb majority towns in the north of the separatist region, broke through the barricades erected by the Serb population, and after fierce clashes with citizens, occupied the mayor office in the towns, preparing to replace the duly elected Serbian mayors with Albanian-backed ones.

As the Serb population converged upon these places, KFOR peacekeepers from NATO have created a buffer zone in these places, protecting the Kosovo police in the invaded buildings.

On Friday (May 28th), Albanian armored vehicles were sighted in Kosovska Mitrovica, Leposavić, and Zubin Potok, forming convoys.

Kosovo forces attempted to enter government buildings in Serb-majority towns and cities of unrecognized Kosovo, prompting furious reaction from locals who come out in force against police intrusion.


Google Receives Backlash After Its Homepage Lacks Adequate Effort to Properly Honor Fallen Heroes on Memorial Day   By Anthony Scott

May 29, 2023 9:00 am – When it comes to memorializing a Member of the LGBTQ community Google goes all out for its home page graphics but today on Memorial Day Google is receiving backlash after its lackluster effort to honor American heroes.

Google’s new grey graphic to honor those who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces, lacked any type of creativity or color.



China Hacks US Navy

May 30, 2023 – Microsoft was the first to identify a Chinese hacking group named Volt Typhoon, which targeted the US Navy. This finding has been subsequently confirmed by authorities in the US, UK, and other allied nations.

An alleged campaign by Chinese state-sponsored hackers on targets in the US and Guam has raised fears that Beijing is preparing to disrupt communications in the Pacific in the event of a conflict.

The hacking campaign was first identified by Microsoft Corp. on Wednesday and quickly confirmed by authorities in the US, UK and other allied nations. Microsoft said the hacking group, which it dubbed Volt Typhoon, had breached government, communications, manufacturing and IT organizations in the US and Guam, a crucial military post in the western Pacific Ocean.

While the identities of most of the hacking victims remains unknown, US Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro told CNBC on Thursday that the Navy was impacted by the intrusions. The extent of the breach wasn’t immediately known. A spokesperson for the US Navy declined to “discuss the status of our networks.”


Record Number of Chinese Nationals Spotted At The Border

According to data from Customs and Border Protection, the influx of Chinese nationals crossing the southern border continued during the month of April, the Daily Caller reported.

In the month of April, Border Patrol encountered more than 3,100 Chinese nationals at the southern border. Since the start of the fiscal year in October 2022, Border Patrol has encountered a total of 9,711 Chinese nationals at the border, a 393 percent increase in crossings compared to all of fiscal year 2022.

According to China expert Gordan Chang, young Chinese are fleeing China due to “extreme pessimism” over their country’s future, and the number of Chinese crossing the border suggests that things in China will get worse.

Most of the Chinese nationals who have crossed the border are single adults, according to Customs and Border Protection data. And according to Chang, some of those crossing the border may be nefarious actors.

Chang told the Daily Caller that on seeing the data, he first suspected that the surge in Chinese nationals could include members of the Chinese military or Ministry of State Security agents who are entering the United States to commit “acts of sabotage.”


Kohl’s Is Selling Transgender Themed Clothing For 3 Month Old Babies   By Anthony Scott

May 28, 2023 7:15 pm – It appears Kohl’s wants to follow in the footsteps of Target and Bud Light.

To commemorate “Pride Month” Kohl’s has released new LGBTQIA+ themed apparel for adults, children, and even babies.

The Twitter account End Wokeness made the discovery and tweeted out a photo of a display in Kohl’s that was advertising pride clothing and accessories.

Included in the display was some trans themed baby clothing that contained a dog with a trans flag and children waving LGBTQ flags on them.


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.