Daily Shmutz | NEWS | 6/27/23


Legal Expert and Author Mark Levin: Trump Lawyers Need to File Immediate Motion to Dismiss Entire Case – Jack Smith Must Go to Prison for This   By Jim Hoft

Jun. 27, 2023 10:15 am – On Monday afternoon Special Counsel Jack Smith illegally leaked more information from his ongoing investigation of President Donald Trump to the far-left media.

Smith leaked highly edited audio to CNN of President Trump discussing classified documents of General Milley’s wackadoodle plan to use tens of thousands of US soldiers to invade Iran.

Author, attorney, and TV and radio host weighed in on the latest DOJ leak to the Trump-hating media.

Mark Levin called for Trump’s attorneys to immediate file a motion to toss the case due to prosecutorial leaks and misconduct.

Mark Levin: There must have been several scores of leaks against Trump involving testimony, documents, audio, etc., and they’re all obviously coming from the government. Trump’s lawyers need to file an immediate motion, with the long list of leaks as an exhibit, asking that the entire case be dismissed because of prosecutorial misconduct and the government’s effort to influence the jury pool. Moreover, I would insist that the court determine whether DOJ has opened investigations into these felonies. THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN NOW!

Analysis Discovers 8,241-Vote Discrepancy Between Voters Listed as Voting and Number of Ballots Counted in Arizona – Nearly 30 TIMES Margin of Victory in Abe Hamadeh’s Race   By Jordan Conradson

Jun. 27, 2023 7:40 pm – A new report from the America First Policy Institute finds a potential 8,241 vote discrepancy between the total ballots counted and the number of registered voters who voted in Arizona’s 2022 election.

This is a huge discrepancy considering that Abe Hamadeh allegedly lost his race for Attorney General by just 280 votes. This also makes up about half of Kari Lake’s reported loss by just over 17,000 votes.

Both are still fighting lawsuits challenging the results of their fraudulent election. A recent trial in Lake’s lawsuit exposed Maricopa County’s fraudulent mail-in ballot signature verification standards, but the weak judge dismissed her case. Kari Lake announced she will appeal the ruling and take her case all the way to the United States Supreme Court if necessary.

Abe Hamadeh’s Motion for New Trial is still under advisement following a hearing last month. Hamadeh’s race was decided by 280 votes after a “significant miscount” of hundreds of votes was discovered in rural Pinal County’s recount results. This newly discovered evidence was “intentionally withheld” by Katie Hobbs and justifies a new trial, argued Hamadeh’s attorney Jen Wright. Additionally, Wright told the court, “Maricopa did not provide provisional ballot information until after trial, information that had it been timely provided, we would have been able to address those problems we found at trial.”

Abe’s team has obtained hundreds of declarations from voters whose ballots were improperly rejected on election day.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Hamadeh’s attorneys requested a scheduling conference due to the delay from the Mohave County Superior Court.


Former Epstein Associate Was Arrested At Jimmy Kimmel’s House, Report Reveals   By David Rufful

June 27, 2023 – Video footage shows the moment when Jeffrey Epstein’s associate was arrested at the beachside rental home of popular Hollywood celebrity Jimmy Kimmel.

Kimmel is friends with Adam Perry Lang who used to work as Epstein’s chef. The entanglement has sparked widespread speculation about Kimmel’s link to Epstein as courts have hidden the sex offender’s notorious “client list.”

Despite working as Epstein’s chef for nearly 20 years, Lang has denied participating in or witnessing any sexual activity or underage girls.


Prigozhin breaks his silence on the mercenary rebellion in Russia    Col Douglas Macgregor  

Jun 27, 2023Col Douglas Macgregor Straight Calls – Ukraine news today and in-depth discussion of current geopolitical events in the United States of America. Colonel Douglas Macgregor’s Ukraine Russia war update, Russian offensive, Ukraine counter offensive, Ukraine latest news, Ukraine war news, Ukraine war video footage, Ukraine Russia news, Russia Ukraine war update and Ukraine war 2023.

[Ed.:  Very Interesting!]


BREAKING: Another Hunter Biden WhatsApp Message to Chinese CEFC Associate – “The Biden’s Are the Best I Know at Doing What the Chairman Wants”   By Cristina Laila

Jun. 27, 2023 1:45 pm – Another Hunter Biden WhatsApp message was released by the GOP House Oversight Committee on Tuesday.

In a WhatsApp exchange dated August 3, 2017, Hunter Biden told CEFC associate Gongwen Dong: “The Biden’s are the best I know at doing exactly what the Chairman wants from this [partnership].”

The “Chairman” is Ye Jianming, a Chinese billionaire tied to a CCP-intelligence gathering agency.

Ye Jianming is presumed dead after he ‘disappeared.’

The next day one of Hunter Biden’s shell companies, OWASCO PC, received $100,000 from CEFC, a CCP affiliated energy company.



“Basically Over Without Tucker” – Fox News in Turmoil as its Popular Streaming Service Crashes and Burns – Staffers Getting Dismissed in Droves   By Cullen Linebarger

Jun. 27, 2023 12:00 pm – Tucker’s unceremonious dismissal from Fox News continues to have catastrophic consequences for the network.

The Gateway Pundit reported in April that one way Fox News viewers responded to Tucker’s ouster was by cancelling their subscriptions to Fox News’ popular streaming service at “a record rate.

Fox Nation is (was?) a highly profitable subscription on demand video service with a variety of original programming. Tucker and other prominent Fox News anchors have had multiple specials on Fox Nation.

Tucker, though, was the only reason thousands of Americans subscribed to Fox Nation, however. Remarks from social media at the time suggested that the streaming service was about to go bust.

Conservatives Are Looking For Ways To Boycott and Move Spending Away From Woke Corporations — Here Is One Way To Do It

A report from the Daily Beast says this is exactly what happened. Fox Nation is faltering.



New Details on Jeffrey Epstein’s Mysterious ‘Suicide’ Released by DOJ Watchdog   By Cristina Laila

Jun. 27, 2023 12:15 pm – New details about Jeffrey Esptein’s ‘suicide’ was released in a DOJ watchdog’s report on Tuesday.

The Justice Department Inspector General determined in its report that Epsiten’s death was a ‘suicide.’

The DOJ IG blamed Epstein’s suicide on the jail guard’s negligence and misconduct.

“The Medical Examiner who performed the autopsy detailed for the OIG [Office of Inspector General] why Epstein’s injuries were more consistent with, and indicative of, a suicide by hanging rather than a homicide by strangulation,” the report said. “The Medical Examiner also told the OIG that the ligature furrow was too broad to have been caused by the electrical cord of the medical device in Epstein’s cell and that blood toxicology tests revealed no medications or illegal substances were in Epstein’s system. The Medical Examiner also noted the absence of debris under Epstein’s fingernails, marks on his hands, contusions to his knuckles, or bruises on his body that would have indicated Epstein had been a struggle, which would be expected if Epstein’s death had been a homicide by strangulation.”


[Ed.: Epstein was suicided, we all knew that all along. We also knew all along that Hillary placed the order.]


“Blatant Political Corruption”: The Rot In America’s Democracy Explained In Under 1000 Words   BY TYLER DURDEN

MONDAY, JUN 26, 2023 – 06:25 AM – Over the last several weeks and months, a deluge of damning breadcrumbs have been revealed by various whistleblowers, congressional investigators, and investigative reporters – the entirety of which has been a shotgun blast of information overload.

When put together, they paint a picture of such shocking corruption, that one can only conclude that the period we’ve lived through, between the 2020 US election, the funding, origins, and coverup of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the overt corruption of the Biden family, one can only conclude that we’re living through one of the worst, if not the worst, periods of political scandals and institutional rot in American history.

Making sense the current state of affairs is journalist Tom Elliott, founder of Grabien, who has assembled what may be the world’s most perfect tweet on how Joe Biden owes his 2020 election victory to “blatant political corruption.”

The more we learn about the 2020 election, the more undeniable it becomes that Biden owes his “victory” to blatant political corruption. To wit:



Putin’s address to the nation after Wagner rebellion   (English subtitles)  [5:12]

Jun 26, 2023 – Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered an address to the nation on late Monday night, two days after the Wagner rebellion came to a sudden end. Speech with English subtitles.


166 Years Ago Today: in Famous Speech Abraham Lincoln Condemns Racist Democrats for Their Pro-Slavery Policies   By Jim Hoft

Jun. 26, 2023 10:00 pm – June 26, 1857 – 166 years ago today–
Abraham Lincoln condemns the Democrat Party for their pro-slavery policies.

Via Grand Old Partisan.

Grand Old Partisan highlights a classic condemnation of the Democratic Party’s pro-slavery policies. Springfield, June 26th 1857, Abraham Lincoln delivered an insightful speech. He observed:

“The Republicans inculcate, with whatever of ability they can, that the negro is a man; that his bondage is cruelly wrong, and that the field of his oppression ought not to be enlarged.”

“The Democrats deny his manhood; deny, or dwarf to insignificance, the wrong of his bondage; so far as possible, crush all sympathy for him, and cultivate and excite hatred and disgust against him; compliment themselves as Union-savers for doing so; and call the indefinite outspreading of his bondage “a sacred right of self-government.”




Joe Biden to Indian Prime Minister and Tech Giant CEOs at White House: “I Sold a Lot of State Secrets and a Lot of Very Important Things” ..This Even Made the WH Transcripts!   [Video 0:14]   By Jim Hoft

Jun. 26, 2023 4:40 pm – Joe Biden held a meeting last week with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google CEO Sundar Pichai, and several Indian officials at the White House.

During the meeting a VERY CONFUSED Joe Biden blurted out that he sold a lot of state secrets.

Joe Biden: I was just thanking the… Anyway… I started off without you… And I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things we shared. [Emphasis added, see video]

This quote even made the White House transcripts (thank you, Cristina!)

It should also be noted that only a party that is stealing elections would run such a corrupt idiot for president and believe they had a chance!

[Ed.:  That should seal the deal on the impeachment!  He just confessed to treason on camera.]











STUNNING: Commie Pope Francis Sent Two Bishops to Confront-Harass Bishop Strickland After He Led March Against the Satanic Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence   By Jim Hoft

Jun. 26, 2023 1:15 pm – Earlier this month THOUSANDS of Catholics and Protestants gathered outside Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles to protest the team honoring the demonic group the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

The Dodgers and Major League Baseball allowed the radical demonic gay group who mock Catholics and Christianity to be celebrated before the start of the baseball game.

Bishop J. Strickland from Texas spoke at the rally and prayed before the game.

Here is a video of Sister Roma of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. This is what the Catholics were protesting.


Wagner Boss Yevgeny Prigozhin Reveals in Audio Message Why He Marched Toward Moscow and Explains the Reason Behind His Retreat   By Cullen Linebarger

Jun. 26, 2023 3:20 pm – CNN reported that Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin released a new audio recording on Monday explaining his decision to march toward Moscow and the reason why he retreated.

As the network noted, this is Prigozhin’s first audio message since announcing on Saturday night that his column was turning back “to avoid bloodshed.”

Prigozhin told the world that his march toward Moscow was merely a demonstration of protest and that he never intended to overthrow Vladimir Putin’s regime. He said he wanted to prevent the destruction of Wagner and “to bring justice to those who, through their unprofessional actions, made a huge number of mistakes during the special military operation.”

The purpose of the march was to prevent the destruction of PMC Wagner and to bring to justice those who, through their unprofessional actions, made a huge number of mistakes during the special military operation.

Prigozhin went on to claim that his forces came within 125 miles of the Russian capital before backing off.

Beef Company CEO: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat”

Overnight, we have walked 780 kilometers (about 484 miles). Two hundred-something kilometers (about 125 miles) were left to Moscow. Not a single soldier on the ground was killed.

We regret that we were forced to strike on aircraft…but these aircraft dropped bombs and launched missile strikes.

Prigozhin also revealed in the audio message that he lost 30 of his men during the Russian military’s attack on Wagner on Friday. According to CNN, The Wagner boss claimed the attack came days before the mercenary group was to abandon its positions on June 30 and turn over its equipment to the Southern Military District in Rostov, Russia.

Prigozhin then explained why his forces made a sudden retreat, which surprised international observers at the time. He said that any further advancement would be too costly in terms of lives.


JUST IN: Biden’s DoD Informs US Congressman They Won’t Destroy Potential Spy Balloon Flying Over Montana Airspace   By Jim Hoft

Jun. 26, 2023 12:45 pm – In a recent development, the Biden regime’s Department of Defense (DoD) has stated it will not interfere with a potential spy balloon reported over American airspace.

The DoD’s response has sparked a backlash from Representative Matt Rosendale (R-MT), who criticized the regime’s lax approach towards foreign surveillance activities over the United States.

Rep. Rosendale communicated his concerns after constituents in Dawson County, Montana, reported tracking a balloon cruising at 57,000 feet over Eastern Montana on Sunday evening.

The congressman contacted the DoD and was informed that, while they were aware of the balloon, they would not investigate due to its size and the low probability of it conducting surveillance activities.

If this is not a US asset, this is a significant national security concern, and the Biden regime’s dismissal of the potential risk is not justifiable.

Conservatives Are Looking For Ways To Boycott and Move Spending Away From Woke Corporations — Here Is One Way To Do It

“If the spy balloon incident in February has taught us anything, it’s that Montanans are vigilant and concerned about what’s flying over our state. They deserve to know that their government is taking their security seriously,” said Rosendale.



Strong Sulfur-Like Odor Spreading Throughout Northwest Indiana Reportedly Due to Natural Gas Leak   By Jim Hoft

Jun. 26, 2023 8:45 am – On Sunday night, residents of multiple counties in Northwest Indiana noticed a strong sulfur smell, reportedly due to natural gas leak, according to Michigan City Fire Department.

The pungent odor has prompted numerous calls to 911 from concerned citizens.

The Michigan City Fire Department was among the first to report on the situation, posting an advisory at 5:06 p.m. citing a suspected natural gas leak in Porter County.

“Due to a natural gas leak in Porter County, you may notice a heavy smell of gas outdoors throughout Michigan City. This issue has been reported and crews are working to get it resolved,” Michigan City Fire Department wrote in a press release.

“The natural gas leak has not yet been repaired. You may still smell a heavy gas odor in the Michigan City and Long Beach areas. Please do not call this in to 911. The issue has been reported and crews are working to get it resolved,” the department added.

[Ed.:  If it was not caused by a gas leak, it could very well have been caused by sulphur used in geoengineering weather chemtrails.]


The Reset Riddle   By Dr. Joseph Mercola

[Neil Oliver Video 11:49]

June 26, 2023 – Throughout the pandemic and beyond, you’ve likely heard top political figures and Big Tech leaders talking about the opportunity to “reset” and “build back better.” Founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Klaus Schwab is often said to be the mastermind behind this and is credited with circulating the idea of The Great Reset, of which “build back better” is an integral part.

However, there are other nefarious players who may have even more power, namely the newly crowned King Charles III.

“When The Great Reset was officially launched in 2020, it was not done so by Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates, but by Charles, Prince of Wales, then heir-apparent to the British throne,” according to Winter Oak, an independent not-for-profit organization “with a serious aversion to the global mafia’s ‘development’ agenda and a commitment to truth, freedom and social justice.”1

They’ve outlined key details on why King Charles should be on your radar when it comes to the implantation of The Great Reset and Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st Century) — the inventory and control plan for all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, construction, means of production, food, energy, information, education and all human beings in the world.

Is King Charles ‘The Great Resetter’?


Kim Dotcom: Did Putin and Prigozhin Play the CIA to the Tune of $6 Billion    By Richard Abelson

Jun. 25, 2023 1:00 pm – Hacker Kim Dotcom has offered his take on the “Wagner Coup” in Russia, intimating that Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin may have collected billions from the CIA to stage a coup, and then aborted the coup.

Several observers such as Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene have speculated the Wagner Coup may have had US backing (Gateway reported).

On Saturday, Kim “Dotcom” Schmitz had offered his explanation of the background of the inner-Russian strife:

[Ed.:  Tee-hee!  WE ARE THE BAD GUYS, AND, WE ARE THE IDIOTS TOO! Everybody is laughing at us already.]


With Wagner “Coup” Leaving Russia (Exclusive Prigozhin) Special Report   Patrick Lancaster

June 25, 2023 –   #RussiaUkrainewar #Russia #Ukraine

Go with the Russian Private military company Wagner as they leave Rostov after they spent a day controlling part of this Russian city.

 Who Was With Wagner when leaving Rostov? The people of Rostov were with them. Prigozhin (the leader of Wagner) was with them and I was with them to show the world the facts on the ground that the Western main stream media will not. I even was able to speak to Prigozhin about the day’s events and got an exclusive comment.


Uproar Over ‘Apeel’ Food Coating Sheds Light on Big Ag’s Capture of Organic Food Agencies   By Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.

June 21, 2023 – After controversy surrounding Apeel — a Gates-funded synthetic fungicide and fruit coating — sparked concern over how chemicals are approved in organic products, agribusiness watchdog OrganicEye this week demanded the U.S. Department of Agriculture break Big Food’s stranglehold on the process for approving certified organic foods.

Agribusiness watchdog OrganicEye this week petitioned the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to establish formal regulatory oversight for the public and private organizations that determine what products can be labeled organic.

The request comes after a recent social media controversy surrounding a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-funded synthetic fungicide and fruit coating — Apeel — sparked public debate about potentially dangerous synthetic products and herbicides that make it into the food system under the “organic” label.

“The conflicts of interest in this process are mind-boggling,” said Mark Kastel, executive director of Wisconsin-based OrganicEye. “It’s time for the USDA to change direction to comply with the intent of Congress and save the value of the organic label for ethical farmers and their loyal customers.”


“This is nuclear suicide unfolding before our eyes” – Scott Ritter   [24:07] Redacted with Clayton Morris

Jun 24, 2023  – NATO is getting dangerously close to making the mother of all mistakes pushing us to the brink of nuclear war. As Ukraine’s counter offensive has collapsed NATO and the U.S. are planning the next stage of this war, either repeat the mistakes of the failed counter offensive or escalating the attacks against Russia with long range weapons. Former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter joins us to explain NATO’s suicide mission.


The DOJ is Helping the CCP Persecute Their Opposition: Falun Gong, Guo Wengui, Others  by Kelly John Walker

(Note: This is a sponsored post from NewNoah. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of Gateway Pundit)

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has demonstrated time and time again that it will bribe and manipulate U.S. officials across multiple agencies. They are committed to destroying all opposition to their autocratic rule, no matter where their critics reside. The CCP relies on deception, propaganda, bribery, and extortion to achieve their aims in the U.S. and around the world.

And some within the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), including the FBI, have been helping them succeed.

We already know that various efforts by the CCP have progressed due to corruption and/or incompetence within this U.S. agency and others.

In a letter to Representative Mike Gallagher, Sen. Markwayne Mullin (R-Oklahoma) wrote,

“One of the most disturbing allegations uncovered by these DOJ investigations is the continued existence of Operation Fox Hunt- a Chinese covert global operation to harass and intimidate Chinese dissidents living abroad to attempt to forcibly remove them to China. According to the recently unsealed indictment, one of the tactics used by the Chinese government was to sue the victim in New York state court, turning our judicial system in to a weapon.

Another target of Chinese operation Fox Hunt, businessmen and dissident Guo Wengui (also known as Miles Guo), was uncovered during a 2017 indictment for violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act against DOJ Senior Congressional Affairs Specialist, George Higginbotham, former Finance Chairman of the RNC, Elliot Broidy, and American businesswoman Nickie Lum Davis. The three were charged with unregistered lobbying on behalf of the Chinese government in exchange for millions of dollars. One of their goals was to facilitate the illegal removal of Guo. Although many individuals involved in the 2017 scheme were caught and charged, other American proxies continue to work for the CCP.

We urge the House Select Committee on Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party to investigate the infiltration of the DOJ, SEC, and the U.S. legal system by the CCP. The root cause of this weaponization, across multiple agencies within the Executive Branch, has always been the CCP.

Recent Example: Bribe Offered Against Falun Gong

On May 24, FBI Special Agent Christopher S. Essick filed a Sealed Complaint in the Southern District of New York (SDNY) against John Chen, also known as Chen Jun, and Lin Feng over allegations they supported the PRC as unregistered foreign agents. Chen and Lin attempted in 2023 to bribe an undercover federal agent acting as a U.S. tax official to advance a complaint that would strip a Falun Gong entity of federal tax exemption.

The department described this scheme as part of a broader campaign by China’s government to target U.S.-based critics. The charges were announced a month after federal agents arrested New York residents accused of operating a clandestine Chinese “police station” in Manhattan’s Chinatown district.

[Ed.:  Ya, why would DOJ want to miss out on all the fun?]


NTSB Reports Cockpit Voice Recorder Still Missing from Deadly Virginia Cessna Plane Crash  By Anthony Scott

Jun. 24, 2023 4:37 pm – The National Transportation Safety Board has released a 4-page preliminary report of the fatal crash of the Cessna 560 aircraft that flew unresponsive over Washington D.C and eventually crashed in Montebello, Virginia leaving four passengers onboard dead.

In the report, NTSB stated, “The airplane as of May 2023 was equipped with a cockpit voice recorder (CVR), however, at the time of this publication, a CVR had not been located.”

The missing CVR could hold key details on what happened in the minutes leading up to the aircraft crashing.

The CVR is considered one of the “black boxes” that the FAA requires for large commercial aircraft and some smaller private aircraft to have onboard.

Ultimately the NTSB’s report didn’t conclude what caused the pilot to go unresponsive and the investigation is still open.

[Ed.:  Missing?  Huh!]


UNreal! GOP Picks Trump-Hater Bret Baier to Moderate First Republican Primary Debate   By Cristina Laila

Jun. 24, 2023 6:40 pm – Here we go.

Fox News anchors Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum will moderate the first Republican debate on August 23.

Fox News reported:

Fox News anchors Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum will moderate the first Republican primary debate on August 23, the network announced on Tuesday.

“We are extremely proud to have Bret and Martha moderating the first debate of the 2024 presidential election season as Americans learn more about the candidates ahead of exercising their constitutional right to vote,” FOX News Media President Jay Wallace said in a statement.

The debate will take place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which is the host city for the 2024 Republican National Convention, at the Fiserv Forum.

Bret Baier recently attacked Trump for storing presidential records at Mar-a-Lago.


MTG Hints US Government Could Be Behind Russia Coup Attempt   By Anthony Scott

Jun. 24, 2023 9:20 pm – Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia took to Twitter to respond to the earlier reports of Wagner mercenary troops making their way to Moscow in an alleged coup d’état attempt.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported the head of the Wagner Private Military Company, Evgene Prigozhin, never made it to Moscow but instead turned his troops around and ordered them to go back to their bases.

Prigozhin’s decision to stand down came after he negotiated with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko for several hours.

Greene just like many other Americans finds the entire ordeal very suspicious and told her followers on Twitter “After our government has been funding a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine for over a year, I sure hope our government isn’t behind a coup attempt currently happening in Russia.”

She continued “Regime change in a nuclear armed country may lead to terrible consequences the American people don’t want.”

[Ed.:  MTG doesn’t have to hint at it.  Wagner Private Military Company, Evgene Prigozhin, took the Western money. Hinting not necessary.]


Topless Drag Queens and Trans Activists “We’re Here, We’re Queer and We’re Coming After Your Children” at Annual NYC Pride March   (VIDEO)   By Cullen Linebarger

Jun. 24, 2023 8:55 pm – The next time some liberal tells you radical-left LGBTQ individuals want nothing to do with your children, just share this story with them.

The Daily Mail reported that drag queens and trans activists marched through the East Villages Tomkins Square Park during the annual New York City Drag March on Friday with hundreds in attendance.

Timcast shared a particularly vile incident where several marchers can be heard chanting: “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children” for several seconds. One topless female is dancing while making the chant while others laugh and join in.



3M Reaches $10.3 Billion Settlement Over ‘Forever Chemicals’ Contamination

June 25, 2023 – 3M has reached a $10.3 billion settlement over the contamination caused by “Forever Chemicals.” The company sold firefighting foams containing PFAS that resulted in the pollution of local soil and groundwater.

Illustration picture shows the 3M logo at the site of the 3M plant in Zwijndrecht, Netherlands, on 10 June 2021. (Eric Lalmand/Belga Mag/AFP via Getty Images)

Chemical manufacturer 3M Co. has reached a $10.3 billion settlement with several U.S. public drinking water systems to resolve allegations of contamination of “forever chemicals.”

The company announced Thursday that the agreement “includes present value commitment of up to $10.3 billion payable over 13 years.”

The $10.3 billion agreement would settle a case that had been scheduled for trial earlier this month over a 2018 lawsuit brought by the city of Stuart, Florida. The judge overseeing the case delayed the trial the morning it was set to start.

The city alleged that 3M made or sold firefighting foams containing PFAS that polluted local soil and groundwater, and sought for more than $100 million for filtration and remediation.


Boeing Charges Pentagon $52,000 For Trash Can Previously Priced At $300

June 24, 2023 – According to an investigation by Responsible Statecraft, it was revealed that Boeing charged the Pentagon $52,000 for a trash can that was previously priced at $300.

As Democrat and Republican members of the executive and legislative branches trip over each other trying to see who can jack up the Pentagon’s budget more, an investigation by Responsible Statecraft has uncovered some glaring examples of Department of Defense contractors raising the price of their products by astronomical multiples. 

Boeing used to charge about $300 for trash receptacles used aboard E-3 Sentry Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) planes, which use the chassis of a Boeing 707 airliner. After that aircraft vanished from civilian fleets, the trash can lost its status as a “commercial” item, freeing Boeing to stick it to American taxpayers.


Coors Light to Host Denver Pride Parade, After Apparently Learning Nothing From Bud Light Fiasco   By Cassandra Macdonald

Jun. 23, 2023 5:35 pm – Coors Light has learned nothing from Bud Light’s Dylan Mulvaney fiasco and is proceeding to host the “2023 Coors Light Denver Pride Parade.”

Denver Pride announced in a blog post, “Join us Sunday, June 25, 2023 beginning at 9:30 am for the Coors Light Denver Pride Parade! The Parade spans 14 blocks of Colfax Avenue from Cheesman Park to Civic Center, where the celebrations continue at day two of Denver PrideFest.”

The event, which is expected to draw over 100,000 people of all-ages, is also being sponsored by JPMorgan Chase & Co., Verizon, Visa, Walmart, Amazon, Target, and Starbucks.

Adam Collins, chief communications and corporate affairs officer for Molson Coors, the parent company of Coors Light, told Fox News, “At the end of a long day or the start of a great night, everyone deserves to feel comfortable having a drink and being themselves.”

“That’s why beer, wine and spirits companies like ours have supported Pride for decades, why we’ll do so in 2023 and why we’ll continue to do so for decades to come,” he added.

Rex Fuller, CEO of the Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Community Center of Colorado, which organizes the parade, told Axios that no sponsors have expressed hesitation over the conservative boycotts.


Liberal Utopia Austin, Texas Homeless Map Shows a Shocking 10K Living in Camps   By Margaret Flavin

Jun. 24, 2023 8:20 am – The liberal, anti-police policies in Austin, Texas have had a devastating human toll.

Local filmmaker Jaime Hammonds chronicled the crisis and created a map of the approximately 168 homeless camps around the city that show up to 10,000 living on the streets.

The filmmaker told The New York Post that the camps are far more prevalent that many people are aware, and have encroached on popular tourist destinations, warning that an “even bigger public safety threat could be looming as the sites remain largely unregulated by the Democratic city’s leadership.”

The New York Post reports:

The city of Austin claims police do enforce the camping ban.“When possible, the least intrusive and lowest level of force that achieves voluntary compliance has been a preferred method,” city spokeswoman Jenny LaCoste-Caputo told The Post.“This generally looks like progressive enforcement in practice [going from] verbal warning to citation to custody arrest.”

However, violating the camping ban is only a class C misdemeanor, which means the greatest level of enforcement permissible is usually a citation, the city added.

The blue city did not address how its own woke policies have exacerbated the homeless problem. With a shortage of nearly 400 officers, only emergency calls that involve life-threatening actions get patched through to 911.


‘They Move Them To Torture Them … It’s Called Diesel Therapy’: Proud Boys Forced Back Into Solitary Confinement In DC Gulag After Thanking God For Sunlight And Real Food  By Alicia Powe

Jun. 24, 2023 8:00 am – After starving in solitary confinement in a freezing 6 by 8-foot windowless cell amid constant screams of frightened men for two and a half years at the Alexandria Detention Center, it seemed like a mountain moved. The four former leaders of the Proud Boys, who were found guilty of seditious conspiracy by a jury of staunch Democrat activists, were suddenly transferred to another jail in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania on June 13.

In Lewisburg, Enrique TarrioJoseph BiggsEthan Nordean and Zachary Rehl,  J6 defendants the Department of Justice alleges masterminded a terror plot to violently overthrow the government during the Capitol riot, were housed in a massive cell block amongst themselves. They were finally permitted to go outside, served real food after surviving on bags of chips and rotten trays of soy and allowed social interaction.

The temporary housing order seemed too good to be true.

On a call from the Lewisburg jail with The Gateway Pundit, Rehl described how stepping in sunlight for the first time in almost three years was an answer to their prayers. His wife and 2-year-old daughter whom he has only ever seen through a glass partition from solitary confinement were scheduled for a 3-hour “contact” visit on the weekend. When his wife was six months pregnant, an FBI SWAT team apprehended Rehl in a predawn raid.

Usually, inmates are given notice before they are transferred.

On June 23 at 3 am without warning, the call came to “pack your shit.” Guards shackled the four J6 defendants and escorted them on another bus to an unknown destination.


Supreme Court maintains ban on encouraging illegal immigration   By Ben Whedon

Helaman Hansen had been convicted of falsely promising nearly 500 non-U.S. citizens a path to citizenship in exchange for $1.8 million.

June 23, 2023 – The Supreme Court has upheld a federal ban on encouraging illegal immigration, but narrowed down the range of acts to which it applies.

The Friday decision saw the justices vote 7-2 in support of the ban, according to The Hill. The decision reversed a lower court ruling that determined it ran afoul of the First Amendment.

Helaman Hansen had been convicted of falsely promising nearly 500 non-U.S. citizens a path to citizenship in exchange for $1.8 million. Hansen had challenged the crime as unconstitutional.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett, writing for the majority, upheld the ban’s constitutionality, but determined that “[p]roperly interpreted, this provision forbids only the intentional solicitation or facilitation of certain unlawful acts.”


Wagner group chief Prigozhin expected to avoid criminal charges and instead be exiled, report   By Charlotte Hazard

Those who marched with Prigozhin will also avoid criminal prosecution.

June 24, 2023 – 5:01pm – The Wagner group chief Yevgeny Prigozhin, who led an alleged uprising against the Russian government, is likely not to face criminal charges and will instead be exiled, according to the Kremlin.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov stated on Saturday that the criminal case against Prigozhin will be dropped, according to a report from The New York Times. He is expected to go to Belarus.

It was apparently negotiations between Prigozhin and President Aleksandr Lukashenko of Belarus that led to the apparent agreement to end the security crisis that has gripped Russia and the world, and helped resolve the situation without armed fighting, according to the Times.

Those who marched with Prigozhin will also avoid criminal prosecution, according to reports.


Prigozhin’s Gambit—Treason by any other name   SCOTT RITTER

JUN 24, 2023 – In the 1997 Disney animated musical fantasy film, Hercules, there is a particularly catchy number, Zero to Hero, which describes the rise of the star of the film from a clumsy boy into a strong and capable man. In the span of less than 24 hours, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the public face of the Wagner Group, a Russian private military contractor with shadowy ties to Russian military intelligence, has flipped the script of this ashes to diamonds tale, transforming an organization that had, through virtue of its impressive battlefield performance, become a legendary symbol of Russian patriotism and strength, into a discredited band of disgruntled traitors seeking the violent overthrow of the constitutional government of Russian on behalf of nations who seek the strategic defeat and ultimate destruction of Russia.

If Disney were to write a song about Prigozhin and Wagner today, it would be called Hero to Zero.

Let there be no doubt in anyone’s mind—Yevgeny Prigozhin has become a witting agent of Ukraine and the intelligence services of the collective West. And while there may be those within Wagner who have been unwittingly drawn into this act of high treason through deception and subterfuge, in the aftermath of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s address to the Russian nation on June 24, and Yevgeny Prigozhin’s impolitic reply, there can be no doubt that there are only two sides in this struggle—the side of constitutional legitimacy, and the side of unconstitutional treason and sedition. Anyone who continues to participate in Prigozhin’s coup has aligned themselves on the wrong side of the law and have themselves become outlaws.


Vladimir Putin Addresses Russia l Reports of Civil War, PsyOps, and CIA Involvement Saturate The Information Space   By Shawn Bradley Witzemann

Jun. 24, 2023 7:45 am – Just a few hours ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a speech describing an ongoing operation led by “external forces” who seek to “split the unity of the Russian people.”

His speech comes after news that PMC Wagner Group Commander Yevgeny Prigozhin has seized control of the port city of Rostov-on-Don while demanding the resignation of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

“Russia today is leading the most difficult war for its future, repelling the aggression of neo-nazis and their handlers,” Putin said, “Against us, the whole military, economic, and information machines of the West are turned.”

In apparent response to Putin’s address, the Telegram channel AP Wagner released this statement:

“The trigger of the Civil War was pulled by Pypa [Putin]. Instead of sending one or two degenerates into retirement, he gave the order to neutralize the most combat-ready unit in Russia. The life of one or two traitors was placed above 25,000 heroes. Who is evil in this conflict is already obvious. The victory will be for PMC ‘Wagner’.”

While many remain certain that reports of armed insurrection are valid, skeptical voices remain. Currently, Moscow seems mostly unfazed by any suggestion that the government is on the verge of overthrow.


Putin declares war on Prigozhin   BY DAVID PATRIKARAKOS

Here in Odesa, the Ukrainians can’t believe their luck

June 24, 2023 – Here in Odesa, the mood is a mix of incredulity, fascination and schadenfreude. Or, as my friend Hanna tells me with glee: “It’s popcorn time — it’s just a shame there’s no popcorn in Ukraine these days.” The word “Prigozhin” floats around the cafe. Phones are playing videos of Wagner tanks rolling through Russia. Hope and expectation fill the air.

Everyone is once again glued to their screens watching war. This time, though, there is a sense that this time it might be one not in their own country, but in the one next door.

Last night, an increasingly desperate or psychopathic (take your pick) Yevgeny Prigozhin, leader of the Wagner Group, did what his behaviour has long intimated he would do — and declared an all-out war on the Russian state.


Vladimir Putin reportedly flees Moscow on presidential plane as Wagner forces advance   By Charlotte Hazard

The spokesperson for the Russian president however has come out and said that Putin has not fled the capital and ‘is working at the Kremlin.’

June 24, 2023 – Russian President Vladimir Putin has reportedly fled Moscow in his plane on Saturday while the Wagner Group’s mercenary forces are advancing towards Moscow.

Putin was seen flying from Moscow to St Petersburg, according to Flight Radar, before disappearing from the radar, The New York Post reports.

The spokesperson for the Russian president however has come out and said that Putin has not fled the capital and “is working at the Kremlin.”

According to The Associated Press, Wagner reportedly has moved through Voronezh, roughly 385 miles from Moscow.

Moscow has issued an arrest warrant for the leader of the Wagner mercenary group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, accusing him of inciting an armed rebellion against the government.


IRS Whistleblowers Release New Bombshell Evidence Against Bidens, DOJ And AG Garland   BY TYLER DURDEN

FRIDAY, JUN 23, 2023 – 06:15 AM – Several bombshells dropped by two IRS whistleblowers on Thursday reveal, among other things, that Joe Biden’s DOJ buried evidence of Hunter Biden’s tax crimes – and stopped US Attorney David Weiss from bringing charges against Hunter in two different jurisdictions last year.

According to the whistleblowers, one of whom is Gary Shipley – who came forward weeks ago to reveal his identity, the IRS was notified of potential evidence “in the guest house of former Vice President Biden,” but were rebuffed by US Attorney Lesley Wolf, who said there was “no way,” as search warrant “would ever get approved.”

Whistleblowers describe how the Biden Justice Department intervened and overstepped in a campaign to protect the son of Joe Biden by delaying, divulging, and denying an ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged tax crimes,” said Smith in a statement. “The testimony shows tactics used by the Justice Department to delay the investigation long enough to reach the statute of limitations, evidence they divulged sensitive actions by the investigative team to Biden’s attorneys, and denied requests by the U.S. Attorney to bring charges against Biden.”


Distraction? Questions Swirl Over Timing Of Sub Story As Biden Bombshells Hit Target   BY TYLER DURDEN

FRIDAY, JUN 23, 2023 – 08:11 PM – As two IRS whistleblowers prepared to go public with more damning information implicating the Biden administration in a scheme to bury evidence of Hunter Biden’s tax crimes – as well as the revelation that Joe Biden was ‘in the room’ when Hunter shot a threatening message to a Chinese business associate demanding payment, a story which some have called the biggest political scandal this country has ever seen”, another story captivated the nation: the deaths of missing submarine passengers who set off last weekend to see the Titanic, only to lose contact shortly into the trip.

Late Thursday the Wall Street Journal reported that “A top secret military acoustic detection system designed to spot enemy submarines first heard what the U.S. Navy suspected was the Titan submersible implosion hours after the submersible began its voyage,” and that “the U.S. system detected what it suspected was the sound of an implosion near the debris site discovered Thursday.”

What’s more, it’s not like the military took days to try and figure out what the sound was. “While not definitive, this information was immediately shared with the Incident Commander to assist with the ongoing search and rescue mission.”

So, the Biden administration knew on Sunday (while not definitive), that the submarine sounded as if it had imploded hours into its journey. What’s more, they let everyone think the passengers were alive.


Military Deploys In Moscow As Wagner Chief Sought For ‘Armed Mutiny’   BY TYLER DURDEN

FRIDAY, JUN 23, 2023 – 06:15 PM – There are now widespread reports and circulating footage of additional armored vehicles deployed by military police units in key parts of Russia, including in Moscow and Rostov regions, with TASS saying they have been ordered to protect government buildings, as speculation that Wagner’s Prigozhin is making real moves against Russian leadership tonight.

The Washington Post is meanwhile recapping the following of reports that authorities are seeking his arrest:

Russia’s Federal Security Service late Friday announced a criminal case against Wagner mercenary chief Yevgeniy Prigozhin, accusing him of “incitement to armed rebellion” after he declared an open conflict with Russia’s military leadership and called on Russians to join 25,000 Wagner fighters against Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and other top commanders.

Footage like the below is widely circulating as beefed up military security deployments have been observed in various places:

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.