Daily Shmutz | NEWS | 7/21/24



Officials Force Man to Leave State Capitol Because They Were Offended by His Shirt   by Bob Unruh

Jul. 21, 2024 7:00 pm – Officials in Colorado’s government, those responsible for the state Capitol building in the crime-ridden downtown Denver, decided to eject a man from the facility.

Because they didn’t like his shirt.

And now word comes from the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression that it has dispatched a letter asking them to correct the situation, or “face a First Amendment lawsuit.”

Colorado is noted for its attempts to force people to speak its leftist-approved messages, regarding Christianity, homosexuality, transgenderism and the like. It has lost twice at the Supreme Court in recent years on that very topic.

The newest situation developed when Jeffrey Hunt was forced out of the Capitol’s senate gallery.

So FIRE is demanding that the sergeants-at-arms allow Coloradans to silently and respectfully express their opinions with pins and apparent at the Capitol.

Hunt told Fire, “I was shocked when I was asked to leave the senate gallery simply for wearing a pro-life sweatshirt. I felt like I was being targeted for expressing my American right to free speech. My goal with this case is to make sure this type of censorship doesn’t happen to anyone else, especially in the heart of our state’s democracy.”

He’s a radio host, and former employee of Colorado Christian University, which also calls itself “Pro-Life U.”

March 21, 2023, he was at the state senate with members of a group to oppose three leftist proposals that would set up a state assault on pro-life crisis pregnancy centers.

He wore a sweatshirt with the logo “Pro-Life U.”

And security official Ben Trujillo ordered him out because that is a “political statement.”

Trujillo and his chief, Frank Lombardi, “gave Hunt a choice: Remove the sweatshirt and re-enter the gallery or wait outside the gallery. Hunt chose the latter.”

Josh Bleisch, FIRE lawyer, said, “If there’s anywhere people’s First Amendment rights should be safe, it’s in their state capitol. Hunt had every right to be there silently expressing his opinion.”

Ironically, those security officers just a few weeks earlier had allowed students advocating for gun control to wear slogans insisting on that political agenda in the Capitol.

“Officials can’t kick you out of public galleries just because they don’t like the message on your shirt,” said FIRE attorney Raul Ruiz. “We look forward to vindicating Hunt’s rights, and the rights of every American, regardless of their opinions.”

The security officers have a deadline only days away to respond, or FIRE will sue.


Sen. Ron Johnson Drops Bombshell Preliminary Findings in Investigation into Attempted Assassination of President Trump — Here are the Details   By Jim Hft

Jul. 21, 2024 2:40 pm – On Sunday, after his explosive interview with Maria Bartiromo, Rep. Ron Johnson (R-WI) released his 13-page preliminary findings on the investigation into the attempted assassination of President Trump.

Senator Ron Johnson, responding to the alarming circumstances surrounding the attack, has taken immediate action by reaching out to key federal officials, including Attorney General Merrick Garland, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and FBI Director Christopher Wray.

In his letter, Johnson demanded the preservation of all records related to the security of the rally, background information on the alleged gunman, and communications between law enforcement agencies, including the Secret Service, from July 11 to July 14, 2024.

“The lack of transparency from federal entities regarding this assassination attempt is unacceptable,” according to the summary of the preliminary investigation. “Congress and the public deserve a full explanation and complete answers to all questions regarding the failure of security at the Butler rally.”

According to local law enforcement, the Secret Service initially had no plans to deploy snipers to the rally.

Below are the key findings, according to the investigation:


Barack Obama Releases Statement On Joe Biden Dropping Out, Notably Doesn’t Endorse Kamala Harris   By Anthony Scott

Jul. 21, 2024 4:20 pm – Former President Barack Obama has released an official statement regarding Joe Biden dropping out of the 2024 presidential race.

In a lengthy statement published on Medium, Obama praised Biden and noted that Biden had dropped out because of his “love” for the country.

Obama stated, “I know Joe has never backed down from a fight. For him to look at the political landscape and decide that he should pass the torch to a new nominee is surely one of the toughest in his life.”

The 44th President added, “But I know he wouldn’t make this decision unless he believed it was right for America. It’s a testament to Joe Biden’s love of the country.”

Obama notably did not endorse Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Presidential nominee but instead wrote, “For now, Michelle and I just want to express our love and gratitude to Joe and Jill for leading us so ably and courageously during these perilous times — and for their commitment to the ideals of freedom and equality that this country was founded on.”

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[Ed.: Because Killery will be the candidate, duh!]


‘Arrive in France, we’ll kill you’ – Israeli athletes receive numerous death threats ahead of olympic games

July 21, 2024  All Israel News – Israeli athletes participating in the Olympics, to begin in Paris, France on Friday, received anonymous email threats regarding a repeat of the terrorist attack against Israeli athletes that took place at the 1972 Munich Olympics.

“Arrive in France, we’ll kill you” and “Prepare for the Intifada” were some of the threats sent to 15 Israeli Olympic athletes and their teams last Thursday and Friday. These were reportedly just some of the many death threats, hate messages and other vitriol spewed online that Israeli Olympians have been receiving over the last few days.

According to local media, Israeli athletes received both online hate messages written in poor Hebrew and calls from foreign numbers.

During the Munich 1972 Olympics, Fatah’s Black September terror organization brutally tortured and murdered 11 Israeli athletes. At the time, the Palestinian Fatah party was led by PLO leader Yasser Arafat and Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas, who is the current leader of Fatah.

Abbas was Arafat’s right-hand man and has since refused to apologize for the 1972 terror attack, calling it a “heroic operation.”

According to Israeli Olympic Committee Chairwoman Yael Arad, the Olympic team athletes were prepared for the threats and hate messages.

“It was clear to us that such a troll would come. We prepared for it. We instructed the athletes on how to act when it comes and we had many conversations and meetings on the subject,” she said, according to Walla News.

The Israeli Olympic team includes 88 athletes. They landed in Paris under a large security presence that included armed agents from Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency). The Telegraph reported that it has become the largest-ever security operation for Israeli athletes at the Olympic Games.

Israel’s Culture and Sports Minister Miki Zohar told The Telegraph that the security preparations began one year ago. All athletes have received security details from Shin Bet, he said.

“We know there are threats [against the team] but we don’t want to talk about it,” Zohar said, adding that the team’s security budget had been doubled because of the Israel-Hamas war.

“We try our best to make sure the athletes feel free but also safe and not afraid. We don’t want them to notice the security guards too much.”

Shin Bet agents are reportedly “equipped with weapons and technologies” and will be assisted by “local security and police forces,” former Shin Bet officer, Lior Akerman, told The Telegraph.

“Of course, it is not possible to go into detail about the security methods, but the combination of Israeli experience and knowledge, together with the cooperation with local security forces, provides an excellent and complete answer to the security of the delegation,” he said.

Former Shin Bet chief, Yaakov Peri, admitted there are multiple threats at the Olympics, but said the Iranian regime is behind them all.

“It can be Hamas or other terrorists, but Iran is behind almost everything. And France is of particular concern due to the level of antisemitism there,” Peri said.

On Friday, French police officers arrested a man who tried to kill a taxi driver with a knife while expressing his support for Hamas.

Israel has prevented many terrorist attacks by Iran and other groups abroad in recent months, warning in March that the risk of terrorism for Israelis abroad was especially high, particularly at the Eurovision Song Competition earlier this year.

Zohar stressed that the high risk is a threat to everyone, not only Jews and Israelis.

“They hate the free world and everyone who believes in democracy. They hate Christians, they hate Jews and anyone who doesn’t share their beliefs,” he warned.


[Ed.:  Why divert resources (security teams in the form of Israeli commandos) from a growing multi-front war ongoing for Israel?  We need to prove something?  What are we trying to prove? We find it a priority to show that threats will not stop us?  NOBODY CARES.  Israel should boycott the damned Olympics! The French have lost control over France, anyway, and we have much more important business to attend to than sports.  IINO’s decision not to boycott the Olympics is just one more indication that our head is up our (“only democracy in the Middle East”) ass!]



Jul. 21, 2024  12:54 pm Eastern – Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race on Sunday.

Biden released the following statement:

My Fellow Americans,

Continue reading   (for entertainment purposes only)

[Ed.:  Killery must have made him an offer that he couldn’t refuse…]


Maria Bartiromo: Mysterious Man in Grey Suit Climbed Ladder, Directed Police While They Took Photos of Crook’s Body — Not Secret Service as Initially Believed   By Jim Hft

Jul. 21, 2024 11:00 am – On Sunday, Rep. Ron Johnson joined Maria Bartiromo on her show, dropping bombshell after bombshell concerning the recent assassination attempt on President Trump.

Johnson informed Bartiromo that the Secret Service had neglected their scheduled meetings on the morning of the attempted assassination. Moreover, they had also taken photographs of the would-be assassin, identified as Crooks, an hour prior to the shooting! Johnson also revealed that he has seen evidence suggesting the possibility of not one, but two shooters.

Bartiromo told Pete Hegseth of Fox and Friends Weekends, “The local officers went up to that roof and started taking pictures of the dead body, of the shooter’s body. So suddenly a guy in a gray suit walks up the ladder and goes up to the roof.”

This man, who did not appear to have credentials, was initially assumed to be from the Secret Service. He instructed one of the local law enforcement officers to send photos to a particular cell phone number. Later, it was revealed that this individual was not from the Secret Service at all.

“We’re going to tell you exactly who that person was and what agency the local enforcement sent the pictures to,” Bartiromo promised. She also mentioned that they would dig deeper into this investigation of what she called a “massive security failure.”

As Gold Prices Surge, This Faith-Based Gold Company Shows People How To Get in Now


During her interview with Johnson, he revealed that the authorities were instructed to send their investigation photos to an “ATF agent.”

“We called up that ATF agent. That individual said that he was with the ATF, and now he’s gone dark,” Johnson told Bartiromo.

He expressed frustration with what he called “the runaround” from federal law enforcement agents. Despite receiving information from local law enforcement, Johnson lamented that federal agencies were less forthcoming.

“I wish I could rely and have faith in the FBI and the Secret Service to do a truthful accounting of this. But that’s not been my experience with the Russian collusion hoax and for years dealing with federal law enforcement. We need completely separate and independent investigations, and it has to start now,” Johnson concluded.

Read more:


Sen. Johnson: Secret Service Blew Off Meeting with Local Law Enforcement the Morning of the Attempted Assassination – Secret Service Took Photos of Crooks One Hour Before Shooting   (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

Jul. 21, 2024 10:00 am – Senator Ron Johnson dropped several bombs on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

Johnson told Bartiromo that the Secret Service blew off meetings that morning before the attempted assassination of President Trump.

The Secret Service also took photos of the killer Crooks an hour before the shooting of Trump!

Maria Bartiromo: Oh, my God, Senator. Incredible. All right, you sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and Director of the FBI, Christopher Ray, about this epic failure of security. Can you walk us through what you’d like to see and your preliminary findings of your investigation, which has now become bipartisan? Is that correct?

Senator Ron Johnson: Correct. I spoke with the chairman, Blumenthal, the chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee investigation. I’m the ranking member. He completely agrees with me that we must start doing transcribed interviews with all the witnesses now while memories are fresh. That’s really good news from my standpoint.

My staff immediately started reaching out to local law enforcement. We’ve gathered a fair amount of information. Again, we’re just scratching the surface. But a couple of things that we found out, for example, the Secret Service did not even attend the 9:00 security meeting with local law enforcement. It pretty well put in charge the Butler County law enforcement to coordinate things. Law enforcement wasn’t even on the same channel. The SWAT and sniper teams weren’t –

Maria Bartiromo: Just to be clear, Senator, that was a 9:00 AM meeting on July 13th, the day of the shooting? Correct.

Senator Johnson: Secret Service wasn’t there. Secret Service had been there for site visits, weren’t even there. It turned over some of the outer perimeter stuff to local law enforcement. They weren’t even on the same security channel. The sniper and SWAT teams weren’t on the same channel as the patrol officers, and they weren’t on the same channel as Secret Service, so they had to relay things.

One of the things we found out is that we’ve got a more detailed timeline. This picture is now on the internet, but a picture was, a photo was taken by the local sniper team in the AGR Building at 5:14 of Crooks. Again, we had pictures of this guy. Why was he not intercepted? There’s so many unanswered questions here.

Maria Bartiromo: The pictures were taken at 5:14, and he was shot at 6:11?

Senator Johnson suggested there may have been two shooters. He also pointed to a mysterious man from the ATF who has gone dark since the shooting.

This is must-see TV!

Via Sunday Morning Futures.


“I Would Have Waited for 15 Minutes” – President Trump Says He Was Never Warned of the Threat – Despite Secret Service Tracking Shooter for an Hour!  (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

Jul. 21, 2024 9:15 am – President Trump and Senator J.D. Vance sat down with Jesse Watters this weekend for an interview that will air this coming week.

During the interview President Trump told Jesse he was never warned by Secret Service that there was a suspicious man in the area they identified an hour before he took the stage.

Jesse Watters: They were monitoring this guy for an hour beforehand. No one told you not to take the stage?

President Trump: No, nobody mentioned it. Nobody said there was a problem. I would have waited for 15. They could have said, Let’s wait for 15 minutes, 20 minutes, five minutes, something. Nobody said, I think that was a mistake. How did somebody get on that roof? And why wasn’t he reported? Because people saw that he was on the roof. When you had Trumpers screaming a woman in the red shirt, she was screaming, There’s a man on the roof. And then other people said, There’s a man on the roof who’s got a gun. And that was quite a bit before I walked onto the stage. So you would have thought somebody would have done something about it.

Brian Kilmeade: Former President Trump saying, for the first time, exclusively to Jesse Water’s primetime, that no one warned him not to take the stage, even though they knew there was a threat. And it was this guy almost an hour beforehand. The Secret Service under mounting pressure, pressure following the assassination attempt of before President Trump on Saturday. One week later, we still have very few answers about the shooter, the motive, and the stunning security lapses. Something we have learned, 20-year-old Thomas Crooks likely flew a drone over the fairgrounds in Butler, Pennsylvania, just hours before Trump took the stage in front of tens of thousands of people. Officials say the predetermined path suggests Crooks flew the drone more than once to scope out the event site. At least four Congressional committees are planning to probe the security failures that allowed him to gain access to the nearby rooftop that he fired from. Republican Senator Josh Hawley says he’s heard from multiple whistleblowers.

Senator Josh Hawley: The idea that you could have all of this time elapsed and nobody notices, no law enforcement notices he’s on the roof. Whistleblowers tell me that law enforcement were actually on different channels, different radio communication channels. There were multiple different channels, and they weren’t coordinated.


Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week   THE VIGILANT FOX

JUL 21, 2024

#10 – Joe Rogan raises SERIOUS questions about the Trump assassination attempt.

#9 – Mark Zuckerberg says watching Trump fist pump after being “shot in the face” is “one of the most badass things” he’s ever seen.

#8 – Tucker Carlson rocks the stage at RNC with epic speech, earns standing ovation.

#7 – The entire childhood vaccine schedule is now in question, and Donald Trump has made this clearer than ever.

#6 – Klaus Schwab’s co-author turns against the World Economic Forum, quietly pens novel on Davos racket.

#5 – Joe Biden has a disastrous moment on air when NBC News unexpectedly confronts him about his inflaming Trump comments.

#4 – Secret Service whistleblowers emerge following the Trump assassination attempt.

#3 – Bill Maher challenges Pete Buttigieg to explain why the heck Biden hasn’t fired the Secret Service director yet.

#2 – Chris Martenson, PhD, presents “rock solid audio proof that there were at least TWO shooters targeting Trump and the crowd.”

#1 – Elon Musk becomes the Democrats’ worst nightmare with a jaw-dropping $45 million-a-month commitment to back Donald Trump.

BONUS #1 – The Top 10 Signs That Biden Has Dementia

BONUS #2 – How to Get Ivermectin, Z-Pak, and More

BONUS #3 – Bill Maher Knocks Some Sense in Liberals Who Wished for Trump’s Death


“She’s Running!” – Hillary Clinton Floated as Biden Replacement Amid Democrat Turmoil   By Cristina Laila

Jul. 20, 2024 6:40 pm – The Democrat party is in disarray as they try to push Joe Biden out of the way.

Obama and Pelosi are orchestrating damaging leaks to the media in an effort to drive Biden out of the 2024 race.

Joe Biden is currently fuming at his Rehoboth Beach house as Democrats plan a coup against him with rumors of an open convention.

Kamala Harris is jumping on donor calls and rallying supporters in North Carolina as Biden hides at his beach compound.

The media is pushing Kamala Harris as the perfect alternative to Joe Biden.

However, an author floated twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton as the perfect Biden replacement in an op-ed for The Hill.

Pablo O’Hana wrote an opinion piece on Saturday titled, “Ready for Round 2: Why we Need Hillary more than ever.”

“The strongest argument against replacing President Joe Biden as the 2024 Democratic nominee is the notion that no suitable successor exists. But there is, and not just a good one but one of the most qualified people ever to run for the office: Hillary Rodham Clinton,” O’Hana wrote.

O’Hana even called Hillary Clinton “perhaps the mightiest of all” choices to replace Joe Biden.

“These swing-back voters are crucial to winning; Clinton can turn past regrets into proactive support by being a powerful reminder of the stakes of straying in 2024,” he said.

O’Hana concluded: “The Democrats have a seasoned, savvy and adaptable candidate in Hillary Clinton. Without the burden of incumbency, she can run on a platform of stability, restoration and progress, with the credibility of her lifetime in public service and proven leadership. In her candidacy, we might just find our best chance to retain the White House and transcend the gladiatorial spectacle of politics

“SHE’S RUNNING!” Trump advisor Jason Miller said on Saturday in response to Pablo O’Hana’s op-ed.

[Ed.:  The Clinton’s & very suspicious deaths — 121 deaths (57 from their inner circle).]


Report: Analysis Reveals Third Weapon May Have Been Used In Trump Assassination Attempt   by John Symank

July 20, 2024  RTM – An audio analysis of the assassination attempt against former president Donald Trump suggests that as many as three weapons were fired at the rally before the shooter was killed.

CNN published results of forensic analysis from Catalin Grigoras, director of the National Center for Media Forensics at the University of Colorado in Denver, and Cole Whitecotton, Senior Professional Research Associate from the same location.

This report alleged that three shots were fired by “weapon A,” and the next five were consistent with “weapon B.” Weapon A presumably would have been the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, while weapon B was most likely the Secret Service sniper who returned fire and killed Crooks.

However, the report also alleges that a possible weapon C emitted a final “acoustic impulse,” which may have belonged to a third, previously unknown shooter.

The FBI has stated that Crooks acted alone.

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Crowdstrike, which helped orchestrate the Trump-Russia hoax, is not to be trusted   JORDAN SCHACHTEL

The global IT company once laundered its reputation and legitimacy to the Trump-Russia hoax.

JUL 21, 2024 – Over the weekend, the world has been witnessing a global software outage that has impacted computer systems across all sectors, from business to healthcare to critical infrastructure to government systems and beyond.

That problem reportedly traces back to a software update with companies that use Crowdstrike, a controversial American cybersecurity company with deep ties in government and political circles. Crowdstrike says they weren’t hacked, but that this botched software update was the pretext for all of the chaos in their systems.

Today, Crowdstrike is a massive institution. The publicly traded company was sporting a $100 billion market cap prior to causing the global IT meltdown.

I know little to nothing about cybersecurity, but I know enough about Crowdstrike to never trust the company with legitimate professional services.

To understand the corruption associated with Crowdstrike, we have to go all the way back to 2015, when the cybersecurity outfit laundered its reputation and legitimacy to a massive campaign of fraud and deception that was organized by Hillary Clinton and the broader Democratic Party.

Democrats relied upon Crowdstrike — and for reasons still unknown, not the federal government — to determine that Russia was responsible for claimed cyber attacks against the Democratic National Commmitee (DNC) and email leaks from high-profile Democrats.

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REVEALED: Sanctuary Cities Drowning Under Migrant Invasion Have Begun Quietly Cooperating With ICE   By Ben Kew

Jul. 20, 2024 7:30 pm – A number of Democratic cities drowning under the pressure of the illegal migrant invasion have quietly started cooperating with Immigration and Customers Enforcement (ICE).

According to NBC News, several cities are now informing ICE about releasing illegal aliens from jail and even exploring ways in which they can expand their cooperation.

The report states:

In an interview, acting ICE Director P.J. Lechleitner said some counties and cities that previously refused to tell ICE when they were releasing undocumented immigrants from jail are now discussing ways they might be able to coordinate with ICE further, like giving it advance notice before migrants convicted of violent crimes are released.

Previously, those jurisdictions had been among the many cities with Democratic or progressive leadership that had been refusing to work with ICE out of concern it might inhibit the investigation of crimes. They believed migrants would be afraid to report crimes if contacting the authorities exposed them to the risk of deportation.

Lechleitner told NBC that these cities and jurisdictions were primarily motivated by the huge numbers of illegal aliens who are released from jail only to commit further crimes against civilians:

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Let’s Help Trump Steal The 2024 Election!   by Jay Valentine

Leftists aren’t the only ones with surprises. This is a game two can play!

JUN 23, 2024  OMEGA4AMERICA – Every election follower knows the 2024 election will be won in 15 counties, in 7 swing states.

Every such person knows, in their bones, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona will flood with mail-in ballots. 67% will come from illegitimate addresses without bedrooms – 67%.

In numerical terms, in every swing state, there is an identified group – of 400,000 or more – addresses who will cough up ballots filled out by NGOs – in identified ballot factories – for illegal aliens or drifters, long gone.

That is the terrain. How would you attack it?

Would you hire 100,000 poll watchers to count mail-in ballots cast from a Walmart?

Would you ignore the chance to stop a mail-in ballot from going to a gas station?

Would you pass on identifying a group of NGOs, in Michigan and Wisconsin, tied to the Chinese Progressive Association – involved in electioneering?

Would you choose as your state coordinator in Wisconsin a RINO, tied to the Wisconsin Speaker of the House, now being recalled, who works overtime to stop Trump from being elected?

If in any of these questions, you chose what the RNC and Trump Campaign chose – you would be embracing their upcoming failure.

Winning in 2024 is too important to be left to the RNC and the Trump Campaign – their actions show us every day they are completely out-of-touch with the reality in the field.

We aren’t.

You aren’t either.

Let’s win this thing!

Remember, Trump may be the candidate but you are the citizen. It’s your country, not just Trump’s.

Trump says he’s in it for us – let’s us get this guy over the finish line.

In order to keep the Republic, we need, now, to step outside the expectation that the RNC or Trump Campaign can deliver anything. Most sentient election followers already know the RNC is incompetent – the ones who support them are paid to do so.

It is no secret Trump is blind to the grifter class.

2024 is going to be won, in those few counties, by you.

We are trying to help – with technology.

We want to bring anti-gravity-level laser weaponry to citizens who have flintlocks today.

The RNC and major voter integrity national orgs are trying to stop us from helping you win this one.

We spend our day jobs building advanced A.I. systems that leverage distributed small language models – a geeky thing we do that has some people pretty excited.

We will be explaining more about our technology – and very cool customer use cases, starting next week, in the Fractal Substack Newsletter – which has zero political stuff in it – but does have lots of advanced artificial intelligence concepts.

In the last 30 days, some well heeled citizens called us and may help us apply Fractal technology – in a very big way – in 7 swing states, Virginia, Colorado and Minnesota.

We’ll see, but it looks promising.

How do we steal the 2024 election for Trump?

Hey, don’t freak out!

If the Left can steal an election, a bunch of them, we can too. They made it a thing!

Let’s do it!

Steal? Oh no! RINOs will freak out.

By steal, we don’t mean anything illegal – we mean something stunningly surprising from Republicans – something innovative!

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Now That the RNC Is Over – Republicans Should Not Fool Themselves that Democrats Are Not Going for the Steal – This Time with Very Different Dynamics   by Jay Valentine

Jul. 20, 2024 8:30 am  Omega4America – Now that the Republican convention is over let’s not fool ourselves.

Democrats may have a mentally impaired and unpopular candidate hellbent on destroying the nation – but they do have a system to manufacture votes and steal elections.

For Trump, 2024 Is An Election. For Leftists, It’s a STEAL.

Michael Whatley, RNC Chairman, in a Dan Bongino interview from the convention, was asked how the RNC would stop the illegal aliens voting. His response – the RNC sent a letter to every Secretary of State telling them illegal aliens are not allowed to vote.

The RNC will litigate any incidence of illegal aliens voting.

The RNC hired 100,000 poll watchers to count those ballots.

Those are the clueless words of a clueless man thinking he is in an election – not an organized, all-in, streetfight STEAL.

If the cliché – “don’t bring a knife to a gunfight” was ever appropriate, this is it – now, and Whatley is standing there with a butter knife – the Left with an AR-15 they want to ban afterward.

The Leftists are hard at work with NGOs, over 10,000 we identified (watch the video here) operating in the U.S. in election-related work – registering voters and fake voters, running voter tracking, get-out-the-vote campaigns, and electioneering.

Those NGOs are bringing people into the country, registering them at soup kitchens, empty buildings, strip malls and scores of ballot collection locations.

Last week we published one, of thousands of emails, witnessing hundreds of non-persons at a food bank. Those people are gone – their mail-in ballots are 91 days away!

The number now exceeds 500,000 each in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Georgia. The number exceeds 400,000 each in Arizona, Nevada.

We will shortly know the number for Colorado and Virginia – expect it to be on the high side.

These are the actions of Leftist electioneering pros – who understand the new reality is not about getting out the vote. You do not need to get out the vote if you can cast ballots, by the thousands, from empty warehouses.

These pros understand they do not need to have their candidate campaign – they just need compliant polls to be close enough so the steal is not too in-your-face.

Leftists understand a growing number of their fellow citizens just want to have a job, go to soccer practice with the kids, have a barbecue on Saturday and not much be bothered with nasty politics. As long as the Leftists do not rub their noses in a steal who cares? The paycheck comes in, ESPN telecasts the Sunday NFL games and the daughter’s boyfriend doesn’t have tattoos. Life is just fine.

If Leftists make it close, even though millions of citizens are screwed out of their vote, nobody will do much about it. As a predecesor famously said about adultery: “I don’t care much what they do just don’t disturb the horses.”

The courts won’t intervene – no standing, remember? Republican RINOs in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Texas will just go along – nothing to see here.

We are data guys – with the most powerful data platform for elections ever built. We build artificial intelligence systems to protect the power grid from electric vehicles.

Our videos are shaming secretaries of state in a dozen states – and shaming 20 years of fake national election integrity orgs who haven’t found any of the egregious fraud we publish in our videos.

The data we see, in the swing states, supports that if the election were held today, Trump would lose Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Colorado, New Hampshire.

That means Trump could be toast.

That’s with Biden as the candidate – if he drops out, which appears to be a likelihood, the Trump Hill is almost impossible with those ballot mills!

You’ve probably read these states are in play.

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Did Bush Allies Conspire With BlackRock, Soros to Off Trump?

 JULY 20, 2024  HEADLINE USAConspiracy theories about what happened at Saturday’s Trump rally in Butler, Pa. are now flying faster and looser than… well, anyway.

Both sides are getting are getting in on the action. Leftists appear to be convinced that the entire event was staged, with former President Donald Trump evidently palming a squib as he smacked his ear.

It is unclear whether they regard slain firefighter Corey Comperatore and others injured at the scene as a crisis actors or simply collateral damage, or if their Trump Derangement Syndrome allows them at this point to even process that much information.

Conservatives have gravitated more toward suspicions that it was a setup, given the fact that Trump’s Secret Service detail was desperately underprepared to perform their one job and they, along with local law enforcement, made it all too easy for a 20-year-old nerd who learned how to shoot from YouTube to waltz into position and set up what would have been the perfect kill shot, but for divine intervention.

Regardless, the consensus seems to be that, just like the 2020 election, the facts don’t seem to add up, and government officials’ efforts to circle the wagons and stonewall those seeking answers are doing little to assuage the skeptics.

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PSYOP-CYBER-POLYGON: Is The Largest IT Disruption In History A Planned Setup For Mass Power & Internet Outages?   2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

JUL 20, 2024 – By now most have heard of the unprecedented IT outages due to a Bill Gates’ Microsoft update, and the associated widespread disruptions in banking, travel, commerce and even hospitals going offline. This incident may very well have just served as a warmup to a far worse worldwide CyberPolygon attack on infrastructure, with the “solution” paving the way for much more devastating global IT exploits:

The outage (problem) was met with the solution (CrowdStrike remediation method) in order to offer up the “solution” which in turn will cause the far greater problems with the cover story being a ratcheting up these Hegelian Dialectic “solutions” whereby forced 15 Minute City mass lockdowns featuring the cashless X Everything App digital ID’s will be instituted such that no elections may ever take place again; or at least that is the endgame of whichever psyop(s) the powers that be finally go with.

“But since the next step could be to go into prescriptive mode, which means you do not even have to have elections anymore because you can already predict what, predict, and afterwards you can say, ‘Why do we need the elections?’ Because we know what the result will be. Can you imagine such a world?” — Klaus Schwab

Given CrowdStrike’s questionable history and its ties with the Intelligence Industrial Complex, it is only a matter of time before Russia is blamed for these cyber “attacks.” That will most conveniently serve to usher in the ultimate false flag event; namely, WW3, or after the slow kill bioweapon injections would global thermonuclear war now be considered WW4? That would indeed serve as the ultimate post apocalyptic “prescriptive mode,” assuming there are any genetically modified human slaves left to lord over when these crazed rulers emerge from their bunkers.

Given that Trump is a lock for winning the upcoming Kabuki theatre Uniparty politrix election, and the NeoMarxist left have quite literally imploded in full public display as their senile ice cream licking diaper soiling pedo puppet criminal increasingly malfunctions for all to see while their deliberately ruinous Cloward-Piven policies further destabilize what’s left of America, anything and everything goes at the precipice of this end of Banana Republic empire.

Nothing short of a miracle can save this Constitutional Republic from these rabid technocrats and their treasonous assets operating from deep within America, with CrowdStrike being one of their more effective “security” nodes.

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Biden’s Secret Service Stonewalls FOIA Request by America First Legal Following Assassination Attempt on President Trump   By Cristina Laila

Jul. 19, 2024 6:40 pm – Joe Biden’s Secret Service is stonewalling America First Legal and refused to expedite its FOIA request following the assassination attempt on President Trump.

Last Saturday President Trump was grazed in the ear after a 20-year-old gunman named Thomas Matthew Crooks climbed on a roof and took several shots at Trump and rallygoers in Butler, Pennsylvania.

One Trump supporter was fatally shot. Two other rallygoers were wounded, one critically.

A Senate briefing revealed the Secret Service identified Crooks as suspicious 10 minutes before Trump took the stage.

Thomas Matthew Crooks was seen bear crawling on the roof as bystanders pointed him out to law enforcement.

An officer was right next to the building as bystanders alerted him to the potential threat.

Nearly one week later we have no explanation from the Secret Service.

America First Legal filed an expedited Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the Secret Service seeking reports, documents and communications related to the assassination attempt against President Trump.

Biden’s DHS denied America First Legal’s request to expedite the process.

“You have requested expedited processing of your request under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) standard permitting expedition when a requester demonstrates a “compelling need.” Your request for expedited treatment has been denied,” Biden’s DHS said in a letter to AFL.

Biden’s DHS denied AFL’s expedited processing request because they claim there is not:

1. Any threat to the life or safety of anyone;
2. Any urgency to inform the public about government activity.

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FED LEAK: Now They Tell Us Trump Would-Be Assassin Thomas Crooks Flew Drone Over Pennsylvania Fairgrounds, Got Aerial Footage of Rally Layout   By Cristina Laila

Jul. 19, 2024 8:20 pm – Thomas Crooks did not work alone.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Trump’s would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks flew a drone over the Butler, Pennsylvania fairgrounds and got aerial footage of the layout shortly before Trump took the stage at last Saturday’s rally.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

The Wall Street Journal reported:

The gunman who tried to kill Donald Trump was able to fly a drone and get aerial footage of the western Pennsylvania fairgrounds shortly before the former president was set to speak there, law-enforcement officials briefed on the matter said, further underscoring the stunning security lapses ahead of Trump’s near assassination.

Thomas Matthew Crooks flew the drone on a programmed flight path earlier in the day on July 13 to scour the Butler Farm Show grounds ahead of Trump’s ill-fated rally, the officials said. The predetermined path, the officials added, suggests Crooks flew the drone more than once as he researched and scoped out the event site.

To put this in perspective, Don Jr. said the Secret Service prevents him from flying his own drone off the beach at Mar-a-Lago when his father is inside of the house.

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Cracks in the official story  [VIDEO 9:24]   The Vigilant Fox 

We were told Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone—that was a lie.

We were told Sirhan Sirhan acted alone—that was a lie.

We were told James Earl Ray acted alone—that was a lie.

Now we are being told Thomas Matthew Crooks acted alone.

Do you believe them? Here’s why you shouldn’t.

The Trump assassination attempt reeks of foul play, and the world can smell it.

Dr. Chris Martenson has recently presented “rock solid audio proof that there were AT LEAST TWO shooters targeting Trump and the crowd.”

This is no longer a fringe “conspiracy theory” because even CNN has acknowledged the presence of gunfire from three distinct weapons: Three shots from Crooks (A), one from the countersniper (C), and five from the mysterious “Weapon B.”

Watch this nine-minute video  as @chrismartenson  meticulously breaks down the audio evidence. The following is a summary of Dr. Martenson’s findings:

There were at least two distinctly different [unfriendly] weapons being fired.

• First three shots were further away than the weapon(s) that fired the next 5-7 shots.

• Sonic cracks tell us that they were also fired at Trump’s & audience’s direction (and weren’t taking out Crooks, eg).

• This means that the “lone shooter” story is 100% false.

As such, Dr. Martenson concludes, “So this tells us that this was a full-on operation.”

“These are the questions that need to be asked. I fear for my safety and everybody else’s safety for coming out with this stuff because one thing we know is they don’t like loose ends in these stories. But man, they bollocksed this operation up really badly. Whoever was in charge of it is probably already floating in a river. I don’t know what’s going to happen to them because they really messed this operation up.”


Update: Widespread CrowdStrike “Outages” Explained – Possible Election Implications   By Brian Lupo

Jul. 19, 2024 4:00 pm – In the early hours of Friday morning, not long after President Trump concluded his speech at the RNC Convention, news began to pour out on social media about “IT outages” across not just the country, but the globe.  Major US airlines Delta, American Airlines and United Air grounded flights.  As of this writing, Delta has resumed “some flight departures,” while American Airlines and United Airlines have said they’ve resumed normal operations, but expect delays.

While the airlines seem to be operating at normal or somewhat normal capacity, the FAA’s National Airspace System Status has added to their list of impacted airports.  This list is subject to change.

The “outages” have impacted banks, hospitals, police and emergency services, media, among others.

The source of the problem has been identified by CrowdStrike as having to do with the Falcon platform.  Crowdstrike is a cybersecurity company who was a critical component in the Democrat-led and Democrat-funded “Russia Hoax.”

CrowdStrike put out a statement on their website:

CrowdStrike is actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts. Mac and Linux hosts are not impacted. This was not a cyberattack.

The issue has been identified, isolated and a fix has been deployed. We refer customers to the support portal for the latest updates and will continue to provide complete and continuous updates on our website.

We further recommend organizations ensure they’re communicating with CrowdStrike representatives through official channels.

CrowdStrike, who’s website proclaims them “Cybersecurity’s AI-Native Platform for the XDR Era-We Stop Breaches,” stated they identified the problematic file, singular, and offer several solutions to remedy the problem, including creating a back-up of the disk volume before proceeding.

Mark Cook is a computer expert who has been investigating election machines, infrastructure and procedures since the 2020 Election.  On his website, HandCountRoadShow.org, he offered an explanation in layman’s terms, describing the Falcon Platform’s “Falcon Sensor” as a “part of their Cloud-based endpoint protection platform”:

Think of Endpoint Protection as a firewall on each device that is part of a network. The ‘cloud’ part of it is similar to a conductor in a orchestra, with the endpoints being those playing the instruments, and the instruments are the individual computers/servers.

According to Cook, the “Blue Screen of Death” experienced globally after the “outage” is caused by an update that conflicted with Microsoft Windows, causing machines to get “stuck during reboot,” preventing them from loading the operation software.

In terms of potential impact on our election, Cook writes:


‘The FBI Set Everything Up… They Wrote the Script – and WHITMER WAS IN ON IT!’ — Victim in Alleged FBI Plot to Kidnap Michigan Democrat Gov. Whitmer Breaks Silence in Must-See Interview!   By Jim Hft

Jul. 20, 2024 2:20 pm – Eric Molitor, a victim in the alleged FBI plot to kidnap Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer, broke his silence during a Trump rally held at Van Andel Arena.

Speaking with Real America’s Voice reporter Ben Bergquam, Molitor claimed that the FBI orchestrated the entire plot and even duped people into participating.

“The FBI set everything up. They drove people, they paid for everything. They wrote the script,” Molitor said. He alleged that Governor Whitmer herself decided the best time for the operation in collaboration with the FBI and state police.

“Governor Whitmer herself opened her scheduling book and decided with the FBI and state police when to be the best time for the daytime ride, the nighttime ride. Then they duped people into it. We even have proof of them telling people, ‘Get as many people in the trucks as possible, and don’t tell them what you’re doing until they’re already on the road.’ It was 100% set up. Governor Whitmer, if they can do it to nobody like me, they will come after everybody else,” Molitor added.

Molitor was among those implicated in the plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer. He claimed that he was tricked into participating in what he believed was a civil defense force activity against Antifa and BLM in his local area.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.