Daily Shmutz | NEWS | 7/5/24




Wisconsin Supreme Court Reinstates Ballot Drop Boxes for 2024 Election – This Is Despite Exclusive Gateway Pundit Video Showing Dozens of Individuals Stuffing Drop Boxes in 2020   By Jim Hoft

Jul. 5, 2024 12:20 pm – The Wisconsin Supreme Court in July 2022 ruled that absentee drop boxes are illegal in the state. The court ruled 4-3 at the time that drop boxes can only be placed INSIDE election offices.

This was good news for those who value safe and secure elections. Unguarded drop boxes make it easier for people to cheat. Democrats know this and support it.

On Friday, the Wisconsin Supreme Court reinstated the ballot drop boxes in the state.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported:

Wisconsin’s liberal-controlled Supreme Court on Friday restored the use of absentee ballot drop boxes in the swing state ahead of the upcoming elections — a reversal of a past decision from the court that could impact voter participation.

The 4-3 decision was a win for Democrats who argued the longstanding practice of allowing voters to file ballots into the locked, unmanned boxes made voting more accessible. That process, however, was highly criticized in 2020 by former President Donald Trump and Republicans who claimed without evidence that the boxes and absentee voting were rife with fraud.

“Our decision today does not force or require that any municipal clerks use drop boxes. It merely acknowledges what (state law) has always meant: that clerks may lawfully utilize secure drop boxes in an exercise of their statutorily-conferred discretion,” Justice Ann Walsh Bradley wrote in the majority opinion.

Democrats and their media lapdogs like to say there was no evidence that the boxes and absentee ballot voting was rife with fraud. They are able to say this when they ignore all of the published evidence to the contrary.

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[Ed.:  The 2024 election is a sham. The 2024 election is already stolen.]


This is Who They Are: Pro-Hamas Mobs Burn American Flags in Dem Cities Across America On July 4th   By Margaret Flavin

Jul. 5, 2024 12:40 pm – While Americans spent Thursday celebrating the birth of our great nation, pro-Hamas mobs gathered in Dem cities to show how much they hate us and everything we stand for.

In cities like Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and New York, pro-Hamas protestors burned American flags, set off smoke bombs to block people from enjoying the fireworks, and, in at least one case, allegedly physically assaulted a young man wearing the American flag as a cape.

Todd Starnes noted, “This is happening on Independence Day, America’s freedom celebration. At least one young American, who was wearing Old Glory as a cape, was physically assaulted. It’s time to round up every Muslim protester and their allies and ship them back to Gaza. We have graciously allowed these savages into our nation. In return, they burn our flag. Deport now!”

In Philadelphia:


Jerome Corsi on Theories Surrounding Archbishop Viganò’s Excommunication   By Jerome Corsi

Jul. 5, 2024 1:00 pm – Yesterday, on July 4th, the day we celebrate American independence, the Vatican excommunicated Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò for his refusal to submit to the authority of Pope Francis [aka, Jorge Mario Bergoglio]. The move opens the door for the left’s radical sexual theories to displace the traditional Catholic Church view that marriage is a sacrament for one man to marry one woman to procreate children raised by both parents through a traditionally moral Christian education.

Archbishop Viganò, a strong defender of the traditional Catholic Church liturgy and theology, had refused to appear before the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith to defend himself against charges that he was guilty of heresy because he refused to accept the dictates of Vatican II, a Catholic Church council that in 1962 eliminated the Latin mass and introduced progressive values into what then Pope John XXIII considered a “modernized” Catholic Church.

In a bold statement entitled “J’Accuse,” [“I Accuse”], named after the famous open letter that author Émile Zola published in the 1898 in the newspaper L’Aurore accusing the president of France of antisemitism in wrongly convicting Alfred Dreyfus, Viganò turned the tables on the leftist Argentinian pope Bergoglio, accusing him of bringing LGBTQ+ queer critical gender theory into Catholic orthodoxy.

Archbishop Viganò statement made clear his conviction that Vatican II and Bergolio are the forces of the “Deep Church,” intentionally causing a schism in the Catholic Church by implementing the agenda of the globalist elite. In “J’Accuse,” Archbishop Viganò wrote:

“Because the true project of the New World Order—to which Bergoglio is enslaved and from which he draws his legitimacy from the powerful of the world—is an essentially Satanic project, in which the work of the Creation of the Father, the Redemption of the Son, and the Santification of the Holy Spirit is hated, erased and counterfeited by the simia Dei [in English, “Monkey God”] and his servants.”

Archbishop Viganò stressed that the true Catholic Church “does not dialogue with Satan: She fights him.”

Specifically, Archbishop Viganò attacked Pope Francis’s “Synodal Process” through which Bergoglio is trying to wedge the LGBTQ+ gender dystopia into Catholic Church theology. Synods are meetings groups of Catholic Bishops hold with Catholics. Bergoglio has charged the Synods to “listen” to the Catholic faithful to advance Vatican II’s modernization of the Catholic Church. Synods aim to listen to “marginalized minorities” to “include” neo-Marxist views, emulating the DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) movement in the USA. The ultimate goal is to establish “a more meaningful dialogue, reducing the tensions between belonging to the Church and their own loving relationships, such as: remarried divorcees, single parents, people living in polygamous marriage, LGBTQ people, etc.”

Bergolio’s decision to excommunicate Archbishop Viganó will likely reignite the controversy whether as pope he has been vigilant to expel Catholic clerics guilty of homosexual relations with seminarians and pedophilia with altar boys. Archbishop Viganó has been a harsh critic of the Vatican for many years regarding the severity and consequences of priest sexual abuses within the Catholic Church.



JUL 05, 2024

Step 1: set up legal groundwork to mandate drop boxes across the swing states.

Step 2: release virus and over-exaggerate its lethality to create public fear of voting in person.

Step 3: send out mass mail-in ballots.

Step 4: harvest mail-in ballots and deliver them to districts needed to flip the swing states at 4am after they know how many votes they need.

Step 5: use media to accuse anyone who calls out mail-in ballot fraud of being a Russian asset or election denier.

Step 6: use intelligence community stage “insurrection” so electors cannot air grievances of fraud before Congress, and certify a stolen election.

They did it in 2020, and they are about to try it again… Mass mail-in ballots are their objective.


“The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election”   ZNO @therealZNO

FLASHBACK: Never forget when Democrats stole the 2020 Presidential election and later issued a public confession in a TIME Magazine article calledThe Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election”:

“In a way Trump was right. There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs.

“Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day.”

“Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding.”

“They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears.”

“They executed national public-awareness campaigns that helped Americans understand how the vote count would unfold over days or weeks, preventing Trump’s conspiracy theories and false claims of victory from getting more traction. After Election Day, they monitored every pressure point to ensure that Trump could not overturn the result.”

“…it sounds like a paranoid fever dream-a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it.”

According to Democrats, they can’t ‘steal’ or ‘rig’ an election; they can only ‘fortify’ it.

These people hate you.

These people think you’re stupid.

Their plans have been put into motion.

Expect nothing less this November.


POLITICAL PERSECUTION: The Stench of Joe Biden Engulfs Brazil – Popular former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Is Indicted by Socialist Regime for Alleged Money Laundering and Criminal Association   By Paul Serran

Jul. 5, 2024 9:30 am – As the winner of the heavily contested Brazilian Presidential election, Lula da Silva is bogged in an ineffective government with very little popular support; former President Jair Bolsonaro is still gathering huge crowds wherever he goes in the country.

But the stronger Bolsonaro gets, the more extreme the political persecution against him becomes.

Now, Brazil’s Federal Police have indicted Bolsonaro for ‘money laundering and criminal association.’

The charges are reportedly related to ‘undeclared diamonds’ received from Saudi Arabia during his time in office.

Associated Press reported:

“Brazil’s Supreme Court has yet to receive the police report with the indictment. Once it does, the country’s prosecutor-general, Paulo Gonet, will analyze the document and decide whether to file charges and force Bolsonaro to stand trial.

This is Bolsonaro’s second indictment since leaving office, following another in May for allegedly falsifying his COVID-19 vaccination certificate. But this indictment dramatically raises the legal threats facing the divisive ex-leader that are applauded by his opponents but denounced as political persecution by his supporters.”

Read: INFORMATION WAR: Elon Musk and Bolsonaro’s ‘X Space’ Is CENSURED in Brazil – Conservative Leader Has To Go to the Amazon and Use Starlink To Connect

Note also that Joe Biden’s regime supported and aided the Communist Lula de Silva during the very controversial election that saw the socialist criminal return to office.  And now it appears the Lula regime is using Joe Biden’s tactics to persecute his greatest political opponent like Joe Biden has done Donald Trump.

Biden is exporting his corrupt ways to South America.  Then his administration lectures on “democracy” to the American public with the assistance of his loyal acolytes in the fake news legacy media.

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Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Is Found Guilty of ‘Schism’ and Is Excommunicated by Pope Francis   By Jim Hoft

Jul. 5, 2024 9:00 am – The Gateway Pundit reported that Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was summoned to the Vatican to be excommunicated by Red Pope Francis.

Archbishop Carlo Viganò, a friend of the faithful and totally dedicated to the Church and sharing the word of Jesus Christ, was notified that he was being summoned to the Vatican.

Vigano has been outspoken against the destruction of the Church, COVID mandates, and stolen elections. He has called out the current Pope for his destructive actions against the Church. He has warned about the World Economic Forum. For this, there are reports that he is being excommunicated from the Holy Catholic Church.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano announced that he had not attended his Vatican ‘schism’ trial and he will not attend such a trial!

On Thursday the Vatican found Archbishop Vigano guilty of ‘schism’ and was excommunicated from the Church by Pope Francis.

Vigano is a staunch conservative Catholic and not a fan of the radical globalist Pope.

Via the National Catholic Reporter:

Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the disgraced former papal nuncio to the United States who questioned the legitimacy of Pope Francis and the authority of the Second Vatican Council, has been found guilty of schism and excommunicated, the Vatican announced on July 5.

“His public statements manifesting his refusal to recognize and submit to the Supreme Pontiff, his rejection of communion with the members of the Church subject to him, and of the legitimacy and magisterial authority of the Second Vatican Council are well known,” stated a Vatican bulletin that announced the ruling.

The decision of Viganò’s excommunication was widely expected following the announcement by the archbishop himself on June 20 that he had been charged with schism by the Dicastery for the Doctrine for the Faith and that he would not be cooperating with the Vatican penal process.

At the time, Viganò said he would not comply with the request to present himself in person to formally receive the accusation and evidence against him and said he considered the charges brought against him to be an “honor.”

The June 11 Vatican decree stated that if Viganò remained unresponsive through June 28, he would be sentenced in absentia, and the July 5 Vatican statement announcing the excommunication noted that the Congress of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith met on July 4 to conclude the penal process against Viganò.

The statement also noted that the archbishop was notified with news of his excommunication on July 5 and that the reversal of such a decision is reserved to the Apostolic See.

[Ed.:  The corrupt Globalist red Poop Francis:


Afghan Women’s Rights Activist is Filmed Being Gang-Raped in Taliban Prison as Guards Yell ‘You’ve Been F**ked by Americans – Now It’s Our Turn’   By Pamela Geller

July 4, 2024 – Biden’s legacy.

No mass protests, no protests at all. No “resistance to sharia” rallies at universities. No pink pussy hates for victims of a beloved leftist privileged group. Not a peep from feminists groups. Just calls for blood against Jews defending themselves in their homeland.

Related:  Biden Admin Reportedly Planning on Working With Taliban


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ISIS Moves on Uganda: Islamic Militants Threaten Christian Majority Countries   by Uzay Bulut
July 5, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • In recent years, Uganda has faced a growing threat from radical Islamic groups, notably “Allied Democratic Forces — National Army for the Liberation of Uganda” (ADF-NALU) and the Islamic State (ISIS) — which have targeted Christians and escalated security concerns.
  • “ADF-NALU has pledged allegiance to the Islamic State. Meanwhile, ISIS has also claimed responsibility for various attacks.” – Uganda: full country dossier, Open Doors, March 2024.
  • Uganda and other African nations — especially Sudan, Nigeria, Algeria, Tunisia, Burkina Faso, Chad, Ivory Coast, Mali, Madagascar, Mozambique, Mauritania, Cameroon, Kenya, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Tanzania — are increasingly suffering at the hands of radical Islamists. They are proof of how much even majority non-Muslim, secular nations are vulnerable at the hands of jihadist groups. To prevent jihadists from massacring, abusing or enslaving non-Muslims, and taking over the continent, countries need immediately to crack down on all extremist groups. Do not grant them space to operate.

June 16 marked the one-year anniversary of a sickening terror attack at a Christian boarding school in western Uganda, in which Islamist terrorists murdered 42 people.

On June 16, 2023, the Islamist “Allied Democratic Forces” (ADF), based in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), invaded the compound of the private Mpondwe Lhubiriha Secondary School in Uganda’s Kasese District.

Islamic militants firebombed student dormitories; students fleeing the fire were either gunned down or hacked to death with machetes. Students trapped in the dormitories burned to death as the terrorists shouted “Allahu akbar!” (“Allah is the greatest!”). Some of the victims’ bodies, burnt beyond recognition, required DNA testing to identify them. Six students were kidnapped.

During the 90-minute attack, 42 people were murdered, including 38 students, a school guard, and three local residents. According to the police, the victims’ ages ranged from 12 to 95.

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Explosion Rocks General Dynamics’ Hellfire & Javelin Missile Factory In Arkansas   BY TYLER DURDEN

WEDNESDAY, JUL 03, 2024 – 06:45 PM – An early Wednesday morning explosion rocked the General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems facility in Camden, Arkansas, injuring at least two people and leaving one person missing.

Local media outlet Camden News quoted General Dynamics in a statement as saying:

“Today at 8:15 am CDT, an incident involving pyrotechnics occurred at the General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems facility in Camden, Arkansas. At this time, we are working with first responders and can confirm the incident resulted in at least two injuries and one missing individual.”

The 880,000-square-foot weapons factory, located about 86 miles south of Little Rock, is a “leader in the high-rate production” of weapons, including “Hydra-70 2.75-inch rocket, Hellfire and Javelin missiles, the Modular Artillery Charge System and various mortar munitions,” according to the defense firm’s website.

Berkley Whaley, General Dynamics’ spokesperson, told local media outlet Arkansas Democrat-Gazette that the incident was related to “pyrotechnics” and clarified that it indicated explosives.

Alleged video of the incident surfaced on X this afternoon.

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Covenant Shooter, Audrey Hale’s “Mental Health Treatment” Would Make the Angels Weep

Republished with permission from AbleChild

New mental illnesses and prescribed psychiatric drug information for the Covenant School shooter, Audrey Hale, is released daily by Tom Pappert of The Tennessee Star. And it seems deliberate that this information is being withheld by law enforcement and will only see the light of day if it is leaked to reporters. Otherwise, if the public was to get its hands on Hale’s complete mental health/psychiatric drug record, it would make the Angels weep.

Last week it was reported that four prescribed mind-altering drugs (Lorazepam, Buspirone, Lexapro and Hydroxyzine) were found during the search of Hales parent’s home after the shooting. Since then, two more articles have revealed that Hale had been prescribed Prozac (Fluoxetine) for depression when she was in high school and became suicidal while taking the drug. No surprise there. Prozac, like all the antidepressants, carries the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) black box warning for suicidality.

Hale’s parents told investigators that their daughter “had to go through a series of medications to find one that was appropriate for her.” So, naturally, according to Hale’s parents “she experienced pretty serious side effects” from the various medications, saying “both of her legs ballooned.” Apparently Abilify, the antipsychotic, caused these severe side effects. “Swelling of your face, lips, tongue or throat,” may occur as a side effect. But insomnia, aggression, anxiety, delirium, homicidal ideation, and suicide also are possible side effects.

So far, the drip of information coming out about Hale reveals a mental health experiment. Hale had been prescribed six prescription mind-altering drugs that only reflects some period during her high school years and just prior to the shooting incident.

What about all the other years? Remember Hale was being “treated” at Vanderbilt University Hospital since she was six years old. The parent’s attorney reported to police that Hale had been diagnosed with five mental illnesses including anxiety disorder, social phobia, dysthymia disorder, major depressive disorder, and autism spectrum disorder in approximately 2011. But Hale had already been a patient at Vanderbilt for five years. What was Hale’s diagnosis when she arrived at Vanderbilt for “treatment,” and how did they “treat” Hale for those first five years. Furthermore, what drugs were provided to Hale in 2011 as “treatment” for the five mental illnesses?

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“Someone Has to Pay for This! – There Will Be Retribution!” – Aunt of J6er Matt Perna Who Committed Suicide After Evil Biden Regime Slapped 1512(c) Charge on Him Reacts to SCOTUS Decision   By Jim Hoft

Jul. 4, 2024 9:00 am – Matthew Perna, a non-violent Trump supporter who was arrested after January 6, committed suicide. He was never accused of violence or vandalism. He walked inside the US Capitol.

The newly released Jan 6 footage shows Matthew Perna calmly walking through the Capitol alongside police.

His government targeted him, made up charges against him, and then destroyed him. In the end, it was too much.

In December, Matthew Perna pleaded guilty to felony obstruction of Congress and three misdemeanor charges associated with his entry into the Capitol on Jan 6, the U.S. Attorney’s office for the District of Columbia reported. He had been scheduled for sentencing on March 3.

Matthew Perna was 37 years old when he put a rope around his neck and took his own life.

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Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey Sues New York For “Waging War on American Democracy” – “Illegally Scheming” to Jail President Trump   By Brian Lupo

Jul. 4, 2024 8:45 am – After threatening legal action last week, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey filed a lawsuit today against the State of New York claiming that the stay against President Donald Trump, the front-runner in the 2024 Election.  AG Bailey is also calling on the US Supreme Court to invoke its original jurisdiction to hear the case.

AG Bailey states that the gag order “threaten[s] to infringe the rights of Missouri’s voters and electors.”  Specifically that New York’s gag order and impending sentence unlawfully :

  • impede[s] the ability of electors to fulfill their federal functions.
  • violate[s] the Purcell principle.
  • violate[s] the First Amendment rights of Missouri citizens to listen to the campaign speech of a specific individual on specific topics.

Missouri is asking the Court to stay any gag order or sentencing until after the Presidential Election.

In a Press Release on Wednesday, the Attorney General wrote:

Today, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey filed suit against the State of New York for violating Missourians’ First Amendment right to hear from a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election. Bailey’s lawsuit asserts that New York’s illicit prosecution, gag order, and sentencing of President Trump has undermined his ability to campaign for president. This overt meddling in a presidential election sabotages Missourians’ ability to hear from and cast a fully-informed vote for president mere months before the election.

Attorney General Bailey calls on the United States Supreme Court to invoke its original jurisdiction under Article III, Section II of the Constitution to settle the legal battle between the two states. His lawsuit petitions the Court to declare that New York’s restrictions on President Trump’s ability to campaign unlawfully interfere with the presidential election, to remove any gag orders against the former president, and to halt the impending sentencing until after the presidential election.

“Right now, Missouri has a huge problem with New York. Instead of letting presidential candidates campaign on their own merits, radical progressives in New York are trying to rig the 2024 election by waging a direct attack on our democratic process,” said Attorney General Bailey. “I will not sit idly by while Soros-backed prosecutors hold Missouri voters hostage in this presidential election. I am filing suit to ensure every Missourian can exercise their right to hear from and vote for their preferred presidential candidate.”

Bailey called the lawfare against President Trump “poisonous to American democracy” and said the American people should be able to participate in the election without interference from the State of New York.

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Happy Independence Day 2024 – Please Pray for Our Country   By Jim Hoft

Jul. 4, 2024 7:30 am


Psalms 31:24“Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.”

Pray for our great country and do not lose hope.

Don’t forget to fly the American flag today…

Happy Independence Day 2024!

Here is our annual message to American patriots:

Celebrate with the American flag on July 4th – Bring the kids to a parade.
It will help them become patriotic.

Exposure to Independence Day parades makes children more patriotic.

It’s not just parades that make kids pro-American…

A study found that exposure to the American flag only boosts Republicans (not Democrats).

2011 study found that even a brief exposure to an American flag shifts voters to Republican beliefs, attitudes, and voting behavior.


FBI and DHS Issue Warning Over Attackers Targeting Fourth of July Events   By Anthony Scott

Jul. 3, 2024 7:40 pm – The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security have issued a warning over attackers potentially targeting July 4th celebrations.

According to an FBI bulletin, authorities are on alert for potential lone offenders and small groups targeting Fourth of July celebrations for terror.

ABC News investigative reporter Aaron Katersky stated that the FBI’s bulletin states, “Lone offenders and individual groups that are wanting to make a point pose the biggest threat to large scale fireworks celebration in places like New York, San Fransisco, and Las Vegas.”

Katersky added, “The police are being told by the FBI and Department of Homeland Security to be on watch for these types of things which are notoriously difficult to guard against.”


Per The Daily Express:

The FBI and Department of Homeland Security issued a warning on Wednesday morning about large Fourth of July celebrations.

The security organizations say the biggest threats are lone offenders and small groups, who may have a larger agenda, and find large events such as holiday gatherings “attractive” targets, according to a bulletin.

“The political environment of the country certainly doesn’t help,” Aaron Katersky, a security correspondent, told ABC News.

“The police are being told by the FBI and Department of Homeland Security to be on watch for these types of things that are notoriously difficult to guard against.”

Authorities are warning Americans to keep their head on a swivel while attending Independence Day events.


Big Lies About Israel    by Robert Williams
July 3, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • For months, Israel has refuted libelous claims of famine in Gaza, as international organizations — especially the UN and the EU, the International Court of Justice and mainstream media alongside NGOs such as Human Rights Watch — pushed the false, malicious narrative that Israel was causing famine in Gaza and even using it as a “weapon of war.” Israel might have saved itself the effort. No one was listening.
  • In May, the World Food Programme (WFP) of the UN claimed, without a shred of evidence, that there was a “full blown famine” in Gaza.
  • Now, it turns out, it was all a big lie. There was no famine, there is no famine and Israel has not been using hunger as a “weapon of war.” In its report published on June 4, the UN’s IPC [Integrated Food Security Phase Classification] concluded that famine was no longer even “plausible” and had no “supporting evidence.”
  • By comparison, more than three million children in Sudan are acutely malnourished, and a quarter of a million more are likely to die in the coming months. By the UN’s own admission, the war in Sudan is “the war the world has either forgotten or ignored.” The irony of that statement has clearly been lost on the UN, which is probably the main reason that Sudan – and other conflict spots – is ignored: the UN focuses almost all its resources on Israel and Gaza.
  • The “made-up” famine is just the latest in a long row of fabrications demonizing Israel’s military operations in Gaza, which over the last months have been exposed as lies yet have received zero coverage in the media.
  • In early May, the UN effectively admitted that Hamas’s casualty figures were untrustworthy…
  • UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres led the incitement against Israel, as the UN almost always does.
  • Overall, 18 million people in Sudan face starvation.

For months, Israel has refuted libelous claims of famine in Gaza, as international organizations — especially the UN and the EU, the International Court of Justice and mainstream media alongside NGOs such as Human Rights Watch — pushed the false, malicious narrative that Israel was causing famine in Gaza and even using it as a “weapon of war.” Israel might have saved itself the effort. No one was listening.

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Brian Kennedy on the 2024 Chinese Threat – “There’s 100% Chance That There’s Going to Be an Attempt to Steal the Election”    (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

Jul. 3, 2024 8:00 am – The biggest ‘tell’ in 2024 that Democrats plan on stealing the presidential election is Joe Biden.

Only a party confident in its vote-making apparatus would nominate such an unpopular, empty husk of a human being as its presidential candidate. They know it, and we know it.

After four years, the Republican Party has failed to eliminate or even confront the obvious Democrat Party voter fraud behemoth. It really is up to the MAGA voter to save the country in 2024.

On Tuesday, Brian Kennedy, the Chairman of the Committee on Present Danger: China, joined Dave Brat on The War Room. Kennedy warned the War Room audience that China is likely to assist Democrats in stealing the 2024 election away from President Donald Trump and American voters.

Brian Kennedy: When we’re here in the war room, this is not conservative entertainment. This is about fighting the political war America finds itself in today. One of the things that Steve wanted to do was to organize Conservatives, the MAGA movement, Republicans, to understand the war by Communist China against the United States. He and I and Frank Gaffney founded the Committee on the Present Danger back in February of 2019.

We have that song in the War Room, “Take Down the CCP.” I guarantee you there are millions of people in communist China figuring out today, how do you take down the United States. Unfortunately, we are ill-prepared to deal with that other than the people on the War Room and the MAGA movement more broadly, making sure we can make these arguments to the American people. I have this essay on the American mind, Americanmind.org, over at the Claremont Institute, where I’m arguing today that the odds of having a free and fair election are very, very slim, partly because Communist China can engage in political warfare against us. I’m among those people who think the election was stolen in 2020. I think most of this audience does, too. Most Americans do.

But I worry that the Communist Chinese could spend much of their 16 billion annual budget on intelligence and influence operations in the United States to be able to steal the 2024 election. Someone very important called recently and asked me who was going to win this election, whether it was Trump and Joe Biden or Trump and someone else. And I said, there’s 100% chance that there’s going to be an attempt to steal the election. There is a 95% chance they’ll succeed. But I myself have my money on the 5% because of the American people, if they understand it can be stolen, will go to unprecedented lengths to make sure either it is not or that they vote in such extraordinary numbers that they’ll be able to outvote the steal.

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U.S. Military Bases on High Alert for Terror Attack    By Pamela Geller

July 2, 2024 – The obvious consequences of our failed President. Praying for our troops.

Fox News: U.S. military bases throughout Europe have been put on heightened alert status due to a potential terrorist attack, Fox News Digital has confirmed. “There is credible intel pointing to an attack against U.S. bases over the next week or so,” a U.S. defense official told Fox News’ Lucas Tomlinson….

The U.S. bases have raised the status of the alert level to, “Force Protection Charlie,” which means the Pentagon has received credible intelligence indicating some form of a terrorist attack is in the works.

The new alert applies to all U.S. military facilities and personnel in Europe, including facilities in Germany, Italy, Romanian and Bulgaria, per reporting from Stars and Stripes (Fox News).

Stars and Stripes: The Charlie threat level “applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely,” according to the Army’s website. Service members and others should anticipate significant delays at gate entry points because of increased security, according to the alerts. U.S. Army garrison in Stuttgart referred questions about the change in force protection to EUCOM (Stripes).



X Re-Joins Pro-Censorship Advertisers’ Alliance    Didi Rankovic

July 2, 2024 – Given how X has gone out of its way to reveal the depth and breadth of online censorship via the Twitter Files, this makes for an awkward reunion: the company has decided to rejoin the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM).

It’s a pro-censorship, World Economic Forum-affiliated advertisers’ group, that achieves its objectives through the “brand safety” route (i.e., the censorship “brand” here would be demonetization). And last summer, it was scrutinized by the US Congress.

GARM is one of those outfits whose roots are very entangled (comes in handy when somebody tries to probe your activities, though) – and the chronology is not insignificant either: formed in 2019 as a World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) initiative, partnered with the Association of National Advertisers (ANA).

Then came another “partnership” – that with WEF (World Economic Forum), specifically, its Shaping the Future of Media, Entertainment, and Sport project – a “flagship” one.

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DEVELOPING: Rudy Giuliani Disbarred in New York For Challenging 2020 Election   By Cristina Laila

Jul. 2, 2024 10:45 am – President Trump’s former attorney Rudy Giuliani was disbarred in New York on Tuesday for challenging the 2020 election.

A panel of judges in New York’s Appellate court accused Giuliani of intentionally making false statements to the courts related to his efforts to challenge the 2020 election.

“The disciplinary charges stem from the allegations that respondent communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers, and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump’s failed effort at reelection in 2020. These false statements were made to improperly bolster respondent’s narrative that due to widespread voter fraud, victory in the 2020 United States presidential election was stolen from his client,” The New York Supreme Court announced.

The panel of judges criticized Giuliani for his work exposing the corruption in Pennsylvania.

In 2020, Rudy Giuliani pointed out two huge gaps in Pennsylvania’s mail-in ballots during a hearing before the state legislature.

“You have two major gaps — you have the 672,770 votes that were not inspected by anyone secretly put into the ballot box and then you have this gap that I don’t understand between the mail-in ballots. You’ve sent out: 1.8 million and the number you counted: 2.5 million!” Rudy said.

Rudy continued, “That’s totally impossible to explain other than what some of the other witnesses were suggesting that they were basically stuffing the ballot box. I believe what happened was that they never expected to be behind by 700,000 or 800,000 votes on election night. They expected to be behind by a couple hundred thousand — in Philadelphia to steal a couple hundred thousand votes, they do it every year, that’s not going to be tough. Now you have a real big problem so you had to create mail-in ballots, you had to stretch it out for a while…”


“Further, nowhere did respondent assert that he had read or knew of the contents of any of the proffered materials before he made his statements about voter fraud in Philadelphia. Thus, the Referee found that respondent’s statements were not mere exaggerations, but falsehoods designed to deceive his listeners,” the panel of judges wrote.



Murder Rate in Socialist Venezuela Falls to 22-Year Low as Country’s Violent Criminals Flee to U.S.   By Ben Kew

Jul. 2, 2024 9:30 am – The murder rate in socialist Venezuela has fallen to a 22-year-low as violent criminals moved to the United States and other parts of the continent.

The South American country, which over the past decade has suffered one of the world’s most severe economic and humanitarian crises, has seen its own population plummet as millions of Venezuelans seek opportunities elsewhere.

However, this has also led to an exodus of large numbers of the country’s violent criminals, many of whom have sought “refuge” in the U.S. at the invitation of the Bien regime.

The Daily Mail reports:

Once deemed the world’s most dangerous city, Caracas has seen homicides fall by a staggering 25 percent when compared to 2023, with the Venezuelan Violence Observatory registering 26.8 violent deaths per 100,000 people, compared to a rate of 35.3 for every 100,000 habitants in 2022.

But now, as Venezuelans increasingly flood over the US-Mexico border, reports of newly-arrived migrants committing horrific crimes have left Americans shocked – including that of two men arrested in the brutal abduction, rape and murder of a 12-year-old girl in Texas just last week.

According to InsightCrime, the dire economic situation in the country, combined with the mass population exodus, has reduced opportunities for those looking to extort, kidnap and rob back home.

‘Crime is falling in Venezuela because of the destruction of the country’s economy …because of the loss of opportunities for crime,’ OVV director Roberto Briceño-León told InSight Crime.

Over 10 million illegal aliens have entered the country illegally since the Biden regime seized power in 2021, with U.S. authorities having little to no knowledge of their past criminal history.

As reported extensively by The Gateway Pundit, many of these illegal aliens have turned out to be career criminals who have spread their violence across the United States.

There have been numerous cases of illegals raping, stealing and murdering innocent American civilians, while there is also evidence that the Venezuelan criminal gang Tren De Aragua has successfully expanded its operations across the country.

The most widely reported instance of this was the murder of 22-year-old Georgia nursing student Laken Riley, who was killed whilst out jogging by a 26-year-old José Antonio Ibarra, a Venezuelan illegal alien who had previously been let free by authorities after facing charges of child abuse.

Earlier this month, 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray was similarly raped and killed by two men in North Houston, Texas, who later dumped her body into a creek. Two Venezuelan migrants have been charged for her murder.

Watch over 11 minutes of cut scene NASA footage filmed in the Nevada Desert.    Concerned Citizen @BGatesIsaPyscho


Two Toronto Synagogues Attacked, Pelted with Stones, glass panels shattered

July 1, 2024  Geller Report – Two Toronto synagogues attacked over the Canada Day weekend in a window-smashing spree

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau has abandoned Canada’s Jewish population, so that he can obtain the votes of Canada’s pro-Hamas citizens. This is the result; Canadian Jews being terrorized in their neighborhoods, schools, businesses, and synagogues. Under PM Stephen Harper, Canada was perhaps the safest country for Jews outside of Israel. Under PM Trudeau, Canada is increasingly looking like 1930’s Nazi Germany. Jews must flee.

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NYC: Consul General Akunis Warns of ‘Radical Muslim Occupation’, ‘Wake Up Before It’s Too Late’   By Pamela Geller

It’s not ‘radical’, it’s Islam. “There is no moderate Islam, there is no extreme Islam, Islam is Islam.” – President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey.

July 1, 2024 – Israel National NewsGlobal News’Wake up before it’s too late’: Consul General Akunis warns of ‘radical Muslim occupation’

‘Wake up before it’s too late’: Consul General Akunis warns of ‘radical Muslim occupation’

Israel’s Consul General in New York, Ofir Akunis, warns in interview with The New York Post that the city is in danger of falling under “radical Muslim occupation”: Your September 11th is our October 7th.

By: Israel National News, Jun 30, 2024:

Israel’s Consul General in New York, Ofir Akunis, warned in an interview with The New York Post that the Big Apple is in danger of falling under “radical Muslim occupation” like many cities in Europe.

“You know what’s happening in London these days, you know what’s happening in Paris these days and in Malmo, a major city in Sweden? They are under radical Muslim occupation,” said Akunis.

“There are no-go zones and I don’t want that to happen here in New York or in other places here in the United States,” he told The Post. “They burned an American flag right here, in front of the doors of the [Manhattan] consulate.

“I’m calling on New Yorkers: wake up before it will be too late!” added Akunis, who added, “Your September 11th is our October 7th. It’s radical Islam.”

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[Ed.:  When President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey said: “There is no moderate Islam, there is no extreme Islam, Islam is Islam”, he was quoting me!  I have been saying exactly that ever since Daniel Pipes coined the term right after 9-11-2001 in his mistaken effort to gaslight and confuse us, thus preventing ‘Islamophobia’. There is no “radical Islam”!  It’s not ‘radical’, it’s Islam.]


CLASSIC: Conservative Champion Viktor Orbán Takes Over European Union Presidency – Hungarian PM Vows to ‘Make Europe Great Again’    By Paul Serran

Jul. 1, 2024 2:00 pm – Conservative Champion Viktor Orbán is a man with deep-rooted convictions and opinions. And he has the fortitude to express them in a very frank and direct way.

So, today, the Hungarian Prime Minister takes on the rotating presidency of the European Union, an entity he once described as ‘the contemporary parody version of the Soviet Union’.

He did it his own way – clashing with Brussels every step of the way on a host of issues. He rejected unchecked mass migration, the crippling ‘green policies’ and – of course – the blind backing of Ukraine in the war and the rush towards WW3.

Who can forget this? EPIC Hungary’s Orbán on EU ‘Blackmail’: ‘There Is Not Enough Money in the World To Force Us To Accept Mass Migration and To Put Our Children in the Hands of LGBTQ Activists’.

So, to mark his deep differences, Orbán chose as the slogan of his presidency ‘Make Europe Great Again’, to the dismay of the European Mainstream media.

Reuters reported:

“Hungary’s nationalist government launches its presidency of the European Union on Monday with a Trump-like call to “Make Europe Great Again” after EU lawmakers questioned whether it should be allowed to take on the role.”

As I’ve written before, the European Union is a supra-national behemoth with a complicated power structure.

It has an elected parliament, a council of appointed power players, and a whole host of Commissaries.

The top three jobs are the EU Commissioner, now in the hands of re-elected Ursula von der Leyen, the European Council President with outgoing Belgian Charles Michel and the Portuguese António Costa replacing him; and the ‘High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy’ a.k.a. top diplomat, currently the Spaniard Joseph Borrell, now to be replaced by former Estonian PM Kaja Kallas.

If that is not confusing enough, there is also a Presidency of the EU, a job that rotates among the member countries’ leaderships.

Now, just as most of Europe strides rightward, it’s Hungary’s turn.

“The presidency’s role is to set the agenda, chair meetings of EU members in all fields except foreign or euro zone matters, seek consensus among EU member states and broker agreements on legislation with the European Parliament.”

Orbán will face a transition period of the new Parliament and Commissaries.

“Hungary has said its priorities include pushing western Balkan membership of the EU, illegal migration and economic competitiveness.

Critics note its enlargement push does not include Ukraine.”

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“A Private Citizen Cannot Criminally Prosecute Anyone, Let Alone a Former President” – Clarence Thomas Questions Jack Smith’s Authority in Blistering Opinion on Immunity Ruling    By Cristina Laila

Jul. 1, 2024 12:00 pm – Conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas questioned Jack Smith’s authority as special counsel in his concurring opinion on the high court’s presidential immunity ruling.

The Supreme Court on Monday ruled 6-3 that Trump has absolute immunity for his core Constitutional powers.

Former presidents are entitled to at least a presumption of immunity for their official acts.

The Supreme Court ruled there is no immunity for unofficial acts.

Jack Smith’s DC case against Trump will be delayed again as it bounces back down to the lower court to Judge Tanya Chutkan.

Earlier this year the US Supreme Court agreed to hear Trump’s presidential immunity claim in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s January 6 case in Washington, DC.

Trump’s lawyers argued that Trump is immune from federal prosecution for alleged ‘crimes’ committed while he served as US President.

“In 234 years of American history, no president ever faced criminal prosecution for his official acts. Until 19 days ago, no court had ever addressed whether immunity from such prosecution exists,” Trump’s lawyers wrote in last month’s filing, according to CBS News. “To this day, no appellate court has addressed it. The question stands among the most complex, intricate, and momentous issues that this Court will be called on to decide.”

The Supreme Court ruled in Trump’s favor which means Jack Smith’s January 6 case in DC is effectively delayed.

Clarence Thomas went off on Jack Smith in his concurring opinion and questioned his authority as a special counsel.

President Trump is separately arguing that Jack Smith’s appointment was unlawful in the classified documents case playing out in a Florida court.

Clarence Thomas questioned Jack Smith’s authority because he was a private citizen when he was tapped as a special prosecutor.

“I write separately to highlight another way in which this prosecution may violate our constitutional structure. In this case, the Attorney General purported to appoint a private citizen as Special Counsel to prosecute a former President on behalf of the United States. But, I am not sure that any office for the Special Counsel has been “established by Law,” as the Constitution requires. Art. II, §2, cl. 2. By requiring that Congress create federal offices “by Law,” the Constitution imposes an important check against the President — he cannot create offices at his pleasure. If there is no law establishing the office that the Special Counsel occupies, then he cannot proceed with this prosecution. A private citizen cannot criminally prosecute anyone, let alone a former President,” Clarence Thomas said.

Clarence Thomas argued that no other former US President has been prosecuted for official acts despite numerous past Presidents taking actions that would argue constitutes crimes.

“No former President has faced criminal prosecution for his acts while in office in the more than 200 years since the founding of our country. And, that is so despite numerous past Presidents taking actions that many would argue constitute crimes. If this unprecedented prosecution is to proceed, it must be conducted by someone duly authorized to do so by the American people. The lower courts should thus answer these essential questions concerning the Special Counsel’s appointment before proceeding,” Clarence Thomas wrote.

Thomas also argued that Jack Smith is not senate confirmed (Trump’s lawyers are also using this argument before Judge Cannon).

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REACTION to Supreme Court Ruling on Presidential Immunity – Mike Davis Rips Liberal Justices, “They Put Their Partisan Politics – Above Their Most Important Job, Protecting the Constitution”  (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

Jul. 1, 2024 10:45 am – The Supreme Court on Monday ruled 6-3 that Trump has absolute immunity for his core Constitutional powers.

Former presidents are entitled to at least a presumption of immunity for their official acts.

The Supreme Court ruled there is no immunity for unofficial acts.

Jack Smith’s DC case against Trump will be delayed again as it bounces back down to the lower court to Judge Tanya Chutkan.

Attorney Mike Davis from the Article III Project weighed in on the historic decision on The War Room this morning. Davis ripped the leftist Trump deranged justices.

Mike Davis: When today for President Trump, the court 6:3 held that the President of the United States is immune from criminal prosecution for his official acts. This is one of the most consequential opinions to come out of the Supreme Court because if the Supreme Court did not rule the way it ruled today, they would destroy the presidency and therefore destroy our country.

The Chief Justice, John Roberts, wrote the opinion with the five conservative justices joining. Barrett joined most of it, but she didn’t join part of it. Justice Sotomayor wrote the dissent with the two liberal justices, Jackson and Kagan, joining her. There was also another dissent written.

I would say this, this should have been a nine to nothing decision because these three liberal justices to put their partisan politics and their Trump Derangement above their most important job, which is to follow the Constitution. And part of following the Constitution is protecting the presidency and therefore our country.

Do these liberal justices think that the Trump 47 Justice Department should prosecute President Obama for his extra judicial drone strike on two American citizens? Do these three liberal justices think that the Trump 47 Justice Department should prosecute President Biden for the migrant crime that he caused with his illegal mass parole of over 10 million illegal immigrants?


BREAKING: Trump Responds to Historic Supreme Court   By Jim Hft

Jul. 1, 2024 10:10 am – In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of former President Donald J. Trump, establishing a precedent for presidential immunity in criminal cases involving official acts during a president’s tenure.

The ruling, stemming from the case Trump v. United States, underscores the constitutional protections afforded to the highest office in the land, ensuring that a former president cannot be criminally prosecuted for actions taken within the scope of their official duties.

The case arose from Special Counsel Jack Smith’s indictment against Trump, accusing him of conspiring to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. The charges included spreading claims of election fraud and attempting to obstruct the certification of the election results.

Trump’s legal team argued that these actions, fell within the scope of his official duties as President, and therefore, he should be immune from prosecution.

Supreme Court’s Ruling:

In a detailed opinion, Chief Justice Roberts, writing for the majority, emphasized the necessity of protecting the President’s ability to execute the duties of the office without undue caution or fear of future prosecution. The Court held that under the Constitution, a President must have some level of immunity to ensure the effective functioning of the executive branch.

“It is these enduring principles that guide our decision in this case. The President enjoys no immunity for his unofficial acts, and not everything the President does is official. The President is not above the law. But Congress may not criminalize the President’s conduct in carrying out the responsibilities of the Executive Branch under the Constitution. And the system of separated powers designed by theFramers has always demanded an energetic, independent Executive. The President therefore may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, and he is entitled, at a minimum, to a presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. That immunity appliesequally to all occupants of the Oval Office, regardless of politics, policy, or party,” the opinion reads.

Key Points from the Ruling:

  1. Absolute Immunity for Core Constitutional Powers:
    • The Court reaffirmed that a President enjoys absolute immunity for actions taken within the scope of his exclusive constitutional powers, such as pardoning authority or foreign recognition decisions. This is to ensure that the President can perform his duties without fear of criminal prosecution undermining his ability to act decisively and in the nation’s best interests.
  1. Presumptive Immunity for Other Official Acts:
    • For actions that fall within the outer perimeter of presidential responsibilities but are not exclusive constitutional powers, the Court granted at least a presumptive immunity. This means that while the President is generally protected from prosecution for these acts, this immunity can be challenged if the government can demonstrate that prosecuting these actions does not intrude on the executive branch’s functions.
  1. No Immunity for Unofficial Acts:
    • The ruling made it clear that unofficial acts, even if performed while in office, do not enjoy immunity. This part of the decision aligns with previous rulings, such as in Clinton v. Jones, which determined that a sitting President is not immune from civil litigation for unofficial conduct.

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[Ed.:  Although this is great news for Trump, to what extent is the SCOTUS decision intended to prevent future prosecution of Hillary, Obama, and Biden?]


BREAKING: TRUMP WINS! Supreme Court Rules 6-3 on Presidential Immunity – “Court holds that a former president has absolute immunity for his core constitutional powers”   By Cristina Laila

Jul. 1, 2024 9:31 am – The Supreme Court on Monday ruled 6-3 that Trump has absolute immunity for his core Constitutional powers.

Former presidents are entitled to at least a presumption of immunity for their official acts.

The Supreme Court ruled there is no immunity for unofficial acts.


“The court holds that a former president has absolute immunity for his core constitutional powers.”

Here is the full ruling.

View Fullscreen

Earlier this year the US Supreme Court agreed to hear Trump’s presidential immunity claim in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s January 6 case in Washington, DC.

Trump’s lawyers argued that Trump is immune from federal prosecution for alleged ‘crimes’ committed while he served as US President.

“In 234 years of American history, no president ever faced criminal prosecution for his official acts. Until 19 days ago, no court had ever addressed whether immunity from such prosecution exists,” Trump’s lawyers wrote in last month’s filing, according to CBS News. “To this day, no appellate court has addressed it. The question stands among the most complex, intricate, and momentous issues that this Court will be called on to decide.”

In February President Trump asked the US Supreme Court to pause the immunity ruling in Jack Smith’s January 6 case in DC after a federal appeals court stacked with Biden judges denied Trump presidential immunity claims.

The three-judge panel for the DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Trump immunity claims: Florence Pan (Biden appointee), Michelle Childs (Biden appointee), and Karen Henderson (George W. Bush appointee).

“We have balanced former President Trump’s asserted interests in executive immunity against the vital public interests that favor allowing this prosecution to proceed,” the three-judge panel wrote.

“We conclude that ‘concerns of public policy, especially as illuminated by our history and the structure of our government’ compel the rejection of his claim of immunity in this case,” they wrote.

Jack Smith’s January 6 trial may be postponed past November.


LOCAL ELECTION WARRIORS in Hawaii Continue to Fight Against Corrupt Elections System    by Joe Hoft

Jun. 30, 2024 6:00 pm – Hawaii held its Primary Election on Saturday, 13 August, 2022.

During the Primary, Hawaii used an unconstitutional ballot which required the voter to select a political preference as a condition for voting, and despite the Hawaii Constitution provision that “no person shall be required to declare a party preference or nonpartisanship as a condition of voting.” Gary Cordery, as a candidate for governor, submitted a pro se case to the Hawaii Supreme Court (SCEC-22-504) challenging this question. The Court dismissed the case for failure to state a claim and would not acknowledge the state constitutional restriction. Mr Cordery appealed the case to the US District Court of Hawaii (CV-22-439) who cited Rooker-Feldman, 11th Amendment, and judicial immunity, along with lack of subject matter jurisdiction and failure to state a claim as grounds for a similar dismissal. Mr Cordery appealed to the 9th Circuit (22-16970) for exclusion of the state constitutional restriction on voting as a fact not in evidence, and the case was similarly dismissed for inextricably intertwined arguments and as a forbidden de facto appeal.

Following the Primary, a group of more than thirty concerned voters on the Island of Kauai filed a challenge in the Hawaii Supreme Court (SCEC-22-515) stating that audits were not conducted in accordance with the state statutes and which require the use of the actual paper ballot for comparison to the output of the electronic voting machine. Instead, the Office of Elections uses ballot images to reportedly conduct this audit. The Court dismissed the case for failure to state a claim.

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Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You – Episode 29     THE VIGILANT FOX

JUN 30, 2024

#10 – Seven potential Biden replacements emerge following train-wreck CNN debate performance.

#9 – Tucker Carlson obliterates journalist who labels him a racist.

#8 – Russia warns the US set to release a bioweapon ahead of the 2024 election.

#7 – Four more US states sue Pfizer over false COVID jab claims.

#6 – Trump’s odds of winning the election surge to record high after Biden collapses on air.

#5 – Top doctor exposes the sobering truth about chemotherapy.

#4 – “Not dropping out.” Reports indicate Biden is committed to a SECOND debate.

#3 – Study censored by The Lancet is now peer-reviewed, and the results are damning for the COVID shots.

#2 – Supreme Court delivers a devastating blow to Jack Smith’s J6 case against Trump.

#1 – Julian Assange FREED from Belmarsh prison after years of torment.

Plus, InfoWars’ Owen Shroyer weighs in on what happens next after Biden’s bad night. (Watch)

BONUS #1 – Trump Responds Over Rumors Biden Will Be Replaced

BONUS #2 – The Best Way to Prevent Government Snooping into Your Finances

BONUS #3 – Donald Trump’s COVID ‘Game-Changer’ Finds Surprising New Use


Is America becoming fascist? Government spies are watching you from some of the least expected PRIVATE companies   LEO HOHMANN

Companies are getting rich by contracting with the government to keep tabs on your movements and actions 24/7.

JUN 30, 2024 – In fascist America, many of the corporations we do business with on a daily basis are in fact acting as secret agents of the government.

Facebook, Istagram, Google-YouTube, TikTok, etc., are all working with the government at every level. Your education data, your health data, your financial data, almost all of it can be requisitioned by the government at a moment’s notice and it will be turned over.

But some companies are turning over your personal data where you would least expect it. Remember, the very definition of fascism is when the private sector corporations are colluding with government agencies to oppress the people. Keep that in mind as we look at a shocking story that broke over the weekend that impacts almost every American.

The Daily Mail, citing an article in Forbes magazine, has a shocking story about FedEx using AI-powered cameras installed on its trucks to serve as the watchful eyes of police departments nationwide.

The private postal-delivery firm has partnered with a $4 billion surveillance startup company based in Georgia called Flock Safety, Forbes reported.

Flock specializes in automated license plate recognition and video surveillance, and already has a fleet of around 40,000 cameras spanning 4,000 cities across 40 states.

FedEx has teamed up with the company to monitor its facilities across the U.S., but under the deal it is also sharing its Flock surveillance feeds with law enforcement. And it is believed to be one of four multi-billion-dollar private companies with this type of arrangement.

Critics liken the move to rolling out a mass surveillance network – as it emerged that some local police departments are also sharing their Flock feeds with FedEx.

Here is a short exposé on Flock and its founder.  [7:44]

Jay Stanley, a policy analyst with the ACLU, told the Virginian Pilot: “There’s a simple principle that we’ve always had in this country, which is that the government doesn’t get to watch everybody all the time just in case somebody commits a crime.”

He adds that, “The United States is not China. But these cameras are being deployed with such density that it’s like GPS-tracking everyone.”

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Livestream: Tonight at 8:00 PM ET- Steve Bannon Special on The War Room Live    By Margaret Flavin

Jun. 30, 2024 6:40 pm – Democrats are jailing the most important MAGA voice in America.


On Monday, Steve Bannon is being forced to report to prison for four months only to be released in November, days before the election.

Bannon’s crime was refusing to testify before the illegitimate Pelosi Jan. 6 Committee. This is the same crime that Eric Holder committed and numerous Democrats since then.

The Attorney General committed a similar crime when he refused to turn over Joe Biden’s video deposition in his son Hunter’s criminal case.

A Democrat judge, however, decided to jail Steve Bannon for four months before the 2024 election. Again, Steve is the most important voice in MAGA, besides President Trump, in the country today.

On Friday, The US Supreme Court released a statement denying Steve Bannon’s application to Chief Justice Roberts for release pending appeal.

WATCH LIVE at 8:00 pm Eastern on Rumble  [1:43:44]


⚠️ DEVELOPING: U.S. military bases in Germany, Italy, Romania and Bulgaria raise threat level to ‘Charlie’ due to possible threat.

Highest threat level in at least 10 years, according to CNN.

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Nukes Pointed at a Dithering President: Russia, China, and North Korea   By Antonio Graceffo

Jun. 30, 2024 12:20 pm – While Biden bumbles, Xi threatens, Putin invades, and Kim fires missiles, there are more nuclear weapons pointed at the United States today than at any time since the end of the Cold War.

Arms control groups and non-nuclear countries worldwide are acutely aware that the US president ultimately decides if a nuclear war will occur.

The upcoming election scares them. According to UN Secretary-General António Guterres, “Humanity is on a knife’s edge. The risk of a nuclear weapon being used has reached heights not seen since the Cold War.”

At the height of the Cold War in the mid-1980s, the Soviet Union’s nuclear arsenal peaked at 40,000 to 45,000 warheads.

This massive arsenal included both strategic nuclear weapons for long-range strikes and tactical nuclear weapons for battlefield use.

The current nuclear powers include the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom, France, India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel.

The United Kingdom and France, as NATO allies, are not likely to target the US. India and Pakistan focus their nuclear capabilities on regional adversaries, primarily each other.

Israel’s unconfirmed nuclear arsenal is intended as a deterrent against threats in the Middle East, largely focused on Iran. Russia and China, however, pose significant threats with their arsenals aimed at the US and its allies in Asia and Europe.

North Korea’s nuclear weapons are designed to deter US intervention and potentially target US territories and allies in the Asia-Pacific region, like Japan and South Korea.

Despite rumors to the contrary, Iran currently has no nuclear weapons but is actively working on developing them. When completed, these weapons are expected to be aimed at the United States and Israel.

This raises the question of how many nukes are pointing at the US. North Korea has roughly 50 nuclear bombs, including dozens of warheads on ICBMs capable of reaching the US.

They have conducted multiple nuclear tests and developed ballistic missiles like the Hwasong-14, Hwasong-15, and Hwasong-17, the latter believed to carry multiple warheads.

According to Law on DPRK’s Policy on Nuclear Forces Promulgated, North Korea’s strike policy emphasizes using its nuclear weapons as a deterrent against perceived threats, aiming to ensure regime survival and retaliate against any nuclear or significant military aggression from the US and South Korea.

Experts believe North Korea is the country most likely to accidentally trigger a war.

Additionally, under the new comprehensive strategic partnership with Russia, North Korea provides munitions to Moscow, raising fears that Russia will reciprocate by aiding North Korea’s nuclear technology advancements.

China is estimated to have around 410 nuclear warheads and is rapidly expanding its arsenal, with plans to reach up to 1,000 warheads by 2030. China’s ICBMs, including the DF-5, DF-31, and DF-41, can reach the United States.

The DF-41, a road-mobile ICBM, can carry multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRVs), enhancing its strike capability.

According to China’s 2023 National Defense Policy, the PRC maintains a “No First Use” (NFU) nuclear policy, pledging not to use nuclear weapons unless first attacked by an adversary using nuclear weapons.

The policy also prevents the use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states.

Russia possesses the largest nuclear arsenal in the world, with an estimated 6,375 nuclear warheads, of which around 1,710 are deployed.

This arsenal includes strategic and tactical weapons such as ICBMs like the SS-18 Satan, SS-27 Topol-M, and RS-24 Yars, submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) like the Bulava, and air-launched cruise missiles (ALCMs). A significant portion of Russia’s nuclear weapons can target the United States.

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Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You – Episode 29     THE VIGILANT FOX

JUN 30, 2024

#10 – Seven potential Biden replacements emerge following train-wreck CNN debate performance.

#9 – Tucker Carlson obliterates journalist who labels him a racist.

#8 – Russia warns the US set to release a bioweapon ahead of the 2024 election.

#7 – Four more US states sue Pfizer over false COVID jab claims.

#6 – Trump’s odds of winning the election surge to record high after Biden collapses on air.

#5 – Top doctor exposes the sobering truth about chemotherapy.

#4 – “Not dropping out.” Reports indicate Biden is committed to a SECOND debate.

#3 – Study censored by The Lancet is now peer-reviewed, and the results are damning for the COVID shots.

#2 – Supreme Court delivers a devastating blow to Jack Smith’s J6 case against Trump.

#1 – Julian Assange FREED from Belmarsh prison after years of torment.

Plus, InfoWars’ Owen Shroyer weighs in on what happens next after Biden’s bad night. (Watch)

BONUS #1 – Trump Responds Over Rumors Biden Will Be Replaced

BONUS #2 – The Best Way to Prevent Government Snooping into Your Finances

BONUS #3 – Donald Trump’s COVID ‘Game-Changer’ Finds Surprising New Use


Is America becoming fascist? Government spies are watching you from some of the least expected PRIVATE companies   LEO HOHMANN

Companies are getting rich by contracting with the government to keep tabs on your movements and actions 24/7.

JUN 30, 2024 – In fascist America, many of the corporations we do business with on a daily basis are in fact acting as secret agents of the government.

Facebook, Istagram, Google-YouTube, TikTok, etc., are all working with the government at every level. Your education data, your health data, your financial data, almost all of it can be requisitioned by the government at a moment’s notice and it will be turned over.

But some companies are turning over your personal data where you would least expect it. Remember, the very definition of fascism is when the private sector corporations are colluding with government agencies to oppress the people. Keep that in mind as we look at a shocking story that broke over the weekend that impacts almost every American.

The Daily Mail, citing an article in Forbes magazine, has a shocking story about FedEx using AI-powered cameras installed on its trucks to serve as the watchful eyes of police departments nationwide.

The private postal-delivery firm has partnered with a $4 billion surveillance startup company based in Georgia called Flock Safety, Forbes reported.

Flock specializes in automated license plate recognition and video surveillance, and already has a fleet of around 40,000 cameras spanning 4,000 cities across 40 states.

FedEx has teamed up with the company to monitor its facilities across the U.S., but under the deal it is also sharing its Flock surveillance feeds with law enforcement. And it is believed to be one of four multi-billion-dollar private companies with this type of arrangement.

Critics liken the move to rolling out a mass surveillance network – as it emerged that some local police departments are also sharing their Flock feeds with FedEx.

Here is a short exposé on Flock and its founder.  [7:44]

Jay Stanley, a policy analyst with the ACLU, told the Virginian Pilot: “There’s a simple principle that we’ve always had in this country, which is that the government doesn’t get to watch everybody all the time just in case somebody commits a crime.”

He adds that, “The United States is not China. But these cameras are being deployed with such density that it’s like GPS-tracking everyone.”

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Germany: Violent Antifa Street Militia Try to Shut Down AfD Convention, 28 Police Officers Injured, One Critically   [VIDEOS]    By Richard Abelson

Jun. 30, 2024 2:20 pm – Thousands of violent far-left “Anti” Fascists stormed the streets of the western German city of Essen this weekend, trying to “shut down” the party convention of the AfD (Alternative for Germany). Politicians and delegates were attacked and hunted throughout the city, many had to be escorted by riot police to the Grugahalle center. One officer is in critical condition after being kicked in the head while on the ground.
A far-left alliance of (often government-funded) NGOs organized the riots in Essen under the motto “Widersetzen” (Resist), led by the “Anti” Fascist League VVN-BdA. Organizers claimed 50.000 rioters attacked 600 AfD delegates.

The current German interior minister Nancy Faeser is an “Anti” Fascist League supporter who has written for their magazine “antifa” (The Gateway Pundit reported). Chancellor Olaf Scholz was a far-left activist as a student in the 1980s, who frequently visited East Germany and met with the Communist party leadership.

AfD vice-chair and Bundestga member Beatrix von Storch, who has written for The Gateway Pundit, was attacked by a threatening mob of street hooligans on arrival at the train station in Essen and had to be brought to safety by dozens of riot police.

Police then escorted von Storch to the convention center.

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EXCLUSIVE- Border Signs in Chinese Direct Illegal Crossers from China Where To Go In CA    [VIDEOS]  By Jeffery Rainforth

Jun. 30, 2024 1:00 pm – Greetings, everyone. This will be quick, as I’m about to head out to film again.

I found signs in Chinese in a remote, difficult-to-traverse area on the border in the mountains near Jacumba, CA.

The signs direct Chinese illegal aliens where to go for “asylum.”

An NGO is using Chinese-Americans on the border to assist those crossing illegally.

Chinese illegals are given flyers in Chinese that tell them where to go to get picked up for “asylum.”

Border agents told me Chinese illegals try to avoid being picked up by them and arrange transportation from the border to the U.S. interior so they are undetected.

Are the NGOs working with the Chinese government? Cartels & human trafficking groups? This is a mini-documentary I put together with what I’ve found here.

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79,000 DACA Recipients Were Approved Despite Arrest Records, Some Arrested 10x or More   By Jack Davis

Jun. 30, 2024 10:00 am  The Western Journal  – At the dawn of the program allowing the children of illegal immigrants to remain in the United States, thousands who had arrest records were allowed to remain.

report from 2019 that covers the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals program created by former President Barack Obama, shows that 79,398 people were exempted from deportation, even with arrest records.

Although more than half of those arrests were related to driving (excluding DWI cases) or immigration, the top of the list includes those who were arrested for theft, drug crimes, assault, battery and burglary.

Sex offenses, including rape, arson, murder, child pornography and kidnapping also appear on the list of crimes for which illegal immigrants admitted to DACA were arrested.

The report noted some of the illegal immigrants allowed to remain in America through DACA had more than 10 arrests.

Illegal immigrants who have committed crimes continue to seek entry to the United States.

It’s a common topic on social media:

A report from The Epoch Times said that the U.S. is on track to have 17,000 criminals caught entering the U.S. in fiscal year 2024, which began Oct. 1.

Texas Gov, Greg Abbott said the flow of criminals across the border has resulted in painful consequences, such as the killing of Jocelyn Nungaray, 12, of Houston. Two illegal immigrants have been arrested in connection with her death.

“The murder of Jocelyn was a direct result of Biden’s open border policies,” Abbott said in a quote from an interview posted on his website.

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‘We Don’t Want Churches, We Want Mosques’: The Persecution of Christians, May 2024   by Raymond Ibrahim
June 30, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • A raging Muslim mob attacked and savagely beat a 74-year-old Christian man, on what turned out to be a false accusation of “blasphemy”. Nine days later, on June 3, Nazir Masih Gill died from his many injuries, including a smashed skull. — Morning Star News, June 3, 2024, Pakistan.
  • The Muslim employer of Saima Bibi, a 24-year-old Christian woman, dragged her outside and shoved her toward an electric chaff cutter—which sliced off one of her ears, cut off most of her scalp, and injured an eye. Her husband, Shahzad, who worked on the same farm and was present, said that one of their employers, Muhammad Mustafa, was angry that they were taking a break and ordered them to cut fodder for the cattle. — Morning Star News, May 15, 2024, Pakistan.
  • Shahid Masih, a 35-year-old Christian dairy worker, was falsely accused of theft and subjected to “merciless torture” at the hands of Muhammad Ijaz. It included forcing him to ingest acid, from which he died in the hospital 11 days later…. Last reported, authorities are refusing to prosecute Muhammad Ijaz and his murderous accomplices. — britishasianchristians.org, May 15, 2024, Pakistan.
  • “Christian sanitation workers work long shifts even in extreme weather conditions…. these workers are often ridiculed and mistreated because of their Christian faith…. They often face salary delays and no job security. They are discriminated against even by their Muslim colleagues, and now we are witnessing incidents of physical violence against these weak people.” — Sunil Gulzar, Christian socio-political activist, Morning Star News, May 29, 2024, Pakistan.
  • Many other attacks on churches in France persisted throughout the month of May, including arson attacks, general desecrations, desecrations of cemeteries, defecations in churches and urination in their baptismal fonts, and bomb threats. — France.
  • “Imagine the uproar if it was Christians throwing rocks at a mosque? MPs and the media would be all over it screaming ‘Islamophobia!'” — Tommy Robinson, British activist, x.com, May 1, 2024, England.
  • The Church of the Holy Trinity was vandalized with Islamic graffiti, which included “Allah Akbar,” “Remove this church from here,” “Only Muslims are here,” “We don’t want churches, we want mosques,” and “Islam is the only true religion!” — orthodoxtimes.com, May 15, 2024, Kosovo.

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The Clinton’s & very suspicious deaths — 121 deaths (57 from their inner circle).

June 29, 2024

▪️ Name: Shawn Lucas

Association: Claimed DNC rigged election (Hillary)

Death: mystery

▪️ Name: Carlos Ghighliotti

Association: Investigating Waco with ties to Clinton

Death: Sitting at desk-badly decomposed

▪️ Name: James McDougal

Association: Former bussiness partner to Bill Clinton and set to testify against Clintons

Death: Cardiac arrest in prison

▪️Name: Charles Meissner

Association: Asst.U.S Secretary of commerce under Bill Clinton

Death: Plain crash

▪️Name: Victor Thorn

Association: Authored books against Clintons

Death: “Committed suicide” on 54th b-day

▪️Name: Charles Ruff

Association: Clinton’s Attorney

Death: Found unconscious outside his shower

▪️Name: Stanley Huggins

Association: Investigating Clinton’s involvement of Madison Guarantee associated with James McDougal

Death: Viral Pneumonia before his findings could be released.

▪️Name: Charles Miller

Association: Created WH Big Brother database for Clintons

Death: “Suicide” by gun in shallow pit (police suspect murder)

▪️Name: Johnny Lawhorn

Association: Discovered large check made out to Bill Clinton

Death: Car accident (suspicious)

▪️Name: Eric Butera

Association: Informant and set to testify against Clintons

Death: Beaten to death

▪️Name: John Ashe

Association: scheduled to testify, could indict Clintons

Death: “crushed throat” before he could testify.

▪️ Clinton’s bodyguard deaths:

Major William Barkley

Cap. Scott Reynolds

Sgt. Bryan Hanley

Sgt. Tim Sabel

Mayor Ge. William Robertson

Col. William Densberger

Col. Robert Kelly

Spec. Gary Rhodes

Steve Willis

Robert Williams

Conway LeBleu

Todd McKeehan

▪️ Had Info on IVES/HENRY case:

Keith Coney — accident

Keith McMaskie — stabbed

Gregory Collins — gunshot

Jeff Rhodes — shot & mutilated

James Milan — decapitated

Jordan Kettleson — shot to death

Richard Winters — roberry/murder

▪️ Name: Susan Coleman

Association: Had affair with Bill Clinton & was pregnant

Death: Gunshot to back of head, ruled as suicide

▪️ Name: Lt. Gen David McCloud

Association: Dir. Joint Chiefs of Staff Clinton

Death: Plain crash (unknown reason)

▪️ Name: Seth Rich

Association: DNC Staffer

Death: “Robbery murder” after Wikileaks

▪️ Name: Daniel Dutko

Association: DNC fundraising & finance

Death: Head injuries (mountain bike)

▪️ Name: Mary Mahoney

Association: WH Intern friends with Monica Lewinsky

Death: “Robbery murder” during Paula Jones lawsuit blamed on someone else who swear innocent

▪️ Name: Barbara Wise

Association: Reporter, worked on “Clinton’s chronicles”, investigating drug smuggling while Bill was AR Gov.

Death: “Heart attack”, suspicious since she just discovered new incriminating evidence

▪️ Name: Ambassador Stevens

Association: Ambassador to Libya, knew too much

Death: left alone to be massacred

▪️ Name: Jim Wilhite

Association: Vice Chairman of ARKLA (Ron Miller) under Clinton

Death: One man skiing accident on family vacation

▪️ Name: Gareth Williams

Association: M16 Spy, hacked data on Bill Clinton

Death: Found padlocked in duffel bag in his bathtub

▪️ Name: Kathy Ferguson & Bill Shelton

Association: Set to testify in Paula Jones lawsuit

Death: 2 separate suicides (highly suspect)

▪️ Name: Croatian Investigator

Association: Investigating Ron Brown plane crash

Death: Bullet to head

▪️ Name: Jerry Parks

Association: Head Security for Bill Clinton in Arkansas

Death: Shot with semiautomatic handgun through rear of car; told family he feared for his life; said the Clintons were cleaning house.

The Clintons Suicide Hot Line Is Now Open 1-886-EPS-TEIN-24-7.



36 Million Stolen Votes in 2020?!

Watch Brigitte Gabriel Call for Hand Count Elections!


Don’t Miss this Viral 4-minute Video on Voter Fraud!

Here’s What You Need to Know Before We Are Censored!

One-in-Five Mail-In Voters Admit to Voter Fraud in 2020 Election

Poll Overview: Conducted by The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports, a new survey reveals:

  • 20% (14 million) of mail-in voters in the 2020 presidential election admit to participating in at least one form of voter fraud.

Fraudulent Activities: Respondents acknowledged engaging in illicit activities, such as filling out a ballot for someone else.

  • 21% (14.7 million) voted in a state where they were no longer residents.
  • 17% (11.9 million) signed a ballot or ballot envelope on behalf of others.

Potential Ballots in Question: With over 43% of 2020 voters casting mail-in ballots, translating to 65-70 million ballots, the poll suggests:

  • 13.6-14.7 million ballots are now in question! Trump could have won by a monumental landslide, including the popular vote, by MILLIONS of votes.
  • If 17% (11.9 million) of fraudulent voters cast at least two additional ballots, the number could exceed 36 million.
  • 10% (7 million) of all respondents, not just mail-in voters, claimed knowledge of someone casting a mail-in ballot in a state other than their permanent residence.
  • 8% (5.2-5.6 million) of all respondents reported being offered “pay” or a “reward” by friends, family, or organizations for agreeing to vote in the 2020 election, totaling 5.2-5.6 million potentially bought ballots.

How This Would Have Impacted the 2020 Popular Vote?

Trump likely won as many as 110 million votes in the popular election!

In the 2020 election, Joe Biden was reported to have won 81,283,501 million votes in the popular vote, surpassing Donald Trump’s reported 74,223,975 votes. However, a hypothetical scenario emerges if one were to deduct 36 million votes from Biden and allocate them to Trump. In this adjusted scenario, Trump would have secured an overwhelming popular vote victory, surpassing 110 million votes.

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“J’Accuse”- Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Releases Statement On the Accusation of Schism Against Him   By Margaret Flavin

Jun. 29, 2024 7:45 am – The Gateway Pundit reported that Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was summoned to the Vatican to be excommunicated by Red Pope Francis.

Archbishop Carlo Viganò, a friend of the faithful and totally dedicated to the Church and sharing the word of Jesus Christ, was notified that he was being summoned to the Vatican.

Vigano has been outspoken against the destruction of the Church, COVID mandates, and stolen elections. He has called out the current Pope for his destructive actions against the Church. He has warned about the World Economic Forum. For this, there are reports that he is being excommunicated from the Holy Catholic Church.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano announced that he had not attended his Vatican ‘schism’ trial and he will not attend such a trial!

Below is his statement, in its entirety, on the charge of schism leveled against him by the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, published in Italian on June 28, 2024.

In his powerful response, Archbishop Viganò argues that he is not in schism with the Catholic Church. Instead, he accuses the Pope  ‘of heresy and schism’ and requests he be ‘removed from the throne which he has unworthily occupied for over 11 years.’

‘But even if we or an angel from heaven…

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.