Daily Shmutz | NEWS | 8/9/24

NEWS     [Ed.:  Notice the conscientious avoidance of Kamala/Biden articles!  …You’re welcome! 


Defense secretary revokes 9/11 plotters plea agreement and puts death penalty back on the table

03/08/2024 FRANCE 24  – Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, alleged organizer of the September 11, 2001, attacks, could possibly receive life in prison but avoid the death penalty in a plea deal being discussed in the Guantanamo military tribunal. 

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Friday overrode a plea agreement reached earlier this week for the accused mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and two other defendants, reinstating them as death-penalty cases.

[Ed.:  Short article!]


They Lied! Local Police Officers Warned Secret Service REPEATEDLY to Guard Roof of Building Trump Was Shot From – Secret Service Said They Would But Never Did   (AUDIO)   By Cullen Linebarger

Aug. 8, 2024 5:20 pm – Local Pennsylvania police said that they warned the U.S. Secret Service that the warehouse where the shooter was positioned needed protection, and the Secret Service lied to them and refused to protect President Trump.

The Wall Street Journal reported that a Butler Police officer’s bodycam shows the Secret Service being warned multiple days in advance to cover the roof of the AGR building.

As The Gateway Pundit readers know, the AGR building is where the shooter, Thomas Crooks, set up shop to carry out his assassination attempt.

The Secret Service inexplicably left the area unguarded despite it being within 150 yards of Trump, an easy shot for a halfway decent shooter.

“I f***ing told them that they needed to post guys f***ing over here…I told them that f***ing Tuesday,” the officer is heard saying. “I talked to the Secret Service guys. They’re like, ‘Yeah, no problem. We’re going to post guys over here.”

And they never did!


Because of the Secret Service’s negligence, Trump was nearly killed, and a heroic firefighter lost his life.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Trump was nearly assassinated almost three weeks ago during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania by a 20-year-old Democrat donor named Thomas Matthew Crooks.

Even worse, we have since learned that had DEI-loving former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle afforded adequate security to Trump at the rally and allowed the agents to guard the roof Crooks shot from, the incident would have never happened.


Wikipedia Declares Israel Guilty of Genocide as Leftist Editors Agree to Drop ‘Allegations’ Label   By Ben Kew

Aug. 6, 2024 5:00 pm – Wikipedia has effectively declared Israel as guilty of genocide.

According to All Israel News, the site’s leftist editors have decided to drop the term “allegations” and simply declare the country’s military operations as a “Gaza genocide.”

The outlet reports:

While Israel’s war in Gaza against the Hamas terrorist organization has been widely panned as “genocide” on social media, Wikipedia has now also delivered its own verdict. The Wikipedia entry, initially presented as “Allegations of genocide in the 2023 Israeli attack on Gaza” was renamed simply “Gaza genocide” after a vote by free crowdsourced online encyclopedia, created and edited by international volunteers and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation.

There has been no legally binding decision on the matter by any authoritative judiciary, however, the editors at Wikipedia have come to the conclusion that the charge of genocide is valid enough to remove any equivocation from the title of the page. After much discussion, it was decided that there was enough supporting evidence from experts based in the Middle East to attribute the label genocide.

The decision, like other accusations from bodies such as Amnesty International, holds no legal water but will have a significant effect in shaping public opinion.

While Wikipedia wields enormous influence as a source of information for people around the world, the website is notorious for its aggressive left-wing bias.

This bias is enabled by the community of leftist contributors who control the site’s editorial direction and use it as a weapon to attack their political enemies.

Among the site’s many targets is The Gateway Pundit, which despite being one of America’s most popular conservative websites with tens of millions of monthly readers, is described as a “far-right fake news website” known for “publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.”

If you are still using Wikipedia, it is probably time to start getting your information elsewhere.


HERE WE GO: Michigan Launches Snitch Line to Stop ‘Election Misinformation’   By Pamela Geller

Right out of Nazi Germany. Protecting the steal.

August 6, 2024

Nolte: Michigan Launches Snitch Line to Stop ‘Election Misinformation’  By: John Nolte, Breitbart, August 6, 2024;

Like something right out of Nazi Germany, the Michigan Bureau of Elections is demanding that citizens … “Do your part!” about election misinformation.

“Just as election officials have a duty to detect election misinformation and quickly provide correct information based on the law,” the posting reads, “voters have a responsibility to proactively seek out reliable sources of information and encourage productive and honest dialogue.”

Did you know that? Did you know you have that “responsibility?”

Well, in the fascist state of Michigan, you do. So … “If you see misleading or inaccurate information regarding voting or elections in Michigan, please report it — and include an image if possible — to Misinformation@Michigan.gov.”

Now, we come to my favorite part…

Because they pose “an increasing threat,” responsible citizens are urged to police their friends and neighbors about their use “of artificial intelligence technology to create realistic deepfake images, audio, videos and fake comments[.]”

Yes, fake comments, citizens. If someone posts a fake comment, you must snitch! Snitch! Snitch!

Now, if you are unsure if you are dealing with election misinformation, the government encourages you to consult — shocker! — several far-left sources: the far-left Snopes.com, the far-left FactCheck.org, and the far-left and long-disgraced PolitiFact.

This unsettling document comes from Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat (but you already knew that).

The question then becomes, What happens next?


UK: Armed Muslim Hordes Rampage, Attack Brits in Pubs and Cafes and Streets   [VIDEOS]   By Pamela Geller

August 6, 2024 – Civil unrest, violent Islamic revolution.

Scenes from the streets of the once Great Britain:

While Armed Muslim Mobs Rampage, Attack Britons In the Streets, Police Arrest Elderly Man for Facebook Postings, “Am I Going To Be Locked Up for the Night? Do I Need to Bring My Medications?”

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UNDERCOVER EXPOSE: Far-Left Democrats Reveal Muslims Used MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD to Install All Muslim City Council in Michigan  [VIDEOS]   By Pamela Geller

August 6, 2024 – Our election system has been destroyed and every American should be outraged. Your vote, my vote -our precious vote – should have been protected and defended with the utmost gravitas and security. In a government by the people, for the people, the vote is the only way to ensure fidelity to our system of governance. Instead it was raped and ruined, which is why we are in a fast free fall.

Ironically, the Muslim Community took what Democrat Progressives in Hamtramck and Detroit have been doing for well over a decade. Now they are suffering, whining that essentially they got played by their own invented ballot harvesting game.

“These guys go door to door and take people’s ballots. They bully them… intimidate.” – August Gitschlag, Certified Michigan Elections Official

“If everything’s good, we can drop [the ballots] to the City Hall. City Hall has that [ballot] box. We can drop it there.” – Hamtramck Councilman Mohammed Hassan

“This is another thing that you can’t say out loud. The absentee ballots are being filled out in people’s dining rooms by the candidates.” – Karen Majewski, Former Hamtramck Mayor (2006-2021)

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US Defense Secretary Reverses Plea Deal with 9/11 Masterminds

August 7, 2024  JBN News – US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has withdrawn a controversial plea agreement with three masterminds behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Fraught with legal complications and delays, the case against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Walid Bin ‘Attash, and Mustafa al Hawsawi has been ongoing for over two decades. Following their capture in Pakistan, the terrorists were charged in 2008 with a litany of crimes, including conspiracy, murder, and terrorism.

However, complications in bringing a solid case against them due to questionable interrogation tactics led to a plea deal last week that took the death penalty off the table.

“I have determined that, in light of the significance of the decision to enter into pre-trial agreements with the accused, responsibility for such a decision should rest with me,” Austin wrote in a memo to the Guantánamo military commission. “I hereby withdraw from the three pre-trial agreements that were signed in the above-referenced case.”

Republican lawmakers were quick to voice their opposition to the initial pleas agreement. Republican VP nominee J.D. Vance described the plea bargain as a “sweetheart deal with 9/11 terrorists” during a rally in Pennslvania. House Speaker Mike Johnson described it as a “slap in the face” to the families of the nearly 3,000 victims who died on September 11.

Sheikh Mohammed, considered one of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden’s most trusted lieutenants, has confessed for planning the 9/11 attacks. He spent three years in secret CIA prisons after his capture in 2003 before being transferred to Guantanamo Bay in 2006.

The other two terrorists 0played crucial roles in the worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor. Bin ‘Attash is accused of training two of the 9/11 hijackers, while Hawsawi is suspected of managing the financing for the operation.

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No sick animals or humans. But now Massachusetts is demanding to test all dairy herds in the state. Did USDA provide a big enough bribe?    MERYL NASS

On May 30th nearly a $1 billion was allotted to the states for “livestock health” and today MA took the bait

AUG 06, 2024 – The feds do not have the right to go test healthy herds. But the states do, if sufficiently encouraged. Today Massachusetts brought down the hammer.

You can find ANYTHING with a properly chosen PCR test and enough iterations (cycles). Massachusetts admits it in today’s letter: there are NO sick cows. NO sick humans. But we need the damn virus! We can’t play the Biosecurity game or give out the vaccines without a virus!

The MDAR claims it will provide results quickly when it receives them from “the lab.” Did no one tell MDAR that any results at the state level will need to be verified by a federal USDA lab, so there are two labs that may be involved, and everyone will just have to live with USDA’s results? No private labs are allowed to perform a verification.

Again, no cows are sick. No humans are sick. No one has caught bird flu from food, ever.

There is NO evidence farm workers wearing PPE or keeping flocks indoors protects farmers or birds from anything.

If there was no PCR test we would not know this disease exists. There have been confirmed human cases in the US in the last 2.5 years and before that, none. There are 5 other possible cases that probably tested negative, which is why CDC has not confirmed them. In the entire USA. None went to the hospital and none died.

Farmers and citizens need to get on the phone and start calling all our elected officials, as we did with the WHO, and say no more!

The excuse that avian flu viruses could recombine with human flu viruses is a pathetic joke—there is virtually no human influenza till January each year. If that was the real fear, you might start these efforts in winter.

But it is a mild disease, with mostly just pink eye. Why do we even care if a mild pink eye transmits between humans? ? Well, maybe there is a plan to make it BOTH transmissible between humans AND make it dangerous:

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BREAKING: Pakistani National with Iranian Ties Charged with Murder-for-Hire in Foiled Assassination Plot Against President Trump   By Jim Hft

Aug. 6, 2024 1:46 pm – A federal complaint unsealed on Tuesday in Brooklyn has charged Asif Merchant, also known as “Asif Raza Merchant,” a 46-year-old Pakistani national, with murder-for-hire in connection with a foiled assassination plot targeting a politician or U.S. government officials on American soil.

The plot was thwarted by law enforcement before any attack could be executed. Merchant is currently in federal custody in New York, according to the press release.

FBI investigators believe that the intended targets of the plot included Trump and other current and former U.S. government officials, according to a U.S. official briefed on the matter, per CNN.

According to court documents, Merchant orchestrated a plot to assassinate a politician or U.S. government officials on U.S. soil. In approximately April 2024, after spending time in Iran, Merchant arrived in the United States from Pakistan and contacted a person he believed could assist him with the scheme. This individual reported Merchant’s intentions to law enforcement and became a confidential source (CS).

In early June, during a meeting with the CS, Merchant outlined his assassination plot and indicated that this opportunity would not be a one-time event. He made a gesture resembling a gun with his hand while discussing the killing and specified that the targets would be “here,” referring to the United States.

Merchant’s plan included various criminal activities: stealing documents from a target’s residence, organizing protests, and ultimately assassinating a political figure or government official. He expressed concerns about security measures surrounding potential targets and discussed multiple scenarios for carrying out the assassination.

In mid-June, Merchant met with individuals he believed were hitmen but were actually undercover FBI agents (UCs). During these meetings, he sought their services for theft and assassination and indicated that he would provide instructions on whom to kill after leaving the U.S.

Merchant arranged to pay $5,000 in cash as an advance for the assassination services and successfully delivered this payment on June 21. Following this transaction, he made plans to leave the country on July 12, 2024, one day before Trump’s assassination attempt. However, law enforcement intervened and arrested him before he could depart.

It can be recalled that CNN reported that the Trump campaign was made aware of an Iranian assassination plot against Trump before Saturday’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

According to the report, Secret Service ramped up security after receiving intel about the assassination plot.

Saturday’s would-be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, had no connection to the Iranian assassination plot, according to CNN.

“Secret Service learned of the increased threat from this threat stream,” the official told CNN. “NSC directly contacted USSS at a senior level to be absolutely sure they continued to track the latest reporting. USSS shared this information with the detail lead, and the Trump campaign was made aware of an evolving threat. In response to the increased threat, Secret Service surged resources and assets for the protection of former President Trump. All of this was in advance of Saturday.”

[Ed.:  We needn’t worry about President Trump.  He has chosen to stick with the Secret Service instead of hiring private security consisting of several teams of Israeli commandos.  This way, he will be able to get assassinated before the election, and be a martyr for our collapsing nation. On his tombstone will be the words: “He always endorsed the people who would stab him in the back!”]


SCOTUS Rejects Missouri’s Effort to Delay Trump’s Sentencing for New York Conviction   by Jordyn M.

August 6, 2024 – The Supreme Court has delivered a blow to Missouri’s efforts to intervene in the prosecution of former President Donald Trump.

Daily Caller previously reported that Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey had taken the unprecedented step of suing the state of New York in July, claiming that the prosecution of Trump infringed upon the First Amendment rights of Missouri citizens.

Bailey argued that the legal action against Trump impeded their ability to hear from a 2024 presidential candidate.

The Supreme Court, however, swiftly dismissed the lawsuit, declining to allow Missouri to file its complaint and rejecting its motion for preliminary relief.

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Local Officer Radioed About Armed Shooter on Roof 30 Seconds Before Trump Was Shot, But Message Never Reached Command Post — Internet Cell Service Was Down 25 Minutes Before Shooting  (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

Aug. 6, 2024 7:30 am – It has come to light that the Secret Service’s handling of urgent security information on the day of the attack on President Donald Trump was disastrously inadequate.

According to The Washington Post, crucial messages about the imminent threat posed by Crooks were not properly relayed to the Secret Service, leading to a deadly game of telephone tag that ultimately failed to prevent the attack.

On her show, Laura Ingraham highlighted the chaotic communication breakdowns that occurred in Butler, Pennsylvania. Local commanders were forced to use cell phones to call state troopers, who then relayed messages to the Secret Service, resulting in critical delays.

This ineffective chain of communication happened three times that fateful afternoon, including a crucial moment at 5:42 PM when a local counter-sniper radioed about a young white male lurking near the AGR building, only to lose sight of him shortly after.

The internet service was reportedly down at 5:47—25 minutes before Trump was shot.  Officers were trying to send a photo of Crooks, but the photo did not send.

Another alarming failure occurred just 30 seconds before Trump was shot. A local officer radioed the command center, reporting that the shooter was on the roof and armed, but the message never reached the Secret Service command post.

Ingraham invited former Secret Service Special Agent Frank Loveridge on to discuss the latest findings in the attempted assassination of President Trump.

With each new day, the incident appears to be more and more like an intentional setup. No one person or group of security experts could be this inept in every way.

Below is an excerpt from the interview:


Josh Hawley Reveals Shocking Details About Trump Assassination Attempt Shared With Him by Secret Service Whistleblowers  (VIDEO)   By Mike Lachance

Aug. 5, 2024 9:30 pm – Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri appeared on the Jesse Watters show on FOX News on Monday night and shared explosive new details about the failures of the Secret Service during the attempted assassination of Trump in Butler, PA in July.

Hawley said that all of this information came to him from whistleblowers within the Secret Service.

He notes that these people came forward because they are terrified that this is going to happen again, since these issues have not been resolved and no one has been fired.

From the Vigilant Fox on Twitter/X:

Secret Service Whistleblowers Describe Butler Trump Rally as a ‘Free-for-All’ Security Nightmare

Nobody was fired. The lead site agent responsible for the Trump security disaster continues to oversee security for political events.

Whistleblowers tell Sen. Josh Hawley that she, the lead site agent, was not enforcing normal security protocols and describe her as “inexperienced and incompetent.”

There was a failure to check IDs at the event, allowing unchecked access to secure areas.

Additionally, Homeland Security agents, many of whom had never worked a rally before, were primarily responsible for security instead of experienced Secret Service agents.

The Secret Service snipers communicated via text message without Wi-Fi, and the Secret Service itself was in a separate command center, far from the action.

Watch the video 

The Secret Service is not doing itself any favors by not being more forthright and transparent. Their refusal to be open about their failures in Butler that day is causing people to reach their own conclusions. What do they expect?


ABLECHILD: Crime Scene Compromised — Alleged Assassin’s Autopsy Is Being Withheld — WHAT’S GOING ON?   by Joe Hoft

Aug. 6, 2024 8:00 am – On August 2nd many news outlets reported that the autopsy of Thomas Matthew Crooks had been released by the Butler County Coroner’s office. The fact is that mainstream media is late to the party and the Butler County Coroner’s office released the cause and manner of death of Thomas Matthew Crooks to AbleChild nearly two weeks earlier on July 21st.

Unfortunately, what the mainstream media doesn’t understand is that the cause and manner of death is not an autopsy and, although an autopsy has already been conducted on the alleged body of Thomas Matthew Crooks, the results of that autopsy may never see the light of day.

That’s right. Along with so many other aspects of this “investigation” the public may never get to know the details of the alleged assassin’s autopsy. And, while the autopsy shuffle is interesting, the questions regarding chain of custody of that body that need to be asked of the Butler County Coroner, William F. Young III, are even more compelling. So, let’s first recap the case of the presently missing autopsy.

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Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard Claims US Government is Being Run by Powerful, Unelected Cabal: Democrat Elite and Military-Industrial Complex — The Real Puppet Masters Behind Biden and Harris   By Jim Hft

Aug. 6, 2024 8:15 am – In a recent episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast hosted by Chris Williamson, former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard shed light on a chilling reality: the U.S. government is being controlled by an unelected, powerful cabal.

During her conversation with Williamson, Gabbard laid out a detailed narrative about the hidden power structures she believes are pulling the strings in Washington.

According to her, the real decision-makers are not President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris but rather a shadowy group of Democrat elites, military-industrial complex beneficiaries, and national security state officials.

Gabbard identified prominent figures such as Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Tony Blinken, and Jake Sullivan as part of this elite group. She argued that these individuals, along with their allies in the military-industrial complex, profit from maintaining a constant state of war. This, in turn, allows them to expand their authority and strip away the liberties of ordinary Americans.

One of Gabbard’s most troubling points was her assertion that the United States, often touted as the world’s oldest democracy, is not functioning as a true democracy should.

She emphasized that the principle of a government “of the people, by the people, for the people” has been undermined by this unelected bureaucracy. This makes it increasingly difficult for voters to hold those in power accountable, as the real decision-makers are not those who have been elected.

Gabbard stressed the importance of the upcoming election as a chance for Americans to reclaim their government. She warned against being distracted by the media’s focus on who will run for Democrat.

According to Gabbard, it doesn’t matter if it’s Biden, Harris, or another Democrat figurehead; the same cabal will continue to wield power unless voters make a decisive change.

Below is an excerpt of the interview:


Vicious ‘Muslim Patrol’ Hunts White Brits Down   [VIDEOS]   by John Symank

August 4, 2024 – Over the last week, England has seen protestors against the massive influx of Muslim migrants into their nation, which has led to violence at the hands of a self-proclaimed “Muslim patrol,” a group of immigrants that has been hunting and attacking white anti-immigration protestors.

Journalist Andy Ngo has been at the forefront of the reporting on this “Muslim patrol,” and has documented instances of violence against native Britons accused of standing up against the immigrant wave.

Ngo has also reported on a number of far-left activist groups, such as Antifa, who have also fought with the anti-immigration protestors, or have encouraged violence against them.

Ngo posted a video explaining a number of the events that were occurring around the nation, what sparked them, and what has occurred since.


“On the 29th of July, there was a deadly mass stabbing in a town named Southport, which is nearby Liverpool. It was a horrific attack on young children, particularly young girls. Three young girls were killed in the stabbing attack, there were about 10 other people who were injured, some of them very critically.”

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Democrat Raskin Says Congress will Stop Trump From Taking Office Even if He’s Chosen by the Voters and Create “Civil War Conditions”  (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

Aug. 5, 2024 4:00 pm – Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin earlier this year said Congress will stop Trump on January 6, 2025 and create “civil war conditions.”

The February 2024 video of Raskin was making the rounds on Monday.

Raskin said Congress will use the insurrection clause to stop Trump from taking office even if he wins the 2024 election.

“What can be put into the Constitution can slip away from you very quickly and the greatest example going on right before our very eyes is section three of the 14th Amendment which they’re just disappearing with a magic wand as if it doesn’t exist even though it could not be clearer what it’s stating,” Raskin said earlier this year at author Rick Hasen’s book talk and reading at Politics and Prose book store in Washington, D.C.

Raskin then said Congress will stop Trump on January 6, 2025 and issued a thinly veiled threat to US Supreme Court Justices.

“And then they want to kick it to Congress so it’s going to be up to us on January 6, 2025 to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified and we need bodyguards for everybody in civil war conditions all because the nine justices – not all of them but these justices who have not many cases to look at every year, not that much work to do – a huge staff, great protection, simply do not want to do their job and interpret what the great 14th Amendment means,” Raskin said.

WATCH [0:54]


WATCH  [1:02:03]


Today is January 6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang’s 1300th Day in Prison WITHOUT A TRIAL    By Jim Hoft

Aug. 5, 2024 7:30 am – J6 political prisoner Jake Lang just emerged out of 40 days and 40 nights in the hell of solitary confinement. This occurred just in time for him to celebrate his 1300th day of wrongful incarceration without a trial by Biden / Harris regime!!

Recently the DOJ has clamped down on Jake in the most inhumane and extreme fashion yet – 6 weeks of solitary confinement torture in a sensory deprivation chamber! Jake, who was arrested January 16th 2021 (1300 days ago!!) was just released on Monday from solitary torture, and we are hearing from his legal team he is “more determined than ever to finish the race on his feet!”

The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) new Counter Terrorism Unit (CTU) has targeted J6ers and flexed its draconian muscles – punishing Jake with a Soviet-style trip to the 9th floor NYC rooftop Gulag where he suffered incredible human and civil rights abuses for 40 days and 40 nights, including a 12 day hunger strike where he lost nearly 20 lbs and had his blood forcibly drawn!

The latest attempt to silence Jake started in May, when BOP authorities wrote him a multitude of disciplinary infractions for hosting The Gateway Pundits flagship podcast – ‘The Political Prisoner Podcast’ with special guest Mike Lindell, Jake refused to stop the interviews, podcasts, lawsuits, fundraising and outreach that his organization J6Truth.org spearheads for the community – so the BOP did the unthinkable – They ‘UNPERSONED’ Jake, reminiscent of the famous 1984 novel by George Orwell!

But before the authorities could remove Jake, he prepared a series of viral video messages to be released while he was in the ‘Special Housing Unit’ commonly called THE BOX in prison. This further outraged the Weaponized DOJ into a blind fury, and they retaliated against Jake by utterly dismantling EVERY Constitution Right of his for the next 6 weeks!

The DOJ and MDC Brooklyn Federal Prison, cancer over a dozen legal calls, they turned off Jake’s prison phone account, they censored all of his outgoing mail, they refused to take his Grievance forms, they keep his light on all night, refused to take him outside for is 1 hour daily recreation time (in a 8 x 10 steel cage without even a place to sit), they took his legal documents and property, left him with a single paid of underwear for a week, turned off the air ventilation for 48 hours until the room was 90 degrees and sweltering, and even put him in a cell with a high ranking MS 13 Gang member who has been convicted twice for murder!

On day four of the J6 Hunger Strike, Jake was approached by the internal security Captain and threatened to have his water turned off in his cell if he didn’t start eating! In response, Jake had to rip his shower curtain down and use it as a makeshift water pouch to survive in case they turned off his water. In the sensory deprivation chamber, all Jake had was a roll of toilet paper, a two-inch-thick mattress, a 2-inch toothbrush, and a single bar of harsh lie soap. The clothes on his back and 2 suicide blankets were his only coverings –

No phone calls, no books, no radio, no human contact, absolute purgatory. But here in this cell, is where God spoke into Jake heart – the call of the holy spirit to persevere. In fact, Jake’s legal team tells the GWP in an exclusive statement that Jake ‘ started a daily sermon at 10 pm that included a few original songs, an inspirational message from the Bible, and a prayer. With his legs weak from fasting but a strong and stable voice, Jake arose from his 100% foodless, fast, lightheaded, and aching to deliver a message of deliverance from sin & criminal lifestyles in Jesus’ name to over 40 inmates in the box with Jake.

The results are breathtaking: a pure revival of faith broke out in the special housing unit, career criminals and gang members were crying out in repentance, the spirit of God overcoming them with grief and shame – and finally, healing and unsurpassed love. Jake baptized through the walls of the cells, he prayed over people going to court, but most importantly – men who had lost everything were finally finding God.

There is power in the name of Jesus that doesn’t know the limits of a steel prison cell, and it penetrated many hearts in Jake’s 40 days in hell – God turned it into a haven of restoration. Even Jake ME 13 bunkmate accepted Jesus into his heart and gave his life over to God. In the midst of all of the evil of the corrupt Biden / Harris Regime, January 6ers are showing us time and time again that the light always triumphs over the darkness.

Jake has been released back into the General Population now (where 2 inmates have been killed in back-to-back violent gang-related stabbings in under 30 days! Unheard of in any prison facility!)

Jake is currently gearing up for his own trial, which is scheduled to begin September 9th, 2024, in Washington DC!! It’s going to be a barnburner!! No holds bar!! Follow Jake’s trial and all the updates from J6Truth.org on Twitter / X.com/JakeLangJ6

Donate to the January 6 political prisoners who desperately need your help!! Visit SponsorJ6.com to help NOW! Thank you so much and God bless you!!


Homeschooling Grows as an Escape from Failing Schools and Curriculum Fights   J.D. TUCCILLE

Turned off by fumbling public schools and curriculum wars, families teach their own kids.

8.5.2024 7:00 AM  Reason – North Carolina is one of the few states to keep detailed statistics on homeschoolers—who are famously resistant to scrutiny, and for good reason—and officials in the state recorded an interesting development this year. After dipping from a pandemic-era high when public schools were closed or generally making a poor job of remote learning, the ranks of homeschoolers have again begun to rise. With census figures showing similar growth elsewhere, we have further evidence that DIY education is here to stay.

Homeschooling Surges Again

In the Statistical Summary for Homeschools 2023–2024, compiled by the state’s Department of Administration, the number of registered K–12 homeschools in North Carolina stands at 96,529. Each school can serve more than one student, and the estimated number of homeschooled K–12 students is 157,642. That’s down from the peak of 112,614 registered homeschools serving an estimated 179,900 students during the chaos of 2020–2021, but up from 94,154 registered homeschools and 152,717 students last year. Before the pandemic, in 2019–2020, 94,863 homeschools served 149,173 students.

For K–12 private schools, enrollment is up from 126,678 in 2022–2023 to 131,230 in 2023–2024. In 2019–2020, before the pandemic, North Carolina private schools had 103,959 students enrolled.

By contrast, traditional public school enrollment is declining.

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HOW TO WIN IN 2024 — Guard, Validate and Reconcile All Ballots Counted in the Election   By Joe Hoft

Aug. 5, 2024 7:45 am – The way to win the 2024 Election is to guard, validate and reconcile all ballots counted in the election.

Venezuela and other communist countries are notorious for running fraudulent elections. The AP reports that the Venezuela Opposition Party in the recent election prevented this by getting its hands on legitimate vote tally sheets before the communist Maduro regime could pull off another election steal.

The AP writes:

The statement that upended Venezuela came 24 hours after polls closed in the presidential election.

With the reassuring tone of someone who has consistently been considered an underdog, opposition powerhouse Maria Corina Machado announced that her coalition had gathered more than two-thirds of vote tally sheets from polling centers nationwide, and that they show President Nicolás Maduro had lost his reelection bid.

The tally sheets known as actas — printouts measuring several feet that resemble shopping receipts — have long been considered the ultimate proof of election results in Venezuela. Opposition members knew they had to obtain as many of them as possible to refute the unfavorable election outcome they expected electoral authorities to announce.

…Tens of thousands of volunteers participated in training workshops nationwide in recent months. They learned that under the law they could be inside polling centers on Election Day, stationed near voting machines, from before polls opened until the results had been electronically transmitted to the National Electoral Council in the capital, Caracas.

…On Sunday, officials attempted to block opposition volunteers from voting centers, and in some places, they succeeded. But elsewhere, the volunteers were unshakable, and once inside voting centers, they did not leave, in some cases until after 11 p.m.

“They took courage with their law in hand, with the polling station manual in hand, and they managed to enter,” Machado said Sunday, before the polls closed. She called party representatives and other volunteers “the heroes of this process.”

The 90,000 party representatives were taught to obtain a copy of the tally sheets — printed from electronic voting machines after polls close — before the results were transmitted to the council.

“Our representatives have the right to their tally sheet,” Machado said. “No representative leaves their voting center without the document in hand.”

After the 2020 Election many Americans believed that the results were stolen because they never should have been certified and they never want to see that happen again. Ballots were inserted into the election in drop boxes, through the mail, and on election day. But many people believe that large numbers of these ballots were not legitimate.

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INGRASSIA: Google Is Actively Promoting Kamala Harris and Censoring Donald Trump To Create Astroturfed Narrative That Her Campaign Is Performing Better Than It Really Is   By Paul Ingrassia

Aug. 5, 2024 8:00 am – Unsurprisingly, Big Tech is once again repeating their fabled 2020 playbook in boosting the Democrat over the Republican in this year’s presidential race.  And of all the companies, Google has once again been the worst culprit.  The Silicon Valley-based company has spearheaded the charge in trafficking deceptive misinformation and outright propaganda, pulling all its weight behind Kamala Harris, and manufacturing a narrative around her that she is performing far better in the polls and on the campaign trail than President Trump, which could not be further from the truth.

The idea, however, is to utilize bad-faith actors in Silicon Valley, like Google, to generate a perception that Kamala Harris’ party has obtained newfound momentum in the wake of Joe Biden’s ouster from the contest, the latest any president has dropped out of the race in history – that has all the signs of an internal coup.  Because Biden was floundering badly before he was forced out, the Democrats resorted to a last-minute switcheroo, swapping the much younger Harris (59) for the dementia-ridden Biden (81).  The logic was to naturally lull the less informed into the belief, despite Harris polling historically worse than Biden all throughout their administration, that somehow this maneuver would give Democrats a new lease on life, reigniting the Democratic Party with the momentum to take it home this November – a party that otherwise looked headed for defeat with Biden atop the ticket. In politics, perception is all too often reality – and the perception of Kamala polling more favorably than Biden, even if untrue, can nevertheless have an impact in politics.

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U.S Presidential Elections During War: What Does The Law Say

November 13, 2023 – Have you ever wondered what would happen if a war broke out during a U.S. presidential election? With the upcoming election and the current global pandemic, President Trump has raised the idea of postponing the election. But what does the law actually say about this? In this article, we will explore the constitutional authority, historical precedent, and the process for postponing a federal election. We will also discuss the potential judicial challenges and the impact of war on elections.

Constitutional Authority for Election Timing

The Constitution’s authority for election timing lies in Congress’ power to choose the date of the General Election. The Constitution explicitly states that the president and vice president shall hold office for a term of four years. While Article II Section 2 provides the president with narrow powers, none of them include changing the timing of the General Election. Instead, Congress has the authority to determine the timing of the election, as established by a federal statute enacted in 1845. It is important to note that no presidential election has been postponed since the enactment of this law.

In the event that there is a desire to postpone a federal election, Congress would need to amend the 1845 federal law and the president would have to sign it. However, the chances of this occurring are slim due to the political control of the House of Representatives, Senate, and Executive Branch. Even if such an agreement were reached, a judicial challenge would likely arise. A recent case in New York, where the Democratic presidential primary was canceled, provides insight into the potential ruling of the judicial branch. The court found that canceling the election violated the First and Fourteenth Amendments and emphasized the importance of having elections go forward.

Courts have consistently found irreparable injury in cases where voters allege constitutional violations of their right to vote. While emergency orders and regulations have been upheld by courts, a postponement of an election may not survive a judicial challenge. Courts draw a line when it comes to the right to vote and have a strong public interest in having elections proceed. Moreover, a postponement of the presidential election would likely run afoul of the 20th Amendment, which states that the presidential term ends on January 20th. It is worth noting that moving the date of a presidential election would not affect state and local elections.

Despite unpredictable times, the presidential election is expected to be held on November 3rd. Any new law changing the election dates would require public support and would still face potential judicial challenges. The right to vote is protected by the courts, making a postponement unlikely to survive legal scrutiny. Additionally, the 20th Amendment sets the end of the presidential term on January 20th, posing a challenge to changing the election date. State and local elections would not be affected by moving the federal general election.

Precedent of Election Postponement

To understand the precedent of election postponement, let’s consider previous instances where elections were held during challenging times. No presidential election has been postponed since Congress enacted the 1845 federal law. President Lincoln was reelected during the Civil War in 1864, and President Franklin Roosevelt was elected to a third and fourth term during World War II. Postponing a presidential election would break a 175-year precedent.

Historical implications:

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Biden/Harris Regime Gives at Least $239 Million To Taliban Terrorists “By Accident”   By Pamela Geller

August 4, 2024 – The US government has accidentally sent at least $239 million in development assistance to the Taliban since 2021 due to the State Department’s failure to properly vet award recipients, according to a new report.

A recent report revealed that the US government, specifically the State Department, inadvertently sent approximately $239 million in development assistance to the Taliban since 2021. This oversight occurred due to a failure in properly vetting award recipients. The incident has sparked widespread discussion and criticism on social media, with many expressing disbelief and questioning the government’s competence and motives. The discussion also touched on broader issues related to US foreign policy and the handling of international aid.

Why don’t our allies or every day Americans wake up with $239 million “accidentally” dropped in their bank accounts. Under Democrat rule it is always, always, our enemies.   [Emphasis added]

The Democrats are fleecing hard working Americans. Democrat dilettantes who never held a real job and don’t know what hard work means are raping and pillaging our country in the cause of our demise.Americans are being crushed by runaway inflation caused by government spending.

No media coverage. No questions at press conferences. Enemy of the people.

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UK: Adviser on Political Violence Calls for COVID-Style Lockdowns to Stop ‘Islamophobia’ In the Wake of Muslim Mobs Attacking People With Axes and Knives Screaming “Allahu Akbar!”   [VIDEOS]   By Pamela Geller

August 4, 2024 – This is UK policy now. Back in June, left-wing Prime Minister Starmer vowed ‘zero tolerance approach’ to ‘Islamophobia.” Police gently asked Muslim mobs to weapons at the mosque and assured them nobody would be arrested (except for victims of their jihad intimidation and violence.)


UK: Independent Adviser on Political Violence and Disruption calls for COVID-style lockdowns to stop ‘Islamophobia’

Jihadwatch, August 3, 2024:

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[Ed.: Yah, don’t be Islamophobic!  But, keep in mind that by the time you hear “Allahu Akbar!” it’s already too late…]


Biden/Harris Regime Colluding With Iran U.S. to Oust Netanyahu — Report   By Pamela Geller

August 4, 2024 – Just when you thought the Democrats regime couldn’t get worse…..

The Kuwaiti Newspaper, Al-Jarida, has released an Article which claims an American Delegation recently flew from Turkey to the City of Karaj in Northern Iran, for a Secret Meeting brokered by Oman with Senior Iranian Officials, to convey a Message of “Calm and Warning” to Iran in hopes to prevent a Full-Scale Regional War.

During the meeting, which lasted Two Hours, it is claimed that U.S. Officials expressed President Biden’s Discontent with continued Escalation by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and that the United States does not want a war with Iran, but that they will come to the Defense of Israel; though they hope Iran will not “Fall into the Trap” of launching a Major Attack which would only strengthen the international power of Prime Minster Netanyahu.

[Ed.:  One would think that the US would be colluding with Israel to oust Ayatollah Cakhameini, instead of financing Irans’ war against Israel and the US.  Who is a greater enemy of the people of the US and Israel; Iran, or the US?]


Antisemitic Political Commentator [Candice Owens] Links Star of David to Child Sacrifices    [VIDEO]

August 4, 2024   JBN News – Antisemitic political commentator Candace Owens has come under fire again after questioning the origins of the Star of David.

On her YouTube show last week, Owens claimed that the Star of David only became associated with Judaism in recent centuries, suggesting European Jews adopted it as a counterpart to the Christian cross. She asserted its prominence grew with the rise of the Zionist movement in the late 1800s.

Challenging mainstream historical understanding, Owens proposed a more contentious origin for the symbol. She linked it to the “Star of Remphan,” which she described as belonging to a pagan deity worshipped by Canaanites and associated with child sacrifice. Owens further connected these symbols to demons and sorcery, citing dubious internet sources and Wikipedia for her libelous claims.

Owens is no stranger to peddling her antisemitic vitriol to her massive following. In a June episode of her show, she made waves by stating, “It seems like America is being held hostage by Israel,” acknowledging the potential backlash but asserting, “I don’t care.”

When it comes to the Holocaust, Owens ranted about how Hitler “factually and statistically” was not the greatest evil person of his time.

“What is it about Hitler? Why is he the most evil? Well, the first thing people would say is ‘ethnic cleansing almost took place.’ And I offer back, ‘You mean like we actually did to the Germans?’”

She infamously described Nazi doctor Josef Mengele’s experiments as “bizarre propaganda.”

“The idea that they just cut a human up and then sewed them back together. Why would you do that? Even if you’re the most evil person in the world, that’s a tremendous waste of time and supplies,” she said.”

Media literacy advocates stress the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking when consuming content from online influencers. With over 5 million followers across various social media platforms, Candace is directly contributing to the surge of antisemitism and Holocaust denialism.


Absurd connections: Israel, North Korea and nuclear war   Louis René Beres

If North Korea became a party to nuclear threats against Israel, Israel’s actual war would always be against Iran, and North Korea would be operating against Israel solely as Iran’s nuclear surrogate.  Opinion.

Credo quia absurdum, “I believe because it is absurd.” – Tertullian

Aug 4, 2024, 7:59 AM (GMT+3) – For conspicuous reasons, the likelihood of direct war between Israel and Iran is “high.”[1] What remains inconspicuous is that such a war could quickly or incrementally involve North Korean military assets. Even if Israel were able to keep Iran pre-nuclear, an already nuclear North Korea could still multiply and magnify Iranian aggressions. In this scenario, North Korea would function as a witting surrogate of Iran.

What arguments could support such a portentous conclusion? In a worst case scenario, Israel would find itself facing a direct military conflict with Iran’s state ally in Pyongyang, one in which Israel could lose its presumptive upper hand during competitive risk-taking. Any such loss would be the result of Israel no longer being the sole nuclear power during crisis escalations. In strategic parlance, this signifies a prospective Israeli loss of “escalation dominance.”[2]

Such calculations would be perplexing, and not for the intellectually faint-at-heart.[3] At the same time, going forward, purposeful Israeli solutions could be discoverable only by gifted strategic thinkers, not by politicians, pundits or the assorted marionettes of artificial intelligence. Regarding incentives for North Korea to undertake potentially grave risks on behalf of Iran, the most recognizable encouragements would coalesce around Iranian oil.

If Hezbollah, Hamas and Houthi terror attacks on Israel should lead to direct and protracted warfare between Israel and Iran, North Korean involvement could more immediately immobilize Israel. In nuclear terms, Israel would likely be in an unfavorable position to engage Iran’s PRK proxy because Israel is a “50 target state.” Even in its still pre-nuclear iteration and without tangible North Korean backing, Iran would be a “1000+ target state” with long-range strike capabilities.

Israel could soon have to face a newly-nuclear Iran and an already-nuclear North Korea simultaneously.[4] And this is to say nothing about variously possible Russian and/or Chinese interventions undertaken for Iran, or about plausible Indian and/or Pakistani involvements.

Pakistan, a nuclear Sunni Islamic state, is improving its ties to Shiite Iran while remaining supportive of Sunni Saudi Arabia. Nuclear India, the long-time foe of Pakistan, is also strengthening its ties to Iran by way of Chabahar port.[5] Pakistan has openly embraced a “counterforce” or warfighting strategy of nuclear deterrence, one that could confront Israeli decision-makers with altogether unprecedented existential hazards.

In the final analysis, it could be left up to the United States to support Israel’s survival against Iranian, North Korean and potentially Pakistani aggressions. This conclusion would identify scenarios in which Iran-backed jihadist terror attacks[6] on Israel wind up retrospectively as the original precipitants of a regional or global nuclear war. Presently, Iranian surrogate forces are visibly operational in all Palestinian Arab territories (especially Gaza), Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Mali and Somalia.

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Columbia Students Sue Squad Leaders for Allegedly Inciting and Encouraging Anti-Israel, Anti-Jew Protests on Campus   By Jim Hoft

Aug. 4, 2024 10:40 am – Columbia University is one of several American institutions of higher “learning” that has allowed anti-semitism to flourish on its campus.

Accuracy in Media reported in February on a letter from almost two dozen groups at Columbia suggesting violence by Hamas terrorists against innocent civilians was inevitable, “If every political avenue available to Palestinians is blocked, we should not be surprised when resistance and violence break out.”

The letter went further and hinted at more violence, “There can be no future of safety and freedom for all Israelis and Palestinians without holding the Israeli occupation accountable for its actions and putting an end to the untenable status quo of Israel’s apartheid and colonial system.”

Although the university suspended two pro-Palestine student groups, five Jewish students filed a lawsuit against the institution earlier this year, claiming the school has allowed “rampant antisemitism” to flourish on its campus.

This should not be hard to prove considering dozens of professors came out in force to support the violent anti-Israel protesters on their campus in April.

Now a new group of students are suing the radical congressional “Squad” leaders who they accuse of inciting the anti-Israel violence on campus earlier this year.

The students are suing Democrat representatives Sandy Ocasio-Cortez, Jamal Bowman of New York, and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.

Ilhan Omar’s daughter was actually one of the organizers at the anti-Jew protests.

FOX News reported:


BRITAIN BURNING: Muslim Mobs Roam the Streets with Knives and Machetes Unchecked by Police as Labour Gov’t Prepares to Crack Down on “Far-Right Thugs”  [VIDEOS]   By Richard Abelson

Aug. 4, 2024 9:30 am – Riots continued in Liverpool, Hull, Manchester, Belfast and at least 7 other UK cities Saturday as the System Media blamed the indigenous population for defenmding their country and mobs of Muslim men armed with knives and machetes roamed the streets in several British cities.

Police braced for fresh violence after protests Saturday resulted in at least 90 arrests, several police officers being injured, and looting, the Express reported. More anti-immigration protests are planned for Sunday  in Bolton, Lancaster, Middlesbrough, Weymouth and Rotherham.

England and Wales police federation Deputy National Chair Tiffany Lynch said the unrest was “flooding across major cities and towns.”

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said: “Anyone who gets involved in criminal disorder, violent thuggery on our streets, will have to pay the price.”

US journalist Andy Ngo, who was forced to leave Portland, Oregon for the UK by violent Antifa terrorists, summarized what’s happening in Great Britain:

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Retired Cop Goes Viral After Winning Silver Medal at Olympics Shooting — Effortlessly Cool with One Hand in Pocket and No Specialized Lens!  [VIDEOS]   By Jim Hft

Aug. 3, 2024 9:30 pm – Yusuf Dikec, a retired Turkish police officer, has taken the 2024 Paris Olympics by storm, capturing a silver medal in the mixed 10m air pistol event. What’s more remarkable is his unconventional approach: competing gear-free with one hand casually tucked in his pocket, proving that sometimes less truly is more.

At 51 years old, Dikec defies the norms of competitive shooting, where athletes typically don an array of specialized gear including visors, ear protectors, and high-tech glasses. Instead, he sported a simple pair of regular spectacles and ear plugs for hearing protection.

“I did not need special equipment,” according to EuroNews. “I’m a natural, a natural shooter.”

“Success doesn’t come with your hands in your pockets” he said to other news media.

Dikec’s silver medal marks a historic moment for Turkey as it is the nation’s first-ever Olympic medal in shooting, according to New York Post.

Dikec and teammate Sevval Ilayda Tarhan’s medal win was Turkey’s first-ever in Olympic shooting.

The 51-year-old finished 13th in the individual event to conclude his Paris Olympics campaign.

Dikec is already looking forward to the 2028 Olympics.

“I hope next in Los Angeles (for) a gold medal,” he said.

He had some fun with newfound fame, reposting a video compilation of Turkish-language memes about him to his Instagram page.

Dikec also won gold in the World Cup series in 2011.

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Report: US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has ordered a squadron of F-22 Raptor interceptors to the Middle East.

August 3, 2024 @ 9:27 p.m. ET  𝗜𝗦𝗥𝗔𝗘𝗟 𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦 – The F-22 is considered such an advanced air superiority fighter that the USA refuses to sell it to any other country.


It Was a Set-Up: Secret Service Admits They Did Not Keep Recordings from Radio Traffic During Attempted Trump Assassination  (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

Aug. 3, 2024 6:00 pm – Nearly three weeks ago President Trump was shot in the ear and nearly assassinated at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Since that time the Secret Service and FBI have refused to be straight with the American people on what was really going on that day.

We still don’t know why the Secret Service and FBI allowed a young would-be assassin to fire off eight shots at President Trump before he was taken out. What is especially troubling is that the security at the rally identified Crooks 90 minutes before the shooting started and acting strange and Crooks was also spotted running along the roof of the building minutes before he started firing at the president and his supporters killing one and injuring three.

Acting Director Rowe said all assets were approved for the Trump rally. But a whistleblower has stepped forward and revealed that it was Rowe himself who cut assets from President Trump’s detail.

During testimony this week Rowe told US Senator Ron Johnson that the Secret Service radio recordings were deleted after the rally.

Rowe insisted the Secret Service never keeps their recordings from Trump rallies. They only keep recordings from presidential events.

How convenient.

Sen. Ron Johnson:  Does the Secret Service use encrypted communications at events?

SS Director Ronald Rowe:  On our radio nets, we do, sir. Are those memorialized?

Sen. Ron Johnson:  Are those saved?

SS Director Ronald Rowe:  The radio traffic from Butler, we did not have recordings.

Sen. Ron Johnson:  Do you normally?

SS Director Ronald Rowe:  Not on the road outside of DC or outside of a presidential or vice presidential stop.

Sen. Ron Johnson:  So communications between Secret Service agents will not be available like we’ve gotten the communications from local law enforcement.

SS Director Ronald Rowe:  I’m sorry, Senator.

Sen. Ron Johnson:  So we’re not going to be able to get those communications. You didn’t save is very unfortunate.

SS Director Ronald Rowe:  It is, sir. Moving forward, I’ve directed that we will now start recording those so that we will have them moving forward.

And the regime wonders why no one trusts them.


HUH? Trump Advisor Kellyanne Conway Registers as Ukrainian Agent   By Ben Kew

Aug. 3, 2024 8:00 pm – Donald Trump’s former senior advisor Kellyanne Conway has registered a foreign agent for Ukraine.  [Emphasis added] In an official filing with the Department of Justice in accordance with the Foreign Agents Registration Act, Conway appears to have agreed a lucrative contract that will involve lobbying U.S. politicians on behalf of Ukrainian interests.

Her scope of responsibilities are described as follows:

– Engage US lawmakers and experts and opinion makers, to explain the importance of Ukraine to the rules-based order and the protection of democratic principles

– Make best efforts to convince US lawmakers, experts and opinion makers, to attend the annual meeting of Yalta European Strategy in Kyiv on September 13 -14 (YES AM, or to participate virtually) at the Client’s expense and subject to the Client’s confirmation, and provided that such lawmakers, experts and opinion makers are compliant with all laws, rules and regulations that apply to such travel paid for by the Client

– Make best efforts to convince US political leaders to speak at the YES AM and similar meetings, conferences, and engagements, either in-person or virtually

– Contribute to raising awareness among US decision makers of Ukrainians’ fight for freedom and the Russian illegal war of aggression;

– Assist with organizing meetings of Ukrainian soldiers and veterans with US political leaders to share their insights

– keep the Client informed of its progress and achievements and its assessment of the current state of views on Ukraine among US elected officials, candidates, experts, and opinion leader.

Conway will receive $50,000 a month in return for her services, which presumably involve taking advantage of her ties to the Trump campaign and other Republican lawmakers.

Last month, it was announced that Conway would host a weekly program on Fox News called Here’s The Deal with Kellyanne Conway.

The 57-year-old said the show would involve going “beyond the news headlines and polling toplines to have a deeper conversation and equip the viewers with the compelling illustrative anecdotes and thoughtful analysis that they crave.”

[Ed.:  Donald Trump’s former senior advisor Kellyanne Conway!!  Trump truly has a knack to pick the wrong people consistently.  He now picks the Secret Service to protect himself, even though they are the ones assigned to killing him.]


Congressman Eli Crane Exposes Shocking Report from DHS Inspector General — Biden-Harris Regime Waived Vetting Process for 7-9 Million Visa Recipients   By Jim Hft

Aug. 3, 2024 12:00 pm – Congressman Eli Crane (R-AZ) has brought to light a damning report from the Office of Inspector General (OIG) at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

This report, filed on June 25, 2024, reveals that between 7 to 9 million visa holders in the United States have not undergone proper vetting procedures, raising grave concerns about national security and public safety.

The report, “Management Alert: CBP Has Limited Information to Assess Interview-Waived Non-Immigrant Visa Holders,” details how the customary vetting process for foreign nationals seeking entry into the U.S. has been largely disregarded under the current administration.

Traditionally, applicants must complete an in-person interview at a U.S. consulate or embassy in their home country, undergo fingerprinting, and pass local background checks.

These measures are designed to identify potential criminals or terrorists before they set foot on American soil. However, it appears that these critical safeguards have been waived, leaving millions of individuals unvetted and potentially dangerous.

Congressman Crane said in a video statement, “We talk about the gotaways. We talk about individuals on the terror watchlist. We talk about MS-13 gang members coming through that Southern border. But this is a whole new bag of awful. Typically, the way this is supposed to work is if you’re a foreigner and you want to come to the United States of America and you want to get a visa to do so, you’ve got to go to the consulate or the embassy in the nation that you’re from and apply.”

According to the DHS Inspector General’s report:


Crisis in Venezuela: Tension Grows Due to Protests and Threats of Repression from Maduro Regime   By Jim Hoft

Aug. 3, 2024 1:20 pm – Today is a key day for the future of Venezuela. Both Maduro and the opposition, led by María Corina Machado and her presidential candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia, called on Venezuelans to demonstrate in response to Sunday’s controversial vote and the reaction of thousands of Venezuelans.

Opposition member María Corina Machado warned in X: “Now we are going to get paid, that is why we must remain firm, organized and mobilized, with the pride of having achieved a historic victory on July 28.” For its part, the Chavista regime ordered a broad deployment of the regime’s security forces against any protester throughout the country.

Maduro ordered the country’s capital to be “surrounded”: “I have given the order to protect the city of Caracas, I have given the precise orders for the Intelligence Forces and the police to protect Greater Caracas,” he announced on Friday evening. This announcement raises fears of a violent reaction from the regime’s security forces.

Faced with the refusal to publish the final minutes of the last elections, Maduro argued that he cannot show the electoral result because Elon Musk had hacked the system of the National Electoral Council (CNE), controlled by Chavismo, which proclaimed him the winner with 52% of the votes, while González Urrutia supposedly obtained 43%.

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US to send jets and warships as Iran threatens Israel   Graeme Baker and Jenny Hill

August 3, 2024  BBC News – The US will deploy additional warships and fighter jets to the Middle East to help defend Israel from possible attacks by Iran and its proxies, the Pentagon said.

Tensions remain high in the region over the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran and a key commander of the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.

Missile defence forces were placed on a state of increased readiness to deploy, the Pentagon said, adding that its commitment to defend Israel was “ironclad”.

Iran’s leader Ayatollah Khamenei has vowed “harsh punishment” against Israel for the assassination of Haniyeh.

The Hamas leader was killed in Tehran on Wednesday. Iran and its proxy in Gaza blamed the attack on Israel, which has not commented.

Haniyeh, 62, was widely considered Hamas’s overall leader and played a key role in negotiations aimed at reaching a ceasefire in the Gaza war.

His death came just hours after Israel claimed it killed Fuad Shukr, the top military commander of Iran’s proxy in Lebanon, Hezbollah.

A Pentagon statement said the new deployments would “improve US force protection… increase support for the defence of Israel, and … ensure the US is prepared to respond to various contingencies”.

The deployments would include additional ballistic missile defense-capable cruisers and destroyers, it said.

High alert

On Tel Aviv’s seafront, the mood appears relaxed with bronzed bodies lazing under beach umbrellas.

But few are in any doubt that the Middle East stands perilously close to full- scale war.

Israel is on high alert.

Several international airlines have suspended flights to the country.

Meanwhile, Israeli ministers were sent home this weekend with satellite phones in case of an attack on communication infrastructure.

Earlier on Saturday, Israeli forces killed a Hamas operative in the West Bank.

Dozens of Palestinians were reported to have been killed in strikes on Gaza in the last 24 hours – a reminder that Israel’s war in the region continues even as diplomats scramble to prevent its escalation.

The US military has stepped-up deployments before, on 13 April when Iran launched an attack on Israel with drones and missiles. Israel and its allies shot down almost all of roughly 300 drones and missiles that were fired.

Israel has not commented directly on the strike which killed Haniyeh. But Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his country had delivered “crushing blows” to its enemies in recent days, including the killing of Shukr in Beirut.

He warned Israelis that “challenging days lie ahead… we have heard threats from all sides. We are prepared for any scenario”.

Earlier, Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh said the US did not believe escalation was inevitable.

“I think we are being very direct in our messaging that certainly we don’t want to see heightened tensions and we do believe there is an off-ramp here and that is that ceasefire deal,” Singh said.

An Israeli delegation will travel to Cairo in coming days for negotiations to reach a Gaza ceasefire and hostage release deal, Mr Netanyahu said on Friday.

Hamas sparked the war with its 7 October attack on Israel, which killed 1,200 people. Israel responded with an ongoing military operation in Gaza that has killed almost 40,000 people, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.

The circumstances surrounding Haniyeh’s death are, as yet, still unclear.

On Saturday, the Daily Telegraph reported that Iranian agents hired by Israel’s Mossad spy agency had planted bombs in a building where Haniyeh was staying.

The newspaper says that two agents placed bombs in three rooms of an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp guesthouse in Tehran, which were detonated from abroad.

An earlier report by the New York Times said that the bombs had been snuck into the building two months earlier.

The BBC has not been able to verify these claims.


Pentagon to deploy ‘land-based’ firepower and additional troops to Middle East to counter Iranian threats   Victor Nava

Aug. 2, 2024, 8:33 p.m. ET – Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has ordered more US troops, ships, fighter jets and “land-based” firepower to the Middle East to counter Iranian threats in the region, the Pentagon announced Friday.

The US military “posture adjustments” come as Israel gears up for a likely retaliatory strike from Iran and its proxies related to the recent assassinations of top Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah military commander Fuad Shukr.

“[S]ecretary Austin has ordered additional ballistic missile defense-capable cruisers and destroyers to the US European Command and US Central Command regions,” Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said in a statement outlining the additional resources being sent to the region.

“The Department is also taking steps to increase our readiness to deploy additional land-based ballistic missile defense,” she added.

The Pentagon will also be deploying an “additional fighter squadron to the Middle East” as well as replacing the USS Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group with the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group, Singh said.

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Leadership Transition in Hamas Amidst Israeli Strikes   By Antonio Graceffo

Aug. 3, 2024 9:30 am – The recent killing of Ismail Haniyeh, widely considered Hamas’s overall leader, by Israeli forces necessitates a shakeup in the leadership. The most likely candidate for overall leadership of Hamas is Yahya Sinwar, the leader of the Hamas movement within the Gaza Strip.

He is also considered to be the group’s wartime leader and believed to be the mastermind behind the October 7 attack on Israel. According to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, he is believed to be hiding “10 stories underground” in Gaza, meaning that he is thought to still be at large somewhere in the tunnel network.

Israeli intelligence claims that they actually know where Sinwar is, but he is using the Israeli hostages as a human shield and that his position is loaded with explosives which he will detonate if Israel attacks.

Yahya Sinwar was born [hatched] in 1962 in the Khan Younis refugee camp in Gaza. A year after Hamas was founded in 1987, he established its internal security service, which targeted alleged Palestinian collaborators with Israel.

Sinwar was arrested by Israel three times and was sentenced to four life terms in 1988 for planning the abduction and murder of two Israeli soldiers and the murder of four Palestinians. However, in 2011, he was among 1,027 Palestinian and Israeli Arab prisoners released by Israel in exchange for an Israeli soldier held captive by Hamas for over five years.

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Pentagon Revokes Plea Deal of 9/11 Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and Two Fellow Co-Conspirators After Public Outrage   By Jim Hft

Aug. 2, 2024 9:00 pm – Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced Friday the revocation of a plea deal previously reached with Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, the alleged mastermind behind the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, along with two of his co-conspirators, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin Attash and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi.

This decision effectively reinstates the possibility of the death penalty for the trio.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the plea deal — reached between the Convening Authority for Military Commissions and the defendants—Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin Attash, and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi, and signed by retired Brig. Gen. Susan K. Escallier—was intended to mitigate the legal repercussions for the accused while allowing them to avoid capital punishment.

Details regarding the terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

Secretary Austin’s announcement comes amid mounting pressure from various political factions and advocacy groups who argue that any leniency shown to those involved in the 9/11 attacks undermines justice for the nearly 3,000 victims and their families.

“I have determined that, in light of the significance of the decision to enter into pre-trial agreements with the accused in the above-referenced case, responsibility for such a decision should rest with me as the superior convening authority under the Military Commissions Act of 2009,” Austin wrote.

“Effective immediately, I hereby withdraw your authority in the above-referenced case to enter into a pre-trial agreement and reserve such authority to myself. Effective immediately, in the exercise of my authority, I hereby withdraw from the three pre-trial agreements that you signed on July 31, 2024 in the above-referenced case,” he added.

New York Times reported:


Maui Wildfire Victims Secure $4 Billion Global Settlement in Landmark Lawsuit After Tragic Fires   By Jim Hft

Aug. 2, 2024 9:25 pm – In a landmark development, Governor Josh Green, M.D., announced Friday night that a historic $4 billion settlement has been reached to resolve all tort claims arising from the catastrophic wildfires that devastated Maui last year.

The devastating fires on August 8, 2023, have been linked directly to failures by the state’s primary utility provider during a critical windstorm.

At first, Hawaii State Attorney General Anne E. Lopez decided to withhold initial findings from the public regarding the massive Maui wildfires that took place.

This move is purportedly to “protect the integrity” of the ongoing investigation, according to a statement from the Department of the Attorney General. The decision has raised concerns about the transparency of the investigation, as local residents question whether this “independent investigation” will indeed remain impartial.

As investigations revealed, the deadly wildfires were sparked by downed power lines, a finding that directly challenges the Democrats’ narrative linking such disasters to climate change.

The Associated Press reported that people in Maui who drove around a road barricade blocking the lone paved road from Lahaina as fires raged earlier this month survived, while those who obeyed perished in their cars or fled to the nearby ocean.

The government of Maui County swiftly responded by filing a lawsuit against the Hawaii Electric Company and its subsidiaries, alleging negligence in their failure to power down electrical equipment during dangerous weather conditions.

The proposed settlement, which remains subject to final documentation and court approval, involves seven defendants: the state of Hawai‘i, County of Maui, Hawaiian Electric, Kamehameha Schools, West Maui Land Co., Hawaiian Telcom, and Spectrum/Charter Communications.

They have collectively agreed to pay over $4 billion to compensate the approximately 2,200 affected parties who filed lawsuits following the August 2023 wildfires.

Read the press release below:

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