Daily Shmutz | NEWS | 9/15/24


[Ed.:  The news is fun (- if you know how to swallow it…)  Notice the conscientious avoidance of Kamala/Biden articles!  …You’re welcome!  ]

 (Note:  All Democrat and RINO readers must be accompanied by an adult, and have a clean pair of unwrinkled panties...)



JUST-IN: Is Trump’s Would be Assassin Ryan Routh an Associate of MSNBC Terrorism Analyst Malcolm Nance With Ukrainian Ties Mentioned in NY Times Article?   By Jordan Conradson

Sep. 15, 2024 7:00 pm – A New York Times report was discovered on Sunday mentioning Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, who was caught targeting Trump, armed with a scoped AK-47 rifle in West Palm Beach before shots were fired by the Secret Service.

The New York Times was actually in contact with and interviewed Routh for their article.

In an oddly coincidental Truth Social post, just hours before the attempted shooting, Trump said, “THE FAILING NEW YORK TIMES IS A TRUE THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!”

The article from the Times ties the would-be shooter to nutbag MSNBC terrorism analyst Malcolm Nance, who once called for ISIS to bomb the Trump Tower in Istanbul.

In 2022, when war broke out in Ukraine, Nance traveled to Ukraine and claimed he had joined the fighting against Russia.

The New York Times editorial, titled “Stolen Valor: The U.S. Volunteers in Ukraine Who Lie, Waste and Bicker,” references the International Legion created by Ukraine for allied foreign fighters to join the war effort, which both Routh and Nance were part of.

Routh is mentioned twice in the article. He alleges that he had planned to move recruits for the war effort into Ukraine illegally from Pakistan and Iran. New York Times excerpt:

With Legion growth stalling, Ryan Routh, a former construction worker from Greensboro, N.C., is seeking recruits from among Afghan soldiers who fled the Taliban. Mr. Routh, who spent several months in Ukraine last year, said he planned to move them, in some cases illegally, from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine. He said dozens had expressed interest.

“We can probably purchase some passports through Pakistan, since it’s such a corrupt country,” he said in an interview from Washington.

It is not clear whether he has succeeded, but one former Afghan soldier said he had been contacted and was interested in fighting if it meant leaving Iran, where he was living illegally.

Nance was mentioned 12 times and reportedly used his intelligence background to relay information to Ukrainian counterintelligence. From NYT:

Malcolm Nance, a former Navy cryptologist and MSNBC commentator, arrived in Ukraine last year and made a plan to bring order and discipline to the Legion. Instead, he became enmeshed in the chaos.

Raheem Kassam first posted the report linking the two, commenting, “Birds of a feather.”

“An associate of Malcolm Nance tried to kill President Trump,” responded Jack Posobiec.

This begs the question: was the CIA or a foreign government involved in his assassination attempt?

More information from Routh’s social media accounts shows him in Washington, DC, and Kyiv, and in one strangely worded 2020 tweet, he calls Trump “retarded.”

Additionally, Charlie Kirk posted screenshots from Routh’s X account, where he posted bizzarre tweets attempting to rally support and produce a song for Ukraine in late 2023 and early 2024 and stated that he was “in Ukraine for eight months.”

Routh’s tweets can be read below:

January 6, 2024: @OfficialSting We desperately need increased support for Ukraine and I am saddened we do not have an English song. I have lyrics for We Are One- and need your help producing it please 18984648342 aid.in.ukraine@gmail.com please help me

January 4, 2024: @BrunoMars I live in hawaii and was in Ukraine for 8 months and need help producing a tribute song for Ukraine. I have all lyrics and some music. 8084648342 aid.in.ukraine@gmail.com Ukraine needs support.

December 28, 2023: @davematthewsbnd we need an emotional tribute song for Ukraine as support stalls. I have lyrics and music to We Are One to rally global support. Please help me. 18084648342 aid.in.ukraine@gmail.com l live near Jack Johnson and I am sure he will help. Please

December 28, 2023: @jackjohnson my son Adam works at Ace in Haliewa and sees you. I need your help with a tribute song for Ukraine called We Are One to be an emotional song to rally support. Help me. 18084648342 aid.in.ukraine@gmail.com It could be powerful. Let’s just try.

December 24, 2023: @USAmbKyiv You have been working with my partner Volodymyr on the Afghan Soldier project. He claims that he provided all the docs you requested but claims it stalled. We sent 100 files to GUR and have 1000. Please help me. 18084648342 aid.in.ukraine@gmail.com

October 22, 2023: @bono Please create a tribute song for Ukraine. I tried in ukraine and was there May 9th when you were there. I have lyrics. “WE ARE ONE” please help me. 18084648342 aid.in.ukraine@mail.com We must promote Peace.

October 22, 2023: @U2 Bono we should produce a tribute song for Ukraine to unite and bring g support and promote peace in mideast. I have lyrics. Please help me. 18084648342 aid.in.ukraine@gmail.com



BREAKING: Trump Would-Be Assassin Identified: Ryan Wesley Routh – Police Release Photos of Sniper Nest Outside Trump Golf Club   By Cristina Laila

Sep. 15, 2024 6:00 pm – Trump’s would-be assassin has been identified as Ryan Wesley Routh, 58.

Routh is obsessed with Ukraine and repeatedly claimed he was traveling to Ukraine and was willing to die fighting for them.

@zelensky_official I am an American coming to fight with you in Ukraine; I am flying into Krakow and will take any transport to Kyiv to meet you and fight to the death. We must get every civilian in the world to come and join the fight; I will be the example. Attack moscow now

— Ryan Routh (@RyanRouth) March 14, 2022

Shots were fired at Trump’s golf club in West Palm Beach on Sunday afternoon at 1:30 pm as the former president was playing a round of golf with real estate investor Steve Witkoff.

It is unclear if Routh was able to fire his weapon (AK-47 with a scope) or if the Secret Service shot at him first after they identified him as a threat.

Officials have confirmed that the gunman, identified as Ryan Wesley Routh, targeted President Trump.

The FBI is calling Sunday’s shooting an attempted assassination.

Police also released photos of the sniper’s nest next to Trump’s golf course.

Ryan Wesley Routh left behind a Go-Pro, an AK-47 and two backpacks on the perimeter of Trump’s golf club.

Here’s what we know so far:

Ryan Wesley Routh pushed the muzzle of his rifle through the fence line at Trump’s golf course before Secret Service agents fired at him.

Law enforcement said the gunman was about 300 to 500 yards away from Trump. He was hiding in the shrubbery when he pointed his rifle with a scope through the fence.

According to law enforcement, Secret Service agents were one to two holes ahead of Trump when they spotted the muzzle of the rifle.

According to reporters for The AP, there are several areas around the perimeter of Trump’s golf course where golfers are visible from the fence line.

It appears the would-be assassin exploited a vulnerable part of the property’s perimeter.

Ryan Wesley Routh ran out of the bushes and escaped in a black vehicle but he was arrested in Martin County.

Law enforcement said charges against Ryan Wesley Routh are pending.

[Ed.:  I’m beginning to think that this was a staged false flag event. Remember:  nothing is as it appears to be…]


REPORT: Would-Be Trump Shooter Ryan Routh Donated Exclusively to Democrats Since 2019    By Jordan Conradson

Sep. 15, 2024 7:20 pm – Newly uncovered information about Ryan Routh, the man who planned to shoot President Trump on Sunday at his West Palm Beach golf resort, shows that he’s a long-time Democrat and has donated to several Democratic candidates, the New York Post reports.

Shots were fired at Trump’s golf club in West Palm Beach on Sunday as President Trump was golfing on the 5th hole with real estate investor Steve Witkoff. It was unclear if the shots that were heard came from the gunman or the Secret Service shooting at the suspect before he was able to discharge his scoped AK-47.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, per the New York Times, Routh had ties to Ukraine as a member of the International Legion, created by Ukraine for allied foreign fighters to join the war effort. Also tied to this cause is nutbag MSNBC terrorism analyst Malcolm Nance, who once called for ISIS to bomb the Trump Tower in Istanbul.

In an interview with the New York Times, Routh detailed plans to smuggle recruits for the war effort into Ukraine illegally from Pakistan and Iran, using phony passports from Pakistan.

This begs the question: what ties does this deranged Trump-hating leftist have to the CIA?

Over a six-month period between September 2019 and March 2020 primary season, Routh donated dollar amounts ranging from $1 to $25 19 times, amounting to over $140.

Per New York Post:

The Hawaii man suspected in former President Donald Trump’s assassination attempt on Sunday is a long-time Democrat, donating exclusively to the party’s candidates 19 times since 2019, records show.

Between September 2019 and March 2020, Ryan Routh contributed more than $140 on the Democratic fundraising platform ActBlue, Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings show.

The filings indicate he lived in Kaaawa, Hawaii, at the time of the donations. The records indicate that he was “not employed.”

While the money went to ActBlue, it was earmarked for individual 2020 Democratic presidential primary candidates including former Rep. Beto O’Rourk (D-Texas), Andrew Yang and Tom Steyer of New York and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (R-Mass.)


The Second Trump Assassination Attempt. Second Trump Assassination Attempt  ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS

“It has to stop” – Pres. Biden

SEP 15, 2024 – I am posting this substack – with some of my thoughts as well as images that were collected off the web on the assassination attempt that happened at 1:30 PM today.

My goal with this edition is to open up the space for comments, as everyone has a lot to say and we will all wish to keep each other informed as information rolls in.

To begin, remember Biden saying this yesterday:

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Hannity: Trump Was on 5th Hole When Shots Fired; Secret Service “Pounced on the President, Covered Him,” Cleared Golf Course – Identified Gunman’s Vehicle with Drone   (VIDEOS)   By Cristina Laila

Sep. 15, 2024 3:20 pm – Shots were fired at Trump’s golf club in West Palm Beach on Sunday as the former president was playing a round of golf with real estate investor Steve Witkoff.

Update: “The Secret Service identified the direction” of the shots “and returned fire at that gunman, who fled.

Officials have confirmed that the gunman targeted President Trump.

Trump and everyone who was on the golf course with him is safe.

The suspect escaped in a black vehicle but he was arrested in Martin County.

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BREAKING: ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION: Gunman Pushed Rifle’s Muzzle Through Fence Line at Trump Golf Club Before Secret Service Agents Fired   [VIDEOS]   By Cristina Laila

Sep. 15, 2024 4:20 pm – **Update** President Trump was safely transported to his Mar-a-Lago residence.

Shots were fired at Trump’s golf club in West Palm Beach on Sunday afternoon at 1:30 pm as the former president was playing a round of golf with real estate investor Steve Witkoff.

It is unclear if the suspect was able to fire his weapon (AK-47 with a scope) or if the Secret Service shot at him first after they identified him as a threat.

Officials have confirmed that the gunman targeted President Trump.

The FBI is calling Sunday’s shooting an attempted assassination.

Trump and everyone who was on the golf course with him is safe.

According to the Associated Press, the gunman pushed the muzzle of his rifle through the fence line at Trump’s golf course before Secret Service agents fired at him.

Law enforcement said the gunman was about 300 to 500 yards away from Trump. He was hiding in the shrubbery when he pointed his rifle with a scope through the fence.

According to law enforcement, Secret Service agents were one to two holes ahead of Trump when they spotted the muzzle of the rifle.

“The golf course was partially shut down for Trump as he played, and agents were a few holes ahead of him when they noticed the person with the firearm, the officials said,” the AP reported.

“The person appeared to push the muzzle of the rifle through the fence line and that’s when agents fired, the officials said.” AP said.

According to reporters for The AP, there are several areas around the perimeter of Trump’s golf course where golfers are visible from the fence line.

It appears the gunman exploited a vulnerable part of the property’s perimeter.

“There are several areas around the perimeter of the property where golfers are visible from the fence line. News photographers learned those areas well so they could capture photos of Trump when he was golfing there as president.” AP reported.

The suspect ran out of the bushes and escaped in a black vehicle but he was arrested in Martin County.

Fox News host Sean Hannity said he spoke with Trump three times in the immediate aftermath of the shooting.

Hannity said Trump was on the 5th hole about to putt when he heard “pop, pop, pop, pop” — within seconds the Secret Service pounced on the president, covered him.”

“You had snipers with tripods…long story short… the gun has been found, they have identified it as an AK-47,” Hannity said.

Hannity said that law enforcement used drone footage to identify the suspect getting into his vehicle after dropping his firearm.


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[Ed.:  As long as Trump has the Secret Service to protect him, he should be just fine, ginger-peachy, and hunky dory. Trump knows who to trust his life to.]


State Department’s Smear Tactics: Discrediting Reporters Over Conservative Media Blacklist   Christina Maas
September 14, 2024  Reclaim the NetThe State Department has pulled off yet another PR stunt that’s sure to land it in the annals of “How Not to Handle Scandal.” Faced with the inconvenient truth that they had their fingers in the cookie jar – namely, funding a “blacklist” that included mainstream media outlets like The New York Post, Fox News, The Daily Wire, and Breitbart News – the geniuses over at Foggy Bottom decided the best course of action was to discredit the very journalists exposing their little operation.

Matt Taibbi, one of the masterminds behind the “Twitter Files” revelations, and Gabe Kaminsky, an investigative reporter at the Washington Examiner, have been painting a very uncomfortable picture for the team at the State Department.

The Accusation: “Misinformation”

So what’s the response when two reputable reporters pull back the curtain on what looks suspiciously like a control mechanism for media narratives? Simple: You accuse them of spreading “misinformation.”

Because apparently, it’s 2024, and the word “misinformation” now means, “We don’t like what you’re saying, so here’s a label to make you go away.”

The New York Post, which was part of this blacklist, managed to secure internal documentation that shows just how far the State Department went to salvage the crumbling credibility of its already-controversial Global Engagement Center (GEC).

The GEC, for those keeping score, is the same department tasked with combating foreign disinformation, though it seems their scope has expanded to include anyone reporting on stories they’d rather not talk about.

Taibbi, as usual, didn’t pull any punches. His Twitter Files series, based on internal Twitter documents, showcased how social media platforms were being cajoled and manipulated by government forces to suppress or promote specific narratives. Not content with just annoying one powerful institution, Taibbi went after the State Department’s GEC, shining a spotlight on the shady financial dealings between the government and third-party organizations compiling “blacklists” of media outlets guilty of wrongthink.

Of course, none of this would have been necessary if the GEC had kept its head down. But bureaucrats, as is their wont, tend to panic when someone shines a flashlight on their dirty laundry. Enter stage left: the press guidelines. In March 2023, the State Department rolled out a slick new set of talking points, no doubt cooked up in the most dimly lit corners of their PR department, aimed at spinning the story into something—anything—other than what it was: a damning revelation of the government’s not-so-subtle influence over free speech.

Press Guidelines to the Rescue

Instead of addressing the substance of the allegations—that the government was essentially bankrolling censorship—the State Department decided to do what it does best: pretend the critics are the problem. With all the grace of a bad high school debate team, they put their press people on the case, hoping to quash the fire Taibbi and Kaminsky had lit under them.

The timing, of course, is impeccable. Just as public trust in the government’s overreach into media and social media is hitting rock bottom, and the Twitter Files revelations are still making waves, the State Department thinks it can throw out the word “misinformation” and watch the problem disappear.

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‘Stop This Reckless Escalation’: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Tells Biden Not To Authorize Long-Range Missile Attacks on Russian Territory   By Paul Serran

Sep. 15, 2024 10:40 am – The world is hanging on the edge of a major escalation with unpredictable consequences, as Ukraine relentlessly pushes for the US to make decisions that can have unpredictable consequences.

All around the world, peace-loving people who can see the danger ahead are cautioning the western NATO powers – notably the US and the UK – not to take this irresponsible step and instead take on a path for peace.

Former Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr is one of these people.

He has now urged the Biden administration not to give Ukraine the green light to use American-supplied long-range weapons to strike at targets deep within Russian territory.

Newsweek reported:

“‘Secretary Blinken, President Biden — STOP IT! Stop this reckless escalation. I say this not as a political partisan, but simply as a citizen of the world’, Kennedy posted on his X channel next to a video of Vladimir Putin.”  [Emphasis added]

Kennedy, who has recently ended his independent presidential bid and backed Republican candidate Donald Trump, joins him in calling for an end to continued American military assistance for Ukraine.

“In his post, Kennedy had shared a clip of Putin’s response to the prospect of western weapons being used on positions inside Russia, which the Russian president said ‘we will take appropriate decisions based on the threats’.”

This comes as Ukraine is lobbying harder than ever for the U.S. and the U.K. to drop their prohibition on missiles to be used to target deep inside Russian territory, even though there is widespread concern that this decision would severely escalate the conflict.

George Beebe, a former director of CIA’s Russia analysis, says that the dangers of authorizing Ukraine to strike into Russia far outweigh the potential benefits, and that this will not increase Ukraine’s chances in the war.

“‘This has become a war of attrition, and the Russians have enormous advantages over Ukraine in population and military manufacturing. The Russians are wearing down the Ukrainians’ ability to put well trained, well equipped forces into battle, and getting air-launched cruise missiles won’t change that’, added Beebe, director of the grand strategy program at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky keeps insisting that that he needs the long-range capabilities, as well as air defense ‘to protect the life of his people’.

“Meanwhile, proponents of the move say that the uncertainty over whether long-range weapons can be used by Kyiv was playing into Putin’s hands. Kurt Volker, former US special representative for Ukraine negotiations told the BBC Putin’s comments was because he was interested in ‘deterring us from doing things’. NATO’s newest members Sweden and Finland said on Friday that Ukraine had permission to use the weapons it supplied for long-range strikes.”

Read more:


World War III Watch: Russia Threatens to Wipe Kiev Off the Map If Biden and NATO Send Ukraine Long Range Missiles to Fire Deep Inside Russia   By Jim Hoft

Sep. 15, 2024 8:15 am – Secretary of State Tony Blinken and Joe Biden’s handlers are working diligently to escalate the War in Ukraine and initiate World War III before the November presidential election.

The globalist elites want to approve Western made high precision long range missiles in attacks inside Russia.

Vladimir Putin pointed out that it will take Western intelligence to operate these weapons. The US will not only be providing these long range missiles to fire deep inside Russia but Western intelligence will operate the weapons for Ukraine using Western satellite systems.

Vladimir Putin warned on Thursday that the NATO approval will change the essence of the conflict. Putin also warned that Kiev would be destroyed.

Vladimir Putin: The key is that only NATO servicemen can enter flight assignments into these missile systems. Ukrainian servicemen cannot do this. And so this is not about allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia with these weapons or not. It’s about deciding whether NATO countries are directly involved in the military conflict or not. If this decision is made it will mean nothing other than the direct participation of NATO countries, the United States, European countries, in the war in Ukraine. This is their direct participation and this already significantly changes the very essence and the very nature of the conflict… This would mean that NATO countires, the United States are at war with Russia.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. urged Joe Biden and his handlers to “Stop It!”

Putin also threatened to flatten Kiev.  [Emphasis added]

The New York Post reported.

Russian officials threatened Western nations with an unchecked escalation of war — including the potential use of nuclear weapons — and the all-out destruction of Kyiv, if Ukraine gets its allies’ permission to use long-range missiles to strike further into Russia.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov claimed that Western leaders had already decided whether to allow Ukraine’s use of long-range missiles and had informed Kyiv — forcing Moscow to respond with its own actions.

“The decision has been made, the carte blanche and all indulgences have been given [to Kyiv], so we are ready for everything,” Ryabkov said, state-owned RIA news agency reported.

“And we will react in a way that will not be pretty.”


FBI Puts Up Billboards in Haitian Creole Encouraging People to Report ‘Hate Crimes’ in Springfield   By Chris Menahan

September 15, 2024  renegade – The FBI is seeking to recruit victims with giant billboards written in Haitian Creole encouraging people to “report hate crimes” in Springfield, Ohio.The feds are actively flooding the country with third world migrants, covering up their crimes and working to jail Americans for complaining about it.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas threw the border wide open immediately after taking power and has been “processing citizenship requests at the fastest clip in a decade” to “reshape the electorate” ahead of the 2024 election.

Mayorkas insists America has open borders all while ensuring institutions he actually cares about are turned into fortified fortresses.

The unabashed hatred our occupiers have for Americans is truly incredible. via Information Liberation

See full article


[Ed.:  And now, in the FBI’s own words:]

“FBI billboards report hate crimes Springfield Ohio”: FBI Billboards in Springfield, Ohio: Report Hate Crimes in Haitian Creole   By Egbe Ogu

Breaking: FBI Utilizes Haitian Creole Billboards in Ohio to Combat Hate Crimes

September 14, 2024  County Local News – In a groundbreaking move, the FBI has taken a proactive step towards combating hate crimes by putting up billboards in Springfield, Ohio, written in Haitian Creole. The billboards urge people to report any instances of hate crimes they witness or experience. This initiative aims to create a safer environment for the Haitian Creole-speaking community in Ohio and to encourage individuals to come forward and report hate crimes without fear.

The decision to use Haitian Creole on the billboards is a strategic move by the FBI to reach out to the specific community that may be vulnerable to hate crimes but may face language barriers. By communicating in a language that the community is familiar with, the FBI is breaking down barriers and making it easier for individuals to seek help and report crimes.

This move highlights the FBI’s commitment to inclusivity and ensuring that all communities feel safe and protected. By reaching out directly to the Haitian Creole-speaking population in Ohio, the FBI is sending a powerful message that hate crimes will not be tolerated and that everyone deserves to live without fear of discrimination or violence.

The use of billboards as a medium to communicate this message is a bold and innovative approach that is sure to have a significant impact. By making this information easily accessible to the community, the FBI is empowering individuals to take action and stand up against hate crimes.

Overall, this initiative demonstrates the FBI’s dedication to promoting safety and inclusivity for all communities, and serves as a reminder that everyone has a role to play in creating a more just and equitable society.

What is the significance of the FBI putting up billboards in Springfield, Ohio?

The decision by the FBI to put up billboards in Springfield, Ohio, written in Haitian Creole, is a significant step in addressing the issue of hate crimes in the area. By specifically targeting the Haitian Creole-speaking community, the FBI is making a concerted effort to reach out to a group that may be more vulnerable to hate crimes but may also face barriers in reporting them. This shows a commitment to inclusivity and diversity in their approach to combating hate crimes.

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WATCH: Ben Bergquam Shows Cartel Campsites and Massive Wall Opening Where Illegals Cross Border with Help From Government Funded Organizations in Tucson, Arizona   By Jordan Conradson

Sep. 15, 2024 8:00 am – Real America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam released more footage of cartel campsites showing how easy it is to transport illegals into the US at the southern border in Tucson, Arizona.

These are Border Czar Kamala Harris’ new voters, and she’s not going to do anything to stop them.

In the video below, Bergquam shows the massive gap in the wall that is used by human smugglers and illegals to cross the border. “I guarantee you, those guys are coming right over to this spot, the way they’re going out. They left at the end of the wall, and they’re coming back to this opening that Kamala and Joe have left open for four years,” says Bergquam as illegals walk through the desert.

Bergquam also noted that the leftist organizations funded by Pima County, Arizona, such as No More Deaths, leave water for the aliens and provide safehouses for them once in the US.

Bergquam: “They’re coming right through here, right up there, and this all, both of these trails where the drug traffickers are going, where the human traffickers are going, all of them lead directly to No More Deaths. Some of them split off and get picked up. They got cars waiting for them. Some of them continue on, go all the way up to Tucson. Some of them go right through no more deaths, get aided and abetted by an American nonprofit organization that’s working to undermine American sovereignty that is partially funded by Pima County. Right now”

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Bergquam released part one of his expose on the leftist organizations in Arizona aiding and abetting the cartel’s human smuggling operation.

Watch here:

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REVEALED: Border Czar Kamala Harris Purposely Sent At Least 80% of Haitian and CHNV Migrants to Red States That Did Not Vote for Her — When Do They Sue Her?   BJim Hoft

Sep. 15, 2024 7:30 am – Elon Musk retweeted a post today by @fentasl on X on Joe and Kamala’s Haitian migrants flown into the United States.

81% of the Haitian migrants – 362,000 out of 448,000 – were flown into red states.

These are the states that refused to vote for Joe and Kamala or that they could not steal.

Elon Musk chimed in: “Massive voter importation to make swing states permanently blue and turn America into a one-party state. It is rational from the Democratic Party standpoint, as it guarantees victory if successful.”

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Biden/Harris Illegal Butchers Entire Family of Four in Upstate New York Then Sets House on Fire    By Pamela Geller

September 14, 2024 – An illegal from the Dominican Republic just murdered an entire family of four in their home in upstate New York

The killer is Julio Cesar Pimentel Soriano, an illegal who broke into America. He broke in, butchered a husband, wife, and two children, then set the house on fire.

Investigators say Soriano is already wanted for a 2019 murder in the Dominican Republic. But no worries! He simply traveled to Puerto Rico illegally, got a fake ID, and hopped over to America.

Story continues below advertisement

In Kamala Harris’s America, staying here was easy. She’s let millions of people just like him into the country these past four years.

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Brazil supreme court unfreezes assets of Elon Musk’s Starlink, X after taking fines

September 14, 2024 @ 9:9 pm ET  YWN Live Alerts

* Brazil’s supreme court said Friday that it ordered funds to be moved from Starlink and X bank accounts to pay fines levied against Elon Musk’s social media venture.

* Following the transfers, the court ordered that the seized bank accounts and assets of X and Starlink be unfrozen, saying there was no longer any need to keep them.

* The use of X has been suspended in Brazil since late August.

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IT BEGINS: Sweden PAYING people to remigrate   PETER IMANUELSEN

Something that was once considered unthinkable, is now happening.

SEP 14, 2024 – Some big news coming in from Sweden.

The right-wing government has announced they will be paying people $34.000 to people that voluntarily want to remigrate back to their home countries.

This is a huge U-turn of the open border politics that has been prevalent not just in Sweden, but much of Europe in the last 10 years or so.

Upgrade to paid

”Even though there still are challenges, it is crucial that we never ever go back to the previous immigration politics that caused enormous problems” said Johan Forssell, the Integration Minister in Sweden.

Now this is being done as Sweden is having large problems with integration.

”When there is no way forward for an individual to get a job, take care of oneself and become a part of Sweden, one should get an offer of returning home” said Ludvig Aspling of the Swedish Democrat party that is propping up the government in Sweden.

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HERE WE GO AGAIN: New York Times Warns Not to Expect a Result on Election Night Due to ‘Intense Security’ of Mail-In Ballots   By Ben Kew

Sep. 14, 2024 12:40 pm – The New York Times has warned its readers not to necessarily expect a result on election night in November in the all-important race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris for the White House.

In a piece entitled Harris or Trump? Once Again, Election Results Could Take Awhile, the paper’s politics reporter urges people hosting election night parties to book hotel rooms for more than one night because of the “intense security measures” that are required to deal with mail-in ballots.

The report explains:

If a winner is not declared on election night, it will not necessarily point to failures in the process. More likely, it will be a result of the intense security measures required for counting mail-in ballots.

Election officials across the country are trying to telegraph to voters that waiting long hours or even days for a result is not unexpected in a close election. They are eager to counter conspiracy theorists who may seize on the uncertainty as evidence of fraud or malfeasance.

Counting mail ballots takes more time because there are more steps involved. A variety of security measures, including signature verification and ensuring that voters did not also try to vote in person, are required. Election officials must open the ballots and flatten them out before they can be put in a tabulator to be counted.

As repeatedly reported on and exposed by The Gateway Pundit, mail-in ballots were one of the many ways in which Joe Biden stole the 2020 presidential election from Donald Trump, when election officials in heavily Democratic areas took days to “find” the correct number of votes to ensure his victory.

Similar skullduggery took place during the 2022 midterms, when Republicans who were leading in key races were miraculously “pipped at the post” by their Democratic opponents after days of counting mail-in ballots.

However, some Republicans are trying to embrace mail-in voting moving forward through organizations such as Scott Presler’s Early Vote Action.

Yet even with mail-in ballots, there is no reason why in this era of incredible technological advancement America can not have a clear winner on election night.

That is, unless, Democrats are planning to cheat.


A Chris Rufo Investigation: SHOCK VIDEO!… Migrants Caught Killing and Grilling Cats in Dayton, Ohio   By Jim Hoft

Sep. 14, 2024 12:00 pm – It’s not just Springfield, Ohio where the migrants are eating cats – Add Dayton, Ohio to the list.

To the horror of millions of Americans, last week we learned that the Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio are eating cats.

A shocking Facebook post from a local Springfield community group sparked alarm after a resident shared a disturbing exchange with her neighbor regarding the safety of pets and local wildlife.

The post, shared by a concerned resident, began with a stark warning: “Warning to all about our beloved pets & those around us!!!”

The resident recounted a disturbing exchange with her neighbor, who revealed that her daughter’s friend had tragically lost her pet cat. The concerned pet owner had searched tirelessly, checking online lost pet pages, local animal shelters, and asking neighbors if they had seen her missing feline.

However, the search ended in horror. According to the neighbor, one day, after returning home from work, she spotted her lost cat in a neighboring yard.

The disturbing detail? The resident said the cat was reportedly hanging from a tree branch, allegedly being carved for consumption. The residents of the home in question were identified as a Haitian family.

This was not an isolated incident, several Haitians on social media admitted that dog and cat is regularly eaten in their home country.

YouTuber Tyler Oliveira traveled to Springfield, Ohio and found reports of Haitians eating ducks, geese, and cats.

On Tuesday, President Trump was fake fact-checked by ABC’s David Muir during the presidential debate for pointing out the crisis in Springfield, Ohio, where Joe and Kamala flew in 20,000 Haitians into a community of 60,000 Americans.  This is part of what can only be described at the Democrat plan to destroy the America as we know it.

Now, investigative reporter Chris Rufo released an explosive report on Saturday with video of migrants killing and grilling cats in Dayton, Ohio.

Chris Rufo reported:

Our investigation begins in a run-down neighborhood of Dayton, Ohio, the closest major city to Springfield, about a half-hour’s drive away. We identified a social media post, dated August 25, 2023, with a short video depicting what appear to be two skinned cats on top of a blue barbeque. “Yoooo the Africans wildn on Parkwood,” reads the text, referring to Parkwood Drive. The video then pans down to two live cats walking across the grass in front of a run-down fence, with a voice on the video warning: “There go a cat right there. His ass better get missin’, man. Look like his homies on the grill!”

We spoke with the author of the video, who asked to remain anonymous but confirmed its time, location, and authenticity. He told us that he was picking up his son last summer, when he noticed the unusual situation. “It was some Africans that stay right next door to my kid’s mother,” he said. “This African dude next door had the damn cat on the grill.”

We then identified the home by matching it to the visuals in the video and cross-referencing them with the eyewitness. When we knocked on the door of the first unit, a family answered, telling us they were from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and that all of the surrounding units were occupied by other African migrants.

One of the residents told us that her former neighbors, also from Africa, had lived in the adjacent unit until last month. They had a blue grill and the father would find meat in the neighborhood. “Her dad was going to find meat,” she said. “Her dad was going, holding a knife.” The current residents also showed us a blue grill of the same make and model as in the video, which the former neighbors had abandoned after they moved out. There were at least ten cats wandering around the complex and another resident complained that they were breeding on the property.

Read the rest here.

This is what is happening across the US today thanks to Kamala’s open borders crisis.

So when will David Muir make his apology for lying to the American public about the disgusting eating habits of Kamala’s migrants?


Residents of Pennsylvania Town Outraged That Civil War-Era Orphanage Might be Used to House Migrants   By Mike Lachance

Sep. 13, 2024 9:40 pm – A Civil War era orphanage in the Gettysburg area of Pennsylvania is being considered for use as housing for migrants and many residents are not happy about it.

This is so disrespectful to the people who live in this area and to our history as a country. We don’t have to do this and more people have to start reminding our leaders of that fact.

If it has gotten to the point where historic buildings are being considered for illegal border crossers, we have run out of room.

FOX News reports:

‘It’ll upend the community’: PA town roiled by talk of migrant housing in Civil War-era orphanage building.

A Pennsylvania community is up in arms over reports that as many as 1,000 migrants were to be and reportedly still could be housed in a Civil War-era orphanage most recently used as a summer camp facility.

The building, located in Scotland outside Gettysburg, is owned by a Lakewood, New Jersey-based LLC, but officials in Greene Township cited a letter from a representative for an Indiana-based disaster response organization, USA Up Star, seeking to use it to “provide shelter for refuge[e] families.”

In an August letter to the USA Up Star staffer, Greene Township zoning officer Daniel Bachman wrote that its most recent use as a summer camp falls within its R-1 – or low-density residential – code and that higher-density shelter would not be permitted…

State Sen. Doug Mastriano, R-Gettysburg, the 2022 GOP nominee for governor who represents the area, said in a Friday interview he is extremely concerned about the goings-on with the partially decrepit Scotland property.

When do people finally say that enough is enough?

Send the illegals to the governor’s mansion. Let them live there.  [Emphasis added]


“It Ain’t Just Cats, They Also Eat Dogs” – Numerous Haitian Americans Confirm Cat Eating in TikTok Comment Sections  [VIDEOS]   By Sharika Soal

Sep. 14, 2024 8:00 am – Disturbing reports have surfaced online from the Haitian immigrant community, where several members openly discuss hunting and eating cats.

TikTok user Ayoitsdamenace posted a video discussing his Haitian heritage and family members back home who eat cats as part of their culture. He acknowledges this practice but also criticizes Democrat leaders, claiming they aren’t being honest about these cultural differences.

He goes on to say that he doesn’t support immigrants who refuse to assimilate or those who engage in criminal behavior. Meanwhile, as Americans express outrage over their missing pets, liberal voices on social media mock those raising alarms, dismissing these concerns as exaggerated or rooted in bigotry.

Dismissive Reactions from Media and Politicians

Residents in various Ohio towns have voiced concerns about the safety of their pets. However, liberal media and politicians continue to dismiss these fears. Eyewitness accounts describe missing cats, with reports suggesting that some animals have been consumed by certain individuals within the Haitian immigrant community. Despite the local outcry, the authorities brush aside these claims, labeling them as paranoia or xenophobia, while the evidence keeps piling up.

Social Media Confirms Rumors: A Cultural Joke?

In 2023, a Haitian-American posted a video joking about Haitians eating cats, sparking widespread reactions in the comments. Several users, identifying as Haitian, humorously confirmed the claim, sharing anecdotes suggesting this practice wasn’t uncommon in parts of their community.

One user even admitted that an uncle had once served them cat meat unknowingly, only for them to discover later what they had eaten. This exchange is still available online, a testament to the dark humor surrounding this topic.

Haitian Americans Embrace the Conversation

Since at least 2021, Haitian Americans on TikTok have openly discussed rumors of eating cats, often making jokes about it. In videos and comments, users confirm the practice with personal stories and casual admissions. They’ve discussed these topics publicly, pushing back against claims that the rumors are fabrications.

Continue reading



Pope Francis Weighs In on Trump-Harris Race with Stunning, Disturbing Take   By Joe Saunders

Sep. 14, 2024 7:30 am  The Western Journal – In more than a decade since taking over as head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis has left little doubt about his preferences in American politics

Even in the face of the Democratic Party’s unflinching dogma promoting abortion — a procedure Catholic theology considers equivalent to murder — he has made his distaste for conservatives clear.

But in cautiously weighing in on the U.S. presidential election Friday, the pope exercised a kind of ambiguity that’s unlikely to please either side, but might give millions of voters something to think about — especially those on the left.

According to CBS News, Francis was asked during an in-flight interview how he would advise American voters to choose between Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris — an abortion rights extremist — and former President Donald Trump and his vows to deport illegal immigrants.

Francis drew a moral equivalency between the two — at least going by the CBS report.

“They are both against life — the one who throws away migrants and the one who kills children,” he said.

“One must choose the lesser of two evils,” he said. “Who is the lesser of two evils, that lady or that gentleman, I do not know.”

The words he used spoke to the importance of the issues.

“It should be clear that sending migrants away, denying migrants the capacity to work, to not welcome migrants, it is a sin. It is grave,” Francis said, according to CBS.

“Grave” in this case isn’t just another adjective. In Catholic terms, it’s a deliberate defiance of divine law. Coming from the pope, that’s a big, big deal.

But for many conservative Catholic Americans, the question is not the treatment of “migrants,” but the treatment of the country they’re entering.

And being in favor of upholding American immigration law — which includes deporting those who come to the country illegally and stay here illegally (not to mention committing horrendous crimes while being here illegally) — does not mean being “against life.”

It means being in favor of upholding the laws as they are enacted in the democratic republic of the United States of America.

The virulent opposition to illegal immigration among conservatives and the Republican Party is not based on opposition to the “immigration” part of that — it’s to the “illegal” part.

No country is, or should be, more welcoming to legal immigration than a country literally created by immigration.

For Democratic “Catholics,” though, including President Joe Biden and tens of millions of others, the pope’s comments about abortion should be a different matter.

“Whether you like the word or not, it is a killing,” he said, according to CBS. “It is an assassination, and on this we should be clear.”

There’s not a lot of wiggle room there. There are, no doubt, countless millions of American Catholics who have made their peace with the infanticide known as “abortion,” no matter what the church’s official position on the matter is.

(The ostensibly Catholic Biden’s obscene craven caving to the left wing of his party on the subject is only the most public example of sacrificing morality to political expedience. He’s far from alone.)

Since the judicial monstrosity of Roe v. Wade in 1973, American culture has been steeped in the idea that abortion is not only an acceptable option, it is an actual “right” guaranteed by the Constitution.

The Supreme Court’s 2022 decision overturning Roe didn’t change that — and it’s not going to change overnight.

The evil done by Justice Harry Blackmun and his six fellow justices will live long after them.

But the pope’s words about abortion can’t be fogged with a semantic dispute as they can when it comes to “migrants” and whether they’re “legal” or “illegal.”

There is no doubt there are times when “killing” and “assassination” are justified — the concept of a “just war” is part of the official Catholic catechism. But the pro-abortion side never tries to make the argument that the destruction of human beings in their mothers’ wombs is “justifiable” killing.

They pretend it’s not “killing” at all, just a medical procedure that removes an unwanted growth from a woman’s body.

Whether he wanted to or not, Francis drew a line in his comments on Friday — and it’s a line every reasoning human being understands, regardless of political preferences.

In Francis’ take, Americans who listen to him — which is, theoretically at least, all who consider themselves Catholic — have to decide which is the “lesser evil,” destroying an innocent human life for what amounts in almost all cases as a matter of convenience, or upholding the duly enacted laws of the oldest constitutional republic on earth.

“Grave sin” and “assassination” are damning words to describe political positions, but they’re the words of the leader of the Roman Catholic church.

That should give millions of Americans — even those who don’t consider themselves Catholic — a lot to think about.

But for the rational, honest ones, the decision won’t be hard at all.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.


WATCH: Josh Hawley Drops Disturbing Details on Secret Service Agent in Charge During Trump Assassination Attempt and Reveals Biden Regime is Ordering Agency Not to Comply with Congress   [VIDEOS]    By Cullen Linebarger

Sep. 13, 2024 3:20 pm – The scandal regarding the attempt on former President Trump’s life continues to grow despite the corporate media’s desperate attempts to make the story disappear.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) warned that the American public would be ‘shocked, astonished, and appalled’ by the level of incompetence and failure within the Secret Service surrounding the July 13, 2024, assassination attempt on President Donald Trump.

Trump almost got killed during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, by an armed Democrat donor named Thomas Crooks. The would-be assassin infiltrated the rally, climbed onto rooftops, and fired off multiple shots thanks to Secret Service negligence.

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) appeared on Jesse Watters’s show Thursday night and dropped some more shocking details, this time focused on the lead Secret Service agent during the assassination attempt. Hawley stated that not only did the agent FAIL at least one of her training exams, but she was also known not to be a quality agent.

Despite this, disgraced former Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle, a close friend of the Biden Crime Family, promoted her anyway.

Hawley described the pattern that had emerged during his conversations with whistleblowers as the Trump rally being “undermanned, understaffed, and lacking people who had experience on it.” He then slammed acting director Ronald Rowe for refusing to tell the truth and disclose all relevant details regarding what happened that fateful day.

“The fact that the director will not level with the American people about what’s going here is just totally unacceptable and unbelievable,” said Hawley.


Hawley then revealed to Watters that the Department of Homeland Security is ordering the agency to refrain from complying with document requests to Congress. Yes, the Biden regime does not want the truth regarding what happened on July 13 to be unveiled.

Upon hearing this, Watters said this confirms that a major cover-up is going on.


One can only hope that Blumenthal is telling the truth and that Congress is serious about fully exposing the Secret Service. Otherwise, the attack on a former president will likely be swept away altogether.

If this happens, no one should ever fully trust words from the federal government again, especially one controlled by Democrats.


‘Haitian Voodoo Is, In Fact, Real’: Democrat Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson Defends Trump’s Accurate Claims on ‘Haitians Eating Pets’   By Jim Hft

Sep. 13, 2024 4:40 pm – Democrat presidential candidate Marianne Williamson has come out in defense of President Donald Trump’s truthful statement regarding Haitian immigrants in the U.S. during a recent debate.

During a heated debate, Trump made the shocking yet accurate statement: “They’re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they’re eating the cats. They’re eating the pets of the people that live there, and this is what’s happening in our country, and it’s a shame.”

Predictably, the liberal media didn’t hesitate to refute Trump’s claims, launching their usual smear campaign filled with denials and empty rhetoric.

But despite the orchestrated efforts to brush this story under the rug, evidence is mounting that the practice of consuming pets among Haitian migrants is not some far-fetched, xenophobic fantasy. In fact, it’s a reality that even a Haitian publication, Haitian Report, has confirmed.

The Haitian Report itself acknowledges the tradition of eating cat meat in Haiti. Contrary to the liberal media’s narrative, this is not some wild conspiracy theory.

The author even explained that “meat is meat” and that in Haiti, cats are not viewed in the same light as they are in North America or Europe, where they are often considered beloved family pets.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Springfield residents have come forward to expose how Haitian immigrants have been capturing and consuming local animals.

From decapitating ducks to reportedly slaughtering cats for food, the town has seen an influx of troubling incidents since the immigration surge overseen by Border Czar Kamala Harris.

One resident even recounted a disturbing scene: a cat hanging from a branch, being carved up for food by Haitian immigrants. Another claimed to have seen immigrants carrying off geese in broad daylight.

In a leaked audio obtained by The Federalist, a frantic 911 caller described seeing a group of Haitians hauling geese along a trail. “There were about four of them, and they all had geese in their hands,” the caller reported.

Marianne Williamson, who sought the Democratic presidential nomination in both 2020 and 2024, came to Trump’s defense, calling on fellow Democrats to stop the knee-jerk attacks.

In a now-deleted post on X, Williamson said:

“Continuing to dump on Trump because of the “eating cats” issue will create blowback on Nov. 5. Haitian voodoo is in fact real, and to dismiss the story out-of-hand rather than listen to the citizens of Springfield. Ohio confirms in the minds of many voters the stereotype of Democrats as smug elite jerks who think they’re too smart to listen to anyone outside their own silo.”

Her comments set off a firestorm among leftists. Williamson’s colleagues wasted no time labeling her remarks as “racist.”

In an update following the backlash, Williamson attempted to clarify her stance:

“The conversation regarding Haitians in this country has gotten out of hand. While my tweet yesterday was not meant in any way whatsoever to feed a racist narrative, we’re living at a time when nuanced conversation is difficult – particularly so on twitter, where people read a few words, don’t even read the whole tweet, and project onto it things that aren’t even there. The larger issue, however, is the safety and well being of human beings. All of us. Haitians are a good people and contribute much to this country. Given the hysteria that’s present around this issue, I’m deleting yesterday’s tweet.”

According to the University of Delaware, Voodou is an official religion in Haiti.

“Vodou is a creolized religion that originated in the West Indies of Haiti during the seventeenth century. The foundations of this practice evolved from Tribal religions in West Africa. The word ‘Voodoo’ derives from the word ‘vodu’ in the Fon language of Dahomey, which means ‘spirit’, ‘god’. Vodou was brought to Haiti by slaves being captured from the Dahomey Kingdom. The Dahomey Kingdom is located near present day Nigeria.”

[Ed.:  14:58]


MADNESS: Deranged Labour Mayor of London Sadiq Khan Wants Freed Convicts to Have Priority in Housing Over Thousands of Homeless Citizens   By Paul Serran

Sep. 13, 2024 3:40 pm – Another day, another demented policy proposal by the Labour party rushing to destroy British society in the name of ‘social justice’.

There’s no surprise that the detestable Labour Mayor of London Sadiq Khan would jump on PM Keir Starmer’s bandwagon and immediately start advocating for the ‘rights’ of the thousands of released convict prisoners.

His ‘brilliant idea’: prisoners should ‘jump’ the housing queue for housing.

Yes, you read it right.

He couches his suggestion as ‘a bid to slash reoffending rates’.

As Mayor of ­London, Khan has been accused of under-delivering on house building in the capital and has now sparked furious controversy after calling for an ‘honest conversation’ about rehoming released convicts.

Daily Mail reported:

“He said ‘a certain percentage’ of prisoners should be prioritized despite rough sleeping hitting its highest level in London in a decade, with more than 1,100 people living on the city’s streets.

Mr Khan told an event hosted by The Times: ‘For us, the big challenge is there is no housing in ­London, a big shortage of housing in London.’

He said they needed ‘an honest conversation with our constituents about the ­reasons why people who have offended and come out of prison may need to jump in the queue to get housing to avoid them ­re­offending again’.”

Read: Lawless Kingdom: British Crime Minister Has Her Purse Stolen at Police Conference

In an indecent show of just how much Labour was ‘putting honest people last’, when asked whether newly-­released prisoners should ‘jump the queue’, the Mayor said was not ashamed of saying they should.

“‘A certain percentage. Yeah, it’s the honest conversation we’ve got to have with people across our respective cities to explain the reason we’re doing this.’”

A spokesman for Khan tried to clarify that while ­‘London families in need must be prioritized for council homes’, temporary accommodation should be found for prisoners ‘in a small number of cases’.

The central government of the Kingdom followed suit, as Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood said that ‘inmates who were homeless on release could be temporarily placed in taxpayer-funded hotels if there was not enough space in bail hostels and other forms of accommodation’.

Read more:

[Ed.:  Apparently, we are seeing the NWO’s new technique of taking over real estate.  Springfield Ohio is another example.  Lahaina Hawaii is another good example.  They have several methods of land confiscation, don’t they! They are in the fast lane, while we are just waking up to the consequences of their taking over our government and our country.]


Haitian migrants have run Springfield, Ohio into the ground   [VIDEO  12:13]   By David Menzies

Springfield, Ohio, with a population of 50,000, is now home to a considerable number of Haitian migrants, who refuse to assimilate. Where’s the logic in disrupting vibrant townsfolk, like that?


September 12, 2024 – Springfield, Ohio, with a population of 50,000, is now home to a considerable number of Haitian migrants, which is estimated anywhere between 12,000 and 20,000 residents.

There have been rumors that they’ve been kidnaping animals and pets and using them for food or for ritualistic sacrifice. It is really quite incredible indeed.

Even former U.S. President Donald Trump referenced Springfield during the presidential debate a few evenings ago.

Are migrants eating people’s pets in Ohio? I’m going to find out!
Springfield, Ohio is a lovely town of about 50,000 people in the American heartland. And then 20,000 migrants from Haiti arrived.
They don’t speak English, don’t have job skills and it’s created a massive culture… pic.twitter.com/vJDdRo5xo6

— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) September 11, 2024

Supposedly, the Haitian migrants don’t care about littering either. They just drop their garbage wherever they please.

They’re also rumoured to be terrible drivers. In fact, we know of one school child, who was killed, presumably in an accident by a Haitian migrant.

Haitian migrants allegedly capturing wild geese in Springfield, Ohio
We’ve arrived here in Springfield, Ohio, where we’re trying to make sense of these incredible allegations against the city’s large population of Haitian migrants.

Somehow, someway 20,000 Haitian migrants ended… pic.twitter.com/y4WbIaHvgq

— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) September 12, 2024

These people are from a different culture. They speak a different language. And they’re rude to everybody around them.

I’m not saying we don’t need immigration, but bringing in several thousands of people who refuse to assimilate? Where’s the logic in that?

[Ed.:  This is one of the results of the stolen election in 2020. When the 2024 election is stolen 54 days from now, the results of that will make this a nostalgic memory of ‘better times’!  Biden and his entire ‘Administration’ should be convicted of high treason, then executed in a public square on prime time TV.  Once you have the power to run a country, you will not relinquish that power by some stupid election.]


Springfield resident claims he saw Haitian migrants ‘sacrificing animals  [VIDEO 10:22]   By David Menzies

‘I was remodeling a house,’ last year whose Haitian migrant occupants ‘were sacrificing animals,’ a Springfield resident told Rebel News.

September 12, 2024 – During Tuesday night’s presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, a topic that had been starting to make the rounds in news headlines was fully launched into the mainstream: are Haitian migrants in a small city in Ohio eating people’s pets?

That’s why me and my cameraman Lincoln Jay travelled down here to Springfield, Ohio, to find the truth about what’s happening here.

Earlier today, we investigated a park where a resident reported to police he’d witnessed four Haitians carrying wild geese they’d captured from the area.

With an apparent number of around 20,000 Haitians in the city of Springfield, which has a population around 50,000, we travelled to a foodbank to see how the influx was affecting services in the area.

While we were there, we heard from a man who claims he was a witness to ritualistic animal sacrifice.

“I was remodelling a house,” last year he told us, whose Haitian migrant occupants “were sacrificing animals.” The man said he called the local dog pound about the incident, but that nothing was ever done. He said officers showed up after the occupants had moved out, only to apparently to get “scared” and “run out of the house.”

“This started years ago,” Pastor Andrew Mobley of South Fountain Avenue church told us. “There’s not as much funding on an area that’s not focused on and nobody paid attention to. So, yes it has put an addition strain [on local resources].”

“My church, as a church that actually housed several Haitians,” says Pastor Mobley, noting “when they first came here, many of the landlords would not put them in housing because they didn’t have IDs, they were not citizens, and they couldn’t sign contracts.”

We’ll have more to report from Springfield soon. Keep up to date with all of our reports here from Ohio at www.TheTruthAboutSpringfield.com.

[Ed.:  When we elected Trump in 2020, but Biden took office, who would have thought that Haitians would be eating our pets in Springfield Ohio four years later?]


Haitian migrants allegedly capturing wild geese in Springfield, Ohio   [VIDEO  3:52]   By David Menzies

David Menzies and videographer Lincoln Jay have arrived in Springfield, Ohio, where 20,000 Haitians have been placed in a city of just 50,000.

September 12, 2024 – We’ve arrived here in Springfield, Ohio, where we’re trying to make sense of these incredible allegations against the city’s large population of Haitian migrants.

Somehow, someway 20,000 Haitian migrants ended up here in Springfield, a town of 50,000 in America’s heartland. We’re going to try to find out the answers to that and many more questions after reports of tensions between locals and the migrants began surfacing on social media.

There’s been reports of littering, bad driving, harassment, and, most infamously, allegations that Haitian migrants are abducting wildlife and pets for either food or voodoo ritualistic sacrificing.

It sounds crazy — but that’s why me and my cameraman, Lincoln Jay, came here to Springfield.

Our first stop today is to report from Buck Creek Trail, the scene of an alleged crime after a local resident reported seeing four Haitians carrying geese. It’s a disturbing report, and we will be reaching out to city and police officials while we are here to find out what is going on.

In the meantime, we’ll continue investigating what’s happening here in Springfield. Stay tuned for more reports at TheTruthAboutSpringfield.com.

[Ed.:  I think I have a solution to this Haitian problem.  Simply convince the Haitians that democrats taste better than cats, dogs, and ducks!]


WW3 WATCH: Putin Warns Authorization to Fire Long-Range Missiles Deep Inside Russia Will Mean NATO Is at War With Russia   By Paul Serran

Sep. 13, 2024 9:00 am – In these two and a half years of war in Ukraine, we see how US and NATO support for Kiev has breached one by one all the Russian so-called ‘red lines’, up until we come to the frightening position that the West is about to greenlight attacks with its long-range missiles deep inside Russian territory, a move that can unleash unimaginable consequences.

That has led Russian President Vladimir Putin to once again warn that the U.S. and NATO would be ‘at war’ with Russia if the West allows Ukraine use long-range missiles – and, in fact, as we will see – be the ones to fire them.

This comes after US State Secretary Anthony Blinken and UK’s Foreign Secretary David Lammy met with President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev on Wednesday (11) to discuss exactly that.

Daily Mail reported:

“Putin said the move from the West would ‘change the very nature of the conflict’, and issued a severe threat against giving Zelensky more firepower.

‘It would mean that NATO countries, the US, European countries, are at war with Russia,’ he told a state TV reporter on Thursday. ‘If that’s the case, then taking into account the change of nature of the conflict, we will take the appropriate decisions based on the threats that we will face.’

He added that clearing the way for Ukraine to use missiles that can hit Russian targets ‘is a decision on whether NATO countries are directly involved in the conflict or not’.”

Read: After Ukrainians AGAIN Ask for Permission To Shoot US Missiles Deep Into Russian Territory, Biden Regime Replies That They Are ‘Running Out of ATACMS’ To Give Them

Putin’s warning comes less than 24 hours before President Joe Biden today’s meeting with British Prime Minister Keir Starmer at the White House.

Zelensky is pressuring the West to give him more firepower and air defenses after a series of deadly Russian rocket attacks.

“The Institute for the Study of War, a US think-tank, last month established a list of nearly 250 high value military and paramilitary targets within range of the weapons that could be demolished by Ukraine. Among the main targets laid out by the ISW include as many as 16 Russian air bases, a slew of brigade and division headquarters, artillery and missile units central to Russia’s air defence capabilities, and a variety of logistics hubs supplying Vladimir Putin’s units on the frontlines. 

[…] The Kursk nuclear power station and several nuclear weapons stockpiles also pose theoretical targets.”

Continue reading


US funds deportation flights from Panama    MAMELA FIALLO FLOR 

SEP. 11, 2024 4:58 PM – If you hear the word “deportation”, you may automatically think about the southern border of the US. However, few consider the impact suffered by Mexico and Central America. Not only because of local immigration, but also more and more people from Asia and Africa. The new government of Panama has positioned itself strongly and managed to reduce the passage of illegal immigrants by 30% in just a few months. In addition, it is deporting illegal immigrants who try to cross through the Darien jungle. And it does so with the support of the US.

The US finances deportation flights from Panama

What’s more, the US is financing the flights. A single flight cost $700,000, transporting 125 men and 5 women from India. The figure was confirmed by the head of the National Immigration Service, Roger Mojica.

During a press conference, Mojica reported that this is the first time that an “extracontinental” deportation has occurred. That is, people who came from outside the American continent were expelled from the country. In this case, to Asia.

They are only deported to countries with diplomatic relations, Venezuela does not apply


The nationalities with the highest rate of deportations so far have been Colombia, Ecuador and India. It is worth noting that there are only deportation policies with countries where Panama has diplomatic relations. This excludes Venezuela, for example, since the Central American nation broke with the socialist regime.

After the failed elections in July of this year, Panama withdrew its diplomatic personnel and suspended relations with Venezuela “until a review of the records is carried out.”

“We cannot look the other way in the face of the attempted institutional coup against the sovereign decision of the people of Venezuela,” announced the Panamanian president, José Raúl Mulino.

Continue reading


BREAKING: Not Just Springfield, Ohio — Three Cats Found Mutilated, Cut in Half with Paws Cleanly Chopped Off, No Blood at the Scene in Houston, Texas in Less Than Two Weeks   By Cullen Linebarger

Sep. 13, 2024 11:00 am – As The Gateway Pundit reported, Springfield, Ohio residents have alleged Haitians in their town are “grabbing up ducks by their necks, decapitating them, and walking off with them to eat.”

Others revealed how the massive influx of immigrants, thanks to border czar Kamala Harris, has drained Springfield’s resources and turned a once-safe city into a crime-ridden hell.

One resident even claimed she spotted a cat hanging from a branch and being carved up for food by Haitian immigrants. Reports have also emerged that American veterans who have put their lives on the line are getting denied benefits while Haitians sponge off the taxpayers for absolutely nothing.

Now, a sickening and horrifying story has emerged in Houston, Texas, that possibly lends credibility to the claims in Springfield. KPRC 2 reported Thursday that several cats have been found dead and cut in half in Houston’s East End neighborhood.

The Houston Police Department (HPD) is investigating and asking for the public’s help to determine whether a demented person is responsible or whether it’s another animal.

The HPD says there have been at least three cases in recent days of dead cats showing up mutilated in the area. The first case was reported on August 26th, the second on Sunday, and the third on Wednesday.

In each gruesome case, the cats were found cut in half, paws cleanly chopped off, with no blood at the scene. Neighbors told KPRC 2 that all of the dead cats were found within a block of South Lockwood Drive and Park Drive.

One of the neighbors the outlet spoke with, Jackson Hime, said his mom was walking her dog when she stumbled upon a black cat who had been chopped in half.

“My mom was out walking her dog, and she passed by, saw that black cat was severed in half,” said Hime. “It doesn’t look natural to me.”

He said he had difficulty believing an animal was responsible because incidents like this had never happened in the 30 years he had lived in the neighborhood.

“It’s disgusting. It’s frightening,” Hime stated. “For this to happen three times in two weeks when we haven’t seen anything like this in 30 years, I find it hard to believe that that’s just a random animal attack.”

KRPC 2 reports staffers from BARC, Houston’s Animal Shelter and Adoption Facility, showed up to collect the cat’s remains a full day after neighbors made the 911 call. A necropsy will be performed on the remains.

“We talked to the officers yesterday, and as you can see, the body is still out here being eaten by flies,” Hime said.

A representative from BARC told KRPC that based on the evidence, it appears a human is responsible for the mutilation.

The Houston Society and Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, though, released a statement explaining why they think that it could be an animal attack:

Earlier this week, a Houston SPCA Animal Cruelty Investigator responded to the East End after a cruelty report was filed with the animal rescue organization that two deceased cats were dismembered. After an initial investigation, it is believed this was caused by an animal attack, possibly coyotes, as the area where the incident occurred has a very high population of feral cats.

Houston SPCA was made aware of a third similar incident. Based on the current facts gathered, it is believed that this too was caused by an animal attack. The case will remain open pending further investigation if warranted.

The Houston SPCA encourages the community to file a report for suspected animal cruelty at 713.869.7722 or HoustonSPCA.org.”



Angry Palestinian Supporter Shot in the Stomach After Violently Attacking Pro-Israel Iraq War Veteran   By Jim Hft

Sep. 13, 2024 7:00 am – A Palestinian supporter was shot Thursday evening after violently attacking a pro-Israel Iraq War veteran during a protest in Newton, Massachusetts.

The incident occurred when the assailant, who was wearing a Palestinian pin and had a surgical mask hanging from his neck, began shouting at a group of around ten pro-Israel protesters, according to Daily Wire.

He berated the group, calling them “sick” and accusing them of “defending genocide.”

The protesters, including veterans and other activists, were raising awareness about hostages taken by the Iranian regime and showing support for Israel by waving American, Israeli, and Pahlavi Iranian flags.

Scott Hayes, a 47-year-old Iraq War veteran from Framingham, Massachusetts, was part of the group.

According to witnesses, Hayes was preparing to leave when the assailant began to escalate the situation, showing his middle finger to the protesters and verbally assaulting them.

the man crossed the street, charging through traffic, and tackled Hayes, who was holding an American flag at the time. What began as a verbal confrontation quickly turned physical as the two men scuffled on the ground.

During the struggle, a gunshot rang out, leaving the attacker seriously wounded. Another video angle confirmed that the shot was fired while the two men were on the ground.

Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan confirmed at a press conference that Hayes, who had full legal possession of the firearm, discharged the weapon in the midst of the physical altercation, hitting the Palestinian supporter in the stomach.

The man, whose identity has not yet been released, was rushed to a local hospital with life-threatening injuries.

Watch the videos obtained by Daily Wire




Florida Based ‘International Fact Checking Network’ – a Prominent Censorship Group – Is FUNDED BY STATE DEPARTMENT and Operates in US to Silence Independent Media and American Voices   By Jim Hoft

Sep. 13, 2024 8:00 am – Investigative reporter “Bad Kitty Unleashed” on X released a BOMBSHELL REPORT on the US State Department funding the international censorship group International Fact Checking Network (IFCN).

IFCN, despite being funded by the State Department, operates in the US.

Bad Kitty Unleashed reported:

This is a massive scandal! The State Department, who legally can’t operate in the US, has been funding US fact checking since 2015! Yes, it’s earliest days!

The news orgs that operate under the IFCN flag, such as the Washington Post, do the leg work. Which then results in posts on Facebook etc being labeled and the algorithms throttling the post.

This official International Fact Checking Network is also partnered with Google. Poynter’s IFCN was funded by the CIA linked, State Department’s National Endowment for Democracy and Omidyar grants.

Recall Google initiated the first ever US censorship program and expanded it globally by using the First Draft Consortium. First Draft also worked hand in hand with the IFCN. Poynters Politifact was in the First Draft network.

Here’s more on the recently discovered US government-funded censorship programs.

Here is the timeline of events.

April 2015 – First Draft Consortium started by Google

June 2015 – Official First Draft Announcement comes out. Along with its Google News Lab partnership announcement (obviously)

Aug 2015 – Google News Lab partners with Poynter

Sept 2015 – IFCN is launched by Poynter

Oct 2015 – Poynter launches IFCN with State Dept NED funding

Oct 2017 – Google news lab partners with IFCN specifically

Dec 2018 – Poynter acquires Politifact

♦️Next I’ll list some key quotes from IFCN’s beginnings:

Oct 21, 2015 – “Today marks the online launch of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at Poynter. This informal network, a forum for fact-checkers from five continents, is born out of the desire to study and discuss fact-checking as a journalistic instrument worldwide.

The IFCN is supported by grants from the Omidyar Network and the National Endowment for Democracy.”

“Poynter’s partnership with Google is the institute’s first major alliance with a digital technology company.”

♦️ Now showing US links is easy.

“Led by the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at the Poynter Institute, FactChat is the first collaborative project to unite U.S. fact-checking organizations with two major Spanish-language news broadcasters to fight mis/disinformation during the 2020 presidential campaign.”

“Facebook users in the US and Germany can now flag articles they think are deliberately false, these will then go to third-party fact checkers signed up with the IFCN.

Those fact checkers come from media organisations like the Washington Post and websites such as the urban legend debunking site Snopes.

Another warning appears if users try to share the story, although Facebook doesn’t prevent such sharing or delete the fake news story. The “fake” tag will however negatively impact the story’s score in Facebook’s algorithm, meaning that fewer people will see it pop up in their news feeds.”

“Alexios Mantzarlis at first led the IFCN:

Then he moved to GOOGLE NEWS LAB. And is now Principal, Google Trust & Safety Intelligence. As Director of the IFCN, he helped draft the fact-checkers’ code of principles and shepherded a seminal partnership between fact-checkers and Facebook.”

♦️Now let’s head into Brazil:

– Cristina Tardáguila, NED FELLOW, Founder of Agência Lupa and was at Brazil misinfocon with Zommer. Both were GDI advisors. Cristina Tardáguila is the IFCN Associate Director.

– Laura Zommer is Zommer isn the board of the IFCN and Género & Numero from Brazil. She’s also the Executive and Editor-in-Chief at Chequeado, the first initiative of fact-checking and verification of public discourse in Latin America.

Knight Fellow Laura Zommer started Factchequeado, a journalism and education hub to stem disinfo flows in Spanish-language platforms in the US.

Factchequeado will use innovative approaches developed by Chequeado and Maldita in Latin America and Spain – introducing a WhatsApp tipline to involve audiences in fact-checking. Factchequeado is a collaborative alliance with Latino media and fact-checking orgs.

The IFCN announced in 2015 that they were funded by the State Department’s National Endowment for Democracy.

Continue reading


Archbishop Vigano: “To Be or Not to be Pope?  By Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Sep. 13, 2024 7:30 am

This article originally appeared on exsurgedomine.it and was republished with permission.

In his article published in La Verità on September 1, Boni Castellane, speaking of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, referred to his “duplicity as a practice” and the “pre-eminence of pastoral care over theology,” starting from a recent address by Bergoglio in which he defined as a “grave sin” the failure to welcome the hordes of Islamic clandestines who are invading and “hybridizing” European countries on behalf of the globalist elite.

It is difficult to hear Bergoglio speak of sin, at least according to the theological meaning of the term, which presupposes the violation of the Law of God and the loss of the state of Grace which alone allows the soul eternal salvation.

And Boni Castellane rightly emphasizes how Bergoglio’s infamous “Who am I to judge?” sounds in contradiction with these ideologically oriented positions.

In reality, the operation, which began with the Second Vatican Council and is now taken to its extreme but consistent consequences, slavishly follows other experiments in social engineering that have already been successfully implemented in the civil sphere.

The deep church uses the Church as a “container” that, after having been emptied of its essence in recent decades, today Bergoglio fills with the demands of globalist ideology – revolutionary and therefore antichristic – and to which he also forcibly adapts the language proper to Catholic theology, distorting it.

The authority of the Roman Pontiff is vicarious of Christ’s authority and derives legitimacy from its conformity with this ontological reality.

Conversely, Bergoglio’s authority openly proclaims itself to be independent and self-referential: he thinks he can use and abuse his own power and the authority (and authoritativeness) of the Catholic Church simply because he knows that the clergy and the Christian people have been accustomed, in the last sixty years, to accept any change imposed on them by the Authority of the Church.

In the name of a “democratization” of the Conciliar Church – today renamed “synodality” – the bond between the authority of Christ and that of His Vicar on earth has been broken, thus creating the premises for the tyrannical exercise of power.

Bergoglio wants to be recognized as a legitimate Pope because only from that position can he demand obedience from Catholics and bring to completion the transformation of Roman Catholicism into the Masonic Religion of Humanity.

The use of the term grave sin in a sociopolitical context constitutes one of the main applications of Orwellian Newspeak applied to religion. It was the Council that was the first to use deliberately ambiguous and equivocal language, replacing the clarity and unequivocality of the Aristotelian-Thomistic exposition and acting as a support for the errors and doctrinal deviations which Bergoglio zealously advocates.

For this reason, it seems absurd to me that there are conservative Catholics who do not understand how “recognizing” Bergoglio as Pope, while criticizing him and accusing him of heresy, is primarily in Bergoglio’s interest.

If he is the Pope, he cannot be judged by anyone; but if he has used malice to seize power in order to destroy the Church, then he is not the Pope, and as such he may be “recognized” as never having been elected.

Castellane believes that defining the legitimate regulation of migratory flows as a “grave sin” serves to “call to order” “right-wing” Catholics: but the question is much more serious.

In the first place, because the exercise of authority cannot be marked by “duplicity,” since it is precisely the duplicity of government that is an indication of its corruption.

Cases of outright complacency towards the crimes of friendly prelates are an indication of partiality and complicity, especially when compared to the severity shown towards bishops who denounce the coup that has taken place in the Church.

Secondly, because the migratory phenomenon is anything but spontaneous and accidental. Rather, it corresponds to a very specific project of dissolution of the Christian West through the invasion of violent Muslims, to whom complicit institutions grant impunity, protection, and subsidies.

The plan of ethnic replacement theorized by Kalergi and adopted by globalist leaders wants to use social unrest, crimes, violence, and degradation to provoke the reaction of the invaded population – as is happening for example in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and France – and thus have a pretext to impose new and more radical forms of social control.

These restrictions, inevitably, will be intended to result in a further reduction in the visibility of Catholics, always in the name of inclusiveness and the delusional precepts of woke ideology.

In the face of the evidence of this criminal project, the collaboration of the “Catholic hierarchy” constitutes a suicidal attitude of unprecedented gravity, because it thus becomes an accomplice in a deliberately hostile action of enormous proportions.

This enslavement of the Church to the world is willed and deliberate: it includes support for climate fraud and the idolatrous cult of Mother Earth, after having been made explicit with the criminal psychopandemic fraud and mass “vaccination” with demonstrably harmful – even deadly – and almost always sterilizing serums produced using fetuses aborted with the placet of the Vatican.

It is therefore evident that Bergoglio’s role in the implementation of the globalist hell was decisive and shows us how the Argentine Jesuit – just like the leaders of the main Western countries such as Biden, Macron, Trudeau, Starmer, and others – has been placed on the Throne of Peter as an emissary of the World Economic Forum.

Such a betrayal in the governance of the Catholic Church confirms a defect of consent in Bergoglio’s apparent assumption of the papacy, such as to invalidate the very legitimacy of the one who has usurped the papacy’s power and abuses it in order to destroy the institution over which he presides.

This is the crux of the question: can a Pope contradict the doctrine that Our Lord has commanded him to defend, guard and transmit, going so far as to preach heresy?

Can a Pope consider himself so free from Christ the King and High Priest that he actually uses the Papacy against the will of Christ, transforming His Church into an anti-Christian and antichristic organization, a servant of the globalist elite? Of which “church” is Bergoglio “pope”?

Sen. Blumenthal Warns ‘American People Will Be Shocked, Astonished and Appalled’ by Report on Secret Service Failures in Trump Assassination Attempt   By Jim Hft

Sep. 12, 2024 7:00 pm – Democrat Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) warned that the American public would be ‘shocked, astonished, and appalled’ by the level of incompetence and failure within the Secret Service surrounding the July 13, 2024, assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

Trump almost got killed during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, by Thomas Crooks, an armed assailant who somehow infiltrated the rally, climbed onto rooftops, and fired off multiple shots.

Crooks, who had been seen staking out the rally beforehand, was able to carry a gun onto a rooftop, leap between buildings, and crawl across a metal roof before launching his attack.

According to Kimberly Cheatle, the former director of the Secret Service, security was a “colossal failure.”

The Gateway Pundit has published exclusive reports indicating the assembled group yelling, which included local patriot Greg Smith.  The group could see the sniper team on the second floor.

Smith could also allegedly see that the second-floor sniper team was watching Crooks for a half hour prior to the shooting, doing nothing.

Chilling texts, which were obtained by the New York Times from local law enforcement, detail the frantic communications of counter snipers.

One of the countersnipers sent a message to his colleagues indicating that his shift was ending. At approximately 4:26 PM, he observed a suspicious individual—later identified as the assailant, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks—sitting on a picnic table just 50 yards from the exit.

“Guys I am out. Be safe,” the sniper wrote. “Someone followed our lead and snuck in and parked by our cars just so you know. I’m just letting you know because you see me go out with my rifle and put it in my car so he knows you guys are up there.”

He added that Crooks was “sitting to the direct right on a picnic table about 50 yards from the exit” in a message sent at 4:27 PM, a little over 90 minutes before the gunman fired. The two other countersnipers responded with a thumbs-up emoji and a “Roger that.”

Since that dark day, there has been little explanation from authorities as to how such a catastrophic failure in security could have occurred.

Even more damning is the revelation that former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle and her agency reportedly denied repeated requests for increased security by worried agents assigned to Trump’s detail.

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) shared whistleblower information about the dismal training provided to Homeland Security personnel assigned to protect Trump during the Butler rally.

According to the whistleblower, these agents received only a “two-hour online webinar” as their preparation for the high-stakes event. The training was described as inadequate, with pre-recorded videos riddled with technical glitches.

Blumenthal, speaking to reporters on Capitol Hill, promised that an upcoming report on the incident will reveal damning details about the Secret Service’s failures that day.

“I think the American people are going to be shocked, astonished, and appalled by what we will report to them about the failures by the Secret Service in this assassination attempt on a former president,” Blumenthal said.

This comes after acting U.S. Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe briefed senators on Thursday during a closed-door meeting, providing an update on the ongoing investigation into the attempted assassination, Fox News reported.

Blumenthal was tight-lipped on the specifics of the report but made it clear that the findings would expose a litany of errors.

“I’m not going to go into what we have learned in specifics. I’m giving you my reaction, and we will have a report very, very soon that I think will absolutely shock the American people, or it should, about the lapses and lags in the protection that was afforded that day, and the breakdown in communication, failure, and responsibility.”

He went on to blast DHS for its lack of transparency, calling out the department for withholding critical information.

“I think they also ought to be appalled and astonished by the failure of the Department of Homeland Security to be more forthcoming, to be as candid and frank as it should be to them in terms of providing information. And we are going to absolutely insist on the truth, and the whole truth, in documents and testimony, not only as members of the United States Senate but also as citizens.”

“It will be coming out shortly. And it’ll only be an interim report because there’s a lot more information that we need to find,” Sen. Gary Peters, D-Mich., told Fox News.

“And we hope once this report comes out and we can get the additional information necessary to have a complete report of what happened, as well as steps of what we need to do in the future to make sure that this never happens.”



Springfield Ohio Father Says He Wishes His Son Was Killed by a White Man Instead of Haitian Illegal Alien   By Miriam Judith

Sep. 12, 2024 9:15 am – Last year Aiden Clark, an 11-year-old boy from Springfield, Ohio, was killed by Haitian illegal alien, Hermanio Joseph. Clark was on his way to his first day of school when his bus was struck by Joseph’s minivan, causing the bus to flip over and the young boy to be ejected from the vehicle.

Joseph, 35, had only been living in the country for a year and was driving without a U.S. driver’s license when he crashed into the bus filled with children, killing Aiden Clark.

The boy’s father, Nathan Clark, spoke during the Haitian migrant’s sentencing alongside his family who also made statements.

“Because of Mr. Joseph, our hearts will always be incomplete,” he said.

“He ended his life with the poor decision he made. He did that. Nothing he can say or do will ever make up for what he did,” Aiden’s brother added.

Joseph ended up being sentenced to 9-13 years in prison.

On Tuesday, Nathan Clark took the stand at a city commission hearing in the midst of political discourse regarding the Haitian migrant takeover of the Ohio city. Rather than using the opportunity to bring attention to the illegal alien crisis that ultimately led to his son’s unnecessary death, the father instead defended the migrant who killed his son while chastising those who he believes has used his son’s death for “political gain”.

“They have spoken my son’s name and used his death for political gain. This needs to stop now,” he said.

”My son was not murdered. He was accidentally killed by an immigrant from Haiti,” he continued.

Then in the name of wokeism, he said something unthinkable about his son.

“I wish that my son Aiden Clark, was killed by a 60-year-old white man,” he shockingly declared.  “I bet you never thought anyone would ever say something so blunt. But if that guy killed my 11-year-old son, the incessant group of hate spewing people would leave us alone.”

Nathan Clark’s statements about his son’s tragic death raise serious concerns about misplaced priorities and a troubling desire for political correctness over accountability. It is bewildering and deeply unsettling to hear a father express that he wishes his son had been killed by a white man rather than an illegal alien.

Aiden’s death was a result of recklessness, and it is disheartening to witness a father minimize that reality in favor of a misguided attempt to foster sympathy for those who have entered the country illegally.

In a time of such profound sorrow, one would expect Mr. Clark to stand firmly for his son and the injustice of his untimely death. Instead, he seems to be the one prioritizing political sentiments over fighting for the justice of his child.

Rather than calling for acknowledgement of the loss of young Aiden and the systemic issues that allowed for his tragic and preventable death, Nathan’s statements deflected responsibility of both the illegal alien and government policy.

Ultimately, Nathan Clark should have taken the opportunity to advocate for justice and accountability rather than attempt to shield the circumstances surrounding his death.  Nathan should have honored Aiden’s memory by confronting the reality of what occurred and seek meaningful solutions to prevent further tragedies, allowing his son’s life to inspire positive change rather than stand as a defense of illegality.

WATCH   [3:13]


‘Haitian Report’ Publication Confirms Disturbing Practice of Cat Consumption Among Haitians: ‘Cat Meat is a Delicacy that Many… Can’t Resist’   By Jim Hft

Sep. 12, 2024 9:00 am – The fake news outlets are in full swing, desperately attempting to debunk yet another shocking but truthful statement made by President Trump.

During a recent debate, Trump said, “They’re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they’re eating the cats. They’re eating the pets of the people that live there, and this is what’s happening in our country, and it’s a shame.”

This comment was immediately met with the standard response from the left-wing media machine: denial, deflection, and outright dismissal of the facts.

Some Democrats even laughed at Trump when he made this statement.

WATCH  https://twitter.com/i/status/1833948691461292433

But despite the orchestrated efforts to brush this story under the rug, evidence is mounting that the practice of consuming pets among Haitian migrants is not some far-fetched, xenophobic fantasy. In fact, it’s a reality that even a Haitian publication, Haitian Report, has confirmed.

The Haitian Report itself acknowledges the tradition of eating cat meat in Haiti. Contrary to the liberal media’s narrative, this is not some wild conspiracy theory.

“Do Haitians eat cats” is one of the top 10 most frequently asked questions ask of Haitians in elementary school, middle school, high school, college, and even professional settings. Unfortunately, many Haitians feel uncomfortable answering this question. I, on the order hand, don’t have this problem. This is why I’m going to spill the beans and let you in on this little secret,” the author wrote back in 2019.

The publication explains that some Haitians—especially those from the countryside—consider cat meat a delicacy, consumed during specific festivities like “Reveillon” on December 24th.

The word “reveillon” is a French term that means “to wake up” and refers to a large meal and party that takes place in Haiti on Christmas Eve.

According to the publication:

“Contrary to popular beliefs, Haitians don’t eat cats because they are poor and hungry. They eat cats because it’s a tradition.

The practice of eating cats in Haiti is not a new habit but an old tradition started at the time of slavery.

So the practice of eating cat is just as old as Haiti herself.

Yes. Haitians eat cows, goats, sheep, chickens, pork, etc., but cat meat is a delicacy that many from the countryside simply can’t resist.

Look… having a Reveyon without a cat is just like celebrating Thanksgiving without a turkey. Unless you are a vegetarian, some just have to have it.

Why? Well, again, it’s an old tradition.”

The author even explained that “meat is meat” and that in Haiti, cats are not viewed in the same light as they are in North America or Europe, where they are often considered beloved family pets.

According to the author, in Haiti, the practice of eating cat meat persists for several reasons deeply rooted in the country’s cultural norms.

  • There are no laws designed to prevent people from eating cats.
  • Most Haitians do not have a human-like relationship with their pets.
  • Some see cats just like pork, beef, and chicken. So there is no discrimination.
  • There is no preferential treatment. Meat is meat–whether it is from cats or any other large animals.

Curious about the taste of cat meat? The author claimed that it tastes surprisingly like chicken.

“Cat meat actually tastes like chicken. A scientific explanation for this similarity is that because many animals evolve from a common ancestor, they often taste the same even when they smell differently.

When I tried it a few years ago, that was exactly my impression. But to discover if this is true or not, you will have to try it yourself to draw your own conclusion.”

Even more revealing are the comments from 2019 on this article discussing this exact topic.

One commenter wrote, “I was told by a friend of mine who happens to be Haitian that some Haitians will kidnap your cat, kill and eat it if they have a personal problem with you or your family. Of course, not all Haitians will do this. She said they are isolated incidents, but they do happen.”

Another commenter revealed their personal experience, stating, “It was two cats that I feed outside daily, the younger went missing for 3 days, then the neighbor next door said she found the cat dead. I don’t believe her. The bigger cat hasn’t left our yard and has stopped roaming. She is an old Haitian lady. I made jokes prior but was thought…”

Another bluntly wrote, “Disgusting, I have a Haitian family at the end of my street. They probably ate my outside cat cuz I haven’t been able to find them.”


ELON MUSK Posts Video of Haitian Woman Describing Dog-Eating and Voodoo Practiced in Home Country and Now in America   By Jim Hoft

Sep. 12, 2024 10:00 am – The fake news outlets are in full swing, desperately attempting to debunk yet another shocking but truthful statement made by President Trump.

During a recent debate, Trump said, “They’re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they’re eating the cats. They’re eating the pets of the people that live there, and this is what’s happening in our country, and it’s a shame.”

This comment was immediately met with the standard response from the left-wing media machine: denial, deflection, and outright dismissal of the facts.

Some Democrats even laughed at Trump when he made this statement.

But despite the orchestrated efforts to brush this story under the rug, evidence is mounting that the practice of consuming pets among Haitian migrants is not some far-fetched, xenophobic fantasy. In fact, it’s a reality that even a Haitian publication, Haitian Report, has confirmed.

The Haitian Report itself acknowledges the tradition of eating cat meat in Haiti. Contrary to the liberal media’s narrative, this is not some wild conspiracy theory.

On Friday morning Elon Musk posted video of an American woman with a Haitian father. The woman describes the two reasons why Haitians eat cats.

The woman, Rebekah Faidia on TikTok also reminds her audience of the voodoo practices in Haiti something she describes as truly demonic.

Rebekah Faidia: My father immigrated from Haiti to the United States in the late ’60s as a teenager. And I want to talk about these recent comments about the Haitians in Springfield, Ohio. I also want to say my father and I are now estranged, but I did know him in my very, very young years. And when he immigrated, he was one person, and they weren’t sending thousands of Haitians in one area. He wasn’t eating people’s pets and he didn’t practice voodoo. But he did say that most of the island, the majority of the island, does practice voodoo.

The reason they eat cats is for two reasons. Number one is survival. This is the poorest country in the Western hemisphere. You can’t just go to a food bank like you can here or just go to McDonald’s and get some free or cheap food. Unless, of course, there’s a Christian missionary there. People in the United States have a really hard time imagining that type of thing, but it is true. Second, they do do animal sacrifices for their religion, voodoo. They make these animal sacrifices to these gods for different reasons. You can do your own research on this.

Do I think voodoo is a demonic religion? Yes, I do. That doesn’t mean… Obviously, that doesn’t mean that you hate these people. These people need prayer. But you can’t just take over all these people from another country and expect it to work. Not to mention, it doesn’t fix the problems of that country. And there’s more people left in Haiti that we can bring over.

It’s not racist to acknowledge that this is a problem. It’s not racist to talk about these things that are happening. This is not just white Americans saying this is Black Americans. You can look at the people in Springfield, Ohio, saying that this is happening. You all just want to joke about Trump and say that he’s crazy for saying that this is happening instead of actually checking at all to see if this is happening. You want to make jokes about these things. Well, what if it were happening to you and your community? And no, it’s beyond eating their pets, even though that is bad enough.

Elon Musk published this on Friday morning, via Catturd2.



Parents Dropping Off Their Freshman at University of Michigan Confronted by Individuals Wearing Terror Group Headbands   By Margaret Flavin

Sep. 12, 2024 1:40 pm – While parents were dropping their freshman for move-in day at the University of Michigan, one of the first things they were greeted by were individuals wearing headbands associated with Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) headbands, an anti-semitic terrorist organization.

Over 15% of the undergrad population at the far-left University of Michigan is Jewish.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology student Eyal Yakoby shared a post showing what appears to be two student protesters wearing PFLP headbands.

Yakoby wrote on X, “This is the University of Michigan on move in day for new students. A crowd of masked individuals wearing PFLP headbands stand to intimidate the students.”

“The PFLP is a designated terrorist organization. This is not the first thing new students should see when walking on campus.”

PFLP was designated as a terrorist organization by the State Department in 1997.

From The National Counterterrorism Center:

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) is a terrorist group based in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

It combines Arab nationalism with Marxist-Leninist ideology, viewing the destruction of Israel as integral to the struggle to remove Western capitalism from the Middle East and ultimately establish a Communist Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

The group was founded after the Six Day War in 1967, and it became the second largest faction and the main opposition force to Fatah in the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1968.

The University of Michigan has been one of the many campus hotspots for anti-Jewish protests.

The Gateway Pundit reported in November of 2023, just weeks after the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians, a radical Palestinian “advocacy” group stormed a prominent campus building on the University of Michigan’s campus.

Before the invasion,  the group shouted the genocidal chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” which is code for the complete annihilation of Israel.

In May, pro-Hamas protesters attempted to disrupt the graduation at the University.

Patty McMurray wrote an extensive piece for The Gateway Pundit on the unrest and hatred that is being fomented on college campuses across America by these leftist anti-Jew and anti-American protesters as students spend their final months, weeks, days, and even hours at a place they’ve called home for 4 or more years.

A “surveillance network” that exposes antisemitism on social media shared images of propaganda that are reportedly being shared on the campus of the University of Michigan:



WATCH: Springfield, Ohio Man GOES OFF on City Commission As He Reveals Landlords are Using Taxpayer Dollars to Kick Locals Out of Their Homes and Replacing them with Haitians  (VIDEO)   By Cullen Linebarger

Sep. 12, 2024 1:20 pm – The betrayal of American citizens in Springfield, Ohio runs so deep that long-time residents can no longer keep their homes as the town makes room for Haitian migrants.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Springfield residents have alleged Haitians in their town are “grabbing up ducks by their necks, decapitating them, and walking off with them to eat.” Others revealed how the massive influx of immigrants, thanks to border czar Kamala Harris, has drained Springfield’s resources and turned a once-safe city into a crime-ridden hell.

One resident even claimed she spotted a cat hanging from a branch and being carved up for food by Haitian immigrants. Reports have also emerged that American veterans who have put their lives on the line are getting denied benefits while Haitians sponge off the taxpayers for absolutely nothing.

Now, it turns out landlords are also forcibly evicting long-time residents and replacing them with Haitians for good old-fashioned greed.

The reason? The Haitians have all received vouchers courtesy of the government. These are your tax dollars at work

A Springfield man and homeless advocate went off on the Springfield City Commission on Wednesday and revealed that he knew of several such victims of this unacceptable betrayal. Moreover, landlords have been telling residents to vacate their houses while promising they could come back once they are done remodeling.


Homeless advocate: I don’t know of a single homeless Haitian in this town because they all got vouchers!

I can show you a whole bunch of people that have been displaced because I’m that guy…For 25 years, I’ve worked with the homeless in this community.

A lot of people don’t know because I’m not the guy blowing the horn, because it ain’t about me. It’s the Jesus in me and got out there and does it…I’ll get into homeless camps that nobody in a suit and tie will walk in to.

In October, we are getting ready to hit a wall here…The homeless people in this community are not the people you think they are. Come see me. I’m not that hard to find.

I swill personally testify under oath that somebody that lost their house, they were there seven years. The landlord said, ‘Hey, I need you to move out. Find a temporary place. I’m gonna remodel it and then you can come back.’

They lied! They moved him out, tripled the rent.

Follow the money!


Springfield, Ohio Resident on Migrants Eating Pets: “That Lady Down the Street Used to Have 50 Cats, Now She’s Lucky If She Has Five”   (VIDEO  26:03)   By Jim Hoft

Sep. 11, 2024 7:00 pm – YouTuber Tyler Oliveira traveled to Springfield, Ohio to investigate the rumors of Haitians eating ducks, geese, and cats.

Tyler, whose YouTube channel has 6.7 million subscribers spent time in Springfield speaking with locals about the Haitian community, and asking them if they know of any Haitians eating dogs or cats.

The answers from the citizens were shocking. Numerous locals accused the Haitians of eating the cats. One man said the cat lady down the street used to have 50 cats and “now she’s lucky if she has five.”

This is what Tyler found.

Via Midnight Rider.

And here is Tyler’s full investigative report.  


Wireless Audio Earrings Company Responds to Rumors Kamala Harris Wore Earpiece During Presidential Debate   By Cristina Laila

Sep. 11, 2024 5:40 pm TGP – A wireless audio earring company responded after rumors spread that Kamala Harris wore an earpiece during Tuesday night’s presidential debate against Trump.

Social media users posted photos of Nova audio earrings next to a screenshot of Kamala Harris’s earrings and suggested she used an earpiece during the debate.

Others pointed out that Kamala Harris wore a pair of Tiffany pearl earrings.

The Germany-based company responded to a request for comment from Just The News.

“The resemblance is striking,” the company told Just The News.

Read more on this story from Just The News reported:

Continue reading

[Ed.:  Although I try to avoid posting about the fake VP Harris, this needed to get posted.  <sorry>.  It was very conspicuous that during the debate, she sounded not like herself, but someone else speaking!  This would explain it.]


Ohio Governor Takes Matters Into His Own Hands, Deploys Troops as Haitian Migrant Crisis Hit Town Hard   By Jack Davis

September 11, 2024 at 5:02pm – A surge in Haitians causing havoc in Springfield, Ohio, will be met with a surge in law enforcement.

Beginning Wednesday, Republican Ohio Governor Mike DeWine ordered State Highway Patrol troopers to go to Springfield to address traffic problems caused by the more than 15,000 Haitian immigrants in the city, according to the Associated Press.

In the next two years, DeWine will also allocate $2.5 million to expand healthcare access.

Since 2020, approximately 15,000 immigrants from Haiti have come to Springfield, Ohio, thanks to the Temporary Protected Status, a federal program offering immigrants temporary legal status that has been massively expanded under the Biden-Harris administration.

“As these numbers dramatically pick up, there’s some obligation for the federal government to help local communities who had nothing to do with the decision about people coming in, but now find themselves with a massive number of people,” DeWine said, according to the Columbus Dispatch.

“I want the people of Springfield and Clark County to know that as we move forward, we will continue to do everything we can to help the community deal with this surge of migrants,” DeWine said in a news release on his website.

“The federal government has not demonstrated that they have any kind of plan to deal with the issue. We will not walk away,” he said.

DeWine said the rise in Haitians should be addressed by the Biden-Harris administration.

“The federal government needs to assist these communities with funding because these dramatic migrant surges impact every citizen in the community — the moms who have to wait hours in a waiting room with a sick child, everyone who drives on our streets, and the children who go to school in more crowded classrooms,” he said.

“The federal government does not have a plan to give any support to the communities impacted by surges, and we have absolutely no indication that a plan is coming in the near future,” he said.

Continue reading


Backlash Pours on Tucker Carlson for Hosting Holocaust Revisionist

September 11, 2024 JBN News – Conservative political commentator Tucker Carlson continues to face a firestorm of criticism following his controversial decision to host a Holocaust revisionist.

On a recent episode of “The Tucker Carlson Show,” the former Fox News host welcomed antisemitic podcaster Darryl Cooper by introducing him as America’s “most important popular historian’s” During the interview, Cooper suggested that the United States was on the wrong side of World War II, referred to Winston Churchill as the “chief villain,” and disturbingly characterized the mass murder of Jews as “humane” due to war food shortages.

Despite the interview airing over a week ago, the backlash continues to be severe. Yesterday, all 24 Jewish House Democrats united to issue a scathing joint statement condemning the interview.

‘This revisionist and morally repugnant retelling of history is an insult to the six million Jews who were methodically murdered at the hands of the Nazi regime and is especially dangerous now as antisemitism is on the rise globally. Americans deserve to know that their leaders will rebuke the cancers of antisemitism and Nazism whenever and wherever they appear,’ the representatives wrote.

Speaking to The Hill, conservative commentator Ben Domenech described the interview as “extremely disappointing,” while former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming accused Carlson of spreading “pro-Nazi propaganda.”

The White House also weighed in on the controversy, with senior deputy press secretary Andrew Bates blasting Carlson for insulting the memory of the millions who perished in the Holocaust.

“Giving a microphone to a Holocaust denier who spreads Nazi propaganda is a disgusting and sadistic insult to all Americans, to the memory of the over 6 million Jews who were genocidally murdered by Adolf Hitler, to the service of the millions of Americans who fought to defeat Nazism, and to every subsequent victim of antisemitism,” Bates told CNN.

Watch  [2:18:59]  

[Ed.:  You may have noticed that I have not posted anything from Tucker Carlson since shortly after October 7, 2023, when I first got a wiff of his deep-seeded antisemitism.  This post is an exception!]


YouTube Finally Suspends Candace Owens Over Antisemitic Content

September 11, 2024 JBN News – Antisemitic influencer Candace Owens had her YouTube account suspended on Monday for violating the platform’s hate speech policies.

YouTube’s suspension, which will last one week, comes after Owens shared a previously unaired interview with antisemitic rapper Kanye West. Throughout the interview, West made numerous libelous allegations against what he termed “Jewish influences in his life.” He claimed a Jewish doctor diagnosed him with bipolar disorder and that a Jewish Hollywood trainer leaked this information to the Jewish media. West also accused his Jewish trainer of hospitalizing him after seeing him read the Bible.

Typically, Owens shared the news with her millions of X followers and blamed the Jews.

“There will be no show today, or at all this week. That’s because @YouTube has issued me a strike and a one-week suspension for my sit-down with Kanye. They also removed the interview as ‘hate speech’, as it was mass reported by Zionists. Their tactics never change,” she wrote.

“We all know exactly who is behind this and why,” Owens continued. “I don’t belong to Zionists, I don’t belong to YouTube, I don’t belong to any of these Jewish groups, whether it’s the ADL who are making these calls behind the scenes. My platform belongs to God and it’s the people around the world that are supporting me.”

It seems like every week the anti-Israel firebrand makes headlines for all the wrong reasons. During a Sunday episode of “Piers Morgan Uncensored”, Owens came under fire after accusing the Lubavitcher Rebbe of being a white supremacist.

Given Owens’ long history of promoting antisemitic rhetoric, many critics are questioning why YouTube took so long to take action and why the suspension is limited to just one week. Arguably, anything less than a permanent ban is insufficient to address the persistent spread of hate speech on the platform, particularly from influential figures with large followings.

[Ed.:  Black girl gets banned because she’s a bloody racist!  Isn’t that racism?  But ‘Black is beautiful’!  Isn’t that a racist comment?  If whites are inherently racists, are blacks inherently racist too?  They refer to us as the ‘human race’.  There you go, again!  If everything is ‘racist’, has the word lost its meaning?]


Watch Now “Episode #1 — Public Orientation 9/11 Crime Scene to Courtroom”   RICHARD GAGE, AIA – ARCHITECT

It’s ready – the high resolution video of Episode #1!

SEP 11, 2024 – On this day, when we ponder the catastrophic events of 9/11/01 and the horrible loss of life, we at RichardGage911 and the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry expose the truth about the destruction of the 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11 in our new documentary film series. Over the last 2 days we premiered Episode #1 — Public Orientation of 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom to more than 6,000 viewers on 5 different social media platforms.

Our panel of the LC911 board members, with whom we partnered here at RichardGage911 to produce this vital work, spoke at the Livestreamed 2 1/2 hour Premiere Event which you can watch here.

Watch Now “Episode #1 — Public Orientation 9/11 Crime Scene to Courtroom”:

The full 30-episode series will be released to the public and, later, submitted to a New York Criminal Grand Jury. It’s a deep dive into the explosive evidence of the destruction of the 3 World Trade Center Skyscrapers on 9/11.  

Become Our Vital Partner and Co-Produce this historic film series with your partners RG911 and LC911.

Featured are key witnesses and technical experts interviewed by architect Richard Gage, AIA, and insightful legal analysis by attorney Mick Harrison, Litigation Director of the Lawyers’ Committee, who advises the Jurors on the legal relevance of each component of the evidence and how they can be used to identify and indict the real perpetrators of 9/11.

Watch the TRAILER to “9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom”:

We’re Counting on YOU to Co-Produce this historic Film Series with your one-time or recurring monthly donation TODAY!

Thank YOU from deep in our hearts,

Your grateful LC911 Board Members:

Jane, Charlotte, Barbara, Bruce & Richard


9/11: the way the buildings collapsed provides the proof of what happened.   [1:11:53]   MERYL NASS

Madhava Setty and I get to the bottom of the events

AUG 24, 2024 – My buddy Madhava Setty, MD, was a mechanical engineer with an MIT degree, before he decided to become a doctor instead. Having believed the MSM narrative about 9/11 for many years, presumably because he was too busy doctoring (and not because he was ignorant nor gullible), he finally awoke a few years ago.

He did not just awake. He dove into the details of 9/11 the way an engineer would.

But he did something else. He tried to figure out why people like himself had bought the narrative. How could so many people be so gullible? And how might people be taught to cut through the propaganda, and examine their own thought processes to more easily reach the truth? Not just on this issue, but on many issues. And he wrote a book to help people do just that, titled “Woke.” It’s a very good book, very different from a self-help book. It’s not psychology. But IS helping us be smarter people. Very different from any book I have ever read. I’d give it 5 stars. And it has nothing to do with Wokeness, thank goodness.

Madhava and I sat down so he could explain the building collapses to me, and the following video resulted. Enjoy.


“The Smoking Gun of Irrefutable Evidence – 3 WTC Skyscrapers Destroyed on 9/11” with RG911 on The Mark Attwood Show   RICHARD GAGE, AIA – ARCHITECT

Learn the Key Points of Evidence for the Explosive Demolitions

AUG 25, 2024 – Join us for our latest and most effective 90-minute expose of the fraudulent NIST report on the “collapses” of the 3 World Trade High-Rises.

The Mark Attwood Show reaches tens of thousands in the UK. We are getting out there with the truth & facts about 9/11!

Here’s what you will learn — 10 Facts that you may not have known about 9/11:

1. …that the third Tower, 47-story WTC Building 7, not hit by a plane, collapsed at 5:20pm on 9/11.

2. …that Building 7 fell at free-fall acceleration, which means that not one of its 81 columns gave any resistance. Where did they go?

3. …that Building 7 fell symmetrically — in the exact manner of a classic controlled demolition.

4. …that molten iron, the byproduct of the incendiary thermite, was found by first responders in pools throughout the debris pile of all 3 towers, and pouring out of the South Tower minutes prior to its collapse.

5. …that witnesses heard and felt explosions prior to the collapse of Building 7.

6. …that 186 First Responders were recorded hearing, seeing, feeling, explosions as well as flashes of light prior to the “collapses” of the Twin Towers.

7. …that the downward motion of the Twin Towers came down in 2/3 of free-fall acceleration, meaning that 90% of the structure was immediately removed.

8. …that most all of the 100,000 tons of steel in each tower was displaced laterally at 80mph, landing up to 600 feet in every direction, so it was not available to crush the building below.

9. …that most all of the 90,000 tons of concrete in each tower was pulverized to a fine powder and distributed laterally from river to river across Lower Manhattan in a 3″ thick blanket, so it also was unavailable to crush the building beneath it.

10. …that the US Geological survey and RJ Lee both independently confirm the discovery of what amounts to about 4 tons of previously molten iron microspheres in the WTC dust samples, indicating temperatures exceeding 2,800º F — and they don’t know where they could have possibly come from.

And, a bonus fact:

11. …that a team of 8 international scientists discovered what amounted to several tons of high-tech nano-thermite in the WTC dust samples, in the form of small red-gray chips that produce molten iron microspheres after ignition in a DSC at 850º F, with the same chemical signature as the iron microspheres discovered by the USGS.


Uncovering the Painful 9/11 Truth with Richard Gage, AIA, Architect  [VIDEO 1:26:17]      RICHARD GAGE, AIA – ARCHITECT

The Best 90-Minute 9/11 WTC Explosive Evidence Compilation Anywhere

Share it with your most skeptical friends. Share it Everywhere!

AUG 05, 2024 – This is what we’ve gotten very good at over the last 18 years. Now run with it, or live in tyranny:

We checked out the new AI technology, and given all the facts and details, this is what it came up with! Pretty impressive, I must say!

“In this episode of Revolution Radio with host Robert Morningstar, join Richard Gage as he presents his extensive research and evidence on the controversial topic of the 9/11 World Trade Center collapse. Gage, a member of the American Institute of Architects, discusses the unreported collapse of Building 7 and presents a compelling case for controlled demolition.

He explores inconsistencies in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) report, eyewitness testimonies, and scientific findings. The presentation delves into the physics of building collapse, evidence of thermite use, and the political implications that followed.

Tune in to uncover the hidden truths about one of the most significant events in modern history.

00:00 Introduction and Speaker Introduction

00:42 Revelation of the Third Tower

01:34 NIST’s Investigation and Findings

05:46 Controlled Demolition Hypothesis

11:29 Eyewitness Accounts and Explosions

22:21 Media Reports and Predictions

34:21 Thermite Evidence and Analysis

39:53 Nanotechnology and Superthermite

41:28 Molten Iron Microspheres and High-Tech Materials

42:55 Controlled Demolition Evidence

43:18 Architects and Engineers Demand New Investigation

46:26 Personal Reflections on the World Trade Center

56:44 Eyewitness Accounts and Explosive Evidence

01:00:12 Theories and Official Narratives Challenged

01:15:38 Destruction of Evidence and Call for Truth

01:17:59 The Broader Impact of 9/11

01:20:45 Concluding Thoughts and Call to Action”


Chinese Spy Lover Eric Swalwell Has a Complete Meltdown on the House Hearing Over Trump Cat Memes   By Jim Hft

Sep. 10, 2024 1:20 pm – Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell went on a fiery rant during a House Judiciary Committee hearing over memes featuring President Trump hugging ducks and kittens.

The memes, which were inspired by ongoing frustrations about the Biden-Harris border crisis, especially in towns like Springfield, Ohio, portrayed Trump as a protector of America’s beloved animals, while jabbing at the chaos brought on by open-border policies.

The Judiciary Committee was addressing the Biden administration’s failure to secure the southern border—a crisis that has overwhelmed small American towns, leading to widespread concern.

As reported by The Gateway Pundit, the situation in Springfield reached a boiling point when citizens accused Haitian migrants of grotesque crimes, including slaughtering ducks and even cats for food.

Residents recounted disturbing stories, like witnessing immigrants “grabbing up ducks by their necks, decapitating them,” and a horrifying incident where a cat was reportedly hung from a tree branch and carved up.

These alarming stories prompted a wave of online memes mocking the Biden-Harris administration’s failure to protect not just American citizens, but even animals.

The House Judiciary Committee joined the fun, tweeting out, “Protect our ducks and kittens in Ohio!” with an image of Trump hugging the animals.

In a fit of rage, he lambasted the committee chairman for “going down some crazy rabbit hole” and for tweeting about aliens eating pets.

“What in the hell is this? The chairman tweets, ‘Protect our ducks and kittens in Ohio,’ because he goes down some crazy rabbit hole, completely debunked, that aliens are eating pets? My God, are you okay, Mr. Chairman? Because last year, for a very long time, you tweeted and promoted Kanye West as he was calling for genocide against the Jews, and you kept it up. Now, when we have victims coming here, you’re tweeting this nonsense. I don’t know why you would do this. I hope you’re okay. I don’t know if the aliens who are eating your ducks are in the room with us right now. But, Mr. Chairman, this is a serious issue. These people have loved ones who have been lost, and you tweeted this.”


[Ed.:  At least the Haitians aren’t eating Chinese pussies, Eric! Melt down about the Haitian invaders, not the memes, Eric, why don’t ‘ya? SAVE OUR PUSSIES!]




Third-World Takeover: Illegal Venezuelan ‘Tren De Aragua’ Gang Takes Over Hotel In El Paso, Texas, Turns it into a Violent Drug Den   By Miriam Judith

Sep. 10, 2024 9:45 am – The Venezuelan “Tren De Aragua” gang is now taking over a Texas hotel amid the rise in violent and disturbing illegal alien crimes currently plaguing the nation.

According to documents released on Monday, the El Paso County Attorney’s office has filed for a temporary injunction, a restraining order, as well as an original petition for abatement of a common nuisance against a hotel over allegations surrounding suspicions of criminal activity involving “Tren De Aragua” gang members.

The once prestigious hotel, built in 1903 and transformed into its current state in 1927, has seen a tragic decline. The current owner, Howard Yun, acquired the property in 2015 with promises of restoration.

However, despite initial efforts, the building has operated without a valid certificate of occupancy since 2018, violating city regulations.

More disturbing are the hundreds of police calls made to the hotel in two years, totaling over 693 incidents.

According to the lawsuit:

“A search of records reveals that a new certificate of occupancy has not been issued, and while Gateway has operated as a hotel for the past six years, it has done so without a valid certificate of occupancy and in violation of city requirements. For the last two years, there have been six hundred and ninety-three (693) calls for service to the hotel. The large volume of calls for service to a single business and State’s analysis of police reports show that the Gateway has habitual criminal activity that violates the CPRC, and additional crimes that contributes to the overall blight this business brings to downtown El Paso.”

The hotel has been linked to aggravated assaults, drug use, prostitution, and gang activity, including the infiltration of the notorious Tren De Aragua gang, which has used the property as a base of operations.

“A video showing the deplorable state of the inside of the building and the type of activity allowed inside of the business comes from an aggravated assault case. The video shows dozens of people “partying” on the 3rd floor of the hotel, drinking, smoking and dancing provocatively while children are present. The video also shows at least one gun being shot, another used to threaten, men holding knives and another man with a hatchet assaulting people and causing damage to the hotel in front of a security guard.”

Officials are seeking to shut down Gateway Hotel and hold its owner Howard Yun responsible for allegedly allowing the property to turn into a hotbed for criminal activities.

From the document:

Continue reading


A Free And Fair Election Would Have Zero Glitches   By Pamela Geller

September 9, 2024 – But a stolen election is riddled with them.

A Free And Fair Election Would Have Zero ‘Glitches’

In close elections, being 99 percent accurate versus 100 percent accurate is the difference between correctly certifying the winner and falsified results.

A Free And Fair Election Would Have Zero Glitches   By: Josh Findlay and Ben Crockett,

September 9, 2024  The Federalist – Large counties have “glitches” on Election Day. Why do counties like Harris County, Texas, and Maricopa County, Arizona, continue to experience electoral irregularities? Are large counties just overwhelmed by Election Day? As the nation inches closer to that day, preventing these “glitches” becomes more crucial.

Even a relatively small error, such as incorrectly tabulating 1 percent of the vote, can change the outcome of the election. For example, Joe Biden won Arizona by about 0.6 percent of the vote, half of which came from Maricopa County, which he won by only about 0.3 percent of the vote.

Yet we are continually reassured that any potential irregularities are small and that the majority of ballots are accurately counted. Well, in close elections, being 99 percent accurate versus 100 percent accurate is the difference between correctly certifying the winner and falsified results.

For example, in 2022, in Harris County more than 1,000 ineligible ballots were cast and counted. After a lawsuit, a judge ultimately ordered a redo election. Additionally, voters experienced long lines, ballot paper shortages, and scanner failures.

Meanwhile, in Maricopa County, the story has been much the same: machine failures, long lines, and increasing doubts about the competency of the county’s electoral process. With more than 4 million residents, it is largely determinative of the state’s final vote count.

Voters experienced ballot printing errors, misplaced ballots, and equipment malfunctions that delayed vote counting. One might think that after years of glitches, these two counties would have ironed out these errors to ensure a smooth process. But no. Even though the margin for error is razor thin.

These electoral blunders undermine confidence in the entire electoral process. The fact that large counties can’t get it right raises questions about the integrity of the elections nationwide.
Media Downplays the Problem

The media continues to downplay election irregularities. Don Lemon, Jake Tapper, and the rest of the Democrat Media Complex tell us that these glitches are minor and don’t affect the overall outcome. It’s as if they’ve taken a page out of a magician’s handbook: “Nothing to see here, folks, move along.” But voters deserve transparency and accountability, not smoke and mirrors. Sorry, CNN.

[Ed.:  What makes us think that we will have ‘free and fair elections’?  …nuttin’, honey.]


1 in 3 College Students Say Violence in a Campus Protest Can Be Acceptable, Survey Finds   By Pamela Geller

September 9, 2024 – We are raising tyrants.

Civil society is built on laws and principles. If we can’t uniformly condemn political violence, we are doomed to a violent demise.

Freedom of speech is the foundation of a free society. Without it, a tyrant can wreak havoc unopposed, while his opponents are silenced. Putting up with being offended is essential in a pluralistic society in which people differ on basic truths. If a group will not bear being offended without resorting to violence, that group will rule unopposed while everyone else lives in fear, while other groups curtail their activities to appease the violent group. This results in the violent group being able to tyrannize the others.

1 in 3 College Students Say Violence in a Campus Protest Can Be Acceptable, Survey Finds

The survey of over 50,000 students also found that 37 percent of students said it was “sometimes” or “always” acceptable to shout down a speaker, up from 31 percent last year.

By: Emma Camp, Reason Magazine, September 6, 2024:

Thirty-two percent of college students believe it can be acceptable in at least some circumstances to use violence to stop a campus speech, according to a newly released survey of over 50,000 college students from 258 universities. The survey, conducted by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), a First Amendment group, is the fifth released by the organization.

FIRE’s survey polled students on a range of questions about their attitudes toward free expression and the general climate at their universities. FIRE also ranked schools based on student reports, as well as their formal speech policies and their administration’s history of speech-stifling actions.

The public University of Virginia (UVA) took the top spot this year, while Harvard—for the second year in a row—came in last place. However, FIRE’s ranking process is complex. UVA, for example, came in first place primarily due to consistent administrative support for free speech. But when looking at subcategories that cover student opinion, UVA ranked 200th for support for disruptive conduct and 112th for self-censorship.


Biden’s Iran Policy Bankrolls Nuclear Breakout

September 10, 2024  JBN News -The Biden administration’s soft approach to Iran for the past four years has yielded catastrophic results.

According to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Iran’s nuclear work went into overdrive after Biden began loosening sanctions on the regime in 2021 and renewed diplomatic efforts to revive the failed Obama-era nuclear agreement.

Alarmingly, Tehran has reportedly received over $100 billion in sanctions relief during the past few years, with these funds fueling its progress towards nuclear weapons. Regional experts monitoring the situation claim that Iran has been aggressively enriching uranium, the key component for a nuclear bomb, at several military sites hidden from international inspectors.

Sources allege that Iran currently possesses the technical capacity and resources to fuel 13 nuclear bombs in just four months. By contrast, just before Trump left office in 2020, Iran needed around 4 months to produce enough fuel for a single weapon.

“Compared to Iran’s relative nuclear restraint under the Trump administration’s maximum pressure policy, the regime has advanced its nuclear activities dramatically during Biden’s term in office as the administration pursued a policy of engagement, diplomacy, and sanctions relief,” said FDD researcher Andrea Stricker. “Despite Trump exiting the Iran deal in 2018, Tehran was restrained in its nuclear advances, suggesting it was deterred from making large leaps forward by a credible military threat and economic sanctions.”

Iran now possesses over 6,200 kilograms of uranium enriched to 60% purity levels, placing it well within reach of the 90% threshold needed to produce nuclear weapons. During Trump’s term in office, Iran produced less than 2,400 kilograms of low-enriched uranium.

Trump, who is now running for a second stint in the Oval Office, has already laid out his plans to bring back sanctions on the tyrannical regime. It remains to be seen if Democratic candidate Kamala Harris will continue advocating for appeasement as her boss or whether she will take a hardline stance given what’s at stake in the Middle East right now.

[Ed.:  The article forgot to mention the $150+ dollars Obama gave them.  US tax dollars support all terrorist organizations.]


WATCH Illegal Criminal Boast, “In Just Two Years, The United States Will Be Finished”  [VIDEOS]   By Pamela Geller

September 9, 2024 – Beyond a catastrophe, the Biden/Harris regime’s border policy is a willful act of treason against the United States.

 “In just two years, the United States will be finished. Formerly known as.”


Every Jewish House Democrat condemns Carlson’s interview with Holocaust denier   By Marc Rod and Emily Jacobs

The Democrats also condemned J.D. Vance for declining to rebuke Carlson, while Republicans are privately fretting the Trump campaign’s handling of the controversy

September 10, 2024  Jewish Insider – Every Jewish Democrat in the House signed onto a joint statement issued Monday night condemning Tucker Carlson for amplifying the views of a Holocaust denier and blasting Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), the Republican vice presidential nominee, for failing to denounce the interview.

The letter comes amid growing GOP alarm at the indulgence of antisemitism within their own ranks and concern about the political implications of the Trump campaign’s continued embrace of Carlson.

Joint statements from every Jewish Democrat — ranging from some of the most conservative Democrats in the House to committed progressives — are rare. This one was organized by Rep. Seth Magaziner (D-RI).

The Democrats condemned Vance by name, for having “refused to condemn Carlson for promoting” Darryl Cooper, a self-proclaimed historian, “when given the opportunity to do so. Acceptance of hateful ideologies by people in power puts Jews and other targeted minorities across the world at great risk.”

“The normalization of Nazism is unacceptable and dangerous, and must be forcefully condemned,” they continued. “Americans deserve to know that their leaders will rebuke the cancers of antisemitism and Nazism whenever and wherever they appear.”

The lawmakers said that Cooper’s “revisionist and morally repugnant retelling of history” presented in the Carlson interview “is an insult to the six million Jews who were methodically murdered at the hands of the Nazi regime and is especially dangerous now as antisemitism is on the rise globally.”

They also criticized Carlson for praising Cooper: “Not only did Carlson provide a platform for Cooper’s ignorance and hate to millions of viewers, he also promoted Cooper by calling him ‘the most important popular historian in the United States.”

And they blasted billionaire Trump backer and X owner Elon Musk for his now-deleted post calling the interview “very interesting.”

Continue reading

[Ed.:  Very interesting!]


Merrick Garland’s DOJ Is Stealing January 6ers ID’s and Personal Property    By Jonathon Moseley, Founder, Patriot’s Legal Defense Fund

Sep. 10, 2024 7:15 am – The Biden-Harris U.S. Bureau of Prisons is destroying the personal property of January 6 Defendants and inmates. This appears to be a systemic approach across the board. This is going to be a growing problem as more and more January 6 demonstrators with shorter sentences will soon be released.

J6ers leaving prison are going to have no way to get on a plane, bus, or train, apply for an apartment, check into hotels, cash a check, or re-open a bank account, receive funds, etc.

Most people have seen movies or television shows in which an inmate is released after doing their time, and the officer at the counter pulls their personal property held all that time out of storage, calls out every item one at a time, delivers them to the now-free individual and asks him or her to sign a receipt.

Well, that’s not how Merrick Garland rolls.

Starting on August 17, The Gateway Pundit community responded generously to help Darrell Neely who had been dumped on the street in Greensboro, North Carolina and was living under a bridge.

We were all especially blessed by the many messages of prayers and support (which GiveSendGo does accommodate very well) from The Gateway Pundit community. I suspect that people saw this as a do-able, manage-able solution that they could take to easily fix a problem.

But when we tried to take the next steps, we found that the prison had destroyed Darrell’s driver’s license and other identification. When I took $1,000 of my own money (ordering a reimbursement check from the Fund’s bank) and sent it by MoneyGram to Darrell Neely in North Carolina, he could not receive the money. The only ID he had was a prison ID. (Of course the money wasn’t lost, but it took enormous work to redirect it.)

Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice which runs the Bureau of Prisons did not return his driver’s license, any other ID, or any of his personal property.

So the Walmart financial desk nearby refused to release the money to him. At the time he was still homeless with no cell phone. But he managed to get the Walmart to call me. I personally argued with the financial desk clerk (whose hands were tied by Walmart policy, though sympathetic). They would not accept a prisoner ID card.

The Fund was able to find an inexpensive hotel nearby and a cell phone, paying for them with the Fund’s credit card out of the donations generously provided. I had to fast-talk the hotel and bury them with documentation from the Fund so they wouldn’t refuse to let him check in with only a prison ID. Darrell has been staying there since August 17 until September 4, by the generosity of supporters.

As I write this, Darrell Neely is on a trip from Greensboro to Washington, D.C., the last place he had a valid driver’s license. We figure it will be easier to get a replacement card there than to start from scratch in a different state. Because Washington DC is expensive for hotels and such the trip will probably cost at least $1,000 or more.

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Elon Musk Drops Truth Bomb with Epic Tweet About ‘Haiti Cannibal Gang’ After Billionaire Vinod Khosla Tries to Deny Shocking Report on Haitians Eating Cat in Ohio    By Jim Hft

Sep. 10, 2024 8:15 am – Elon Musk has once again made waves with hard-hitting tweets in response to a recent controversy brewing in Springfield, Ohio.

The issue? Allegations that Haitian immigrants, overwhelmed by the border crisis, have been engaging in disturbing acts of animal cruelty, including the consumption of pets and wildlife in the area.

Billionaire Vinod Khosla, founder of Khosla Ventures, attempted to dismiss these troubling reports that recently surfaced, but Musk fired back with explosive comments.

As reported by The Gateway Pundit, outraged citizens in Springfield, Ohio, confronted their city officials during a recent City Commission meeting, accusing them of turning a blind eye to disturbing crimes allegedly being committed by Haitian migrants in their town.

Testimonies from local residents were shocking, with one individual claiming to have witnessed Haitians “grabbing up ducks by their necks, decapitating them, and walking off with them to eat.”

Another resident described an incident where a cat was seen hanging from a tree branch, being carved up for food.

J.D. Vance blasted the Biden-Harris regime for their total failure on the border crisis.

“Months ago, I raised the issue of Haitian illegal immigrants draining social services and generally causing chaos all over Springfield, Ohio. Reports now show that people have had their pets abducted and eaten by people who shouldn’t be in this country. Where is our border czar?” Vance wrote.

However, in an attempt to cool tensions, city officials issued a statement denying the claims.

“In response to recent rumors alleging criminal activity by the immigrant population in our city, we wish to clarify that there have been no credible reports or specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community,” said Karen Graves, a spokesperson with the City of Springfield per KSDK.

“Additionally, there have been no verified instances of immigrants engaging in illegal activities such as squatting or littering in front of residents’ homes. Furthermore, no reports have been made regarding members of the immigrant community deliberately disrupting traffic,” Graves added.

Billionaire Vinod Khosla, founder of Khosla Ventures, quickly chimed in on social media, lambasting conservative Senator JD Vance for amplifying these allegations without proof.

“Weird. JD Vance repeats baseless claims that Haitian immigrants are eating pets as Ohio officials say there is no evidence,” Khosla tweeted.

But Elon Musk was not having it and fired back with a bombshell tweet.

“Could be worse, I suppose…” Musk wrote, attaching an article about violent cannibal gangs in Haiti who have allegedly been “eating people they’ve killed” in the streets.

Continue reading

[Ed.:  I wonder if North Americans taste different than Haitians...]


WAKE UP, REPUBLICANS! Democrats Are Openly Stealing the 2024 Election with Fraudulent Overseas Ballots   By Jim Hoft

Sep. 10, 2024 8:00 am – The Gateway Pundit reported extensively on this 2020 voter fraud scheme in numerous battleground states.

One method Democrats used to steal the election was with overseas ballots. We saw evidence of this in several battleground states.

During an Arizona Senate session in February2022, the discussion turned to the UOCAVA voters — these are voters covered under the Uniform Overseas Civilian Absentee Voting Act. These are the men and women who are serving their country in the military and send in a mail-in vote from where they are stationed outside the country. These ballots also include US citizens residing in countries outside the United States.

The act officially covers:

  • members of the United States Uniformed Services and merchant marine;
  • their family members; and
  • United States citizens residing outside the United States.

During the Arizona hearing, Paul Harris, a Maricopa resident and veteran in corporate executive management, spoke to the committee. Harris was a manager during the audit of the Maricopa County audit of the 2020 election ballots.

Paul Harris was tasked with overseeing the UOCAVA ballots during the audit. He described his experience.

Paul Harris: The UOCAVA is the Uniform Overseas Civilian Absentee Voting Act ballot. That ballot is sent out to men and women who work overseas and the people who work overseas to get a chance to work in the election. This is what a ballot looks like that goes out, an 11 1/2 X 19 ballot. When I opened up a box of ballots this is what a ballot looks like that’s a UOCAVA ballot. You know what that is? It’s an 8 1/2 X 11 sheet of copy paper.

During the hearing, Paul Harris, a Maricopa resident and veteran in corporate executive management, spoke to the committee. Harris was a manager during the audit of the Maricopa County audit of the 2020 election ballots.

Paul Harris was tasked with overseeing the UOCAVA ballots during the audit. He described his experience.

Paul Harris: The UOCAVA is the Uniform Overseas Civilian Absentee Voting Act ballot. That ballot is sent out to men and women who work overseas and the people who work overseas to get a chance to work in the election. This is what a ballot looks like that goes out, an 11 1/2 X 19 ballot. When I opened up a box of ballots this is what a ballot looks like that’s a UOCAVA ballot. You know what that is? It’s an 8 1/2 X 11 sheet of copy paper.

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Trump Says Mark Zuckerberg Called Him and Said, ‘There’s No Way I Can Vote for a Democrat This Election’ — Zuckerberg Responds in a Panic    By Jim Hft

Sep. 9, 2024 7:40 pm – President Donald Trump claimed in a recent interview that tech giant Mark Zuckerberg personally called him and stated he wouldn’t vote for a Democrat in this year’s election.

Last month, President Donald Trump said in an interview with FOX Business’ Maria Bartiromo that Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg personally reached out to him following a controversial incident involving Facebook’s false labeling of a now-viral photo.

The photo, showing Trump raising his fist after surviving a July 13 assassination attempt at his campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, had been wrongly flagged as “misinformation” on the social media platform.

“So, Mark Zuckerberg called me. First of all, he called me two times. He said that was really amazing,” Trump told Bartiromo.

Trump went on to claim that Zuckerberg told him, “And he actually announced that he’s not going to support a Democrat because he can’t because he respected me for what I did that day. I think what I did… to me, was a normal response.”

“He actually apologized. He said they made a mistake… and they’re correcting the mistake,” Trump added.

Trump reiterated this statement during an interview with New York Magazine.

“Zuckerberg said he’s never supported a Republican before, but after seeing how the Democrats have handled things, and after watching what I did that day, he couldn’t believe it. He said, ‘There’s no way I can vote for a Democrat this election.’”

“He’s a guy that, his parents, everybody was always Democrat,” Trump added.

Meta issued a response in an attempt to calm the leftist meltdown, not outright denying the existence of the conversation but disputing Trump’s version of events.

A spokesperson for Meta told New York Magazine, “As Mark has said publicly, he’s not endorsing anybody in this race and has not communicated to anyone how he intends to vote.”

This revelation follows Zuckerberg throwing Joe Biden under the bus and coming clean about his involvement in their collusion.

Zuckerberg openly admitted that Meta was subjected to relentless pressure by the Biden regime to censor content related to COVID-19, even when the content was satirical or humorous, and the infamous Hunter Biden laptop.

The Meta CEO allegedly expressed deep ‘regret’ for not being more vocal in resisting the government’s demands, stating that “government pressure was wrong,” and he now recognizes that his company should have been more outspoken about the administration’s overreach.

Zuckerberg also addressed the financial contributions he made through the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative—referred to as “Zuckerbucks” by election integrity advocates—during the last presidential election cycle, which significantly benefited the Democrats.

“I want to address the contributions I made during the last presidential cycle to support electoral infrastructure. The idea here was to make sure local election jurisdictions across the country had the resources they needed to help people vote safely during a global pandemic. I made these contributions through the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

“They were designed to be non-partisan –spread across urban, rural, and suburban communities.

“Still, despite the analyses I’ve seen showing otherwise, I know that some people believe this work benefited one party over the other. My goal is to be neutral and not play a role one way or another – or to even appear to be playing a role. So I don’t plan on making a similar contribution this cycle.”

Read more:


Epic Memes Emerge Online Following Reports of Cat and Bird-Eating Haitian Immigrants in Ohio, Causing Liberals to Lose Their Minds   (PHOTOS)   By Cullen Linebarger

Sep. 9, 2024 8:20 pm – As The Gateway Pundit reported, livid citizens confronted local officials during a recent City Commission meeting in Springfield, Ohio. They accused them of ignoring revolting crimes being committed by Haitian migrants against innocent animals in their town.

One resident recalled witnessing Haitians “grabbing up ducks by their necks, decapitating them, and walking off with them to eat.” Others revealed how the massive influx of immigrants, thanks to border czar Kamala Harris, has drained Springfield’s resources and turned a once-safe city into a crime-ridden hell.

One Springfield resident even claimed she spotted a cat hanging from a branch and being carved up for food by Haitian immigrants.

While Americans across the country expressed righteous anger, many also responded with informative and humorous online memes. As the old saying goes, a picture tells a thousand words.

The memes produced were unsurprisingly creative and arguably hilarious. They also made an important point: not even our most beloved animals are safe from Harris’s open border.

Many of them portrayed President Trump as a protector of the animals while telling Americans to vote for him in November.

Here are some of the best ones.

Liberals may be crying about harmless memes, but everyday Americans are in tears over illegals killing members of their family. Is there any wonder why America is currently in ruins?



Just In: Rumble is NO LONGER AVAILABLE in Brazil-A Direct Attack on Freedom of Expression in Yet Another Country   By Gateway Hispanic

Sep. 9, 2024 1:20 pm – Rumble, the leading free speech platform, has been banned in Brazil, marking a new and alarming attack on freedom of information. Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski issued a strong message to users, warning of increasing restrictions in several countries around the world.

In a recent statement, Pavlovski announced that Rumble is no longer available to citizens of Brazil, joining other countries such as France, Russia and China where access to the platform has been blocked. This move comes following the actions of Judge Alexandre de Moraes of Brazil’s Federal Supreme Court, who has been accused of leading a frontal attack on freedom of expression in the country.

“World powers don’t want Rumble, they don’t want X, they don’t want Telegram, and they don’t want Truth Social. They want to control information, but our companies won’t let them,” Pavlovski said in his message, highlighting how freedom-defending platforms are under siege by those seeking to silence independent voices.

The impact is profound: platforms like Elon Musk’s X are also off-limits to Brazilians. As advertisers boycott these companies, companies like Rumble are fighting back, fueled by support from committed users.

“ It’s the people who keep us alive and going ,” Pavlovski stressed, calling for people to join Rumble Premium to ensure the battle for freedom of expression continues. As an incentive, Rumble is offering a $10 discount for new annual subscribers who use the promo code “brazil.”

Rumble was also blocked in Russia after refusing to comply with the Russian government’s censorship demands, according to CEO Chris Pavlovski. While platforms like YouTube continue to operate in Russia, Rumble has refused requests to remove content that does not violate its policies, such as channels about marijuana and political topics. Pavlovski said the move underscores tensions over internet freedom and calls into question other platforms’ compliance with Russian regulations.

This attack on freedom of expression cannot be ignored. Censorship is expanding and platforms like Rumble are at the forefront of the fight.

Over the weekend, thousands of people protested against censorship on X and in favor of Bolsonaro’s return. In addition, Lula appeared alone and isolated at the Independence Day parade.

See videos


Owner forced to sell Colorado apartment complex where Venezuelan gangs have been ‘running rampant’ despite Aurora cops claiming there’s no problem there   [VIDEOS]  By GERMANIA RODRIGUEZ POLEO

9 September 2024 – The owner of an Aurora, Colorado, apartment complex has agreed to sell the property after claiming it was taken over by Venezuelan gangsters.

Aurora officials will drop dozens of charges against the owner of the Aspen Grove apartment complex as part of the agreement, as reported by the Denver Gazette.

The Aspen Grove was shuttered in August, with about 300 people evicted, after the city identified health and safety issues including rodent infestations, sewage backups, lack of electricity and trash pileups.

Authorities had accused the landlord, Zev Baumgarten of failing to maintain the 99-unit property, located at 1568 Nome St.

The management company, on its part, has blamed the property’s condition on gangs, claiming Tren de Aragua members have scared management away and are forcing residents to pay rent to them.

Colorado police and local officials and activists have denied their claims.

As part of the deal with Aurora officials, the owner has also agreed to pay up to $60,000 to clean up and secure the Aspen Grove.

Landlord Baumgarten has also been accused of similar violations at the Edge of Lowry Apartments at 1258 Dallas St, where viral footage showed armed men breaking into units.

A third complex, the Whispering Pines at 1357 Galena St, has also been affected by gangs, with a law firm hired by management claiming that Venezuelan gangsters have been running the building since late 2023.

All three properties are managed by Brooklyn-based CBZ Management.

The Tren de Aragua, a criminal group from Venezuela, has had a ‘stranglehold’ on the Whispering Pines Apartments in Aurora since late 2023, the law firm Perkins Coie claimed in a letter to Aurora officials.

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Students for Justice in Palestine Calls for ‘End of America’

September 9, 2024   JBN News

The notorious National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) made headlines again this week after sharing a post that called for the end of America.

“Divestment against Israel is not an incremental goal. True divestment necessitates nothing short of the total collapse of the university structure and the American empire itself. To divest from this is to undermine and eradicate America as we know it,” the now deleted post reads.

With chapters across numerous universities, SJP has garnered attention for its vocal Hamas sympathy and calls for violence.

During campus protests in April 2024, SJP was involved in creating a Telegram channel that reportedly shared instructions on obstructing police activities. This included guidance on breaking officers’ grips and carrying tools to release detained individuals, blurring the line between peaceful protest and lawlessness.

The Hamas loving group has collaborated with organizations like the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) and Within Our Lifetime (WOL), which have been long accused of supporting extremism. Even among those sympathetic to the Arab cause SJP has taken hardline positions, sometimes even criticizing Squad politicians like Jamaal Bowman and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for not aligning fully with their fanatical stance.

Founded in the mid-1990s, SJP’s roots trace back to co-founder Hatem Bazian, now a professor at the University of California, Berkeley. SJP is not officially registered as an NGO in the US, and its current leadership hierarchy is not publicly clear. Funding for local chapters sometimes comes from universities themselves, while the New York-based WESPAC Foundation has been identified as a fiscal sponsor.

In response to SJP’s antisemitic activities, pro-Israel campus groups like Students Supporting Israel (SSI) are calleing on the government to ban the organization from American universities.

[Ed.:  If these politically astute idiots got “an end to America”, where do they expect that they could protest then?  Maybe in “Palestine”?]



Real America’s Voice Ben Bergquam Exposes Massive “Border Wall Graveyard” in New Mexico  (VIDEO)   By David Greyson

Sep. 8, 2024 7:20 pm- Real America’s Voice and Host of “Law and Border” Ben Bergquam was in New Mexico recently to expose what he referred to as a “Border wall graveyard.”

The Biden/Harris regime has left millions of dollars of unused border wall material in the desert to go to waste.

Even worse, millions of dollars of border wall material have been sold for pennies on the dollar instead of being used to secure our country.

Bartiromo: Biden Regime Sold $300 Million Worth of Border Wall Parts for $2 Million  (Video)

“This is one of the few large border wall graveyards still left,” Bergquam said.

“Hundreds of millions of your tax dollars wasted, rotting out in the sun because of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Everything they have told you about the border is a lie,” Bergquam continued.

“Four years, they lied to you and told you that it was President Trump’s fault. Four years they allowed the wall that President Trump was putting up to rot out here in the desert. Everything they’ve told you is a lie,” Bergquam continued.

“This is the stuff they couldn’t sell. Most of it they did at pennies on the dollar. There are massive yards like this all along our southern border. They got rid of most of it so you wouldn’t see it,” Bergquam said.

“And now after four years of allowing our country to be invaded, Kamala Harris has the nerve to say she wants to build a border wall,” Bergquam said.


Last year, TGP reported that the Biden regime sold border material for pennies on the dollar. $300 million worth of border wall material for only $2 million.

On day one – The Biden regime opened the US southern border on day one of the administration. They also ended all construction of the Trump border wall on the US Southern Border.

To make matters worse, Biden had a worthless Executive Order back in June which does nothing to stop the flow of illegals. He actually took 94 executive actions to dismantle Trump’s secure border.

After Biden was ousted as the nominee, Kamala now acts like she supports having a secure border. She had three and a half years to fix the problem.


Hungary Threatens to Deport Migrants to Brussels If the EU Attempts to Force Them to Absorb “Asylum Seekers”   By Seth Segal

Sep. 8, 2024 3:20 pm – Hungary is known for its strong national conservative stance on immigration and its common sense approach of putting the country and its people first, not the interests of Brussels, the seat of the EU.

As reported by Breitbart, if the EU attempts to force Hungary to absorb so-called “asylum seekers,” they will promptly send them right back to Brussels.

In the past, the EU has threatened fines against nations who do not take in “asylum seekers.”

As reported by The Gateway Pundit, this is hardly the first time the EU has pressured Hungary simply for standing for its people and protecting its national sovereignty.

They have been threatened with hefty fines for the “crime” of protecting their nation and in June 2024, the European Court of Justice fined Hungary €200 million for breaking the EU’s asylum laws and ignoring an earlier judgment.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán expressed outrage after the judgment.

Orbán’s government, however, is doubling down and following in the footsteps of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Texas Governor Gregg Abbott.

DeSantis and Abbott of Texas sent illegals on buses to virtue signaling liberal parts of the country.

Breitbart reports, “Hungarian Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior Bence Rétvári promised to provide migrants with one-way tickets to Brussels.”

Standing before a fleet of busses in Budapest on Friday, the Hungarian politician said per Magyarnemzet: “If the European Union forces Hungary to let in illegal immigrants, Hungary will offer the migrants to transport them to Brussels for free after completing the European procedure.”

“The mayor of Brussels reacted to the proposal in such a way that it would turn the everyday lives of the people of Brussels upside down. And Hungary protects the southern border so that the everyday lives of Hungarians are not turned upside down,” he added.

No doubt the globalists in Brussels will be outraged since they don’t want illegal migrants either. Migration for thee but not for me.

A frequent pattern of elite globalists is pushing for mass migration in other states and countries while keeping them out of their own neighborhoods.

Hungary has pointed out they also have a wall on their southern border to keep out a migrant invasion. This is yet another example overseas of the efficacy of walls and borders. America could learn from Hungary in securing our borders and building a wall to protect our citizens.

[Ed.:  You tell ‘em, Victor!  That plan worked really well in New York, LA, Martha’s Vineyard, and Chicago. Those lefties in Brussels should take them into their own homes if they have a spec of humanitarian altruism about them.]


Edmundo González Lands in Madrid to Begin His Exile in Spain Following Brutal Repression by Maduro’s Regime   By Gateway Hispanic

Sep. 8, 2024 3:40 pm – Edmundo González Urrutía, the elected president of Venezuela, has arrived in Spain this Sunday to begin his exile after a brutal wave of repression unleashed by Nicolás Maduro’s regime. González landed at the Torrejón de Ardoz military base in Madrid, accompanied by his wife, after taking refuge at the residences of the Dutch and Spanish ambassadors in Caracas.

Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares confirmed that González flew aboard a Spanish Air Force plane, stating that the Spanish government is committed to protecting the political rights and safety of Venezuelans.

X post translation:

Edmundo González, at his own request, flies to Spain on a Spanish Air Force plane. The Government of Spain is committed to the political rights and physical integrity of all Venezuelans.

González, who faced threats, blackmail, and an attempted arrest after winning the July 28, 2024 elections, will now have to request political asylum in Spain. With over 1,700 political prisoners and Maduro’s regime attempting to invalidate the election results, the political climate in Venezuela remains tense. It is expected that González will continue leading the opposition from exile while María Corina Machado remains in Venezuela, resisting the regime’s repression.

X post translation:

To the Venezuelans,

Edmundo González Urrutía, President-elect of Venezuela, has left the country and is in Spain.

Following our historic victory on July 28, 2024, the regime unleashed a brutal wave of repression against all citizens, classified as State terrorism by the IACHR, which included all types of attacks against the President-elect and those around him.

His life was in danger, and the increasing threats, summons, arrest warrants and even attempts at blackmail and coercion to which he has been subjected, demonstrate that the regime has no scruples and no limits in its obsession with silencing him and trying to subdue him.

Faced with this brutal reality, it is necessary for our cause to preserve his freedom, his integrity and his life.

This operation by the regime and its allies is further evidence of their criminal nature, which delegitimizes and sinks them more and more every day. But, once again, they were wrong. Their attempted coup against Popular Sovereignty will not come to fruition.

On January 10, 2025, President-Elect Edmundo González Urrutía will be sworn in as Constitutional President of Venezuela and Commander-in-Chief of the National Armed Forces.

Let this be very clear to everyone: Edmundo will fight from outside alongside our diaspora and I will continue to do so here, alongside you.

Serenity, courage and firmness!

Venezuelans, this fight is UNTIL THE END and victory is ours.

Machado has affirmed that, despite González’s exile, “on January 10, 2025, he will be sworn in as the Constitutional President of Venezuela,” ensuring that the fight for democracy will continue both inside and outside the country.

[Ed.:  He must think that Spain is safe for him.  Reminds me of Trump thinking the SS is safe for securing his life.  These elected presidents whose seats have been stolen from them seem to think alike! Was Jair Bolsonaro really safe when he was in exile in Miami and everyone knew his address? Elected leaders whose seats have been stolen from the are so numerous now-a-days, that they have become  their own class of people.  The common theme that connects all of them is that they all trust the very people who will stab them in the back.  It’s a syndrome already!  You can’t cure naive…]


Ohio Resident Horrified After Spotting Missing Cat ‘Hanging from a Branch, Being Carved Up for Food’ by Haitian Migrants: Report   By Jim Hft

Sep. 8, 2024 7:00 pm – A shocking Facebook post from a local Springfield community group has sparked alarm after a resident shared a disturbing exchange with her neighbor regarding the safety of pets and local wildlife.

The post, shared by a concerned resident, began with a stark warning: “Warning to all about our beloved pets & those around us!!!”

The resident recounted a disturbing exchange with her neighbor, who revealed that her daughter’s friend had tragically lost her pet cat. The concerned pet owner had searched tirelessly, checking online lost pet pages, local animal shelters, and asking neighbors if they had seen her missing feline.

However, the search ended in horror. According to the neighbor, one day, after returning home from work, she spotted her lost cat in a neighboring yard.

The disturbing detail? The cat was reportedly hanging from a tree branch, allegedly being carved for consumption. The residents of the home in question were identified as a Haitian family.

The original poster further claimed that similar incidents had been happening with other animals in the community, including dogs. The post also alleged that authorities, such as park rangers and local police, had reported similar acts involving ducks and geese in Snyder Park.

The post reads:

Warning to all about our beloved pets & those around us!!

My neighbor informed me that her daughters friend had lost her cat. She checked pages, kennels, asked around, etc. One day she came home from work, as soon as she stepped out of her car, looked towards a neighbors house, where Haitians live, & saw her cat hanging from a branch, like you’d do a deer for butchering, & they were carving it up to eat.

I’ve been told they are doing this to dogs, they have been doing it at snyder park with the ducks & geese, as I was told that last bit by Rangers & police. Please keep a close eye on these animals.

According to the Haitian Report:

Why do Haitians eat cats?

Contrary to popular beliefs, Haitians don’t eat cats because they are poor and hungry. They eat cats because it’s a tradition.

The practice of eating cats in Haiti is not a new habit but an old tradition started at the time of slavery.

For instance, runaway slaves hunted, killed, and ate wild cats deep in Haiti’s forest and treacherous mountains many years before Haiti became a nation.

So the practice of eating cat is just as old as Haiti herself.

Do Haitians eat other types of animals?

Yes. Haitians eat cows, goats, sheep, chickens, pork, etc., but cat meat is a delicacy that many from the countryside simply can’t resist.


…having a Reveyon without a cat is just like celebrating Thanksgiving without a turkey. Unless you are a vegetarian, some just have to have it.

Why? Well, again, it’s an old tradition.

Why is it legal to eat cats in Haiti?

Some Haitians eat cat’s meat freely for three reasons:

  • There are no laws designed to prevent people from eating cats.
  • Most Haitians do not have a human-like relationship with their pets.
  • Some see cats just like pork, beef, and chicken. So there is no discrimination.

There is no preferential treatment. Meat is meat–whether it is from cats or any other large animals.

Residents of Springfield, which now has a population of roughly 60,000 people, are growing increasingly vocal about the influx of migrants, particularly after claims surfaced that local wildlife and pets were being killed and eaten.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that during a recent City Commission meeting, outraged citizens confronted local officials, accusing them of turning a blind eye to the situation.

One resident recounted seeing migrants “grabbing up ducks by their necks, decapitating them, and walking off with them to eat.” Others detailed how the massive influx of migrants has overwhelmed the town’s resources and turned their once-quiet streets into chaos.

“They’re in the park grabbing up ducks by their neck and cutting their head off and walking off with them and eating them,” said one resident who identified himself as a ‘social media influencer.’

“Who is getting paid? Like how much money is y’all really getting paid? Like to bring them over here, like I know it’s deeper than them,” he said.

Read more:

[Ed.:  50 million dangerous invaders since the obamination of America.  15 million since the steal.  Raping our daughters we knew about, but no one even conceived of them killing and eating our pets too…  The government that perpetrated this must be replaced. It’s gone against us.]


Angry Springfield, Ohio Residents GO OFF at City Commission Meeting as Haitian Illegals Run Wild, Flip Cars, Decapitate Ducks in Parks and Eat Them   (VIDEO  3:15:48)   By Cristina Laila

Sep. 8, 2024 1:40 pm – More than 20,000 Haitians are now living in Springfield, Ohio and the residents are fed up.

Springfield has a population of about 60,000 people and Haitians now make up 25% of the population.

Democrats want to take back Ohio so they have flooded parts of the state with Haitians and other illegal migrants.

The City of Springfield held a City Commission meeting last week and angry residents went off on them for doing nothing about the Haitians wreaking havoc on the community and draining resources.

Residents went off the local government officials for neglecting to keep the city clean and safe amid an influx of Haitian illegals.

One resident said Haitians are running people off the road, flipping cars and decapitating ducks in the parks and eating them.

“They’re in the park grabbing up ducks by their neck and cutting their head off and walking off with them and eating them,” said one resident who identified himself as a ‘social media influencer.’

The angry resident accused the government officials of getting paid to bring the hordes of Haitian illegals to the Ohio town of 60,000 people.

“Who is getting paid? Like how much money is y’all really getting paid? Like to bring them over here, like I know it’s deeper than them,” he said.

The resident detailed other horrors of living with 20,000 illegal Haitians. He said Haitians are running people off the road and flipping cars.



[Ed.:  They’re not laughing in Israel, but the video is correct.]


]“The Blob” in Brazil: TGP Exposes the Million-Dollar US Censorship Industry Attacking Free Speech in Brazil as Half a Million Brazilians Protest for Freedom in São Paulo  [VIDEOS]  By Richard Abelson

Sep. 8, 2024 8:45 am – Half a million Brazilians came out Saturday in São Paulo and more all across the country to protest the massive censorship campaign against X and the persecution of opposition citizens, journalists and politicians. Gateway Pundit reveals the network of US Deep State funded “Non”-Governmental Oganizations fighting free speech in Brazil, which are a product with the same censorship complex active in the United States and Europe.


Twitter Files journalist Michael Shellenberger risked possible prosecution in Brazil to attend the free speech rally Saturday with President Jair Bolsonaro, son Eduardo Bolsonaro and many others.

“Brazilian President Lula and Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes say they must block X to protect Brazil’s independence. X is a platform for dangerous, false, and hateful words, they say, and many of those words violate Brazil’s laws and Constitution. But their censorship goes far beyond what Brazil’s constitution allows. The government demanded that X and other social media networks censor and ban individual people, including journalists and politicians. Such bans are immoral, illegal, and unconstitutional. They constitute election interference and undermine democracy by preventing candidates from getting the word out”, Shellenberger wrote.


Censorship expert Mike Benz of “Foundation for Freedom Online” has posted repeatedly about the government-organized NGO (GONGO) network behind the onslaught on freedom of speech in Brazil and the West in general, urging House Republicans to take urgent action against the tyrannical assault on democracy led by the US foreign policy establishment.

Benz charges that the Pentagon, State Department, National Endowment for Democracy, USAID, Atlantic Council and other censorship drivers have been pushing for censorship of Bolsonaro supporters since 2019. [Emphasis added]

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Concern about censorship in Brazil after the radical ban of «X»   [1:03]

Brazil has radically banned social media platform X (formerly Twitter), raising concerns about growing social media censorship globally. This decision follows orders from the Brazilian government to comply with local regulations, which has sparked debates about freedom of expression and access to technology in an increasingly regulated environment.


Arizona Mom Arrested for Criticizing Pay Raises for Public Officials at City Council Meeting  [VIDEOS]   By Pamela Geller

September 7, 2024 – The twilight of American democracy.

Arizona mom Rebekah Massie was questioning their pay raise. Ironically, she wanted to teach her 10-year-old daughter the importance of standing up for your civil rights when she brought her along to a city council meeting in Surprise, Arizona, on August 20. She gave her an altogether different lesson.

Perhaps now people begin to understand why I fought so hard for our first amendment rights, under penalty of death, but the warnings were not heeded.

An Arizona Mom Was Arrested for Criticizing Public Officials at a City Council Meeting. Now She’s Suing.   By: C.J. Ciaramella, 

September 4, 2024:

Rebekah Massie says she wanted to teach her 10-year-old daughter a little bit about the importance of standing up for your civil rights when she brought her along to a city council meeting in Surprise, Arizona, on August 20.

Her daughter certainly learned a lesson. Massie was hauled out of the room in handcuffs and charged with trespassing after criticizing a city attorney’s pay raise during the public comment period of the meeting.

On Tuesday, Massie filed a First Amendment lawsuit arguing the city council’s speech policies are unconstitutional and that city officials illegally retaliated against her, violating her First, Fourth, and 14th Amendment rights. Massie is represented by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), a free speech advocacy group.

“If the First Amendment protects anything, it protects criticizing government officials,” FIRE attorney Conor Fitzpatrick said in a press release. “Arresting government critics might be how the world’s repressive regimes operate, but it has no place in America.”

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Armed Illegals Who Violently Took Over Apartment Blocks in Colorado RELEASED on $1,000 Bond   By Pamela Geller

September 7, 2024 – Two of the Venezuelan gangsters who participated in the violent takeover of apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado have been released on $1,000 BONDS.

The government is increasingly the greatest threat to our nation and our safety. J6es have sat in the gulag for years before trial.

Trial is under relentless political persecution.

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Arm yourselves.

Two of the Venezuelan gangsters who participated in the violent takeover of apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado have been released on $1,000 BONDS

They are now free to go back into the community and terrorize more Americans

Does anyone remember when New York forced President Trump to pay $400 million just to appeal the hoax they brought against him?

I guess Trump is far more dangerous than violent gangsters who go around pointing guns at innocent people.

Related: Kamala’s Illegal Migrant Mob Takes Over CHICAGO Apartment Building Last Night


Democrats Are Terrified Of GOP Plan To Protect U.S. Election From Noncitizen Voting   BY: BRIANNA LYMAN

Why are Democrats and their media mouthpieces so afraid of the GOP plan to keep noncitizens from voting in American elections?

SEPTEMBER 06, 2024  The Federalist – Democrats appear to be panicking over Speaker Mike Johnson’s reported plan to link a provision requiring proof of citizenship for voter registration to a government funding bill. On Thursday, The New York Times took to distorting the facts to deflect from the very real problem of a vulnerable federal voter registration system that Democrats refuse to address.

Punchbowl News reported earlier this week that Johnson plans to introduce a continuing resolution (CR) that includes the Safeguarding American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act. This legislation would amend the 1993 National Voter Registration Act and require prospective voters to provide documentary proof of citizenship to register.

While it’s technically already illegal for non-citizens to register to vote (or vote) in federal elections, the only thing standing between them and making it onto the voter roll is a small square box on the federal registration form that requires applicants to attest to their citizenship status under penalty of perjury.

Such a move on Johnson’s part has received almost immediate pushback from Democrats. Axios reported on Wednesday that “three senior Democratic sources” say “they expect a full whip operation against the GOP spending bill,” with Democrats in battleground districts likely to “face considerable pressure from their party not to break ranks.”

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Prisoners in Fort Worth Prisons Set to Receive Trans Surgeries Funded by Taxpayers   By Margaret Flavin

Sep. 7, 2024 12:20 pm – The Biden-Harris administration is launching a transgender surgery program for federal inmates in Fort Worth, Texas, with taxpayers footing the bill.

According to The Dallas Express, the Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP) is pursuing a contract for “gender reassignment” surgeries at two Federal Medical Centers (FMC) in Fort Worth.

“The Federal Bureau of Prisons is pursuing a contract for gender-affirming surgery in Texas, as the Dallas-Fort Worth area is home to both male and female Federal Medical Centers,” Randilee Giamusso, a spokeswoman for FBOP, told DX.

“This will allow us to provide specialized and comprehensive care at a facility already equipped to care for individuals with complex medical considerations.”

The contract announcement reads:

The Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP), Field Acquisition Office located in Grand Prairie, Texas intends to make a single award for the provision of Gender Reassignment Surgery Medical Services for the Federal Medical Center (FMC) Carswell and (FMC) Fort Worth located in Fort Worth, TX.

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code is 621111 (Size Standard: $17,000,000).

This solicitation is being issued as unrestricted. The Government contemplates awarding an indefinite delivery/requirements type contract with firm-fixed unit pricing contract resulting from this solicitation. The contract shall consist of a Base Year and four 12 month option years for renewal. The FBOP desires a single award to the quoter who can provide the best value, considering the diversity of available services and price, among other criteria specified in the solicitation. Therefore, the Government may award any or all line items, may withhold award of any or all line items, or may award to a quoter who quotes less than the full complement of services contained in this solicitation. Quoters are encouraged to submit comprehensive proposals committing to provide all outputs listed in the solicitation. Quoters who quote less comprehensive approaches will be evaluated accordingly. All duties shall be performed in accordance with standards and methods generally accepted within the industry and in compliance with the Performance Work Statement.

The multi-million dollar contract follows an announcement in June 2022 from The Department of Justice (DOJ) of a $1.5 million payment to a private company to develop a “transgender programming curriculum” to be used across all U.S. prisons.

Fox News reported at the time, “The DOJ’s Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) entered a contract on July 1, 2021, with The Change Companies in Carson City, Nevada, for $1.5 million for developing transgender-specific programming for transgender prison inmates.

The BOP’s Office of Public Affairs explained in a statement to Fox News Digital that The Change Companies is creating a curriculum for transgender federal inmates that “teaches techniques to seek support for mental health concerns and skills to advocate for physical, emotional, and sexual health and safety.”

“The BOP provides services and programs tailored to address the needs of the transgender population,” the statement read. “By entering into a contract with The Change Companies, the BOP is able to expand program offerings for transgender inmates.”

[Ed.:  Hey!  That’s a lot of tax dollars per penis!]

New York Paying Migrant Familes $4000 to Aid Transition Out of Shelters   By Margaret Flavin

Sep. 7, 2024 1:40 pm – While millions of Americans are suffering in a disastrous Biden-Harris economy, illegals in New York are getting extra help that is not available to citizens.

On Friday, city officials confirmed to Fox News Digital that a pilot project has been launched that provides migrants $4000 to help transition out of city shelters.

Per Fox:

The NYC Department of Homeless Services (DHS) offered 150 families cash assistance through the Asylee Moveout Assistance (AMA), a pilot created in December last year to help find permanent housing for asylum seekers. The pilot was launched in partnership with some city shelters providing services for asylum seekers.

“The city is using every tool at its disposal to implement innovative and cost-effective solutions to help recently-arrived asylum seekers residing in shelters take the next steps in their journey,” a Department of Social Services (DSS) spokesperson told Fox News Digital.

DHS officials in December started dispensing $4000 to 150 households who live in the city’s emergency DHS shelters.

“Since December, DSS has been working with a few not-for-profit providers operating emergency sites to pilot a new effort to reduce barriers to obtaining housing by helping asylum-seeking families who have identified permanent housing with the upfront cost of moving into their new home,” the DSS spokesperson said.

The program is only available to asylum-seeking families and pregnant women who are residing in select DHS emergency shelters.  Struggling U.S. citizens need not apply.

Officials claim the funds are coming from “leftover” money from existing DHS budgets.

The assertion of “leftover” funds is ridiculous when looking at the astronomical cost of housing and caring for migrants.

During a City Council hearing in March, Social Services Commissioner Molly Wasow Park reported that it now costs $388 per day for NYC to house and care for a single migrant household.

According to The New York Times, as of August, more than 210,000 migrants have arrived in New York City since the spring of 2022.

NYC has provided a variety of goodies to migrants, including passing out pre-paid debit cards.

That pilot program provides migrant families of four with two children under 5 with up to $350 each week until the end of their stay, costing an estimated $53 million


Radical Islamic Terrorism: Pakistani Arrested For Plotting Slaughter Of American Jews   By Seth Segal

Sep. 7, 2024 3:00 pm – A Pakistani man inspired by The Islamic State and the October 7th attack in Israel was arrested in Canada.

In the latest example of the danger of mass unvetted migration, a suspected terrorist plot was thwarted.

According to a Fox News report, an alleged would-be terrorist was arrested in Canada on Wednesday.

Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, 20, a Pakistani national who lives in Canada and also goes by the name Shahzeb Jadoon, is accused of plotting a mass shooting at a Jewish center in New York City in support of ISIS.

He has been charged with attempting to provide material support and resources to a designated foreign terrorist organization and faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted.

Per Fox: 

“The defendant was allegedly determined to kill Jewish people here in the United States, nearly one year after Hamas’s horrific attack on Israel,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said. ” This investigation was led by the FBI and I am proud of the terrific work by the FBI team and our partners to disrupt Khan’s plan.”

Khan was arrested by Royal Canadian Mounted Police on a material support of terrorism warrant issued out of the Southern District of New York.

“As alleged, Khan attempted to travel to the United States to carry out a terrorist attack and murder as many Jewish people as possible, all in support of ISIS,” U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said in a statement. “Khan’s alleged crimes are a vivid reminder that we must remain vigilant in the fight against antisemitism and terror.”


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[Ed.:  He confessed that he planned to hit Chabad HQ in Crown Heights.]


Armed Venezuelan Gangs Steal Oil, Copper Wire, Assault Workers at Texas Oil Field    By Cristina Laila

Sep. 7, 2024 2:00 pm – Armed Venezuelan gang members are stealing oil, copper wire, diesel fuel and catalyst elements from Texas oil fields in West Texas, according to a memo issued to employees.

According to the memo obtained by LibsofTikTok, a Texas-based oil company issued a memo to employees warning them about security concerns from violent migrant gangs.

Venezuelan gang members are using vehicles to run workers and witnesses off the road as they steal oil and diesel fuel.

Per the memo:

Industry peers and law enforcement in West Texas (WTX) are aware of a recent increase in organized criminal activity inclusive of violent crimes, gang activity and oil field thefts in and around WTX operational areas. Specifically, regional law enforcement and the FBI advised that gang members emanating from Cuba and Venezuela are organizing and working in concert to commit thefts within the Permian Basin. These individuals and groups are armed, violent in nature and will not hesitate to use force.

Crimes associated with these groups include the theft of oil, diesel fuel, copper wire, and catalyst elements. Recent incidents have also included two assaults by water haulers who were attempting to steal oil from WTX oilfield sites. After the thieves were observed by witnesses who drove up to investigate, the thieves attempted to use their vehicles to run the witnesses off the road. In another incident, a thief, acting as a spotter and following a water hauler who had stolen oil, also attempted to run a witness off the road. There have been numerous reports of second vehicles acting as spotters for water haulers committing oil thefts.

An industry peer provided the below snapshot of a video surveillance of an armed thief checking out an area before stealing diesel from the location.

Earlier this year it was reported that Venezuelan gangs were terrorizing oil workers across the Permian Basin in West Texas.

However, the Biden-Harris Regime is doing nothing is to stop them.

Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang members are also taking over apartment complexes in Dallas, Aurora, Colorado and New York [and Chicago,] and the FBI is doing absolutely nothing to stop them.

[Ed.:  Yes, they are the new conquerers of the United States.  This is now their turf to do what ever they chose.  And they’re not even moslems!]


TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE: Alan Dershowitz leaves Democratic Party, cites DNC: ‘I was disgusted’   By Geller Report Staff

September 7, 2024 – This announcement by Alan Dershowitz is not good enough. Alan Dershowitz has influence with many Jewish voters. As such, Dershowitz should be publicly supporting President Trump, the way he publicly supported Barack Obama in 2012. But Dershowitz refuses to do that. Instead, Dershowitz says he will wait for November 1st to announce his vote. He says he wants to see how Biden-Harris will “deal with Iran,” despite the Biden-Harris record of radical appeasement of Iran. This is bulls***.

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Lifelong Democrat Alan Dershowitz Blasts Biden and Harris, Announces His Departure From the Democrat Party  (VIDEOS)   By Cristina Laila

Sep. 6, 2024 6:20 pm – Lifelong Democrat and renowned Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz on Friday announced he has left the Democrat party.

Earlier this year Dershowitz said he may officially resign as a member of the Democrat party if they cut back aid to Israel.

WATCH  https://twitter.com/i/status/1779496389816291659

On Friday, Dershowitz followed through and announced he is now a registered Independent.

Dershowitz blasted Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and said he is disgusted by what happened at the DNC Convention in Chicago last month.

“I am no longer a member of the Democrat party,” Dershowitz said.

Dershowitz said what really pushed him over is how the Democrats conducted their convention in Chicago.

Pro-Gaza protesters took over the streets outside of the DNC convention last month.


Joe Biden praised the pro-Gaza protestors and said they have a point.

“Those protestors out there in the street, they have a point. A lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides,” Biden said last month.


Dershowitz criticized Biden for praising the pro-Gaza protestors and said he’s had enough with the Democrat party.


[Ed.:  This is proof that it is really never too late to correct a wrong!  Even if it means having an identity crisis late in life, or several decades of watching your party destroy your country.  Never too late while you’re still breathing, burping, and farting! GO Dersh! Now go after Harvard.]


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.