Daily Shmutz | NEWS | 9/23/24


[Ed.:  The news is fun (and funny – if you know how to swallow it…)  Notice the conscientious avoidance of Kamala/Biden articles!  …You’re welcome!  ]

 (Note:  All Democrat and RINO readers must be accompanied by an adult, and have a clean pair of unwrinkled panties...)


“World War III Is Approaching” – Pro-Putin Channel Simulates Massive Nuclear Strike on London – Would ‘Instantly Vaporize’ 850,000 People   [Awesome VIDEO]  By Ben Kew

Sep. 23, 2024 5:20 pm – An Russian television channel loyal to Vladimir Putin has simulated a massive nuclear strike on London and needless to say the consequences would be absolutely devastating.

In a propaganda video released by Tsargrad.TV, a massive nuclear warhead is shown striking the British capital city in an attack that would immediately kill 850,000 and injure around two million others.

The English language voiceover explains:

A nuclear weapon explodes over London. In this documentary, we explore the devastating consequences of this catastrophe.

In the simulation, we will use a warhead with a yield of 750 kilotons. That’s a pretty powerful charge. Upon detonation, a fireball as hot as the sun rapidly expands, reaching a radius of 950 metres [1,039 yards]. Anything trapped inside this fireball is instantly vaporised.

In our simulation, the epicentre of the explosion is at Westminster. People within that radius won’t even feel anything because the nerve impulse transmission speed is slower. Within 5 km [3 miles] of the epicentre the blast radius city of London, Camden town, Kensington, Brixton these areas will receive the most destruction.

A ticker on the screen counts up the number of fatalities, eventually maxing out at 850,000 deaths.

The narrator continues:

Buildings will be destroyed and debris will fill the streets, creating extremely dangerous conditions for everyone in the vicinity.

Given the population density in central London, the initial death toll could exceed 250,000 people and around 600,000 injured within a radius of 10 km [6.25 miles] the radiation will cause third degree burns. Within that radius anything that can burn will catch fire.

[Petrol] stations, automobiles, power substations, gas infrastructure. Explosive facilities will explode and amplify the effect of the devastation over a huge area, including areas from Camden to Greenwich and Islington to Wandsworth.

The movie was tweeted out by Moscow News.

Here is the translation from the tweet:  “Russian media publishes a simulation of a nuclear strike on the British capital, London, with a charge of 750 kilotons. “World War III is approaching””

[Do]  Watch the video 

Fears of nuclear war are at their highest since the Cold War as the UK, Europe and the United States have greenlighted the use of their weapons against the Russian mainland.

Earlier this month, Vladimir Putin said that the use of long-range missiles against Russian targets would mean that NATO is officially at war with Russia, as opposed to the proxy conflict currently being fought through Ukraine.

[Ed.:  The present day ‘American Administration’ would rather have total global nuclear annihilation than to let Trump win the 2024 election because thiss would result in their prosecution for treason.  The government of our Constitutional Republic needs to be rebuilt, and it’s now or never.  Rebuilding our government is not very likely (read: it’s not in the cards, it’s not gonna happen.  Given Trumps choice of personal security personnel, perhaps we wouldn’t need to go through with attacking Russia and causing nuclear annihilation?  …Just askin’.]   [Emphasis added]


Pray for Peace, as the Madmen of the West are About to Plunge the World into a Mass-Death Scenario that Will Catch Americans Completely by Surprise   by Leo Hohmann 

Sep. 23, 2024 7:45 am – Western media stays mum on the biggest story of the century and Americans remain fixated and distracted by petty politics and whether Haitians are eating cats in Ohio. It’s just a matter of time — days or perhaps hours — before the Biden administration approves Ukraine’s use of U.S. missiles to strike daggers deep into the heart of Russia: Putin has removed all confusion, saying such action amounts to a de facto declaration of war against the nuclear-armed 1,100-year-old sovereign state of Russia. He will respond in kind.
It appears to be a matter of when, not if, the Biden administration grants approval for Ukraine to use U.S.-supplied long-range ATACMS missiles against Russia.

These missiles were sent by the U.S. to Ukraine about a year ago but with restrictions that they could not be launched into Russia proper. The British sent their Storm Shadow missiles with similar restrictions. But now the rules of the game are about to change and I see no sense of urgency by the Western media to explain the potential consequences to everyday Americans, Canadians and Europeans. They’d rather report on cat-eating Haitians and the latest political salvo between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.

The heads of state in the United Kingdom and Canada, perhaps the U.S.’s closest NATO allies, are pushing hard for Biden to approve long-range hits on Russian cities and infrastructure, almost guaranteeing the start of World War III. The regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin has made it clear that nothing less than a direct retaliation against the U.S. and U.K. will result from such a fateful decision by the lame duck president, Joe Biden, or whoever is running Joe Biden.

Over the weekend another powerful voice came out in favor of Ukraine launching missiles at Russian cities.

Breitbart reports the head of NATO’s military committee said Saturday that Ukraine has the solid legal and military right to strike deep inside Russia to gain combat advantage – reflecting the beliefs of a number of U.S. allies – even as the Biden administration balks at allowing Kyiv to do so using American-made weapons.

“Every nation that is attacked has the right to defend itself,” said Admiral Rob Bauer, speaking at the close of the NATO committee’s annual meeting. “And that right doesn´t stop at the border of your own nation.”

I wonder if the shoe were on the other foot and Russia was sending long-range missiles to Mexico with instructions and training on how to use them against American cities if the esteemed admiral would say Mexico had a “right” to fire those Russian missiles northward.

The consequences of these comments are absolutely stunning, and yet they are made with the flippancy of a Cub Scout leader deciding which is the best way to sharpen a pocket knife.

I agree that Ukraine has every right to defend itself. But common sense says let them defend themselves without placing entire Western populations, who want no part of this war, in grave danger of nuclear annihilation.

Breitbart notes that Admiral Bauer, of the Netherlands, also added that nations have the sovereign right to put limits on the weapons they send to Ukraine. But, standing next to him at a press briefing, Lt. Gen. Karel Rehka, chief of the General Staff of the Czech Armed Forces, made it clear his nation places no such weapons restrictions on Kyiv.

“We believe that the Ukrainians should decide themselves how to use it,” Rehka said.

Sorry, Mr. Rehka, but that’s a very deceptive statement. You’re not giving your people the whole truth. Putin has already made it clear that Ukraine using NATO weapons, targeted with the satellite technology of NATO countries and trained by NATO forces, will be seen by Russia as the same as NATO declaring war on Russia.

The idiotic comments by these Western puppet politicians (doing the bidding of their international financiers and political handlers) came as Biden is weighing whether to allow Ukraine to use American-provided long-range weapons to hit deep into Russia.

The perception being presented in the Western media is that there remain deep divisions within NATO over this issue of letting Ukraine off the leash in its use of NATO-supplied long-range missiles. I’m not buying it. I believe it’s all stagecraft. The U.S. government has likely already made the decision to lift the restrictions on Ukraine’s use of these missile batteries but they are trying to make it look like these other Western governments are out ahead of the U.S. and begging for U.S. approval.

Biden met with far-left British Prime Minister Keir Starmer on Friday. U.S. officials “familiar with the discussions” said they believed Starmer was seeking Biden’s approval to allow Ukraine to use British Storm Shadow missiles for expanded strikes against Russia.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also has publicly voiced his support for the long-range strikes against Russia to begin.

Here is Trudeau essentially declaring war on Russia and rooting for potentially massive death tolls as Russia will inevitably respond with long-range missile strikes against America and Canada.


State Department Officials Colluded to Protect Iran Envoy Under FBI Investigation   BY DANIEL GREENFIELD

“The State Department never reported Malley’s suspension to the OIG, in violation of federal law”

SEP 22, 2024 5:00 PM – Classified information is a very serious matter. Except 99% of the time when it’s not. About the only time that classified information is really a serious issue is when it can be used to raid a certain Florida venue.

The rest of the time it just doesn’t matter. Just ask Rob Malley and an entire administration that covered for him.

The Harris-Biden administration’s suspended Iran envoy Robert Malley may have taken part in a “classified White House-organized” call after his top secret security clearance was frozen over allegations of misconduct, according to the State Department’s internal watchdog.

The watchdog report politely describes this as deviating from normal standards. Much like Al Capone was deviating from normal negotiating procedures.

An official at the heart of the Iran outreach program had multiple State Department officials cover for him, lie on his behalf to Congress and to foreign governments to cover up the fact that he was under FBI investigation.

And it got worse from there.

On April 22, 2023, the State Department notified Malley of his clearance suspension and barred him from accessing the department’s “Sensitive But Unclassified [SBU] information system.”

However, days later, under pressure from senior officials, Malley’s access to sensitive information was restored, as was his access to his State Department email account.

State Department officials told OIG investigators that they believed restoring Malley’s access “presented a low risk” and there were worries the Iran envoy “might resort to using personal email to conduct official business” if the request was denied.

Incredibly, rather than cut off Malley’s access, State Department officials claimed to be worried that he would commit further violations by using his personal email. And sure, they could have asked him not to, but apparently they can’t trust him not to do so, or have no control over him, so they had to restore his access.

This question gets asked often these days, but who is actually running the damn country? Malley apparently. Or his protectors and political allies.

“The lack of supervision of Special Envoy Malley led to significant confusion as to what work Mr. Malley was authorized to do following the suspension,” the report states. “The Department failed to consistently notify employees who regularly interacted with Mr. Malley that he was no longer allowed to access classified information. These conditions likely led to Special Envoy Malley engaging on issues outside the limited scope of issues on which he was authorized to work.”

The correct term is “lied”. They lied to other employees. Or other employees lied about being lied to.

The State Department never reported Malley’s suspension to the OIG, in violation of federal law, investigators found.

The Department of State Authorities Act requires the State Department to report allegations of criminal activity and serious misconduct committed by senior level officials to OIG within 5 business days.

“OIG found that senior Department officials never reported Special Envoy Malley’s security clearance suspension to OIG as required by the Authorities Act,” the report states. “Even after the leadership of [Diplomatic Security] became aware of the allegations against Special Envoy Malley, they still did not report the matter to OIG.”

The special envoy “continued to work for approximately 10 weeks before he was placed on leave without pay and directed to cease working on Department business” the report, which will be released to the public on Thursday, noted.

“Robert Malley, a political appointee and close associate of the secretary, was treated very differently than a civil servant or foreign service officer,” the lawmakers said.

No kidding. Federal law was violated by top officials at the State Department. Will there be any consequences? And more to the point, why did so many officials collude to protect an official under FBI investigation?

How bad is the infiltration of our government by hostile actors?


Hezb’Allah Rockets Strike Nazareth, the Birthplace of Jesus Christ   By Pamela Geller 

September 22, 2024 – Nazareth is one of the holiest places for Christians in the world and Hezb’Allah has just bombed it. Where is the outrage from the Christian world?


Nazareth is one of the holiest places for Christians in the world and Hezbollah has just bombed it.

Nazareth, revered as the childhood home of Jesus and thus one of Christianity’s holiest sites, was targeted by Hezbollah in a recent attack, marking a significant escalation in regional conflict. This assault has not only raised international concern due to the religious significance of the location but also underscores the ongoing tensions and violence in the area.(Grok)


Totalitarian Playbook: UN Votes on ‘Pact for the Future,’ Pushing Totalitarian Agenda and Threatening Sovereignty with Digital Controls and Radical Climate Mandates   By Jim Hft

Sep. 22, 2024 8:40 pm – World leaders at the United Nations Summit have officially adopted the so-called “Pact for the Future,” a sweeping agreement that purportedly aims to address the world’s most pressing issues.

However, beneath its glossy promises lies a dangerous move towards centralized, top-down control that could have devastating consequences for individual freedoms, national sovereignty, and democratic governance.

The Pact, hailed by the UN Secretary-General as a “vision for the future,” includes initiatives like the Global Digital Compact and the Declaration on Future Generations.

But for many, this reads more like a manifesto for totalitarian governance than a collaborative effort to improve international cooperation. This grandiose Pact is being marketed as the solution to the problems of tomorrow, but critics are rightfully sounding alarms over its deeply troubling implications.

One user wrote, “This international order is irredeemably corrupt and has pernicious aspirations. What they offer is global thecnocratic totalitarianism. We must resist this with all we have within us!! Sic semper tyrannis!!”


Another wrote, “The Pact for the Future has been adopted. More UN bureaucracy, more international funds to maintain, more global summits, more climate policy and more genderism. Less sovereignty, less efficiency. Instead of focusing on peace, the UN is pushing the world into the false hope of a paradise of “global governance.”


Another commented, Pact for the future is the pact to enslave, remove borders, destroy sovereignty, give all to 1% of the world. The UN is the most dangerous org on the earth and people must demand their countries divest and dismantle the UN.”

The Global Digital Compact presents itself as a framework for digital cooperation and AI governance. But what it truly represents is an unprecedented attempt by unelected bureaucrats at the UN to gain control over the internet and the data of billions of people worldwide.

Hidden behind promises of “digital safety” and “human rights” is a commitment to centralize control of online content, allowing governments and global tech elites to dictate what is acceptable speech, effectively silencing dissent and curbing free expression.

Equally concerning are the Pact’s provisions on sustainable development and climate change, which essentially function as a Trojan horse for economic control.

The agreement calls for a reform of international financial institutions, granting more influence to developing countries. But in practice, this could lead to a redistribution of wealth and resources from prosperous nations to corrupt regimes with little regard for the rights or well-being of their citizens.

According to the press release:

“The Pact for the Future, the Global Digital Compact, and the Declaration on Future Generations open the door to new opportunities and untapped possibilities,” said the Secretary-General during his remarks at the opening of the Summit of the Future. The President of the General Assembly noted that the Pact would “lay the foundations for a sustainable, just, and peaceful global order – for all peoples and nations.”

The Pact covers a broad range of issues including peace and security, sustainable development, climate change, digital cooperation, human rights, gender, youth and future generations, and the transformation of global governance. Key deliverables in the Pact include:

In the area of peace and security

  • The most progressive and concrete commitment to Security Council reform since the 1960s, with plans to improve the effectiveness and representativeness of the Council, including by redressing the historical under-representation of Africa as a priority.
  • The first multilateral recommitment to nuclear disarmament in more than a decade, with a clear commitment to the goal of totally eliminating nuclear weapons.
  • Agreement to strengthen international frameworks that govern outer space, including a clear commitment to prevent an arms race in outer space and the need to ensure all countries can benefit from the safe and sustainable exploration of outer space.
  • Steps to avoid the weaponization and misuse of new technologies, such as lethal autonomous weapons, and affirmation that the laws of war should apply to many of these new technologies.

On sustainable development, climate and financing for development

  • The entire Pact is designed to turbo-charge implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • The most detailed agreement ever at the United Nations on the need for reform of the international financial architecture so that it better represents and serves developing countries, including:
    • Giving developing countries a greater say in how decisions are taken at international financial institutions;
    • Mobilizing more financing from multilateral development banks to help developing countries meet their development needs;
    • Reviewing the sovereign debt architecture to ensure that developing countries can borrow sustainably to invest in their future, with the IMF, UN, G20 and other key players working together;
    • Strengthening the global financial safety net to protect the poorest in the event of financial and economic shocks, through concrete actions by the IMF and Member States;
    • and accelerating measures to address the challenge of climate change, including through delivering more finance to help countries adapt to climate change and invest in renewable energy.
  • Improving how we measure human progress, going beyond GDP to capturing human and planetary wellbeing and sustainability.
  • A commitment to consider ways to introduce a global minimum level of taxation on high-net-worth individuals.
  • On climate change, confirmation of the need to keep global temperature rise to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and to transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

On digital cooperation

  • The Global Digital Compact, annexed to the Pact, is the first comprehensive global framework for digital cooperation and AI governance.
  • At the heart of the Compact is a commitment to design, use and govern technology for the benefit of all. This includes commitments by world leaders to:
    • Connect all people, schools and hospitals to the Internet;
    • Anchor digital cooperation in human rights and international law;
    • Make the online space safe for all, especially children, through actions by governments, tech companies and social media;
    • Govern Artificial Intelligence, with a roadmap that includes an International Scientific Panel and a Global Policy Dialogue on AI;
    • Make data more open and accessible, with agreements on open-source data, models, and standards;
    • This is also the first global commitment to data governance, placing it on the UN agenda and requiring countries to take concrete actions by 2030.

Youth and future generations

  • The first ever Declaration on Future Generations, with concrete steps to take account of future generations in our decision-making, including a possible envoy for future generations.
  • A commitment to more meaningful opportunities for young people to participate in the decisions that shape their lives, especially at the global level.

Human rights and gender

  • A strengthening of our work on human rights, gender equality and the empowerment of women.
  • A clear call on the need to protect human rights defenders.
  • Strong signals on the importance of engagement of other stakeholders in global governance, including local and regional governments, civil society, private sector and others.

There are provisions across the Pact and its annexes for follow-up action, to ensure that the commitments made are implemented.

[Ed.:  From the megalomaniac’s own website:  https://www.un.org/en/summit-of-the-future 


THE LAST DANCE: President Trump Rules Out Another Run for President if He ‘Loses’ This Year  (VIDEO)   By Cullen Linebarger

Sep. 22, 2024 3:20 pm – According to the man himself, the 2024 presidential election will be the final campaign of President Trump’s career.

Trump was a guest on host Sharyl Attkisson on her television show Full Measure to discuss the 2024 election when she asked Trump whether he could see himself giving the White House one last shot if he came up shot this year.

Trump replied he did not.


ATTKISSON: If you’re not successful this time, do you see yourself running again in four years?

TRUMP: No, I don’t. I think that that will be, that will be it.

I don’t see that at all.

This marks the first time Trump has taken himself out of the running for 2028, which will certainly generate widespread political reaction.

None of this should come as a surprise, for a few reasons. First, Trump would be in his 80s if he decided to pursue another run for the White House.

While Trump remains sharp, Father Time is still undefeated and the chances of an serious health related incident increases with age.

Second, Trump has already survived two assassination attempts, two impeachments, countless media smears, and a drained bank account thanks to Democrat lawfare. He may just want to finally live in peace one way or another.

This means if Trump fans want their man to finish the job he began in 2016, this is the last chance to do so and perhaps save our country in the process.


THE CHEAT IS ON! Democrats Reveal Their Plan to Use Overseas Ballots to Win in 2024 — Here’s How Easy It Is to Cheat — Are Republicans Really Going to Let This Happen?   By Patty Mcmurray

Sep. 22, 2024 3:40 pm – The Gateway Pundit was first to warn Republicans about this appalling scam that will allow Democrats to easily steal the 2024 election.

Patty McMurray reported on the UOCAVA scam back on September 6th.

We are republishing hear for those of you who missed how easy it is to steal an election with UOCAVA or “overseas” voters.

Are the Democrats telegraphing one of the key ways in which they could steal the upcoming election?

In the 2000 presidential election, a mere 629 votes separated the race between George W. Bush and Al Gore in Florida. When the absentee overseas votes finally arrived, George W. Bush was able to take the 537-vote lead from Al Gore and win the presidency.

Democrats paid attention.

Are Democrats really interested in attracting more overseas voters, or is it the flawed voter registration system they use that could be a game-changer in our upcoming election if properly utilized by unscrupulous election officials?

On August 12, 2024, the DNC released a memo announcing it would spend six figures to collect up to 9 million Democratic votes from overseas.

The DNC clearly states its goal in their memo:

For the first time ever in a Presidential cycle, the DNC is investing in Democrats Abroad.

The DNC is doing the work to win in battleground states across the country.

With under 100 days until Election Day and ahead of the Democratic National Convention, the DNC announced a significant six-figure investment in Democrats VoteFromAbroad, for the first time ever in a Presidential cycle, helping fund their efforts to win the votes of approximately 9,000,000 Americans– of which only about 8% are registered voters from 2020 – who are living or serving outside of the United States.

Here’s the problem with the DNC’s stated goal:


Secret Service Agent “Accidentally” Shoots Himself with His Own Weapon   By Cullen Linebarger

Sep. 22, 2024 1:20 pm – The Secret Service in America not only failed to protect President Trump from nearly getting assassinated on two occasions, but it’s so discombobulated that agents are now shooting themselves.

WUSA 9 revealed today that a United States Secret Service (USSS) agent was on duty Saturday evening right before 8 p.m. when he “negligently” discharged his weapon and shot himself. The incident reportedly happened near 32nd and Fessenden Streets in northwest Washington, DC.

He was taken to a local hospital for treatment and is expected to recover from his injuries. The Secret Service is not making any further details public at this time as they plan to investigate what happened.

WUSA 9 reported:

A U.S. Secret Service (USSS) agent accidentally shot and injured himself Saturday evening. He is expected to survive.

According to USSS, the agent was on duty during the “negligent discharge” while he was handling his weapon shortly before 8 p.m. in the area of 32nd and Fessenden streets Northwest. His injuries were not life threatening, and the officer was taken to a hospital for evaluation and treatment.

USSS says no one else was injured in the incident.

No other details have been made public so far. The Secret Service’s Office of Professional Responsibility plans to investigate the incident.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported a second attempt was made on President Trump’s life last Sunday. Shots were fired at the 45th president’s golf club in West Palm Beach on Sunday afternoon at roughly 1:30 pm as he was playing golf with real estate investor Steve Witkoff. The shooter, later identified as 58-year-old Trump hater Ryan Wesley Routh, shoved the muzzle of his rifle through the fence line at the golf course before Secret Service agents opened fire on him.

This came just two months after he came within a centimeter of being killed in Butler, Pennsylvania, by a Democrat donor named Thomas Crooks.

These inexcusable breaches were made possible by former DEI-loving Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle. Reports have revealed that instead of hiring the best possible agents, Cheatle has focused on ensuring more non-white and female agents regardless of qualifications.

Her replacement, acting director Ronald Rowe, has refused to fix these glaring issues and is now on the hot seat with Congress and the public. The situation is so bad that even far-left Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) has warned that the American public would be ‘shocked, astonished, and appalled’ by the level of incompetence and failure within the Secret Service.

This incident will raise even more questions with the public regarding Trump’s safety and provide even less confidence in the agency going forward.

[Ed.:  Just like Alvin Bragg!]


General Milley Ignored Trump Order to Deploy Nat. Guard at US Capitol Prior to Jan. 6 – Then After J6 Riots, He Reportedly Placed Military Under His Control While He Was Holding Secret Calls the Chinese   By Jim Hoft

Sep. 22, 2024 8:00 am – Shocking new details were released by Republicans on the House Oversight Committee on Friday of US military brass ignoring President Trump’s request for security on January 6th.

President Trump knew there would be a massive crowd of Americans at the planned rallies outside the US Capitol and at the Ellipse that day. So, Trump ordered the National Guard to be deployed to the US Capitol prior to the planned protests on January 6.

The newly surfaced transcripts, which were previously concealed, reveal the truth that many in the mainstream media have ignored.

According to the documents, General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, confirmed that President Trump expressed concern about the potential for unrest and proactively ordered the necessary precautions.

On January 3, 2021, just three days before the protest, General Milley recalled the president saying, “Hey, look at this. There’s going to be a large amount of protesters here on the 6th. Make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a safe event.”

Below is a copy of the transcript:

[Ed.:  ...the idiot on the right:


Iran’s ‘Torture Master’ Dies After Brain Surgery

September 22, 2024  JBN News – A notorious Iranian interrogator has reportedly died following brain surgery on Saturday.

Reza Seraj’s career in Iran’s security apparatus spanned decades and was marked by controversy. Beginning in the 1990s, he rose through the ranks as a senior interrogator within IRGC Intelligence. Operating under the alias “Alavi,” Seraj became notorious for extracting forced confessions through pressure and torture.

Throughout his career, Seraj held various high-ranking positions, including head of the Student Basij, political deputy of Sarallah Headquarters in Tehran, and head of the Special IRGC Intelligence Directorate. He was involved in suppressing student protests in 2009 and was accused of personally escalating sentences for political prisoners, according to Iran International.

In 2023, the US Treasury Department sanctioned Seraj for his role in overseas assassination plots and human rights abuses in Iran. He was also implicated in violent incidents against inmates, including the “Black Thursday” attack in Evin Prison in 2014.

Despite accusations from former political prisoners and activists about his involvement in torture and forced confessions, IRGC Commander-in-Chief Hossein Salami praised Seraj for his role in confronting anti-government protests.

“Seraj played a significant role in confronting sedition and raising awareness in dealing with various deviations that threatened the Islamic Revolution,” Salami said in a statement.


UN General Assembly Votes to Make Old Jerusalem Jew-Free – Orders Jews Out of the Old City   By Jim Hoft

Sep. 21, 2024 7:00 pm – Sometime around 10:15 on the morning of June 7, 1967…
The first reservist paratroopers of Brigade 55 broke through the Lion’s Gate leading into the Old City of Jerusalem and reached the narrow enclave of the Western Wall. Having just fought a fierce two-day battle in the streets of east Jerusalem, they grieved for lost friends, and grieved as well for their own lost innocence in what for many was their first experience of combat. They leaned against the Wall, some in exhaustion, some in prayer. Several wept, instinctively connecting to the Wall’s tradition of mourning the destruction of the Temple and the loss of Jewish sovereignty—precisely at the moment when Jewish sovereignty over Jerusalem had been restored.

Several hours later, Yitzhak Yifat, a twenty-four-year-old reservist about to begin medical school, reached the Wall. As part of the brigade’s 66th Battalion, he and his friends had fought in the Six Day War’s toughest battle: Intimate combat against elite Jordanian Legionnaires in the trenches of Ammunition Hill, on the road to Mount Scopus.

“The Photograph: A Search For June 1967”
Yossi Klein Halevi
Summer 2007

On Wednesday, The United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to hand over half of Jerusalem, the Wailing Wall, The Temple Mount, Old Jerusalem, and the tomb of Jesus Christ to the Palestinians.

The vote was 124-14.

The United Nations voted to turn over the holiest sites of Christendom to the Palestinians.

The UN voted to turn over the Jewish Quarter, the Christian Quarter, the Chuch of the Holy Sepulchre, several synagogues, numerous Christian holy sites, the Wailing Wall, Solomon’s Throne, the Via Dolorosa, and much more to the Palestinian Muslims.

The UN ordered the Jews out of the Old City.

B’nai B’rith organization reported:

Jerusalem’s Old City, in addition to Judea and Samaria, must be Judenrein within a year, according to a Palestinian-drafted resolution, which the U.N. General Assembly passed on Wednesday.

The resolution, which passed by a 124-14 margin with 43 abstentions, is meant to give force to a July advisory opinion by the International Court of Justice, which declared Israeli presence to be illegal in any area over the 1949 armistice line.

More than 40 countries sponsored the resolution, which was the first that Palestinians filed after being granted unprecedented privileges, for a non-U.N. member, earlier this year.

The resolution calls on the Israel Defense Forces to withdraw completely from Judea and Samaria, eastern Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip within 12 months, which means evacuating all Jewish communities beyond the armistice line, including Jerusalem’s Old City.

It also bans arms sales to the IDF of any equipment that would be expected reasonably to be used in the territory over the 1949 lines and calls for a boycott of all products produced by Jews in those areas.

The resolution text lacks any mention of Israeli security concerns, historic ties to the lands or Hamas’s terror attacks in Israel on Oct. 7.

[Ed.:  I don’t know what planet these guys come from, and I also don’t know why they think that they can tell Israel what to do.  However I do know just where they can stick it!]


GAME-CHANGER! The IRS Union Endorses Kamala Harris   By Ben Kew

Sep. 21, 2024 10:45 am – In what could be a massive game changer in the 2024 presidential election, the union representing workers from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has endorsed Kamala Harris.

In a press release this week, the National Treasury Employees Union which represents workers of the Internal Revenue Service confirmed that the decision had been taken “after extensive research into the candidates’ records regarding the federal workforce, and consultation with NTEU members and chapter leaders across the country.”

“When it comes to treating federal employees with respect, valuing their service, and investing in their work, Kamala Harris is the clear choice,” said NTEU National President Doreen Greenwald.

“She shares our values and our commitment to making sure that the federal government works for all Americans. She has been a strong advocate for the issues that matter most to federal employees: fair pay, paid family leave, adequate agency funding and staffing, and robust collective bargaining rights.”

The release continues:

Continue reading

[Ed.:  Because if the other guy gets elected they will lose their jobs and face prosecution for treason!]




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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.