Daily Shmutz | NEWS | 9/29/24



Col. Richard Kemp: Israel’s rapid attrition against Hezbollah in 2 weeks unprecedented   Gary Willig

Former commander of British forces in Afghanistan discusses the killing of Hassan Nasrallah with Arutz Sheva, says no Western nation has achieved anything ‘remotely close’ to what Israel has accomplished against Hezbollah in the last 2 weeks.

Sep 29, 2024, 7:25 AM (GMT+3)  INN – Colonel Richard Kemp, the former commander of the British military forces in Afghanistan, spoke to Israel National News – Arutz Sheva about the assassination of longtime Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on Friday.

“Israel’s rapid attrition against Hezbollah in the last two weeks is unprecedented in any military campaign that I know of. Certainly, no other Western country has achieved anything even remotely close in any modern war,” Col. Kemp said.

“The damage done to Hezbollah’s leadership by precision airstrikes as well as the pager attacks must be added to repeated strikes by the IDF since Hezbollah began its unprovoked war of aggression nearly a year ago. Key leaders have been progressively eliminated throughout that time as well as destruction of significant quantities of Hezbollah’s weapons capability. Hezbollah still retains a large number of missiles and drones, as well as fighters to operate them and attempt to attack Israel on the ground. But any military or terrorist organization does depend heavily on a command structure and the elimination of so much of that will have seriously undermined the capability to launch large-scale coordinated attacks,” he said.

Col. Kemp noted that “Nasrallah has probably already been replaced. But he has headed Hezbollah for over three decades and it will take his successor a long time to become anything like as effective — assuming even that he survived for very long himself. Lower-level leaders can also be replaced but the collective knowledge and experience that has been lost so rapidly represents an immense blow to Hezbollah. This is especially true when we consider that terrorist groups in the Middle East operate on the basis of personal networks and personal connections with their sponsors — in this case Iran. There is also a psychological element for those who might be thinking of stepping up. They were stunned by the pagers episode and are reeling daily from what is befalling their bosses. How many will want to step up to the plate against the fear that they will be next.”

When asked how close Hezbollah is to being permanently eliminated as a threat, Col. Kemp responded, “Israel has much more work to do before Hezbollah is effectively neutralized, and it is in the process of doing it. If they are able to maintain the current intensity of operations there is every prospect they will succeed. We shouldn’t forget also that Hezbollah is deeply unpopular among large sections of the population of Lebanon, including Christians and Sunni Muslims many of whom have been celebrating Nasrallah’s demise. It may be that some of them will take advantage of Hezbollah’s weakened state and take their own action against the group in parallel with what Israel is doing.”

Addressing Iran’s reaction to the damage Hezbollah has taken in the last two weeks, Col. Kemp stated, “Iran will also be shocked by what is happening to their number one terrorist proxy. The ayatollahs certainly could not have foreseen this situation or anything like it. Out of fear, Iran failed to react to the killing of [former Hamas leader Ismail] Haniyeh in Tehran. They also know their April 14th missile attack on Israel failed miserably and their proxy in Gaza is on its last legs. Taken together this may paralyse the regime. It remains to be seen how they will react to all this. One thing they will know is that they are now the subject of ridicule across the Middle East and they will find this intolerable. Not only that but they can ill afford to allow such weakness to prevail amidst so much opposition and dissent inside the country. They must now be beginning to fear for the future of the entire regime, especially if Israel turns greater attention to them.”

He advised against agreeing to a ceasefire now that Hezbollah is reeling, “It is now time for Israel to ‘take the win’. When an enemy is on the back foot that is the time to press forward with even greater intensity. The timid and pusillanimous critics in the US and France, who have forgotten the meaning or the need for victory should be politely disregarded by Israel as it decides on its plan of action.”

When asked if a ground operation is even necessary in Lebanon given the successes of the IAF’s aerial operation against Hezbollah, Col. Kemp responded, “Only the IDF and Israel’s political leaders can judge whether or not a ground offensive will be needed. That depends on two things: how much more damage can be achieved from the air and how Hezbollah reacts. I would counsel against attempting to rely on what has been achieved so far as deterrence against Hezbollah. That can only be short lived. There can be no substitute for large-scale destruction to deny the terrorists the means to continue their attacks, whatever they might wish to do.”

“Decimation of Hezbollah — as well as for Hamas — is important not just for the immediate protection of Israeli citizens but also to demonstrate Israel’s strength across the Middle East both as a warning to those who would turn on Israel and also as a means of securing greater confidence among those who see Israel as protector against the common enemy: Iran,” Col. Kemp concluded.

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Investigative Reporter Lara Logan Warns of Imminent Threat China Poses on US Homeland via Their Newly Acquired Farmland Near US Military Bases   By Jim Hoft

Sep. 28, 2024 5:00 pm – Earlier this week, former 60 Minutes investigative reporter Lara Logan warned via an informant that President Trump’s plane is the next target for assassination.  The first two attempts failed as we all know.

According to Lara Logan, “Nine heat-seeking surface-to-air missiles have been smuggled into the US for this purpose. And there are three kill teams already inside the country. Trump has been informed, so have the US intel agencies & other authorities. Money has been transferred to a cartel to push this over the border. ”

The Gateway Pundit contributor J.M. Phelps spoke with two experts familiar with the alleged threats. One source had received a report on the threats from a confidential informant. A second informant corroborated this report.

This is truly frightening, not just because President Trump is facing yet another threat, but because our government is unable and/or unwilling to protect Americans inside the United States homeland.

On Saturday, Lara Logan reported on a second very real threat facing the continental United States.

China has purchased thousands of acres of farmland and forest located adjacent to US military bases scattered across the United States.

Lara wrote: “If you were the CCP & you were engaged in unrestricted warfare to bring down the US w/out firing a shot…how would you use the farmland you own near US Air Force bases/military installations? Would you stage forces there? Like the 120 000 officers & soldiers of the China’s PLA?”

The Gateway Pundit researched the claim and found that the map includes farmland and forest in counties near US bases in the United States homeland.

This map below is from 2022 and includes farmland in the US two years ago.

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State Department urges Americans to flee Lebanon as unrest over Hezbollah spreads across Mideast   By John Solomon

Violence was also reported outside the US Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq.

September 29, 2024 7:46am  Just The News – The State Department is ordering the families of embassy personnel in Beirut to depart and advising American citizens to flee Lebanon as lthe Israel-Hezbollah conflict escalated with a series of devastating missile strikes this weekend.

“Due to the increased volatility following airstrikes within Beirut and the volatile and unpredictable security situation throughout Lebanon, the U.S. Embassy urges U.S. citizens to depart Lebanon when commercial options still remain available,” the department announced Saturday evening in a travel advisory.

The announcement came as images and video emerged on social media of violence outside the US Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, where protesters waged their dissatisfaction with the Israeli missile strike that killed the leader of Hezbollah on Friday

The United States wasn’t alone in changing its security posture. Germany said it also was evacuating embassy family members and reducing staff in Lebanon.

In a statement, the German foreign ministry said it had decided “to raise the crisis level for the missions in Beirut, Ramallah and Tel Aviv.”

[Ed.:  What’s all this stuff I’ve been hearing about fleas in Lebanon?  There’s no more fleas in Lebanon than anywhere else in the world!]


Owned   By Pamela Geller 

In case you wondered how and why our Ivy league and their tributaries destroyed themselves….

September 28, 2024


Dirty dozen? 12 jurisdictions where election issues looming ahead of November   By Natalia Mittelstadt

“Washington, D.C., other municipalities around the country, not only allow non-citizens to vote in municipal elections, they’re actually using taxpayer dollars to encourage non-citizens to participate in our elections,” Rep. Bryan Steil said. There’s not much time left to resolve this nationwide problem.

September 28, 2024 10:02 pm  Just The NewsWith the November election fewer than six weeks away, states and localities are cleaning up voter rolls and sending out ballots to voters. However, multiple jurisdictions are experiencing issues in preparation for Election Day.

As voters in some states have already begun the early and absentee voting process, several jurisdictions have recently found problems in the administrative process, such as non-citizens on voter rolls and duplicate ballots sent out to voters.

Rep. Bryan Steil, R-Wis., chairman of the House Administration Committee that oversees elections, told the “Just the News, No Noise” TV show on Tuesday that one of the most important issues in this election cycle is non-citizens voting.

“Washington, D.C., other municipalities around the country, not only allow non-citizens to vote in municipal elections, they’re actually using taxpayer dollars to encourage non-citizens to participate in our elections,” Steil said.

Washington, D.C.’s law states that “an individual residing in our nation’s capital for simply 30 days is eligible to vote,” he explained. “So someone working at the Russian embassy who’s a Russian citizen, if they’ve resided in Washington, D.C., for 30 days, they can walk down to the polling station this November and vote in the municipal elections.”

“Now it’s illegal on paper for somebody to vote in a U.S. election at the federal level. That said, it’s illegal to cross the border, yet millions of people do it. This is about enforcement, about preventing individuals from taking illegal action,” Steil added.

Non-citizens have been found on states’ voter rolls, with many states removing them upon discovery. However, non-citizen voting is not the only election integrity issue that Steil said is important to focus on, and most Democrats oppose reforms for such problems.

“This is what’s so frustrating – when we have an opportunity to increase Americans’ confidence in the elections, what we continue to see are liberal Democrats pushing back against very common-sense reforms,” Steil said. “It’s the same pushback that we saw when Democrats pushed back against photo ID. Photo identification when you go to the polls is an absolute no-brainer.”

Below is a list of 12 states and jurisdictions across the country that are struggling with election-related issues:

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The Weaponized DOJ’s Approach to Supporting Election Fraud   Tom Renz

Harris and Garland will do ANYTHING to stop Trump

SEP 29, 2024 – Kamala Harris is committed to stealing this election and the weaponized DOJ – led by the most corrupt AG in American history and the former Obama nominee for SCOTUS Merrick Garland – is all in to help. This DOJ is now filing cases to prevent states like Alabama from removing illegal aliens and non-citizens from voter rolls and really taking a stand in favor of voter fraud. As is typical for the insane left, the crooked DOJ has published a roadmap of their plan to ensure that as many illegals as possible can caste fake ballots for Harris.

Generally and vaguely speaking the main federal laws directly impacting the voting process are the Voting Rights Act, the National Voter Registration Act, Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, and the Help Americans Vote Act. There is a ton of other law and precedent that impacts the voting process but these are a start. Most (possibly all) of the litigation that has occurred under these laws can be found at https://www.justice.gov/crt/voting-section-litigation. Elections and election law have been challenged and contested since our nation began and one of the most profound but unknown truths of our nation is that corruption in elections has been THE sport of choice for elected officials throughout our history (you can find an interesting article on the subject from Heritage here). Today, with the corruption of the DOJ and the willingness to pervert the intent of the above laws the election corruption game is nearly perfected.

Understand that the DOJ’s role in this is not simply complicity, it is an overt attempt to aid leftist and democrat groups in their attempts register and facilitate the votes of illegals to manipulate election results. Rather than complicity this is more akin to conspiracy. Everyone knows what is happening yet no one will do anything about it – especially including the never-Trump wing of the GOP. Without a political check on the power of the DOJ they are filing suits such as this case against Alabama for cleaning illegals and ineligible voters off of voter rolls or this case against a small town in Wisconsin for going to paper ballots and not allowing any voting machines.

To promote voter fraud the DOJ has published an innocuous looking document that talks extensively about “protecting the right to vote” but is, in all actuality, laying out the approaches and angles it will take to sue anyone attempting to stopping election fraud. Please consider also, if a private lawyer brings an election suit they can expect the Rudy Giuliani treatment courtesy of the 65 Project (sanctions and being disbarred) with the courts claiming these are political issues but when the DOJ brings these cases they are taken seriously. There is a lot to this document but a few key take-aways worth noting for anyone considering fighting election fraud. Please also note that there are necessary and good aspects of the actual laws we are discussing below but the focus here is on how the corrupt DOJ intends to use these laws to enable election fraud.

Section 11b of the Voting Rights Act

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How to Hack an Election in 7 Minutes    Brigitte Gabriel

We Must Ban the Machines!

SEP 29, 2024  ACT FOR AMERICA – This special report ignited a rare bipartisan firestorm in 2016!

All parties joined forces to demand a ban or severe overhaul of electronic voting machines at the State and Federal levels. For years, Democrats were vocally critical of voting machines, especially after 2016, but have since fallen silent, now fiercely defending their use alongside many misguided Republicans. The findings expose a grave national security risk associated with these machines: information known by elected officials but largely kept from the public.

When more Americans learn what we know, they will fight like their lives depend on it, and it starts with us.  Help Ban All Voting Machines!

How to Hack an Election in 7 Minutes    Ben Wofford | Politico Magazine | 8-5-2016

When Princeton professor Andrew Appel decided to hack into a voting machine, he didn’t try to mimic the Russian attackers who hacked into the Democratic National Committee’s database last month. He didn’t write malicious code, or linger near a polling place where the machines can go unguarded for days. Instead, he bought one online.

With a few cursory clicks of a mouse, Appel parted with $82 and became the owner of an ungainly metallic giant called the Sequoia AVC Advantage, one of the oldest and vulnerable, electronic voting machines in the United States (among other places it’s deployed in Louisiana, New Jersey, Virginia and Pennsylvania). No sooner did a team of bewildered deliverymen roll the 250-pound device into a conference room near Appel’s cramped, third-floor office than the professor set to work. He summoned a graduate student named Alex Halderman, who could pick the machine’s lock in seven seconds. Clutching a screwdriver, he deftly wedged out the four ROM chips—they weren’t soldered into the circuit board, as sense might dictate—making it simple to replace them with one of his own: A version of modified firmware that could throw off the machine’s results, subtly altering the tally of votes, never to betray a hint to the voter. The attack was concluded in minutes. To mark the achievement, his student snapped a photo of Appel—oblong features, messy black locks and a salt-and-pepper beard—grinning for the camera, fists still on the circuit board, as if to look directly into the eyes of the American taxpayer: Don’t look at me—you’re the one who paid for this thing.

Appel’s mischief might be called an occupational asset: He is part of a diligent corps of so-called cyber-academics—professors who have spent the past decade serving their country by relentlessly hacking it. Electronic voting machines—particularly a design called Direct Recording Electronic, or DRE’s—took off in 2002, in the wake of Bush v. Gore. For the ensuing 15 years, Appel and his colleagues have deployed every manner of stunt to convince the public that the system is pervasively unsecure and vulnerable.

Beginning in the late ’90s, Appel and his colleague, Ed Felten, a pioneer in computer engineering now serving in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Marsha led their Princeton students together at the Center for Information Technology Policy (where Felten is still director). There, they relentlessly hacked one voting machine after another, transforming the center into a kind of Hall of Fame for tech mediocrity: reprogramming one popular machine to play Pac-Man; infecting popular models with self-duplicating malware; discovering keys to voting machine locks that could be ordered on eBay. Eventually, the work of the professors and Ph.D. students grew into a singular conviction: It was only a matter of time, they feared, before a national election—an irresistible target—would invite an attempt at a coordinated cyberattack.

The revelation this month that a cyberattack on the DNC is the handiwork of Russian state security personnel has set off alarm bells across the country: Some officials have suggested that 2016 could see more serious efforts to interfere directly with the American election. The DNC hack, in a way, has compelled the public to ask the precise question the Princeton group hoped they’d have asked earlier, back when they were turning voting machines into arcade games: If motivated programmers could pull a stunt like this, couldn’t they tinker with the results in November through the machines we use to vote?

This week, the notion has been transformed from an implausible plotline in a Phil ip K. Dick novel into a deadly serious threat, outlined in detail by a raft of government security officials. “This isn’t a crazy hypothetical anymore,” says Dan Wallach, one of the Felten-Appel alums and now a computer science professor at Rice. “Once you bring nation states’ cyber activity into the game?” He snorts with pity. “These machines, they barely work in a friendly environment.”

The powers that be seem duly convinced. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson recently conceded the “longer-term investments we need to make in the cybersecurity of our election process.” A statement by 31 security luminaries at the Aspen Institute issued a public statement: “Our electoral process could be a target for reckless foreign governments and terrorist groups.” Declared Wired: “America’s Electronic Voting Machines Are Scarily Easy Targets.”

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[Ed.:  The Deep State will win the forthcoming rigged election 38 days from now.  There will be voting machines; there will be mail-in ballots; there will be 40 to 50 million illegal aliens voting. We must vote anyway.]


Biden’s Gestapo DOJ Sues Alabama for Removing Noncitizens on the Voter Rolls   By Jim Hft

Sep. 28, 2024 1:40 pm – The Biden Administration’s Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched yet another blatant attack on state sovereignty and election integrity, this time setting its sights on Alabama.

In an outrageous move, the DOJ has filed a lawsuit against Alabama for daring to clean up its voter rolls by removing illegal noncitizens from the system ahead of the upcoming general election.

This lawsuit, spearheaded by Biden’s weaponized DOJ, accuses the state of violating the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), citing so-called “Quiet Period” provisions meant to prevent last-minute adjustments to voter registration lists.

Alabama’s Republican Secretary of State, Wes Allen, initiated a program in August to ensure only eligible citizens remain on the voter rolls, specifically targeting over 3,000 individuals who were flagged with noncitizen identification numbers, according to The Guardian.

According to reports, letters were sent out to noncitizens on Alabama’s voter rolls, informing them that their registration had been flagged as inactive and was under review for removal.

But, predictably, Biden’s DOJ swooped in, claiming that not only noncitizens but also native-born and naturalized U.S. citizens were affected by these letters. The DOJ contends that this action could confuse voters and deter them from participating in the election.

Kristen Clarke, Assistant Attorney General of the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, had the audacity to declare that Alabama’s efforts “violate federal law,” and expressed concern about “voter confusion” resulting from the state’s actions. Clarke went on to lecture Alabama about the “sacred right to vote,” while ignoring the blatant irony of her statement—protecting the right to vote should first and foremost mean ensuring that illegal noncitizens aren’t tipping the scales in elections meant for American citizens.

“The right to vote is one of the most sacred rights in our democracy,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke.

“As Election Day approaches, it is critical that Alabama redress voter confusion resulting from its list maintenance mailings sent in violation of federal law. Officials across the country should take heed of the National Voter Registration Act’s clear and unequivocal restrictions on systematic list maintenance efforts that fall within 90 days of an election.”

“The Quiet Period Provision of federal law exists to prevent eligible voters from being removed from the rolls as a result of last-minute, error-prone efforts. The Justice Department will continue to use all the tools it has available to ensure that the voting rights of every eligible voter are protected.”

According to the press release:

Section 8(c)(2) of the NVRA, also known as the Quiet Period Provision, requires states to complete systematic programs aimed at removing the names of ineligible voters from voter registration lists by no later than 90 days before federal elections.

The Quiet Period Provision applies to certain systematic programs carried out by states that are aimed at striking names from voter registration lists based on a perceived failure to meet initial eligibility requirements — including citizenship — at the time of registration.

The Quiet Period is an important protection for voters, because systematic removal programs may be error-ridden, cause voter confusion and remove eligible voters days or weeks before Election Day who may be unable to correct the state’s errors in time to vote or may be dissuaded from voting at all.

States may remove names from official lists of voters in various ways and for various reasons, but they may not carry-on this kind of systematic removal program so close to a federal election.

The Justice Department seeks injunctive relief that would restore the ability of impacted eligible voters to vote unimpeded on Election Day and would prohibit future Quiet Period violations.

The department also seeks remedial mailings to educate eligible voters concerning the restoration of their rights and adequate training of local officials and poll workers to address confusion and distrust among eligible voters accused of being noncitizens.

[Ed.:  The phrase “Biden’s DOJ”, or “Bidens’s Administration” are inaccurate misnomers.  Biden was their puppet and lacky, and not the other way around.  The only thing that was “Biden’s” was the 10% cut that he got from his family business.]



Khamenei transferred to a ‘safe place’   Orly Harari

Shortly after the IDF confirmed the assassination of Hezbollah’s Secretary General, it was reported that the Supreme Leader of Iran ‘was moved to a safe place with enhanced security measures.’

Sep 28, 2024, 8:23 PM (GMT+3)  INN – In his first statement after the elimination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, accused that, “the Zionists have learned nothing from their war in Gaza.”

Khamenei clarified that Iran stands alongside Hezbollah, and that “the fate of the region will be determined by the force of resistance.” According to him, “the Zionists are too small to significantly harm the strong structure of Hezbollah. Lebanon will make the enemy regret.”

According to an earlier report by the Reuters news agency, sources familiar with the matter said that Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, “was moved to a safe place with enhanced security measures.”

They said this shortly after the IDF confirmed that Hezbollah’s Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah was killed in the attack on Hezbollah’s central headquarters yesterday in the Dahiya district of Beirut.

Related articles:

[Ed.:  “Safe place”?  “Safe place” is an oxymoron!  There is no safe place for Kakhamenei,. No such thing!]


Watch: Syrians celebrate Hezbollah leaders death  [VIDEO  0:39]

Syrians in northwest Syria celebrate news of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s death.

Sep 28, 2024, 9:17 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News


Related articles:

[Ed.: You don’t see Americans out celebrating this kind of thing.  They don’t see the connection!]



Farmers in Denmark will have to pay a tax to offset emissions made by farting cows.

SEP 28, 2024 – You literally cannot make this up.

A few years ago this would have been called a ”crazy conspiracy theory”. Yet here we are.

Denmark is introducing the world’s first carbon tax on agriculture, meaning that dairy farmers in the country will have to pay around €90 per cow annually because of the cow farts and burps.

It may sound comical, but this is serious stuff. Farmers are basically being taxed because their animals fart too much.

This of course will mean that food prices will go up even more. It’s almost like more Socialist government regulations make things more expensive…

Are you ready for “The New Agenda”?


JULY 28, 2023

The government coalition has agreed to implement this tax, but it still needs to be approved by parliament. The tax will of course begin in the year 2030.

But the carbon tax price will be increased as the years go on. By 2035, the carbon tax will be at a whopping €225 per cow annually.

Upgrade to paid

Denmark has a goal of cutting 70% of their total emissions by the year 2030. Of course, this all goes back to the UN Agenda 2030.

And guess who has been funding the Agenda 2030? None other than Bill Gates. You can read all about it in my previous article here:

Bill Gates push for DIGITAL ID with $1.27 billion donation to Agenda 2030 ”Global Goals”


OCTOBER 5, 2022

In other words, it doesn’t seem like Denmark has been listening to the massive farmers protests that took place all over Europe earlier this year.

Hundreds of thousands of farmers all across Europe protested against climate measures that is making life difficult for farmers.

Naturally, farmers aren’t happy about this tax., with Danish farmers complaining that this is a ”scary experiment”.

Without farmers, we won’t have any food.

This is what Climate Communism looks like.

Don’t forget the farmers!



BREAKING: ICE Report Reveals “Biden-Harris” Admin Released Into USA 425,431 CONVICTED CRIMINAL Illegal Invaders   2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

SEP 28, 2024 – The destruction of America from within is well underway.

This is all a deliberate Cloward-Piven 2.0 operation that will have grave consequences, unless people become acutely aware of what is being foisted on them, and become extremely vigilant.

Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants with sex offenses and homicide convictions are loose on the streets, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data provided to lawmakers this week.

The agency provided data to Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas, about national data for illegal immigrants with criminal charges or convictions. The data, as of July 2024, is broken down by those in detention, and those who are not in detention — known as the non-detained docket. The non-detained docket includes illegal immigrants who have final orders of removal or are going through removal proceedings but are not detained in ICE custody. There are currently more than 7 million people on that docket.

The data says that, among those not in detention, there are;

• 2,521 convicted kidnappers

• 13,099 convicted murderers

• 14,301 convicted of burglary

• 15,811 convicted of sexual assault

• 56,533 with drug convictions

• 62,231 convicted of assault

• 222,141 with pending criminal charges

• 425,431 total convicted criminals


What the report conveniently omits are the military trained and military aged men from China, the MENA region, and elsewhere that are embedded in American society and form terror sleeper cells; these networks are comprised of trained terrorists waiting to be activated ahead of the presidential election.

The letter from ICE containing the table for Noncitizens by Criminality and Most Serious Charge Category:

The laughable term “noncitizens” is just further evidence that ICE has been taken over by the same sociopathic Anti-American Marxists that run the DoJ, CIA, FBI and all of the other unconstitutional agencies that are aided and abetted by an illegitimate Federal government waging a full spectrum war on We the People from the foreign nation of Washington, D.C.

The criminal charges of these more than 425k particular illegal invaders were known to ICE agents, yet they were ordered to allow them to infiltrate America; to wit:

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Elon Musk Responds to Minneapolis Police Department’s First Noncitizen Officer, Sounds The Alarm on The Fall of The United States   By Jordan Conradson

Sep. 28, 2024 7:15 am – Elon Musk issued a stark warning about the impending fall of our once-great nation on Friday, comparing America to the Roman Empire, in response to Democrats’ new policies of hiring noncitizens to serve in the police force.

On average, empires only survive 250 years before collapse. By this standard, with America being 248 years old, we have less than two years left. With World War III at our doorstep, it sure appears the end may be near.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, the Minneapolis Police Department swore in its first noncitizen officer as well as its first Somali female officer.

The noncitizen, AKA illegal alien who was sworn in as an officer, is Lesly Vera, a Mexican immigrant. What could go wrong?

The left is going to be quite conflicted if the new officer shoots a black suspect. Do they support the non-American officer or riot against the police in this hypothetical? It can be recalled that Minneapolis is the same city where violent leftwing rioters burned down a police station after George Floyd died in police custody of a fentanyl overdose.

Are we going to allow illegals to serve in the military next?

After all, we live in a country where men can use women’s restrooms and compete in women’s sports just because they feel like it, kids are considered mature enough to choose their gender, everything is racist, and criminal illegal aliens receive free housing. We should have seen this coming.

Elon Musk cautioned Americans by noting the alarming similarity between the United States and the Roman Empire, which fell in 476 AD.

“Near the fall of the Roman Empire, the Roman Army also increasingly relied on non-citizens,” said Musk on X: “Near the fall of the Roman Empire, the Roman Army also increasingly relied on non-citizens”.



AIDING IRAN: Harris-Biden Stops Intelligence Sharing With Israel For Hezb’Allah Operations in Lebanon   By Pamela Geller

September 27, 2024 – Biden-Harris administration has announced that it would not provide Israel with intelligence or support for its military campaign against the terrorist group Hezb’Allah in Lebanon. Hezb’Allah has not stopped firing rockets into Israel – daily. The Democrat regime is aiding and abetting the world’s leading state sponsor of terror.

And they continue to shovel billions into their money laundering criminal enterprise in Ukraine.

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[Ed.:  Today’s ‘America’ cannot withhold intelligence when all they have is stupidity and evil subterfuge. Israel does not need American ‘intelligence’ and takes it with a grain of salt.  Conversely, the only real intelligence that America gets is from Israel.  Who are the losers here?]


Report: Bibi’s Speech at UN Part of Deception Strategy to Kill Nasrallah

September 28, 2024  JBN – A new report suggests that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to the United Nations was part of a diversion to lull Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah into a false sense of security.

“It was intended to make Hezbollah’s leader believe that Israel would not take dramatic actions while Netanyahu was physically in the United States,” an Israeli security official tells the Telegraph.

Netanyahu address to the UN General Assembly of Friday focused mainly on the continuing violence in Lebanon and the threat posed by Iran.

His speech came just days after US President Joe Biden addressed the General Assembly, emphasizing the United States’ support for Israel in the face of recent escalations. He called for an end to the war, demanding that Hamas disarm and release all hostages.

The prime minister began by condemning the attacks on October 7th, when terrorists infiltrated Israel, committing what he described as “unimaginable atrocities.” He vowed, “We will not rest until the remaining hostages are safely returned.” Accompanied by family members of the hostages, Netanyahu pledged, “We will bring your loved ones home. We will not stop until this mission is accomplished.”

He emphasized the pivotal choices facing the Middle East, presenting two potential futures: one of normalization with Arab nations, and the other of ongoing conflict fueled by Iran and its allies. “Israel seeks peace, Israel makes peace, and Israel will make peace again,” he declared, underscoring Israel’s commitment to stability in the region.

Turning his attention to Iran, Netanyahu criticized the global community for its leniency towards Tehran, stating, “Iran funds terror networks across five continents. The world has appeased Iran for too long. This appeasement must end now.” He called on the UN Security Council to halt support for Iran and ensure that it never acquires nuclear weapons, warning, “If you strike us, we will strike you. We will reach every corner of the Middle East.”

Biden highlighted the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, accusing Hamas of exploiting aid meant for civilians. “Terrorists steal food that we allow into Gaza and inflate prices to maintain control,” he said, urging the international community to recognize the necessity of dismantling Hamas.

Addressing the broader regional conflict, Biden condemned Hezbollah’s actions following the initial attack, which led to the displacement of thousands of Israelis. “Hezbollah has fired rockets and missiles from private homes, schools, and hospitals. Israel has every right to defend itself, and that is exactly what they are doing,” he asserted.

Both leaders emphasized the potential for historic reconciliation between Israel and Saudi Arabia, with Netanyahu describing it as a “true pivot of history” that could transform the Middle East. “Achieving peace with Saudi Arabia would foil Iran’s plans and create unprecedented partnerships,” he stated. Biden echoed this sentiment, highlighting the opportunity for a broader coalition of peace-seeking nations.

Netanyahu concluded his speech with a call for international solidarity against terrorism and a condemnation of those who vilify Israel’s efforts. “No army has done more to protect civilians than Israel,” he said, defending the nation’s actions in Gaza.

Reflecting on his 40-year diplomatic career, Netanyahu recalled his first address to the UN in 1984, where he opposed a proposal to expel Israel. “Today, I stand against the same proposals—not from Hamas, but from Mahmoud Abbas, who is supposed to be a partner for peace,” he said, urging the global community to reject fanaticism and support democracy.

He ended with a resolute declaration: “The torch of Israel will shine forever. Am Yisrael Chai.”

[Ed.:  Bibi’s UN tip was a setup. A-rabs call it taqiyyah. At least they died with their balls still attached.  Problem is, they ran out of virgins downstairs a long time ago…]


Bibi Puts Tehran on Notice in Fiery UN Speech: ‘There is No Place in Iran That the Long Arm of Israel Cannot Reach’   Adam Kredo

‘If you strike us we will strike you,’ Israeli PM says in ‘message for the tyrants of Tehran’

September 27, 2024  The Free Beacon – Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Tehran that there “is no place in Iran that the long arm of Israel cannot reach,” delivering a fiery speech before the United Nations General Assembly as the Jewish state prepares for a ground invasion in Lebanon.

“I have a message for the tyrants of Tehran,” he said. “If you strike us, we will strike you.”

Netanyahu’s speech came as world leaders, including the United States, gathered at the U.N. and attempted to impose an emergency ceasefire on Israel and Hezbollah, which have been locked in the most intense fighting since the 2006 Lebanon war. As Israel capped more than a week of intensive airstrikes on Hezbollah strongholds across Lebanon, Netanyahu said his country will not back down from the fight and will keep striking Hezbollah “until we meet our objectives.”

At one point, Netanyahu, holding two maps, urged attending world leaders to choose between a “blessing” and a “curse.” The “blessing” map depicted a bridge between Israel and Europe through the Middle East, while the “curse” highlighted Iran and its allies, Iraq and Syria.

“Which of these two maps that I showed you will shape our future?” he asked. “Will it be the blessings of peace and prosperity for Israel, our Arab partners, and the rest of the world? Or will it be the curse in which Iran and its proxies spread carnage and chaos everywhere?”

“And that is the choice we face today.”

Netanyahu also had choice words for the U.N., blasting it as a “swamp of anti-Semitic bile” and a “house of darkness.” Some attendees protested his speech, walking out of the general assembly as Netanyahu began talking.

Netanyahu took the stage at Turtle Bay just hours after Israeli forces bombed more Hezbollah sites, with Lebanon reporting “25 martyrs.” In New York City, Netanyahu said Israel has “no choice” but to continue its defensive war against Hezbollah, which has been raining missiles and drones across northern and central Israel for nearly a year.

“As long as Hezbollah chooses the path of war, Israel has no choice, and Israel has every right to remove this threat and return our citizens to their homes safely,” he said. “And that’s exactly what we’re doing.”

While Israel did not start the war, it is prepared to finish it, according to Netanyahu, who defended his country’s right to self-defense.

“The real war criminals are not in Israel,” Netanyahu said, referring to attempts by multiple U.N. bodies to prosecute the Israeli leader for the ongoing military operations in Lebanon and the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

“They’re in Iran. They’re in Gaza, in Syria, in Lebanon, in Yemen,” he said. “Those of you who stand with these criminals, those of you who stand with evil against good, with the curse against the blessing, those of you who do so should be ashamed of yourselves.”

Netanyahu went on to blast the International Criminal Court (ICC) for issuing a warrant to arrest him.

“Given the antisemitism at the U.N., it should surprise no one that the prosecutor at the ICC, one of the U.N’.s affiliate organs, is considering issuing arrest warrants against me and Israel’s defense minister—the democratically elected leaders of the democratic state of Israel,” he said.

In the buildup to the speech, anti-Semitic agitators threw smoke bombs and tussled with police on the streets, leading to dozens of arrests. Hoards of keffiyeh-clad protesters also marched in front of the Lowes Regency Hotel, where Netanyahu is staying, shutting down streets around the building.


They Got Him: Israel Confirms It Killed Hezbollah Leader Hassan Nasrallah in Underground HQ   Andrew Tobin

September 28, 2024  The Washington Free Beacon – TEL AVIV, Israel—The Israel Defense Forces killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in an airstrike on the Iran-backed terrorist group’s Beirut headquarters, the IDF said on Saturday.

“Last night, in a precise strike on Hezbollah’s terrorist headquarters in the neighborhood in Beirut, the IDF eliminated the leader of the Hezbollah terrorist organization, Hassan Nasrallah,” IDF international spokesman Lt. Col. Nadav Shoshani told reporters in a briefing. “I can now confirm this to you.”

“Hassan Nasrallah will no longer be able to terrorize the world,” the IDF said on X.

The Israeli airstrike on Friday also eliminated Ali Karaki, Hezbollah’s Southern Front commander, and other leaders of the group, according to the IDF.

“The strike was conducted while Hezbollah’s senior chain of command, what’s left of it, were operating from the headquarters and advancing terrorist activities against the citizens of the State of Israel,” Shoshani said.

Hezbollah confirmed the death of Nasrallah on Saturday.  [Emphasis added]

Shoshani said the Hezbollah headquarters were located underground, beneath a residential building in Dahiyeh, a southern suburb of Beirut, in keeping with the group’s strategy “to hide behind civilians.” He said the IDF always takes precautions to avoid civilian deaths, but he was not prepared to speak to the specifics of Friday’s airstrike, including the types of munitions that were used or the extent of the collateral damage.

During Nasrallah’s 32 years at the helm of Hezbollah, the group carried out numerous terror attacks in the Jewish state and around the world, killing Israelis, Americans, and others. Nasrallah also led Hezbollah into the Syrian civil war, backing the country’s president, Bashar al Assad, in massacring hundreds of thousands of civilians. Israel, the United States, and the European Union have designated Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

“Nasrallah is one of the world’s strongest, or was one of the world’s strongest and most influential terrorists and one of the terrorists with the most capabilities in the world, and he was a real threat with the blood of thousands of people on his hands,” Shoshani said, noting the Hezbollah leader had vowed to destroy Israel.

The IDF early on Saturday launched a fresh wave of airstrikes on Dahiyeh and other parts of Lebanon, continuing an offensive that has taken out much of Hezbollah’s leadership and weapons arsenal since Israel turned its attention northward from the war in Gaza last week.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu apparently approved Friday’s airstrike, which shook the Lebanese capital and sent up thick plumes of smoke over the city, shortly before his address to the U.N. General Assembly.

“As long as Hezbollah chooses the path of war, Israel has no choice, and Israel has every right to remove this threat and return our citizens to their homes safely. And that’s exactly what we’re doing,” Netanyahu told the plenum as IDF fighter jets streaked toward Beirut.

Some 60,000 residents of Israel’s Lebanon border region have been evacuated from their homes since Oct. 8, when Hezbollah began bombarding the north on a near-daily basis in solidarity with Hamas, the Iran-backed Palestinian terror group that carried out a massacre in southern Israel a day earlier and sparked the Gaza war. According to Israel, Hezbollah had ongoing plans to conduct an Oct. 7-style attack of its own.

The Biden administration, which failed to impose a ceasefire on Israel and Hezbollah on Thursday, distanced itself from the strike against Nasrallah.

“The United States was not involved in this operation, and we had no advanced warning,” a Pentagon spokeswoman said on Friday.

Also on Friday, the IDF said it had deployed two reserve brigades to northern Israel amid preparations for a possible ground incursion into Lebanon.

IDF chief of staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi said following the confirmation of Nasrallah’s death: “The message is simple, to anyone who threatens the citizens of the State of Israel, we will know how to get to them.”

[Ed.:  Hezbollah’s Nasrallah is deadollah!!  Caputollah.]


Gallup Poll Reveals More Americans Identify with Republican Party than the Democrat Party For the First Time in Recorded History   By Jim Hft

Sep. 28, 2024 7:45 am – Gallup’s latest analysis reveals that more Americans now identify with the Republican Party than the Democratic Party.

This is the first time in recorded history by the Gallup Poll that Republicans have held a significant lead in party identification during the third quarter of a presidential election year.

According to a recent survey conducted in the third quarter (July-September), 48% of Americans either identify with or lean toward the Republican Party, compared to just 45% who identify with or lean toward the Democrat Party.

The survey indicates that Americans increasingly view the Republican Party as better equipped to tackle the nation’s most pressing concerns. From the economy to immigration, the GOP has a clear edge, with 46% of respondents favoring the party’s approach over the Democrats’ (41%).

Among the issues identified, the economy (24%), immigration (22%), and government (17%) are at the forefront of voters’ concerns— all areas in which Republicans hold the upper hand.

Notably, Gallup reports that this measure of party performance on critical issues has been highly predictive of election outcomes since 1948. With a Republican advantage in these domains, the upcoming presidential election may already be tilting in the GOP’s favor.

The poll also highlights an alarming dip in economic confidence, with a score of -28, indicating that a majority of Americans view the economy negatively. Only 22% describe current economic conditions as “excellent” or “good,” while a staggering 62% believe the economy is “getting worse.” Such perceptions may be driving voters toward the Republican Party, which is often seen as better equipped to handle economic challenges.

National satisfaction levels are equally concerning, with only 22% of Americans expressing contentment with the direction of the country.

According to Gallup:

Gallup’s Economic Confidence Index is currently at -28, indicating Americans’ attitudes about the economy are negative, on balance. The rating is derived from the 22% of Americans describing current economic conditions as “excellent” or “good” versus the 48% saying they are “poor,” and the 32% believing the economy is “getting better” versus the 62% saying it is “getting worse.”

In incumbent election years, a -28 economic confidence score would be closer to what it has typically been in losing (1992, 2008, 2016) rather than winning (1996, 2004, 2012) years for the president’s party. In 2020, Americans’ evaluations were essentially neutral when Donald Trump lost, though other incumbent presidents won when there were similar levels of economic confidence.

Joe Biden’s job approval rating stands at a dismal 39%, significantly below the 48% threshold that has historically favored incumbent presidents seeking reelection. This low approval rating, combined with a mere 22% of Americans satisfied with the direction of the country, suggests a turbulent political climate for the Democrats as they head into the election year.

Interestingly, the favorability ratings between the two parties are remarkably close, with 43% of Americans viewing the Republican Party favorably, compared to 42% for the Democratic Party.

This near parity, coupled with a growing preference for limited government intervention—where 55% of respondents believe that government should do less—aligns with traditional Republican principles and may enhance GOP prospects in the elections.

You can read more here.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that new voter registration data across 30 key states shows a mass exodus of Democrats, with millions leaving the party since November 2020.

From November 2020 to July 2024, the Republican Party saw an increase of nearly 400,000 registered voters, while the Democratic Party suffered a devastating loss of over 3.5 million voters.

Meanwhile, independents surged by nearly 1.8 million, according to new data from Decision Desk HQ author and analyst Michael Pruse.

Voter Registration Changes (Nov 2020 to Jul 2024):

  • Republicans: +393,365
  • Democrats: -3,584,321
  • Independents: +1,802,932

Read more:


Israel Defense Forces Confirms Hezbollah Terror Leader Hassan Nasrallah Killed in Beirut Airstrike   By Kristinn Taylor

Sep. 28, 2024 4:00 am – The Israel Defense Forces announced early Saturday (US time) that Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Islamist terrorist group Hezbollah, had been killed in an Israeli airstrike Friday on Hezbollah’s central command bunker headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon.

IDF spokesman Nadav Shoshani posted on X Twitter, “Hassan Nasrallah is dead.”

A few minutes before, The IDF posted, “Hassan Nasrallah will no longer be able to terrorize the world.”

The Israeli government followed with a poste and a a chart of the Hezbollah command structure eliminated in Israel’s defensive actions in recent weeks, “The Israeli @IDF confirms that Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Hezbollah terrorist organization and one of its founders, was eliminated yesterday, together with Ali Karki, the Commander of Hezbollah’s Southern Front, and additional Hezbollah commanders. Nasrallah will no longer be able to terrorize the world.”

Al Arabiya English posted video of the massive airstrike:

Excerpt from the Wikipedia page for Nasrallah:

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