Daily Shmutz TYRANNY / TOTALITARIANISM  2/13-14/23


Central Bank Digital Currency Tyranny Is Coming – How to Prepare   JD Rucker

The vast majority of Americans will either gleefully enter the draconian economic future or they’ll begrudgingly accept it. Some of us will find alternatives and keep tyranny off our doorsteps.

Editor’s Note: This article from our premium news partners at The Epoch Times does a great job of breaking down what’s happening now with Central Bank Digital Currencies as well as what to expect. Most importantly, it highlights what we should all be doing now to prepare. While I and others will continue to fight to prevent them, it seems more and more likely that they will be implemented in the very near future. Please read through the article and consider sharing it with those you know. Our best bet to stop it is with an informed population. Our best way to handle it if we cannot stop it is by having allies who are prepared with us to engage in alternatives. With that said, here’s Grant Miller…

We’ve all heard stories about people who survived the Great Depression by hiding cash under their mattresses or burying it in their yards because they’d lost trust in banks.

Imagine taking it a step further and taking money from the flawed banking system and putting it into the untrustworthy hands of the government.

That’s what will happen when America embraces central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), as many other countries already have.

There will be no way of hiding money you have because it will all be digital, and it will all be tracked and controlled by the U.S. government. And it’s looking more and more likely that America will have a CBDC sooner rather than later.

Here’s what you need to know so you can prepare.


Will Google’s Social Credit System Determine Your Future?  [38:35]

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola – Expert Review by Maryam Henein

More Than 1 Billion Cameras Will Soon Be Watching You

 February 14, 2023  Just like China’s social credit system, this is an alarming development that threatens civil rights throughout the world. And there’s one data-siphoning octopus sitting in the middle, collecting data on every move you make and every conversation you have.


  • China started rolling out a social credit system in 2018, which awards and subtracts points for certain types of behavior
  • Google is the largest monopoly the world has ever seen, and its data-siphoning tentacles reach deep into our everyday lives, collecting data on every move you make and conversation you have, whether online or in the real world
  • By the end of 2021, approximately 1 billion cameras will be watching public movements across the globe. Cities are also inviting residents and businesses to plug their private surveillance cameras into their police network, which expands the surveillance system even further
  • To make sense of all this footage, video analytic software and artificial intelligence are used. Video analytic capabilities include fight and fall detection, loitering and motion recognition, dog walking, jaywalking, toll fare evasion and lie detection
  • There are now proposals suggesting all of this data, in combination with AI-enabled analytics systems, could be used for “predictive policing” as illustrated in the 2002 movie “Minority Report,” where suspected perpetrators are arrested before actually committing the crime


Sorry Aspiring Masters: You Don’t Own Us   Analysis by Tessa Lena

February 14, 2023  – The great resetters keep scamming and bullying but the people are waking up.


  • At the recent WEF meeting in Davos, Red Date Technology, a company headquartered in Hong Kong, unveiled the Universal Digital Payment Network, a distributed ledger technology platform, that would be like the SWIFT network for banks, but for stablecoins and CBDCs
  • Meanwhile, at another DAVOS session titled, “Transforming Medicine, Redefining Life,” they went about their pet topic, redefining what it means to be human (which they have seemingly already redefined for themselves as they don’t act human at all)
  • Meanwhile, as Bourla claims that there has been “not a single” safety signal in relation to the Pfizer injections, the FDA is considering annual COVID shots
  • The great resetters keep making advancements but the people are waking up
  • One of the most important things we can do right now — besides praying and being brave — is building relationships and networks


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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.