Daily Shmutz US  1/19-22/23



Washington D.C. Made Itself the Enemy of the American People   by Lawrence Sellin

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the United States was the indisputable, sole superpower in the world.

It took the Corrupt Globalist Uniparty, reinforced by the permanent, un-elected and unaccountable Administrative or “Deep” State, only 30 years to destroy the country.

The political domination by the Corrupt Globalist Uniparty, fortified by a predatory Deep State, is, quite literally, incompatible with a constitutional republic.

Washington D.C. will never reform itself and there is little chance of change through voting, given the fraudulent electoral process.

The most destructive actions taken by the Corrupt Globalist Uniparty and the Deep State were the political contamination of the U.S. justice system and deliberately undermining rights guaranteed under the Constitution.

The Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation routinely violate the Fourth, Fifth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution regarding due process under law and illegal search and seizure.

By selective law enforcement, they have created a two-tier justice system in which those serving the Corrupt Globalist Uniparty and the Deep State are never held accountable for their criminal activities, while opponents of federal corruption and malfeasance can be treated like Soviet-era political prisoners without rights or due process.

Today, the main activities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation are to interfere in elections and to create crimes, which can have politically desirable outcomes for the Corrupt Globalist Uniparty and the Deep State, such as the Whitmer Kidnapping Hoax and the January 6, 2021 “Fedsurrection” resulting in the detention of political prisoners.

The Corrupt Globalist Uniparty and the Deep State are responsible for the illegal alien invasion on the southern border, hyperinflation, uncontrolled national debt, rampant crime, increasing drug use, suppression of free speech, and the cultural destruction of America by the promotion of Wokeism, Critical Race Theory, the abortion death-cult and the genital mutilation of children.

The intent of the Corrupt Globalist Uniparty and the Deep State is to create a submissive society by inflicting either punishment or pleasure.

They believe that a society will submit to a combination of governmental coercion as in George Orwell’s “Nineteen Eighty-Four” and the hedonist nihilism of a drugged, amusement-sodden, and stress-free consensus managed by the nanny-state found in Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World.”


Ed Dowd: Trump Needs to Hop Off the Vaccine Wagon, or He’s Done [VIDEO 36:13]

“Unfortunately, Trump is still hanging his hat on this vaccine. And he’s either got the worst advisors, or he’s got a bunch of Gríma Wormtongues (LOTR reference) whispering in his ear.”



Two Years Ago Today Joe Biden Was Inaugurated President, Here Are the Results   By Jim Hoft

January 21, 2023 at 8:00am

Elections Have Consequences, Stolen Elections Have Catastrophic Consequences.  – Steve Bannon

Two years ago today the coup was completed. Joe Biden was inaugurated President of the United States. And the era of prosperity and peace officially ended.

Oh, what a difference a stolen election makes.

Here are Joe Biden’s results after two years in office:


BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Bombshell in Late Friday FBI Data Dump – MUELLER Claimed Seth Rich Not Involved in Russia Collusion Email Scandal Without Ever Examining Rich’s Work Laptop   By Joe Hoft

January 21, 2023 at 7:45am – Another request for records from the FBI related to the death of Democrat staffer, Seth Rich in 2016, provides more evidence that the FBI is lying and there is more to the Seth Rich murder than they want to share.

Attorney Ty Clevenger has been requesting records from the FBI and Deep State for years related to the death of Seth Rich.  The FBI has done all it can to prevent what they know about Seth Rich from getting out.

But attorney Clevenger has been persistent because he knows there is something the Deep State is not revealing. Last night, the FBI provided another data release in the slow roll of these legitimate requests.

It looks like this release provides more evidence that the efforts to get to the bottom of the Seth Rich murder are necessary.

This is the seventh sworn declaration from this member of the corrupt FBI, declarations that seem always need revisions.



Armed Black Lives Matter Protesters In Virginia Hold Rally To Demand Reparations (VIDEO)   By Cullen Linebarger

January 19, 2023 at 11:30am – The issue of reparations for slavery has seemingly become the new passion for elements of the radical left. The most recent example of this passion happened on Monday in Richmond, Virginia when armed Black Lives Matter agitators marched on the State Capitol to demand free money for a sin that was abolished in America over 150 years ago.

The Gateway Pundit has previously reported on the far-left’s nationwide push to give reparations to black Americans. The most recent case involved the San Francisco “Reparations Committee” proposing to give every black resident $5 million each and grant them total debt forgiveness.

Now BLM senses an opportunity to push this communist, unconstitutional scheme in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Here are the full details from the Post Millennial:




Rep. Matt Gaetz Introduces ‘Abolish the ATF Act’ After New Rule Turned Millions of Gun Owners Into Criminals   By Jim Hoft

January 19, 2023 at 11:15am – Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) introduced legislation to abolish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) after a controversial ruling that would make millions of American gun owners into criminals.

On Friday, ATF issued a new regulation that will classify firearms with stabilizing devices as short-barreled rifles, which require a federal license to own under the National Firearms Act, Fox News reported.

As part of Joe Biden’s campaign to make as many guns illegal as possible, the ATF has restricted so-called pistol-stabilizing braces.

“Today, the Department of Justice announced it has submitted to the Federal Register the “Stabilizing Braces” Final Rule, which makes clear that when manufacturers, dealers, and individuals use stabilizing braces to convert pistols into rifles with a barrel of less than 16 inches, commonly referred to as a short-barreled rifles, they must comply with the laws that regulate those rifles, including the National Firearms Act (NFA),” the Department of Justice said in a statement.


Are Those Running the Country Gearing Up for Incompetent Buffoon Kamala Harris for Ten Years in the White House?  By Joe Hoft

January 19, 2023 at 10:30am – But then suddenly, the MSM reported that unprotected classified documents were found at Biden’s home and office.  This was hidden until after the 2022 Election by the Deep State and was finally released 10 days ago.

Many wonder if this is Joe Biden’s ticket to retirement.  He’s terribly old and lost.  Some people call it elderly abuse for keeping him in office.  Is now his time to go?

Americans and the world have no idea who’s running America with Biden in power.   Is it Obama, George Soros, or China?  We all know that it’s not Biden.

This is why Kamala is the perfect replacement for Biden.  She lacks intellect, poise, leadership skills and confidence.  She is the perfect Biden replacement because she can be controlled as much as Joe is.

One of our TGP readers shared the following:

IMPORTANT – KAMALA HARRIS CONNECTION Harris is precluded from more than 1 additional presidential term, if she takes office prior to JAN 20, 2023 under the US 22nd Amendment Section 1, which states \”… and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once. \”

QUESTION 1 – Is the timing of, AND the media assistance in, Biden\’s apparent demise related to a possible 10 (ten) year HARRIS PRESIDENCY (2+4+4) vs. 6 years (2+4) ??


US hits $31.4 trillion debt ceiling as Treasury announces ‘extraordinary measures’ to avoid default

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen wrote about the U.S. had reached the debt limit in a letter Thursday to members of Congressional leadership.

The United States reached its debt ceiling of $31.38 trillion on Thursday, forcing the Treasury Department to implement “extraordinary measures” to avoid defaulting on bonds.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen wrote about the U.S. had reached the debt limit in a letter Thursday to members of Congressional leadership.

“I will be unable to fully invest the portion of the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund (CSRDF) not immediately required to pay beneficiaries, and that a ‘debt issuance suspension period’ will begin on Thursday, January 19, 2023, and last through Monday, June 5, 2023,” she wrote.

[Ed.:  ‘The sky is the limit’, and the sky has no ceiling...

In a trillion seconds there are 31,710 years!  In 31 trillion seconds = 983,010 years!]   [Emphasis added]


Ex-Intel Official Who Signed Hunter Laptop ‘Disinfo’ Letter Makes Shocking Admission   BY TYLER DURDEN

JAN 18, 2023 – 06:11 AM – A former deputy director for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) admitted that he knew a “significant portion” of Hunter Biden’s laptop “had to be real,” but signed an October 2020 letter attacking the NY Post‘s bombshell report anyway, the Post reports.

The official, Douglas Wise, was one of 51 former intelligence officials who said the Post‘s report had the appearance of a Russian disinformation campaign.

“All of us figured that a significant portion of that content had to be real to make any Russian disinformation credible,” in a comment to The Australian. “The letter said it had the earmarks of Russian deceit and we should consider that as a possibility,” he continued.

“It did not say Hunter Biden was a good guy, it didn’t say what he did was right and it wasn’t exculpatory, it was just a cautionary letter.”

Except, the letter concluded that “It is high time that Russia stops interfering in our democracy,” and referenced “[o]ur view that the Russians are involved in the Hunter Biden email issue.”

The Oct. 19 letter — whose signatories included former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, former Director of National intelligence James Clapper, and former CIA Director John Brennan — went out of its way to cast doubt on the legitimacy of The Post’s scoop, devoting five paragraphs to explaining “factors that make us suspicious of Russian involvement” while slipping in the caveat that “we do not know if the emails … are genuine or not and … we do not have evidence of Russian involvement.” -NY Post

And as Jonathan Turley notes,

The infamous letter from the former intel officials (including such Democratic figures like John Brennan, James Clapper, Leon Panetta and Jeremy Bash) was used by the media to assure the public that there was nothing to see in the scandal. It was the perfect deflection in giving a cooperative media cover to bury the story of how the Biden family engaged in influence peddling worth millions with foreign figures, including some with foreign intelligence connections.

It worked beautifully. It was not until two years later that NPR, the New York Times, and other media outlets got around to telling the public the truth.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.