Daily Shmutz US 2/16-17/23


WAYNE ROOT: Here’s Your Proof of a Rigged and Stolen 2020 Presidential Election.

[Ed.:  Reminder:  If President Trump would have stood his ground,, and not run away after we elected him, none of this would have happened, Right?  But that is exactly what happened; we elected him, then they stole the election, and Trump ran away and handed over to them our country.  Therefore, the demise of America is 100% on his shoulders!  He owns it all!  But would I vote for him again?  Of course!  Only problem is that we no longer have a functional election system, any more than we have anything that is functional after the take-over.  There will be no 2024 election.  That is a mirage. Likely we will be dead by then.  Thanks (exclusively) to our run-away President.  ..Just sayin’. 

P.S.  I am not a pessimist, and I am not a negativist.  I am a pragmatist and a realist. I do not delude myself and I do not live in delusions.  Our government is our Enemy #1, and it is successfully killing us on all fronts possible.   If we were to annul the present government in its entirety and rebuild a new one, THEN we could have 2024 elections, and vote again for the best candidate, instead of  for a Communist, or a NWO player like Nikki Haley ‘only following orders’ from Klaus Schwab.]


Oregon Counties SECESSION Is Actually HAPPENING!!!   Dr. Steve Turley


How a town in Missouri was destroyed by Dioxin 40 years ago. Possible CDC coverup then; how long did it take to notify the residents?   Meryl Nass

The entire town was relocated. From the EPA website

A Town, a Flood, and Superfund: Looking Back at the Times Beach Disaster Nearly 40 Years Later   By Jenn Little, Office of Public Affairs

The striking images above show one town, but two entirely different landscapes. On the left, abandoned homes dot the gridded street plan. On the right, 19 years later, trees have begun to cover the street lanes in the empty community.

This town, Times Beach, Missouri, was the site of one of the worst environmental disasters in our nation’s history. Nearly 40 years ago, an individual was paid to spray material on the roads to suppress the dust in this small Midwest town. What the town didn’t know was that he was spraying those roads with a mixture of the highly toxic chemical compound, dioxin, and waste oil. When the town was inundated by a terrible flood in December 1982, that toxic mix spread beyond the roads and covered the town.

As part of EPA’s 50th anniversary commemoration, we look back on the events surrounding the Times Beach disaster. Over its 50-year history, EPA’s enforcement and compliance work has played an integral and crucial role in protecting human health and the environment. The Times Beach tragedy was one of several like it at the time and helped spur the creation of the Superfund law, paving the way for countless cleanup and remediation actions at sites across the country.

Here is the story about that Times Beach tragedy.



Situation Update, Feb 16, 2023 – Devastating DIOXIN exposure from Ohio train wreck burn will CONTAMINATE food, farms and families for YEARS to come   [1:43:49 – 0:00 DIOXIN exposure; 1:01:56 Interview with Don Loucks]   Mike Adams

The Ohio train derailment toxic dioxin bomb is far worse than we realized

I am shocked to learn the horrifying facts about the toxicity of dioxins, a class of chemical compounds formed when chlorinated compounds are burned. The authorities who set fire to the vinyl chloride in Ohio have unleashed an ecological catastrophe that’s causing dioxin fallout on food, farms and families in Ohio, Pennsylvania and other states.

 The maximum lifetime “safe” exposure to dioxins is 1/10,000th the mass of a single grain of table salt.

 This means if you get one drop of dioxin chemicals on you, it’s over. Massive cancer. Infertility. Spontaneous abortions, endocrine disruptions, etc. Very bad news.

 Today we interview a hazardous materials incident response expert who specializes in train wreck cleanups. What he shares with us is truly disturbing… the single largest toxic chemical ecological disaster in American history.

“Where Is Pete Buttigieg?” – Ohio Residents Erupt at Town Hall Meeting on Environmental Disaster Following Train Derailment (VIDEO)

[Ed.:  He’s busy giving his butt to his husband!]


NEW: Ad Exposes RINO Nikki Haley’s Never-Trump, Anti Border Security Record (VIDEO)



MEDIA BLACKOUT: There Were OVER A THOUSAND Train Derailments in 2022   By Pamela Geller

February 14, 2023 – Many of these derailments were acts of terrorism and yet they are rarely pursued or prosecuted. Instead, the Biden regime and his cloying clown Transportation secretary is whining and whinging that there are too many white construction workers.

After the East Palestine, train disaster, there were two more derailments yesterday?.


JUST IN: Shooting Inside El Paso Mall Leaves One Dead And Three Wounded; One Known Suspect In Custody

[Ed.:  Look over here, not over there!]


What’s Going On? Reports of Loud Explosion in Mission, Texas are Being Investigated by Multiple Agencies After a Meteor was Spotted in the Area

[Ed.:  Yes, but was it a Chinese meteor?]


Woman Who Escaped North Korea Compares The ‘Woke’ American Left To What She Fled (VIDEO)


LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: East Palestine, Ohio Town Hall Meeting on Norfolk Southern Environmental Disaster


Employees At Chicago’s O’Hare Airport Say Homeless People Are Taking Over (VIDEO)


Breaking: Idaho Legislature Passes Bill to Move Idaho-Oregon Border to Include Large Swath Eastern Oregon

Total Page Visits: 889

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.