Daily Shmutz US 3/5-8/23


Whoopi Goldberg Loses It After Fox Releases Jan. 6 Footage, Compares Tucker to ‘1984’   By C. Douglas Golden

Mar. 8, 2023 8:45 am – The ringleader of a show in which a gaggle of liberal women and one or two female “conservative” controlled opposition members tell America what to think says Tucker Carlson’s release of Jan. 6 footage is like something out of George Orwell’s “1984.”

And they say irony is dead.

…Now, obviously, this poses serious issues for those in the establishment media who pronounce the date of the incursion as if they were telling a ghost story to children: “Jah~hah~hah~hah~nuua~rry sixth,” the intonation goes, as if merely by hearing it you’re supposed to wet your pants in fear for the state of our republic.

The election was to be overturned! The rabblement wanted to hang Mike Pence! There were Proud Boys! Oath Keepers! Do you know who those people are? Neither do we, really, but they’re very, very frightening, and they were going to pull off a coup to install our very own Pinochet, Donald Trump!

Except that’s not what the footage showed, and it raises serious questions about what the Capitol Police were doing that day and why doors in the Capitol were being held open for the protesters by individuals in civilian clothes.

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Given that the Democrats’ House Jan. 6 committee was a kangaroo-court farce where the only “Republicans” allowed were anti-Trump grifters Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger — no longer office holders, and for very good reason — we haven’t had a good-faith public investigation of those questions, either.


“Foreign Scumbags Who Control This Network” – Steve Bannon Goes Off on FOX News Owners the Murdoch Family  (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

Mar. 8, 2023 10:02 am – ,,, Tuesday night’s show was tampered down.  Tucker Carlson did not release any explosive video.  His interview with a Capitol Hill police officer was interesting but subdued.  There were no big “reveals” on the show last night.

Now there are suggestions that Rupert Murdoch and the FOX News brass got to Tucker and changed his show plan.Investigative reporter Sharly Attkisson tweeted out that the show plan was changed.


Did Murdoch Shut Tucker Down? Rumblings that Tucker Changed His Show Plan After Threats and Pressure from Regime   By Jim Hoft

Mar. 8, 2023 9:41 am – Did Tucker Carlson change his show plan last night?

In late February Tucker Carlson announced that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy granted him unfettered access to the Jan. 6, 2021 protest footage at the US Capitol.

Axios reported that House Speaker McCarthy handed over 41,000 hours of Jan 6 Capitol footage to Tucker Carlson at FOX News.

Tucker Carlson made an announcement on the news later that day. Speaker Kevin McCarthy gave Tucker Carlson and his team unfettered access to over 44,000 hours of January 6 footage.

Tucker was the only media outlet allowed to access the thousands of hours of footage.

Since the announcement, The Gateway Pundit and 33 January 6 Defendants and dozens of their family members and supportive outlets have signed a petition demanding Kevin McCarthy give access to The Gateway Pundit and the January 6 Defendants and their families who are not being provided the critical government video for their trials.

,,, Tuesday night’s show was tampered down.  Tucker Carlson did not release any explosive video.  His interview with a Capitol Hill police officer was interesting but subdued.  There were no big “reveals” on the show last night.

Now there are suggestions that Rupert Murdoch and the FOX News brass got to Tucker and changed his show plan.

Investigative reporter Sharly Attkisson tweeted out that the show plan was changed.


“They’re All on the Same Side!” Tucker Carlson UNLOADS on Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer for Demanding He Be Stopped from Releasing J6 Tapes  (VIDEO 5:00)   By Cullen Linebarger

Mar. 8, 2023 8:15 am – On Tuesday, the American public witnessed incredible meltdowns from Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell over the decision by Tucker Carlson to release the J6 Tapes.

The Gateway Pundit has compiled a collection of stories over these men losing their minds over the brutal truth being exposed by Tucker.

Chuck Schumer arguably had the worst meltdown, not only throwing a tantrum on the Senate floor demanding Tucker be censored but also calling McCarthy a traitor. He also repeated a number of lies debunked by Tucker.

He continued his unhinged tirade after leaving the Senate floor as reported by TGP’s Jim Hoft.

Tucker Carlson responded to their sad meltdowns and vicious lies Tuesday night in a fashion only Tucker could conjure up.



The Biden Administration is Fingering Ukraine for the Terror Attack on the German & Russian-Owned Nord Stream Pipeline   Politique Republic

Just weeks after damning evidence presented by Seymour Hersh proved that the Biden administration destroyed the $12 billion Nord Stream pipeline jointly owned by Germany and Russia1 the White House suddenly ‘found’ the true culprit: Ukraine.2

Shortly after the terror attack on the Nord Stream pipeline the White House delivered talking points to the media falsely blaming Russia for destroying their own pipeline—accusations that Russia called “stupid” and “absurd”.

3 Talking points the administration has since abandoned. After Seymour Hersh’s bombshell reporting the decision was made to have US intelligence officials share a new ‘alternative theory’ with sympathetic reporters from the New York Times.

The White House was very selective in picking the right New York Times reporters ultimately selecting Adam Entous who won a Pulitzer Prize and Polk Award for his reporting on the Trump/Russia collusion hoax

4 and Adam Goldman who also won the Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on the Trump/Russia collusion hoax.5 The administration assumed they could count on both men to carry their water as neither bothered to return their Pulitzers.

Despite this, both Adams were very tentative in their reporting going to great lengths to point out that their story was little more than a headline designed to placate their masters in the White House. The article made it clear that the administration officials weren’t willing to say who the perpetrators were, what their affiliations were, who directed them, or who paid them—only suggesting the perpetrators didn’t like Putin—but ‘alluding’ to the possibility that the attack was ordered by the Ukrainian government.

6 The Adam’s reporting read like a hostage note—a forced recitation of claims they felt embarrassed to report.7

[Ed.:  I knew it was Zelensky’s fault!]


TGP’s Jim Hoft on The War Room with Steve Bannon on the Breaking ERIC News – Florida, Missouri and West Virginia Are OUT!   (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

Mar. 7, 2023 4:43 pm – The Gateway Pundit has reported for over a year now on the ERIC voter roll system that is used in 32 27 states.  The system was originally promoted as a tool to clean up voter rolls.  It is anything but that.

For example, Wisconsin is an ERIC State and has over 7 million registered voters in a state with less than 4 million eligible voters.  The Wisconsin state election leader Sarah Whitt was hired by ERIC after performing such exemplary work in Wisconsin.

Obviously, ERIC is not working.  The ERIC system is obsolete, inefficient, and has failed in its purpose.  The Democrat party apparatus loves it for some reason.

The ERIC system is now used in dozens of states despite the fact that voter rolls in those states are more bloated with phantom voters than ever before in US history

Last year The Gateway Pundit reported on the ERIC Systems in a series of articles and follow-up reports for over a year now.

These articles have gone viral and are being passed on to state officials.

** ERIC Part 1: Who’s “Cleaning” Our Voter Rolls? ERIC Now in 31 States
** ERIC Part 2: Largest U.S. Counties Removed ZERO to TWO Ineligible Voters
** ERIC Part 3: The Founding of the Nation’s Largest Voter Roll Clean-up Operation
** ERIC Part 4: A Response to the Panicked Media Attacks

And our message is resonating.  Since our original reporting, thousands of grassroots activists have called their Secretary of State’s office and demanded they look into the ERIC system.

[Ed.:  Yay!  That means that we will once again have free and fair elections again, just like the good old days!  Of course, this will be after WWIII, so they don’t need to worry about having too many legitimate ‘patriotic’ votes!]


Karine Jean-Pierre Reacts to January 6 Footage Released by Tucker Carlson: “Worst Attack on Our Democracy Since the Civil War”   (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

Mar. 7, 2023 3:00 pm

KJP said police peacefully escorting unarmed American citizens through the Capitol was worse than the Civil War that resulted in more than 600,000 deaths.

“January 6th was the worst attack on our Democracy since the Civil War,” Karine Jean-Pierre said.  [Emphasis added]

[Ed.:  Wow!  That black girl really knows her history! So, the Civil War was an attack on Democracy?  I must have misinterpreted it…]


McConnell Says It Was a “Mistake” For Tucker Carlson to Show January 6 Footage That Government Fought to Keep Hidden   (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

Mar. 7, 2023 3:30 pm – Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday said it was a “mistake” for Fox News host Tucker Carlson to show January 6 footage that the government fought to keep hidden.

Tucker Carlson Monday evening released never-before-seen January 6 footage showing police escorting peaceful protestors through the Capitol.

The newly released videos destroyed the sham January 6 Committee’s narrative.

Toxic RINO Mitch McConnell was asked if it was a “mistake” for Tucker Carlson to release the January 6 footage.

Mitch McConnell lashed out at Speaker McCarthy for giving Tucker Carlson access to the footage.

McConnell also said it was a “mistake” for Tucker Carlson to show the footage.

“It was a mistake in my view for Fox News to depict this in a way that’s completely at variance with what our chief law enforcement official here at the Capitol thinks,” McConnell said.

American reporters are now being attacked for daring to show the American public what actually happened on January 6.



“Tell Tucker Carlson Not to Run a Second Segment of Lies!” – Anti-Free Speech Activist Chuck Schumer MELTS DOWN on Senate Floor after Release of Monday’s J6 Tapes   (VIDEO)   By Cullen Linebarger

Mar. 7, 2023 12:30 pm – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) threw a huge temper tantrum on the Senate floor Tuesday.

As previously reported by TGP’s Cristina Laila, Chuck Schumer previously demanded Rupert Murdoch silence Tucker Carlson and other Fox News hosts over J6.

Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries sent Rupert Murdoch a letter demanding he censor Fox News hosts.

“As noted in your deposition released yesterday, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and other Fox News personalities knowingly, repeatedly, and dangerously endorsed and promoted the Big Lie that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election. Though you have acknowledged your regret in allowing this grave propaganda to take place, your network hosts continue to promote, spew, and perpetuate elections conspiracy theories to this day,” the Democrat wrote in a letter to Rupert Murdoch referring to the Dominion lawsuit.”

[Ed.:  Apparently Schumer can’t afford to have videos showing that it was his ‘insurrection’ after all!]


Documentary Filmmaker Ken Burns Says Tucker Carlson Releasing January 6 Footage is “A Huge Threat to Our Republic” (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

Mar. 7, 2023 11:30 am – Fox News host Tucker Carlson Monday evening began releasing January 6 surveillance footage given to him by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

Carlson showed footage of Officer Brian Sicknick walking around the Capitol healthy after he was claimed to have been killed.

Tucker Carlson also released a video showing Ray Epps perjured himself in sworn testimony to the January 6 Committee.

Another video released showed Jacob Chansley, AKA, the “QAnon Shaman” peacefully walking through the Capitol with police escort.

January 6 Committee members Liz Cheney, Adam Kizinger, Nancy Pelosi and the media lied about what really happened on January 6.

The left is melting down.

Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns said Tucker Carlson releasing the January 6 footage is a “huge threat to our Republic.”




BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Releases Evidence Showing Ray Epps Perjured Himself in Sworn Testimony to Jan 6 Committee (VIDEO)   By Joe Hoft

Mar. 6, 2023 8:15 pm – Ray Epps was identified early on as a man at the Jan 6 riots participating in very serious suspicious acts.  Tucker Carlson shared evidence tonight showing that Epps lied in his testimony to the January 6 corrupt January 6 Committee.

TGP was all over the Ray Epps crimes and cover-up.  He was on the FBI’s most wanted list and then suddenly taken off.  He was behind the riots on Jan 6 and participated in them and yet he walks free today.  There is much evidence already that Ray Epps committed many of the same crimes that others are in prison for and worse.

There is more and more information on the actions of Ray Epps on Jan 6.  Jim Hoft at TGP reported on one of the latest findings.

In his sworn testimony to the 1/6 Committee, Epps said that he left the Capitol immediately after texting his nephew “I orchestrated it.” However, surveillance video shows him on Capitol grounds 30 minutes later.

Tucker Carlson shared this tonight.


Trump Reacts to January 6 Surveillance Footage Released by Tucker Carlson   By Cristina Laila

Mar. 6, 2023 10:17 pm – President Trump reacted to the January 6 tapes released by Tucker Carlson Monday night.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson Monday evening began releasing January 6 surveillance footage given to him by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

Carlson showed footage of Officer Brian Sicknick walking around the Capitol healthy after he was claimed to have been killed.

Tucker Carlson also released a video showing Ray Epps perjured himself in sworn testimony to the January 6 Committee.

Another video released showed Jacob Chansley, AKA, the “QAnon Shaman” peacefully walking through the Capitol with police escort.

January 6 Committee members Liz Cheney, Adam Kizinger, Nancy Pelosi and the media lied about what really happened on January 6.

Cheney deliberately withheld this January 6 footage because it reveals the truth about January 6.

Trump praised Tucker Carlson and lashed out at the January 6 “Unselect Committee” in a Truth Social post.

“Congratulations to Tucker Carlson on one of the biggest “scoops” as a reporter in U.S. history. The New Surveillance Footage of the January 6th Events sheds an entirely different light on what actually happened. The Unselect Committee was a giant SCAM, and has now unequivocally been stamped as CRIMINAL FABRICATORS OF THIS MOST IMPORTANT DAY. Pelosi & McConnell failed on security. The Police story is sad and difficult to watch. “Trump” and most others are totally innocent, LET THEM GO FREE, NOW!” Trump said.


BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Shows Evidence that Capitol Policeman Sicknick Was Healthy and Walking Around After Being Accused of Being Murdered   (VIDEO)   By Joe Hoft

Mar. 6, 2023 7:48 pm – Protesters inside the Capitol weren’t destroying the Capitol – they for the most part showed reverence for the Capitol.

Americans were for the most part peaceful but the media reported over and over the same loops of violent images.

Over and over the Democrats said it was an insurrection.

One big claim the lying Democrats and Trump haters said was that police officers died that day.  They said it again this Jan 6.  This is a lie.

The one officer they claimed died that day was officer Brian Sicknick.  After calling his death a murder, Sicknick was finally reported as dying from other causes months later.


BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Releases Video Showing Capitol Police Escorting Jacob Chansley “QAnon Shaman” Peacefully Through the Capitol  (VIDEO)   By Joe Hoft

Mar. 6, 2023 7:33 pm – Tucker Carlson released videotape of Jacob Chansley “QAnon Shaman” being escorted through the Capitol on Jan 6.  Peacefully!

Jacob Chansley never committed any violence.  Jacob Chansley told others to act peacefully.  Jacob Chansley said a prayer in the US Capitol.  And Jacob Chansley was escorted through the US Capitol by police.

Today Jacob Chansley is serving 41 months in prison for his “crimes.”

Tucker Carlson released information that we have been fighting for since January 6, 2021.

Jacob Chansley was thrown in jail and is spending years in prison for this.  He was accused of some perverse reporting that he was committing sedition.


BREAKING: SPLC lawyer charged with domestic terrorism over Antifa attack on police facility in Atlanta   Andy NGO

March 6, 2023 – Nearly two dozen suspects have been arrested in Atlanta on suspicion of domestic terrorism following a violent ambush on law enforcement on Sunday evening. The violent assault is the latest in a string of attacks connected to the “Stop Cop City” Antifa affinity movement.

Around 5:30 p.m. on March 5, nearly 200 militants broke off from a protest in the South River Forest area southeast of Atlanta to launch an attack on nearby police. The officers were guarding a construction site of a future first responder training facility that members of the extremist group seek to stop. Their violence has escalated in recent months, leading to a deadly shooting in January and 19 of their members being charged with terror offenses so far.

“They changed into black clothing and entered the construction area and began to throw large rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails, and fireworks at police officers,” the Atlanta Police said in a statement about the Sunday attack.

Surveillance video shows some of the extremists dressed in military-style fatigues smashing up and setting fire to construction equipment after police retreated from the projectile attacks. The attack lasted around eight minutes.

23 suspects in Atlanta have been charged with domestic terrorism following a violent ambush attack to try to retake their lost autonomous zone occupation.


Aerial footage of Antifa ambush attack in Atlanta   Andy Ngo

Mar 6, 2023  – Atlanta Police released aerial footage showing around 200 far-left extremists part of an Antifa affinity group carrying out a firebombing ambush attack on police on March 5, 2023. 23 were arrested and charged with domestic terrorism, including an SPLC attorney and several from outside the U.S.: https://thepostmillennial.com/breakin…


REPORT: State Attorney General Pushing “Ministry of Truth” Bill Which Targets Conservatives – Opposing Election Fraud and Vaccine Mandates Could Become Crimes  By Cullen Linebarger

Mar. 5, 2023 7:16 pm – Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson is pushing the state legislature to adopt legislation that would set up a commission on “domestic terrorism.” According to a report, this could lead to conservative individuals being criminally charged for expressing their views.

KTTH’s Jason Rantz described this legislation, known as HB 1333, as the “most dangerous” in Washington state’s history in his report Wednesday. He says Washington state is setting up a 1984-style Ministry of Truth.

As Gateway Pundit readers know, the Biden regime attempted to create one at the federal level last year, before backing off three weeks later after vociferous public criticism.

According to the Center Square, HB 1333 would create a so-called Domestic Violent Extremism Commission (DVE) in the Attorney General’s office. The 13 members on the commission are asked to recommend legislative “solutions to combat disinformation and misinformation, address early signs of radicalization, and develop a public health-style response.”


House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan Subpoenas Would-Be Disinformation Board Czar Nina Jankowicz to Appear For Deposition   By Cristina Laila

Mar. 6, 2023 6:20 pm – House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) announced on Monday he subpoenaed Nina Jankowicz to appear before the Committee for a deposition.

Congressman Jordan said Jankowicz has ignored voluntary requests for a transcribed interview.

“Today, House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) subpoenaed Chip Slaven, Viola Garcia, and Nina Jankowicz to appear before the Committee for a deposition. Each official has ignored voluntary requests for a transcribed interview.” the House Judiciary Committee said.

“Chip Slaven, the former Interim Executive Director and CEO of the National School Boards Association (NSBA), and Viola Garcia, the former President of the NSBA, co-signed the September 2021 letter to President Biden requesting federal law enforcement assistance to target parents voicing concerns at local school board meetings. That letter led to an October 4, 2021, memorandum that directed the FBI to establish a “threat tag” to investigate Americans.” the Committee said.


SHADOW GOVERNMENT: DOJ Has Secret Domestic Surveillance Program – “Runs Like a Corrupt Government”   By Jim Hoft

Mar. 6, 2023 6:00 pm – Politico reported on Monday that the US Department of Justice has a secret domestic surveillance program that runs like a corrupt government.

Tell us something we don’t know.

Since this is clearly unconstitutional, maybe Republicans could attempt to investigate this program and lock up the culprits? Does that happen in Washington DC anymore? Do the crooks ever serve time – or do they just serve in the FBI, DOJ and on the DC Court of Appeals?

Under the domestic-intelligence program, officials are allowed to seek interviews with just about anyone in the United States. That includes people held in immigrant detention centers, local jails, and federal prison. DHS’s intelligence professionals have to say they’re conducting intelligence interviews, and they have to tell the people they seek to interview that their participation is voluntary. But the fact that they’re allowed to go directly to incarcerated people — circumventing their lawyers — raises important civil liberties concerns, according to legal experts…

…That specific element of the program, which has been in place for years, was paused last year because of internal concerns. DHS’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis, which runs the program, uses it to gather information about threats to the U.S., including transnational drug trafficking and organized crime. But the fact that this low-profile office is collecting intelligence by questioning people in the U.S. is virtually unknown…

…The inner workings of the program — called the “Overt Human Intelligence Collection Program” — are described in the large tranche of internal documents POLITICO reviewed from the Office of Intelligence and Analysis. Those documents and additional interviews revealed widespread internal concerns about legally questionable tactics and political pressure. The documents also show that people working there fear punishment if they speak out about mismanagement and abuses.

How interesting. Politico writes an entire piece on the shadow government and doesn’t even touch on the not-so-secret coup against President Donald Trump?


Alleged Antifa Member Arrested on Domestic Terror Charges Related to Violent Attack on Atlanta “Cop City” Is Attorney At Southern Poverty Law Center Where Soros-Tied MI SOS Jocelyn Benson Was Prominent Board Member    By Patty Mcmurray

Mar. 6, 2023 5:15 pm – 100 Percent Fed Up reports – A Southern Poverty Law Center staff attorney, Thomas Jurgens, was arrested in connection to last night’s violent attack on the Atlanta Public Safety training center.

Last night, at around 5:30 PM, an Atlanta public safety training center that was under construction was set on fire. The black-clad terrorists allegedly threw commercial-grade fireworks, Molotov cocktails, large rocks, and bricks at police officers.


NEW: Atlanta Police Release Identities of 23 Suspects in Antifa Terror Attack on Future Cop Training Center – Only Two Are from Georgia   By Cullen Linebarger

Mar. 6, 2023 1:55 pm – Atlanta police have named 23 of the 35 Antifa extremists who they say assaulted their police officers and torched the future cop training facility which has been nicknamed “Cop City.”

Only two are from Georgia. As first reported by Fox 5 Atlanta, all have been charged with domestic terrorism.

Here are the suspects’ identities. Fox News first obtained them:

[Ed.:  FALSE FLAGE STAGE ACT!   They staged the entire thing with so-called ‘Antifa’ thugs, paid for by Soros!  Then they suddenly want to introduce international police?]


Atlanta ‘Cop City’ anarchy sees at least 35 ‘agitators’ detained, part of an ‘international group’

Suspects from France, Canada and out of Georgia among those arrested in ‘significant escalation’ at Atlanta’s police and fire training facility

At least 35 people have been detained after demonstrators allegedly set fire to the construction site of an Atlanta public safety training facility anti-police and environment activists dubbed “Cop City.”

A group of “agitators” left the nearby South River Music Festival around 5:30 p.m. and descended on the construction site of the proposed Atlanta Public Safety Training Center “to conduct a coordinated attack on construction equipment and police officers,” the Atlanta Police Department said in a statement.

Authorities noted how the group changed into black clothing and allegedly began to throw commercial-grade fireworks, Molotov cocktails, large rocks and bricks at police officers.


UPDATE: Atlanta Police Release Footage of Antifa Terror Attack on Future Cop Training Center in Atlanta – Cops Say 35 Militants Detained So Far   (VIDEO)   By Cullen Linebarger

Mar. 6, 2023 8:45 am – On Sunday night, The Gateway Pundit reported  that the site of the future cop training center in Atlanta was put under lockdown after a massive fire destroyed the construction site.

Antifa militants were clashing with the police officers.

This was the end result of Antifa’s efforts.

Protests have been ongoing since June 2021 when the training center was announced with far-left opponents camping out in surrounding trees. TGP previously reported in December 2022 that five Antifa members were arrested and held on terrorism charges after protesting outside the training center.

In January, TGP reported that a leftist protestor from Stop Cop City ATL was killed and a Georgia State Patrol trooper was injured during a confrontation near the facility.

The newly-released police footage shows how last night’s terror attack unfolded. Antifa extremists tossed fireworks, Molotov cocktails, rocks, and bricks at the police officers and the construction equipment.


Site of Future Safety Training Center in Atlanta Under Lockdown After Massive Fire Destroys Construction Site – Antifa Reportedly Clashing with Police   By Margaret Flavin

Mar. 5, 2023 8:45 pm – In December 2022, The Gateway Pundit reported on five Antifa members who were arrested and held on terrorism charges after protesting outside of a $90 Million police training center near Atlanta, Georgia.

During the arrests, police recovered bombs, flares, gasoline, and weapons.

Additionally, the protesters torched at least two vehicles during their protests at the training center site.

Protests have been ongoing since June 2021 when the training center was announced with opponents camping out in surrounding trees.  Protesters have dubbed the center “Cop City.”

In January, TGP reported that a far-left protestor from Stop Cop City ATL, was killed and a Georgia State Patrol trooper was wounded during a confrontation near the facility.

Sunday evening, smoke and flames erupted in the area and the site was put on lockdown.


BREAKING: Norfolk Southern train derails in Springfield, Ohio, residents told to shelter in place  Joshua Young

Mar 4, 2023 –  A Norfolk Southern spokesperson confirmed that at least 20 of the 212 cars derailed and said the cars contained no hazardous material and no one was injured.

On Saturday, a Norfolk Southern car train derailed in Springfield, Ohio and residents have been asked to shelter in place as 1500 Clark County residents are without power following the derailment.

The Columbus Dispatch reports that a Norfolk Southern spokesperson confirmed that at least 20 of the 212 cars derailed and said the cars contained no hazardous material and no one was injured.

[Ed.:  Why would the derailment shut off the electricity?]


Kids Should Be Nowhere Near East Palestine Water Admits EPA Head

March 4, 2023 – During EPA Administrator Michael Regan’s visit to East Palestine, he admitted that kids should be nowhere near the East Palestine water.

The aftermath of the freight train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, persists, with residents and rail workers reporting illnesses and the Biden administration facing criticism regarding an inadequate federal response. The 38-car derailment occurred one month ago and resulted in the release of vinyl chloride into the air via a controlled burn, and questions swirl about why testing for dioxins wasn’t conducted immediately after the derailment.

Earlier this week, EPA Administrator Michael Regan visited East Palestine. He addressed reporters about the ongoing situation. Journalist Nick Sorter asked the commissioner:


Regan’s response:


Total Page Visits: 177

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.