Dante’s “Divine Comedy” course at Hillsdale College

Well, I finally pulled the trigger — I just enrolled in a free ten-week online course at Hillsdale College covering the classic epic poem by Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy. As stated in the course description:

The Divine Comedy is one of the greatest works of Western literature. An epic poem in three parts, it tells the story of Dante’s journey through the afterlife: Inferno describes the suffering of souls warped by vice. Purgatorio explores the theme of repentance and the elements of good character. Paradiso reveals the true glory and freedom attainable with God.

Like most folks, I first heard of Hillsdale College via conservative content creators like Dennis Prager, Mark Levin, and others. I eventually added my name to their email list, and the more I was exposed to the college and the principles it upholds, the more interested I became in actually taking a course.

I can’t say why this particular course nudged me into making the commitment to devote the time to further my educated at this point in my life. Lord knows I’ve enough on my plate with a wife, grandkids, a homestead, various and sundry community endeavors, not to mention running my websites. Perhaps with the prospect of summer coming to a close and the cozy days of life inside around the wood stove not far off, my naturally studious nature got inspired to take on an extended project like this.

Whatever the reason, I’m looking forward to the task. I’ll report as I make my way through the course.

~~~ Foster

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