Democrat Dystopia, coming to a nation near you!

A recent comment about President Trump I saw on Fakebook:

This “white power” touting racist red neck needs to disappear!

My take:

That’s one way to look at it… although I was unaware that Queens NY was such a hotbed of redneck activity. Nor can I recall Trump saying anything (either before or after deciding to run for office) other than to condemn (repeatedly, since liberals are so hard of hearing) the so-called “white power” contingent, a very minor faction in this country in any event.

No question Trump can be a rough and tough talker, but he has done more to help black Americans and other minorities than any Democratic president in our lifetimes. Under his taxation policies, the economy soared to new heights and achieved the lowest unemployment for *all* minorities in history. He was also instrumental in judicial reform by getting the criminal justice reform bill, the “First Step Act,” through Congress, which has been widely praised by the black community as a significant help. Barack Obama utterly failed in this regard.

Along with lowering taxes substantially, Trump reduced reams of regulations to help small businesses thrive that, in turn, have helped all minorities.

And the latest poll numbers I saw show Trump doubling his voting base within the black community in this last election, along with major increases in support from Hispanic and Asian voters. Now, can all those “people of color” be deluded, or stupid?

Wouldn’t any Dem to imply such a thing be itself supremely racist? Wouldn’t it be that for any Dem to acknowledge that these folks, after all due consideration, somehow summoned the courage to vote against their traditional party affiliation, and in fact may have had damn good reasons to cast their votes for Trump — would that not suggest that… oh, I don’t know… you’re full of shit?

Ah, but it looks like the Dems might get old Sniffin’ Joe selected after all. A quick search of the old interwebs revealed these interesting factoids about the razor-sharp mind and principle-driven humanitarian the hoards of lefties voted for this time around. Hope you’re happy, Dems, ’cause here’s the kind of non-racist, inclusive behavior you have to look forward to:

  • As recently as June of 2019, Biden praised the “civility” of the segregationist senators he worked with in Congress to pass anti-busing legislation.
  • Biden praised the notorious segregationist politician George Wallace, boasted about how Wallace once honored him with an award in 1973, and told a Southern audience in 1987 that “we [Delawareans] were on the South’s side in the Civil War.”
  • Biden opposed busing in the 1970s and expressed fears that it would lead to a “racial jungle.”
  • Biden voted to protect the tax-exempt status of private segregated schools.
  • Biden told black radio host Charlamagne tha God, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
  • Biden told the Asian and Latino Coalition of Des Moines that “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”
  • In 2008, Biden referred to then presidential candidate Barack Obama as “the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.”
  • In 2006, Biden told C-SPAN, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”
  • Biden falsely claimed to have “marched” in the civil rights movement.

I could go on, by why bother. Driven by an irrational (to the point of deranged) hatred of the only political outsider in recent memory to take the reins of administrative power and proceed to lift this country out of the doldrums left behind by decades of *both* Democrat and Republican deep-state leadership — aided by enough obvious election year skulduggery to choke a horse — the left has managed (baring a miracle) to outright steal this election. If they manage to similarly pilfer the two contested Georgia Senate seats as well, then it’s most likely bye-bye to the Constitution, capitalism, and common sense.

Welcome to the Democrat Dystopia of 2021!

And what will the right do? Well, they *won’t* be looting and burning cities, destroying monuments, screaming emotionally like spoiled children and making lists of liberals to “remove from society“. We’ll hunker down and regroup… watching, and planning, and praying to a God the left had long ago forsaken for the strength to rally once again, and restore this nation to the promising republic our Founders gave us.


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