DISGUSTING! 35 Republicans SIDE WITH Nancy Pelosi LIES! They Have BETRAYED YOU & Their Party | Liberal Hivemind + MY TAKE and 2nd video


MY TAKE: Do you see your US Representative on the list of 35 GOP Reps who sided with Pelosi to launch her January 6 Commission? Hate to have to admit it, but I do. He’ll hear from me on that. 😡

That said — It would seem obvious that the real purpose behind the commission will be the same one as that which fueled the Russia hoax, the Mueller probe, impeachments 1 and 2, and virtually everything else obsessing the Dems in Washington: trying to destroy their arch enemy, the scourge of the Deep State and the champion of true American conservatives, Donald J Trump.

And I predict that, just like the above-mentioned and pathetically distracting fiascos, in the end the Dems will fall far short of their mark, to their well-deserved embarrassment. Timestamps on unedited video footage clearly show that President Trump did NOT “incite a riot” as claimed. There was a lot of talk in the days following January 6 that Trump’s prior speeches using such commonly deployed political jargon as “fight” and “take our country back” demonstrated a willingness to cause trouble. But these accusations fall on their face in view of the Dems own consistent stream of inflammatory rhetoric:


While the commission may indeed net a few well-intentioned but over-zealous republicans for their contributions to the events of January 6, it seems much more likely (assuming an honest and fair investigation, something for which Dems are virtually unknown) that the true instigators will turn out to be Marxist liberal activists — some of them impersonating Trump supporters — who devised, organized and carried out the plan to create havoc and cast a false veil of culpability upon Trump and the GOP.

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