Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota delivers a barn-burner speech to conclude the Saturday night festivities at the 2021 CPAC convention in Orlando Florida. Entitled Why America Needs Conservatives, the good governor’s remarks covered many topics, including how South Dakota (from the very beginning of what I call “Ronasteria”) was the only state in the union to reject the mask mandates, lockdowns, and economic devastation and the general social destruction experienced by the poor souls living in liberal blue states. She emphasized how they kept an eye on “the science”, but in the end left it up to each individual to determine what, in any, steps they would personally take to mitigate the perceived threat.
IOW, she decided to trust her constituents rather than the diktats of DC, MSM, and the tyrannical medical establishment. How novel, putting our Constitution first for a change! Amazing.
Not only did Ms. Noem receive a rousing standing ovation for her speech, but I suspect she managed to guarantee a substantial increase in the number of folks determined to call themselves South Dakotans by end of summer.
I was thinking to myself… a damn good plan would be to own a summer cottage in South Dakota and a winter retreat in Florida. In response to the scamdemic, these two states (with Gov. Ron DeSantis at the helm in FL) conducted themselves with the most sanity and concern for the overall well-being of their respective populations… and all without any significant spikes in Covid mortality. Their economies are booming, and their people as free and happy as the infernal federal government will allow.
What’s that tell ya, eh?