“I was wrong about the Democratic Party” #walkaway – YouTube

Meet Georgia H – an educated, articulate, compassionate young lady living in Los Angeles, California who was “raised to be a good Democrat”. As she entered into her career as a practicing nurse, however, the pillars of her indoctrination began to crumble.

Prompted by a long series of astute observations, encouraged by critical thinking, and empowered by a deep sense of purpose, Georgia began to question the tenets of the progressive political philosophy she had embraced from a young age. She increasingly found those ideas illogical, indefensible, and at times grotesque, culminating in Georgia consciously choosing to walk away from the Democrat party. Miss H is a prime example of the burgeoning #walkaway movement sweeping the nation.

What makes Georgia’s story noteworthy is the depth of her unflinching analysis and presentation of her own journey. For better or worse, politics intrudes itself into all aspects of our lives, and a significant change in political perspective seems always to be accompanied (if not initially inspired) by a similarly profound change in a person’s overall world-view.

Perhaps it is the rigorous discipline of her medical training informing and shaping her transformation. Whatever it is, she has a real knack for putting it into words.

Feeling compelled to share details of how she arrived at this epic sea-change in her life, Georgia recorded and posted this 47-minute video on her YouTube channel on September 20, 2020. It is her first (and currently only) video, and as of this writing, the video has been viewed over 360,000 times. As Georgia notes:

“I am a bit overwhelmed with the way this video has blown up (despite persistent shadow banning from YT!)”

Georgia didn’t stop with posting her video, she embellished the liner notes as well – view her YT page HERE.

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