ISO: Blog Supporters

Producer/guitarist Jeff Foster
at the production desk

With my humble music career essentially destroyed by the hysteria surrounding Covid, and being a lifelong alt-news hound with a deep love of writing, I’ve been repurposing StringDancer into a blog site, with hopes enough people might enjoy my content to chip in and allow me to replace at least some of the income I once enjoyed as a performer, teacher, producer and instrument repair tech.

More and more, I’m no longer sharing on Facebook the more interesting news items I find in my travels down a hundred rabbit holes. Why bother — as several of my posts have been blacklisted or removed. Apparently the Zuch knows better than you what you want to view… or should be able to view. So these days, the “edgier” news items, videos and commentary I write is only found on StringDancer.

A cursory glance through the blog roll will reveal that my interests are decidedly conservative, libertarian and Christian. You can help support my efforts by clicking the “Send Money” link on the site’s menu to donate, or you can subscribe as a paying member, which allows you to comment on-site about the stuff I post. Thank you, and please share with like-minded friends.

I used to enjoy Facebook, actually. This was back before they instigated their shadow-banning, canceling and other editorial (censorship) practices. Increasingly, there is much to dislike about FB, and with their ever-changing algos, only a few networking advantages are left for those who oppose the approved “progressive” narrative. All Big Tech sites are doing this. While multiple lawsuits currently entangle these social behemoths in the courts, with additional challenges filed almost daily, it remains to be seen whether these sites can ever recover their collective credibility with conservative, libertarian and Christian content creators and their audiences.

In my view, only by stripping Big Social of their protected “platform” status, and legally recognizing them for the publishing ventures they have become, will the tide turn in the people’s favor (see this article). By law, an online platform must remain neutral, and not interfere with otherwise lawful content that just happens to go against the preferred political narrative of the site owners. By contrast, publishers routinely select, edit, promote, retract or delete content as they like… but unlike platforms, are therefore subject to libel/slander laws.

None of these Silicon Valley giants is the “electronic commons” they all purport to be, yet all demand (and receive) legal protection under the law. This needs to change, and the Feds are looking into it.


If you enjoy my writing and would like to support my efforts to bring more content to StringDancer, kindly toss a few bucks my way by clicking here:
And if you’d care to respond on this site to this post, you first need to cross a modest pay-wall of only $1/month, via PayPal. Pay-walls act as a deterrent to trolls and spammers. CLICK HERE for details, or HERE to review the TOS. Thank you. ~~ JF

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