Israel (IINO) 4/7/23

Israel (IINO)

Report: Israel Police barring Jews from part of Old City of Jerusalem

Amid Ramadan violence, Israeli authorities reportedly barring Jews from entering Hagai Street in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Apr 7, 2023, 2:02 PM (GMT+3) – Israeli police are restricting Jewish access to part of the Old City of Jerusalem, the Honenu legal aid organization said Friday afternoon, during the first intermediate day of the Passover festival.

Honenu claimed to have received multiple reports Friday from Orthodox Jews attempting to reach the Western Wall Plaza via Hagai Street that they have been denied entry by Border Police officers, while Arabs, non-Jewish tourists, and others who are not visibly Jewish were permitted to continue on their way.

Also known as Al Wad Street, Hagai Street runs north-to-south through the Muslim Quarter of the Old City, reaching the entrance of the Western Wall Plaza. The street is heavily used by haredi Jewish visitors from northern Jerusalem who visit the Western Wall by foot.

Police have set up checkpoints in the Muslim Quarter, with officers reportedly barring Jews from access to parts of the Quarter, including Hagai Street.

[Ed.:  This is a reversal of logic.  One would think that in the Jewish Homeland, IINO would restrict musloids (the source of the problem,) and not Jews from parts of Jerusalem.  But in the land of IINO most things are the opposite of what they should be… ]


The Three Pronged War taking place in Israel    Steven Genack

An Erev Rav Analysis and the Pesach opportunity. The mixed multitude that left Egypt with us are alive and well, plaguing every generation.

Apr 7, 2023, 1:29 PM (GMT+3) – Make no mistake. There’s a battle raging within Israel, from enemies without, brother against brother from within and a battle for honesty of the inner heart. Don’t be so sure that the downfall of the Jewish people is from without: within is equally as potent. The Erev Rav – the mixed non-Jewish multitude mentioned in the Exodus story and the continued on to the sojourn in the desert- that left Egypt are alive and well, plaguing every generation, this one as well.

Moshe endured a class-action lawsuit after leaving Egypt which prompted Yitro to advise him to set up a multi-tiered court system. Who brought this suit? The Erev Rav had a claim, says the Midrash. They wanted the money back that was taken from them in Egypt. But weren’t they wholehearted converts that would be overjoyed to give it to those Jews who endured the slavery? No.

G-d told Moshe not to take the Erev Rav out of Egypt, but Moshe chose to take them. They of course were responsible for the Golden Calf and complaining in the desert. Much suffering befell the Jewish people because of the Erev Rav. They are reincarnations of previous generations, originally stemming from a few children of Adam that were begot not with Eve.

Nonetheless, they have the power to bring down the Jews in equal or if not to a higher degree than Eisau and Ishmael. We are told that they prevent Moshiach ben Yosef from appearing and that they are relentless in their purpose.



Footage shows Muslim rioters gathering stones after morning prayers, throwing them towards gate linking to the Western Wall Plaza.

Apr 7, 2023, 11:30 AM (GMT+3) – Arab rioters on the Temple Mount hurled stones at the gate which links the Western Wall Plaza to the Mount Friday morning.

Following morning prayers at the Al Aqsa Mosque, dozens of Arab rioters gathered stones from the Temple Mount and began throwing them at the Mughrabi Gate near the Western Wall. The Mughrabi Gate is the primary access point for non-Arab visitors to the Temple Mount.

“This morning after the Fajr prayer on the Temple Mount, a large amount of instigators began chanting calls for incitement,” Israel Police tweeted. “A number of masked suspects began pelting rocks towards the Mughrabi Gate near the Western Wall. One of the rocks almost hit a Muslim woman and she fell.”

“As a results of the rock throwing, police entered inside a few meters from the Mughrabi Gate, and used measures meant to disperse the rioters who were endangering the public. In the last hour it had been quiet on location.”

“As we mentioned before, those rioters and instigators harm first and foremost the normative Muslim public who come to the Temple Mount.”

Friday’s riots are the latest in a string of violent attacks during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

[Ed.:  Musloid Antifa, or just frustrated pubescent boys fantasizing about 70 virgins and letting off steam?]


Passover Attack: Jordan Valley shooting victims identified as sisters from Efrat

Terrorist shooting attack in northern Jordan Valley leaves women in their 20s two dead, their mother in critical condition.

Apr 7, 2023 – Two women were killed in a terrorist shooting attack in the Jordan Valley Friday morning, with a third woman critically wounded.

An army spokesperson said the attack occurred near the Israeli town of Hamra, and that the IDF has launched a manhunt for the terrorists responsible for the shooting.

“Following the reports of a shooting attack at the Hamra Junction, a report was received regarding a car accident between a Palestinian and an Israeli vehicle. IDF soldiers who were dispatched to the scene located numerous bullet hits on the Israeli vehicle, it was indicated that the accident was in fact a shooting attack.”

“As a result, three Israeli women were injured, two of them were killed. IDF soldiers are blocking routes adjacent to the scene of the shooting attack, a pursuit after the terrorists has begun.”

The fatally wounded victims have been identified as two sisters in their 20s from the town of Efrat, south of Jerusalem.

The critically wounded victim is their 48-year-old mother.

An Episcopalian bishop warns his diocese against holding Christian Passover seders   Jacob Henry, JTA

Missouri clergyman instructs his diocese not to hold Christian seders, saying they advance belief Christians have replaced Jews.

Apr 7, 2023, 9:03 AM (GMT+3) – For years, a growing number of Jews have issued the same public request ahead of Passover: Christians, please don’t hold your own seders glorifying Jesus.

Now, some Christian clergy are passing that same message onto their followers. Last week, the Episcopal bishop of Missouri, the Rev. Deon K. Johnson, posted an open letter to his diocese saying that Christian seders are “banned” because they advance supersessionism, or the belief that Christians have superseded, or replaced, Jews as God’s chosen people.

In his letter, Johnson explicitly forbade his diocese from “hosting, holding or celebrating Christian seders.”

“In our own time, the proliferation of Christian Seders on Maundy Thursday has taken root in parts of Christianity,” Johnson wrote, referring to the Thursday before Easter, which falls this year on April 6 and commemorates Jesus’ Last Supper. “Christians celebrating their own Haggadah outside of Jewish practice is deeply problematic and is supersessionism in its theological view. Christian communities hosting Seders is additionally problematic because it contributes to the objectification of our Jewish neighbors.”

Christian seders are linked with the popular notion that the Last Supper was itself a seder, a belief that scholars have disputed because the seder as we know it was developed decades after Jesus’ death. “To put it bluntly, Jesus certainly celebrated Passover, but neither he nor his disciples ever attended a Seder, any more than they drove a car or used a cell phone,” wrote Rabbis Yehiel Poupko and David Sandmel in Christianity Today in 2017.


Netanyahu: ‘Israel’s enemies will pay the price’

State security cabinet meeting ends with a series of steps in light of recent rocket attacks.

Apr 7, 2023, 1:35 AM (GMT+3) – The Prime Minister’s Office reports that the Security Cabinet made a series of decisions, all of which were based on the recommendations of the IDF and the security services, in response to the firing at the citizens of Israel in both the north and the south.

Prime Minister Netanyahu commented “Israel’s response, tonight and in the future, will exact a heavy price.”

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant commented: “The security cabinet has recently completed its discussions. Israel’s defense establishment is prepared to face any threat, on any front. We will defend our state and our citizens.”

Related articles:

At the start of the meeting, Netanyahu said:

“Recently, I have made it clear that our enemies should not misjudge us: The internal debate in Israel will not prevent us from taking action against them wherever and whenever necessary. All of us, without exception, are united on this.

We have no intention of changing the status quo on the Temple Mount. We are calling for calming the situation and we will take strong action against extremists who use violence there.

Regarding the aggression against us on other fronts, we will strike our enemies and they will pay the price for any act of aggression.

Our enemies will discover, again, that at moments of truth, the citizens of Israel stand united and unified, and back the actions of the IDF and the other security services to defend our country and our people.”

[Ed.:  This is the sound of Bibi’s mouth farting!  Why haven’t they been stopped already? Talk is cheap. But seriously, in my humble opinion, the reason why Israel does not simply take out the Hezbollah and Hamas enemies shooting rockets at us all day during Pesach, is because the moment we strike Hamas and Hezbollah, we must also be striking Iran and take out their nuke and their government personnel as well.  The problem with doing that is that it requires refueling on the return flight in Riyadh Saudi Arabia.  Although that was possible recently, it is no longer possible today.  Yet, this refueling must be done!  Our friends the US will not provide us with the refueling aircraft until 2025  (long story short.)  Perhaps Israel may be considering making the attack anyway, and calculating exactly where the returning jets would run out of fuel, and then picking up the parachuted pilots on the ground, and bring them home.  Perhaps. It would make a great documentary!] 


2 more rockets fired at Israel from Lebanon

Latest rocket attack follows barrage of 34 rockets from Lebanon on northern Israel.

Apr 6, 2023, 11:34 PM (GMT+3) – Two more rockets were fired at Israel from Lebanon this evening (Thursday), after 34 rockets were fired from Lebanon on the first day of Passover, the IDF confirmed.

“Following the report regarding mortar shells launches toward the area near Metula from the Blue Line, after searches in the area, two rocket launches were identified from Lebanon into Israeli territory.” the IDF said in a statement.

Two Israelis were wounded by shrapnel from the rocket attacks Thursday.

Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati condemned the firing of rockets from the south of the country towards Israel this evening.

Related articles:

“Lebanon refuses to use its territory to carry out operations that undermine the existing stability,” Mikati said.

Terrorists in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip also fired seven rockets at southern Israel during Seder night Wednesday.


IDF striking targets in the Gaza Strip

The IDF struck two terror tunnels and two weapon manufacturing sites belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization

Apr 7, 2023, 12:43 AM (GMT+3) – A short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck a terror tunnel in the area of Beit Hanoun and a terror tunnel in the area of Khan Yunis, which was struck during operation “Guardian of The Walls”. Since the strike, efforts were identified to rebuild it.

The two tunnels did not cross into Israeli territory and did not pose a threat to Israeli civilians.
In addition, two weapon manufacturing sites belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization were struck in the northern and central Gaza Strip.

[Ed.:  Wow!  We actually took out two tunnels and a building!]


Up to 34 rockets from Lebanon target a broad swathe of northern Israel. Most intercepted

 Apr 6, 2023 @ 15:25 – A broad barrage of rockets were launched from South Lebanon Thursday afternoon, April 5, almost across the full breadth of Galilee in northern Israel. More than 72pc were intercepted by Iron Dome batteries in place for the high terror alert declared for Passover. Two of the 34 rockets exploded. on the ground. One person was slightly injured driving his car. A fire broke out in Shlomi. As the rockets came in several salvoes, inhabitants of towns and villages from Shlomi to Safed were advised to stay close to sheltered spaces until further notice and the attack is properly assessed. The beaches of Nahariya and further south were temporarily evacuated.

Palestinian terrorist groups, including Hamas, are known to maintain strongholds in southern Lebanon and closely collaborate with the Lebanese Shiite terrorists, Hizballah, which in turn is an Iranian proxy.
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and Hizballah recently established a combined operations center in Syria at Al Daaba airport in the Hizballah-ruled Al Qusayr region on the Syrian-Lebanese border, to plan concerted terrorist attacks on Israel from several fronts. The rocket barrage from Lebanon was clearly planned well in advance as part of this general offensive involving Iran that included staged disturbances on Temple Mount, an abortive drone attack from Syria, and three days of rocket fire from the Gaza Strip.

The security cabinet meets at 8:30 pm to ponder how Israel will respond to the sweeping terror offensive in which the hand of Iran is detected – after a preliminary conference between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Galant and IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi.



United Hatzalah hit by tens of thousands of cyber attacks over last 2 days

Israel hacker attack targets rescue and medical aid organization.

Apr 4, 2023, 10:31 PM (GMT+3) – Over the past two days, United Hatzalah of Israel has been hit with tens of thousands of cyberattacks as part of the larger hacker attack against Israeli institutions known as OpIsrael.

The attacks, which have put a major focus on attacking government sites, and websites of health and educational institutions, have targeted the national EMS organization as well.

“We received notification from the Israel National Cyber Directorate that we were one of the organizations that would likely come under attack,” explained United Hatzalah Spokesperson Raphael Poch. “Over the past two days, we have seen tens of thousands of attempts from phishing scams to attempted direct logins which tried to gain control of management interfaces for the website (CMS). There have also been attempts to gain access to identification data and attempts to find or exploit weaknesses on our web pages in order to take down our main sites via SQL injections. Thankfully our cyber team has been able to stop all of the attempts thus far.”


Police chief in closed conversation: The Arabs murder one another, that is their mentality

Channel 12 News publishes recordings of Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai making harsh statements against Israel’s Arabs.

Apr 5, 2023, 6:14 AM (GMT+3) – National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir and Israel Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai met last week following a murder that occurred among Israeli Arabs. In the conversation between the two, they discussed the phenomenon of crime in Arab society and the need to establish a national guard.

Channel 12 News on Tuesday published quotes from the conversation, which include harsh statements made by the Commissioner towards the Arabs in Israel.

According to the report, the Minister of National Security turned to the Commissioner and demanded to understand what steps are being taken regarding the violence in the Arab sector and stated that “it has crossed all boundaries.” Commissioner Shabtai replied, “There is nothing to be done. They kill each other. This is the nature of the Arabs”. Minister Ben Gvir said in response: “Commissioner, this can be stopped, the murder of both Arabs and Jews must be prevented.”

The Arab parties were outraged by the quotes that were published. Ra’am chairman Mansour Abbas said, “We expect the Police Commissioner to retract the obscene things he said about Arab society and apologize to the Arab public or resign from his position. I call on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Isaac Herzog to fully condemn Shabtai’s racist statements.”


After Gaza Rocket Attacks: Ben-Gvir calls for ‘heads to roll in Gaza’

‘We need to do more than bomb sand dunes.’ National Security Minister calls to convene security cabinet after Gaza rocket attacks.

Apr 5, 2023, 10:59 AM (GMT+3) – Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir (Otzma Yehudit) called Wednesday morning for the security cabinet to convene immediately, following a string of rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip overnight, a terrorist shooting attack near Hebron that left an IDF soldier wounded, Arab riots on the Temple Mount, and a stabbing attack in central Israel Tuesday during which two IDF soldiers were wounded.

“This morning I requested that the security cabinet be convened following last night’s events,” Ben-Gvir said. “This government, which I am a member of, needs to respond with force to the launching of rockets from Gaza.”

“Hamas rockets require more of a response than bombing sand dunes and unmanned positions. The time has come for heads to roll in Gaza. We cannot compromise on the policy of responding seriously to every rocket attack.”

A total of 18 rockets were fired from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip towards Israel overnight and Wednesday morning, the IDF said.  [Emphasis added]

Most of the rockets either landed in open fields or were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.

In response, the IDF bombed a Hamas terrorist training facility in northern Gaza, while IDF tanks opened fire on Hamas positions.


For the second night in a row: Violent clashes erupt at Al-Aqsa Mosque   Elad Benari,

At least 11 arrested as masked youth barricade themselves inside Al-Aqsa Mosque and police forces work to evacuate them.

Apr 6, 2023, 1:06 AM – For the second night in a row, violent clashes broke out on the Temple Mount on Wednesday night, as worshipers barricaded themselves inside Al-Aqsa Mosque and police forces operated to evacuate them.

The worshipers shouted, “Al-Aqsa will be redeemed in spirit and blood”.

According to Palestinian Arab reports, at least 11 people were arrested. Footage posted online showed some of the worshipers fleeing the Temple Mount in large numbers.

The Israel Police commented on the clashes with worshipers and said, “Tonight while police officers continued to allow many Muslims to celebrate Ramadan and safely reach the Temple Mount for the evening prayers, dozens of law-breaking juveniles, some of them masked, threw fireworks and stones into the Mosque with the aim of disrupting the order.”

“At some point the violent rioters tried again to close the Mosque doors and prevent the worshipers from leaving the Mosque in order to barricade themselves in the place. Police forces prevented the lawbreakers from closing the doors and helped the worshipers leave the Mosque.”

[Ed.:  What’s all this I keep hearing about the I’ll Ask-ya Mosque?]


On Passover night: Gaza terrorists fire two rockets towards southern Israel   Elad Benari, Canada

Two rockets fired from the Gaza Strip toward Israeli territory. One launch explodes in Gazan territory, the other in open area.

Apr 5, 2023, 9:25 PM (GMT+3) – Gaza-based terrorists fired two rockets towards southern Israel on Wednesday evening, as local residents were celebrating the Passover Seder with their families.

The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said that two rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip toward Israeli territory. One launch failed and fell in the Gaza Strip and the other fell in the area of the security fence.

“Following the launches, an alert was activated in the Home Front Command app for open areas only,” the IDF said.

Overnight Tuesday and early Wednesday morning, terrorists from the Gaza Strip fired 16 rockets towards Israel, prompting the IDF to retaliate with strikes on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip.

The city of Sderot said one of the rockets that were fired landed near a factory. There were no injuries, but the factory sustained damage.

The sirens followed violent clashes that broke out at Al-Aqsa Mosque, during an attempt by police officers to evacuate Muslim worshipers who were holed up in the mosque.

[Ed.:  UPDATE:  Actually, overnight there were three rockets from Gaza (Hamas,) between 5:23 AM and 5:40 AM Israel time.  Just now, at 3:35 PM Israel time, a rocket was fired from Lebanon (Hezbollah) at Naharia in Northern Israel, plus 14 more rockets to Lebanon border villages just now (7:55-8:00 AM Eastern, 3:55 – 4:00 PM Israel time.)   In my humble opinion, Israel should fire rockets at the musloids every day for the entire 30-days of Ramadan to show our respect for their so-called “religion”.  ‘Tit-for-tat’ ya’ know.]

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