Our Plans Are Not God’s Plans! The End Won’t Be For Everyone! PRAY! – And We Know

This video by And We Know follows up on the Marshall Report piece I presented in my post yesterday, further clarifying what happened as a result of the Act of 1871, the resulting illegitimacy of the corporate US government, and the massive obfuscation of the truth from every American ever since.

It also supports the possibility that an intentional setting of the pieces by “the good guys” for a triumphant return of national sovereignty under the leadership of the people’s choice for president, Donald J Trump, if not actually in play, would in fact be completely justified and necessary if we are ever to know freedom instead of slavery to the cabal. We will just have to wait and see if this scenario is an actuality.

Yes, it’s all a rumor at this point… some say a desperate fantasy concocted by alt-right conspiracy theorists to keep hope alive after a stolen election. However, my own research into the nefarious Act of 1871 suggests that it is much more than mere rumor and innuendo.

Think on it a moment — An unlawfully incorporated US government on  foreign soil (DC) in 1871, to be followed in 1913 by the creation of the foreign-owned Federal Reserve, rendering every US dollar an instrument of debt at interest, subsequently necessitating the creation of the IRS to generate (steal) money from the people to pay said interest on their own currency — connect these and other dots on the cabal’s timeline of treachery, and you begin to see how the dominos of deceit began to fall in this country 150 years ago, over time leading to the nearly complete usurpation of the God-given rights and sovereignty of the American people as enshrined in our organic Constitution!

There’s a word for that: SLAVERY!

The more you study the real history of this world,
and the more you’re willing to accept the brutal truth,
the more pissed-off you’ll get for having been so blind for so long!


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