President Eject Creepy Joe

So I whipped up a little meme the other day using a graphic I found somewhere, and tossed it up on Fakebook for the fun of it:

An acquaintance I happen to know in real life had this to say:

Jeff, please stop drinking the kook aid.

Started to respond on FB, but changed my mind:

Oh, touché, what a resounding retort! Well, we all drink what we like, my friend. I didn’t ask you to change your preferred flavor, kindly reciprocate.

And seriously, you can do better than to summarily dismiss the considered opinions of at least half the country with an obvious twist on an antiquated one-liner, I’ve seen ya do it. It’s very easy to call the other side stupid, but it’s an ineffectual tactic I personally try to avoid.

Generalizing here: Liberals aren’t stupid, in fact they are exceedingly clever and cunning, but they are also domineering, myopic and hypocritical. Conservatives aren’t stupid either, they are rooted in sound traditions and timeless truths, but they are slow to rouse and often spineless… and yes, can be hypocritical, as well.

The bit in that meme that caught my eye was not that Creepy was sniffing (he always seems to be sniffing something), it’s *who* he was sniffing (which fact has yet to receive a mention), and what that suggests regarding the future of this country if the Dems manage to steal the election.

Frankly, I couldn’t give a rat’s patootie about the libidinous tendencies of either Trump or Biden, humans are prone to temptation, and given what’s at stake, the entire topic is boring. I would think after JFK’s and Slick Willie’s misadventures the Dems wouldn’t be so keen to focus on a president’s sexual weaknesses. In any event, the policies and principles of the path a leader walks seem to me much more significant and worthy of my time.

Edit: I’m just assuming my readers know full-well the identity of the victim of sniffery in the meme.

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