BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines! (B2EN THE//S)
Inflation is an artificial, weaponized attack on the people, not the system Jordan Schachtel
“You will own nothing and you will be happy.”
In a free market economy, price inflation and deflation will happen naturally, and market forces will ultimately restore order.
However, in 2022, we live in a society completely detached from a free market, and the fact that we are seeing consistent, devastating inflation and monetary debasement is entirely a product of our ruling class.
It doesn’t take a PhD in Austrian economics (real economics) to realize that there is absolutely no organic trigger for the inflation you’re witnessing today. Given the amazing technological advances of the past couple of decades, our stuff should be getting significantly cheaper through price deflation, not more expensive. Energy should be abundant. Property should be affordable. All of our stuff should be a lot cheaper.
So, what in the heck is going on?
President Trump is pushing Jared Kushner’s book again and saying it’s an accurate portrayal of what went on in the Trump White House. I’ve read most of it and it’s compelling, fair and balanced and well documented.
Yet, I get lots of emails from angry people telling me Kushner is a liar because he said Bannon was a major leaker and that’s why Trump fired him. Hmm. That makes Trump a liar. Either you believe President Trump or you don’t. If you don’t believe Trump – you’re not MAGA – so stop pretending you are….
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Wow! [Jared’s book] is a great story of the Trump Administration’s success. Where are the Nobel Peace Prizes?”
[Ed.: Heck, Peggie, if I’m not MAGA, I just have no idea what I am! Everybody is insulting me lately, I’ve noticed. Biden is calling me a domestic terrorist, and you’re calling me something that I am not again! All within a few days! You’re both mistaken! Anyway, I don’t trust Kushner as far as I could throw him!]
The Continued Damages to our Children Robert W Malone MD, MS
New CDC statistics, the UK and public policy, OH MY!
In December of 2021, I made and circulated what I like to refer to as my “hostage video”. It went viral, and the ministry of health of Israel (and other countries) directly attacked me for posting it. Most of you have probably seen it already, but it is embedded at the top of this Substack. I call this video that – because I basically pleaded with parents to be careful about vaccinating their children (and also because I am not very good with reading things on camera, and I came across like a hostage). That video has proven to be prescient. My hope is that I managed to influence at least a few parents to think twice before injecting their children.
But here we go again.
With all of the new press and government advocacy for the re-engineered “booster” shots that include both Wuhan-1 and BA-4/5 spike protein coding sequences, I decided to run a Pubmed search to discover what new research has been published on COVID-19 vaccines and children. It turns out to be a daunting tasks, as so much has been learned since I recorded that prescient viral video. There are now literally hundreds of articles on parental vaccine hesitancy and how to overcome it, and these have clogged the arteries of the scientific literature pipeline. Pubmed searches have become really difficult, because the noise related to the approved narrative has “flooded the information battlefield”. I don’t have to wonder too hard about the “who” that is funding all these vaccine “hesitancy” studies. IMO, these studies clearly show an effort by governments to fund their way out of COVID-19 “vaccine” hesitancy of parents all over the world. And if that was not enough of a problem for the vaccine pushers, now we have even the UK (British) government saying “no thank you” to COVID-19 genetic vaccines for children. For examples documenting this, please see here and here.
Good luck with that, COVID-19 genetic vaccine pushers. But this is also why we can’t stop researching, writing and speaking about this. If we do, they will win.
High School Athlete Found with 6 Foot Long Clot In His Leg – Ending His Football Career — Doctors Baffled on Exactly What Happened? [2:20] By Jim Hoft
A high school athlete was forced to end his football career after doctors removed SIX FOOT LONG blood clots from his legs.
According to the report, “Doctors are still trying to figure out exactly what happened to Kaden.”
Statistics Indicate COVID Jab Is The ‘Elephant In The Room’ When It Comes To Excess Mortality Rates
Emerging statistics on excess mortality rates paint an alarming picture. Far more people died in 2021, after the rollout of the COVID shots, and in 2022, than during the height of the COVID pandemic in 2020. I will review some of those shocking statistics — which are mirrored around the world — in a moment.
But while rational people look at these figures and ask themselves what the most apparent and likely cause behind this sudden rise in deaths of working-age adults and younger people might be, mainstream media are trying to divert your attention from the elephant in the room — mass injection with experimental gene transfer technology — to anything and everything but that.
Pfizer to Make Record $54 Billion From COVID Shots and Treatment By Dr. Joseph Mercola
Pfizer predicted $32 billion in profits from its COVID-19 shots and another $22 billion from Paxlovid — a pill used to treat COVID-19 but can cause the virus to rebound — for a total of $54 billion.
- Pfizer is expecting record-high revenue in 2022, courtesy of COVID-19.
- It’s predicting $32 billion in profits from its COVID-19 shots and another $22 billion from Paxlovid, for a total of $54 billion.
- Overall, Pfizer forecasted 2022 sales of $98 billion to $102 billion.
- First, Pfizer profits from the shots; next, when they don’t work to prevent infection, the company makes more money by selling pills to treat the infection.
- Many people experience a rebound of COVID-19 after taking Paxlovid, which means multiple courses of the drug are often necessary; this is bad news for the public but great news for Pfizer and its shareholders.
[Ed.: That’s enough mullah to kill for, no?]
Rapid Rollout of New COVID Boosters With No Human Trials — ‘A Tale of Recklessness’ [1:09:00] By Meryl Nass, M.D.
The fastest rollout of a new vaccine in world history occurred the only way it could possibly occur — by bending the rules, creating a new regulatory playbook and failing to obtain any human data for the new vaccines.
- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cooperated to issue Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA) and roll out new, bivalent Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines this week, without any human trials, which is unprecedented.
- There is international coordination regarding bivalent boosters, and a major effort will be undertaken to get them into arms, despite historically low levels of severe COVID-19. Why?
- These vaccines continue to enjoy extraordinary protection from liability, while the recipient has no access to the legal system in the case of injury.
- There is no evidence the new vaccines are safe, while there is limited evidence that they may be more harmful than earlier COVID-19 vaccines. However, in the absence of human testing, there is no way to truly predict their safety. Safety data are being concealed by federal health agencies. Messaging by them is misleading.
- There is no evidence the new bivalent vaccines will be more effective than the older vaccines, and existing evidence suggests that any efficacy they provide will persist no longer than one to several months.
- COVID-19 vaccines appear to increase susceptibility to COVID-19 infections, on average starting six months after inoculation.
- Perpetual boosters briefly stave off the negative efficacy that develops a few months after a COVID-19 vaccination. This may be why frequent boosters are being pushed. But frequent boosters may also weaken overall immunity and may even contribute to rising mortality rates in the U.S. and U.K.
[Ed.: Yes, but they did use eight mice…]
RFK, Jr. ‘Astonished’ After Documents Reveal How Biden Administration and Big Tech Colluded to Censor COVID ‘Misinformation’ By Zachary Stieber and Enrico Trigoso
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., chairman of Children’s Health Defense, said it’s “shocking” that a U.S. president would involve the FBI and Homeland Security in efforts to pressure publishers to censor the president’s critics.
People who were branded as disinformation purveyors say the new documents showing coordination between Big Tech and President Joe Biden’s administration is an important step in combating the collusion.
Obedience is a killer: 91% of Biden voters took the DEATH jab… huge demographic and ELECTORAL changes coming for America as vax clots kill Democrats and liberal women the most by Mike Adams
Nearly all Biden voters took the death jab, and the deaths are already mounting
(Natural News) A new poll from The Economist and covered by Breitbart News has found that the vast majority of both Biden and Trump voters were easily tricked into taking a suicide shot falsely labeled the “covid-19 vaccine.”
According to the poll, 91% of Biden voters took at least one of the jabs, most likely because those who support Biden are obedient, oblivious NPCs who blindly trust government and corporations with their lives, even when those governments and corporations are quite literally trying to exterminate them.
Orange Man Bad, but Orange Man’s vaccine GOOD…
Interestingly, 66% of Trump voters also took the jabs, no doubt stemming from the fact that Trump fraudulently promoted the vaccines as safe and effective after launching Operation Warp Speed to rush untested, unsafe vaccines into widespread adoption.
The survey reveals something quite fascinating. While men, Blacks and Hispanics all caught on and largely stopped taking the fraudulent covid-19 vaccine after the first or second dose, White liberal women (college-educated / indoctrinated) continued to remain shockingly obedient to the covid-19 propaganda and demanded three or more doses.
Embalmers Are Making Shocking Discoveries in the Blood of the Dead BY KEVIN DOWNEY JR.
It sounds like a bad horror movie script from the 1960s, but it isn’t.
The Epoch Times is reporting that embalmers from around the nation are speaking out about strange blood clots they have been finding in the bodies of the deceased since around 2020 or 2021.
The clots are said to be white, fibrous, and rubbery and can be the size of a grain of sand or as long as a human leg. They can be as thick as a pinky finger. One embalmer claimed they can be “nearly the strength of steel.” Embalmers across the nation are contending that these clots are not normal.
Whistleblower Data: Government knew about mRNA Death Spikes and Still Continues to Roll Out COVID Vaccine Agenda By Sarah Westall |
Whistleblower Social Security Data Exposed by Attorney Tom Renz Clearly Shows Government Knew Ahead of Time
Attorney Tom Renz once again shares bombshell data that clearly shows the damage and death that the mRNA injections are causing. At Clay Clark’s Great Awakening tour, Renz’s displays new whistleblower data that clearly shows death spikes when the vaccine was rolled out; both initially and at the beginning of the school year. This means there were a considerable amount of excess deaths amongst school aged children and college aged kids; a group that nearly has natural immunity from COVID.
Renz’s presentation hit a nerve with the censors. Before he took the conference stage the video feed was cut so no one on the Internet could see his presentation live during the event. This means it’s even more important people get to see this presentation. If they do not want you to see it, then there is even more reason you need to see it.
[Re-posting daily] Holocaust Survivor, Vera Sharav Speech at Nuremberg 75 [26:48] childrenshealthdefense
Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor and human rights advocate, speaks first at the 75th Anniversary Event of the Nuremberg Code in Nuremberg, Germany, on August 20, 2022.
It was almost 75 years ago that the city of Nuremberg was the place of a historic declaration. When the judges of the military tribunal against leading medical officers in the Nazi administration passed their verdict, they issued what would become known as the Nuremberg Code.
On August 20, a compelling line-up of international speakers traveled to Nuremberg to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of The Nuremberg Code. Now of all times, in its jubilee year, this achievement of mankind is facing the greatest hardship since it was written.
Speakers include: CHD President Mary Holland, CHD Africa Executive Director Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Martin Michealis, Steffi Bresnik, Rolf Kron + more.
Watch the full event here :
Data For Newly Authorized COVID-19 Boosters Based On Mice, Not Humans By GreatGameIndia
Editor’s Note: Lucky for us, Pfizer has included animal trials for the booster on a large trial set of 6 mice. The original vaccine bypassed the animal trials, so this is a big improvement. The booster trial proved that 6 mice developed the immune response they were looking for, but the trial did not include tests to see if their immune system in general was compromised nor whether their lifespan was significantly cut short. There wasn’t time to figure out those data points because waiting “would have rendered the revised boosters obsolete”.
Therefore, risking humanities long term existence is less important than ensuring we protect people from a virus that has been proven to be almost 100% treatable (using proven doctor protocols, not government mandates). There is also the inconvenient fact that most people already have natural antibodies for COVID since it has successfully made its way through most of the population.
Pro booster rhetoric has been increasing, especially in Canada. Expect more school and Government mandates for the booster in the near future… because commonsense doesn’t matter anymore.
According to a presentation that will be given to the advisory panel of the CDC by Pfizer scientists, the data for the newly authorised COVID-19 boosters is based on mice, not humans.
Because U.S. officials feel that waiting for human trial data would have rendered the revised boosters obsolete, the preclinical data for the recently permitted COVID-19 booster doses is only based on mice, not people.
Dr. Oz says he would have certified Biden victory in 2020 By Ben Whedon
His comments present a stark break with his primary benefactor, Trump.
Republican Pennsylvania Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz said on Tuesday that he would have certified President Joe Biden’s electoral victory in 2020 had he been in office at the time.
“I would not have objected to it,” Oz said, according to The Hill. “By the time the delegates and those reports were sent to the U.S. Senate, our job was to approve it, which is what I would have done.”
Oz defeated Republican rival David McCormick by a razor-thin margin in the state’s primary contest. With the backing of former President Donald Trump, he also overcame a last minute surge from third-place candidate Kathy Barnette.
His comments present a stark break with his primary benefactor, Trump, who has asserted that electoral fraud influenced the outcome of the presidential election, especially in Pennsylvania. Only a handful of senators opted against certifying the presidential election results, and retiring Pennsylvania GOP Sen. Pat Toomey, whom Oz hopes to succeed, was not among them.
[Ed.: Trump endorsed Turkish Dr. Mehmet Oz is an enemy of State!]
Elections Stolen with Software, Blackmail & Infiltration: We Now Know by Gen. McInerny & Mary Fanning
General McInerny and Mary Fanning rejoin the program to discuss how our elections were stolen in 2020 with the Hammer and Scorecard. They explain why it’s critical that we resolve this issue for America to restore our republic. They explain how this time we need all Americans to be on alert, to get involved and to demand change. They also make it clear to the criminals that going forward, we now know their games and we will be watching, documenting, and persecuting them for crimes. You can see both General McInerny and Mary Fanning on the Intelligence Briefing with John B Wells on the Ark to Midnight at 9:00pm to 12:00am on the following radio stations:
RINOs Deny Funding America First Candidates By Renee Parsons
For all the satanic imagery, hypocrisy and fabrications in his August 30th Soul of the Nation speech, President Joe Biden wasted no time in attacking former President Donald Trump and his core of MAGA supporters (Make American Great Again) by accusing them of being a ‘clear and present danger to our democracy” and that they represent an “extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic“.
Instead of Biden’s obscene menace sending them back into the shadows, it should come as no surprise that Biden’s unprovoked assault upon millions of Americans fired up the MAGA forces and, if thousands of passionate supporters who attended Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania are any indication, they will be voting for America First candidates on November 8th even if it means crawling on their hands and knees through broken glass.
It was reported on Monday that the US flew a pair of nuclear capable long range B-52 bombers over the Middle East.
According to Air Force Times: The bombers took off from the Royal Air Force base at Fairford, England, and flew over the eastern Mediterranean, the Arabian Peninsula and the Red Sea on Sunday in training missions together with Kuwaiti and Saudi warplanes, as well as U.S. ground and naval units, before departing the region, according to an Air Forces Central news release.”
What was not reported, but later confirmed by Israel, is that Israeli F-35’s also took part in the exercises. The question, given all the tension with Iran and the faltering nuclear deal that the Western powers are obsessed in making, does the Biden administration truly have the will and backbone to take on Iran?
Or Perhaps this exercise was only bluster.
Israeli army chief warns of overwhelming force in next war with Hezbollah i24NEWS
‘We will deal very big strikes in the war, but we will warn the residents and allow them to leave the areas’
Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi on Sunday warned that overwhelming force would be used in Lebanon during the next potential war with Hezbollah.
Speaking at the first National Conference on the Home Front, Kochavi detailed the IDF’s strategy for responding to an attack from the radical Shiite terrorist group.
“We will deal very big strikes in the war, but we will warn the residents and allow them to leave the areas. I say to the residents of Lebanon: I advise you to leave, not only at the beginning of the war, but from the beginning of tension and before the first shot is fired. I advise you to leave those areas because the attack force will be unimaginable like you nothing you have witnessed before,” Kochavi said.
He said that the military would target rocket launchers inside homes and buildings, and would target buildings used as enemy headquarters.
“… Kochavi said that the biggest threat that Israel faces is the nuclear threat and simultaneous missile attacks from all fronts.”
Did It Succeed? Israel’s Intensive Campaign to Stop the Iran Deal
Mossad Director David Barnea was in Washington DC yesterday, where he held meetings with senior officials from the White House, CIA, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Pentagon, State Department and additional security agencies. Barnea presented Israel’s stance regarding the resurrection of the Iranian nuclear deal.
Barnea’s visit is the latest in the string of top Israeli officials who are fighting to stop the deal. Last week, Israel’s Minister of Defense, Benny Gantz, and National Security Advisor, Eyal Hulta, both visited the US. Prime Minister Yair Lapid has reportedly finally held phone conversations with Joe Biden and other world leaders.
Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid hinted today that Israel may have succeeded in preventing Western powers from reaching a new nuclear deal with Iran in Vienna, while warning Tehran that Israel will continues its zero-tolerance policy vis-à-vis attacks by Iranian proxies, as well as any potential nuclear threat. “It is still too early to know if we have indeed succeeded in stopping the nuclear agreement, but Israel is prepared for every threat and every scenario,” Lapid said.
Inconceivable Failure: Secret Land Grabs in Area C
Massive development works on a new PA Arab city have been carried out in secret on Israeli state-owned and privately owned Jewish land in Area C, near the Karnei Shomron industrial zone. The works include the development of lots, construction of buildings, opening and paving roads, and laying down infrastructure connections.
The Regavim movement contacted law enforcement authorities as soon as this illegal work began but received no response and the fieldwork continued. Head of the Samaria Regional Council Yossi Dagan said: “The government is systematically abandoning Area C and now also private lands that Jews have purchased. This failure is inconceivable. Selective enforcement is reaching a peak we have not seen before.”
Just yesterday Arutz Sheva reported that the Palestinian Authority approved aid for the ‘committee for the fight against the fence and the settlements’ to further what it called “the fanatical colonialist attacks of the occupation authorities and the settlers.”
The Gateway Pundit is pleased to announce “The Political Prisoner Podcast” with Jake Lang, sponsored by The Gateway Pundit live from solitary confinement.
Jake was nearly killed on January 6th when he was gassed and smothered in a huge pile of people after the Capitol Police attacked Trump supporters outside the US Capitol. While Jake was buried under the pile, Capitol police continued to push protesters on top of him. He was next to Rosanne Boyland who was killed by police when they trampled her and pushed Trump protesters on top of her. He also saw Philip Anderson’s limp body laying next to Rosanne Boyland. Jake was able to pull Anderson to safety and save his life.
There was never any justice for Rosanne and today, Lang languishes in jail awaiting his trial.
Jake premiered his powerful documentary “The Truth About January 6th” at TGP.
IT WAS CHRIS WRAY! FBI Whistleblowers Reveal Director Wray Personally Removed Concerns Raised by Agents on Politicization of Agency from Final Report! By Jim Hoft
A fish rots from the head down.
According to FBI whistleblowers Chris Wray personally removed concerns by rank-and-file members that the agency had become too politicized in deciding which cases to open.
FBI agents made this complaint to Senate Judiciary Committee members.
Investigative reporter Paul Sperry posted this on GETTR.
BREAKING: FBI Director Christopher Wray allegedly removed concerns raised by rank-and-file agents from this year’s final report by the FBI’s Special Agents Advisory Committee (SAAC) about FBI leadership becoming “too politicized” in deciding which cases to open and which investigations to pursue, FBI whistleblowers have told the Senate Judiciary Committee. The SAAC Executive Council, representing more than 10,000 agents from the bureau’s field offices, holds its meetings with the director at FBI headquarters twice a year.
As Paul Sperry says: “The FBI is now acting as both the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party.”
Ukraine Biolabs Used Fever Carrying Mosquitoes To Spark Dengue Pandemic In Cuba
Despite not denying its involvement in the Ukrainian laboratories’ cooperation, Washington did not acknowledge that it had conducted biological weapon research there. Now, as per new evidence fever carrying mosquitoes that were studied in Ukraine biolabs were used to spark dengue pandemic in Cuba.
Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry reported finding documents in confiscated bio labs in Ukraine that showed researchers were testing harmful pathogens with the apparent intention of using them as part of biological weapons. According to the ministry, the US provided funding for these labs for more than ten years.
According to Igor Kirillov, head of the Russian Armed Forces’ Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Unit, Ukrainian biological laboratories researched fever-carrying Aedes mosquitoes, the same genus of insects that the US is thought to have used to start a pandemic of type 2 dengue in Cuba in the 1970s and 1980s.
Bill Gates’ Colombian Mosquito Factory Breeding 30 Million Bacteria-Infected Mosquitos Per Week
Bill Gates’ Colombian ‘mosquito factory’ is breeding 30 million bacteria-infected mosquitos per week. The project’s objective appears to be to introduce Wolbachia into native mosquito populations by employing lab-bred mosquitoes, resulting in the infection of such populations.
In a plant in Colombia, Bill Gates is currently producing 30 million bacterially-infected mosquitoes every week and he has threatened to “scale and deliver” the mosquitoes to “communities around the world.”
As part of his World Mosquito Program (WMP), the Microsoft founder and self-declared World Health Czar has already invested $185 million in the establishment of the mosquito factory.
What is the project’s stated purpose? In order to eradicate native mosquito populations thought to be responsible for dengue, zika, and other viral illnesses in humans, it is necessary to utilize mosquitoes that are infected with a bacteria that induces sterility.
Judge’s order exposes FBI sloppiness, excessive evidence collection at Trump home By John Solomon
Court also acknowledges Joe Biden helped initiate criminal probe of his chief Republican rival, alarming many.
A criminal probe “requested by the incumbent president.” The seizure of clothing, medical records, tax records and 500 pages of attorney-client privileged documents not covered by a warrant. The sharing of privileged documents with investigators.
TGP’s Jim Hoft on Steve Bannon’s War Room – The Explosive MC4EI Detroit Ballot Trafficking Report — and — JOE BIDEN BEHIND MAR-A-LAGO RAID By Jim Hoft
The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Tuesday to discuss the MONSTER VIDEO DROP of ballot trafficking in Detroit, Michigan.
The footage was released this morning on The Gateway Pundit.
The MC4EI members spent hundreds of hours scouring thousands of hours of video footage from the the ballot drop boxes in Detroit during the 2020 election.
Special thanks to Patty McMurray from 100 Percent Fed Up for coordinating the project.
From Rina:
‘He who laughs last’…
And today
Germany is totally dépendant on Russia
As a matter of fact … most of these great once, have been European colonialists are eating off Putin’s hands
“I TOLD YOU SO… and so many things more…
The Guy that Believed Biden’s Speech [7:30] Awaken With JP
From Steve Bannon
- Episode 2133: Business In Europe Are Shutting Down, Energy Is Skyrocketing, The Bottom Is Falling Out And We Must Face Reality; The Growing Uniparty In Europe Has Created The Energy Crisis
- Episode 2132: MAGA Rally Turn Out Trump’s Biden’s Weak Crowds; Biased Media Meltdown Over Special Session; Footage Shows Ballot Stuffing In Key BattleGround State
- Episode 2131: Labor Day: MAGA’s Holiday Cont.
- Episode 2130: Labor Day: MAGA’s Holiday
- Leavitt: America First, Grassroots Campaign is Striking Fear in the New Hampshire Establishment
- Judge Cannon’s Approval of Trump’s Special Master Request Prove DoJ have a ‘Completely Biased Team’
- Michigan’s Secretary of State Declares War on Accurate Voter Rolls
- Democrat Spending is Burying American Children in Debt
- Navarro Explains His Battle Inside WH Against RINOs and Democrats for Pro-American Trade Policies
A New Mexico state judge used a 14th Amendment provision Tuesday to order the removal of an Otero County official, who co-founded Cowboys for Trump, from public office due to his presence at the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, 2021.
Judge Francis Mathew of the 1st Judicial District Court in Santa Fe, New Mexico, disqualified Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin from his post effective immediately under Section Three of the 14th Amendment. The clause prohibits those sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution from holding federal or state office if they “have engaged in insurrection or rebellion.”
Judge Removes Cowboys For Trump Co-Founder Couy Griffin From Office, Bars Him From Seeking, Holding Public Office for Walking Inside US Capitol on Jan 6 By Cristina Laila
A New Mexico state district court judge on Tuesday barred Cowboys for Trump co-founder Couy Griffin from seeking or holding state or federal office for walking through the US Capitol on January 6.
The judge also ordered Griffin to be removed as Otero County Commissioner effective immediately.
Griffin did not commit any violent acts on January 6, however the judge ruled that the January 6 Capitol protest was an insurrection.
Earlier this year Griffin was found guilty of trespassing on restricted Capitol grounds and sentenced to 14 days in prison.
White House Struggles to Walk Back Joe Biden Condemnation of MAGA Americans
The White House on Tuesday tried to clarify and walk back President Joe Biden’s repeated condemnation of Republicans who supported former President Donald Trump.
“He’s been very clear when he’s talked about MAGA Republicans, Ultra MAGA Republicans. He’s talked about the leadership in the Republican Party,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said during the daily briefing on Tuesday.
New York Times reporter Michael Shear asked Jean-Pierre to clarify a message on the president’s social media account saying that not every congressional Republican was a “MAGA Republican.”
Hillary Clinton: Trump Led ‘Seditious Conspiracy’ Against U.S.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday on “CBS Evening News” that President Donald Trump led a “seditious conspiracy against the government of the United States” to hold on to power after losing the 2020 presidential election.
Referencing the hearings of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 riot, anchor Norah O’Donnell asked, “What is your takeaway about the January 6 committee and Donald Trump’s actions?”
Clinton said, “I would not be honest if I didn’t say I think there was a seditious conspiracy against the government of the United States, and that’s a crime.”
O’Donnell said, “Led by Donald Trump.”
Clinton said, “Led by Donald Trump, encouraged by Donald Trump.”
[Ed.: I think that she’s ‘projecting’ again!]
Joe Biden Claims MAGA Is A Threat To Democracy, But Here’s The REAL THREAT By Alicia Powe
Joe Biden threatened millions of Trump supporters during his Satanic speech in Pennsylvania last week.
The illegitimate president warned “MAGA Republicans” are “a clear and present danger to our democracy.”
“MAGA Republicans embrace anger, thrive on chaos, live in the shadow of lies,” Biden admonished on an eerily lit black and blood red stage as he waved both fists.
“History tells us a blind loyalty to a single leader has failed democracy,” Biden continued.
Biden’s fascistic speech is another desperate bid to crush the last remaining resistance to his regime’s control of the country. The resistance is an independent American middle class.
The real threat to democracy is Biden’s base of radicals, lunatics, and criminals who threaten Supreme Court justices and vandalize churches, pregnancy centers, and the offices of pro-life groups.
The Annual Summer WEF Meeting Robert W Malone MD, MS
Or How Blackrock Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the CCP
Guest research and opinion by Jeremy Harrigan
To set the record straight, the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting (“Winter Davos Forum”) is held in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, at the beginning of each calendar year, bringing together the world’s academics, politicians, business, and media participants from dozens of countries. But did you know: The WEF Annual Meeting of the New Champions (“Summer Davos Forum”) has been held each year in China going back to 2007, with Tianjin and Dalian taking turns to host. WEF also holds several regional summits each year in the region.
Yes, if you thought a migration of WEF meetings like this may have only started several years ago, the seeds were planted and sewn 15 years ago! This linked timeline and WEF summary from the “Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations” clearly lays out specifics of the depths of these WEF meetings in China, and also provides an extensive list of speakers and attendees.