The Lord and Lady Foster

You may now legitimately and properly greet (and refer to me in casual conversation) as Lord Jeffrey Allen Foster, and wifey as Lady Rhonda Lynn Foster.

Aberdeenshire, Scotland…
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I’m not kidding.

As the legal owners of ten square feet of pristine natural woodlands in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, we now enjoy the customary titles of Lord and Lady. So you are well advised to address us as such and conduct yourself accordingly, or else be firmly reprimanded: “Dinnae be so glaikit!” 

I can hear what you’re thinking — we basically bought our “titles” on the internet. That’s true as far as it goes, but so what? One can argue the level of gravitas surrounding these titles, but that’s not the point as far as I’m concerned. For us, it’s a fun exercise in cultural and national traditionalism, well aware that it might be considered by some to be more pomp than circumstance. That’s fine… it’s a fun way to contribute to the conservation of some nice Scottish backcountry, and the “entitlements” are just frosting on the cake, aye?

Our plot in Aberdeenshire is located on a stretch of peaceful and serene woodland of rowan and ash trees across from Knichtland Burn in Huntly, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. White wildflowers, purple thistles and other flora and fauna come to life during Spring and Summer.

Not sure about my Lady, but I actually do have a little of the old Scot in my bloodline. We look forward to visiting our Scottish estate one fine day.

About Established Titles

Established Titles are based on an historic Scottish land ownership custom, where landowners have been long referred to as “Lairds”, the Scottish term for “Lord”, with the female equivalent being “Lady”.

Established Titles is committed to the preservation and protection of woodland areas in Scotland. As part of our concerted efforts, Established Titles has pledged to keep the entire woodland free from any other uses except for the peaceful enjoyment of the land, thereby protecting the biodiversity of the flora and fauna of the area. We have further pledged to protect the land from being disturbed by construction, sporting, driving or other similar activities.

The organization also plants a tree for every order in the name of the new owners.

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