Today was the day – Liberty Sanctum

Well gang, I realize that I haven’t been posting much of anything here in The Liberty Sanctum for my Premium Members. I’ve been focusing on publicly-viewable posts and link shares in an attempt to build my audience for the blog. As a Premium Member who can view this otherwise protected forum within StringDancer, I consider you all close friends, in spirit if not also in real life. As I write this, the only people who would have access to it are but a handful of fellow conservatives who know what I’m feeling today. Others may join and read it after the fact, and I welcome them. But this is just for you… and you know who you are. 😉

You’ve seen me during the past several weeks on FB, You know that I’ve lost (or severely damaged) several formerly cordial relationships because of my unabashedly conservative views. You probably have too… unless you’re smarter than me and try to be a little less mouthy. You’re also aware that FB has been targeting people holding views like ours. Three times I’ve had posts removed by their imperious “fact-checkers”. So much for a “free and open platform”.

With my music life pretty much destroyed by Covid Hysteria, I have no need of FB as a promotional tool, and have fallen back to my second love, writing. Thus, by posting the sort of material I like, I’ve basically been turning up the heat on the frog pot in which I sit. I’m not amphibious enough to overlook that it’s getting a tad uncomfortable in these waters, but unlike the frog, the thought of jumping from Fakebook had occasionally come to mind.

A couple weeks ago, I damn near deleted my FB account because of the chronic Marxist toxicity infecting the minds of so many. But complicating the decision to delete is the fact that I manage a page for the BETA group here in Brown County, which brings arts and related wholesome activities to the youth of Brown County. I get paid small stipend to be available for their web management, and it’s one of the few paying gigs I have right now, so I need stay on FB if for no other reason than to continue receiving a monthly paycheck.

In spite of that, over the last couple weeks I started blocking one insipid leftist after another, some of them real-life acquaintances. One was an old bandmate. Today something just snapped… I hit the FB tab on my browser and immediately felt ashamed of myself. The progressive insanity and liberal trolling dripping down my timeline had pushed me over the edge. I was tired of trying to crack their indoctrination.

As you know, I’m not reluctant to write detailed rebuttals, offer evidence, point out logical fallacies, extoll people to open their eyes and see what the left is doing to our country… all to no avail. What I got more often than not were asinine one-sentence responses full of insults, mockery and disbelief, but remarkably devoid of substance, evidence or common sense.

I had more than one liberal tell me to stop drinking the kool-aid, which I find supremely ironic inasmuch as lefties are the most ideologically inebriated bunch of sheep I’ve ever witnessed.

Why in the world would I volunteer for this, I thought? So I deleted the past 60 days or so of political posts (I’d delete virtually everything if that damn site didn’t make you do it one post at a time thing, and I’ve been on there for 11 friggin’ years). I pulled down my proud American eagle and flag banner, and changed my little round profile pic from one of me playing guitar at a concert to a picture of my boots propped up by an outdoor fire, signaling I was going off-grid as far as FB is concerned.

Then I posted the above message that’s pretty succinct and to the point for me, I admit (“I think I’m done here…”). Then I messaged you guys to explain things. FB is read-only for me from now on. No more posts, no more comments, no interaction. I’ll visit once in awhile when I think of it to keep up with family and friends, and might message them if I need to. But I’ll still block Marxist assholes whenever I see them, and I don’t care if my friend count drops to 15-20 instead of over 1100. Funny… what I had fretted so long over suddenly became quite easy. I entered the shadows. I like it here.

I may look at other social media sites, I don’t know. Part of me wants to stay connected, but another part has just had it with the self-aggrandizement social media fuels. StringDancer is my home, for better or for worse, and if it’s somewhat isolated on this world-wide-web, that suits me well enough. For 20 years I’ve kept this site online, and while music and guitars were the hub the wheel for a long time, writing is now my motivation. I don’t consider myself a great writer (maybe not too bad on a good night), but I gain a great deal of satisfaction from it. And satisfaction comes rarely these days… maybe another one of those pesky supply chain issues, eh?

I suppose this is not so much a post as it is a rambling letter to my friends. I’ll cut it short, and save a bit for future posts. Thank all of you so much for considering me and my site worth following!

EDIT: I’ll remind y’all that you enjoy the freedom to comment on posts in SD. Hope to hear you sound off.


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