Transcripts Released Show Schiff Knew Trump Campaign Did Not Collude with Russia All Along

The House Intelligence Committee finally just released the transcripts from the closed door Russia investigation hearings. Buried inside the transcripts is information showing California Rep. Adam Schiff knew that there was zero collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia but spread misinformation anyway.

Source: Transcripts Released Show Schiff Knew Trump Campaign Did Not Collude with Russia All Along

Anyone who has actually taken the time to dig into the Spygate, Muellergate, Ukrainegate, Impeachmentgate, and now Coronagate fiascos knows by the sheer weight of evidence (which is coming to the surface with increasing regularity and volume) that the Democrats in Washington and their MSM lapdogs have been engaged in an endless litany of lies, deceptions, coverups and perfidy from the beginning of Trump’s rise to candidacy, and on into his presidency. Say what you will of the President’s off-the-cuff and sometimes obtuse style of communicating, and occasional policy missteps, but the hysterical reaction of the left to defeat in 2016 is now on full display for all to see, and nothing short of scandalous.

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