Trump/Biden Debate #1 – A lesson in bombast

Vis-à-vis last night’s debate: It was clear that so-called “moderator” Chris Wallace was woefully unprepared for Trump’s unremitting verbal barrage… not to mention Wallace (son of legendary and decidedly liberal journalist Mike Wallace) is obviously personally sympathetic to Biden, repeatedly soft-gloving the former VP while lambasting Trump’s spontaneity at ever turn. About the only thing Wallace moderated was his own control over the proceedings. But then, to be fair, he had a bombastic Trump standing there a few feet way… “control” was probably not front and center in his mind. Surviving the night with his nads intact, that’s another thing.

Trump’s major mishandle of the night was in response to Wallace’s question of how much he (Trump) had paid in income taxes in 2016 and 2017… was it really only $750/year as reported? Trump denied that figure, saying he had paid millions. The president failed to mention that, like most people who own highly successful corporations, the millions he had paid was in the form of corporate tax, not personal income. The avoidance of this little detail left the audience with the impression that the Pres was lying, while simply pointing it out would have cost him nothing and in fact have clarified the matter considerably. Not exactly 4-D chess.

On perhaps Biden’s greatest vulnerability (besides being a closet socialist) — ie, facilitating obscene profits for ne’er-do-well son Hunter in Ukraine, China and Russia — Biden had clearly been coached to deny everything and puff up indignant at Trump for even mentioning Hunter. The typical way people try to deflect guilt is by acting as if the very idea is so absurd as to be a personal affront. So we get bluster instead of an explanation.

Unfortunately for the hapless Biden, a recent Senate report (a copy of which is attached below) clearly lays out Hunter’s involvement in these shady deals, and the senior Biden’s involvement. The son might be excused for mindlessly taking advantage of daddy’s beneficence, but the old man clearly abused his position as then-Vice President by greasing the wheels for these deals. Typical Democrat corruption. For that, he should be in an adjoining cell with Hillary.

All in all, I had been expecting a better showing from Trump, and a worse one from Biden. I’m sure I’m not the only one to fantasize a cognitively compromised Biden suffering an aneurism from all the stress, falling unceremoniously into a quivering pile on the floor of the stage, and Trump going down in history as the only presidential candidate to have literally slain his opponent on live TV by the power of his presence. We were spared such a newsworthy and grotesque event… however, there are additional debates scheduled, so who knows.

About the most the left can legitimately say about last night is that Trump was a bully. Yeah, he kinda was… but no doubt most Trump supporters found it endlessly entertaining. So sad for the hyper-sensitive Dems, though. 🙄



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