When the Biden Administration Knocks On Your Door… | JP Sears | and a little script of my own

Operation strike force at its best!


(Knock at the door)

Me: Hey there… are you lost? You sure look lost. We don’t see many folks all dressed up like that out here in the country.

Government Dweeb (GB for short): Hello sir. I’m from your local health department, and I’m here to offer you information on the Covid 19 vaccination program, and if you haven’t been vaccinated yet, to encourage you to do so to help combat the spread of this deadly disease. Have you been vaccinated already?

Me: One moment while I grab my cell phone to video this encounter — Thanks for waiting… now then, I’ll need you to tell me your full name, address and phone number.

GD: Uh… I’m sorry, I’m just here to talk to you about Cov…

Me: I’m sorry, I can’t make out what your saying with that stupid mask on your face. Could you either speak up, or distance yourself some more and take it off so I can get a nice clear video of your face and hear what the hell you’re trying to sell me.

GD (leaving the mask on, but backing away a little): Sir, I’m not a solicitor, I’m not trying to sell you anything. I’m just here to see if you need any information or assistance with regards the Covid 19 vaccination program.

Me: Are you my personal physician?

GD: Well… no, I’m not.

Me: I see. Are you a medical doctor, nurse practitioner, or other licensed health care provider or medical authority of any kind?

GD (increasing the social distance): Uh.. no sir. I’m a college student. I used to deliver pizzas, but now I volunteer for Joe Biden…

Me: So you’re NOT my personal physician, nor are you a licensed health care provider. Are you aware that asking for details about my personal medical history is a violation of HIPPA Regulation 45 CFR Part 160 and Subparts A and E of Part 164?

GD: Uhhhh, I…

Me: Do you have a warrant to come onto my property?

GD (clearly wanting this conversation to end): Sir, I think there’s been a misunderstan…

Me: You also failed to mention any kind of disclaimer protecting yourself legally as it pertains to your coming to my door uninvited, asking for my personal medical history, and while holding no medical license of any kind presume to dispense medical advice. So for the record, you are acknowledging that I could sue you personally for trespass and harassment, interrogating me about personal matters that are none of your damn business, and dispensing unsolicited medical advice without a license… to a total stranger. —- Great! I’d like that name, address and phone number now, please.

GD: Look, mister, I can see you’re busy, I think I’ll just…

Me: Tell ya what, kid — I was just cleaning my trusty 9-mill here when you knocked on my door… how about you have a seat and tell me all about how I need to take the shot, and I’ll be happy to return the favor? ….. Hey there, where ya going so fast? I was hoping we could have some more fun….

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