Workers TURN ON Biden!! Joe’s Already CRUMBLING To Pieces As Workers DENOUNCE Him In PUBLIC! – Liberal Hivemind – YouTube

Faux Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline is estimated to eliminate 11,000 American jobs, including 8.000 union jobs and upwards of 60,000 Canadian jobs, all the while making us more dependent (yet again) on foreign oil.

But then, who needs petroleum when the country’s in lockdown (yet again) and half the population is just sitting around binge-watching Netflix and filtering whiskey through their face diapers because COVID!!!

The asinine policies of this illegitimate president, to be fair, are probably not his own. They’re no doubt handed him in a script written by the Chinese Communist Party, couriered by his Democrat handlers and message massagers. Biden himself, I think, is clueless as to their origin.

I haven’t researched this exhaustively, but a cursory examination of Biden’s past suggests to me that his last cogent thought was… never mind, he has yet to have one.

Last October Newsmax produced a documentary on FauxJoe:

“Bad Decisions: The Joe Biden Story” chronicles the political and ideological journey of Mr. Biden from moderate Democrat to the far left.

“I’ve been closely following politics about half as long as Biden has been a politician. Even I was surprised at his record. This will be an eye-opener,” executive producer Jason Meath told The Washington Times.

“Viewers will witness the Biden record through the years in his own words, and they will hear some of Biden’s own explanations for his actions so they can form educated opinions,” said Mr. Meath, whose production company is based in the nation’s capital and provided material for the recent 2020 Republican National Convention.

The project delves into Mr. Biden’s actions concerning “race, crime, foreign affairs and more,” Mr. Meath said.

“I must say that after 25 years in D.C., I thought I knew everything about Biden. And I was very wrong. I learned a great deal in making this production,” he said.

“Joe Biden spent almost a half century at the very top of Washington Politics. An experienced insider, he also became known for some of the worst decisions ever made,” NewsMax TV noted in advance production notes. source

One is tempted to lambast liberals for electing this walking catastrophe, but one must continuously remind oneself… Biden wasn’t elected, he was selected, and that only by either the perfidy and/or the cowardice of our so-called conservative leaders, from local election board liberal minions all the way to our very own Supreme Court, which with only one dissent (Justice Thomas) justified its refusal to hear Texas’s election-related lawsuit against fellow states Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia by whining over “standing”. I ask you — what the hell is SCOTUS good for if they lack the collective cahones to step up and save the Republic when the opportunity falls straight into their laps?

It’s hilarious, actually, that the left is *still* in an uproar, burning Portland to a cinder (yet again), even though their guy stole the White House fair and square. These blissninnies would bitch if you hung them with a new rope.

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