Daily Shmutz | 032122

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

31.  !Army Whistleblower Fighting The Unseen Realm  [25:25]     Stew Peters Network

On today’s episode of the Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane welcomes Dr. Sam Sigoloff, one of the 3 DOD whistleblowers that exposed the stunning numbers of deaths and diseases caused by the bioweapon shots falsely called vaccines, among our military and suspended by the U.S. Army for writing exemptions to troops. Dr. Jane talks to Scott Schara, father of disabled teen Grace Schara, murdered by a Wisconsin hospital and ends with an expose of the FDA’s new Gene Editing Guidance for pharmaceutical companies.

30.  !War on Conservatism: GOP’s LGBTQ Mafia Gets Pro-Family Republican Candidate Banned from Anedot  [8:54]   Stew Peters Network 

The LGTBQ cult and campaign funding system Anedot are working to destroy America First conservatives. Shekinah Hollingsworth joined the Stew Peters Show Monday to discuss her dispute with the RINOs, resulting in her campaign funds being dropped. Hollingsworth exposed the attack from the gay-Republican establishment against the America First candidates and constituents, as the worthless RINOs implement homosexual ideology and anti-Russia sentiment.

Visit HollingsworthforHarford.com to support America First Shekinah Hollingsworth’s campaign, and her work to defend the nuclear family and the Conservative Party: https://www.hollingsworthforharford.com/.

29.  !Border Funding For Ukraine But Not For US: Mexican Cartels Launch Invasion Set Border on Fire  [11:46]            Stew Peters Network 

As Congress openly funds the cartel ridden government of Ukraine, it held the Trump administration back from protecting our borders against Mexican cartels, powerful enough to topple and dominate local governments. Walter West joined the Stew Peters Show Monday to discuss the pitiful condition of our Southern border, the infiltration of cartel criminals into America, and the compliance of the courts. West confirmed that cartels are funding a war on our Southern border, as they armor-up to invade U.S. sovereign soil.

28.  !!! Vaxxed Mind Control? Zombies Advocate For WWIII With Russia to Save Zelensky’s Fake Democracy                     [19:50]   Stew Peters Network

Shocking data from Canada shows that vaccinated individuals favor no-fly-zones, funding Ukraine, and desire U.S. troops on Ukrainian soil – this insanity dwindles for pure bloods who don’t acknowledge propaganda. Kash Patel joined the Stew Peters Show Monday to expose Ukrainian oligarch’s connection to Zelenskiy, the Iran Deal, and the efforts being made to prevent WWIII. Patel discussed the importance of global security, the dirty money trails involved in the Russia/Ukraine war, and the corruption of Washington, D.C.

27.  !! BREAKING: Court Intervenes in Navy Seal Vaccine Mandate Case, Christianity Trumps Biden  [12:07]                     Stew Peters Network

The damage and deaths of the bioweapon injection have decimated the U.S. military. Dr. Jane Ruby joined the Stew Peters Show Monday to expose the scapegoating of our most experienced soldiers by the Department of Defense, through forced vaccination in the Navy. The suppression of religious exemptions has caused an uprising. Dr. Jane explained how DOD whistleblowers are being ordered to withhold detrimental information from the courts as vaccine injuries multiply tenfold.

26.   Biden Confirms He’s a Puppet of His Globalist Masters: ‘There’s Going to Be a New World Order’  [0:40]                 by JD Rucker

You must be a conspiracy theorist if you think our leaders believe in a “New World Order” of globalist government, economy, and religion. Yet time and again, they admit it.

The “New World Order” is always just a conspiracy theory until someone comes out and discusses it. Whether that’s George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, or Barack Obama, all of our previous five presidents other than Donald Trump has invoked the “New World Order” during a speech or public discussion.

Today, Joe Biden joined his fellow globalist presidents in demonstrating his fealty to the globalist elites.

[Ed.:  Whisper in my ear sweet nothings!] 

25.   Biden Confirms He’s a Puppet of His Globalist Masters: ‘There’s Going to Be a New World Order’  [0:40]                JD Rucker

You must be a conspiracy theorist if you think our leaders believe in a “New World Order” of globalist government, economy, and religion. Yet time and again, they admit it.

The “New World Order” is always just a conspiracy theory until someone comes out and discusses it. Whether that’s George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, or Barack Obama, all of our previous five presidents other than Donald Trump has invoked the “New World Order” during a speech or public discussion.

Today, Joe Biden joined his fellow globalist presidents in demonstrating his fealty to the globalist elites.

24.  As Iran attacks US consulate, Biden desperately rushes to sign nuclear deal    by JAMES SINKINSON

Events are telling the Biden team it’s time to reset. Yet they seem possessed—hell-bent.

 Last week, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) launched 14 missiles that landed near the U.S. consulate in Erbil, northern Iraq—though strangely, the IRGC said it was aiming for an unspecified Israeli “strategic center.”

Nonetheless, the Biden administration continues negotiations with Iran in Vienna—meant to reward Iran with a $90 billion “signing bonus” and a clear path to nuclear weapons.

In response to this attack—as well as leaks about dangerous concessions to Iran in the nuclear talks—some 20 U.S. House representatives, including 12 Democrats, sent a message to President Biden expressing grave doubts about any deal. Their letter concluded, “it is hard to envision supporting an agreement along the lines being publicly discussed.”

Their assessment is an understatement. The deal Team Biden is pushing in Vienna is a triumph of obsession over reason. It is not only hard to support, it’s frightening.

23.  CDC Removes Tens of Thousands of Deaths ‘Accidentally’ Attributed to COVID  By Megan Redshaw

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on March 14 removed tens of thousands of deaths linked to COVID-19, including nearly a quarter of deaths it had attributed to children, blaming an algorithm for “accidentally counting deaths that were not COVID-19-related.”

[Ed.: And in other news, the fox who was guarding the chicken coop accidentally ate the chickens…]

22.  !Judge Rules 11-Year-Olds Can’t Get Vaccines Without Parents’ Consent  By Children’s Health Defense Team

The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on March 18 granted a preliminary injunction prohibiting the mayor of the District of Columbia, the D.C. Department of Health and D.C. public schools from enforcing a law allowing children 11 and older to be vaccinated without parental consent.

The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on March 18 issued an order granting a preliminary injunction prohibiting the mayor of the District of Columbia, the D.C. Department of Health and D.C. public schools from enforcing the D.C. Minor Consent for Vaccination Amendment Act of 2020 (D.C. Minor Consent Act) until further order of the court.

“This is a major legal victory for children, parental rights and informed consent,” said Rolf Hazlehurst, senior staff attorney for Children’s Health Defense (CHD) who argued the case.

“Government overreach such as this has dire implications for children’s health and the constitutional rights of citizens,” Hazlehurst said.

21.  Fact-Checker Claims COVID Deaths Underreported. Here’s Why They’re Wrong.   By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Health Feedback, a “fact-checking” organization, is part of a World Health Organization project called Vaccine Safety Net. It operates under the umbrella of Science Feedback, whose partners and funders include Facebook and the Google News initiative.

Story at-a-glance:

  • According to a fact-checking organization called Health Feedback, COVID-19 deaths have not been overcounted — rather, they’ve been undercounted. As “evidence,” they cite a study from India, which concluded that they’ve undercounted cases.
  • Health Feedback is part of a World Health Organization project called Vaccine Safety Net, and is a fact-checking service under the umbrella of Science Feedback. Partners and funders of Science Feedback include Facebook and the Google News Initiative.
  • Health Feedback relies on semantics to debunk my statement that “most early COVID patients were killed from ventilator malpractice.” The article I cited did not use the term “malpractice,” but routinely using a treatment known to be harmful and/or deadly can rightfully be called malpractice.
  • The fact checker also claims that financial incentives given to hospitals for positive cases, treatments and deaths have had no impact on statistics because of “strict rules” on reporting.
  • Such “strict rules” have included counting “assumed” COVID cases and deaths, and counting cases where people were admitted to the hospital and/or died from other causes but had a positive test, either at death, post-mortem, or within a month of death.

20. Poultry Giants Sold Tens of Thousands of Meat Products That Caused Life-Threatening Illness in Kids

Between 2015 and 2020, U.S. companies — including poultry giants Perdue, Pilgrim’s Pride, Tyson, Foster Farms and Koch Foods — sold tens of thousands of meat products contaminated with campylobacter and salmonella, according to government sampling records obtained by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

Joanne Canda-Alvarez found her 9-year-old son splayed out on his bedroom floor, unable to move and foaming at the mouth. The day before, Jayven had been playing golf with his family.

Now he was completely paralyzed by the sudden onset of a rare autoimmune disease that doctors linked to campylobacter, a bacteria mainly found in poultry products.

19.  Why do the “vaccinated” want a WAR with Russia, while the “unvaccinated” don’t?   Mark Crispin Miller

A poll in Canada confirms that those injections have made people more belligerent, which could have catastrophic consequences for us all

They’ve been trying from the start of this long global nightmare to equate compliance with benevolence. Throughout 2020, they told us, inescapably, that putting on a mask (or two, or three) made you a Good Person (“Wearing is caring”); and then, throughout 2021, they told us, inescapably, that “vaccination” was (to quote the horrible Bergoglio) “an act of love,” so that the kindliest and most considerate of us were those who’d had as many jabs as possible.

Conversely, they portrayed the “anti-maskers” as a danger to us all, not just because they’d surely kill us (or at least “kill Grandma”) with their toxic exhalations, but, on top of that, because of their combustible “far-right” hostility to anyone—bus drivers, security guards—who dared to tell them what to do. The propaganda fostering that canard then took to casting “anti-vaxxers” as hideously selfish animals, utterly indifferent to the huge (imaginary) risk they pose to those who did get jabbed—a claim as obviously false as it was (and is) scientifically absurd.

… “That history of nastiness against the non-compliant is the context in which we should now check out, and share, these poll results from Canada:”  

18.  !Doctors Who Embrace the Dangerous Call to Jab Kids Must Be Held Accountable    by JD Rucker  

This post from Dr. Ted Noel should be read by every parent and shared with anyone who has kids. Now is not the time to sit by and let government agencies con us into jabbing children.

In my email on March 19, a Medscape “Perspective” post by William G. Wilkoff MD titled “Waiting for the Under-5 COVID-19 Vaccine” caught my attention. He opens by noting that “Pfizer and BioNTech announced that they were delaying the application for their COVID-19 vaccine for children under the age of 5.” He goes on to say that “earlier evidence suggest that two doses may not provide adequate protection in the 2- to 4-year old age group.”

What?!?! Wilkoff has an MD degree, and presumably has some passing acquaintance with the basic concepts of illness, immunity, and statistics. To make matters worse, he’s a pediatrician with a long career in clinical practice. So, unlike Fauci, who hasn’t treated a patient in five decades, Wilkoff definitely should know better. And when writing for a national medical newsletter you’d think he would be somewhat aware of the literature related to pediatrics and COVID. It’s his ethical duty to provide accurate information.

17.   [Ed.:  I guess that I am not the only one saying it!  Israel is not truly Israel, but has become Israel In Name Only (IINO).  IINO is a totalitarian, anti-Jewish, anti-Torah nightmare.  ’Nightmare’ is putting it mildly! Without a doubt, Hashem will (soon) decimate it from the face of the earth.]

!!!  The Self-Destruction of Israel Continues on Two Fronts   by AFSI Staff

Acting on orders from the government led by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, hundreds of policemen raided the Binyamin area early on Monday morning and destroyed over 20 illegal structures built by Israelis, including two synagogues.

The massive forces removed the families living in the structures and then destroyed them. Eight families, including 20 children, lost their homes. Resisting the destruction, several residents were arrested.

“A government that destroys the Jews and builds for the Arabs needs to be replaced,” said Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan.

In a separate, but equally concerning news report Member of Knesset Mansour Abbas, head of the Islamist Ra’am party, will serve as Knesset Speaker when Speaker Mickey Levy is abroad for two weeks starting Tuesday. This means Abbas will assume significant powers and influence as Knesset Speaker. If President Isaac Herzog is incapacitated for any reason, the Knesset speaker becomes acting president.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s government has truly become anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist. Its leadership is blind with no foresight on the immeasurable – and potentially long-term damage that could affect Israel. Have they forgotten why the State of Israel was founded in the first place?


In 2001, Daniel Bernard came to public attention when, as French Ambassador to the United Kingdom, he was quoted as saying: “All the current troubles in the world are because of that shitty little country Israel.”

With regard to Israel’s system of government, and in particular our (not-so) “Supreme Court, he hit the nail right-on the head! Former Knesset Speaker Ruby Rivlin once said Israel is governed by a “gang of the rule of law”–a gang that makes the law. He said this in an interview referring specifically to former Supreme Court President Aharon Barak. Barak was the (not-very) “Supreme” Court judge who ruled that “everything is justiciable,” and that “one man’s pornography is another mans art.” Since in Israel, everything is morally relative, I guess that one man’s Israel is another man’s “Palestine!”]

16.  Supporting the Current Thing: COVID Mania adherents embrace the Ukraine narrative   by Jordan Schachtel  New poll finds that the more mRNA injections you take, the more likely you are to unquestionably endorse the government’s Ukraine narrative.

I wanted to turn your attention to a fascinating poll that came out the other day.

The Toronto Star hired a polling agency to survey Canadians about their views about the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. What made this poll unique is that it separated the sides to three separate groups: the triple vaccinated, the double vaxxed, and the unvaccinated.

Now, it’s one thing to have taken two COVID injections, but those who committed to the repeated booster regime were either compelled to do so (frequently under duress) or became true believers to the COVID narrative. As the polling shows, this group, by and large, submits to authority figures and embraces the current narrative, regardless of the actual merits of the solutions.

The other group — and remember, unvaccinated Canadians have faced severe discrimination for not taking the mRNA injections — saw the government’s appeal to their supposed health, and wholly rejected the COVID narrative. Unvaccinated Canadians are still not allowed to leave the country. Their rejection of the government narrative comes at an incredible personal and professional cost.

While the triple shot crew fully embraces the Ukraine narrative, you can see that the unvaccinated are incredibly skeptical. Those who received two shots and stopped there are a mixed bag.

15.  Iraq: Islamic State jihad blows up his aunt’s house after she refuses to let him marry her daughter                          Robert Spencer

Here is yet another manifestation of the culture of violence that arises from religious texts which sanction the beating of disobedient women (Qur’an 4:34) and calls upon believers to do violence to those who do not believe (Qur’an 2:191, 4:89, 9:5, 9:29, 47:4, etc.). The aunt and her daughter are likely Muslims, but by refusing the desires of a member of the Islamic State, they may, in his view, have placed themselves outside the fold of Islam itself, since the Islamic State consider itself to embody the caliphate to which all Muslims owe allegiance.

[Ed.:  Cause and effect! Musloid logic…  Only ‘those who have hijacked Islam’?  Right.]

14.   NYC imam quotes Qur’an’s wife-beating verse to argue that men are superior to women, and women should obey them  [30:45]  BY ROBERT SPENCER

Al-Hoori is quoting this passage of the Qur’an: “Men are in charge of women, because Allah has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend of their property.” He left out this part, which immediately follows: “So good women are obedient, guarding in secret what Allah has guarded. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, give them a warning and banish them to separate beds, and beat them.” (4:34) His failing to mention it, however, by no means indicates that he doesn’t accept it as the perfect word of Allah. Original video:

13.   Forbes Fires Contributor After ‘Numerous’ Articles Exposing Fauci’s Pay For Play

The Fauci fraud must continue, despite his catastrophic polices, in order for the Democrats to maintain totalitarian control. Not one legacy media institution told the truth and reported the facts.

12.  Power is in Tearing Human Minds to Pieces   by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Some of the news and analysis that you probably won’t find on state-sponsored media

One of the most important news stories that broke this week was about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Not because of the contents, as salacious and maybe damaging to the reputation of the President as it may be, but for a more profound and disturbing reason. The 2020 election may have been won on a misinformation campaign orchestrated by elements in the US government.

Glenn Greenwald lays this out nicely in his analysis entitled: The NYT Now Admits the Biden Laptop — Falsely Called “Russian Disinformation” — is Authentic.
One of the most successful disinformation campaigns in modern American electoral history occurred in the weeks prior to the 2020 presidential election. On October 14, 2020 — less than three weeks before Americans were set to vote — the nation’s oldest newspaper, The New York Post, began publishing a series of reports about the business dealings of the Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, in countries in which Biden, as Vice President, wielded considerable influence (including Ukraine and China) and would again if elected president.

The backlash against this reporting was immediate and intense, leading to suppression of the story by U.S. corporate media outlets and censorship of the story by leading Silicon Valley monopoliesThe disinformation campaign against this reporting was led by the CIA’s all-but-official spokesperson Natasha Bertrand (then of Politico, now with CNN), whose article on October 19 appeared under this headline: “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say.”

Elements of our government have been engaged in pysops campaigns designed to manipulate the beliefs and thoughts of the American people, and these campaigns started long before COVID-19.

11.  A Manufactured World Crisis  By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Few people today ask the most important question about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Many people want America to stay out of the fight, but even they don’t ask the vital question. Why does the world face a crisis today? Why has a border dispute between Russia and Ukraine escalated to the point where people fear nuclear war?

The answer is simple. America, under the “leadership” of brain-dead Biden and the forces controlling him, has done this and, by doing so, brought the world to the brink of disaster. As always, the great Dr. Ron Paul gets it right: “Three weeks into this terrible war, the US is not pursuing talks with Russia. As Antiwar.com recently reported, instead of supporting negotiations between Ukraine and Russia that could lead to a ceasefire and an end to the bloodshed, the US government is actually escalating the situation which can only increase the bloodshed.

The constant flow of US and allied weapons into Ukraine and talk of supporting an extended insurgency does not seem designed to give Ukraine a victory on the battlefield but rather to hand Russia what Secretary of State Blinken called ‘a strategic defeat.’

It sounds an awful lot like the Biden Administration intends to fight Russia down to the last Ukrainian. The only solution for the US is to get out. Let the Russians and Ukrainians reach an agreement. That means no NATO for Ukraine and no US missiles on Russia’s borders? So what! End the war then end NATO.”

10.  Who Has The Largest Military In The World: Visualized

Even though developing military manpower is a goal for many countries, some nations have no militaries at all. In contrast, here we visualize countries who have the largest military in the world.

Although much of the globe is experiencing one of its most serene periods in history, Avery Koop of Visual Capitalist points out that fresh confrontations, such as Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, serve as a reminder of the significance of military troops.

Many nations have acquired considerable militaries to date, ranging from active armed confrontations to preemptive defense development.

This map depicts all of the world’s military personnel, based on statistics from the World Population Review.

9.  NEW: ‘My name is Spartacus’: COVID-19 Deep Dive Part III: Criminal Conspiracy   [48:27]

The third in a series of articles exploring each aspect of the pandemic in detail.

Read Part 1 here
Read Part 2 here

The pandemic is, itself, a product of racketeering, fraud, and malfeasance on an unbelievable scale

By “Spartacus” – one of the authors of the orginal ‘Spartacus’ paper that went viral in 2021

8.   Dr Vernon Coleman: “You’d have to be as stupid as a BBC employee not to realise the U.S. manipulated a war between Russia & Ukraine”    By Dr Vernon Coleman

You really couldn’t make it up, could you?

You’d have to be as stupid as a BBC employee not to realise that the American conspirators manipulated a war between Russia and Ukraine.

Why do I blame the conspirators?

Well, when NATO put a missile base just 100 miles from the Russian border they must have known they were poking pins into the Russian bear. Didn’t anyone think ‘Cuba’?

And just to make sure that there was a decent war, Biden supplied Ukraine with missiles to fire at the Russians.

So now, as a direct result of a manufactured war, there are food shortages everywhere. And they’re going to get worse. Everyone knows that.

So, British farmers are being given millions of pounds to ‘re-wild’ their agricultural land.

What does ‘re-wilding’ mean, exactly?

It means that farmers are being paid millions of pounds not to grow any food but to allow good farmland to become full of weeds; overgrown with nettles, brambles, dock and ragwort.

7.   Woman Ends Up in Wheelchair After COVID Shot  [4:43]

In this video, Mona Hasegawa explains the adverse reactions she experienced within hours of receiving the Pfizer shot. “Maybe,” and “I don’t know,” were the only answers she got every time she asked the doctors if the side effects were related to the jab.

6.   Clueless CDC Admits They Never Suspected Waning Vaccines  [0:45]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola


  • March 3, 2022, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky answered questions at Washington University, revealing she learned of the Pfizer shot efficacy data from CNN, which was a republished press release from the pharmaceutical company
  • Walensky was unaware that the virus may mutate, or that the vaccine would not be effective against mutations, which was a question a financial analyst was astute enough to ask Pfizer
  • Many of the talking points from the CDC originated from the same company that did President Biden’s polling in the 2020 election, which indicates that at least some of the “science” driving public health policy came from Impact Research, who are the “proud pollsters for President Joe Biden”
  • Walensky admits that half the country doesn’t believe what she’s saying and that she’s been warned not to predict what’s happening next. She predicts the coronavirus will kill people every year and we’ll learn to live with it and masks will be here for a while since she hasn’t had a cold “in a really long time”

5.   Fact-Checker Falsely Accuses Mercola of Misleading Claims  [17:21]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola


  • According to a fact-checking organization called Health Feedback, COVID-19 deaths have not been overcounted; rather, they’ve been undercounted. As “evidence,” they cite a study from India, which concluded that they’ve undercounted cases
  • Health Feedback is part of a World Health Organization project called Vaccine Safety Net, and is a fact-checking service under the umbrella of Science Feedback. Partners and funders of Science Feedback include Facebook and the Google News Initiative
  • Health Feedback relies on semantics to debunk my statement that “most early COVID patients were killed from ventilator malpractice.” The article I cited did not use the term “malpractice,” but routinely using a treatment known to be harmful and/or deadly can rightfully be called malpractice
  • The fact checker also claims that financial incentives given to hospitals for positive cases, treatments and deaths have had no impact on statistics because of “strict rules” on reporting
  • Such “strict rules” have included counting “assumed” COVID cases and deaths, and counting cases where people were admitted to the hospital and/or died from other causes but had a positive test, either at death, post-mortem, or within a month of death

4.   Watch: Trump vows to ‘take back the White House’  [2:20]

The former president vowed to return “better and stronger”, while promising to “take back our beautiful White House” in a Florida rally.

[Ed.:  Uh-huh. Right. Sure. Oh, in 2024? Uh-huh. Right. Sure. After our free and fair elections in 2022, when we take back the House and the Senate?  Uh-huh. Right. Sure.]

3.   ‘Zero construction permits vs. eight family homes demolished’

Gush Etzion regional council head Shlomo Ne’eman decries destruction of Maoz Esther, A’ira Shachar. “Gantz is on the wrong side of Zionist history.”

Following the destruction of dozens of buildings including eight family homes at the outposts of Maoz Esther and A’ira Shachar in the Binyamin region, Gush Etzion Regional Council Head Shlomo Ne’eman said:

“Eight — zero. This is the current score in the game Defense Minister Gantz is playing with the Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria. Zero permits for new construction and eight new demolitions this morning.”

[Ed.:  They say ‘it’s hard to be a Jew.’  This is especially so in the land of IINO.]

2.   Congratulations to the “Woman” of the Year!  [6:28]  Awaken With JP 

Rachel Levine has won USA Today’s 2022 Woman of the Year award. Nothing strange about that!

1.  Democrats and Dominion Now Trying to Stop 2020 Election Audit in New Mexico – US House Oversight Committee Getting Involved     By Joe Hoft

Now Democrats and Dominion are trying to stop the election audit going on in Otero County New Mexico. 

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.