Daily Shmutz | 031222

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

36.    Hillary Clinton Says She is Not Running For President in 2024 (VIDEO 0:57)   By Cristina Laila

Hillary Clinton this week said she is not running for president in 2024.

The internet has been abuzz over a possible Trump-Hillary rematch in 2024.

Trump has been teasing a 2024 run and Clinton recently raised her public profile by speaking at the Democrat Party Convention in New York.

The Wall Street Journal in January ran an op-ed claiming Hillary Clinton was preparing for a 2024 run.

35.   Israel Intervenes in Ukraine – Russia Conflict – Suggests Ukraine Take Putin’s Offer – Zelensky Declines             By Joe Hoft

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has attempted to intervene in the Russia – Ukraine conflict.  He recommended that Zelensky take Putin’s offer.  

[Ed.:  Bennett forgot to bribe him with tons of cash.  He always goes for that!]

34.  Reality bytes: Hunter Biden’s laptop repairman harassed, nearly bankrupt   [1:06]  By Jon Levine

He’s between a rock and a hard drive.

The Delaware computer repair shop owner who alerted the FBI to Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop before ultimately taking it to Rudy Giuliani says he’s faced harassment from Big Tech, the IRS and other government agencies ever since, and now faces bankruptcy.

“I was getting a lot of death threats,” John Paul Mac Isaac said. “I had to have a Wilmington trooper parked in front of my shop all the time.

“There were multiple situations where people came in and you could tell they were not there to have a computer fixed. And if there were not other people in the shop, I don’t know what would have happened,” he told The Post. “I was having vegetables, eggs, dog s–t thrown at the shop every morning.”

33.  !!People of the World Must Unite Against Our Common Enemy: Emergency International Call for Mobilization                       By Sarah Westall | SarahWestall.com

Editor’s Note: Harley Schlanger does an emergency update in his role as Vice Chairman of the Schiller Institute (See video & transcript below). He calls for people of all countries to unite against our common enemy and defeat the globalist central banker cabal. We must not be naive and we must understand that all countries, including the United States, China, & Russia, have been infiltrated by the globalist cabal in its goal to create a banker’s dictatorship for the world. To that end, it is critical that the good peaceful people from all countries unite against this evil and put an end to it where ever it exists in the world.

Call for Emergency Mobilization to Defeat the Global Dictatorship  [5:36]


“We warned the United States that the orchestrated pumping of weapons from a number of countries is not just a dangerous move, it is a move that turns these convoys into legitimate targets,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told state television.

This latest threat shows just how volatile the current situation is in Ukraine. While it is clear Ukraine is losing the war, NATO arms shipments have enabled the Ukrainian army to at the very least cause some havoc in the Russia army. Without the arms shipments, the Ukrainian army would quickly fold, something that is happening at a far slower rate.

31.  These twenty-five Biden administration policies are raising energy costs   DEC 4, 2021  Updated on March 7, 2022              BY ABIGALE TARDIF

The national average for a gallon of gas for Americans has risen to $4.065, 45 cents higher than just last week.

As Americans return to work, plan spring break and summer vacations they are faced with rising gas prices. (Not to mention higher costs for electricity, home heating, and groceries!!)

The price at the pump and for home expenses began to rise before the Russian invasion of Ukraine. At the end of 2021, President Joe Biden announced the U.S. Department of Energy will release 50 million barrels of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Energy experts told PBS interviewers that tapping the SPR won’t drive down gas prices. The decision was little more than “a drop in the ocean” when it comes to energy policy, one person said.

The decision also won’t counteract Biden administration policies that have caused rising energy costs — and that will continue to drive prices higher in the future.

Here are 25 decisions the president has made over the last year that have affected gas prices, home heating costs, and other energy-related burdens U.S. families and businesses face.

30.  Feds Secretly Paid Media to Promote COVID Shots  By Megan Redshaw

The Biden administration made direct payments to nearly all major corporate media outlets to deploy a $1 billion taxpayer-funded outreach campaign designed to push only positive coverage about COVID-19 vaccines and to censor any negative coverage, according to documents obtained by The Blaze.

The Biden administration made direct payments to nearly all major corporate media outlets to deploy a $1 billion taxpayer-funded outreach campaign designed to push only positive coverage about COVID-19 vaccines and to censor any negative coverage.

Media outlets across the nation failed to disclose the federal government as the source of ads in news reports promoting the shots to their audiences.

According to a Freedom of Information Request filed by The Blaze, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) purchased advertising from major news outlets including ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News, CNN and MSNBC.

29.  [Ed.:  Israel National News is resorting to totally fake news reports, actually about everything!  It is not a credible news source any more.  This is no surprise to many of us who have been following them for years.  Might as well read Haaretz or WAPO. Here is today’s garbage post with their fake war videos and fake war tales.  I am posting it here to illustrate my point about Israel National Fake News.]

Mariupol, Ukraine: Satellite images show heavy damage to civilian structures

Footage from Ukrainian port city shows firing on apartment buildings, tanks driving through the streets.

Israel National News 

Russian forces have surrounded Mariupol, and many have entered the city, reports said.

Footage from the city shows devastation and destruction in civilian areas, as well as tanks driving through the streets and apartment buildings being fired at.

According to the Associated Press, the Ukrainian government said that Russian forces on Saturday shelled a mosque in Mariupol sheltering more than 80 people, including children. There were no immediate reports of casualties, AP said.

At the same time, Maxar satellite pictures revealed heavy damage to civilian infrastructure in Mariupol in southern Ukraine.

28.   Handling of “Don’t Say Gay” Gaslighting Is Why More Governors Need to Be Like Ron DeSantis   JD Rucker

Ron DeSantis has built up a lot of supporters, second only in the GOP to President Trump. I’m still watching him closely and I don’t agree with everything he does, but most of it is solid.

I remember the first time I stopped liking Mike Pence. As Governor of Indiana, he signed a bill that fought the Cultural Marxism driving the push to put men in girls bathrooms. I was very happy with him and hopeful for the future. A week later, he backtracked on the bill. From that moment forward, I realized he was just another milquetoast Republican with the backbone of a blade of grass.

27.  !Fake-Raine: One Man’s Trip Through the Hollywood Movie Set We Know as Ukraine  BY RHODA WILSON 

Earlier this month wanting to document the truth about Ukraine, Lez LuTHOR, a self-described illusion warfare correspondent, took it upon himself to make the trip.  And as any good war correspondent would, he has been posting regular reports, a diary of his trip to Ukraine, on twitter to keep folks at home updated.

This is citizen journalism at its best.

Lez left the UK for Ukraine on 3 March. He explained in a tweet his videos are purposefully 24 or sometimes 48 hours behind because “I’m getting death threats and was walking around a city under martial law.”

At the time of writing, he was still posting updates from Ukraine.  He tweeted: “I was meant to leave today 11/3, but I’m still around, if I can crowd source funding I’ll stay.”

Keep up to date with Lez’s journey HERE.

Another source, although we are unable to vouch for their authenticity, is live traffic camera feeds from Ukraine – Kyiv, Kiev, Kijów, Lviv border – as embedded below and HERE.

26.  !Most of those “sudden deaths” go unreported by the media    Mark Crispin Miller

My readers tell their stories of some fatal “vaccine” injuries that made no headlines

25.  !What we all need to know about the propaganda coming from “Ukraine”   Mark Crispin Miller

More on the fake atrocities, a (real) false flag attack, and those parts of the story that the propaganda is NOT telling us

A rundown of the many fake atrocities that millions think were actually committed by the Russians in Ukraine:

An eyewitness of a Ukrainian false flag attack tells what she saw:

“The White House is outsourcing propaganda,” by “briefing” TikTok stars about “Ukraine”:

For a fuller picture of the current crisis:   In a talk at Yale in 2018, Vladimir Pozner offered crucial background to the US/Russia relationship, which was already at an all-time low:

24.   Russian forces splinter long column, revise tactics for seizing Kyiv    DEBKAfile 

Stalled by Ukraine harassment, Russian generals revised their tactics for the offensive on Kyiv by opening a new front to the west and targeting the town of Lviv. They began the third week of their invasion on March 11 by splitting into multiple sub-convoys the huge column of tanks, armored vehicles, artillery and troops snaking around the capital. The sub-units are tightening their encirclement of the city ready to drive in from the north, west and east. Tanks diverted from the convoy were posted at Antonov airport to the north. Heavy artillery units were dug in in wooded areas around Kyiv ready for action.

The new Lviv front places Russian troops 340km from the Polish border.

23.  !Fairfax County School Board — Watch: Mom Tells Story of Son’s Suicide Due to Critical Race Theory, Coronavirus Isolation

A Fairfax County, Virginia, mom gave a heartbreaking speech in front of the school board Thursday night, telling the story of how her son committed suicide because “he thought that all of the oppression was his fault.”

“My son Robert took his life because he thought that all of the oppression was his fault,” mother Cindy Walsh began. “No one wants you to stop teaching black history, but please do not do it in a way that makes his life worth any less.”

“My son was not responsible for everyone’s problems,” she continued, referencing a central theme of critical race theory that maintains white persons are inherently oppressive and minorities are inherently oppressed. “His success did not mean anyone else had to fail. His life mattered. He was important and valued. ”

22.  Democrats NEED a War with Russia to Survive — It Will Cause MILLIONS of Deaths But They Are Evil Enough to Do it   By Jim Hoft

War is deceit and chaos and death.  It is about to get much worse if Democrats can help it.

Democrats are in a panic.

The US border is wide open. Over 2 million illegals have flooded the US Southern border in a year. More will cross the open border this year.

Inflation is at its highest rate in 40 years thanks to Joe Biden.

21.  Two Years After His Death California Authorities Rule Phil Haney’s Death a Suicide – But Friends and Associates Still Have Doubts  By Jim Hoft

DHS whistleblower Philip Haney was found dead in February 2020.
The whistleblower against the Obama administration was shot dead near his vehicle in California.

Haney famously told Sean Hannity in 2016 that he was ordered during the Obama administration to scrub the record of Muslims in the US with terrorist ties.

Haney had been missing for two days before he was found dead.

Haney’s body was found by his car on a highway in Plymouth, California with a single gunshot. A firearm was reported found next to Haney. Almador County officials called the shooting a “suicide” at the time.

[Ed.:  Doubts?  There are no stinkin’ doubts.  There is no way that Haney would have killed himself.  The flash drive he carried around his neck was missing when he was found. They violently murdered him, period!]   DHS Whistleblower Phil Haney’s Death: Murder or Suicide?

20.  !AmericanGulag Reporter Visits J6 Political Prisoner Jeremy Brown in Pinellas County Jail By Jim Hoft

Article originally published at AmericanGulag.org. Article Written by Nick Mastrangelo

Upon first eye contact through an enlarged video screen (one of many lined up around the walls of the Visitation Center at Pinellas County Jail), Jeremy Brown, with a smile on his face, confirmed,


The feeling can only be described as a type of saddened awestruck.  An individual who has put forth over 20 years of service (17 in Special Forces) to the American People sporting an orange jumpsuit, in front of a white cinderblock background, living in the absence of liberty all for 2 non-violent misdemeanor trespassing charges.  Though Pinellas County Jail does not allow recording of ANY sort, here is a detailed account of the visit:

19.  Proposed Maryland Law Could Allow Babies to be Killed within 28 Days of Birth  By Joe Hoft

A Democrat law being proposed in Maryland will allow for babies being killed within the first four weeks of being born.  This is just evil.

18.  !! The Nazis in Ukraine are just as real, and dangerous, as those “vaccines”   Mark Crispin Miller

Some videos and articles attest to the extreme brutality of those extremists; and the Western media’s denial that there ARE Nazis in Ukraine makes all of them accomplices to crimes against humanity

Here we are again, struggling to inform the hypnotized of facts that, though they need to know them, they don’t want to; only now it isn’t scientific data that they angrily blow off, though it could save their lives, but facts of recent history that they indignantly dismiss, though it could save us all from nuclear annihilation.

The videos and articles below make clear that (a) there are Nazis in Ukraine, that (b) they’ve been committing horrifying crimes against humanity in East Ukraine, and, therefore, that (c) all who are now parroting the media’s heroic jive are hailing Nazi criminals, whose racist ideology and wildly brutal violence have been obscured completely by this witless, all-or-nothing celebration of “Ukraine.”

17.   [Ed.:  Of course, we know this already, but the article has some interesting points.]

Ivermectin Works!   Emerald Robinson

The FDA lied to you. The CDC lied to you. The corporate media lied to you. Big Pharma lied to you. Your doctor lied to you.

At this point in recent history, we all don’t really need more reasons to despise the corporate media and the federal government’s public health establishment but we have one more reason nonetheless: Ivermectin is an effective treatment for the COVID virus.

16.  !! Tierney’s REAL News (3/12/22)

As I predicted, the leaders of the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and their allies) all went before the UN and declared that the US has funded illegal bio-terror labs all over the world (including in Ukraine & Wuhan) and are basically responsible for threatening Russia & unleashing COVID. Russia, China, Brazil and India ALL want investigations into the biolabs that they say that Biden & Obama tried to hide.

15.  !  Dr. Klaus Schwab or: How the CFR Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb   BY JOHNNY VEDMORE

The World Economic Forum wasn’t simply the brainchild of Klaus Schwab, but was actually born out of a CIA-funded Harvard program headed by Henry Kissinger and pushed to fruition by John Kenneth Galbraith and the “real” Dr. Strangelove, Herman Kahn. This is the amazing story behind the real men who recruited Klaus Schwab, who helped him create the World Economic Forum, and who taught him to stop worrying and love the bomb.

14.   Video Transcript: The White House’s Game-Playing Denials of Bio-Labs in Ukraine   Glenn Greenwald

Plus, new discussions of Urkaine: our weekly Callin show tonight, and my latest Tucker Carlson segment

The following is a full transcript (for subscribers only) from the latest episode of my System Update video program on Rumble: entitled The White House’s Game-Playing Denials of Bio-Labs in Ukraine, first broadcast on Thursday night,, March 10, 2022. You can watch the program on the Rumble page at the link above, or watch the full episode on the player below:

13.  !!  Ukraine Biolab Watchtower    By Robert W Malone MD, MS   March 12, 2022

Buckle up. This is going to be a long one, but I think the topic deserves a deep dive.

What a mess. Are there any grownups in the house?  This is what happens in a world in which no one trusts anyone anymore, integrity is treated as an obsolete concept, both information and legacy media have become weaponized to such an extent that what passes for official reality becomes just a funhouse hall of mirrors, and the experience, intellect and maturity of those entrusted to manage these matters is just not up to the task.

Yesterday I published a substack article titled “All Along the Watchtower”, which posed the question “Would the Russian invasion of Ukraine be justified if it were for biodefense?”.

Since then, we have had a flood of new information drop:

12.  !All Along the Watchtower   Robert W Malone MD, MS    March 9, 2022

Would the Russian invasion of Ukraine be justified if it were for biodefense?

Before I was de-platformed by Twitter for posting the famously accurate Canadian COVID Care Alliance video, before I was de-platformed by LinkedIn for the same reason, before the infamous Joe Rogan hit #1757 where I said the three little words “mass formation psychosis” that caused the Silicon Valley overlords to loose bladder control, many feared that I was “controlled opposition”.  And for good reason.

I have spent most of my career deeply involved in the US Biodefense enterprise.  I have worked closely with biodefense research teams at USAMRIID, DTRA, and MIT Lincoln Lab. I was once a business partner with a retired CIA officer who was deeply involved in the DoD biodefense enterprise, and I have co-published with another.  I once worked for the Dynport Vaccine Company, which had the DoD contract for “advanced development” (basically, clinical testing) of virtually all biodefense medical countermeasures for the US Department of Defense. My father worked as a federal defense contractor all his life, as did my father in law.  In my father’s case, it was mostly in high energy systems- including developing technologies for protection against the electromagnetic surge effects of “the bomb” as well as exploding foil – the technology used to trigger “the bomb”.  My father in-law ran the Raytheon special projects division – basically a CIA gadget and technology shop.  Think “Q” from the James Bond series. This is a byzantine world that I have deep understanding of, and direct experience with for virtually my entire life. I lived by the mantra which all DC bureaucrats know – keep your head down, because if they cannot see you, they cannot shoot you.

11.  DuckDuckGo Search Engine Wants To Penalize Sites Associated With Disinformation

The CEO of search engine DuckDuckGo Gabriel Weinberg has said that they want to penalize sites which are associated with Russian disinformation.

Weinberg took to social media and said “Like so many others I am sickened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the gigantic humanitarian crisis it continues to create.”

“At DuckDuckGo, we’ve been rolling out search updates that down-rank sites associated with Russian disinformation,” he added.

“To highlight quality information for rapidly unfolding topics,” Weinberg noted, DuckDuckGo is also inserting information bubbles at the top of the search results page.

10.  Doctor Speaks Up About Side Effects of COVID-19 Shot  [2:20]

Dr. Joel Wallskog received his first COVID vaccine dose in early 2020. Sometime later, he developed health problems, including a  permanent injury to his spinal cord — potentially ending his 19-year career as a surgeon.

9.  Woman Got the Pfizer Vaccine — This Is What Happened After  [2:58]

“I’m 33 years old and I’m gonna be walking with a walker,” says this woman as she shares her story about her experience with the Pfizer shot.

Initially, she had the usual side effects, but as time went on, she had severe neck pain as well as tingling and numbness on the left side of her body.

8.  !! Shocking Findings on Increased Deaths in 25- to 44-Year-Olds   [7:42]   

In this video portfolio manager Edward Dowd uses the CDC’s own data to show that excess mortalities are occurring in the 25- to 44-year-old age group, to the tune of an 84% increase. The acceleration in deaths correlates with the mandates and boosters of the COVID-19 shots in the fall, he points out.

The news is “shocking,” Dowd says. “It’s the worst excess mortality, I think, in history. Basically, the millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021.”

7.  British Company Set to Release Billions of GE Mosquitoes in 2 States   Dr. Mercola

After sending 750 million genetically-engineered mosquitoes in Florida in 2021, British company Oxitec is planning to expand the mosquito drops by releasing 2 billion of them in California and the Florida Keys.

The mosquitoes are entirely all males whose offspring die before they reach adulthood. Because they’re males, they do not bite. The purpose of the drops is to lower the incidence of mosquito-derived tropical diseases like yellow fever and dengue by drastically reducing the mosquito population.

The only thing is, when Oxitec dropped GE mosquitoes in Brazil the offspring didn’t always die, according to researchers not connected with Oxitec. Oxitec disputes their findings even though their own research showed that 3 to 4% of the offspring did not die.

6.  !!There is NO LAW requiring 99% of Americans to file and pay income tax.  [10:02]   https://livefreenow.org/

5.  !!Read My Lips – Don’t Pay Taxes: Freedom Law School Provides Tax-Free Legal Strategy  [13:21]                                    Stew Peters Network

The government utilizes American tax dollars to fund vaccine production and Ukraine, abortions and corrupt school boards, and much more. Peymon Mottahedeh, founder of Freedom Law School, joined the Stew Peters Show Friday to educate people on the legal loopholes that enable people to avoid paying criminal Federal income tax. Peymon details these strategies while sharing the tactics of the corrupt media to help steal from American citizens.

Visit LiveFreeNow.org to find more information on the legal loopholes, federal documents, and strategies for avoiding income tax.

4.  !! What’s In The U.S. Biolabs In Ukraine? Pentagon Operated Taxpayer-Funded Biolab  [10:33]                                       Stew Peters Network

Ukrainian bioweapon labs are real, and the U.S. is funding them. Expert George Webb joined the Stew Peters Show Friday to expose the details of the Ukrainian labs, their weapons programs, and U.S. funding. Webb explains the collaboration of politicians, Ukrainian gangsters, and bioweapon labs and how they have bred a perfect disaster through the involvement of Clinton-connected spies and mass murdering globalists.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: www.zStackProtocol.com

3.  !! Trump HHS Senior Covid Advisor, Agrees “Covid” Is Fake “Virus”  [5:59]   Stew Peters Network

Freedom truckers are continuing to fight for liberty as they convoy around the D.C. Beltway, protesting Covid tyranny. Dr. Paul E. Alexander, former Covid advisor for the Trump Administration, joined the Stew Peters Show Friday to discuss the convoy from an on the ground perspective. Watch the premium segment to hear Dr. Alexander speak about the courage of the truckers, the fraudulency of Covid, and his Covid research.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: www.zStackProtocol.com

2.  !! Planet Lockdown: A Documentary  [1:52:15]     Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Banned Film Exposes the Real Reason for the COVID Pandemic

Epidemiologists, scientists, doctors and other experts delve into the events of 2020 and 2021 to uncover the true motives behind the pandemic. Why did what was supposed to be a 15-day event to ‘flatten the curve’ end up being a two-year event with no scientific backing or historic precedence?


  • The film Planet Lockdown explores this unprecedented time in history, speaking with epidemiologists, scientists, doctors and other experts to uncover the real motives behind the increasing totalitarian control taking over the globe
  • Dr. Scott Jensen, a family doctor and former member of the Minnesota Senate, received an email from the Department of Health that coached him to use COVID-19 as a diagnosis incorrectly
  • The notion of asymptomatic spread turns virtually anyone you meet or encounter on the street into the enemy or a threat, furthering fear and control
  • The artificially imposed state of incoherence that’s been enacted during the pandemic is described as a torture tactic, designed to get people to submit to vaccine passports and COVID-19 shots
  • Many of the experts in the film bring up the Nuremberg Code, which is being violated as people are forced to get experimental shots
  • Civil disobedience, boycotting businesses that are requiring vaccine passports, participating in rallies and fighting illegal mandates in court are ways that everyone can get involved in protecting freedom

1.  !! Dr. John Campbell has been red-pilled   by Steve Kirsch

In his latest video, Dr. Campbell looks through the Pfizer documents and concludes, “This has just destroyed trust in authority.” Yup John. You’re right. It was obvious to some of us 10 months ago.

This is an important post. This may be one of the most important posts I’ve made so far.

It shows that the tide is turning our way: a former advocate of the vaccine, trusted by millions of people, has now realized he’s been deceived and he’s not happy about it at all.


  1. This is a very important milestone: a prominent respected figure who has been supporting the vaccine has finally realized he’s been misled.
  2. Dr. John Campbell has been a source of trusted medical information for millions of people throughout the pandemic.
  3. Campbell has been doing YouTube videos since before the pandemic, but rose to fame during the pandemic for his thoughtful videos.
  4. His videos have been viewed over 400 million times and he has over 2 million subscribers.
  5. Historically, he’s been a reliable supporter of the safe and effective vaccine story.
  6. In November of 2021, Campbell took a closer look at ivermectin and was impressed by the evidence. This led Wikipedia to label him a spreader of misinformation.
  7. On March 9, 2022, Campbell published a video entitled “The Pfizer documents” where he goes through one of the released documents in detail: the ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST (AESI) document (aka the “5.3.6 document”).
  8. As of March 11, that video now has 1.4M views.
  9. In the video, Campbell clearly shows that he is not happy with the lack of transparency. He is not happy with the safety signals disclosed in this document. Not happy at all. He concludes “This has just destroyed trust in authority” (watch @21:55). Bingo!
  10. This means that, in the minds of the mainstream media, Dr. Campbell has transitioned from being a “respected health expert” to a “misinformation spreader” that should be ignored.
  11. Paradoxically, YouTube didn’t remove the video or ban Dr. Campbell for life like they would normally do. I am mystified by this.
  12. Fact checking organization Health Feedback called Campbell’s video misinformation claims that correlation isn’t causation. However, the same fact checkers did not explain why the event rates were elevated over normal, a fact most easily observed in the much more extensive VAERS reports. If the vaccine is as safe as is claimed, then what caused all these events? And why were these events dose related? How do you explain that? No fact checker can answer any of these very basic questions because their job is simply to create doubt through hand waving arguments that are not backed by any evidence.
  13. Campbell of course was absolutely right to be appalled. The Pfizer report does destroy trust in the government authorities who are supposed to be protecting us and disclosing adverse events. But if he was really paying attention (which many people haven’t done due to the blind trust they put in the institutions), he would have noted that the safety signals associated with the COVID vaccines have been flashing “red alert” since January 2021 when the vaccinations began. In my case, I figured this out 10 months ago in May 2021 and people thought I was crazy at the time. It is nice that Dr. Campbell has finally realized that we were right all along. This puts Dr. Campbell on the right side of history. A bit late to discover the truth, but it still puts him years ahead of most all his peers.
  14. Hopefully, this will be a turning point and other critical thinkers will also realize they’ve been fooled and will follow his lead and speak out publicly just as Dr. Campbell has courageously done.


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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.