Daily Shmutz | 092622

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)



Big Tech’s War On Freedom

The 1998 movie Enemy of the State starring Gene Hackman and Will Smith seemed like fiction at the time. Why I didn’t regard that movie – which still holds up in nearly every detail – as a warning I do not know. It pulls back the curtain on the close working relationship between national security agencies and the communications industry – spying, censorship, blackmailing, and worse. Today, it seems not just a warning but a description of reality.

There is no longer any doubt at all about the symbiotic relationship between Big Tech – the digital communications industry in particular – and government. The only issue we need to debate is which of the two sectors are more decisive in driving the loss of privacy, free speech, and liberty in general.

Not only that: I’ve been involved in many debates over the years, always taking the side of technology over those who warned of the coming dangers. I was a believer, a techno-utopian and could not see where this was headed.





154 Scientists at Los Alamos Nuke Lab Sold Military Secrets to China   By Pamela Geller 

A security firm called Strider Technologies published a report this week that said China paid leading scientists at America’s Los Alamos National Laboratory hefty sums of money to conduct research for the Chinese Communist government, including research with military applications that could threaten U.S. national security.

The report, titled The Los Alamos Club: How the People’s Republic of China Recruited Leading Scientists from Los Alamos National Laboratory to Advance its Military Programs, offered a rather straightforward answer to its titular question — China recruited those scientists by offering them up to a million dollars each, and at least 154 of them accepted.

Weren’t the Rosenbergs executed for this?

[Ed.:  Execution does often work as a ‘deterrent’ …]




Jordan Peterson STUNS Lex Fridman on Vladimir Putin!!!   [15:37]

Jordan Peterson STUNS Lex Fridman on Vladimir Putin!!!

… “Idiot Environmental Globalist Untopianism” {EIGU} -Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson continues to shock interviewers into stunned silence with his extraordinary insights about Vladimir Putin and the Ukrainian war; we’re going to offer our own analysis of Peterson’s thought, and make sure to stick with me to the very end of this video when we’ll find out what kind of future world order Peterson sees rising even now right before our very eyes; you are NOT going to want to miss this!

The Disintegration Accelerates    by Joseph DeMaio


Your humble servant has on numerous prior occasions – thus far without much tangible result – warned of the potential for a second civil war.  The intentional destruction by Democrats, progressives, and intellectual hypocrites of the foundational principles upon which the Republic was founded – and which until recently had facilitated its rise to becoming the most powerful, benevolent and prosperous nation in world history – now threatens to reduce it to a shadow of its former self.  And soon, even the structure which casts the shadow may disappear.  Such is the goal of the radical progressives now controlling the Democrat Party.

This intentional destruction, of course, has been led by Marxists, socialists, fascists, “globalists” and, naturally, the radical judges and politicians of the Democrat Party and their enabling apparatchiks and sycophants in the mainstream media.  Ignore their lies to the contrary.


America’s Future: The Case for Optimism    by John Anthony


The daily assaults on America’s culture can make it hard to find hope. Attacks on our monetary system, the imprisonment of political dissenters, the DOJ’s vendetta against Trump and anyone pro-America, Soviet style censorship, and the attempted gender modifications of our children seem too much like world control is here.

Yet, every issue we face is the result of a single problem. When we recognize, solve, and attack that, we can restore the nation we love. Let me explain.


Ken Burns Exploits the Holocaust   by

And covers up liberal complicity in the murder of six million Jews.

Timed to extract maximum donations from liberal Jews around the High Holy Days, PBS is airing “The U.S. and the Holocaust” not to set the record straight, but to cover it up yet again by whitewashing the FDR administration and exploiting the Holocaust to call for open borders.

Jews and the Holocaust are nothing but useful talking points to Burns. His interest begins with the “slave trade” and concludes with the Capitol Riot. The message of the “The U.S. and the Holocaust” is that Republicans are the new Nazis, Burns is one of the heroes calling them out and Stephen Miller, Trump’s Jewish adviser, is the new  Breckinridge Long, a Democrat Nazi sympathizer who used his position as an FDR crony to keep Jews out of America.

Not that Burns is willing to indict FDR. Instead, he fashionably blames Long and other staffers who were just doing FDR’s dirty work for him: turning his series into more revisionism. But telling the truth about FDR would also destroy the false binary on antisemitism that is the only reason that Burns decided to tackle the Holocaust. That and the pledge drive donations for PBS.

The only story about the Holocaust that Burns would make, PBS would air and liberals would buy is one in which conservatives are villains and liberals, including FDR, are heroes. And the Jews, unless they have the right politics, are the villains, while the two million illegals crossing the border are the new Jews. Burns combines revisionism and supersessionism in one.


“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”     Tierney’s Real News

People ask me: “What was the moment you realized that we truly were in a spiritual battle for our nation – between good and evil – that went way beyond politics and party?”

It was the day in 2019 that I wrote this article about what I observed at Drag Queen Story Hour in my neighborhood in Minneapolis. That was the day I decided I would be silent no more….Jesus was my Lord & Savior and this was NOT what he wanted for His children!


[Ed.:  A Random Thought:

Imagine if DeSantis from Florida were to catch the FBI and/or the Department of Justice in their illegal activities in Florida, and call up the National Guard. Then arrest the leaders and incarcerate them, and kick out the rest of them from Florida.  Then call for a Constitutional Conference to replace the Federal Government.  Remember the Federal Government is a fiction of the imagination of the States that created it.  Maybe it’s time to ‘clean house’ and make a new start.  That would really ruffle the feathers of those who pull the strings of the Biden regime!



How Corruption Dictates the Practice of Medicine     A Midwestern Doctor

Steve Kirsch recently wrote an excellent article highlighting three “scientists” whose guideline recommendations were ultimately responsible for the deaths of nearly a million Americans.  To summarize: It shows that there are dozens of treatments for COVID-19 that have numerous peer reviewed studies demonstrating their efficacy.  Despite those existing therapeutics and countless petitions for their usage, the committee responsible for developing the guidelines on what is an appropriate treatment for COVID-19 has only approved remdesivir, which is a toxic drug with no therapeutic value for treating COVID-19.  As a result, a dangerous drug has been mandated, while many drugs that would save lives are prohibited in most medical systems.
Evidence based medicine is commonly thought to mean “the best evidence” dictates the standard of care. In reality, it typically means financial interests dictate the standard of care and “evidence” is just used as a smokescreen to justify profiteering. This table that I initially discovered from Kirsch’s article provides clear and unambiguous proof of that contention. See if you can figure out what the circled drugs (those which received an EUA) all have in common!


Dr. Paul Marik on why doctors aren’t speaking out  [48:54]   Steve Kirsch

My blue pilled friends can’t figure out why, if the vaccines are so dangerous, aren’t more doctors speaking out. Here’s why.

My blue pilled friends who believe the vaccines are safe have told me they would reconsider their position if just a single one of their own doctors came out against the vaccine. One of them said even if a “TV doctor” (such as Sanjay Gupta) said it was unsafe, they would reconsider their position.

I told them that doctors are afraid to speak out because they will lose their ability to practice medicine if they challenge the mainstream narrative.

My friends find that too hard to believe. They asked me incredulously, “Why would the medical community silence doctors who are trying to save lives?”

They didn’t believe my answer.


Leaked Video Expose Israel’s Covid Vaccine Side Effects Coverup

Israel has frequently been the first nation to report on the efficacy and safety of vaccines. Its data has frequently been used by American organizations, such as the CDC. Now, a leaked video has exposed Israel’s Covid vaccine side effects coverup.

According to a leaked video, Israeli researchers discovered that several adverse reactions that happened after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine were brought on by Pfizer’s vaccine.

The Israeli Ministry of Health (MoH) recruited researchers to examine adverse event reports provided by Israelis, and the researchers presented data from the new monitoring system in an official conference in June 2022, a meeting whose tape was acquired by an Israeli journalist.

According to researchers, the phenomenon of rechallenge, which occurs when undesirable effects recur or get worse after more vaccination doses, demonstrated that some of the events were brought on by the vaccine.

According to the researchers, who also found instances of rechallenge for other adverse events, 10% of the women who had menstruation problems reported a positive rechallenge.

… “According to Dr. Robert Malone, who helped create the messenger RNA (mRNA) technology on which Pfizer’s vaccine is based, rechallenge is a “standard pharmaceutical clinical trial practice” that can offer solid proof of causality.According to Malone, “the reports of rechallenge in the Israeli study do not prove causality.” According to him, only a formal rechallenge trial would suffice. However, the study “strongly suggests and supports causality,” he said.

The Epoch Times received an email from Dr. Harvey Risch, professor emeritus of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health, stating that the researchers’ findings that the adverse events were brought on by the immunizations “are essentially correct.”


Dr. Aseem Malhotra promoted Covid-19 vaccine on TV, now says stop   Robert W Malone MD, MS

[He] calls for its immediate suspension

The Journal of Insulin Resistance has published In a two-part research paper entitled “ Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine,”

This was written by one of UK’s most eminent Cardiologists Dr. Aseem Malhotra, who was one of the first to take two doses of the vaccine and promote it on @Good Morning Britain. Dr. Malhotra now says that since the rollout of the vaccine the evidence of its effectiveness and true rates of adverse events have changed and now “there is a strong scientific, ethical, and moral case to be made that COVID-19 vaccines rollout must stop immediately until raw data has been released for fully independent scrutiny.”

Furthermore, real-world data reveals that in the non-elderly population, the number needed to vaccinate to prevent one death from Covid-19 runs into thousands and that re-analysis of randomized controlled trial data from the initial vaccine clinical trials suggests a greater risk of suffering a serious adverse event from the vaccine than to be hospitalized with Covid-19.

Summary overviews of the two-part research paper are below, together with a transcript of the above video in which he introduces his findings.


Covid Conspiracy Uncovered   by Lloyd Billingsley 

“Everyone had to agree to the narrative,” says former CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield.

“The potential for conspiracy is really on the other side. The conspiracy is [former National Institutes of Health director Francis] Collins, Fauci, and the established scientific community that has acted in an antithetical way to science.”

So said Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control, in a September 15 interview with Paul Thacker’s Disinformation Chronicle newsletter. According to Redfield, “Everyone had to agree to the narrative” enforced by Dr. Anthony Fauci and other health officials that the COVID-19 virus came from a “wet market” in Wuhan and not the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). And Dr. Fauci “clearly misled Congress,” about funding dangerous gain-of-function research at the WIV.



[Re-posting daily]

Holocaust Survivor, Vera Sharav Speech at Nuremberg 75  [26:48]   childrenshealthdefense 

Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor and human rights advocate, speaks first at the 75th Anniversary Event of the Nuremberg Code in Nuremberg, Germany, on August 20, 2022.

It was almost 75 years ago that the city of Nuremberg was the place of a historic declaration. When the judges of the military tribunal against leading medical officers in the Nazi administration passed their verdict, they issued what would become known as the Nuremberg Code.

On August 20, a compelling line-up of international speakers traveled to Nuremberg to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of The Nuremberg Code. Now of all times, in its jubilee year, this achievement of mankind is facing the greatest hardship since it was written.

Speakers include: CHD President Mary Holland, CHD Africa Executive Director Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Martin Michealis, Steffi Bresnik, Rolf Kron + more.

Watch the full event here ➡️:



So Italy ‘braces’?   By Monica Showalter

Italy held an election, and a conservative, anti-socialist, anti-illegal immigration candidate has now won.

In Europe, that’s a big deal, given that upstart-type conservative candidates have generally fallen just a little short of winning any power of any kind over the past two decades.

The victory of Giorgia Meloni, first woman prime minister of Italy, has shocked the press, as well as the local European Union devotees, and practically all of them are now using the word “brace,” as a means of describing what happened. It’s like a memo went out.

Get a load of the headlines:

Italy Braces for Pivotal Election -Foreign Policy 

Italy braces for sharp move to the right after election campaigning closes -The Guardian

On eve of election, Italy braces for potential far-right win -Agence France-Presse

Italy braces for far-right victory in elections -National Public Radio

Italy braces for political earthquake on eve of elections expected to hand the country the most right-wing government since World War Two -Daily Mail

It’s as if they’ve elected … President Trump.


HUGE: Wisconsin County Takes Control Away from Dominion – Approves Hand Recount of Governor, Lieutenant Governor and U.S. Senator Race in November Election   By Pamela Geller

Righting the terrible wrongs of stolen elections….this is how it’s done. Each town, each city, each individual must fight for free and fair elections.


Recent Speech by Italy’s New Leader Giorgia Meloni Shows Her Love for God, Family and Homeland   [15:09]   By Joe Hoft

The new leader of Italy is a conservative woman who loves God, her family, and her country.  She shared her thoughts in early 2020 at an event in Rome. 

In the 15-minute speech below, Giorgia Meloni shares her remarks at the God, Honor, Country: President Ronald Reagan, Pope John Paul II, and the Freedom of Nations – A National Conservatism Conference in Rome, Italy – February 3, 2020.

Here are some highlights from her speech:

Our worldview is the exact opposite of what they would like to force on us…

…Our main enemy today is the globalist drift of those who view identity and all its forms to be an evil to overcome.  And constantly ask to shift real power away from the people to super-national entities headed by supposedly enlightened elites.

Let us be clear in our mind, because we did not fight against and defeat communism in order to replace it with a new international regime, but to permit independent nation states once again to defend the freedom, identity and sovereignty of their peoples…

…As a serious alternative to the beaurocratic super state ..and although that someone in Brussels or Frankfort, Davos or the City of London, lacks democratic legitimacy, everyday it commissions the economic choices and political decisions of those who have invested in that legitimacy by their popular vote.

It means that whether the false democrats like it or not, national conservatives in every latitude are actually the only real Democrats. Because it is only by defending the nation states, that we defend the political sovereignty that belongs to the citizens of that state…

Meloni goes on to talk highly of Ronald Reagan and President Trump.  Watch the entire speech below which Meloni gives in English.

[Ed.: Please hear the 15-minute speech she gives within this article!  For me, this is highly significant.  It means that elections can still work, and that the people can preside over the globalists.  It means that (actually,) there is still hope.]



The EU is sleepwalking into anarchy   BY THOMAS FAZI

Feeble politicians have condemned the working class

All eyes may be on the Italian election results this morning, but Europe’s got much bigger problems on its hands than the prospect of a Right-wing government. Winter is coming, and the catastrophic consequences of Europe’s self-imposed energy crisis are already being felt across the continent.

As politicians continue to devise unrealistic plans for energy rationing, the reality is that soaring energy prices and falling demand have already caused dozens of plants across a diverse range of energy-intensive industries — glass, steel, aluminium, zinc, fertilisers, chemicals — to cut back production or shut down, causing thousands of workers to be laid off. Even the pro-war New York Times was recently forced to acknowledge the “crippling” impact that Brussels’s sanctions are having on industry and the working class in Europe. “High energy prices are lashing European industry, forcing factories to cut production quickly and put tens of thousands of employees on furlough,” it reported.





Brutal Iranian Regime Will “Act Decisively” After Biggest Protests For Freedom In Years, President Says

Here comes massive bloodshed while the Biden regime funds it…… monstrous.

Instead of supporting Iran’s courageous demonstrators who are fighting for their freedom, the Biden Administration is going to give Iran’s murderous regime billions of dollars in sanctions relief. Money that Iran’s leaders will use to dominate it’s citizens even further. Absolutely shameful. Watch below.


VIDEO: Iranian Regime Thugs Fire on Protesters from their Motorcycles – Drive-By Killer   By Jim Hoft

The uprisings in Iran continue as protestors have started calling it a “Revolution” and claiming certain towns and neighborhoods in Tehran have been liberated from the Islamic dictatorship. Police, Bassiji militia and Revolutionary guards have started shooting randomly at protestors.

At least 50 protesters are now believed dead.  [Emphasis added]

Video was published today of Iranian regime thugs firing on protesters in the street.

You can see the women screaming and ducking as the regime thugs fire at them.


Pamela Geller in The American Thinker: Biden Crushing Iran’s Freedom Revolution, Just As Obama Did   By Pamela Geller 

First post reported Wednesday: “Over the past few days, protests have erupted across Iran after a 22-year-old woman died while being held by the morality police for violating the country’s strictly enforced Islamic dress code.  Anger has seen women remove their mandatory headscarves, or hijabs, from covering their hair after the death of Mahsa Amini, who was picked up by morality police over her allegedly loose headscarf.”

Yet as Iran’s leaders continue to crack down on their citizens who yearn for freedom and liberty, the Biden administration shows no support for Iran’s protesters.  The Biden administration relentlessly appeases this brutal and murderous regime.  The people of Iran are courageously protesting for freedom, all while the Biden administration emboldens Iran’s murderous leaders with billions of dollars in sanctions relief.  Biden has released billions to the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, while working furiously to nuclearize the Islamic state.  Biden’s handlers continue to beg the haughty mullahs to re-enter the JCPOA, the disastrous nuclear deal that Barack Obama concluded with the Islamic Republic, and the President Trump wisely discontinued.  Biden’s handlers’ version is even worse.

Biden’s appeasement of Iran is just like the appeasement policy of Barack Obama.  And just like the appeasement pursued by Jimmy Carter.





The numbers are in: What’s in store for Israel’s population?   By  Hili Yacobi-Handelsman

According to the nation’s bureau of statistics, Israel currently has 9,593,000 residents, with that number expected to cross 10 million at the end of 2024 and 15 million at the end of 2048.

The Central Bureau of Statistics published this week its final demographic figures ahead of the upcoming Jewish new year.

According to the report, Israel currently has 9,593,000 residents, with that number expected to cross 10 million at the end of 2024 and 15 million at the end of 2048. Israel’s population will have essentially doubled by the end of 2065, the report says.

[Ed.:  This is ‘Fake News’. It’s not going to happen. Why?  Because the idiots forgot to take the jab factor in to account, altogether!  This is because they are living in denial. The birth rate will not continue to grow. The death rate will increase exponentially.

10,000 exterminated per day world-wide; at current levels is 417 per hour, and 7 per human lives per minute.  The carnage dwarfs WWII… And this does not include the injuries from “adverse reactions”!  Their ‘plan’ is succeeding beyond their expectations! We’re being exterminated like flies. (The extermination is being deliberately augmented by food shortages and gas shortages causing deliberately engineered world wide famine, contributing to the global genocide. Go to Steve Kitsch’s substack and check out his analytics.

Please listen to this 15-minute segment starting from 28:00 Vaccine Death:  Situation Update, Aug 17, 2022 – 10,000 people A DAY being KILLED by covid vaccines

Denial is a river flowing through Egypt (the land of our bondage!]


Shana Tova from Israel National News!   Israel National News

Wishing a happy New Year to all our readers. News coverage ends this evening for two days, resumes Tuesday evening.

As the Jewish people usher in a new year, the Israel National News team wishes all of our readers a sweet and happy New Year.

In honor of the festival, updates to our website will stop for the two days of Rosh Hashanah, from Sunday night to Tuesday night.

Our regular news updates will resume Tuesday night with the end of Rosh Hashanah in Israel.

For essays, insights and inspiration over the High Holy Days, visit our Judaism section.

May this year be full of blessings and peace for all our readers, and for Israel.

Shana Tova,

The Israel National News team.


Israel’s ‘Peace Partner’ Is Slaughtering Israelis   by Khaled Abu Toameh

  ▪These two bodies [Palestinian Authority (PA) and its ruling faction, Fatah] are headed by one man: Mahmoud Abbas, who has zero compunction about his loyalists murdering and wounding Israelis. On the contrary, he encourages it and pays generously for it — with money from Europe and the United States.

  • Despite [an extremely long list of terrorist attacks against Israel], Fatah is also often mystifyingly referred to by some Israelis and Westerners as a “moderate” Palestinian faction as opposed to the Iranian-backed Palestinian Islamist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
  • Fatah, however, has proved over the years that its actions and rhetoric are actually no different from those of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the terror groups that openly call for the elimination of Israel.
  • In 1993, Yasser Arafat, then leader of Fatah and the PLO, committed “to a peaceful resolution of the conflict” with Israel and claimed that the PLO “renounces the use of terrorism and other acts of violence.” His loyalists, however, continued to murder and wound Israelis even after making these commitments, signing the Oslo Accords and supposedly beginning an Israeli-Palestinian “peace process.”
  • The groups are so proud of their terrorism that they have started filming their gunmen preparing and carrying out the attacks. They are, in addition, calling on Palestinians to escalate the fight against Israel, while enthusiastically and warmly endorsing the terrorists.
  • The growing involvement of Fatah and PA members in terrorism is one of the direct results of the Palestinian leadership’s extreme incitement against Israel. Abbas and his aides continue to level the worst charges and libels against Israel. It is this kind of rhetoric, as well as generous payments, that encourage Palestinians to carry out attacks against Israelis. The fact that Abbas and his entourage do not even bother to rein in or denounce the terrorists is apparently seen by many Palestinians as a green light to continue the attacks.
  • The international community, for its part, is so preoccupied with bashing Israel that no one is calling out these putative Palestinian “peace partners” over their role in terrorism. This silence is also encouraging these Palestinian “peace partners” to continue their attacks.
  • That is why the Fatah-affiliated Lions’ Den group has felt confident enough to publish a new threat: “O Jews, The Countdown For Your Demise Has Begun; Stabbings, Car-Rammings, Clashes.”
  • This is the “peace partner” that the Biden administration is hoping to assist in establishing a Palestinian state next to Israel. With a partner like this, it is easy to imagine what the situation in the Middle East will look like — more violence, terrorism and bloodshed. Israel’s “peace partners” are doing everything in their power to confirm the fears of Israelis about the presence of a Palestinian state just a handful of kilometers from their homes.



THIS WEEK: Oath Keepers Forced to Go to Trial on Bogus Seditious Conspiracy Charges! While Govt. Denies Them Discovery, Arrests Their Key Witnesses, and Jury Bias Plagues the Kangaroo Courts – BIDEN REGIME’S LAWLESSNESS   By Cara Castronuova

A group of Oath Keepers, including leader Stewart Rhodes, will be forced to go to trial prematurely this week after numerous attempts by their attorneys to push their trial until January and outside of Washington DC.

The presiding Judge Amit Mehta denied their motions for Change of Venue and Continuance.

This is what they have been waiting for – a seditious conspiracy conviction to “prove” January 6th was an “insurrection” and tie it all to Trump – to prevent him from running again and even to possible use to arrest him.

“It is clear the DOJ is trying to politicize this trial and illegally sway the midterm elections,” said Tina Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution“They will do anything in their power to make sure this trial happens and there are guilty convictions for the innocent.”



EU HUMILIATED as Italy’s Right WINS in Massive LANDSLIDE!!!  [10:56]   Dr. Steve Turley

The patriot political earthquake continues to upend the politics of Europe as the nationalist populist Brothers of Italy party storms the Italian parliament! We’re going to look at the astonishing results from yesterday’s national elections, we’re going to see what’s behind the extraordinary rise of the nationalist populist right in Italy, and make sure to stick with me to the very end of this video when I’ll reveal why this latest humiliation for the Bullies in Brussels is the just the beginning; you are NOT going to want to miss this!


Dow officially enters bear market

The key metric fell 329.60 points on Monday.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average officially entered bear market territory on Monday, following a precipitous drop.

The key metric fell 329.60 points on Monday, marking a 1.11% decline, placing the index in bear market territory, per MarketWatch.  A bear market is traditionally defined as a 20% decline from a recent high.

On Friday, the Dow Jones plunged below 30,000, effectively erasing all of the stock market’s gains since President Joe Biden took office.


5 Reasons Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Actually Worse Than You Probably Realize   JD Rucker

Most of us are aware that Central Bank Digital Currencies are very bad. But some may not realize just how bad they are. To say they’re an existential threat to America is not hyperbole.

There’s a series of reactions “normies” have when they learn about Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). First, there is curiosity, especially among those who have dabbled with cryptocurrencies. After all, one of the biggest drawbacks of cryptocurrencies is their adoption; you just can’t buy very many things with them unless you jump through a bunch of hoops.

The next reaction is hope. If CBDCs are automatically drawn or deposited from your accounts, it makes transactions seem easier. It’s like a credit card, right, just more digital. The powers-that-be are saying they’re secure. Corporate media is playing them up as a real convenience. Who wants to hand out filthy cash back and forth between strangers at the convenience store?

As this stage, the evolving reactions to CBDCs diverge. Many “normies” forget all about them and go about their business. Some start to get that hint of concern in the backs of their minds, especially if they’re politically conservative. What sort of controls will government have over us as a result of CBDC adoption? Will they know everything we buy and sell? Will those records be easily accessible to others? Could they shut us down if we get out of line like the truckers in Canada?

My audience almost certainly bypassed stage one and two and went straight to skepticism the first time they heard about CBDCs. Yes, they mean more control over our money from government. Yes, they mean our financial privacy will be non-existent. And yes, the government can shut us down if we get out of line. But it’s actually even worse than all that.

An interesting Substack hit my feed that details much of the current situation regarding CBDCs and why we should be very concerned. I would go so far as to say we should be much more than concerned. We should fight this with the same fervor that we’d fight off a pack of wolves trying to eat our families. CBDCs represent an existential threat to our way of life. This isn’t just about freedom or privacy. This is about losing our abilities to fight against tyranny. It’s a half-notch below gun confiscations as far as detrimental effects on our future. Just as taking away the 2nd Amendment would remove our ability to dissuade the rise of tyranny, so too would widespread CBDC adoption remove our ability to operate outside of the government-prescribed system.

According to Kanekoa on Substack:


Stock market news live updates: S&P hits new closing low, stocks tumble again as Fed fears, currency turmoil persist   Alexandra Semenova

U.S. stocks had yet another losing session Monday, as the S&P 500 hit a new 2022 closing low and the Dow Jones Industrial Average’s decline put the index officially into a bear market. Equities were poised for more turbulence this week as fears of excessive Fed tightening and a wild run in currency markets rattle investors.

The S&P 500 barreled down 1%, while the Dow shed more than 300 points, or about 1.1%. The technology-heavy Nasdaq Composite sank 0.6%, erasing a gain of more than 1% earlier in the trading day. Meanwhile, the CBOE Volatility Index (^VIX), which measures Wall Street’s expectations for short-term market volatility, rose above 31, its highest level since June 17.


Russia’s Nord Stream 2 Pipeline to Germany Loses Pressure Overnight from 300 to 7 Bars – Cause Unknown    By Jim Hoft

In 2018 during his speech to the UN General Assembly President Donald Trump lodged a warning to Germany about their country’s reliance on Russian energy.

The German delegation laughed on camera at the remarks.

[Ed.:  Yup, it “died suddenly”,  Germany is “baffled”.]


German Energy Apocalypse Update V   eugyppius

Germany has nationalised the gas importer Uniper, to save it from insolvency in the face of the Gazprom gas stoppage. Robert Habeck’s earlier scheme to save Uniper and other importers involved the imposition of a gas surcharge of 2.4 cents per kilowatt hour on all consumers, but the government appears ready to scrap this plan just days before it was set to go into effect. Instead, some politicians are now talking of capping gas prices, though as far as I can tell, nobody has any idea how.

As the pressure builds and the first closures begin, Germany is entering an economic recession, and there are everyday renewed cracks in the political edifice. Minister President of Saxony Michael Kretschmer (CDU) – no fringe political figure – recently remarked that Germany “cannot do without Russian gas” and acknowledged that EU sanctions are to blame for the shortage, but he stopped short of demanding that Nord Stream 2 be opened; instead, he hopes for a return to Russian gas after the Ukraine war has ended.

The Greens in government remain committed to taking Germany’s remaining nuclear power plants offline by the end of the year, hoping that enough French nuclear plants will return to service over the winter to cover any resulting shortages. It is hard to imagine a more farcical approach to nuclear energy. Meanwhile, the head mayor of Berlin has suggested that two- or three-hour periods of load-shedding may be necessary to keep the electrical grid functional over the winter. Other experts, while downplaying the risk of uncontrolled outages, have raised the possibility load-shedding as well, confirming that these are very real contingency plans and that we’re being prepared for them. The stated concern is invariably that local or regional gas shortages will cause the widespread activation of electrical heaters and overwhelm the grid, though how exactly this could be anticipated far enough in advanced for scheduled outages is unclear to me.


DOJ: 47 in Minnesota’s Somali Community Charged with Stealing $250M in COVID-19 Funds from Child Nutrition Program   By Pamela Geller

There’s an Ilhan Ilhan Omar angle and a Mecca angle (Daniel Greenfield).

The Feds staked out various Feeding Our Future meal sites and found no one at the places that were supposed to be feeding 50,000 children. According to the FBI, the money being stolen wasn’t used to feed children, it went into various shell companies and fronts operated by Somalis and was used to buy everything from a Porsche to African properties.

According to the Twin Cities Pioneer Press, S&S Catering led by Qamar Ahmed Hassan received $13.8 million in federal funds. The FBI warrants note that, “Qamar Ahmed Hassan wrote approximately $27,000 in checks from S&S Catering bank accounts… to Amax Travel, a travel agency that specializes in Haji travel packages.”

[Ed.:  The poor Somali refugees aren’t so poor anymore! America is the “Land of opportunity!”]


Obamas Park in Handicapped Spot For Two Hours While Dining at Trendy Sushi Restaurant in Los Angeles  (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

Barack Obama’s SUV was parked in a handicapped spot as the former president and his two daughters, Sasha and Malia ate at a swanky sushi restaurant.

Obama’s Secret Service took up a handicapped space in front of West LA’s trendy Hamasaku sushi restaurant Saturday night.

Barack Obama flew to Los Angeles and took a gas-guzzling SUV to dinner with his daughters.

Meanwhile, Obama is lecturing the world on the virtues of making sacrifices in order to fight climate change.

[Ed.:  It’s long past time to ‘disable’ them!]


Suspicious Fires and Accidents at Producers of Things the Left Hates Continue   By Robert Spencer

All through the past year and more, suspicious fires and accidents have devastated numerous plants all over the country that produce the very things that Leftists hate: oil and gasbeef (and chicken, and all meat), and coal. Coincidence? Maybe. After all, the gentle folks of Antifa and their fascist allies, who don’t hesitate to burn down cities and tear down statues of our Founding Fathers, wouldn’t dare try to interfere with the production of commodities that they’re determined to make us stop using, right? Surely they wouldn’t stoop so low. Surely!







With Guns Drawn, FBI SWAT Raids Home of Christian Activist as His Screaming Children Watch   By Pamela Geller 

America under the illegitimate Democrat regime is UNRECOGNIZABLE.

Whatever your position on abortion, this is inhuman, unconstitutional and immoral.

Over the past few months, we have witnessed pregnancy centers firebombed, attacked and destroyed with no prosecution or follow up. This man did nothing wrong.

[Ed.:  Does the FBI ever do anything that ISN’t wrong? Our ‘ABC Agencies’ are all rogue organizations that must be removed from our governmental structure.]


Did the FBI Finally Go Too Far?    By Jack Cashill

On reading about the Saturday arrest of pro-life activist Mark Houck, I thought the author at this alternative site had to be exaggerating. It struck me as beyond belief that two dozen or so armed FBI agents would swarm the house of a Catholic father of seven, rifles drawn, and arrest him in front of his weeping children for anything short of murder.

I have had to recalibrate my belief system. The “crime” fell quite a bit short of murder. On October 13, 2021, Houck brought his 12-year-old son with him for his weekly sidewalk counseling outside of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Philadelphia. A volunteer escort at the abortion clinic reportedly called Houck’s son a “fag” among other insults and threatened him. Houck pushed the man away from his son, and the man fell. Houck, the founder of an organization that promotes Christian virtue among men, was not charged with a crime.

However petty the incident, U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, had Houck seized at gunpoint nearly a year later and bragged about the arrest. Said PR hack Jennifer Crandall in a press release, Houck “assaulted a man because he was a volunteer reproductive health care clinic escort.”

Before proceeding, this sentence needs parsing. The most problematic word is “because.” Houck has had hundreds of opportunities to assault escorts if their offense in his eyes was to be an escort. Although the press release claims two incidents on that same day with the man, Houck had no prior or subsequent altercations.



Iodine Tablets Being Distributed as Ukraine Conflict Heats Up, Nuclear Fears Blaze   By Jack Davis

The Polish government, fearing that the war in neighboring Ukraine could lead to a nuclear event, is giving out iodine tablets to be ready for the worst.

Two varieties of nuclear contamination are feared. One is from an explosion at a Ukrainian nuclear power plant and the other through Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s threat that nuclear weapons could be used in the invasion that began seven months ago.

As part of its national preparedness, Poland is giving regional fire departments iodine tablets for later possible distribution, according to Reuters. Iodine is considered a preventive measure against some forms of radiation exposure.

“After the media reports about battles near the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant we decided… ahead of time to take protective action to distribute iodine,” deputy interior minister Blazej Pobozy said.

“I would like to reassure all citizens that these are routine, pre-emptive actions that are to protect us in the event of a situation which… I hope will not happen,” he said.

The Ukrainian nuclear power plant of Zaporizhzhia has come under fire multiple times during the war.

Russia has since targeted a nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine, according to NPR.
On Monday, a missile hit about 300 yards from the Pivdennoukrainsk nuclear plant, also called the South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant, according to its operator, Energoatom.






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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.