Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 1/7/24



Here Is What Really Lies Behind Pope Francis’s Removal Of Bishop Strickland   [7:04]  Dinesh D’Souza

Nov. 14, 2023 – Nov 14, 2023  The Dinesh D’Souza Podcast

I weigh in on the recent controversy surrounding Pope Francis’s removal of an orthodox bishop, which prompts the question, “who’s really apostate?”

Check out my new film “Police State” to see what the Left is doing to our country – and what we can do to stop it. https://policestatefilm.net

Dinesh D’Souza is an author and filmmaker.  A graduate of Dartmouth College, he was a senior domestic policy analyst in the Reagan administration.  He also served as a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

He is the author of many bestselling books, including “Illiberal Education,” “What’s So Great About Christianity,” “America: Imagine a World Without Her,” “The Roots of Obama’s Rage,” “Death of a Nation,” and “United States of Socialism.”

His documentary films “2016: Obama’s America,” “America,” “Hillary’s America,” “Death of a Nation,” and “Trump Card” are among the highest-grossing political documentaries of all time. He and his wife Debbie are also executive producers of the acclaimed feature film “Infidel.”


“It’s A False, False, False, False, False Flag World”: Luongo On Where Do We Go From Here In 2024, Part 1    by Tom Luongo

SATURDAY, JAN 06, 2024 – 07:00 AM

Where do we go from here
Terror in Rue de St. Denis, murder on the periphery
Someone else in someone else’s pocket
Christ knows I don’t know how to stop it
Poppies at the cenotaph, the cynics can’t afford to laugh
I heard in on the telegraph there’s Uzis on a street corner   — Marillion, White Russian

Last year I finally gave in to the pressure and did a 10 Predictions for 2023 post. I’m not a huge fan of these things, but getting out of your comfort zone is never a bad thing. So, let’s look at the scorecard and update things.


INTRODUCTION: Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is   by Linda Goudsmit
January 7, 2024 – The purpose of this book is the defense of America’s children.

The globalist War on America is a war of attrition. I am 76 years old. My generation of American patriots is dying. My children’s generation of indoctrinated millennials is transitional. My grandchildren’s generation is the targeted prey for the globalist predators. Everyone else is just in the way.

Children are the future of every society on Earth, which is why America’s youngest children are globalism’s primary target. The battlefronts for children’s minds are education, medicine, and the media. This axis of collaboration seeks to separate children from the protection of their parents and psychologically groom them to become compliant citizens in globalism’s New World Order, without their parents’ knowledge or consent. Psychological warfare is attempting to change the way children think and process information, while simultaneously eliminating parental authority. It is an attempt to change the hearts and minds of America’s children.

My goal is to raise public awareness about globalism’s psychological, informational, asymmetric War on America, on the American family, and most specifically, on America’s precious children. Globalists have already infiltrated America’s educational industry and weaponized education to shatter families, destroy children’s individual identities, including their sexual identities, and replace parental authority with governmental authority. Schools are the combat zones, and teachers the vanguard for indoctrinating America’s children.

The future of America lies in the ability of our nation’s children to become rational, autonomous, psychological adults with developed critical-thinking skills. For this reason I wrote an illustrated children’s book series, Mimi’s Strategy. The books are my personal commitment and patriotic effort to teach young children the critical-thinking skills that will protect them, empower them, and ensure American freedom for generations to come.

Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is exposes the methodology being used to advance globalism’s War on America. In order to transform America from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism, it is necessary to obliterate the psychological adulthood of America’s chronological adults, and to prevent America’s children from developing into psychological adults. Why? Because freedom is an adult enterprise. A nation of children and childish adults cannot sustain itself. It does not possess the critical-thinking skills required to preserve a constitutional republic.

As I look back over the last several years, it is clear to me that Anthony Fauci’s COVID-19 political medicine protocols and the Biden regime’s lawless anti-American policies are both orchestrated, coordinated tactical operations in globalism’s War on America. Their interrelated domestic policies have been instrumental in weakening the national economy, national security, national defense, public health, and military readiness, while simultaneously strengthening America’s commitment to globalism’s internationalized mandates that comport with United Nations 17 Sustainable Goals, Agenda 2030, and the World Health Organization’s centralized international control.

Political medicine protocols and the Biden regime’s policies both utilize the tactical methodology of fear-based psychological regression. Why fear-based? Because fear is arguably the most mobilizing and destabilizing human emotion. If you frighten people enough, you can get them to believe and do almost anything.

Consider Voltaire’s famous remark, “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” Now consider some of the absurdities Americans accepted as facts during the COVID-19 madness: the necessity for lockdowns, masking, social distancing, school closures, business closures, church closures, social isolation, and especially acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccines that are not vaccines. In fact, Covid jabs are experimental gene-altering mRNA treatments that were never properly tested for safety and require continuous boosters, including jabs for babies.

When politicized medical absurdities are accepted as medical science, atrocities are committed in the name of science. So, when parents surrender their authority and common sense to the “experts” and are convinced of the efficacy of these medical absurdities, the parents commit atrocities against their own children with the help of their doctors and therapists, who are actually ideologues, not doctors and therapists. Parents force their young children to be jabbed with vaccines that are not vaccines, and wear masks that restrict oxygen and are entirely useless against viruses. Why? Because parents are frightened.


Revealing The Next Ruler of Gaza   [10:10]   The Tom Nash Report

[00:0000:19] Introduction

[00:4801:36] Gaza After The War Alternatives

[01:3702:23] Political Dilemma

[02:2403:06] Hamas’ Popularity and Political Shifts

[03:0703:56] US and Israeli Strategy

[03:5704:49] The New Potential Ruler of Gaza

[04:5005:49] Dahlan’s Political Influence

[05:5006:47] Dahlan’s Recent Statements

[06:4807:58] UAE’s priming of Dahlan for a leadership role

[07:5908:49] Conclusion and Speculation


Jonathan Pollard: Benjamin Netanyahu’s Capitulation in Gaza   [15:30]   Machon Shilo

[Ed.:  This is why I refer it it as IINO! Israel should first annex Gaza in its entirety and clean up Gaza by disinfecting it from all germs and bacteria with massive amounts of Lysol. Then, Israel will return it to being ‘Gush Katif’ in its pre-disengagement levels, which produced 63% of Israel’s exports. No Arabs will be permitted entry as supplemental workers, or for any other excuse. This is the land that the God of Israel has given us, and we are not to negotiate its ownership or desecrate its purity for any reason. We should have gleaned that from the consequences the last time on Oct. 7th, and the first time, after Ariel Sharon’s Gush Katif  ‘disengagement’ August 17, 2005. But even now, we still don’t get it.  Because we don’t get it, we will be whacked again, and the next time will probably be the last time. How much patience, benevolence, and forgiveness for disobeying Him do we expect from our Creator?  Thanks must go to our IINO military elites and government refusing to win against our enemies.]


“US Foreign Policy Is a Scam Built on Corruption”    JOHN LEAKE

Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs reminds us that war is a racket.

JAN 6, 2024 – Major General Smedley Darlington Butler was, at the time of his death in 1940, the most decorated Marine in U.S. history. During his 34-year career, he fought in the Philippine–American War, the Boxer Rebellion, the Mexican Revolution, and World War I.

However, at some point after World War I, he began to have grave doubts about his profession. Over time, with study and reflection, he concluded that he had NOT spent his life fighting and killing for the American people, but for special interests in New York City and Washington.

As he memorably stated it in his 1935 book, War is a Racket:

I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.

Though war is indeed profitable for the financiers and industrialists who champion it, it is invariably a disaster for a free citizenry. As James Madison remarked in a 1795 pamphlet:

Of all the evils to public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops every other. War is the patent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes. And armies, and debts, and taxes, are the known instruments for bringing the many under the dominion of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force of the people! No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.

I thought of Butler and Madison this morning when a friend in Boston sent me an essay by Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs that begins as follows:

US Foreign Policy Is a Scam Built on Corruption

The $1.5 trillion in military outlays each year is the scam that keeps on giving—to the military-industrial complex and the Washington insiders—even as it impoverishes and endangers America and the world.

On the surface, US foreign policy seems to be utterly irrational. The US gets into one disastrous war after another — Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, and Gaza. In recent days, the US stands globally isolated in its support of Israel’s genocidal actions against the Palestinians, voting against a UN General Assembly resolution for a Gaza ceasefire backed by 153 countries with 89% of the world population, and opposed by just the US and 9 small countries with less than 1% of the world population.

In the past 20 years, every major US foreign policy objective has failed. The Taliban returned to power after 20 years of US occupation of Afghanistan. Post-Saddam Iraq became dependent on Iran. Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad stayed in power despite a CIA effort to overthrow him. Libya fell into a protracted civil war after a US-led NATO mission overthrew Muammar Gaddafi. Ukraine was bludgeoned on the battlefield by Russia in 2023 after the US secretly scuttled a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine in 2022.

To understand the foreign-policy scam, think of today’s federal government as a multi-division racket controlled by the highest bidders.

Despite these remarkable and costly debacles, one following the other, the same cast of characters has remained at the helm of US foreign policy for decades, including Joe Biden, Victoria Nuland, Jake Sullivan, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, and Hillary Clinton.


Total Page Visits: 31

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.