Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION  | 10/29/2023



Hamas leader’s son who became a spy explains what Hamas really wants   [8:38]

745,807 views  Oct 23, 2023  #CNN #News

Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas’ founder who later became one of Israel’s top informants, speaks with CNN’s Jake Tapper about Israel’s war on the terror group and the situation in Gaza.


[Ed.:  How cool is THAT!!]


What Would King David Do?   Chananya Weissman

April 10, 2023 – In this age of instant reactions and herd mentality, we need to step back and ask a simple question: What would King David do?

I encourage everyone to read through the parts of Shmuel and Divrei Hayamim that cover King David’s life. Even a superficial reading will fill you with true Jewish feeling and thinking, and an occasional refresher course will fortify your mind against un-Jewish ideas.

King David would not plead with the United Nations to condemn the recent slaughter of Jews in Israel. Under his watch, Israel would have nothing to do with the wicked farce that is the United Nations, let alone grovel for their recognition, sympathy, or approval.

King David would not plead with world leaders to issue statements in support of Israel. He would not ask them to affirm Israel’s right to exist or Israel’s right to defend itself. Who does that? How pathetic!

King David would not freeze construction of homes in any part of Israel, ever, in order to mollify those who don’t want Jews living there. Who ever heard of such a thing? How could a leader of any country adopt such a policy and face his people, or even himself?

King David would not respond to the slaughter of Jews by granting approval for limited construction of additional homes. One builds homes for his people because that’s what normal people do, not as a punishment to those who murder his people. Do you think the bloodthirsty Arabs are deterred because of this? Do you think they ever sat around planning a terrorist attack, and then called it off because an apartment was approved in some border town in response to the last one?

Do you think they quake in fear because we quickly clean up the aftermath of a terrorist attack and “go back to normal”, proclaiming that killing our people won’t deter the rest of us from going on living? Do you think that deters them? “Oh no, the Jews cleaned up the blood! They are drinking coffee and shopping again! Why should we bother killing more of them?”

Our enemies laugh at us. They scorn us. And they are right. We are fools and losers for pretending this is an act of defiance or deterrence.

Our enemies would not laugh at King David. They would cower in fear at the very mention of his name.


ALARMING OBSERVATION  by Ed., the Daily Shmutz Editor

Here is the reader count since last night for the different categories posted in the Daily Shmutz:

COMMENTARY / OPINION             64


COVID-19                                               10

NEWS                                                       0 (!!)

ISRAEL                                                    9 (??)

What’s wrong with this picture?

I work my little tuchis off all day, every day for free, in order to bring you news and information that is not found in the main stream media.  This is to help my readers connect the dots, and to have educated perceptions of our rapid demise. When I see zero reads for the NEWS, it tells me ‘We don’t need no stinkin’ news’!  When I see nine reads for Israel, I wonder where are all those Christians who just “LOVE Israel” at this pivotal point in our history and our future?  We don’t need no stinkin’ news about Israel!’ How can you connect the dots if you ignore the most important ones?

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink!”

I do not expect to reach everybody, and I will have reached my goal if I even reach one of you!  And toward that goal I will continue to work as hard as I can. But I strongly recommend that you read the NEWS and ISRAEL categories first, because they are the ones that will effect you first (besides GEOEGINEERING / WEATHER, of course).

We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Badges! 


Victor Davis Hanson: Biden is Not With Israel, But the American People are  [52:53]   Caroline Glick

10/28/2023 – Historian Victor Davis Hanson was my guest this week on the Caroline Glick Show.

Victor and I discussed the war, the Biden administration’s position on the war and Israel, and how Israel should relate to its position.

We also spoke about the state of the American people’s support of Israel.

Don’t miss this critical discussion.


Chomp Chomp, Gulp Gulp   By James Howard Kunstler

October 28, 2023 – “Remember the good ole’ days when we lived in a country where no one had the answer to this baffling question: How could something like the Holocaust happen?” — John Nolte, Breitbart

Of course, you realize that if this tragic business in the Middle East gets out of hand millions of people might die, maybe even you and me. Any way you cut it, looks like Islam wants to rumble. Basic problem: the little slab of land on the Mediterranean at issue is in the possession of one group of people and another group of people wants to drive them out. There is no “two state solution” because there is only one place in that place.

The world has already forgotten the butchery of October 7. Islam won’t even go so far as to acknowledge that something happened there, or that it matters. This is a quandary for Western Civ which operates lately on the ethos that anything goes and nothing matters. Face it: that’s a luxury belief. A society in collapse learns painfully that the first thing to go is luxury, Louis Vuitton bags and foolish Woke thinking. Western Civ may not be able to pretend any longer that nothing matters.

The reason Israel is where it is is because Western Civ treated the Jews abominably in the 1930s and 40s. The result, establishing a state of Israel in its historic location, was a power move, of course, by the powers who won the Second World War, but it had the imprimatur of a sacred duty. We’ve forgotten the impact, even to regular grunt US soldiers who liberated the extermination camps of Europe, of the unspeakable barbarism they encountered. It maimed the psyche of Western Civ to discover what savagery its best educated member nation turned out to be capable of. Is there any question that Germany lost its mind in those years?

Western Civ has been busy losing its mind for about seven years now. It’s so tormented that it has been flirting with suicide, for instance, allowing its borders to be overwhelmed with swarms of declared antagonists to Western culture. The European Union guilt-tripped themselves into letting that happen. The process in the USA appears more sinister and calculated, a sheer political ploy. In any case, nobody is lifting a finger to stop it.Israel is a full-fledged member of that lunatic asylum. Israel is engaged in as much of a civil war between Left and Right as its godfathers in Europe and North America are enduring. On top of that, Israel decided to become the poster-child for Covid-19 vaccination “uptake.” It seemed like a valiant stand in the first flush of the Covid “crisis,” but now it looks more like they poisoned more than 90-percent of their population. You don’t hear much about it these days, but it’s lurking there, just like the massive vaccine damage that Europe and America have by stealth sustained lurks in the background of rising war fever and disintegrating economies.


Escalations Cannot Be Stopped – The White House Is Rattled; Escalations Might All Fuse Into ‘One’   By Alastair Crooke

October 28, 2023 – Tom Friedman uttered his dire warning in the New York Times on Thursday last:

“I believe that if Israel rushes headlong into Gaza now [unilaterally] to destroy Hamas — it will be making a grave mistake that will be devastating for Israeli interests and American interests”.

“It could trigger a global conflagration and explode the entire pro-American alliance structure that the U.S. has built…I am talking about the Camp David peace treaty, the Oslo peace accords, the Abraham Accords and the possible normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia. The whole thing could go up in flames.

“Unfortunately, the senior U.S. official told [Friedman], Israeli military leaders are actually more hawkish than the prime minister now. They are red with rage and determined to deliver a blow to Hamas that the whole neighbourhood will never forget”.

Friedman here is talking, of course, about an American alliance system, pivoted around the idea of Israel’s military prowess being invincible – the ‘Little NATO’ paradigm that acts as the essential substrata for the spread of the American-led Rules Order through West Asia.

It is analogous to the substrata of the NATO alliance, whose claimed ‘unchallengeability’ has underpinned U.S. interests in Europe (at least until the Ukraine war).

One Israeli Cabinet member put it to the veteran Israeli defence correspondent Ben Caspit that Israel just cannot permit its long-term deterrence being undermined:


US Leadership Wreaks Mayhem and Destruction Across the World   By Vasko Kohlmayer

October 28, 2023 – “US leadership holds the world together,” declared Joe Biden in a recent televised address to the nation.

Of all the untruths that Joe Biden has uttered in his term as president this one is perhaps the most egregious. It is enough to look at the past two decades to see just how wrong President Biden’s claim is.

Instead of holding the world together, America’s political leadership has, in fact, inflicted wholesale chaos, death, and destruction in many places across the globe. It has attacked and invaded sovereign nations, shattered societies, created instability and caused the deaths of millions.


One Mistake Before Armageddon   By Paul Craig Roberts

October 28, 2023 – Each of us faces each day threats to our health, happiness, and life. Overarching it all, we collectively face death from nuclear weapons.

The development of nuclear weapons was a human stupidity. They cannot be used, but their existence threatens the life of the planet.  So why have them?  Accident, emotional response, loss of reason are all human faults that can come into play at any time.

During the 20th century Cold War these dangers were underlined by the Cuban Missile Crisis.  President Nixon led the way to sanity with arms control agreements with the Soviet Union and his opening to China. Presidents Carter and Reagan kept the momentum going for reduced tensions and peaceful coexistence.

The turnaround came with the Soviet collapse.  The neoconservatives took advantage of Russian weakness and prevailed on President Clinton to break the promise given by the George H.W. Bush administration to Gorbachev not to move NATO to Soviet borders if Gorbachev permitted the reunification of Germany.  The George W. Bush and Obama administrations continued the hostile policy that Clinton renewed.

Today all the arms control agreements that reduced tensions and the danger of nuclear confrontation are erased.  The last one–never ratified by the US–was revoked by the upper house of Russia’s parliament last Wednesday.  Tass, the Russian news agency, reported that “Achieving the goal of preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons is not deemed possible in the current international situation, given the destructive position of the United States.”


We Are About To Witness One of the Most Pivotal Moments in Modern History   By Michael Snyder

October 28, 2023 – Most people don’t seem to realize that one of the most important moments that any of us have ever witnessed is about to happen.  When the Israeli invasion of Gaza officially commences, nothing will ever be the same from that point forward.  The entire Middle East will erupt in flames and the global economy will go completely haywire.  But Israel doesn’t have a choice in this matter.  If our babies were killed, our women were raped and our grandmothers were kidnapped, we would be going to war with Hamas too.  Unfortunately, much of the Islamic world is uniting behind Hamas, and so Israel could soon find itself literally fighting a war of national survival.

I know that Israel does not want to fight a multi-front war against multiple Islamic enemies.

But once again, after what Hamas just did to Israeli women and children, there is no choice.

Hamas must be destroyed, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced that the timing of the ground invasion has been decided


The Day After   by Victor Rosenthal

October 29, 2023 – I’m going to make this short, because it really is simple.

After Hamas is completely extirpated from Gaza, militarily and politically, and its leadership wiped out, then what?

The Biden Administration wants to see the Palestinian Authority put in control, which, they think, will finally enable the two-state solution they have been trying to impose since the 1970s. Israel cannot allow this.

The PA, dominated by the terrorist organization Fatah, is no more prepared to suffer a Jewish state next door than Hamas. The only thing that prevents PA Arabs from doing precisely the same thing that Hamas did on 7 October is the day in, day out activity of the Shabak and the IDF to arrest or kill terrorists and interrupt their plans.

If you don’t believe this, look at what the PA says in its own media. But even if this weren’t true, and the PA actually was a “moderate” institution interested in peaceful development of a Palestinian state, what prevents it from being taken over by extremists? After all, this is precisely what happened in Gaza after Israel withdrew its soldiers, expelled its civilians by force, and even exhumed its dead from Gazan cemeteries in 2005 (think about why this last step was necessary).

As long as there is Palestinian sovereignty in Gaza, there is no doubt that it will develop into a base for terrorism. Those residents of the Western Negev that survived the pogrom of 7 October will not return. In effect Israel will cede a large part of her country to her enemies.


One the dumbest people on the planet.

10:36 AM · Oct 28, 2023

Jane Fonda Quote:  “There’d be no climate crisis if it wasn’t for racism.”

Can someone be this stupid?


Total Page Visits: 263

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.